Commit d7538dd5 authored by Victor Stinner's avatar Victor Stinner Committed by GitHub

bpo-35471: Remove the macpath module (GH-11129)

Python 2.4 dropped MacOS 9 support. The macpath module was deprecated
in Python 3.7. This change removes it.
parent 4aa917c5
......@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ in this chapter is:
.. seealso::
:mod:`macpath` --- Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions
.. module:: macpath
:synopsis: Mac OS 9 path manipulation functions.
**Source code:** :source:`Lib/`
.. deprecated-removed:: 3.7 3.8
This module is the Mac OS 9 (and earlier) implementation of the :mod:`os.path`
module. It can be used to manipulate old-style Macintosh pathnames on Mac OS X
(or any other platform).
The following functions are available in this module: :func:`normcase`,
:func:`normpath`, :func:`isabs`, :func:`join`, :func:`split`, :func:`isdir`,
:func:`isfile`, :func:`walk`, :func:`exists`. For other functions available in
:mod:`os.path` dummy counterparts are available.
......@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
.. module:: os.path
:synopsis: Operations on pathnames.
**Source code:** :source:`Lib/` (for POSIX),
:source:`Lib/` (for Windows NT),
and :source:`Lib/` (for Macintosh)
**Source code:** :source:`Lib/` (for POSIX) and
:source:`Lib/` (for Windows NT).
.. index:: single: path; operations
......@@ -52,7 +51,6 @@ the :mod:`glob` module.)
* :mod:`posixpath` for UNIX-style paths
* :mod:`ntpath` for Windows paths
* :mod:`macpath` for old-style MacOS paths
.. versionchanged:: 3.8
......@@ -378,6 +378,9 @@ API and Feature Removals
The following features and APIs have been removed from Python 3.8:
* The :mod:`macpath` module, deprecated in Python 3.7, has been removed.
(Contributed by Victor Stinner in :issue:`35471`.)
* The function :func:`platform.popen` has been removed, it was deprecated since
Python 3.3: use :func:`os.popen` instead.
"""Pathname and path-related operations for the Macintosh."""
# strings representing various path-related bits and pieces
# These are primarily for export; internally, they are hardcoded.
# Should be set before imports for resolving cyclic dependency.
curdir = ':'
pardir = '::'
extsep = '.'
sep = ':'
pathsep = '\n'
defpath = ':'
altsep = None
devnull = 'Dev:Null'
import os
from stat import *
import genericpath
from genericpath import *
import warnings
warnings.warn('the macpath module is deprecated in 3.7 and will be removed '
'in 3.8', DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
__all__ = ["normcase","isabs","join","splitdrive","split","splitext",
"getatime","getctime", "islink","exists","lexists","isdir","isfile",
def _get_colon(path):
if isinstance(path, bytes):
return b':'
return ':'
# Normalize the case of a pathname. Dummy in Posix, but <s>.lower() here.
def normcase(path):
if not isinstance(path, (bytes, str)):
raise TypeError("normcase() argument must be str or bytes, "
"not '{}'".format(path.__class__.__name__))
return path.lower()
def isabs(s):
"""Return true if a path is absolute.
On the Mac, relative paths begin with a colon,
but as a special case, paths with no colons at all are also relative.
Anything else is absolute (the string up to the first colon is the
volume name)."""
colon = _get_colon(s)
return colon in s and s[:1] != colon
def join(s, *p):
colon = _get_colon(s)
path = s
if not p:
path[:0] + colon #23780: Ensure compatible data type even if p is null.
for t in p:
if (not path) or isabs(t):
path = t
if t[:1] == colon:
t = t[1:]
if colon not in path:
path = colon + path
if path[-1:] != colon:
path = path + colon
path = path + t
return path
except (TypeError, AttributeError, BytesWarning):
genericpath._check_arg_types('join', s, *p)
def split(s):
"""Split a pathname into two parts: the directory leading up to the final
bit, and the basename (the filename, without colons, in that directory).
The result (s, t) is such that join(s, t) yields the original argument."""
colon = _get_colon(s)
if colon not in s: return s[:0], s
col = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i:i+1] == colon: col = i + 1
path, file = s[:col-1], s[col:]
if path and not colon in path:
path = path + colon
return path, file
def splitext(p):
if isinstance(p, bytes):
return genericpath._splitext(p, b':', altsep, b'.')
return genericpath._splitext(p, sep, altsep, extsep)
splitext.__doc__ = genericpath._splitext.__doc__
def splitdrive(p):
"""Split a pathname into a drive specification and the rest of the
path. Useful on DOS/Windows/NT; on the Mac, the drive is always
empty (don't use the volume name -- it doesn't have the same
syntactic and semantic oddities as DOS drive letters, such as there
being a separate current directory per drive)."""
return p[:0], p
# Short interfaces to split()
def dirname(s): return split(s)[0]
def basename(s): return split(s)[1]
def ismount(s):
if not isabs(s):
return False
components = split(s)
return len(components) == 2 and not components[1]
def islink(s):
"""Return true if the pathname refers to a symbolic link."""
import Carbon.File
return Carbon.File.ResolveAliasFile(s, 0)[2]
return False
# Is `stat`/`lstat` a meaningful difference on the Mac? This is safe in any
# case.
def lexists(path):
"""Test whether a path exists. Returns True for broken symbolic links"""
st = os.lstat(path)
except (OSError, ValueError):
return False
return True
def expandvars(path):
"""Dummy to retain interface-compatibility with other operating systems."""
return path
def expanduser(path):
"""Dummy to retain interface-compatibility with other operating systems."""
return path
class norm_error(Exception):
"""Path cannot be normalized"""
def normpath(s):
"""Normalize a pathname. Will return the same result for
equivalent paths."""
colon = _get_colon(s)
if colon not in s:
return colon + s
comps = s.split(colon)
i = 1
while i < len(comps)-1:
if not comps[i] and comps[i-1]:
if i > 1:
del comps[i-1:i+1]
i = i - 1
# best way to handle this is to raise an exception
raise norm_error('Cannot use :: immediately after volume name')
i = i + 1
s = colon.join(comps)
# remove trailing ":" except for ":" and "Volume:"
if s[-1:] == colon and len(comps) > 2 and s != colon*len(s):
s = s[:-1]
return s
def abspath(path):
"""Return an absolute path."""
if not isabs(path):
if isinstance(path, bytes):
cwd = os.getcwdb()
cwd = os.getcwd()
path = join(cwd, path)
return normpath(path)
# realpath is a no-op on systems without islink support
def realpath(path):
path = abspath(path)
import Carbon.File
except ImportError:
return path
if not path:
return path
colon = _get_colon(path)
components = path.split(colon)
path = components[0] + colon
for c in components[1:]:
path = join(path, c)
path = Carbon.File.FSResolveAliasFile(path, 1)[0].as_pathname()
except Carbon.File.Error:
return path
supports_unicode_filenames = True
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
Instead of importing this module directly, import os and refer to
this module as os.path. The "os.path" name is an alias for this
module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Mac, Windows),
module on Posix systems; on other systems (e.g. Windows),
os.path provides the same operations in a manner specific to that
platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. macpath, ntpath).
platform, and is an alias to another module (e.g. ntpath).
Some of this can actually be useful on non-Posix systems too, e.g.
for manipulation of the pathname component of URLs.
Tests common to genericpath, macpath, ntpath and posixpath
Tests common to genericpath, ntpath and posixpath
import genericpath
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class TestGenericTest(GenericTest, unittest.TestCase):
# Following TestCase is not supposed to be run from test_genericpath.
# It is inherited by other test modules (macpath, ntpath, posixpath).
# It is inherited by other test modules (ntpath, posixpath).
class CommonTest(GenericTest):
common_attributes = GenericTest.common_attributes + [
......@@ -373,8 +373,6 @@ class CommonTest(GenericTest):
self.assertEqual(splitdrive(b":foo:bar"), (b"", b":foo:bar"))
def test_expandvars(self):
if self.pathmodule.__name__ == 'macpath':
self.skipTest('macpath.expandvars is a stub')
expandvars = self.pathmodule.expandvars
with support.EnvironmentVarGuard() as env:
......@@ -407,8 +405,6 @@ class CommonTest(GenericTest):
@unittest.skipUnless(support.FS_NONASCII, 'need support.FS_NONASCII')
def test_expandvars_nonascii(self):
if self.pathmodule.__name__ == 'macpath':
self.skipTest('macpath.expandvars is a stub')
expandvars = self.pathmodule.expandvars
def check(value, expected):
self.assertEqual(expandvars(value), expected)
from test import test_genericpath
import unittest
import warnings
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "the macpath module is deprecated",
import macpath
class MacPathTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_abspath(self):
self.assertEqual(macpath.abspath("xx:yy"), "xx:yy")
def test_isabs(self):
isabs = macpath.isabs
def test_split(self):
split = macpath.split
('foo:', 'bar'))
('conky:mountpoint:foo', 'bar'))
self.assertEqual(split(":"), ('', ''))
(':conky:mountpoint', ''))
(b'foo:', b'bar'))
(b'conky:mountpoint:foo', b'bar'))
self.assertEqual(split(b":"), (b'', b''))
(b':conky:mountpoint', b''))
def test_join(self):
join = macpath.join
self.assertEqual(join('a', 'b'), ':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(':a', 'b'), ':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(':a:', 'b'), ':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(':a::', 'b'), ':a::b')
self.assertEqual(join(':a', '::b'), ':a::b')
self.assertEqual(join('a', ':'), ':a:')
self.assertEqual(join('a:', ':'), 'a:')
self.assertEqual(join('a', ''), ':a:')
self.assertEqual(join('a:', ''), 'a:')
self.assertEqual(join('', ''), '')
self.assertEqual(join('', 'a:b'), 'a:b')
self.assertEqual(join('', 'a', 'b'), ':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join('a:b', 'c'), 'a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join('a:b', ':c'), 'a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join('a', ':b', ':c'), ':a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join('a', 'b:'), 'b:')
self.assertEqual(join('a:', 'b:'), 'b:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a', b'b'), b':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(b':a', b'b'), b':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(b':a:', b'b'), b':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(b':a::', b'b'), b':a::b')
self.assertEqual(join(b':a', b'::b'), b':a::b')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a', b':'), b':a:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a:', b':'), b'a:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a', b''), b':a:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a:', b''), b'a:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'', b''), b'')
self.assertEqual(join(b'', b'a:b'), b'a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(b'', b'a', b'b'), b':a:b')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a:b', b'c'), b'a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a:b', b':c'), b'a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a', b':b', b':c'), b':a:b:c')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a', b'b:'), b'b:')
self.assertEqual(join(b'a:', b'b:'), b'b:')
def test_splitext(self):
splitext = macpath.splitext
self.assertEqual(splitext(":foo.ext"), (':foo', '.ext'))
self.assertEqual(splitext("foo:foo.ext"), ('foo:foo', '.ext'))
self.assertEqual(splitext(".ext"), ('.ext', ''))
self.assertEqual(splitext("foo.ext:foo"), ('foo.ext:foo', ''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(":foo.ext:"), (':foo.ext:', ''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(""), ('', ''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(""), ('', '.ext'))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b":foo.ext"), (b':foo', b'.ext'))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b"foo:foo.ext"), (b'foo:foo', b'.ext'))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b".ext"), (b'.ext', b''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b"foo.ext:foo"), (b'foo.ext:foo', b''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b":foo.ext:"), (b':foo.ext:', b''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b""), (b'', b''))
self.assertEqual(splitext(b""), (b'', b'.ext'))
def test_ismount(self):
ismount = macpath.ismount
self.assertEqual(ismount("a:"), True)
self.assertEqual(ismount("a:b"), False)
self.assertEqual(ismount("a:b:"), True)
self.assertEqual(ismount(""), False)
self.assertEqual(ismount(":"), False)
self.assertEqual(ismount(b"a:"), True)
self.assertEqual(ismount(b"a:b"), False)
self.assertEqual(ismount(b"a:b:"), True)
self.assertEqual(ismount(b""), False)
self.assertEqual(ismount(b":"), False)
def test_normpath(self):
normpath = macpath.normpath
self.assertEqual(normpath("a:b"), "a:b")
self.assertEqual(normpath("a"), ":a")
self.assertEqual(normpath("a:b::c"), "a:c")
self.assertEqual(normpath("a:b:c:::d"), "a:d")
self.assertRaises(macpath.norm_error, normpath, "a::b")
self.assertRaises(macpath.norm_error, normpath, "a:b:::c")
self.assertEqual(normpath(":"), ":")
self.assertEqual(normpath("a:"), "a:")
self.assertEqual(normpath("a:b:"), "a:b")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a:b"), b"a:b")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a"), b":a")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a:b::c"), b"a:c")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a:b:c:::d"), b"a:d")
self.assertRaises(macpath.norm_error, normpath, b"a::b")
self.assertRaises(macpath.norm_error, normpath, b"a:b:::c")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b":"), b":")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a:"), b"a:")
self.assertEqual(normpath(b"a:b:"), b"a:b")
class MacCommonTest(test_genericpath.CommonTest, unittest.TestCase):
pathmodule = macpath
test_relpath_errors = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
Python 2.4 dropped MacOS 9 support. The macpath module was deprecated in
Python 3.7. The module is now removed.
......@@ -655,7 +655,6 @@
<Compile Include="logging\" />
<Compile Include="logging\" />
<Compile Include="" />
<Compile Include="" />
<Compile Include="" />
<Compile Include="" />
<Compile Include="" />
......@@ -1176,7 +1175,6 @@
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
<Compile Include="test\" />
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def main():
# default the exclude list for each platform
if win: exclude = exclude + [
'dos', 'dospath', 'mac', 'macpath', 'macfs', 'MACFS', 'posix', ]
'dos', 'dospath', 'mac', 'macfs', 'MACFS', 'posix', ]
fail_import = exclude[:]
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