Commit d775b462 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(): remove module from sys.modules in error cases.

PyImport_ReloadModule():  restore the module to sys.modules in error cases.
load_package():  semantic-neutral refactoring from an earlier stab at
                 this patch; giving it a common error exit made the code
                 easier to follow, so retaining that part.
_RemoveModule():  new little utility to delete a key from sys.modules.
parent ba33d581
......@@ -557,10 +557,25 @@ PyImport_AddModule(char *name)
return m;
/* Remove name from sys.modules, if it's there. */
static void
_RemoveModule(const char *name)
PyObject *modules = PyImport_GetModuleDict();
if (PyDict_GetItemString(modules, name) == NULL)
if (PyDict_DelItemString(modules, name) < 0)
Py_FatalError("import: deleting existing key in"
"sys.modules failed");
/* Execute a code object in a module and return the module object
* WITH INCREMENTED REFERENCE COUNT. If an error occurs, name is
* removed from sys.modules, to avoid leaving damaged module objects
* in sys.modules. The caller may wish to restore the original
* module object (if any) in this case; PyImport_ReloadModule is an
* example.
PyObject *
PyImport_ExecCodeModule(char *name, PyObject *co)
......@@ -582,7 +597,7 @@ PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(char *name, PyObject *co, char *pathname)
if (PyDict_GetItemString(d, "__builtins__") == NULL) {
if (PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__builtins__",
PyEval_GetBuiltins()) != 0)
return NULL;
goto error;
/* Remember the filename as the __file__ attribute */
v = NULL;
......@@ -601,7 +616,7 @@ PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(char *name, PyObject *co, char *pathname)
v = PyEval_EvalCode((PyCodeObject *)co, d, d);
if (v == NULL)
return NULL;
goto error;
if ((m = PyDict_GetItemString(modules, name)) == NULL) {
......@@ -614,6 +629,10 @@ PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx(char *name, PyObject *co, char *pathname)
return m;
return NULL;
......@@ -888,7 +907,9 @@ static struct _frozen *find_frozen(char *name);
static PyObject *
load_package(char *name, char *pathname)
PyObject *m, *d, *file, *path;
PyObject *m, *d;
PyObject *file = NULL;
PyObject *path = NULL;
int err;
char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
FILE *fp = NULL;
......@@ -903,19 +924,15 @@ load_package(char *name, char *pathname)
d = PyModule_GetDict(m);
file = PyString_FromString(pathname);
if (file == NULL)
return NULL;
goto error;
path = Py_BuildValue("[O]", file);
if (path == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (path == NULL)
goto error;
err = PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__file__", file);
if (err == 0)
err = PyDict_SetItemString(d, "__path__", path);
if (err != 0) {
m = NULL;
goto cleanup;
if (err != 0)
goto error;
buf[0] = '\0';
fdp = find_module(name, "__init__", path, buf, sizeof(buf), &fp, NULL);
if (fdp == NULL) {
......@@ -930,6 +947,10 @@ load_package(char *name, char *pathname)
m = load_module(name, fp, buf, fdp->type, NULL);
if (fp != NULL)
goto cleanup;
m = NULL;
......@@ -2234,6 +2255,7 @@ PyImport_ReloadModule(PyObject *m)
char buf[MAXPATHLEN+1];
struct filedescr *fdp;
FILE *fp = NULL;
PyObject *newm;
if (m == NULL || !PyModule_Check(m)) {
......@@ -2275,10 +2297,18 @@ PyImport_ReloadModule(PyObject *m)
if (fdp == NULL)
return NULL;
m = load_module(name, fp, buf, fdp->type, NULL);
newm = load_module(name, fp, buf, fdp->type, NULL);
if (fp)
return m;
if (newm == NULL) {
/* load_module probably removed name from modules because of
* the error. Put back the original module object. We're
* going to return NULL in this case regardless of whether
* replacing name succeeds, so the return value is ignored.
PyDict_SetItemString(modules, name, m);
return newm;
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