Commit e1d5dd64 authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel Committed by GitHub

bpo-13611: C14N 2.0 implementation for ElementTree (GH-12966)

* Implement C14N 2.0 as a new canonicalize() function in ElementTree.

Missing features:
- prefix renaming in XPath expressions (tag and attribute text is supported)
- preservation of original prefixes given redundant namespace declarations
parent ee88af3f
......@@ -465,6 +465,53 @@ Reference
.. function:: canonicalize(xml_data=None, *, out=None, from_file=None, **options)
`C14N 2.0 <>`_ transformation function.
Canonicalization is a way to normalise XML output in a way that allows
byte-by-byte comparisons and digital signatures. It reduced the freedom
that XML serializers have and instead generates a more constrained XML
representation. The main restrictions regard the placement of namespace
declarations, the ordering of attributes, and ignorable whitespace.
This function takes an XML data string (*xml_data*) or a file path or
file-like object (*from_file*) as input, converts it to the canonical
form, and writes it out using the *out* file(-like) object, if provided,
or returns it as a text string if not. The output file receives text,
not bytes. It should therefore be opened in text mode with ``utf-8``
Typical uses::
xml_data = "<root>...</root>"
with open("c14n_output.xml", mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file:
canonicalize(xml_data, out=out_file)
with open("c14n_output.xml", mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as out_file:
canonicalize(from_file="inputfile.xml", out=out_file)
The configuration *options* are as follows:
- *with_comments*: set to true to include comments (default: false)
- *strip_text*: set to true to strip whitespace before and after text content
(default: false)
- *rewrite_prefixes*: set to true to replace namespace prefixes by "n{number}"
(default: false)
- *qname_aware_tags*: a set of qname aware tag names in which prefixes
should be replaced in text content (default: empty)
- *qname_aware_attrs*: a set of qname aware attribute names in which prefixes
should be replaced in text content (default: empty)
- *exclude_attrs*: a set of attribute names that should not be serialised
- *exclude_tags*: a set of tag names that should not be serialised
In the option list above, "a set" refers to any collection or iterable of
strings, no ordering is expected.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
.. function:: Comment(text=None)
......@@ -1114,6 +1161,19 @@ TreeBuilder Objects
.. versionadded:: 3.8
.. class:: C14NWriterTarget(write, *, \
with_comments=False, strip_text=False, rewrite_prefixes=False, \
qname_aware_tags=None, qname_aware_attrs=None, \
exclude_attrs=None, exclude_tags=None)
A `C14N 2.0 <>`_ writer. Arguments are the
same as for the :func:`canonicalize` function. This class does not build a
tree but translates the callback events directly into a serialised form
using the *write* function.
.. versionadded:: 3.8
.. _elementtree-xmlparser-objects:
XMLParser Objects
......@@ -525,6 +525,10 @@ xml
external entities by default.
(Contributed by Christian Heimes in :issue:`17239`.)
* The :mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree` module provides a new function
:func:`–xml.etree.ElementTree.canonicalize()` that implements C14N 2.0.
(Contributed by Stefan Behnel in :issue:`13611`.)
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import io
import itertools
import locale
import operator
import os
import pickle
import sys
import textwrap
......@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import unittest
import warnings
import weakref
from functools import partial
from itertools import product, islice
from test import support
from import TESTFN, findfile, import_fresh_module, gc_collect, swap_attr
......@@ -3527,6 +3529,231 @@ class NoAcceleratorTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(pyET.Element.__init__, types.FunctionType)
self.assertIsInstance(pyET.XMLParser.__init__, types.FunctionType)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
def c14n_roundtrip(xml, **options):
return pyET.canonicalize(xml, **options)
class C14NTest(unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = None
# simple roundtrip tests (from
def test_simple_roundtrip(self):
# Basics
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<doc/>"), '<doc></doc>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<doc xmlns='uri'/>"), # FIXME
'<doc xmlns="uri"></doc>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<prefix:doc xmlns:prefix='uri'/>"),
'<prefix:doc xmlns:prefix="uri"></prefix:doc>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<doc xmlns:prefix='uri'><prefix:bar/></doc>"),
'<doc><prefix:bar xmlns:prefix="uri"></prefix:bar></doc>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<elem xmlns:wsu='' xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' />"),
# C14N spec
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<doc>Hello, world!<!-- Comment 1 --></doc>"),
'<doc>Hello, world!</doc>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip('<compute><![CDATA[value>"0" && value<"10" ?"valid":"error"]]></compute>'),
'<compute>value&gt;"0" &amp;&amp; value&lt;"10" ?"valid":"error"</compute>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip('''<compute expr='value>"0" &amp;&amp; value&lt;"10" ?"valid":"error"'>valid</compute>'''),
'<compute expr="value>&quot;0&quot; &amp;&amp; value&lt;&quot;10&quot; ?&quot;valid&quot;:&quot;error&quot;">valid</compute>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<norm attr=' &apos; &#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; &apos; '/>"),
'<norm attr=" \' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; \' "></norm>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<normNames attr=' A &#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; B '/>"),
'<normNames attr=" A &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; B "></normNames>')
self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<normId id=' &apos; &#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; &apos; '/>"),
'<normId id=" \' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; \' "></normId>')
# fragments from PJ's tests
#self.assertEqual(c14n_roundtrip("<doc xmlns:x='' xmlns=''><b y:a1='1' xmlns='' a3='3' xmlns:y='' y:a2='2'/></doc>"),
#'<doc xmlns:x=""><b xmlns:y="" a3="3" y:a1="1" y:a2="2"></b></doc>')
def test_c14n_exclusion(self):
xml = textwrap.dedent("""\
<root xmlns:x="">
<a x:attr="attrx">
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True),
'<a xmlns:x="" x:attr="attrx"><b>abtext</b></a>'
'<c><x:d xmlns:x="">dtext</x:d></c>'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True, exclude_attrs=['{}attr']),
'<c><x:d xmlns:x="">dtext</x:d></c>'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True, exclude_tags=['{}d']),
'<a xmlns:x="" x:attr="attrx"><b>abtext</b></a>'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True, exclude_attrs=['{}attr'],
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True, exclude_tags=['a', 'b']),
'<c><x:d xmlns:x="">dtext</x:d></c>'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, exclude_tags=['a', 'b']),
' \n'
' \n'
' <c>\n'
' <x:d xmlns:x="">dtext</x:d>\n'
' </c>\n'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, strip_text=True, exclude_tags=['{}d', 'b']),
'<a xmlns:x="" x:attr="attrx"></a>'
c14n_roundtrip(xml, exclude_tags=['{}d', 'b']),
' <a xmlns:x="" x:attr="attrx">\n'
' \n'
' </a>\n'
' \n'
' <c>\n'
' \n'
' </c>\n'
# basic method=c14n tests from the c14n 2.0 specification. uses
# test files under xmltestdata/c14n-20.
# note that this uses generated C14N versions of the standard ET.write
# output, not roundtripped C14N (see above).
def test_xml_c14n2(self):
datadir = findfile("c14n-20", subdir="xmltestdata")
full_path = partial(os.path.join, datadir)
files = [filename[:-4] for filename in sorted(os.listdir(datadir))
if filename.endswith('.xml')]
input_files = [
filename for filename in files
if filename.startswith('in')
configs = {
filename: {
# <c14n2:PrefixRewrite>sequential</c14n2:PrefixRewrite>
option.tag.split('}')[-1]: ((option.text or '').strip(), option)
for option in ET.parse(full_path(filename) + ".xml").getroot()
for filename in files
if filename.startswith('c14n')
tests = {
input_file: [
(filename, configs[filename.rsplit('_', 1)[-1]])
for filename in files
if filename.startswith(f'out_{input_file}_')
and filename.rsplit('_', 1)[-1] in configs
for input_file in input_files
# Make sure we found all test cases.
self.assertEqual(30, len([
output_file for output_files in tests.values()
for output_file in output_files]))
def get_option(config, option_name, default=None):
return config.get(option_name, (default, ()))[0]
for input_file, output_files in tests.items():
for output_file, config in output_files:
keep_comments = get_option(
config, 'IgnoreComments') == 'true' # no, it's right :)
strip_text = get_option(
config, 'TrimTextNodes') == 'true'
rewrite_prefixes = get_option(
config, 'PrefixRewrite') == 'sequential'
if 'QNameAware' in config:
qattrs = [
for el in config['QNameAware'][1].findall(
qtags = [
for el in config['QNameAware'][1].findall(
qtags = qattrs = None
# Build subtest description from config.
config_descr = ','.join(
f"{name}={value or ','.join(c.tag.split('}')[-1] for c in children)}"
for name, (value, children) in sorted(config.items())
with self.subTest(f"{output_file}({config_descr})"):
if input_file == 'inNsRedecl' and not rewrite_prefixes:
f"Redeclared namespace handling is not supported in {output_file}")
if input_file == 'inNsSuperfluous' and not rewrite_prefixes:
f"Redeclared namespace handling is not supported in {output_file}")
if 'QNameAware' in config and config['QNameAware'][1].find(
'{}XPathElement') is not None:
f"QName rewriting in XPath text is not supported in {output_file}")
f = full_path(input_file + ".xml")
if input_file == 'inC14N5':
# Hack: avoid setting up external entity resolution in the parser.
with open(full_path('world.txt'), 'rb') as entity_file:
with open(f, 'rb') as f:
f = io.BytesIO('&ent2;',
text = ET.canonicalize(
qname_aware_tags=qtags, qname_aware_attrs=qattrs)
with open(full_path(output_file + ".xml"), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f:
expected =
if input_file == 'inC14N3':
# FIXME: cET resolves default attributes but ET does not!
expected = expected.replace(' attr="default"', '')
text = text.replace(' attr="default"', '')
self.assertEqual(expected, text)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -3559,6 +3786,8 @@ def test_main(module=None):
# These tests will only run for the pure-Python version that doesn't import
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" Algorithm="">
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<c14n2:QualifiedAttr Name="type" NS=""/>
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<c14n2:Element Name="bar" NS="http://a"/>
<c14n2:XPathElement Name="IncludedXPath" NS=""/>
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<c14n2:QualifiedAttr Name="type" NS=""/>
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<c14n2:Element Name="bar" NS="http://a"/>
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<c14n2:Element Name="bar" NS="http://a"/>
<c14n2:XPathElement Name="IncludedXPath" NS=""/>
<dsig:CanonicalizationMethod xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:c14n2="" Algorithm="">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl"
type="text/xsl" ?>
<!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM "doc.dtd">
<doc>Hello, world!<!-- Comment 1 --></doc>
<?pi-without-data ?>
<!-- Comment 2 -->
<!-- Comment 3 -->
<clean> </clean>
<dirty> A B </dirty>
<clean> </clean>
<dirty> A B </dirty>
<!DOCTYPE doc [<!ATTLIST e9 attr CDATA "default">]>
<e1 />
<e2 ></e2>
<e3 name = "elem3" id="elem3" />
<e4 name="elem4" id="elem4" ></e4>
<e5 a:attr="out" b:attr="sorted" attr2="all" attr="I'm"
<e6 xmlns="" xmlns:a="">
<e7 xmlns="">
<e8 xmlns="" xmlns:a="">
<e9 xmlns="" xmlns:a=""/>
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<text>First line&#x0d;&#10;Second line</text>
<compute><![CDATA[value>"0" && value<"10" ?"valid":"error"]]></compute>
<compute expr='value>"0" &amp;&amp; value&lt;"10" ?"valid":"error"'>valid</compute>
<norm attr=' &apos; &#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; &apos; '/>
<normNames attr=' A &#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; B '/>
<normId id=' &apos;&#x20;&#13;&#xa;&#9; &apos; '/>
<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY ent1 "Hello">
<!ENTITY ent2 SYSTEM "world.txt">
<!ENTITY entExt SYSTEM "earth.gif" NDATA gif>
<!NOTATION gif SYSTEM "viewgif.exe">
<doc attrExtEnt="entExt">
&ent1;, &ent2;!
<!-- Let world.txt contain "world" (excluding the quotes) -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a" xmlns:b="http://b" xmlns:child="http://c" xmlns:soap-env="" xmlns:xsd="">
<dsig2:IncludedXPath xmlns:dsig2="">/soap-env:body/child::b:foo[@att1 != "c:val" and @att2 != 'xsd:string']</dsig2:IncludedXPath>
<foo xmlns:a="http://a" xmlns:b="http://b">
<b:bar b:att1="val" att2="val"/>
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a" xmlns:b="http://b" xmlns:c="http://c">
<a:bar b:att1="val"/>
<foo xmlns:a="http://z3" xmlns:b="http://z2" a:att1="val1" b:att2="val2">
<bar xmlns="http://z0" xmlns:a="http://z2" a:att1="val1" b:att2="val2" xmlns:b="http://z3" />
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://z3" xmlns:b="http://z2" b:att1="val1" c:att3="val3" b:att2="val2" xmlns:c="http://z1" xmlns:d="http://z0">
<c:bar d:att3="val3"/>
<foo xmlns:a="http://z0" xmlns:b="http://z0" a:att1="val1" b:att2="val2" xmlns="http://z0">
<c:bar xmlns:a="http://z0" xmlns:c="http://z0" c:att3="val3"/>
<d:bar xmlns:d="http://z0"/>
<foo xmlns="http://z0" xml:id="23">
<bar xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">data</bar>
<?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl"
type="text/xsl" ?>
<doc>Hello, world!<!-- Comment 1 --></doc>
<!-- Comment 2 -->
<!-- Comment 3 -->
\ No newline at end of file
<?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl"
type="text/xsl" ?>
<doc>Hello, world!</doc>
\ No newline at end of file
<clean> </clean>
<dirty> A B </dirty>
<clean> </clean>
<dirty> A B </dirty>
\ No newline at end of file
<doc><clean></clean><dirty>A B</dirty><mixed>A<clean></clean>B<dirty>A B</dirty>C</mixed></doc>
\ No newline at end of file
<e3 id="elem3" name="elem3"></e3>
<e4 id="elem4" name="elem4"></e4>
<e5 xmlns="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" attr="I'm" attr2="all" b:attr="sorted" a:attr="out"></e5>
<e7 xmlns="">
<e8 xmlns="">
<e9 attr="default"></e9>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:doc xmlns:n0="">
<n0:e3 id="elem3" name="elem3"></n0:e3>
<n0:e4 id="elem4" name="elem4"></n0:e4>
<n1:e5 xmlns:n1="" xmlns:n2="" xmlns:n3="" attr="I'm" attr2="all" n2:attr="sorted" n3:attr="out"></n1:e5>
<n2:e7 xmlns:n2="">
<n0:e9 attr="default"></n0:e9>
\ No newline at end of file
<doc><e1></e1><e2></e2><e3 id="elem3" name="elem3"></e3><e4 id="elem4" name="elem4"></e4><e5 xmlns="" xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" attr="I'm" attr2="all" b:attr="sorted" a:attr="out"></e5><e6><e7 xmlns=""><e8 xmlns=""><e9 attr="default"></e9></e8></e7></e6></doc>
\ No newline at end of file
<text>First line&#xD;
Second line</text>
<compute>value&gt;"0" &amp;&amp; value&lt;"10" ?"valid":"error"</compute>
<compute expr="value>&quot;0&quot; &amp;&amp; value&lt;&quot;10&quot; ?&quot;valid&quot;:&quot;error&quot;">valid</compute>
<norm attr=" ' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; ' "></norm>
<normNames attr="A &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; B"></normNames>
<normId id="' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; '"></normId>
\ No newline at end of file
<doc><text>First line&#xD;
Second line</text><value>2</value><compute>value&gt;"0" &amp;&amp; value&lt;"10" ?"valid":"error"</compute><compute expr="value>&quot;0&quot; &amp;&amp; value&lt;&quot;10&quot; ?&quot;valid&quot;:&quot;error&quot;">valid</compute><norm attr=" ' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; ' "></norm><normNames attr="A &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; B"></normNames><normId id="' &#xD;&#xA;&#x9; '"></normId></doc>
\ No newline at end of file
<doc attrExtEnt="entExt">
Hello, world!
\ No newline at end of file
<doc attrExtEnt="entExt">Hello, world!</doc>
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a">
<dsig2:IncludedXPath xmlns:dsig2="">/soap-env:body/child::b:foo[@att1 != "c:val" and @att2 != 'xsd:string']</dsig2:IncludedXPath>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="http://a">
<n0:bar xmlns:n1="">n1:string</n0:bar>
<n4:IncludedXPath xmlns:n2="http://b" xmlns:n3="" xmlns:n4="">/n3:body/child::n2:foo[@att1 != "c:val" and @att2 != 'xsd:string']</n4:IncludedXPath>
\ No newline at end of file
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a">
<a:bar xmlns:xsd="">xsd:string</a:bar>
<dsig2:IncludedXPath xmlns:dsig2="">/soap-env:body/child::b:foo[@att1 != "c:val" and @att2 != 'xsd:string']</dsig2:IncludedXPath>
\ No newline at end of file
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a">
<a:bar xmlns:xsd="">xsd:string</a:bar>
<dsig2:IncludedXPath xmlns:b="http://b" xmlns:dsig2="" xmlns:soap-env="">/soap-env:body/child::b:foo[@att1 != "c:val" and @att2 != 'xsd:string']</dsig2:IncludedXPath>
\ No newline at end of file
<b:bar xmlns:b="http://b" att2="val" b:att1="val"></b:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="">
<n1:bar xmlns:n1="http://b" att2="val" n1:att1="val"></n1:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://a">
<b:bar xmlns:b="http://b"></b:bar>
<b:bar xmlns:b="http://b"></b:bar>
<b:bar xmlns:b="http://b"></b:bar>
<a:bar xmlns:b="http://b" b:att1="val"></a:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="http://a">
<n1:bar xmlns:n1="http://b"></n1:bar>
<n1:bar xmlns:n1="http://b"></n1:bar>
<n1:bar xmlns:n1="http://b"></n1:bar>
<n0:bar xmlns:n1="http://b" n1:att1="val"></n0:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<foo xmlns:a="http://z3" xmlns:b="http://z2" b:att2="val2" a:att1="val1">
<bar xmlns="http://z0" xmlns:a="http://z2" xmlns:b="http://z3" a:att1="val1" b:att2="val2"></bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="" xmlns:n1="http://z2" xmlns:n2="http://z3" n1:att2="val2" n2:att1="val1">
<n3:bar xmlns:n3="http://z0" n1:att1="val1" n2:att2="val2"></n3:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<a:foo xmlns:a="http://z3" xmlns:b="http://z2" xmlns:c="http://z1" c:att3="val3" b:att1="val1" b:att2="val2">
<c:bar xmlns:d="http://z0" d:att3="val3"></c:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n2:foo xmlns:n0="http://z1" xmlns:n1="http://z2" xmlns:n2="http://z3" n0:att3="val3" n1:att1="val1" n1:att2="val2">
<n0:bar xmlns:n3="http://z0" n3:att3="val3"></n0:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<foo xmlns="http://z0" xmlns:a="http://z0" xmlns:b="http://z0" a:att1="val1" b:att2="val2">
<c:bar xmlns:c="http://z0" c:att3="val3"></c:bar>
<d:bar xmlns:d="http://z0"></d:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="http://z0" n0:att1="val1" n0:att2="val2">
<n0:bar n0:att3="val3"></n0:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<foo xmlns="http://z0" xml:id="23">
<bar xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xsd:string">data</bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="http://z0" xml:id="23">
<n0:bar xmlns:n1="" n1:type="xsd:string">data</n0:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<n0:foo xmlns:n0="http://z0" xml:id="23">
<n0:bar xmlns:n1="" xmlns:n2="" n2:type="n1:string">data</n0:bar>
\ No newline at end of file
<foo xmlns="http://z0" xml:id="23">
<bar xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="xsd:string">data</bar>
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ __all__ = [
"XMLParser", "XMLPullParser",
"canonicalize", "C14NWriterTarget",
VERSION = "1.3.0"
......@@ -1711,6 +1712,336 @@ class XMLParser:
del, self._target
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# C14N 2.0
def canonicalize(xml_data=None, *, out=None, from_file=None, **options):
"""Convert XML to its C14N 2.0 serialised form.
If *out* is provided, it must be a file or file-like object that receives
the serialised canonical XML output (text, not bytes) through its ``.write()``
method. To write to a file, open it in text mode with encoding "utf-8".
If *out* is not provided, this function returns the output as text string.
Either *xml_data* (an XML string) or *from_file* (a file path or
file-like object) must be provided as input.
The configuration options are the same as for the ``C14NWriterTarget``.
if xml_data is None and from_file is None:
raise ValueError("Either 'xml_data' or 'from_file' must be provided as input")
sio = None
if out is None:
sio = out = io.StringIO()
parser = XMLParser(target=C14NWriterTarget(out.write, **options))
if xml_data is not None:
elif from_file is not None:
parse(from_file, parser=parser)
return sio.getvalue() if sio is not None else None
_looks_like_prefix_name = re.compile(r'^\w+:\w+$', re.UNICODE).match
class C14NWriterTarget:
Canonicalization writer target for the XMLParser.
Serialises parse events to XML C14N 2.0.
The *write* function is used for writing out the resulting data stream
as text (not bytes). To write to a file, open it in text mode with encoding
"utf-8" and pass its ``.write`` method.
Configuration options:
- *with_comments*: set to true to include comments
- *strip_text*: set to true to strip whitespace before and after text content
- *rewrite_prefixes*: set to true to replace namespace prefixes by "n{number}"
- *qname_aware_tags*: a set of qname aware tag names in which prefixes
should be replaced in text content
- *qname_aware_attrs*: a set of qname aware attribute names in which prefixes
should be replaced in text content
- *exclude_attrs*: a set of attribute names that should not be serialised
- *exclude_tags*: a set of tag names that should not be serialised
def __init__(self, write, *,
with_comments=False, strip_text=False, rewrite_prefixes=False,
qname_aware_tags=None, qname_aware_attrs=None,
exclude_attrs=None, exclude_tags=None):
self._write = write
self._data = []
self._with_comments = with_comments
self._strip_text = strip_text
self._exclude_attrs = set(exclude_attrs) if exclude_attrs else None
self._exclude_tags = set(exclude_tags) if exclude_tags else None
self._rewrite_prefixes = rewrite_prefixes
if qname_aware_tags:
self._qname_aware_tags = set(qname_aware_tags)
self._qname_aware_tags = None
if qname_aware_attrs:
self._find_qname_aware_attrs = set(qname_aware_attrs).intersection
self._find_qname_aware_attrs = None
# Stack with globally and newly declared namespaces as (uri, prefix) pairs.
self._declared_ns_stack = [[
("", "xml"),
# Stack with user declared namespace prefixes as (uri, prefix) pairs.
self._ns_stack = []
if not rewrite_prefixes:
self._prefix_map = {}
self._preserve_space = [False]
self._pending_start = None
self._root_seen = False
self._root_done = False
self._ignored_depth = 0
def _iter_namespaces(self, ns_stack, _reversed=reversed):
for namespaces in _reversed(ns_stack):
if namespaces: # almost no element declares new namespaces
yield from namespaces
def _resolve_prefix_name(self, prefixed_name):
prefix, name = prefixed_name.split(':', 1)
for uri, p in self._iter_namespaces(self._ns_stack):
if p == prefix:
return f'{{{uri}}}{name}'
raise ValueError(f'Prefix {prefix} of QName "{prefixed_name}" is not declared in scope')
def _qname(self, qname, uri=None):
if uri is None:
uri, tag = qname[1:].rsplit('}', 1) if qname[:1] == '{' else ('', qname)
tag = qname
prefixes_seen = set()
for u, prefix in self._iter_namespaces(self._declared_ns_stack):
if u == uri and prefix not in prefixes_seen:
return f'{prefix}:{tag}' if prefix else tag, tag, uri
# Not declared yet => add new declaration.
if self._rewrite_prefixes:
if uri in self._prefix_map:
prefix = self._prefix_map[uri]
prefix = self._prefix_map[uri] = f'n{len(self._prefix_map)}'
self._declared_ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix))
return f'{prefix}:{tag}', tag, uri
if not uri and '' not in prefixes_seen:
# No default namespace declared => no prefix needed.
return tag, tag, uri
for u, prefix in self._iter_namespaces(self._ns_stack):
if u == uri:
self._declared_ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix))
return f'{prefix}:{tag}' if prefix else tag, tag, uri
raise ValueError(f'Namespace "{uri}" is not declared in scope')
def data(self, data):
if not self._ignored_depth:
def _flush(self, _join_text=''.join):
data = _join_text(self._data)
del self._data[:]
if self._strip_text and not self._preserve_space[-1]:
data = data.strip()
if self._pending_start is not None:
args, self._pending_start = self._pending_start, None
qname_text = data if data and _looks_like_prefix_name(data) else None
self._start(*args, qname_text)
if qname_text is not None:
if data and self._root_seen:
def start_ns(self, prefix, uri):
if self._ignored_depth:
# we may have to resolve qnames in text content
if self._data:
self._ns_stack[-1].append((uri, prefix))
def start(self, tag, attrs):
if self._exclude_tags is not None and (
self._ignored_depth or tag in self._exclude_tags):
self._ignored_depth += 1
if self._data:
new_namespaces = []
if self._qname_aware_tags is not None and tag in self._qname_aware_tags:
# Need to parse text first to see if it requires a prefix declaration.
self._pending_start = (tag, attrs, new_namespaces)
self._start(tag, attrs, new_namespaces)
def _start(self, tag, attrs, new_namespaces, qname_text=None):
if self._exclude_attrs is not None and attrs:
attrs = {k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if k not in self._exclude_attrs}
qnames = {tag, *attrs}
resolved_names = {}
# Resolve prefixes in attribute and tag text.
if qname_text is not None:
qname = resolved_names[qname_text] = self._resolve_prefix_name(qname_text)
if self._find_qname_aware_attrs is not None and attrs:
qattrs = self._find_qname_aware_attrs(attrs)
if qattrs:
for attr_name in qattrs:
value = attrs[attr_name]
if _looks_like_prefix_name(value):
qname = resolved_names[value] = self._resolve_prefix_name(value)
qattrs = None
qattrs = None
# Assign prefixes in lexicographical order of used URIs.
parse_qname = self._qname
parsed_qnames = {n: parse_qname(n) for n in sorted(
qnames, key=lambda n: n.split('}', 1))}
# Write namespace declarations in prefix order ...
if new_namespaces:
attr_list = [
('xmlns:' + prefix if prefix else 'xmlns', uri)
for uri, prefix in new_namespaces
# almost always empty
attr_list = []
# ... followed by attributes in URI+name order
if attrs:
for k, v in sorted(attrs.items()):
if qattrs is not None and k in qattrs and v in resolved_names:
v = parsed_qnames[resolved_names[v]][0]
attr_qname, attr_name, uri = parsed_qnames[k]
# No prefix for attributes in default ('') namespace.
attr_list.append((attr_qname if uri else attr_name, v))
# Honour xml:space attributes.
space_behaviour = attrs.get('{}space')
space_behaviour == 'preserve' if space_behaviour
else self._preserve_space[-1])
# Write the tag.
write = self._write
write('<' + parsed_qnames[tag][0])
if attr_list:
write(''.join([f' {k}="{_escape_attrib_c14n(v)}"' for k, v in attr_list]))
# Write the resolved qname text content.
if qname_text is not None:
self._root_seen = True
def end(self, tag):
if self._ignored_depth:
self._ignored_depth -= 1
if self._data:
self._root_done = len(self._preserve_space) == 1
def comment(self, text):
if not self._with_comments:
if self._ignored_depth:
if self._root_done:
elif self._root_seen and self._data:
if not self._root_seen:
def pi(self, target, data):
if self._ignored_depth:
if self._root_done:
elif self._root_seen and self._data:
f'<?{target} {_escape_cdata_c14n(data)}?>' if data else f'<?{target}?>')
if not self._root_seen:
def _escape_cdata_c14n(text):
# escape character data
# it's worth avoiding do-nothing calls for strings that are
# shorter than 500 character, or so. assume that's, by far,
# the most common case in most applications.
if '&' in text:
text = text.replace('&', '&amp;')
if '<' in text:
text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
if '>' in text:
text = text.replace('>', '&gt;')
if '\r' in text:
text = text.replace('\r', '&#xD;')
return text
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
def _escape_attrib_c14n(text):
# escape attribute value
if '&' in text:
text = text.replace('&', '&amp;')
if '<' in text:
text = text.replace('<', '&lt;')
if '"' in text:
text = text.replace('"', '&quot;')
if '\t' in text:
text = text.replace('\t', '&#x9;')
if '\n' in text:
text = text.replace('\n', '&#xA;')
if '\r' in text:
text = text.replace('\r', '&#xD;')
return text
except (TypeError, AttributeError):
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the C accelerators
# Element is going to be shadowed by the C implementation. We need to keep
The xml.etree.ElementTree packages gained support for C14N 2.0 serialisation.
Patch by Stefan Behnel.
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