Commit e1f645a6 authored by Neil Schemenauer's avatar Neil Schemenauer

Add _Py_AS_GC macro. It will be used by the trashcan code on object.c.

parent 377ae5aa
......@@ -235,10 +235,12 @@ typedef union _gc_head {
extern PyGC_Head _PyGC_generation0;
#define _Py_AS_GC(o) ((PyGC_Head *)(o)-1)
/* Tell the GC to track this object. NB: While the object is tracked the
* collector it must be safe to call the ob_traverse method. */
#define _PyObject_GC_TRACK(o) do { \
PyGC_Head *g = (PyGC_Head *)(o)-1; \
PyGC_Head *g = _Py_AS_GC(o); \
if (g->gc.gc_next != NULL) \
Py_FatalError("GC object already in linked list"); \
g->gc.gc_next = &_PyGC_generation0; \
......@@ -249,7 +251,7 @@ extern PyGC_Head _PyGC_generation0;
/* Tell the GC to stop tracking this object. */
#define _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK(o) do { \
PyGC_Head *g = (PyGC_Head *)(o)-1; \
PyGC_Head *g = _Py_AS_GC(o); \
g->gc.gc_prev->gc.gc_next = g->gc.gc_next; \
g->gc.gc_next->gc.gc_prev = g->gc.gc_prev; \
g->gc.gc_next = NULL; \
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