Commit e3c3db59 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

Documentation for r5990[3567].

parent 2f32c392
......@@ -339,6 +339,13 @@ Glossary
Mutable objects can change their value but keep their :func:`id`. See
also :term:`immutable`.
named tuple
A tuple subclass whose elements also are accessible as attributes via
fixed names (the class name and field names are indicated in the
individual documentation of a named tuple type, like ``TestResults(failed,
attempted)``). Named tuple classes are created by
The place where a variable is stored. Namespaces are implemented as
dictionaries. There are the local, global and builtin namespaces as well
......@@ -333,7 +333,11 @@ also have a number of specialized methods:
.. method:: Decimal.as_tuple()
Return a tuple representation of the number: ``(sign, digit_tuple, exponent)``.
Return a :term:`named tuple` representation of the number:
``DecimalTuple(sign, digits, exponent)``.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Use a named tuple.
.. method:: Decimal.canonical()
......@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ use :meth:`set_seq2` to set the commonly used sequence once and call
Find longest matching block in ``a[alo:ahi]`` and ``b[blo:bhi]``.
If *isjunk* was omitted or ``None``, :meth:`get_longest_match` returns ``(i, j,
If *isjunk* was omitted or ``None``, :meth:`find_longest_match` returns ``(i, j,
k)`` such that ``a[i:i+k]`` is equal to ``b[j:j+k]``, where ``alo <= i <= i+k <=
ahi`` and ``blo <= j <= j+k <= bhi``. For all ``(i', j', k')`` meeting those
conditions, the additional conditions ``k >= k'``, ``i <= i'``, and if ``i ==
......@@ -373,6 +373,9 @@ use :meth:`set_seq2` to set the commonly used sequence once and call
If no blocks match, this returns ``(alo, blo, 0)``.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
This method returns a :term:`named tuple` ``Match(a, b, size)``.
.. method:: SequenceMatcher.get_matching_blocks()
......@@ -1506,11 +1506,14 @@ DocTestRunner objects
.. method:: DocTestRunner.summarize([verbose])
Print a summary of all the test cases that have been run by this DocTestRunner,
and return a tuple ``(failure_count, test_count)``.
and return a :term:`named tuple` ``TestResults(failed, attempted)``.
The optional *verbose* argument controls how detailed the summary is. If the
verbosity is not specified, then the :class:`DocTestRunner`'s verbosity is used.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Use a named tuple.
.. _doctest-outputchecker:
......@@ -214,6 +214,10 @@ Note:
defined in the :mod:`imp` module; see the documentation for that module for
more information on module types.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Returns a :term:`named tuple` ``ModuleInfo(name, suffix, mode,
.. function:: getmodulename(path)
......@@ -405,6 +409,10 @@ Classes and functions
default argument values or None if there are no default arguments; if this tuple
has *n* elements, they correspond to the last *n* elements listed in *args*.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Returns a :term:`named tuple` ``ArgSpec(args, varargs, keywords,
.. function:: getargvalues(frame)
......@@ -414,6 +422,10 @@ Classes and functions
names of the ``*`` and ``**`` arguments or ``None``. *locals* is the locals
dictionary of the given frame.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Returns a :term:`named tuple` ``ArgInfo(args, varargs, keywords,
.. function:: formatargspec(args[, varargs, varkw, defaults, formatarg, formatvarargs, formatvarkw, formatvalue, join])
......@@ -479,6 +491,10 @@ line.
Get information about a frame or traceback object. A 5-tuple is returned, the
last five elements of the frame's frame record.
.. versionchanged:: 2.6
Returns a :term:`named tuple` ``Traceback(filename, lineno, function,
code_context, index)``.
.. function:: getouterframes(frame[, context])
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