Commit e420178b authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Rationalized header files:

- mwerks_nonshared_config.h for standalone pythons
- mwerks_shared_config.h for shared pythons (PythonCore, app and
- mwerks_plugin_config.h for plugins
Only the _tkinter plugin uses a customized header.

Old config files have gone to the "old" directory, for the time being.
parent 4b2c3867
#define HAVE_CONFIG_H /*
#define USE_STDWIN ** Configuration file for standalone 68k/ppc Python.
#define USE_MACTCP **
#define USE_BGEN ** Note: enabling the switches below is not enough to enable the
#define USE_MACSPEECH ** specific features, you may also need different sets of sources.
#define USE_IMG */
#define USE_MACCTB
#define USE_STACKCHECK #define USE_GUSI /* Stdio implemented with GUSI */
#ifdef __powerc #define USE_TOOLBOX /* Include toolbox modules in core Python */
#define USE_MAC_DYNAMIC_LOADING #define USE_QT /* Include quicktime modules in core Python */
#endif #define USE_WASTE /* Include waste module in core Python */
#define USE_MACSPEECH /* Include macspeech module in core Python */
#define USE_IMG /* Include img modules in core Python */
#define USE_MACCTB /* Include ctb module in core Python */
/* #define USE_STDWIN /* Include stdwin module in core Python */
/* #define USE_MACTCP /* Include mactcp (*not* socket) modules in core */
/* #define USE_TK /* Include _tkinter module in core Python */
/* #define MAC_TCL /* This *must* be on if USE_TK is on */
/* #define USE_MAC_SHARED_LIBRARY /* Enable code to add shared-library resources */
/* #define USE_MAC_APPLET_SUPPORT /* Enable code to run a PYC resource */
#define HAVE_CONFIG_H /*
** Config file for dynamically-loaded ppc/cfm68k plugin modules.
#define USE_GUSI /* Stdio implemented with GUSI */
#define USE_MAC_APPLET_SUPPORT ** Configuration file for dynamically loaded cfm68k/ppc PythonCore,
/* #define USE_MACTCP */ ** interpreter and Applet.
/* #define USE_BGEN */ **
/* #define USE_MACSPEECH */ ** Note: enabling the switches below is not enough to enable the
** specific features, you may also need different sets of sources.
#define USE_GUSI /* Stdio implemented with GUSI */
/* #define USE_TOOLBOX /* Include toolbox modules in core Python */
/* #define USE_QT /* Include quicktime modules in core Python */
/* #define USE_WASTE /* Include waste module in core Python */
/* #define USE_MACSPEECH /* Include macspeech module in core Python */
/* #define USE_IMG /* Include img modules in core Python */
/* #define USE_MACCTB /* Include ctb module in core Python */
/* #define USE_STDWIN /* Include stdwin module in core Python */
/* #define USE_MACTCP /* Include mactcp (*not* socket) modules in core */
/* #define USE_TK /* Include _tkinter module in core Python */
/* #define MAC_TCL /* This *must* be on if USE_TK is on */
#define USE_MAC_SHARED_LIBRARY /* Enable code to add shared-library resources */
#define USE_MAC_APPLET_SUPPORT /* Enable code to run a PYC resource */
#define HAVE_CONFIG_H /*
#define USE_TK ** Special config-file for _tkinter plugin.
#define MAC_TCL */
#define USE_GUSI
#define USE_GUSI /* Stdio implemented with GUSI */
#define USE_TK /* Include _tkinter module in core Python */
#define MAC_TCL /* This *must* be on if USE_TK is on */
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