Updated to Wise 8.14 (web update).
Got rid of useless "Welcome" screen. Folded Tcl/Tk into the main Python component. Bug introduced during upgrade: Start Menu entries didn't work if installation was to a path with an embedded space, because the enclosing quotes somehow got dropped on the cmdline args. Repaired. Years of wizard-generated code blocks left this script hard to read. Added many more comments, blank lines, and rearranged related code into related blocks where they had drifted apart. Added %_PYMAJOR_% and %_PYMINOR_% compiler vrbls, and reworked script items to use them as appropriate. This should slash the amount of hand-fiddling needed when version numbers change. Indeed, in the body of the script, only the first line should need changing now. Deleted unreferenced wizard-generated compiler vrbls.
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