Commit eaf57aa4 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Substantial re-organization of the DOM documentation. The abstract API

is now separated from the supplied standard implementation.  Not all
interfaces are documented yet, but the structure is better set up to do

There is still a lot to do here, but the shape of the documentation is
coming into line.
parent 4a6f1df4
\section{\module{xml.dom.minidom} ---
The Document Object Model}
\section{\module{xml.dom} ---
The Document Object Model API}
\modulesynopsis{Lightweight Document Object Model (DOM) implementation.}
\moduleauthor{Paul Prescod}{}
\modulesynopsis{Document Object Model API for Python.}
\sectionauthor{Paul Prescod}{}
\sectionauthor{Martin v. L\"owis}{}
The \module{xml.dom.minidom} provides a light-weight implementation of
the W3C Document Object Model. The DOM is a cross-language API from
the Web Consortium (W3C) for accessing and modifying XML documents. A
DOM implementation allows to convert an XML document into a tree-like
structure, or to build such a structure from scratch. It then gives
access to the structure through a set of objects which provided
well-known interfaces. Minidom is intended to be simpler than the full
DOM and also significantly smaller.
The DOM is extremely useful for random-access applications. SAX only
allows you a view of one bit of the document at a time. If you are
looking at one SAX element, you have no access to another. If you are
looking at a text node, you have no access to a containing
element. When you write a SAX application, you need to keep track of
your program's position in the document somewhere in your own
code. Sax does not do it for you. Also, if you need to look ahead in
the XML document, you are just out of luck.
The Document Object Model, or ``DOM,'' is a cross-language API from
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for accessing and modifying XML
documents. A DOM implementation presents an XML document as a tree
structure, or allows client code to build such a structure from
scratch. It then gives access to the structure through a set of
objects which provided well-known interfaces.
The DOM is extremely useful for random-access applications. SAX only
allows you a view of one bit of the document at a time. If you are
looking at one SAX element, you have no access to another. If you are
looking at a text node, you have no access to a containing element.
When you write a SAX application, you need to keep track of your
program's position in the document somewhere in your own code. SAX
does not do it for you. Also, if you need to look ahead in the XML
document, you are just out of luck.
Some applications are simply impossible in an event driven model with
no access to a tree. Of course you could build some sort of tree
no access to a tree. Of course you could build some sort of tree
yourself in SAX events, but the DOM allows you to avoid writing that
code. The DOM is a standard tree representation for XML data.
%What if your needs are somewhere between SAX and the DOM? Perhaps you cannot
%afford to load the entire tree in memory but you find the SAX model
%somewhat cumbersome and low-level. There is also an experimental module
%called pulldom that allows you to build trees of only the parts of a
%document that you need structured access to. It also has features that allow
%you to find your way around the DOM.
code. The DOM is a standard tree representation for XML data.
%What if your needs are somewhere between SAX and the DOM? Perhaps
%you cannot afford to load the entire tree in memory but you find the
%SAX model somewhat cumbersome and low-level. There is also a module
%called xml.dom.pulldom that allows you to build trees of only the
%parts of a document that you need structured access to. It also has
%features that allow you to find your way around the DOM.
% See
DOM applications typically start by parsing some XML into a DOM. This
is done through the parse functions:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
dom1 = parse('c:\\temp\\mydata.xml') # parse an XML file by name
datasource = open('c:\\temp\\mydata.xml')
dom2 = parse(datasource) # parse an open file
dom3 = parseString('<myxml>Some data<empty/> some more data</myxml>')
The parse function can take either a filename or an open file object.
\begin{funcdesc}{parse}{filename_or_file{, parser}}
Return a \class{Document} from the given input. \var{filename_or_file}
may be either a file name, or a file-like object. \var{parser}, if
given, must be a SAX2 parser object. This function will change the
document handler of the parser and activate namespace support; other
parser configuration (like setting an entity resolver) must have been
done in advance.
If you have XML in a string, you can use the parseString function
\begin{funcdesc}{parseString}{string\optional{, parser}}
Return a \class{Document} that represents the \var{string}. This
method creates a \class{StringIO} object for the string and passes
that on to \function{parse}.
Both functions return a document object representing the content of
the document.
You can also create a document node merely by instantiating a
document object. Then you could add child nodes to it to populate
the DOM.
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
newdoc = Document()
newel = newdoc.createElement("some_tag")
The Document Object Model is being defined by the W3C in stages, or
``levels'' in their terminology. The Python mapping of the API is
substantially based on the DOM Level 2 recommendation. Some aspects
of the API will only became available in Python 2.1, or may only be
available in particular DOM implementations.
DOM applications typically start by parsing some XML into a DOM. How
this is accomplished is not covered at all by DOM Level 1, and Level 2
provides only limited improvements. There is a
\class{DOMImplementation} object class which provides access to
\class{Document} creation methods, but these methods were only added
in DOM Level 2 and were not implemented in time for Python 2.0. There
is also no well-defined way to access this functions without an
existing \class{Document} object. For Python 2.0, consult the
documentation for each particular DOM implementation to determine the
bootstrap procedure needed to create and initialize \class{Document}
Once you have a DOM document object, you can access the parts of your
XML document through its properties and methods. These properties are
defined in the DOM specification. The main property of the document
object is the documentElement property. It gives you the main element
in the XML document: the one that holds all others. Here is an
example program:
defined in the DOM specification; this portion of the reference manual
describes the interpretation of the specification in Python.
dom3 = parseString("<myxml>Some data</myxml>")
assert dom3.documentElement.tagName == "myxml"
When you are finished with a DOM, you should clean it up. This is
necessary because some versions of Python do not support garbage
collection of objects that refer to each other in a cycle. Until this
restriction is removed from all versions of Python, it is safest to
write your code as if cycles would not be cleaned up.
The specification provided by the W3C defines the DOM API for Java,
ECMAScript, and OMG IDL. The Python mapping defined here is based in
large part on the IDL version of the specification, but strict
compliance is not required (though implementations are free to support
the strict mapping from IDL). See section \ref{dom-conformance},
``Conformance,'' for a detailed discussion of mapping requirements.
The way to clean up a DOM is to call its \method{unlink()} method:
\method{unlink()} is a \module{minidom}-specific extension to the DOM
API. After calling \method{unlink()}, a DOM is basically useless.
\seetitle[]{DOM Specification}
{This is the canonical specification for the level of the
\seetitle[]{Document Object
Model (DOM) Level 2 Specification}
{The W3C recommendation upon which the Python DOM API is
\seetitle[]{Document Object
Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification}
{The W3C recommendation for the
DOM supported by \module{xml.dom.minidom}.}
\seetitle[]{PyXML}{Users that require a
full-featured implementation of DOM should use the PyXML
Scripting with Python}
{This specifies the mapping from OMG IDL to Python.}
\subsection{DOM objects \label{dom-objects}}
\subsection{Objects in the DOM \label{dom-objects}}
The definitive documentation for the DOM is the DOM specification from
the W3C. This section lists the properties and methods supported by
Note that DOM attributes may also be manipulated as nodes instead of
as simple strings. It is fairly rare that you must do this, however,
so this usage is not yet documented.
{Base interface for most objects in a document.}
{Object which represents an entire document.}
{Element nodes in the document hierarchy.}
{Attribute value nodes on element nodes.}
{Representation of comments in the source document.}
{Nodes containing textual content from the document.}
{Processing instruction representation.}
\subsubsection{Node Objects \label{dom-node-objects}}
All of the components of an XML document are subclasses of
An integer representing the node type. Symbolic constants for the
types are on the \class{Node} object: \constant{DOCUMENT_NODE},
\constant{ELEMENT_NODE}, \constant{ATTRIBUTE_NODE},
......@@ -148,16 +130,16 @@ types are on the \class{Node} object: \constant{DOCUMENT_NODE},
\constant{DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE}, \constant{NOTATION_NODE}.
The parent of the current node. \code{None} for the document node.
An \class{AttributeList} of attribute objects. Only
elements have this attribute. Others return \code{None}.
An \class{AttributeList} of attribute objects. Only elements have
actual values for this; others provide \code{None} for this attribute.
The node that immediately precedes this one with the same parent. For
instance the element with an end-tag that comes just before the
\var{self} element's start-tag. Of course, XML documents are made
......@@ -165,134 +147,130 @@ up of more than just elements so the previous sibling could be text, a
comment, or something else.
The node that immediately follows this one with the same parent. See
also \member{previousSibling}.
A list of nodes contained within this node.
Equivalent to \code{childNodes[0]}.
The first child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
Equivalent to \code{childNodes[-1]}.
The last child of the node, if there are any, or \code{None}.
Has a different meaning for each node type. See the DOM specification
for details. You can always get the information you would get here
from another property such as the \member{tagName} property for
elements or the \member{name} property for attributes.
Has a different meaning for each node type. See the DOM specification
for details. The situation is similar to that with \member{nodeName}.
Break internal references within the DOM so that it will be garbage
collected on versions of Python without cyclic GC.
Write XML to the writer object. The writer should have a
\method{write()} method which matches that of the file object
Return the XML string that the DOM represents.
Returns true the node has any child nodes.
Returns true if the node has any child nodes.
\begin{methoddesc}{insertBefore}{newChild, refChild}
\begin{methoddesc}[Node]{insertBefore}{newChild, refChild}
Insert a new child node before an existing child. It must be the case
that \var{refChild} is a child of this node; if not,
\exception{ValueError} is raised.
\begin{methoddesc}{replaceChild}{newChild, oldChild}
\begin{methoddesc}[Node]{replaceChild}{newChild, oldChild}
Replace an existing node with a new node. It must be the case that
\var{oldChild} is a child of this node; if not,
\exception{ValueError} is raised.
Remove a child node. \var{oldChild} must be a child of this node; if
not, \exception{ValueError} is raised.
not, \exception{ValueError} is raised. \var{oldChild} is returned on
success. If \var{oldChild} will not be used further, its
\method{unlink()} method should be called.
Add a new child node to this node at the end of the list of children,
returning \var{newChild}.
Add a new child node to this node list.
Join adjacent text nodes so that all stretches of text are stored as
single \class{Text} instances. This simplifies processing text from a
DOM tree for many applications.
Clone this node. Deep means to clone all children also. Deep cloning
is not implemented in Python 2 so the deep parameter should always be
0 for now.
Clone this node. Setting \var{deep} means to clone all child nodes as
\strong{Warning:} Although this method was present in the version of
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} packaged with Python 2.0, it was seriously
broken. This has been corrected for subsequent releases.
\subsubsection{Document Objects \label{dom-document-objects}}
Represents an entire XML document, including its constituent elements,
attributes, processing instructions, comments etc. Remeber that it
inherits properties from \class{Node}.
A \class{Document} represents an entire XML document, including its
constituent elements, attributes, processing instructions, comments
etc. Remeber that it inherits properties from \class{Node}.
The one and only root element of the document.
Create a new element. The element is not inserted into the document
when it is created. You need to explicitly insert it with one of the
other methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createElementNS}{namespaceURI, tagName}
Create a new element with a namespace. The \var{tagName} may have a
prefix. The element is not inserted into the document when it is
created. You need to explicitly insert it with one of the other
methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or \method{appendChild()}.
Create a text node containing the data passed as a parameter. As with
the other creation methods, this one does not insert the node into the
Create a comment node containing the data passed as a parameter. As
with the other creation methods, this one does not insert the node
into the tree.
\begin{methoddesc}{createProcessingInstruction}{target, data}
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createProcessingInstruction}{target, data}
Create a processing instruction node containing the \var{target} and
\var{data} passed as parameters. As with the other creation methods,
this one does not insert the node into the tree.
Create an attribute node. This method does not associate the
attribute node with any particular element. You must use
\method{setAttributeNode()} on the appropriate \class{Element} object
to use the newly created attribute instance.
\begin{methoddesc}{createElementNS}{namespaceURI, tagName}
Create a new element with a namespace. The \var{tagName} may have a
prefix. The element is not inserted into the document when it is
created. You need to explicitly insert it with one of the other
methods such as \method{insertBefore()} or \method{appendChild()}.
\begin{methoddesc}{createAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qualifiedName}
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{createAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qualifiedName}
Create an attribute node with a namespace. The \var{tagName} may have
a prefix. This method does not associate the attribute node with any
particular element. You must use \method{setAttributeNode()} on the
......@@ -300,315 +278,202 @@ appropriate \class{Element} object to use the newly created attribute
Search for all descendants (direct children, children's children,
etc.) with a particular element type name.
\begin{methoddesc}{getElementsByTagNameNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
\begin{methoddesc}[Document]{getElementsByTagNameNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
Search for all descendants (direct children, children's children,
etc.) with a particular namespace URI and localname. The localname is
the part of the namespace after the prefix.
\subsubsection{Element Objects \label{dom-element-objects}}
\class{Element} is a subclass of \class{Node}, so inherits all the
attributes of that class.
The element type name. In a namespace-using document it may have
colons in it.
The part of the \member{tagName} following the colon if there is one,
else the entire \member{tagName}.
The part of the \member{tagName} preceding the colon if there is one,
else the empty string.
The namespace associated with the tagName.
Return an attribute value as a string.
\begin{methoddesc}{setAttribute}{attname, value}
\begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttribute}{attname, value}
Set an attribute value from a string.
Remove an attribute by name.
\begin{methoddesc}{getAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
\begin{methoddesc}[Element]{getAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
Return an attribute value as a string, given a \var{namespaceURI} and
\var{localName}. Note that a localname is the part of a prefixed
attribute name after the colon (if there is one).
\begin{methoddesc}{setAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qname, value}
\begin{methoddesc}[Element]{setAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, qname, value}
Set an attribute value from a string, given a \var{namespaceURI} and a
\var{qname}. Note that a qname is the whole attribute name. This is
different than above.
\begin{methoddesc}{removeAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
\begin{methoddesc}[Element]{removeAttributeNS}{namespaceURI, localName}
Remove an attribute by name. Note that it uses a localName, not a
Same as equivalent method in the \class{Document} class.
Same as equivalent method in the \class{Document} class.
\subsubsection{Attr Objects \label{dom-attr-objects}}
\class{Attr} inherits from \class{Node}, so inherits all its
The attribute name. In a namespace-using document it may have colons
in it.
The part of the name following the colon if there is one, else the
entire name.
The part of the name preceding the colon if there is one, else the
empty string.
The namespace associated with the attribute name.
\subsubsection{NamedNodeMap Objects \label{dom-attributelist-objects}}
\class{NamedNodeMap} does \emph{not} inherit from \class{Node}.
The length of the attribute list.
Return an attribute with a particular index. The order you get the
attributes in is arbitrary but will be consistent for the life of a
DOM. Each item is an attribute node. Get its value with the
\member{value} attribbute.
There are also experimental methods that give this class more
dictionary-like behavior. You can use them or you can use the
standardized \method{getAttribute*()}-family methods.
There are also experimental methods that give this class more mapping
behavior. You can use them or you can use the standardized
\method{getAttribute*()}-family methods on the \class{Element} objects.
\subsubsection{Comment Objects \label{dom-comment-objects}}
Represents a comment in the XML document.
\class{Comment} represents a comment in the XML document. It is a
subclass of \class{Node}.
The content of the comment.
Represents text in the XML document.
\subsubsection{Text Objects \label{dom-text-objects}}
The \class{Text} interface represents text in the XML document. It
inherits from \class{Node}.
The content of the text node.
Represents a processing instruction in the XML document.
\subsubsection{ProcessingInstruction Objects \label{dom-pi-objects}}
Represents a processing instruction in the XML document; this inherits
from the \class{Node} interface.
The content of the processing instruction up to the first whitespace
The content of the processing instruction following the first
whitespace character.
Note that DOM attributes may also be manipulated as nodes instead of as
simple strings. It is fairly rare that you must do this, however, so this
usage is not yet documented here.
\subsection{Conformance \label{dom-conformance}}
\seetitle[]{DOM Specification}
{This is the canonical specification for the level of the
DOM supported by \module{xml.dom.minidom}.}
This section describes the conformance requirements and relationships
between the Python DOM API, the W3C DOM recommendations, and the OMG
IDL mapping for Python.
\subsubsection{Type Mapping \label{dom-type-mapping}}
\subsection{DOM Example \label{dom-example}}
XXX Explain what a \class{DOMString} maps to...
This example program is a fairly realistic example of a simple
program. In this particular case, we do not take much advantage
of the flexibility of the DOM.
\subsubsection{Accessor Methods \label{dom-accessor-methods}}
The mapping from OMG IDL to Python defines accessor functions for IDL
\keyword{attribute} declarations in much the way the Java mapping
does. Mapping the IDL declarations
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
<title>Demo slideshow</title>
<slide><title>Slide title</title>
<point>This is a demo</point>
<point>Of a program for processing slides</point>
<slide><title>Another demo slide</title>
<point>It is important</point>
<point>To have more than</point>
<point>one slide</point>
dom = parseString(document)
space=" "
def getText(nodelist):
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType==node.TEXT_NODE:
return rc
def handleSlideshow(slideshow):
print "<html>"
slides = slideshow.getElementsByTagName("slide")
print "</html>"
def handleSlides(slides):
for slide in slides:
def handleSlide(slide):
def handleSlideshowTitle(title):
print "<title>%s</title>"%getText(title.childNodes)
def handleSlideTitle(title):
print "<h2>%s</h2>"%getText(title.childNodes)
def handlePoints(points):
print "<ul>"
for point in points:
print "</ul>"
def handlePoint(point):
print "<li>%s</li>"%getText(point.childNodes)
def handleToc(slides):
for slide in slides:
title = slide.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]
print "<p>%s</p>"%getText(title.childNodes)
readonly attribute string someValue;
attribute string anotherValue;
\subsection{minidom and the DOM standard \label{minidom-and-dom}}
Minidom is basically a DOM 1.0-compatible DOM with some DOM 2 features
(primarily namespace features).
Usage of the other DOM interfaces in Python is straight-forward. The
following mapping rules apply:
\item Interfaces are accessed through instance objects. Applications
not instantiate the classes themselves; they should use the creator
functions. Derived interfaces support all operations (and attributes)
from the base interfaces, plus any new operations.
\item Operations are used as methods. Since the DOM uses only
parameters, the arguments are passed in normal order (from left to
There are no optional arguments. \code{void} operations return
\item IDL attributes map to instance attributes. For compatibility
the OMG IDL language mapping for Python, an attribute \code{foo} can
also be accessed through accessor functions \code{_get_foo} and
\code{_set_foo}. \code{readonly} attributes must not be changed.
\item The types \code{short int},\code{unsigned int},\code{unsigned
long long},
and \code{boolean} all map to Python integer objects.
\item The type \code{DOMString} maps to Python strings. \code{minidom}
supports either byte or Unicode strings, but will normally produce
strings. Attributes of type \code{DOMString} may also be \code{None}.
\item \code{const} declarations map to variables in their respective
(e.g. \code{xml.dom.minidom.Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE}); they
not be changed.
\item \code{DOMException} is currently not supported in
\module{minidom}. Instead, minidom returns standard Python exceptions
such as TypeError and AttributeError.
The following interfaces have no equivalent in minidom:
\item DOMTimeStamp
\item DocumentType
\item DOMImplementation
\item CharacterData
\item CDATASection
\item Notation
\item Entity
\item EntityReference
\item DocumentFragment
Most of these reflect information in the XML document that is not of
general utility to most DOM users.
yeilds three accessor functions: a ``get'' method for
\member{someValue} (\method{_get_someValue()}), and ``get'' and
``set'' methods for
\member{anotherValue} (\method{_get_anotherValue()} and
\method{_set_anotherValue()}). The mapping, in particular, does not
require that the IDL attributes are accessible as normal Python
attributes: \code{\var{object}.someValue} is \emph{not} required to
work, and may raise an \exception{AttributeError}.
The Python DOM API, however, \emph{does} require that normal attribute
access work. This means that the typical surrogates generated by
Python IDL compilers are not likely to work, and wrapper objects may
be needed on the client if the DOM objects are accessed via CORBA.
While this does require some additional consideration for CORBA DOM
clients, the implementers with experience using DOM over CORBA from
Python do not consider this a problem. Attributes that are declared
\keyword{readonly} may not restrict write access in all DOM
Additionally, the accessor functions are not required. If provided,
they should take the form defined by the Python IDL mapping, but
these methods are considered unnecessary since the attributes are
accessible directly from Python.
\section{\module{xml.dom.minidom} ---
Lightweight DOM implementation}
\modulesynopsis{Lightweight Document Object Model (DOM) implementation.}
\moduleauthor{Paul Prescod}{}
\sectionauthor{Paul Prescod}{}
\sectionauthor{Martin v. L\"owis}{}
\module{xml.dom.minidom} is a light-weight implementation of the
Document Object Model interface. It is intended to be
simpler than the full DOM and also significantly smaller.
DOM applications typically start by parsing some XML into a DOM. With
\module{xml.dom.minidom}, this is done through the parse functions:
from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
dom1 = parse('c:\\temp\\mydata.xml') # parse an XML file by name
datasource = open('c:\\temp\\mydata.xml')
dom2 = parse(datasource) # parse an open file
dom3 = parseString('<myxml>Some data<empty/> some more data</myxml>')
The parse function can take either a filename or an open file object.
\begin{funcdesc}{parse}{filename_or_file{, parser}}
Return a \class{Document} from the given input. \var{filename_or_file}
may be either a file name, or a file-like object. \var{parser}, if
given, must be a SAX2 parser object. This function will change the
document handler of the parser and activate namespace support; other
parser configuration (like setting an entity resolver) must have been
done in advance.
If you have XML in a string, you can use the
\function{parseString()} function instead:
\begin{funcdesc}{parseString}{string\optional{, parser}}
Return a \class{Document} that represents the \var{string}. This
method creates a \class{StringIO} object for the string and passes
that on to \function{parse}.
Both functions return a \class{Document} object representing the
content of the document.
You can also create a \class{Document} node merely by instantiating a
document object. Then you could add child nodes to it to populate
the DOM:
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
newdoc = Document()
newel = newdoc.createElement("some_tag")
Once you have a DOM document object, you can access the parts of your
XML document through its properties and methods. These properties are
defined in the DOM specification. The main property of the document
object is the \member{documentElement} property. It gives you the
main element in the XML document: the one that holds all others. Here
is an example program:
dom3 = parseString("<myxml>Some data</myxml>")
assert dom3.documentElement.tagName == "myxml"
When you are finished with a DOM, you should clean it up. This is
necessary because some versions of Python do not support garbage
collection of objects that refer to each other in a cycle. Until this
restriction is removed from all versions of Python, it is safest to
write your code as if cycles would not be cleaned up.
The way to clean up a DOM is to call its \method{unlink()} method:
\method{unlink()} is a \module{xml.dom.minidom}-specific extension to
the DOM API. After calling \method{unlink()} on a node, the node and
its descendents are essentially useless.
\seetitle[]{Document Object
Model (DOM) Level 1 Specification}
{The W3C recommendation for the
DOM supported by \module{xml.dom.minidom}.}
\subsection{DOM objects \label{dom-objects}}
The definition of the DOM API for Python is given as part of the
\refmodule{xml.dom} module documentation. This section lists the
differences between the API and \refmodule{xml.dom.minidom}.
Break internal references within the DOM so that it will be garbage
collected on versions of Python without cyclic GC. Even when cyclic
GC is available, using this can make large amounts of memory available
sooner, so calling this on DOM objects as soon as they are no longer
needed is good practice. This only needs to be called on the
\class{Document} object, but may be called on child nodes to discard
children of that node.
Write XML to the writer object. The writer should have a
\method{write()} method which matches that of the file object
Return the XML that the DOM represents as a string.
The following standard DOM methods have special considerations with
Although this method was present in the version of
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} packaged with Python 2.0, it was seriously
broken. This has been corrected for subsequent releases.
\subsection{DOM Example \label{dom-example}}
This example program is a fairly realistic example of a simple
program. In this particular case, we do not take much advantage
of the flexibility of the DOM.
import xml.dom.minidom
document = """\
<title>Demo slideshow</title>
<slide><title>Slide title</title>
<point>This is a demo</point>
<point>Of a program for processing slides</point>
<slide><title>Another demo slide</title>
<point>It is important</point>
<point>To have more than</point>
<point>one slide</point>
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(document)
space = " "
def getText(nodelist):
rc = ""
for node in nodelist:
if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
rc = rc +
return rc
def handleSlideshow(slideshow):
print "<html>"
slides = slideshow.getElementsByTagName("slide")
print "</html>"
def handleSlides(slides):
for slide in slides:
def handleSlide(slide):
def handleSlideshowTitle(title):
print "<title>%s</title>" % getText(title.childNodes)
def handleSlideTitle(title):
print "<h2>%s</h2>" % getText(title.childNodes)
def handlePoints(points):
print "<ul>"
for point in points:
print "</ul>"
def handlePoint(point):
print "<li>%s</li>" % getText(point.childNodes)
def handleToc(slides):
for slide in slides:
title = slide.getElementsByTagName("title")[0]
print "<p>%s</p>" % getText(title.childNodes)
\subsection{minidom and the DOM standard \label{minidom-and-dom}}
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} is basically a DOM 1.0-compatible DOM with
some DOM 2 features (primarily namespace features).
Usage of the DOM interface in Python is straight-forward. The
following mapping rules apply:
\item Interfaces are accessed through instance objects. Applications
should not instantiate the classes themselves; they should use
the creator functions available on the \class{Document} object.
Derived interfaces support all operations (and attributes) from
the base interfaces, plus any new operations.
\item Operations are used as methods. Since the DOM uses only
\keyword{in} parameters, the arguments are passed in normal
order (from left to right). There are no optional
arguments. \keyword{void} operations return \code{None}.
\item IDL attributes map to instance attributes. For compatibility
with the OMG IDL language mapping for Python, an attribute
\code{foo} can also be accessed through accessor methods
\method{_get_foo()} and \method{_set_foo()}. \keyword{readonly}
attributes must not be changed; this is not enforced at
\item The types \code{short int}, \code{unsigned int}, \code{unsigned
long long}, and \code{boolean} all map to Python integer
\item The type \code{DOMString} maps to Python strings.
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} supports either byte or Unicode
strings, but will normally produce Unicode strings. Attributes
of type \code{DOMString} may also be \code{None}.
\item \keyword{const} declarations map to variables in their
respective scope
(e.g. \code{xml.dom.minidom.Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE});
they must not be changed.
\item \code{DOMException} is currently not supported in
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom}. Instead,
\refmodule{xml.dom.minidom} uses standard Python exceptions such
as \exception{TypeError} and \exception{AttributeError}.
\item \class{NodeList} objects are implemented as Python's built-in
list type, so don't support the official API, but are much more
\item \class{NamedNodeMap} is implemented by the class
\class{AttributeList}. This should not impact user code.
The following interfaces have no implementation in
\item DOMTimeStamp
\item DocumentType (added for Python 2.1)
\item DOMImplementation (added for Python 2.1)
\item CharacterData
\item CDATASection
\item Notation
\item Entity
\item EntityReference
\item DocumentFragment
Most of these reflect information in the XML document that is not of
general utility to most DOM users.
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