Commit efc28588 authored by Georg Brandl's avatar Georg Brandl

#7259: show correct equivalent for operator.i* operations in docstring; fix...

#7259: show correct equivalent for operator.i* operations in docstring; fix minor issues in operator docs.
parent 4ac6b93c
......@@ -117,6 +117,14 @@ The mathematical and bitwise operations are the most numerous:
.. versionadded:: 2.2
.. function:: index(a)
Return *a* converted to an integer. Equivalent to ``a.__index__()``.
.. versionadded:: 2.5
.. function:: inv(obj)
......@@ -149,7 +157,7 @@ The mathematical and bitwise operations are the most numerous:
.. function:: neg(obj)
Return *obj* negated.
Return *obj* negated (``-obj``).
.. function:: or_(a, b)
......@@ -161,7 +169,7 @@ The mathematical and bitwise operations are the most numerous:
.. function:: pos(obj)
Return *obj* positive.
Return *obj* positive (``+obj``).
.. function:: pow(a, b)
......@@ -199,15 +207,7 @@ The mathematical and bitwise operations are the most numerous:
Return the bitwise exclusive or of *a* and *b*.
.. function:: index(a)
Return *a* converted to an integer. Equivalent to ``a.__index__()``.
.. versionadded:: 2.5
Operations which work with sequences include:
Operations which work with sequences (some of them with mappings too) include:
.. function:: concat(a, b)
__concat__(a, b)
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ example, the :term:`statement` ``x += y`` is equivalent to
.. function:: ilshift(a, b)
__ilshift__(a, b)
``a = ilshift(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a <``\ ``<= b``.
``a = ilshift(a, b)`` is equivalent to ``a <<= b``.
.. versionadded:: 2.5
......@@ -572,79 +572,81 @@ Mapping Operators to Functions
This table shows how abstract operations correspond to operator symbols in the
Python syntax and the functions in the :mod:`operator` module.
| Operation | Syntax | Function |
| Addition | ``a + b`` | ``add(a, b)`` |
| Concatenation | ``seq1 + seq2`` | ``concat(seq1, seq2)`` |
| Containment Test | ``obj in seq`` | ``contains(seq, obj)`` |
| Division | ``a / b`` | ``div(a, b)`` (without |
| | | ``__future__.division``) |
| Division | ``a / b`` | ``truediv(a, b)`` (with |
| | | ``__future__.division``) |
| Division | ``a // b`` | ``floordiv(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise And | ``a & b`` | ``and_(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise Exclusive Or | ``a ^ b`` | ``xor(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise Inversion | ``~ a`` | ``invert(a)`` |
| Bitwise Or | ``a | b`` | ``or_(a, b)`` |
| Exponentiation | ``a ** b`` | ``pow(a, b)`` |
| Identity | ``a is b`` | ``is_(a, b)`` |
| Identity | ``a is not b`` | ``is_not(a, b)`` |
| Indexed Assignment | ``obj[k] = v`` | ``setitem(obj, k, v)`` |
| Indexed Deletion | ``del obj[k]`` | ``delitem(obj, k)`` |
| Indexing | ``obj[k]`` | ``getitem(obj, k)`` |
| Left Shift | ``a << b`` | ``lshift(a, b)`` |
| Modulo | ``a % b`` | ``mod(a, b)`` |
| Multiplication | ``a * b`` | ``mul(a, b)`` |
| Negation (Arithmetic) | ``- a`` | ``neg(a)`` |
| Negation (Logical) | ``not a`` | ``not_(a)`` |
| Right Shift | ``a >> b`` | ``rshift(a, b)`` |
| Sequence Repetition | ``seq * i`` | ``repeat(seq, i)`` |
| Slice Assignment | ``seq[i:j] = values`` | ``setslice(seq, i, j, values)`` |
| Slice Deletion | ``del seq[i:j]`` | ``delslice(seq, i, j)`` |
| Slicing | ``seq[i:j]`` | ``getslice(seq, i, j)`` |
| String Formatting | ``s % obj`` | ``mod(s, obj)`` |
| Subtraction | ``a - b`` | ``sub(a, b)`` |
| Truth Test | ``obj`` | ``truth(obj)`` |
| Ordering | ``a < b`` | ``lt(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a <= b`` | ``le(a, b)`` |
| Equality | ``a == b`` | ``eq(a, b)`` |
| Difference | ``a != b`` | ``ne(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a >= b`` | ``ge(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a > b`` | ``gt(a, b)`` |
| Operation | Syntax | Function |
| Addition | ``a + b`` | ``add(a, b)`` |
| Concatenation | ``seq1 + seq2`` | ``concat(seq1, seq2)`` |
| Containment Test | ``obj in seq`` | ``contains(seq, obj)`` |
| Division | ``a / b`` | ``div(a, b)`` (without |
| | | ``__future__.division``) |
| Division | ``a / b`` | ``truediv(a, b)`` (with |
| | | ``__future__.division``) |
| Division | ``a // b`` | ``floordiv(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise And | ``a & b`` | ``and_(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise Exclusive Or | ``a ^ b`` | ``xor(a, b)`` |
| Bitwise Inversion | ``~ a`` | ``invert(a)`` |
| Bitwise Or | ``a | b`` | ``or_(a, b)`` |
| Exponentiation | ``a ** b`` | ``pow(a, b)`` |
| Identity | ``a is b`` | ``is_(a, b)`` |
| Identity | ``a is not b`` | ``is_not(a, b)`` |
| Indexed Assignment | ``obj[k] = v`` | ``setitem(obj, k, v)`` |
| Indexed Deletion | ``del obj[k]`` | ``delitem(obj, k)`` |
| Indexing | ``obj[k]`` | ``getitem(obj, k)`` |
| Left Shift | ``a << b`` | ``lshift(a, b)`` |
| Modulo | ``a % b`` | ``mod(a, b)`` |
| Multiplication | ``a * b`` | ``mul(a, b)`` |
| Negation (Arithmetic) | ``- a`` | ``neg(a)`` |
| Negation (Logical) | ``not a`` | ``not_(a)`` |
| Positive | ``+ a`` | ``pos(a)`` |
| Right Shift | ``a >> b`` | ``rshift(a, b)`` |
| Sequence Repetition | ``seq * i`` | ``repeat(seq, i)`` |
| Slice Assignment | ``seq[i:j] = values`` | ``setitem(seq, slice(i, j), values)`` |
| Slice Deletion | ``del seq[i:j]`` | ``delitem(seq, slice(i, j))`` |
| Slicing | ``seq[i:j]`` | ``getitem(seq, slice(i, j))`` |
| String Formatting | ``s % obj`` | ``mod(s, obj)`` |
| Subtraction | ``a - b`` | ``sub(a, b)`` |
| Truth Test | ``obj`` | ``truth(obj)`` |
| Ordering | ``a < b`` | ``lt(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a <= b`` | ``le(a, b)`` |
| Equality | ``a == b`` | ``eq(a, b)`` |
| Difference | ``a != b`` | ``ne(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a >= b`` | ``ge(a, b)`` |
| Ordering | ``a > b`` | ``gt(a, b)`` |
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ PyDoc_STRVAR(operator_doc,
This module exports a set of functions implemented in C corresponding\n\
to the intrinsic operators of Python. For example, operator.add(x, y)\n\
is equivalent to the expression x+y. The function names are those\n\
used for special class methods; variants without leading and trailing\n\
used for special methods; variants without leading and trailing\n\
'__' are also provided for convenience.");
#define spam1(OP,AOP) static PyObject *OP(PyObject *s, PyObject *a1) { \
......@@ -277,26 +277,26 @@ spam2o(not_,__not__, "not_(a) -- Same as not a.")
spam2(and_,__and__, "and_(a, b) -- Same as a & b.")
spam2(xor,__xor__, "xor(a, b) -- Same as a ^ b.")
spam2(or_,__or__, "or_(a, b) -- Same as a | b.")
spam2(iadd,__iadd__, "iadd(a, b) -- Same as a += b.")
spam2(isub,__isub__, "isub(a, b) -- Same as a -= b.")
spam2(imul,__imul__, "imul(a, b) -- Same as a *= b.")
spam2(idiv,__idiv__, "idiv(a, b) -- Same as a /= b when __future__.division is not in effect.")
spam2(ifloordiv,__ifloordiv__, "ifloordiv(a, b) -- Same as a //= b.")
spam2(itruediv,__itruediv__, "itruediv(a, b) -- Same as a /= b when __future__.division is in effect.")
spam2(imod,__imod__, "imod(a, b) -- Same as a %= b.")
spam2(ilshift,__ilshift__, "ilshift(a, b) -- Same as a <<= b.")
spam2(irshift,__irshift__, "irshift(a, b) -- Same as a >>= b.")
spam2(iand,__iand__, "iand(a, b) -- Same as a &= b.")
spam2(ixor,__ixor__, "ixor(a, b) -- Same as a ^= b.")
spam2(ior,__ior__, "ior(a, b) -- Same as a |= b.")
spam2(iadd,__iadd__, "a = iadd(a, b) -- Same as a += b.")
spam2(isub,__isub__, "a = isub(a, b) -- Same as a -= b.")
spam2(imul,__imul__, "a = imul(a, b) -- Same as a *= b.")
spam2(idiv,__idiv__, "a = idiv(a, b) -- Same as a /= b when __future__.division is not in effect.")
spam2(ifloordiv,__ifloordiv__, "a = ifloordiv(a, b) -- Same as a //= b.")
spam2(itruediv,__itruediv__, "a = itruediv(a, b) -- Same as a /= b when __future__.division is in effect.")
spam2(imod,__imod__, "a = imod(a, b) -- Same as a %= b.")
spam2(ilshift,__ilshift__, "a = ilshift(a, b) -- Same as a <<= b.")
spam2(irshift,__irshift__, "a = irshift(a, b) -- Same as a >>= b.")
spam2(iand,__iand__, "a = iand(a, b) -- Same as a &= b.")
spam2(ixor,__ixor__, "a = ixor(a, b) -- Same as a ^= b.")
spam2(ior,__ior__, "a = ior(a, b) -- Same as a |= b.")
"concat(a, b) -- Same as a + b, for a and b sequences.")
"repeat(a, b) -- Return a * b, where a is a sequence, and b is an integer.")
"iconcat(a, b) -- Same as a += b, for a and b sequences.")
"a = iconcat(a, b) -- Same as a += b, for a and b sequences.")
"irepeat(a, b) -- Same as a *= b, where a is a sequence, and b is an integer.")
"a = irepeat(a, b) -- Same as a *= b, where a is a sequence, and b is an integer.")
"getitem(a, b) -- Same as a[b].")
......@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ spam2(setitem,__setitem__,
"delitem(a, b) -- Same as del a[b].")
spam2(pow,__pow__, "pow(a, b) -- Same as a ** b.")
spam2(ipow,__ipow__, "ipow(a, b) -- Same as a **= b.")
spam2(ipow,__ipow__, "a = ipow(a, b) -- Same as a **= b.")
"getslice(a, b, c) -- Same as a[b:c].")
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