Commit f1171209 authored by Jesus Cea's avatar Jesus Cea

Up-port changeset 5cf8f6da8743 (closes #11890)

parent 2ee75d55
......@@ -1065,8 +1065,6 @@ settrace() -- set the global debug tracing function\n\
/* end of sys_doc */ ;
/* Subversion branch and revision management */
static const char _patchlevel_revision[] = PY_PATCHLEVEL_REVISION;
static const char headurl[] = "$HeadURL$";
static int svn_initialized;
static char patchlevel_revision[50]; /* Just the number */
static char branch[50];
......@@ -1076,64 +1074,14 @@ static const char *svn_revision;
static void
const char *python, *br_start, *br_end, *br_end2, *svnversion;
Py_ssize_t len;
int istag = 0;
if (svn_initialized)
python = strstr(headurl, "/python/");
if (!python) {
strcpy(branch, "unknown branch");
svn_initialized = 1;
*patchlevel_revision = '\0';
strcpy(branch, "");
strcpy(shortbranch, "unknown");
else {
br_start = python + 8;
br_end = strchr(br_start, '/');
/* Works even for trunk,
as we are in trunk/Python/sysmodule.c */
br_end2 = strchr(br_end+1, '/');
istag = strncmp(br_start, "tags", 4) == 0;
if (strncmp(br_start, "trunk", 5) == 0) {
strcpy(branch, "trunk");
strcpy(shortbranch, "trunk");
else if (istag || strncmp(br_start, "branches", 8) == 0) {
len = br_end2 - br_start;
strncpy(branch, br_start, len);
branch[len] = '\0';
len = br_end2 - (br_end + 1);
strncpy(shortbranch, br_end + 1, len);
shortbranch[len] = '\0';
else {
Py_FatalError("bad HeadURL");
svnversion = _Py_svnversion();
if (strcmp(svnversion, "Unversioned directory") != 0 && strcmp(svnversion, "exported") != 0)
svn_revision = svnversion;
else if (istag) {
len = strlen(_patchlevel_revision);
assert(len >= 13);
assert(len < (sizeof(patchlevel_revision) + 13));
strncpy(patchlevel_revision, _patchlevel_revision + 11,
len - 13);
patchlevel_revision[len - 13] = '\0';
svn_revision = patchlevel_revision;
svn_revision = "";
svn_initialized = 1;
/* Return svnversion output if available.
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