Commit f40aca21 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Issue #19087: Improve bytearray allocation in order to allow cheap popping of...

Issue #19087: Improve bytearray allocation in order to allow cheap popping of data at the front (slice deletion).
parent e54917df
......@@ -22,10 +22,11 @@ extern "C" {
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
typedef struct {
Py_ssize_t ob_alloc; /* How many bytes allocated in ob_buffer */
char *ob_bytes; /* Physical backing buffer */
char *ob_start; /* Logical start inside ob_bytes */
/* XXX(nnorwitz): should ob_exports be Py_ssize_t? */
int ob_exports; /* how many buffer exports */
Py_ssize_t ob_alloc; /* How many bytes allocated */
char *ob_bytes;
int ob_exports; /* How many buffer exports */
} PyByteArrayObject;
......@@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ PyAPI_FUNC(int) PyByteArray_Resize(PyObject *, Py_ssize_t);
#ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
#define PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self) \
(assert(PyByteArray_Check(self)), \
Py_SIZE(self) ? ((PyByteArrayObject *)(self))->ob_bytes : _PyByteArray_empty_string)
#define PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) (assert(PyByteArray_Check(self)),Py_SIZE(self))
Py_SIZE(self) ? ((PyByteArrayObject *)(self))->ob_start : _PyByteArray_empty_string)
#define PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) (assert(PyByteArray_Check(self)), Py_SIZE(self))
PyAPI_DATA(char) _PyByteArray_empty_string[];
......@@ -909,6 +909,15 @@ class ByteArrayTest(BaseBytesTest, unittest.TestCase):
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
b[3:4] = elem
def test_setslice_extend(self):
# Exercise the resizing logic (see issue #19087)
b = bytearray(range(100))
self.assertEqual(list(b), list(range(100)))
del b[:10]
self.assertEqual(list(b), list(range(10, 100)))
b.extend(range(100, 110))
self.assertEqual(list(b), list(range(10, 110)))
def test_extended_set_del_slice(self):
indices = (0, None, 1, 3, 19, 300, 1<<333, -1, -2, -31, -300)
for start in indices:
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ class SizeofTest(unittest.TestCase):
samples = [b'', b'u'*100000]
for sample in samples:
x = bytearray(sample)
check(x, vsize('inP') + x.__alloc__())
check(x, vsize('n2Pi') + x.__alloc__())
# bytearray_iterator
check(iter(bytearray()), size('nP'))
# cell
......@@ -10,6 +10,9 @@ Projected release date: 2013-10-20
Core and Builtins
- Issue #19087: Improve bytearray allocation in order to allow cheap popping
of data at the front (slice deletion).
- Issue #19014: memoryview.cast() is now allowed on zero-length views.
- Issue #18690: memoryview is now automatically registered with
......@@ -150,6 +150,7 @@ PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(const char *bytes, Py_ssize_t size)
Py_SIZE(new) = size;
new->ob_alloc = alloc;
new->ob_start = new->ob_bytes;
new->ob_exports = 0;
return (PyObject *)new;
......@@ -177,30 +178,40 @@ int
PyByteArray_Resize(PyObject *self, Py_ssize_t size)
void *sval;
Py_ssize_t alloc = ((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_alloc;
PyByteArrayObject *obj = ((PyByteArrayObject *)self);
Py_ssize_t alloc = obj->ob_alloc;
Py_ssize_t logical_offset = obj->ob_start - obj->ob_bytes;
assert(self != NULL);
assert(size >= 0);
assert(logical_offset >= 0);
assert(logical_offset <= alloc);
if (size == Py_SIZE(self)) {
return 0;
if (!_canresize((PyByteArrayObject *)self)) {
if (!_canresize(obj)) {
return -1;
if (size + logical_offset + 1 < alloc) {
/* Current buffer is large enough to host the requested size,
decide on a strategy. */
if (size < alloc / 2) {
/* Major downsize; resize down to exact size */
alloc = size + 1;
else if (size < alloc) {
/* Within allocated size; quick exit */
else {
/* Minor downsize; quick exit */
Py_SIZE(self) = size;
((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_bytes[size] = '\0'; /* Trailing null */
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[size] = '\0'; /* Trailing null */
return 0;
else if (size <= alloc * 1.125) {
else {
/* Need growing, decide on a strategy */
if (size <= alloc * 1.125) {
/* Moderate upsize; overallocate similar to list_resize() */
alloc = size + (size >> 3) + (size < 9 ? 3 : 6);
......@@ -208,17 +219,29 @@ PyByteArray_Resize(PyObject *self, Py_ssize_t size)
/* Major upsize; resize up to exact size */
alloc = size + 1;
sval = PyObject_Realloc(((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_bytes, alloc);
if (logical_offset > 0) {
sval = PyObject_Malloc(alloc);
if (sval == NULL) {
return -1;
memcpy(sval, PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self), Py_MIN(size, Py_SIZE(self)));
else {
sval = PyObject_Realloc(obj->ob_bytes, alloc);
if (sval == NULL) {
return -1;
((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_bytes = sval;
obj->ob_bytes = obj->ob_start = sval;
Py_SIZE(self) = size;
((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_alloc = alloc;
((PyByteArrayObject *)self)->ob_bytes[size] = '\0'; /* Trailing null byte */
obj->ob_alloc = alloc;
obj->ob_bytes[size] = '\0'; /* Trailing null byte */
return 0;
......@@ -288,13 +311,13 @@ bytearray_iconcat(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *other)
if (size < self->ob_alloc) {
Py_SIZE(self) = size;
self->ob_bytes[Py_SIZE(self)] = '\0'; /* Trailing null byte */
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[Py_SIZE(self)] = '\0'; /* Trailing null byte */
else if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, size) < 0) {
return NULL;
memcpy(self->ob_bytes + mysize, vo.buf, vo.len);
memcpy(PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self) + mysize, vo.buf, vo.len);
return (PyObject *)self;
......@@ -331,6 +354,7 @@ bytearray_irepeat(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t count)
Py_ssize_t mysize;
Py_ssize_t size;
char *buf;
if (count < 0)
count = 0;
......@@ -338,19 +362,16 @@ bytearray_irepeat(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t count)
if (count > 0 && mysize > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / count)
return PyErr_NoMemory();
size = mysize * count;
if (size < self->ob_alloc) {
Py_SIZE(self) = size;
self->ob_bytes[Py_SIZE(self)] = '\0'; /* Trailing null byte */
else if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, size) < 0)
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, size) < 0)
return NULL;
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (mysize == 1)
memset(self->ob_bytes, self->ob_bytes[0], size);
memset(buf, buf[0], size);
else {
Py_ssize_t i;
for (i = 1; i < count; i++)
memcpy(self->ob_bytes + i*mysize, self->ob_bytes, mysize);
memcpy(buf + i*mysize, buf, mysize);
......@@ -366,7 +387,7 @@ bytearray_getitem(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t i)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "bytearray index out of range");
return NULL;
return PyLong_FromLong((unsigned char)(self->ob_bytes[i]));
return PyLong_FromLong((unsigned char)(PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[i]));
static PyObject *
......@@ -385,7 +406,7 @@ bytearray_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "bytearray index out of range");
return NULL;
return PyLong_FromLong((unsigned char)(self->ob_bytes[i]));
return PyLong_FromLong((unsigned char)(PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[i]));
else if (PySlice_Check(index)) {
Py_ssize_t start, stop, step, slicelength, cur, i;
......@@ -398,8 +419,8 @@ bytearray_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index)
if (slicelength <= 0)
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize("", 0);
else if (step == 1) {
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(self->ob_bytes + start,
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self) + start, slicelength);
else {
char *source_buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
......@@ -424,11 +445,69 @@ bytearray_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index)
static int
bytearray_setslice_linear(PyByteArrayObject *self,
Py_ssize_t lo, Py_ssize_t hi,
char *bytes, Py_ssize_t bytes_len)
Py_ssize_t avail = hi - lo;
char *buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
Py_ssize_t growth = bytes_len - avail;
assert(avail >= 0);
if (growth != 0) {
if (growth < 0) {
if (!_canresize(self))
return -1;
if (lo == 0) {
/* Shrink the buffer by advancing its logical start */
self->ob_start -= growth;
0 lo hi old_size
| |<----avail----->|<-----tail------>|
| |<-bytes_len->|<-----tail------>|
0 new_lo new_hi new_size
else {
0 lo hi old_size
| |<----avail----->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<-bytes_len->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(buf + lo + bytes_len, buf + hi,
Py_SIZE(self) - hi);
/* XXX(nnorwitz): need to verify this can't overflow! */
if (PyByteArray_Resize(
(PyObject *)self, Py_SIZE(self) + growth) < 0)
return -1;
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (growth > 0) {
/* Make the place for the additional bytes */
0 lo hi old_size
| |<-avail->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<---bytes_len-->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(buf + lo + bytes_len, buf + hi,
Py_SIZE(self) - lo - bytes_len);
if (bytes_len > 0)
memcpy(buf + lo, bytes, bytes_len);
return 0;
static int
bytearray_setslice(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t lo, Py_ssize_t hi,
PyObject *values)
Py_ssize_t avail, needed;
Py_ssize_t needed;
void *bytes;
Py_buffer vbytes;
int res = 0;
......@@ -467,48 +546,7 @@ bytearray_setslice(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t lo, Py_ssize_t hi,
if (hi > Py_SIZE(self))
hi = Py_SIZE(self);
avail = hi - lo;
if (avail < 0)
lo = hi = avail = 0;
if (avail != needed) {
if (avail > needed) {
if (!_canresize(self)) {
res = -1;
goto finish;
0 lo hi old_size
| |<----avail----->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<-needed->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(self->ob_bytes + lo + needed, self->ob_bytes + hi,
Py_SIZE(self) - hi);
/* XXX(nnorwitz): need to verify this can't overflow! */
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self,
Py_SIZE(self) + needed - avail) < 0) {
res = -1;
goto finish;
if (avail < needed) {
0 lo hi old_size
| |<-avail->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<----needed---->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(self->ob_bytes + lo + needed, self->ob_bytes + hi,
Py_SIZE(self) - lo - needed);
if (needed > 0)
memcpy(self->ob_bytes + lo, bytes, needed);
res = bytearray_setslice_linear(self, lo, hi, bytes, needed);
if (vbytes.len != -1)
return res;
......@@ -533,7 +571,7 @@ bytearray_setitem(PyByteArrayObject *self, Py_ssize_t i, PyObject *value)
if (!_getbytevalue(value, &ival))
return -1;
self->ob_bytes[i] = ival;
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[i] = ival;
return 0;
......@@ -541,7 +579,8 @@ static int
bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *values)
Py_ssize_t start, stop, step, slicelen, needed;
char *bytes;
char *buf, *bytes;
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (PyIndex_Check(index)) {
Py_ssize_t i = PyNumber_AsSsize_t(index, PyExc_IndexError);
......@@ -568,7 +607,7 @@ bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *valu
int ival;
if (!_getbytevalue(values, &ival))
return -1;
self->ob_bytes[i] = (char)ival;
buf[i] = (char)ival;
return 0;
......@@ -606,7 +645,7 @@ bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *valu
else {
bytes = ((PyByteArrayObject *)values)->ob_bytes;
bytes = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(values);
needed = Py_SIZE(values);
/* Make sure b[5:2] = ... inserts before 5, not before 2. */
......@@ -614,38 +653,7 @@ bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *valu
(step > 0 && start > stop))
stop = start;
if (step == 1) {
if (slicelen != needed) {
if (!_canresize(self))
return -1;
if (slicelen > needed) {
0 start stop old_size
| |<---slicelen--->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<-needed->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(self->ob_bytes + start + needed, self->ob_bytes + stop,
Py_SIZE(self) - stop);
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self,
Py_SIZE(self) + needed - slicelen) < 0)
return -1;
if (slicelen < needed) {
0 lo hi old_size
| |<-avail->|<-----tomove------>|
| |<----needed---->|<-----tomove------>|
0 lo new_hi new_size
memmove(self->ob_bytes + start + needed, self->ob_bytes + stop,
Py_SIZE(self) - start - needed);
if (needed > 0)
memcpy(self->ob_bytes + start, bytes, needed);
return 0;
return bytearray_setslice_linear(self, start, stop, bytes, needed);
else {
if (needed == 0) {
......@@ -672,14 +680,14 @@ bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *valu
if (cur + step >= (size_t)PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self))
lim = PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) - cur - 1;
memmove(self->ob_bytes + cur - i,
self->ob_bytes + cur + 1, lim);
memmove(buf + cur - i,
buf + cur + 1, lim);
/* Move the tail of the bytes, in one chunk */
cur = start + (size_t)slicelen*step;
if (cur < (size_t)PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self)) {
memmove(self->ob_bytes + cur - slicelen,
self->ob_bytes + cur,
memmove(buf + cur - slicelen,
buf + cur,
PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(self) - cur);
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self,
......@@ -701,7 +709,7 @@ bytearray_ass_subscript(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *index, PyObject *valu
return -1;
for (cur = start, i = 0; i < slicelen; cur += step, i++)
self->ob_bytes[cur] = bytes[i];
buf[cur] = bytes[i];
return 0;
......@@ -781,7 +789,7 @@ bytearray_init(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
if (count > 0) {
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, count))
return -1;
memset(self->ob_bytes, 0, count);
memset(PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self), 0, count);
return 0;
......@@ -794,7 +802,8 @@ bytearray_init(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
return -1;
size = view.len;
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, size) < 0) goto fail;
if (PyBuffer_ToContiguous(self->ob_bytes, &view, size, 'C') < 0)
if (PyBuffer_ToContiguous(PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self),
&view, size, 'C') < 0)
goto fail;
return 0;
......@@ -838,7 +847,7 @@ bytearray_init(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
else if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, Py_SIZE(self)+1) < 0)
goto error;
self->ob_bytes[Py_SIZE(self)-1] = value;
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[Py_SIZE(self)-1] = value;
/* Clean up and return success */
......@@ -863,6 +872,7 @@ bytearray_repr(PyByteArrayObject *self)
size_t newsize;
PyObject *v;
Py_ssize_t i;
char *bytes;
char c;
char *p;
int quote;
......@@ -899,11 +909,12 @@ bytearray_repr(PyByteArrayObject *self)
*p++ = *quote_prefix++;
*p++ = quote;
bytes = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
/* There's at least enough room for a hex escape
and a closing quote. */
assert(newsize - (p - buffer) >= 5);
c = self->ob_bytes[i];
c = bytes[i];
if (c == '\'' || c == '\\')
*p++ = '\\', *p++ = c;
else if (c == '\t')
......@@ -2194,7 +2205,7 @@ bytearray_reverse(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *unused)
Py_ssize_t i, j, n = Py_SIZE(self);
j = n / 2;
head = self->ob_bytes;
head = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
tail = head + n - 1;
for (i = 0; i < j; i++) {
swap = *head;
......@@ -2215,6 +2226,7 @@ bytearray_insert(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
PyObject *value;
int ival;
Py_ssize_t where, n = Py_SIZE(self);
char *buf;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "nO:insert", &where, &value))
return NULL;
......@@ -2228,6 +2240,7 @@ bytearray_insert(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
return NULL;
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, n + 1) < 0)
return NULL;
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (where < 0) {
where += n;
......@@ -2236,8 +2249,8 @@ bytearray_insert(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
if (where > n)
where = n;
memmove(self->ob_bytes + where + 1, self->ob_bytes + where, n - where);
self->ob_bytes[where] = ival;
memmove(buf + where + 1, buf + where, n - where);
buf[where] = ival;
......@@ -2262,7 +2275,7 @@ bytearray_append(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *arg)
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, n + 1) < 0)
return NULL;
self->ob_bytes[n] = value;
PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self)[n] = value;
......@@ -2355,6 +2368,7 @@ bytearray_pop(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
int value;
Py_ssize_t where = -1, n = Py_SIZE(self);
char *buf;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|n:pop", &where))
return NULL;
......@@ -2373,8 +2387,9 @@ bytearray_pop(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
if (!_canresize(self))
return NULL;
value = self->ob_bytes[where];
memmove(self->ob_bytes + where, self->ob_bytes + where + 1, n - where);
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
value = buf[where];
memmove(buf + where, buf + where + 1, n - where);
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, n - 1) < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -2390,12 +2405,13 @@ bytearray_remove(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *arg)
int value;
Py_ssize_t where, n = Py_SIZE(self);
char *buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (! _getbytevalue(arg, &value))
return NULL;
for (where = 0; where < n; where++) {
if (self->ob_bytes[where] == value)
if (buf[where] == value)
if (where == n) {
......@@ -2405,7 +2421,7 @@ bytearray_remove(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *arg)
if (!_canresize(self))
return NULL;
memmove(self->ob_bytes + where, self->ob_bytes + where + 1, n - where);
memmove(buf + where, buf + where + 1, n - where);
if (PyByteArray_Resize((PyObject *)self, n - 1) < 0)
return NULL;
......@@ -2459,7 +2475,7 @@ bytearray_strip(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
argptr = varg.buf;
argsize = varg.len;
myptr = self->ob_bytes;
myptr = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
mysize = Py_SIZE(self);
left = lstrip_helper(myptr, mysize, argptr, argsize);
if (left == mysize)
......@@ -2468,7 +2484,7 @@ bytearray_strip(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
right = rstrip_helper(myptr, mysize, argptr, argsize);
if (arg != Py_None)
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(self->ob_bytes + left, right - left);
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(myptr + left, right - left);
......@@ -2496,13 +2512,13 @@ bytearray_lstrip(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
argptr = varg.buf;
argsize = varg.len;
myptr = self->ob_bytes;
myptr = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
mysize = Py_SIZE(self);
left = lstrip_helper(myptr, mysize, argptr, argsize);
right = mysize;
if (arg != Py_None)
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(self->ob_bytes + left, right - left);
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(myptr + left, right - left);
......@@ -2530,12 +2546,12 @@ bytearray_rstrip(PyByteArrayObject *self, PyObject *args)
argptr = varg.buf;
argsize = varg.len;
myptr = self->ob_bytes;
myptr = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
mysize = Py_SIZE(self);
right = rstrip_helper(myptr, mysize, argptr, argsize);
if (arg != Py_None)
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(self->ob_bytes, right);
return PyByteArray_FromStringAndSize(myptr, right);
......@@ -2686,6 +2702,7 @@ _common_reduce(PyByteArrayObject *self, int proto)
PyObject *dict;
char *buf;
dict = _PyObject_GetAttrId((PyObject *)self, &PyId___dict__);
if (dict == NULL) {
......@@ -2694,19 +2711,20 @@ _common_reduce(PyByteArrayObject *self, int proto)
buf = PyByteArray_AS_STRING(self);
if (proto < 3) {
/* use str based reduction for backwards compatibility with Python 2.x */
PyObject *latin1;
if (self->ob_bytes)
latin1 = PyUnicode_DecodeLatin1(self->ob_bytes, Py_SIZE(self), NULL);
if (Py_SIZE(self))
latin1 = PyUnicode_DecodeLatin1(buf, Py_SIZE(self), NULL);
latin1 = PyUnicode_FromString("");
return Py_BuildValue("(O(Ns)N)", Py_TYPE(self), latin1, "latin-1", dict);
else {
/* use more efficient byte based reduction */
if (self->ob_bytes) {
return Py_BuildValue("(O(y#)N)", Py_TYPE(self), self->ob_bytes, Py_SIZE(self), dict);
if (Py_SIZE(self)) {
return Py_BuildValue("(O(y#)N)", Py_TYPE(self), buf, Py_SIZE(self), dict);
else {
return Py_BuildValue("(O()N)", Py_TYPE(self), dict);
......@@ -2938,7 +2956,7 @@ bytearrayiter_next(bytesiterobject *it)
if (it->it_index < PyByteArray_GET_SIZE(seq)) {
item = PyLong_FromLong(
(unsigned char)seq->ob_bytes[it->it_index]);
(unsigned char)PyByteArray_AS_STRING(seq)[it->it_index]);
if (item != NULL)
return item;
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