Commit f6e90271 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Refactor the generation of signature lines for funcdesc, methoddesc,

and friends.  This was part of the changes to the presentation of
signature lines, but does not include any of the aspects that people
parent a96b0df6
......@@ -172,8 +172,6 @@ sub do_cmd_optional{
# output files for users that read them over the network rather than
# from local repositories.
# \file and \samp are at the end of this file since they screw up fontlock.
sub do_cmd_pytype{ return @_[0]; }
sub do_cmd_makevar{
return use_wrappers(@_[0], '<span class="makevar">', '</span>'); }
......@@ -905,7 +903,7 @@ sub get_refcount($$){
$TLSTART = '<span class="typelabel">';
$TLEND = '</span>';
$TLEND = '</span>&nbsp;';
sub cfuncline_helper($$$){
my($type, $name, $args) = @_;
......@@ -1017,6 +1015,12 @@ sub convert_args($){
return translate_commands($_);
sub funcline_helper($$$){
my($first, $idxitem, $arglist) = @_;
return (($first ? '<dl>' : '')
. "<dt><b>$idxitem</b>(<var>$arglist</var>)\n<dd>");
sub do_env_funcdesc{
local($_) = @_;
my $function_name = next_argument();
......@@ -1026,18 +1030,15 @@ sub do_env_funcdesc{
. get_indexsubitem());
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
$idx =~ s/\(\)<\/tt>/<\/tt>/;
return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
return funcline_helper(1, $idx, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
sub do_env_funcdescni{
local($_) = @_;
my $function_name = next_argument();
my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
return "<dl><dt><b><tt class=\"function\">$function_name</tt></b>"
. "(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n"
. '<dd>'
. $_
. '</dl>';
my $prefix = "<tt class=\"function\">$function_name</tt>";
return funcline_helper(1, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
sub do_cmd_funcline{
......@@ -1048,7 +1049,7 @@ sub do_cmd_funcline{
my $idx = make_str_index_entry($prefix . get_indexsubitem());
$prefix =~ s/\(\)//;
return "<dt><b>$prefix</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>" . $_;
return funcline_helper(0, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_;
sub do_cmd_funclineni{
......@@ -1057,7 +1058,7 @@ sub do_cmd_funclineni{
my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
my $prefix = "<tt class=\"function\">$function_name</tt>";
return "<dt><b>$prefix</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>" . $_;
return funcline_helper(0, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_;
# Change this flag to index the opcode entries. I don't think it's very
......@@ -1123,7 +1124,7 @@ sub do_env_excdesc{
local($_) = @_;
my $excname = next_argument();
my $idx = make_str_index_entry("<tt class=\"exception\">$excname</tt>");
return ("<dl><dt><b>${TLSTART}exception$TLEND $idx</b>"
return ("<dl><dt><b>${TLSTART}exception$TLEND$idx</b>"
. "\n<dd>"
. $_
. '</dl>');
......@@ -1139,10 +1140,8 @@ sub handle_classlike_descriptor($$){
$idx = make_str_index_entry(
"<tt class=\"$what\">$THIS_CLASS</tt> ($what in $THIS_MODULE)" );
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
return ("<dl><dt><b>$TLSTART$what$TLEND $idx</b>"
. "(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>"
. $_
. '</dl>');
my $prefix = "$TLSTART$what$TLEND$idx";
return funcline_helper(1, $prefix, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
sub do_env_classdesc{
......@@ -1155,9 +1154,9 @@ sub do_env_classdescstar{
$idx = make_str_index_entry(
"<tt class=\"class\">$THIS_CLASS</tt> (class in $THIS_MODULE)");
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
return ("<dl><dt><b>${TLSTART}class$TLEND $idx</b>\n<dd>"
. $_
. '</dl>');
my $prefix = "${TLSTART}class$TLEND$idx";
# Can't use funcline_helper() since there is no args list.
return "<dl><dt><b>$prefix</b>\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
sub do_env_excclassdesc{
......@@ -1180,7 +1179,7 @@ sub do_env_methoddesc{
"<tt class=\"method\">$method()</tt>$extra");
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
$idx =~ s/\(\)//;
return "<dl><dt><b>$idx</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>" . $_ . '</dl>';
return funcline_helper(1, $idx, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
......@@ -1199,8 +1198,7 @@ sub do_cmd_methodline{
"<tt class=\"method\">$method()</tt>$extra");
$idx =~ s/ \(.*\)//;
$idx =~ s/\(\)//;
return "<dt><b>$idx</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>"
. $_;
return funcline_helper(0, $idx, $arg_list) . $_;
......@@ -1209,8 +1207,7 @@ sub do_cmd_methodlineni{
my $method = next_argument();
my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
return "<dt><b>$method</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>"
. $_;
return funcline_helper(0, $method, $arg_list) . $_;
sub do_env_methoddescni{
......@@ -1218,9 +1215,7 @@ sub do_env_methoddescni{
my $method = next_argument();
my $arg_list = convert_args(next_argument());
return "<dl><dt><b>$method</b>(<var>$arg_list</var>)\n<dd>"
. $_
. '</dl>';
return funcline_helper(1, $method, $arg_list) . $_ . '</dl>';
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