Commit f78056b4 authored by Greg Ward's avatar Greg Ward

Added 'byte_compile(): an all-singing, all-dancing wrapper around the

standard 'py_compile.compile()' function.  Laundry list of features:
  - handles standard Distutils 'force', 'verbose', 'dry_run' flags
  - handles various levels of optimization: can compile directly in
    this interpreter process, or write a temporary script that is
    then executed by a new interpreter with the appropriate flags
  - can rewrite the source filename by stripping an optional prefix
    and preprending an optional base dir.
parent c1c12ecd
......@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ one of the other * modules.
__revision__ = "$Id$"
import sys, os, string, re, shutil
from distutils.errors import *
import sys, os, string, re
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.dep_util import newer
from distutils.spawn import spawn
......@@ -289,3 +290,129 @@ def strtobool (val):
return 0
raise ValueError, "invalid truth value %s" % `val`
def byte_compile (py_files,
optimize=0, force=0,
prefix=None, base_dir=None,
verbose=1, dry_run=0,
"""Byte-compile a collection of Python source files to either
.pyc or .pyo files in the same directory. 'optimize' must be
one of the following:
0 - don't optimize (generate .pyc)
1 - normal optimization (like "python -O")
2 - extra optimization (like "python -OO")
If 'force' is true, all files are recompiled regardless of
The source filename encoded in each bytecode file defaults to the
filenames listed in 'py_files'; you can modify these with 'prefix' and
'basedir'. 'prefix' is a string that will be stripped off of each
source filename, and 'base_dir' is a directory name that will be
prepended (after 'prefix' is stripped). You can supply either or both
(or neither) of 'prefix' and 'base_dir', as you wish.
If 'verbose' is true, prints out a report of each file. If 'dry_run'
is true, doesn't actually do anything that would affect the filesystem.
Byte-compilation is either done directly in this interpreter process
with the standard py_compile module, or indirectly by writing a
temporary script and executing it. Normally, you should let
'byte_compile()' figure out to use direct compilation or not (see
the source for details). The 'direct' flag is used by the script
generated in indirect mode; unless you know what you're doing, leave
it set to None.
# First, if the caller didn't force us into direct or indirect mode,
# figure out which mode we should be in. We take a conservative
# approach: choose direct mode *only* if the current interpreter is
# in debug mode and optimize is 0. If we're not in debug mode (-O
# or -OO), we don't know which level of optimization this
# interpreter is running with, so we can't do direct
# byte-compilation and be certain that it's the right thing. Thus,
# always compile indirectly if the current interpreter is in either
# optimize mode, or if either optimization level was requested by
# the caller.
if direct is None:
direct = (__debug__ and optimize == 0)
# "Indirect" byte-compilation: write a temporary script and then
# run it with the appropriate flags.
if not direct:
from tempfile import mktemp
script_name = mktemp(".py")
if verbose:
print "writing byte-compilation script '%s'" % script_name
if not dry_run:
script = open(script_name, "w")
from distutils.util import byte_compile
files = [
script.write(string.join(map(repr, py_files), ",\n") + "]\n")
byte_compile(files, optimize=%s, force=%s,
prefix=%s, base_dir=%s,
verbose=%s, dry_run=0,
""" % (`optimize`, `force`, `prefix`, `base_dir`, `verbose`))
cmd = [sys.executable, script_name]
if optimize == 1:
cmd.insert(1, "-O")
elif optimize == 2:
cmd.insert(1, "-OO")
spawn(cmd, verbose=verbose, dry_run=dry_run)
# "Direct" byte-compilation: use the py_compile module to compile
# right here, right now. Note that the script generated in indirect
# mode simply calls 'byte_compile()' in direct mode, a weird sort of
# cross-process recursion. Hey, it works!
from py_compile import compile
for file in py_files:
if file[-3:] != ".py":
raise ValueError, \
"invalid filename: %s doesn't end with '.py'" % `file`
# Terminology from the py_compile module:
# cfile - byte-compiled file
# dfile - purported source filename (same as 'file' by default)
cfile = file + (__debug__ and "c" or "o")
dfile = file
if prefix:
if file[:len(prefix)] != prefix:
raise ValueError, \
("invalid prefix: filename %s doesn't start with %s"
% (`file`, `prefix`))
dfile = dfile[len(prefix):]
if base_dir:
dfile = os.path.join(base_dir, dfile)
cfile_base = os.path.basename(cfile)
if direct:
if force or newer(file, cfile):
if verbose:
print "byte-compiling %s to %s" % (file, cfile_base)
if not dry_run:
compile(file, cfile, dfile)
if verbose:
print "skipping byte-compilation of %s to %s" % \
(file, cfile_base)
# byte_compile ()
if __name__ == "__main__":
import glob
f = glob.glob("command/*.py")
byte_compile(f, optimize=0, prefix="command/", base_dir="/usr/lib/python")
#byte_compile(f, optimize=1)
#byte_compile(f, optimize=2)
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