Commit f7ba44a6 authored by Zachary Ware's avatar Zachary Ware

Issue #3158: Relax new doctests a bit.

Apparently, the number of objects with docstrings in builtins varies
with --with-pydebug (non-debug has one fewer).

Also, skip the new tests entirely if built --without-doc-strings.
parent 058c2f4f
......@@ -409,7 +409,8 @@ Compare `DocTestCase`:
def test_DocTestFinder(): r"""
class test_DocTestFinder:
def basics(): r"""
Unit tests for the `DocTestFinder` class.
DocTestFinder is used to extract DocTests from an object's docstring
......@@ -644,6 +645,10 @@ DocTestFinder finds the line number of each example:
>>> test = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(f)[0]
>>> [e.lineno for e in test.examples]
[1, 9, 12]
if int.__doc__: # simple check for --without-doc-strings, skip if lacking
def non_Python_modules(): r"""
Finding Doctests in Modules Not Written in Python
......@@ -653,10 +658,10 @@ plain ol' Python and is guaranteed to be available.
>>> import builtins
>>> tests = doctest.DocTestFinder().find(builtins)
>>> len(tests) # how many objects checked for doctests
>>> 790 < len(tests) < 800 # approximate number of objects with docstrings
>>> real_tests = [t for t in tests if len(t.examples) > 0]
>>> len(real_tests) # how many objects actually have doctests
>>> len(real_tests) # objects that actually have doctests
>>> for t in real_tests:
... print('{} {}'.format(len(t.examples),
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