Commit fb33b9a0 authored by Antoine Pitrou's avatar Antoine Pitrou

Issue #13872: socket.detach() now marks the socket closed (as mirrored in the socket repr()).

Patch by Matt Joiner.
parents bedc9ea2 cb527fce
......@@ -199,6 +199,17 @@ class socket(_socket.socket):
if self._io_refs <= 0:
def detach(self):
"""detach() -> file descriptor
Close the socket object without closing the underlying file descriptor.
The object cannot be used after this call, but the file descriptor
can be reused for other purposes. The file descriptor is returned.
self._closed = True
return super().detach()
def fromfd(fd, family, type, proto=0):
""" fromfd(fd, family, type[, proto]) -> socket object
......@@ -1574,6 +1574,7 @@ class BasicTCPTest(SocketConnectedTest):
f = self.cli_conn.detach()
self.assertEqual(f, fileno)
# cli_conn cannot be used anymore...
self.assertRaises(socket.error, self.cli_conn.recv, 1024)
# ...but we can create another socket using the (still open)
......@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Core and Builtins
- Issue #13872: socket.detach() now marks the socket closed (as mirrored
in the socket repr()). Patch by Matt Joiner.
- Issue #14406: Fix a race condition when using ``concurrent.futures.wait(
return_when=ALL_COMPLETED)``. Patch by Matt Joiner.
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