Commit fc71026c authored by Jack Jansen's avatar Jack Jansen

Subclasses of ObjectSpecifier can now be packed and unpacked. This allows

you to say something like "talker.count(want=Address_Book.people)" in
stead of having to manually create the aetypes.Type(Address_Book.people.want)
OSA type.
parent 397e9142
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import MacOS
import Carbon.File
import StringIO
import aetypes
from aetypes import mkenum, mktype
from aetypes import mkenum, ObjectSpecifier
import os
# These ones seem to be missing from AppleEvents
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ def pack(x, forcetype = None):
if isinstance(x, StringType):
return AE.AECreateDesc('TEXT', x)
if isinstance(x, UnicodeType):
data = t.encode('utf16')
data = x.encode('utf16')
if data[:2] == '\xfe\xff':
data = data[2:]
return AE.AECreateDesc('utxt', data)
......@@ -114,6 +114,9 @@ def pack(x, forcetype = None):
packkey(record, key, value)
#record.AEPutParamDesc(key, pack(value))
return record
if type(x) == types.ClassType and issubclass(x, ObjectSpecifier):
# Note: we are getting a class object here, not an instance
return AE.AECreateDesc('type', x.want)
if hasattr(x, '__aepack__'):
return x.__aepack__()
if hasattr(x, 'which'):
......@@ -231,7 +234,7 @@ def unpack(desc, formodulename=""):
if t == typeTrue:
return 1
if t == typeType:
return mktype(
return mktype(, formodulename)
# The following are special
......@@ -339,11 +342,25 @@ def mkobject(dict):
# to __class__ is safe. Moreover, shouldn't there be a better
# initializer for the classes in the suites?
def mkobjectfrommodule(dict, modulename):
if type(dict['want']) == types.ClassType and issubclass(dict['want'], ObjectSpecifier):
# The type has already been converted to Python. Convert back:-(
classtype = dict['want']
dict['want'] = aetypes.mktype(classtype.want)
want = dict['want'].type
module = __import__(modulename)
codenamemapper = module._classdeclarations
classtype = codenamemapper.get(want, None)
newobj = mkobject(dict)
if classtype:
assert issubclass(classtype, ObjectSpecifier)
newobj.__class__ = classtype
return newobj
def mktype(typecode, modulename=None):
if modulename:
module = __import__(modulename)
codenamemapper = module._classdeclarations
classtype = codenamemapper.get(typecode, None)
if classtype:
return classtype
return aetypes.mktype(typecode)
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