Commit fcbc4263 authored by Martin v. Löwis's avatar Martin v. Löwis

Patch #1470875: Building Python with MS Free Compiler.

parent e0f148c2
......@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ Library
- Patch #1470875: Building Python with MS Free Compiler
- Patch #1161914: Add a python-config script.
- Patch #1324762:Remove; replace --with-cxx with
--with-cxx-main. Link with C++ compiler only if --with-cxx-main was
specified. (Can be overridden by explicitly setting LINKCC.) Decouple
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<target name="all" description="Build all targets.">
<solution configuration="release">
<include name="db_static.vcproj" />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<target name="all" description="Build all targets.">
<solution configuration="release">
<include name="make_versioninfo.vcproj" />
<exec program="make_versioninfo" output="pythonnt_rc.h" />
<solution configuration="release" solutionfile="pcbuild.sln">
<include name="_tkinter.vcproj" />
<include name="bz2.vcproj" />
<include name="_bsddb.vcproj" />
<include name="_sqlite3.vcproj" />
<include name="_ssl.vcproj" />
......@@ -273,6 +273,143 @@ The build process for the ReleaseAMD64 configuration is very similar
to the Itanium configuration; make sure you use the latest version of
Building Python Using the free MS Toolkit Compiler
The build process for Visual C++ can be used almost unchanged with the free MS
Toolkit Compiler. This provides a way of building Python using freely
available software.
To build Python, the following tools are required:
* The Visual C++ Toolkit Compiler
* A recent Platform SDK
* The .NET 1.1 SDK
[Does anyone have better URLs for the last 2 of these?]
The toolkit compiler is needed as it is an optimising compiler (the
compiler supplied with the .NET SDK is a non-optimising version). The
platform SDK is needed to provide the Windows header files and libraries
(the Windows 2003 Server SP1 edition, typical install, is known to work -
other configurations or versions are probably fine as well). The .NET 1.1
SDK is needed because it contains a version of msvcrt.dll which links to
the msvcr71.dll CRT. Note that the .NET 2.0 SDK is NOT acceptable, as it
references msvcr80.dll.
All of the above items should be installed as normal.
If you intend to build the openssl (needed for the _ssl extension) you
will need the C runtime sources installed as part of the platform SDK.
In addition, you will need Nant, available from The 0.85 release candidate 3 version is known
to work. This is the latest released version at the time of writing. Later
"nightly build" versions are known NOT to work - it is not clear at
present whether future released versions will work.
Setting up the environment
Start a platform SDK "build environment window" from the start menu. The
"Windows XP 32-bit retail" version is known to work.
Add the following directories to your PATH:
* The toolkit compiler directory
* The SDK "Win64" binaries directory
* The Nant directory
Add to your INCLUDE environment variable:
* The toolkit compiler INCLUDE directory
Add to your LIB environment variable:
* The toolkit compiler LIB directory
* The .NET SDK Visual Studio 2003 VC7\lib directory
The following commands should set things up as you need them:
rem Set these values according to where you installed the software
set TOOLKIT=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
set SDK=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK
set NET=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
set NANT=C:\Utils\Nant
set PATH=%TOOLKIT%\bin;%PATH%;%SDK%\Bin\win64;%NANT%\bin
set LIB=%TOOLKIT%\lib;%NET%\VC7\lib;%LIB%
The "win64" directory from the SDK is added to supply executables such as
"cvtres" and "lib", which are not available elsewhere. The versions in the
"win64" directory are 32-bit programs, so they are fine to use here.
That's it. To build Python (the core only, no binary extensions which
depend on external libraries) you just need to issue the command
nant all
from within the PCBuild directory.
Extension modules
To build those extension modules which require external libraries
(_tkinter, bz2, _bsddb, _sqlite3, _ssl) you can follow the instructions
for the Visual Studio build above, with a few minor modifications. These
instructions have only been tested using the sources in the Python
subversion repository - building from original sources should work, but
has not been tested.
For each extension module you wish to build, you should remove the
associated include line from the excludeprojects section of
The changes required are:
The tix makefile (tix-8.4.0\win\ must be modified to
remove references to TOOLS32. The relevant lines should be changed to
cc32 = cl.exe
link32 = link.exe
include32 =
The remainder of the build instructions will work as given.
No changes are needed
The file should be copied from the Python PCBuild directory
to the directory db-4.4.20\build_win32.
The file db_static.vcproj in db-4.4.20\build_win32 sould be edited to
remove the string "$(SolutionDir)" - this occurs in 2 places, only
relevant for 64-bit builds. (The edit is required as otherwise, nant
wants to read the solution file, which is not in a suitable form).
The bsddb library can then be build with the command
nant all
run from the db-4.4.20\build_win32 directory.
No changes are needed. However, in order for the tests to succeed, a
copy of sqlite3.dll must be downloaded, and placed alongside
The documented build process works as written. However, it needs a
copy of the file setargv.obj, which is not supplied in the platform
SDK. However, the sources are available (in the crt source code). To
build setargv.obj, proceed as follows:
Copy setargv.c, cruntime.h and internal.h from %SDK%\src\crt to a
temporary directory.
Compile using "cl /c /I. /MD /D_CRTBLD setargv.c"
Copy the resulting setargv.obj to somewhere on your LIB environment
(%SDK%\lib is a reasonable place).
With setargv.obj in place, the standard build process should work
If you want to create your own extension module DLL, there's an example
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