Commit fcbe1df4 authored by Steve Dower's avatar Steve Dower

Issue #25027: Reverts partial-static build options and adds vcruntime140.dll...

Issue #25027: Reverts partial-static build options and adds vcruntime140.dll to Windows installation.
parent 0130e299
......@@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ for older versions in distutils.msvc9compiler and distutils.msvccompiler.
# ported to VS 2015 by Steve Dower
import os
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
from distutils.errors import DistutilsExecError, DistutilsPlatformError, \
......@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ from distutils.util import get_platform
import winreg
from itertools import count
def _find_vcvarsall():
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
with winreg.OpenKeyEx(
......@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ def _find_vcvarsall():
) as key:
if not key:
log.debug("Visual C++ is not registered")
return None
return None, None
best_version = 0
best_dir = None
......@@ -51,14 +53,23 @@ def _find_vcvarsall():
best_version, best_dir = version, vc_dir
if not best_version:
log.debug("No suitable Visual C++ version found")
return None
return None, None
vcvarsall = os.path.join(best_dir, "vcvarsall.bat")
if not os.path.isfile(vcvarsall):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcvarsall)
return None
return None, None
vcruntime = None
vcruntime_spec = _VCVARS_PLAT_TO_VCRUNTIME_REDIST.get(plat_spec)
if vcruntime_spec:
vcruntime = os.path.join(best_dir,
if not os.path.isfile(vcruntime):
log.debug("%s cannot be found", vcruntime)
vcruntime = None
return vcvarsall
return vcvarsall, vcruntime
def _get_vc_env(plat_spec):
if os.getenv("DISTUTILS_USE_SDK"):
......@@ -67,7 +78,7 @@ def _get_vc_env(plat_spec):
for key, value in os.environ.items()
vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall()
vcvarsall, vcruntime = _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec)
if not vcvarsall:
raise DistutilsPlatformError("Unable to find vcvarsall.bat")
......@@ -83,13 +94,17 @@ def _get_vc_env(plat_spec):
raise DistutilsPlatformError("Error executing {}"
return {
env = {
key.lower(): value
for key, _, value in
(line.partition('=') for line in out.splitlines())
if key and value
if vcruntime:
env['py_vcruntime_redist'] = vcruntime
return env
def _find_exe(exe, paths=None):
"""Return path to an MSVC executable program.
......@@ -115,6 +130,20 @@ PLAT_TO_VCVARS = {
'win-amd64' : 'amd64',
# A map keyed by get_platform() return values to the file under
# the VC install directory containing the vcruntime redistributable.
'x86' : 'redist\\x86\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
'amd64' : 'redist\\x64\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
'x86_amd64' : 'redist\\x64\\Microsoft.VC{0}0.CRT\\vcruntime{0}0.dll',
# A set containing the DLLs that are guaranteed to be available for
# all micro versions of this Python version. Known extension
# dependencies that are not in this set will be copied to the output
# path.
_BUNDLED_DLLS = frozenset(['vcruntime140.dll'])
class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) :
"""Concrete class that implements an interface to Microsoft Visual C++,
as defined by the CCompiler abstract class."""
......@@ -189,6 +218,7 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) :
self.rc = _find_exe("rc.exe", paths) # resource compiler = _find_exe("mc.exe", paths) # message compiler = _find_exe("mt.exe", paths) # message compiler
self._vcruntime_redist = vc_env.get('py_vcruntime_redist', '')
for dir in vc_env.get('include', '').split(os.pathsep):
if dir:
......@@ -199,20 +229,26 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) :
self.preprocess_options = None
# Use /MT[d] to build statically, then switch from libucrt[d].lib to ucrt[d].lib
# If vcruntime_redist is available, link against it dynamically. Otherwise,
# use /MT[d] to build statically, then switch from libucrt[d].lib to ucrt[d].lib
# later to dynamically link to ucrtbase but not vcruntime.
self.compile_options = [
'/nologo', '/Ox', '/MT', '/W3', '/GL', '/DNDEBUG'
'/nologo', '/Ox', '/W3', '/GL', '/DNDEBUG'
self.compile_options.append('/MD' if self._vcruntime_redist else '/MT')
self.compile_options_debug = [
'/nologo', '/Od', '/MTd', '/Zi', '/W3', '/D_DEBUG'
'/nologo', '/Od', '/MDd', '/Zi', '/W3', '/D_DEBUG'
ldflags = [
'/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG', '/nodefaultlib:libucrt.lib', 'ucrt.lib',
'/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG'
if not self._vcruntime_redist:
ldflags.extend(('/nodefaultlib:libucrt.lib', 'ucrt.lib'))
ldflags_debug = [
'/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG', '/DEBUG:FULL', '/nodefaultlib:libucrtd.lib', 'ucrtd.lib',
'/nologo', '/INCREMENTAL:NO', '/LTCG', '/DEBUG:FULL'
self.ldflags_exe = [*ldflags, '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=1']
......@@ -446,15 +482,29 @@ class MSVCCompiler(CCompiler) :
if extra_postargs:
output_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_filename))
log.debug('Executing "%s" %s', self.linker, ' '.join(ld_args))
self.spawn([self.linker] + ld_args)
except DistutilsExecError as msg:
raise LinkError(msg)
log.debug("skipping %s (up-to-date)", output_filename)
def _copy_vcruntime(self, output_dir):
vcruntime = self._vcruntime_redist
if not vcruntime or not os.path.isfile(vcruntime):
if os.path.basename(vcruntime).lower() in _BUNDLED_DLLS:
log.debug('Copying "%s"', vcruntime)
vcruntime = shutil.copy(vcruntime, output_dir)
os.chmod(vcruntime, stat.S_IWRITE)
def spawn(self, cmd):
old_path = os.getenv('path')
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ import sys
import unittest
import os
import distutils._msvccompiler as _msvccompiler
from distutils.errors import DistutilsPlatformError
from distutils.tests import support
from import run_unittest
......@@ -19,19 +21,65 @@ class msvccompilerTestCase(support.TempdirManager,
# makes sure query_vcvarsall raises
# a DistutilsPlatformError if the compiler
# is not found
from distutils._msvccompiler import _get_vc_env
def _find_vcvarsall():
return None
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
return None, None
import distutils._msvccompiler as _msvccompiler
old_find_vcvarsall = _msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall
self.assertRaises(DistutilsPlatformError, _get_vc_env,
'wont find this version')
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = old_find_vcvarsall
def test_compiler_options(self):
# suppress path to vcruntime from _find_vcvarsall to
# check that /MT is added to compile options
old_find_vcvarsall = _msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
return old_find_vcvarsall(plat_spec)[0], None
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall
compiler = _msvccompiler.MSVCCompiler()
self.assertIn('/MT', compiler.compile_options)
self.assertNotIn('/MD', compiler.compile_options)
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = old_find_vcvarsall
def test_vcruntime_copy(self):
# force path to a known file - it doesn't matter
# what we copy as long as its name is not in
# _msvccompiler._BUNDLED_DLLS
old_find_vcvarsall = _msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall
def _find_vcvarsall(plat_spec):
return old_find_vcvarsall(plat_spec)[0], __file__
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall
tempdir = self.mkdtemp()
compiler = _msvccompiler.MSVCCompiler()
tempdir, os.path.basename(__file__))))
_msvccompiler._find_vcvarsall = old_find_vcvarsall
def test_vcruntime_skip_copy(self):
tempdir = self.mkdtemp()
compiler = _msvccompiler.MSVCCompiler()
dll = compiler._vcruntime_redist
tempdir, os.path.basename(dll))))
def test_suite():
return unittest.makeSuite(msvccompilerTestCase)
......@@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ Library
- Issue #25029: Fixes MemoryError in test_strptime
- Issue #25027: Reverts partial-static build options and adds
vcruntime140.dll to Windows installation.
What's New in Python 3.5.0 release candidate 3?
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
<ClCompile Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">
......@@ -57,9 +57,7 @@
<AdditionalDependencies Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">ucrtd.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
<AdditionalDependencies Condition="$(Configuration) != 'Debug'">ucrt.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)</AdditionalDependencies>
<TargetMachine Condition="'$(Platform)' == 'x64'">MachineX64</TargetMachine>
<ProfileGuidedDatabase Condition="$(SupportPGO)">$(OutDir)$(TargetName).pgd</ProfileGuidedDatabase>
......@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
<TclOpts Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">symbols,ucrt</TclOpts>
<TclOpts Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">symbols,msvcrt</TclOpts>
<TclDirs>INSTALLDIR="$(OutDir.TrimEnd(`\`))" INSTALL_DIR="$(OutDir.TrimEnd(`\`))"</TclDirs>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">DEBUGFLAGS="-wd4456 -wd4457 -wd4458 -wd4459 -wd4996"</DebugFlags>
......@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
<TixDirs>BUILDDIRTOP="$(BuildDirTop)" TCL_DIR="$(tclDir.TrimEnd(`\`))" TK_DIR="$(tkDir.TrimEnd(`\`))" INSTALL_DIR="$(OutDir.TrimEnd(`\`))"</TixDirs>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">DEBUG=1 NODEBUG=0 UCRT=1 TCL_DBGX=g TK_DBGX=g</DebugFlags>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' != 'Debug'">DEBUG=0 NODEBUG=1 UCRT=1</DebugFlags>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">DEBUG=1 NODEBUG=0 TCL_DBGX=g TK_DBGX=g</DebugFlags>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' != 'Debug'">DEBUG=0 NODEBUG=1</DebugFlags>
@(ExpectedOutputs->'if not exist "%(FullPath)" goto build','
......@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath)\Microsoft.Cpp.props" />
<TkOpts Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">symbols,ucrt</TkOpts>
<TkOpts Condition="$(Configuration) == 'Debug'">symbols,msvcrt</TkOpts>
<TkDirs>TCLDIR="$(tclDir.TrimEnd(`\`))" INSTALLDIR="$(OutDir.TrimEnd(`\`))"</TkDirs>
<DebugFlags Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'">DEBUGFLAGS="-wd4456 -wd4457 -wd4458 -wd4459 -wd4996"</DebugFlags>
......@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ if not defined BUILDX86 if not defined BUILDX64 (set BUILDX86=1) && (set BUILDX6
call "%PCBUILD%env.bat" x86
if defined BUILDX86 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -d -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat"
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
if defined BUILDX64 (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -d -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p x64 -e
if errorlevel 1 goto :eof
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ if not "%CERTNAME%" EQU "" (
if not "%SKIPBUILD%" EQU "1" (
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -d -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
call "%PCBUILD%build.bat" -e -p %BUILD_PLAT% -t %TARGET% %CERTOPTS%
if errorlevel 1 exit /B
@rem build.bat turns echo back on, so we disable it again
@echo off
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
<Component Id="pythonw.exe" Directory="InstallDirectory" Guid="$(var.PythonwExeComponentGuid)">
<File Name="pythonw.exe" KeyPath="yes" />
<Component Id="vcruntime140.dll" Directory="InstallDirectory" Guid="*">
<File Name="vcruntime140.dll" Source="!(bindpath.redist)vcruntime140.dll" KeyPath="yes" />
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
<Arguments>"$(PythonExe)" "$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)\"</Arguments>
<Arguments>$(Arguments) -e -o "$(TargetPath)" -t "$(IntermediateOutputPath)\zip_$(ArchName)" -a $(ArchName)</Arguments>
<Environment>set DOC_FILENAME=python$(PythonVersion).chm</Environment>
<Environment>set DOC_FILENAME=python$(PythonVersion).chm
set VCREDIST_PATH=$(VS140COMNTOOLS)\..\..\VC\redist\$(Platform)\Microsoft.VC140.CRT</Environment>
<Target Name="_Build">
......@@ -64,9 +64,6 @@ FULL_LAYOUT = [
('Tools/', 'Tools', '**/*', include_in_tools),
if os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'):
FULL_LAYOUT.append(('Doc/', 'Doc/build/htmlhelp', os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'), None))
('/', 'PCBuild/$arch', 'python*.exe', is_not_debug),
('/', 'PCBuild/$arch', '*.pyd', is_not_debug),
......@@ -74,6 +71,12 @@ EMBED_LAYOUT = [
('', 'Lib', '**/*', include_in_lib),
if os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'):
FULL_LAYOUT.append(('Doc/', 'Doc/build/htmlhelp', os.getenv('DOC_FILENAME'), None))
if os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'):
FULL_LAYOUT.append(('/', os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'), 'vcruntime*.dll', None))
EMBED_LAYOUT.append(('/', os.getenv('VCREDIST_PATH'), 'vcruntime*.dll', None))
def copy_to_layout(target, rel_sources):
count = 0
......@@ -118,6 +118,9 @@
<LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(CRTRedist)" Condition="'$(CRTRedist)' != ''">
<LinkerBindInputPaths Include="$(VS140COMNTOOLS)\..\..\VC\redist\$(Platform)\Microsoft.VC140.CRT">
<Target Name="_ValidateMsiProps" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
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