Commit 995597cc authored by Stefan Behnel's avatar Stefan Behnel

use inlined generator expression for sorted(genexpr)

parent 4f5e5a30
......@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ Features added
for-loops when called on generator expressions to avoid the generator
iteration overhead.
* The builtin function ``sorted()`` is optimised when called on a
generator expression.
* Keyword argument dicts are no longer copied on function entry when they
are not being used or only passed through to other function calls (e.g.
in wrapper functions).
......@@ -7316,32 +7316,42 @@ class DictComprehensionAppendNode(ComprehensionAppendNode):
class InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode(ExprNode):
# An inlined generator expression for which the result is
# calculated inside of the loop. This will only be created by
# transforms when replacing builtin calls on generator
# expressions.
# An inlined generator expression for which the result is calculated
# inside of the loop and returned as a single, first and only Generator
# return value.
# This will only be created by transforms when replacing safe builtin
# calls on generator expressions.
# gen GeneratorExpressionNode the generator, not containing any YieldExprNodes
# orig_func String the name of the builtin function this node replaces
# target ExprNode or None a 'target' for a ComprehensionAppend node
subexprs = ["gen"]
orig_func = None
target = None
is_temp = True
type = py_object_type
def __init__(self, pos, gen, **kwargs):
gen.def_node.gbody.is_inlined = True
kwargs['gen'] = gen
super(InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode, self).__init__(pos, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, pos, gen, comprehension_type=None, **kwargs):
gbody = gen.def_node.gbody
gbody.is_inlined = True
if comprehension_type is not None:
assert comprehension_type in (list_type, set_type, dict_type), comprehension_type
gbody.inlined_comprehension_type = comprehension_type
target=RawCNameExprNode(pos, comprehension_type, Naming.retval_cname),
super(InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode, self).__init__(pos, gen=gen, **kwargs)
def may_be_none(self):
return self.orig_func not in ('any', 'all')
return self.orig_func not in ('any', 'all', 'sorted')
def infer_type(self, env):
return py_object_type
return self.type
def analyse_types(self, env):
self.gen = self.gen.analyse_expressions(env)
self.is_temp = True
return self
def generate_result_code(self, code):
......@@ -7351,62 +7361,6 @@ class InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode(ExprNode):
class __InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode(ScopedExprNode):
# An inlined generator expression for which the result is
# calculated inside of the loop. This will only be created by
# transforms when replacing builtin calls on generator
# expressions.
# loop ForStatNode the for-loop, not containing any YieldExprNodes
# result_node ResultRefNode the reference to the result value temp
# orig_func String the name of the builtin function this node replaces
child_attrs = ["loop"]
loop_analysed = False
type = py_object_type
def analyse_scoped_declarations(self, env):
def may_be_none(self):
return False
def annotate(self, code):
def infer_type(self, env):
return self.result_node.infer_type(env)
def analyse_types(self, env):
if not self.has_local_scope:
self.loop_analysed = True
self.loop = self.loop.analyse_expressions(env)
self.type = self.result_node.type
self.is_temp = True
return self
def analyse_scoped_expressions(self, env):
self.loop_analysed = True
if self.has_local_scope:
self.loop = self.loop.analyse_expressions(env)
return self
def coerce_to(self, dst_type, env):
if self.orig_func == 'sum' and dst_type.is_numeric and not self.loop_analysed:
# We can optimise by dropping the aggregation variable and
# the add operations into C. This can only be done safely
# before analysing the loop body, after that, the result
# reference type will have infected expressions and
# assignments.
self.result_node.type = self.type = dst_type
return self
return super(InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode, self).coerce_to(dst_type, env)
def generate_result_code(self, code):
self.result_node.result_code = self.result()
class MergedSequenceNode(ExprNode):
Merge a sequence of iterables into a set/list/tuple.
......@@ -3996,6 +3996,7 @@ class GeneratorBodyDefNode(DefNode):
is_generator_body = True
is_inlined = False
inlined_comprehension_type = None # container type for inlined comprehensions
def __init__(self, pos=None, name=None, body=None):
super(GeneratorBodyDefNode, self).__init__(
......@@ -4058,6 +4059,23 @@ class GeneratorBodyDefNode(DefNode):
code.putln('%s' %
(code.error_goto_if_null(Naming.sent_value_cname, self.pos)))
# ----- prepare target container for inlined comprehension
if self.is_inlined and self.inlined_comprehension_type is not None:
target_type = self.inlined_comprehension_type
if target_type is Builtin.list_type:
comp_init = 'PyList_New(0)'
elif target_type is Builtin.set_type:
comp_init = 'PySet_New(NULL)'
elif target_type is Builtin.dict_type:
comp_init = 'PyDict_New()'
raise InternalError(
"invalid type of inlined comprehension: %s" % target_type)
code.putln("%s = %s; %s" % (
Naming.retval_cname, comp_init,
code.error_goto_if_null(Naming.retval_cname, self.pos)))
# ----- Function body
self.generate_function_body(env, code)
# ----- Closure initialization
......@@ -4073,13 +4091,15 @@ class GeneratorBodyDefNode(DefNode):
# on normal generator termination, we do not take the exception propagation
# path: no traceback info is required and not creating it is much faster
if not self.body.is_terminator:
if not self.is_inlined and not self.body.is_terminator:
# ----- Error cleanup
if code.error_label in code.labels_used:
if not self.body.is_terminator:
if self.is_inlined and self.inlined_comprehension_type is not None:
code.put_xdecref_clear(Naming.retval_cname, py_object_type)
if Future.generator_stop in env.global_scope().context.future_directives:
# PEP 479: turn accidental StopIteration exceptions into a RuntimeError
code.globalstate.use_utility_code(UtilityCode.load_cached("pep479", "Coroutine.c"))
......@@ -1579,60 +1579,60 @@ class EarlyReplaceBuiltinCalls(Visitor.EnvTransform):
if len(pos_args) != 1:
return node
if isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode) \
and pos_args[0].type is Builtin.list_type:
listcomp_node = pos_args[0]
loop_node = listcomp_node.loop
elif isinstance(pos_args[0], ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode):
gen_expr_node = pos_args[0]
arg = pos_args[0]
if isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode) and arg.type is Builtin.list_type:
list_node = pos_args[0]
loop_node = list_node.loop
elif isinstance(arg, ExprNodes.GeneratorExpressionNode):
gen_expr_node = arg
loop_node = gen_expr_node.loop
yield_expression, yield_stat_node = self._find_single_yield_expression(loop_node)
# FIXME: currently nonfunctional
yield_expression = None
if yield_expression is None:
return node
list_node = ExprNodes.InlinedGeneratorExpressionNode(
node.pos, gen_expr_node, orig_func='sorted',
append_node = ExprNodes.ComprehensionAppendNode(
yield_expression.pos, expr = yield_expression)
Visitor.recursively_replace_node(loop_node, yield_stat_node, append_node)
listcomp_node = ExprNodes.ComprehensionNode(
gen_expr_node.pos, loop = loop_node,
append = append_node, type = Builtin.list_type,
expr_scope = gen_expr_node.expr_scope,
has_local_scope = True) = listcomp_node
elif isinstance(pos_args[0], (ExprNodes.ListNode, ExprNodes.TupleNode)):
# sorted([a, b, c]) or sorted((a, b, c)). The result of the latter
# is a list in CPython, so change it into one.
expr = pos_args[0].as_list()
listcomp_node = loop_node = expr
elif arg.is_sequence_constructor:
# sorted([a, b, c]) or sorted((a, b, c)). The result is always a list,
# so starting off with a fresh one is more efficient.
list_node = loop_node = arg.as_list()
# Interestingly, PySequence_List works on a lot of non-sequence
# things as well.
listcomp_node = loop_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode(
list_node = loop_node = ExprNodes.PythonCapiCallNode(
node.pos, "PySequence_List", self.PySequence_List_func_type,
args=pos_args, is_temp=True)
result_node = UtilNodes.ResultRefNode(
pos = loop_node.pos, type = Builtin.list_type, may_hold_none=False)
listcomp_assign_node = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
node.pos, lhs = result_node, rhs = listcomp_node, first = True)
pos=loop_node.pos, type=Builtin.list_type, may_hold_none=False)
list_assign_node = Nodes.SingleAssignmentNode(
node.pos, lhs=result_node, rhs=list_node, first=True)
sort_method = ExprNodes.AttributeNode(
node.pos, obj = result_node, attribute = EncodedString('sort'),
node.pos, obj=result_node, attribute=EncodedString('sort'),
# entry ? type ?
needs_none_check = False)
sort_node = Nodes.ExprStatNode(
node.pos, expr = ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode(
node.pos, function = sort_method, args = []))
node.pos, expr=ExprNodes.SimpleCallNode(
node.pos, function=sort_method, args=[]))
return UtilNodes.TempResultFromStatNode(
Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats = [ listcomp_assign_node, sort_node ]))
Nodes.StatListNode(node.pos, stats=[list_assign_node, sort_node]))
def __handle_simple_function_sum(self, node, pos_args):
"""Transform sum(genexpr) into an equivalent inlined aggregation loop.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ def generator():
yield 3
def returns_set():
return set(["foo", "bar", "baz"])
return {"foo", "bar", "baz"}
def returns_tuple():
return (1, 2, 3, 0)
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ def sorted_arg(x):
return sorted(x)
# "//ComprehensionNode//NoneCheckNode")
def sorted_genexp():
>>> sorted_genexp()
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