Commit a8312bd9 authored by Gabriel Gellner's avatar Gabriel Gellner

Initial commit

# Makefile for Sphinx documentation
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This is a collection of all the assorted pyrex/cython documentation assembled into
a unified Python style Sphinx project. It is hoped that this will become the default
documentation for the Cython tool set.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Cython documentation build configuration file, created by
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#latex_font_size = '10pt'
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# (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
#_stdauthor = r'Greg Ewig\\ Gabriel Gellner, editor'
_stdauthor = r'Stefan Behnel, Robert Bradshaw, William Stein\\ Gary Furnish, Dag Seljebotn, Greg Ewing\\ Gabriel Gellner, editor'
latex_documents = [
('index', 'cython.tex',
'Cython Manual', _stdauthor, 'manual')
# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
#latex_preamble = ''
# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
#latex_appendices = []
# If false, no module index is generated.
#latex_use_modindex = True
.. _early-binding-speed-label:
Early Binding for Speed
As a dynamic language, Python encourages a programming style of considering
classes and objects in terms of their methods and attributes, more than where
they fit into the class hierarchy.
This can make Python a very relaxed and comfortable language for rapid
development, but with a price - the 'red tape' of managing data types is
dumped onto the interpreter. At run time, the interpreter does a lot of work
searching namespaces, fetching attributes and parsing argument and keyword
tuples. This run-time 'late binding' is a major cause of Python's relative
slowness compared to 'early binding' languages such as C++.
However with Cython it is possible to gain significant speed-ups through the
use of 'early binding' programming techniques.
For example, consider the following (silly) code example::
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0; self.y0 = y0; self.x1 = x1; self.y1 = y1
def area(self):
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
In the :func:`rectArea` method, the call to :meth:`rect.area` and the
:meth:`.area` method contain a lot of Python overhead.
However, in Cython, it is possible to eliminate a lot of this overhead in cases
where calls occur within Cython code. For example::
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0; self.y0 = y0; self.x1 = x1; self.y1 = y1
cdef int _area(self):
int area
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def area(self):
return self._area()
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect
rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect._area()
Here, in the Rectangle extension class, we have defined two different area
calculation methods, the efficient :meth:`_area` C method, and the
Python-callable :meth:`area` method which serves as a thin wrapper around
:meth:`_area`. Note also in the function :func:`rectArea` how we 'early bind'
by declaring the local variable ``rect`` which is explicitly given the type
Rectangle. By using this declaration, instead of just dynamically assigning to
``rect``, we gain the ability to access the much more efficient C-callable
:meth:`_rect` method.
But Cython offers us more simplicity again, by allowing us to declare
dual-access methods - methods that can be efficiently called at C level, but
can also be accessed from pure Python code at the cost of the Python access
overheads. Consider this code::
cdef class Rectangle:
cdef int x0, y0
cdef int x1, y1
def __init__(self, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1):
self.x0 = x0; self.y0 = y0; self.x1 = x1; self.y1 = y1
cpdef int area(self):
int area
area = (self.x1 - self.x0) * (self.y1 - self.y0)
if area < 0:
area = -area
return area
def rectArea(x0, y0, x1, y1):
cdef Rectangle rect
rect = Rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)
return rect.area()
.. note::
in earlier versions of Cython, the :keyword:`cpdef` keyword is
:keyword:`rdef` - but has the same effect).
Here, we just have a single area method, declared as :keyword:`cpdef` to make it
efficiently callable as a C function, but still accessible from pure Python
(or late-binding Cython) code.
If within Cython code, we have a variable already 'early-bound' (ie, declared
explicitly as type Rectangle, (or cast to type Rectangle), then invoking its
area method will use the efficient C code path and skip the Python overhead.
But if in Pyrex or regular Python code we have a regular object variable
storing a Rectangle object, then invoking the area method will require:
* an attribute lookup for the area method
* packing a tuple for arguments and a dict for keywords (both empty in this case)
* using the Python API to call the method
and within the area method itself:
* parsing the tuple and keywords
* executing the calculation code
* converting the result to a python object and returning it
So within Cython, it is possible to achieve massive optimisations by
using strong typing in declaration and casting of variables. For tight loops
which use method calls, and where these methods are pure C, the difference can
be huge.
Extension Types
As well as creating normal user-defined classes with the Python class
statement, Cython also lets you create new built-in Python types, known as
extension types. You define an extension type using the :keyword:`cdef` class
statement. Here's an example::
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef int width, height
def __init__(self, w, h):
self.width = w
self.height = h
def describe(self):
print "This shrubbery is", self.width, \
"by", self.height, "cubits."
As you can see, a Cython extension type definition looks a lot like a Python
class definition. Within it, you use the def statement to define methods that
can be called from Python code. You can even define many of the special
methods such as :meth:`__init__` as you would in Python.
The main difference is that you can use the :keyword:`cdef` statement to define
attributes. The attributes may be Python objects (either generic or of a
particular extension type), or they may be of any C data type. So you can use
extension types to wrap arbitrary C data structures and provide a Python-like
interface to them.
Attributes of an extension type are stored directly in the object's C struct.
The set of attributes is fixed at compile time; you can't add attributes to an
extension type instance at run time simply by assigning to them, as you could
with a Python class instance. (You can subclass the extension type in Python
and add attributes to instances of the subclass, however.)
There are two ways that attributes of an extension type can be accessed: by
Python attribute lookup, or by direct access to the C struct from Cython code.
Python code is only able to access attributes of an extension type by the
first method, but Cython code can use either method.
By default, extension type attributes are only accessible by direct access,
not Python access, which means that they are not accessible from Python code.
To make them accessible from Python code, you need to declare them as
:keyword:`public` or :keyword:`readonly`. For example,::
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef public int width, height
cdef readonly float depth
makes the width and height attributes readable and writable from Python code,
and the depth attribute readable but not writable.
.. note::
You can only expose simple C types, such as ints, floats and
strings, for Python access. You can also expose Python-valued attributes,
although read-write exposure is only possible for generic Python attributes
(of type object). If the attribute is declared to be of an extension type, it
must be exposed :keyword:`readonly`.
.. note::
Also the :keyword:`public` and :keyword:`readonly` options apply only to
Python access, not direct access. All the attributes of an extension type
are always readable and writable by direct access.
Type declarations
Before you can directly access the attributes of an extension type, the Cython
compiler must know that you have an instance of that type, and not just a
generic Python object. It knows this already in the case of the ``self``
parameter of the methods of that type, but in other cases you will have to use
a type declaration.
For example, in the following function,::
cdef widen_shrubbery(sh, extra_width): # BAD
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
because the ``sh`` parameter hasn't been given a type, the width attribute
will be accessed by a Python attribute lookup. If the attribute has been
declared :keyword:`public` or :keyword:`readonly` then this will work, but it
will be very inefficient. If the attribute is private, it will not work at all
-- the code will compile, but an attribute error will be raised at run time.
The solution is to declare ``sh`` as being of type :class:`Shrubbery`, as
cdef widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width):
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
Now the Cython compiler knows that ``sh`` has a C attribute called
:attr:`width` and will generate code to access it directly and efficiently.
The same consideration applies to local variables, for example,::
cdef Shrubbery another_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh1):
cdef Shrubbery sh2
sh2 = Shrubbery()
sh2.width = sh1.width
sh2.height = sh1.height
return sh2
Extension types and None
When you declare a parameter or C variable as being of an extension type,
Cython will allow it to take on the value ``None`` as well as values of its
declared type. This is analogous to the way a C pointer can take on the value
``NULL``, and you need to exercise the same caution because of it. There is no
problem as long as you are performing Python operations on it, because full
dynamic type checking will be applied. However, when you access C attributes
of an extension type (as in the widen_shrubbery function above), it's up to
you to make sure the reference you're using is not ``None`` -- in the
interests of efficiency, Cython does not check this.
You need to be particularly careful when exposing Python functions which take
extension types as arguments. If we wanted to make :func:`widen_shrubbery` a
Python function, for example, if we simply wrote::
def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width): # This is
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width # dangerous!
then users of our module could crash it by passing ``None`` for the ``sh``
One way to fix this would be::
def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh, extra_width):
if sh is None:
raise TypeError
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
but since this is anticipated to be such a frequent requirement, Cython
provides a more convenient way. Parameters of a Python function declared as an
extension type can have a ``not None`` clause::
def widen_shrubbery(Shrubbery sh not None, extra_width):
sh.width = sh.width + extra_width
Now the function will automatically check that ``sh`` is ``not None`` along
with checking that it has the right type.
.. note::
``not None`` clause can only be used in Python functions (defined with
:keyword:`def`) and not C functions (defined with :keyword:`cdef`). If
you need to check whether a parameter to a C function is None, you will
need to do it yourself.
.. note::
Some more things:
* The self parameter of a method of an extension type is guaranteed never to
be ``None``.
* When comparing a value with ``None``, keep in mind that, if ``x`` is a Python
object, ``x is None`` and ``x is not None`` are very efficient because they
translate directly to C pointer comparisons, whereas ``x == None`` and
``x != None``, or simply using ``x`` as a boolean value (as in ``if x: ...``)
will invoke Python operations and therefore be much slower.
Special methods
Although the principles are similar, there are substantial differences between
many of the :meth:`__xxx__` special methods of extension types and their Python
counterparts. There is a separate page devoted to this subject, and you should
read it carefully before attempting to use any special methods in your
extension types.
There is a special syntax for defining properties in an extension class::
cdef class Spam:
property cheese:
"A doc string can go here."
def __get__(self):
# This is called when the property is read.
def __set__(self, value):
# This is called when the property is written.
def __del__(self):
# This is called when the property is deleted.
The :meth:`__get__`, :meth:`__set__` and :meth:`__del__` methods are all
optional; if they are omitted, an exception will be raised when the
corresponding operation is attempted.
Here's a complete example. It defines a property which adds to a list each
time it is written to, returns the list when it is read, and empties the list
when it is deleted.::
#cheesy.pyx Test input
cdef class CheeseShop:
cdef object cheeses
def __cinit__(self):
self.cheeses = []
property cheese:
def __get__(self):
return "We don't have: %s" % self.cheeses
def __set__(self, value):
def __del__(self):
del self.cheeses[:]
from cheesy import CheeseShop
shop = CheeseShop()
print shop.cheese
shop.cheese = "camembert"
print shop.cheese
shop.cheese = "cheddar"
print shop.cheese
del shop.cheese
print shop.cheese
#Test output
We don't have: []
We don't have: ['camembert']
We don't have: ['camembert', 'cheddar']
We don't have: []
An extension type may inherit from a built-in type or another extension type::
cdef class Parrot:
cdef class Norwegian(Parrot):
A complete definition of the base type must be available to Cython, so if the
base type is a built-in type, it must have been previously declared as an
extern extension type. If the base type is defined in another Cython module, it
must either be declared as an extern extension type or imported using the
:keyword:`cimport` statement.
An extension type can only have one base class (no multiple inheritance).
Cython extension types can also be subclassed in Python. A Python class can
inherit from multiple extension types provided that the usual Python rules for
multiple inheritance are followed (i.e. the C layouts of all the base classes
must be compatible).
C methods
Extension types can have C methods as well as Python methods. Like C
functions, C methods are declared using :keyword:`cdef` instead of
:keyword:`def`. C methods are "virtual", and may be overridden in derived
extension types.::
cdef class Parrot:
cdef void describe(self):
print "This parrot is resting."
cdef class Norwegian(Parrot):
cdef void describe(self):
print "Lovely plumage!"
cdef Parrot p1, p2
p1 = Parrot()
p2 = Norwegian()
print "p1:"
print "p2:"
This parrot is resting.
This parrot is resting.
Lovely plumage!
The above example also illustrates that a C method can call an inherited C
method using the usual Python technique, i.e.::
Forward-declaring extension types
Extension types can be forward-declared, like :keyword:`struct` and
:keyword:`union` types. This will be necessary if you have two extension types
that need to refer to each other, e.g.::
cdef class Shrubbery # forward declaration
cdef class Shrubber:
cdef Shrubbery work_in_progress
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef Shrubber creator
If you are forward-declaring an extension type that has a base class, you must
specify the base class in both the forward declaration and its subsequent
definition, for example,::
cdef class A(B)
cdef class A(B):
# attributes and methods
Making extension types weak-referenceable
By default, extension types do not support having weak references made to
them. You can enable weak referencing by declaring a C attribute of type
object called :attr:`__weakref__`. For example,::
cdef class ExplodingAnimal:
"""This animal will self-destruct when it is
no longer strongly referenced."""
cdef object __weakref__
Public and external extension types
Extension types can be declared extern or public. An extern extension type
declaration makes an extension type defined in external C code available to a
Cython module. A public extension type declaration makes an extension type
defined in a Cython module available to external C code.
External extension types
An extern extension type allows you to gain access to the internals of Python
objects defined in the Python core or in a non-Cython extension module.
.. note::
In Pyrex versions before 0.8, extern extension types were also used to
reference extension types defined in another Pyrex module. While you can still
do that, Cython provides a better mechanism for this. See
Here is an example which will let you get at the C-level members of the
built-in complex object.::
cdef extern from "complexobject.h":
struct Py_complex:
double real
double imag
ctypedef class __builtin__.complex [object PyComplexObject]:
cdef Py_complex cval
# A function which uses the above type
def spam(complex c):
print "Real:", c.cval.real
print "Imag:", c.cval.imag
.. note::
Some important things:
1. In this example, :keyword:`ctypedef` class has been used. This is
because, in the Python header files, the ``PyComplexObject`` struct is
declared with::
ctypedef struct {
} PyComplexObject;
2. As well as the name of the extension type, the module in which its type
object can be found is also specified. See the implicit importing section
3. When declaring an external extension type, you don't declare any
methods. Declaration of methods is not required in order to call them,
because the calls are Python method calls. Also, as with
:keyword:`structs` and :keyword:`unions`, if your extension class
declaration is inside a :keyword:`cdef` extern from block, you only need to
declare those C members which you wish to access.
Implicit importing
Cython requires you to include a module name in an extern extension class
declaration, for example,::
cdef extern class MyModule.Spam:
The type object will be implicitly imported from the specified module and
bound to the corresponding name in this module. In other words, in this
example an implicit::
from MyModule import Spam
statement will be executed at module load time.
The module name can be a dotted name to refer to a module inside a package
hierarchy, for example,::
cdef extern class My.Nested.Package.Spam:
You can also specify an alternative name under which to import the type using
an as clause, for example,::
cdef extern class My.Nested.Package.Spam as Yummy:
which corresponds to the implicit import statement::
from My.Nested.Package import Spam as Yummy
Type names vs. constructor names
Inside a Cython module, the name of an extension type serves two distinct
purposes. When used in an expression, it refers to a module-level global
variable holding the type's constructor (i.e. its type-object). However, it
can also be used as a C type name to declare variables, arguments and return
values of that type.
When you declare::
cdef extern class MyModule.Spam:
the name Spam serves both these roles. There may be other names by which you
can refer to the constructor, but only Spam can be used as a type name. For
example, if you were to explicity import MyModule, you could use
``MyModule.Spam()`` to create a Spam instance, but you wouldn't be able to use
:class:`MyModule.Spam` as a type name.
When an as clause is used, the name specified in the as clause also takes over
both roles. So if you declare::
cdef extern class MyModule.Spam as Yummy:
then Yummy becomes both the type name and a name for the constructor. Again,
there are other ways that you could get hold of the constructor, but only
Yummy is usable as a type name.
Public extension types
An extension type can be declared public, in which case a ``.h`` file is
generated containing declarations for its object struct and type object. By
including the ``.h`` file in external C code that you write, that code can
access the attributes of the extension type.
Name specification clause
The part of the class declaration in square brackets is a special feature only
available for extern or public extension types. The full form of this clause
[object object_struct_name, type type_object_name ]
where ``object_struct_name`` is the name to assume for the type's C struct,
and type_object_name is the name to assume for the type's statically declared
type object. (The object and type clauses can be written in either order.)
If the extension type declaration is inside a :keyword:`cdef` extern from
block, the object clause is required, because Cython must be able to generate
code that is compatible with the declarations in the header file. Otherwise,
for extern extension types, the object clause is optional.
For public extension types, the object and type clauses are both required,
because Cython must be able to generate code that is compatible with external C
Interfacing with External C Code
One of the main uses of Cython is wrapping existing libraries of C code. This
is achieved by using external declarations to declare the C functions and
variables from the library that you want to use.
You can also use public declarations to make C functions and variables defined
in a Cython module available to external C code. The need for this is expected
to be less frequent, but you might want to do it, for example, if you are
embedding Python in another application as a scripting language. Just as a
Cython module can be used as a bridge to allow Python code to call C code, it
can also be used to allow C code to call Python code.
External declarations
By default, C functions and variables declared at the module level are local
to the module (i.e. they have the C static storage class). They can also be
declared extern to specify that they are defined elsewhere, for example::
cdef extern int spam_counter
cdef extern void order_spam(int tons)
Referencing C header files
When you use an extern definition on its own as in the examples above, Cython
includes a declaration for it in the generated C file. This can cause problems
if the declaration doesn't exactly match the declaration that will be seen by
other C code. If you're wrapping an existing C library, for example, it's
important that the generated C code is compiled with exactly the same
declarations as the rest of the library.
To achieve this, you can tell Cython that the declarations are to be found in a
C header file, like this::
cdef extern from "spam.h":
int spam_counter
void order_spam(int tons)
The ``cdef extern`` from clause does three things:
1. It directs Cython to place a ``#include`` statement for the named header file in
the generated C code.
2. It prevents Cython from generating any C code
for the declarations found in the associated block.
3. It treats all declarations within the block as though they started with
``cdef extern``.
It's important to understand that Cython does not itself read the C header
file, so you still need to provide Cython versions of any declarations from it
that you use. However, the Cython declarations don't always have to exactly
match the C ones, and in some cases they shouldn't or can't. In particular:
1. Don't use ``const``. Cython doesn't know anything about ``const``, so just
leave it out. Most of the time this shouldn't cause any problem, although
on rare occasions you might have to use a cast.
.. warning::
A problem with const could arise if you have something like::
cdef extern from "grail.h":
char *nun
where grail.h actually contains::
extern const char *nun;
and you do::
cdef void languissement(char *s):
#something that doesn't change s
which will cause the C compiler to complain. You can work around it by
casting away the constness::
languissement(<char *>nun)
2. Leave out any platform-specific extensions to C declarations such as
3. If the header file declares a big struct and you only want to use a few
members, you only need to declare the members you're interested in. Leaving
the rest out doesn't do any harm, because the C compiler will use the full
definition from the header file.
In some cases, you might not need any of the struct's members, in which
case you can just put pass in the body of the struct declaration, e.g.::
cdef extern from "foo.h":
struct spam:
.. note::
you can only do this inside a ``cdef extern from`` block; struct
declarations anywhere else must be non-empty.
4. If the header file uses ``typedef`` names such as :ctype:`size_t` to refer
to platform-dependent flavours of numeric types, you will need a
corresponding :keyword:`ctypedef` statement, but you don't need to match
the type exactly, just use something of the right general kind (int, float,
etc). For example,::
ctypedef int size_t
will work okay whatever the actual size of a :ctype:`size_t` is (provided the header
file defines it correctly).
5. If the header file uses macros to define constants, translate them into a
dummy ``enum`` declaration.
6. If the header file defines a function using a macro, declare it as though
it were an ordinary function, with appropriate argument and result types.
A few more tricks and tips:
* If you want to include a C header because it's needed by another header, but
don't want to use any declarations from it, put pass in the extern-from
cdef extern from "spam.h":
* If you want to include some external declarations, but don't want to specify
a header file (because it's included by some other header that you've
already included) you can put ``*`` in place of the header file name::
cdef extern from *:
Styles of struct, union and enum declaration
There are two main ways that structs, unions and enums can be declared in C
header files: using a tag name, or using a typedef. There are also some
variations based on various combinations of these.
It's important to make the Cython declarations match the style used in the
header file, so that Cython can emit the right sort of references to the type
in the code it generates. To make this possible, Cython provides two different
syntaxes for declaring a struct, union or enum type. The style introduced
above corresponds to the use of a tag name. To get the other style, you prefix
the declaration with :keyword:`ctypedef`, as illustrated below.
The following table shows the various possible styles that can be found in a
header file, and the corresponding Cython declaration that you should put in
the ``cdef extern`` from block. Struct declarations are used as an example; the
same applies equally to union and enum declarations.
Note that in all the cases below, you refer to the type in Cython code simply
as :ctype:`Foo`, not ``struct Foo``.
Accessing Python/C API routines
One particular use of the ``cdef extern from`` statement is for gaining access to
routines in the Python/C API. For example,::
cdef extern from "Python.h":
object PyString_FromStringAndSize(char *s, Py_ssize_t len)
will allow you to create Python strings containing null bytes.
Special Types
Cython predefines the name ``Py_ssize_t`` for use with Python/C API routines. To
make your extensions compatible with 64-bit systems, you should always use
this type where it is specified in the documentation of Python/C API routines.
Windows Calling Conventions
The ``__stdcall`` and ``__cdecl`` calling convention specifiers can be used in
Cython, with the same syntax as used by C compilers on Windows, for example,::
cdef extern int __stdcall FrobnicateWindow(long handle)
cdef void (__stdcall *callback)(void *)
If ``__stdcall`` is used, the function is only considered compatible with
other ``__stdcall`` functions of the same signature.
Resolving naming conflicts - C name specifications
Each Cython module has a single module-level namespace for both Python and C
names. This can be inconvenient if you want to wrap some external C functions
and provide the Python user with Python functions of the same names.
Cython provides a couple of different ways of solving this problem. The
best way, especially if you have many C functions to wrap, is probably to put
the extern C function declarations into a different namespace using the
facilities described in the section on sharing declarations between Cython
The other way is to use a C name specification to give different Cython and C
names to the C function. Suppose, for example, that you want to wrap an
external function called :func:`eject_tomato`. If you declare it as::
cdef extern void c_eject_tomato "eject_tomato" (float speed)
then its name inside the Cython module will be ``c_eject_tomato``, whereas its name
in C will be ``eject_tomato``. You can then wrap it with::
def eject_tomato(speed):
so that users of your module can refer to it as ``eject_tomato``.
Another use for this feature is referring to external names that happen to be
Cython keywords. For example, if you want to call an external function called
print, you can rename it to something else in your Cython module.
As well as functions, C names can be specified for variables, structs, unions,
enums, struct and union members, and enum values. For example,::
cdef extern int one "ein", two "zwei"
cdef extern float three "drei"
cdef struct spam "SPAM":
int i "eye"
cdef enum surprise "inquisition":
first "alpha"
second "beta" = 3
Using Cython Declarations from C
Cython provides two methods for making C declarations from a Cython module
available for use by external C code – public declarations and C API
.. note::
You do not need to use either of these to make declarations from one
Cython module available to another Cython module – you should use the
:keyword:`cimport` statement for that. Sharing Declarations Between Cython Modules.
Public Declarations
You can make C types, variables and functions defined in a Cython module
accessible to C code that is linked with the module, by declaring them with
the public keyword::
cdef public struct Bunny: # public type declaration
int vorpalness
cdef public int spam # public variable declaration
cdef public void grail(Bunny *): # public function declaration
If there are any public declarations in a Cython module, a header file called
:file:`modulename.h` file is generated containing equivalent C declarations for
inclusion in other C code.
Any C code wanting to make use of these declarations will need to be linked,
either statically or dynamically, with the extension module.
If the Cython module resides within a package, then the name of the ``.h``
file consists of the full dotted name of the module, e.g. a module called
:mod:`foo.spam` would have a header file called :file:`foo.spam.h`.
C API Declarations
The other way of making declarations available to C code is to declare them
with the :keyword:`api` keyword. You can use this keyword with C functions and
extension types. A header file called :file:`modulename_api.h` is produced
containing declarations of the functions and extension types, and a function
called :func:`import_modulename`.
C code wanting to use these functions or extension types needs to include the
header and call the :func:`import_modulename` function. The other functions
can then be called and the extension types used as usual.
Any public C type or extension type declarations in the Cython module are also
made available when you include :file:`modulename_api.h`.::
cdef public struct Vehicle:
int speed
float power
cdef api void activate(Vehicle *v):
if v.speed >= 88 and v.power >= 1.21:
print "Time travel achieved"
#include "delorean_api.h"
Vehicle car;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
car.speed = atoi(argv[1]);
car.power = atof(argv[2]);
.. note::
Any types defined in the Cython module that are used as argument or
return types of the exported functions will need to be declared public,
otherwise they won't be included in the generated header file, and you will
get errors when you try to compile a C file that uses the header.
Using the :keyword:`api` method does not require the C code using the
declarations to be linked with the extension module in any way, as the Python
import machinery is used to make the connection dynamically. However, only
functions can be accessed this way, not variables.
You can use both :keyword:`public` and :keyword:`api` on the same function to
make it available by both methods, e.g.::
cdef public api void belt_and_braces():
However, note that you should include either :file:`modulename.h` or
:file:`modulename_api.h` in a given C file, not both, otherwise you may get
conflicting dual definitions.
If the Cython module resides within a package, then:
* The name of the header file contains of the full dotted name of the module.
* The name of the importing function contains the full name with dots replaced
by double underscores.
E.g. a module called :mod:`foo.spam` would have an API header file called
:file:`foo.spam_api.h` and an importing function called
Multiple public and api declarations
You can declare a whole group of items as :keyword:`public` and/or
:keyword:`api` all at once by enclosing them in a :keyword:`cdef` block, for
cdef public api:
void order_spam(int tons)
char *get_lunch(float tomato_size)
This can be a useful thing to do in a ``.pxd`` file (see
:ref:`sharing-declarations-label`) to make the module's public interface
available by all three methods.
Acquiring and Releasing the GIL
Cython provides facilities for releasing the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
before calling C code, and for acquiring the GIL in functions that are to be
called back from C code that is executed without the GIL.
Releasing the GIL
You can release the GIL around a section of code using the
:keyword:`with nogil` statement::
with nogil:
<code to be executed with the GIL released>
Code in the body of the statement must not manipulate Python objects in any
way, and must not call anything that manipulates Python objects without first
re-acquiring the GIL. Cython currently does not check this.
Acquiring the GIL
A C function that is to be used as a callback from C code that is executed
without the GIL needs to acquire the GIL before it can manipulate Python
objects. This can be done by specifying with :keyword:`gil` in the function
cdef void my_callback(void *data) with gil:
Declaring a function as callable without the GIL
You can specify :keyword:`nogil` in a C function header or function type to
declare that it is safe to call without the GIL.::
cdef void my_gil_free_func(int spam) nogil:
If you are implementing such a function in Cython, it cannot have any Python
arguments, Python local variables, or Python return type, and cannot
manipulate Python objects in any way or call any function that does so without
acquiring the GIL first. Some of these restrictions are currently checked by
Cython, but not all. It is possible that more stringent checking will be
performed in the future.
Declaring a function with :keyword:`gil` also implicitly makes its signature
.. _language-basics-label:
Language Basics
Python functions vs. C functions
There are two kinds of function definition in Cython:
Python functions are defined using the def statement, as in Python. They take
Python objects as parameters and return Python objects.
C functions are defined using the new :keyword:`cdef` statement. They take
either Python objects or C values as parameters, and can return either Python
objects or C values.
Within a Cython module, Python functions and C functions can call each other
freely, but only Python functions can be called from outside the module by
interpreted Python code. So, any functions that you want to "export" from your
Cython module must be declared as Python functions using def.
Parameters of either type of function can be declared to have C data types,
using normal C declaration syntax. For example,::
def spam(int i, char *s):
cdef int eggs(unsigned long l, float f):
When a parameter of a Python function is declared to have a C data type, it is
passed in as a Python object and automatically converted to a C value, if
possible. Automatic conversion is currently only possible for numeric types
and string types; attempting to use any other type for the parameter of a
Python function will result in a compile-time error.
C functions, on the other hand, can have parameters of any type, since they're
passed in directly using a normal C function call.
Python objects as parameters and return values
If no type is specified for a parameter or return value, it is assumed to be a
Python object. (Note that this is different from the C convention, where it
would default to int.) For example, the following defines a C function that
takes two Python objects as parameters and returns a Python object::
cdef spamobjs(x, y):
Reference counting for these objects is performed automatically according to
the standard Python/C API rules (i.e. borrowed references are taken as
parameters and a new reference is returned).
The name object can also be used to explicitly declare something as a Python
object. This can be useful if the name being declared would otherwise be taken
as the name of a type, for example,::
cdef ftang(object int):
declares a parameter called int which is a Python object. You can also use
object as the explicit return type of a function, e.g.::
cdef object ftang(object int):
In the interests of clarity, it is probably a good idea to always be explicit
about object parameters in C functions.
C variable and type definitions
The :keyword:`cdef` statement is also used to declare C variables, either local or
cdef int i, j, k
cdef float f, g[42], *h
and C :keyword:`struct`, :keyword:`union` or :keyword:`enum` types::
cdef struct Grail:
int age
float volume
cdef union Food:
char *spam
float *eggs
cdef enum CheeseType:
cheddar, edam,
cdef enum CheeseState:
hard = 1
soft = 2
runny = 3
There is currently no special syntax for defining a constant, but you can use
an anonymous :keyword:`enum` declaration for this purpose, for example,::
cdef enum:
tons_of_spam = 3
.. note::
the words ``struct``, ``union`` and ``enum`` are used only when
defining a type, not when referring to it. For example, to declare a variable
pointing to a ``Grail`` you would write::
cdef Grail *gp
and not::
cdef struct Grail *gp # WRONG
There is also a ``ctypedef`` statement for giving names to types, e.g.::
ctypedef unsigned long ULong
ctypedef int *IntPtr
Grouping multiple C declarations
If you have a series of declarations that all begin with :keyword:`cdef`, you
can group them into a :keyword:`cdef` block like this::
struct Spam:
int tons
int i
float f
Spam *p
void f(Spam *s):
print s.tons, "Tons of spam"
Automatic type conversions
In most situations, automatic conversions will be performed for the basic
numeric and string types when a Python object is used in a context requiring a
C value, or vice versa. The following table summarises the conversion
| C types | From Python types | To Python types |
| [unsigned] char | int, long | int |
| [unsigned] short | | |
| int, long | | |
| unsigned int | int, long | long |
| unsigned long | | |
| [unsigned] long long | | |
| float, double, long double | int, long, float | float |
| char * | str | str |
Caveats when using a Python string in a C context
You need to be careful when using a Python string in a context expecting a
``char *``. In this situation, a pointer to the contents of the Python string is
used, which is only valid as long as the Python string exists. So you need to
make sure that a reference to the original Python string is held for as long
as the C string is needed. If you can't guarantee that the Python string will
live long enough, you will need to copy the C string.
Cython detects and prevents some mistakes of this kind. For instance, if you
attempt something like::
cdef char *s
s = pystring1 + pystring2
then Cython will produce the error message ``Obtaining char * from temporary
Python value``. The reason is that concatenating the two Python strings
produces a new Python string object that is referenced only by a temporary
internal variable that Cython generates. As soon as the statement has finished,
the temporary variable will be decrefed and the Python string deallocated,
leaving ``s`` dangling. Since this code could not possibly work, Cython refuses to
compile it.
The solution is to assign the result of the concatenation to a Python
variable, and then obtain the ``char *`` from that, i.e.::
cdef char *s
p = pystring1 + pystring2
s = p
It is then your responsibility to hold the reference p for as long as
Keep in mind that the rules used to detect such errors are only heuristics.
Sometimes Cython will complain unnecessarily, and sometimes it will fail to
detect a problem that exists. Ultimately, you need to understand the issue and
be careful what you do.
Scope rules
Cython determines whether a variable belongs to a local scope, the module
scope, or the built-in scope completely statically. As with Python, assigning
to a variable which is not otherwise declared implicitly declares it to be a
Python variable residing in the scope where it is assigned. Unlike Python,
however, a name which is referred to but not declared or assigned is assumed
to reside in the builtin scope, not the module scope. Names added to the
module dictionary at run time will not shadow such names.
You can use a global statement at the module level to explicitly declare a
name to be a module-level name when there would otherwise not be any
indication of this, for example,::
global __name__
print __name__
Without the global statement, the above would print the name of the builtins
.. note::
A consequence of these rules is that the module-level scope behaves the
same way as a Python local scope if you refer to a variable before assigning
to it. In particular, tricks such as the following will not work in Cython::
x = True
except NameError:
True = 1
because, due to the assignment, the True will always be looked up in the
module-level scope. You would have to do something like this instead::
import __builtin__
True = __builtin__.True
except AttributeError:
True = 1
Statements and expressions
Control structures and expressions follow Python syntax for the most part.
When applied to Python objects, they have the same semantics as in Python
(unless otherwise noted). Most of the Python operators can also be applied to
C values, with the obvious semantics.
If Python objects and C values are mixed in an expression, conversions are
performed automatically between Python objects and C numeric or string types.
Reference counts are maintained automatically for all Python objects, and all
Python operations are automatically checked for errors, with appropriate
action taken.
Differences between C and Cython expressions
There are some differences in syntax and semantics between C expressions and
Cython expressions, particularly in the area of C constructs which have no
direct equivalent in Python.
* An integer literal without an L suffix is treated as a C constant, and will
be truncated to whatever size your C compiler thinks appropriate. With an
L suffix, it will be converted to Python long integer (even if it would
be small enough to fit into a C int).
* There is no ``->`` operator in Cython. Instead of ``p->x``, use ``p.x``
* There is no ``*`` operator in Cython. Instead of ``*p``, use ``p[0]``
* There is an ``&`` operator, with the same semantics as in C.
* The null C pointer is called ``NULL``, not ``0`` (and ``NULL`` is a reserved word).
* Character literals are written with a c prefix, for example::
* Type casts are written ``<type>value`` , for example::
cdef char *p, float *q
p = <char*>q
Warning: Don't attempt to use a typecast to convert between Python and C
data types -- it won't do the right thing. Leave Cython to perform the
conversion automatically.
Operator Precedence
Keep in mind that there are some differences in operator precedence between
Python and C, and that Cython uses the Python precedences, not the C ones.
Integer for-loops
You should be aware that a for-loop such as::
for i in range(n):
won't be very fast, even if i and n are declared as C integers, because range
is a Python function. For iterating over ranges of integers, Cython has another
form of for-loop::
for i from 0 <= i < n:
If the loop variable and the lower and upper bounds are all C integers, this
form of loop will be much faster, because Cython will translate it into pure C
Some things to note about the for-from loop:
* The target expression must be a variable name.
* The name between the lower and upper bounds must be the same as the target
* The direction of iteration is determined by the relations. If they are both
from the set {``<``, ``<=``} then it is upwards; if they are both from the set
{``>``, ``>=``} then it is downwards. (Any other combination is disallowed.)
Like other Python looping statements, break and continue may be used in the
body, and the loop may have an else clause.
.. note::
See :ref:`automatic-range-conversion`
Error return values
If you don't do anything special, a function declared with :keyword`cdef` that
does not return a Python object has no way of reporting Python exceptions to
its caller. If an exception is detected in such a function, a warning message
is printed and the exception is ignored.
If you want a C function that does not return a Python object to be able to
propagate exceptions to its caller, you need to declare an exception value for
it. Here is an example::
cdef int spam() except -1:
With this declaration, whenever an exception occurs inside spam, it will
immediately return with the value ``-1``. Furthermore, whenever a call to spam
returns ``-1``, an exception will be assumed to have occurred and will be
When you declare an exception value for a function, you should never
explicitly return that value. If all possible return values are legal and you
can't reserve one entirely for signalling errors, you can use an alternative
form of exception value declaration::
cdef int spam() except? -1:
The "?" indicates that the value ``-1`` only indicates a possible error. In this
case, Cython generates a call to :cfunc:`PyErr_Occurred` if the exception value is
returned, to make sure it really is an error.
There is also a third form of exception value declaration::
cdef int spam() except *:
This form causes Cython to generate a call to :cfunc:`PyErr_Occurred` after
every call to spam, regardless of what value it returns. If you have a
function returning void that needs to propagate errors, you will have to use
this form, since there isn't any return value to test.
Some things to note:
* Exception values can only declared for functions returning an integer, enum,
float or pointer type, and the value must be a constant expression. The
only possible pointer exception value is ``NULL``. Void functions can only
use the ``except *`` form.
* The exception value specification is part of the signature of the function.
If you're passing a pointer to a function as a parameter or assigning it
to a variable, the declared type of the parameter or variable must have
the same exception value specification (or lack thereof). Here is an
example of a pointer-to-function declaration with an exception
int (*grail)(int, char *) except -1
* You don't need to (and shouldn't) declare exception values for functions
which return Python objects. Remember that a function with no declared
return type implicitly returns a Python object.
Checking return values of non-Cython functions
It's important to understand that the except clause does not cause an error to
be raised when the specified value is returned. For example, you can't write
something like::
cdef extern FILE *fopen(char *filename, char *mode) except NULL # WRONG!
and expect an exception to be automatically raised if a call to :func:`fopen`
returns ``NULL``. The except clause doesn't work that way; its only purpose is
for propagating exceptions that have already been raised, either by a Cython
function or a C function that calls Python/C API routines. To get an exception
from a non-Python-aware function such as :func:`fopen`, you will have to check the
return value and raise it yourself, for example,::
cdef FILE *p
p = fopen("spam.txt", "r")
if p == NULL:
raise SpamError("Couldn't open the spam file")
The include statement
A Cython source file can include material from other files using the include
statement, for example::
include "spamstuff.pxi"
The contents of the named file are textually included at that point. The
included file can contain any complete statements or declarations that are
valid in the context where the include statement appears, including other
include statements. The contents of the included file should begin at an
indentation level of zero, and will be treated as though they were indented to
the level of the include statement that is including the file.
.. note::
There are other mechanisms available for splitting Cython code into
separate parts that may be more appropriate in many cases. See
Keyword-only arguments
Python functions can have keyword-only arguments listed after the ``*``
parameter and before the ``**`` parameter if any, e.g.::
def f(a, b, *args, c, d = 42, e, **kwds):
Here ``c``, ``d`` and ``e`` cannot be passed as position arguments and must be
passed as keyword arguments. Furthermore, ``c`` and ``e`` are required keyword
arguments, since they do not have a default value.
If the parameter name after the ``*`` is omitted, the function will not accept any
extra positional arguments, e.g.::
def g(a, b, *, c, d):
takes exactly two positional parameters and has two required keyword parameters.
Built-in Functions
Cython compiles calls to the following built-in functions into direct calls to
the corresponding Python/C API routines, making them particularly fast.
| Function and arguments | Return type | Python/C API Equivalent |
| abs(obj) | object | PyNumber_Absolute |
| delattr(obj, name) | int | PyObject_DelAttr |
| dir(obj) | object | PyObject_Dir |
| getattr(obj, name) (Note 1) | | |
| getattr3(obj, name, default) | | |
| hasattr(obj, name) | int | PyObject_HasAttr |
| hash(obj) | int | PyObject_Hash |
| intern(obj) | object | PyObject_InternFromString |
| isinstance(obj, type) | int | PyObject_IsInstance |
| issubclass(obj, type) | int | PyObject_IsSubclass |
| iter(obj) | object | PyObject_GetIter |
| len(obj) | Py_ssize_t | PyObject_Length |
| pow(x, y, z) (Note 2) | object | PyNumber_Power |
| reload(obj) | object | PyImport_ReloadModule |
| repr(obj) | object | PyObject_Repr |
| setattr(obj, name) | void | PyObject_SetAttr |
Note 1: There are two different functions corresponding to the Python
:func:`getattr` depending on whether a third argument is used. In a Python
context, they both evaluate to the Python :func:`getattr` function.
Note 2: Only the three-argument form of :func:`pow` is supported. Use the
``**`` operator otherwise.
Only direct function calls using these names are optimised. If you do
something else with one of these names that assumes it's a Python object, such
as assign it to a Python variable, and later call it, the call will be made as
a Python function call.
Conditional Compilation
Some features are available for conditional compilation and compile-time
constants within a Cython source file.
Compile-Time Definitions
A compile-time constant can be defined using the DEF statement::
DEF FavouriteFood = "spam"
DEF ArraySize = 42
DEF OtherArraySize = 2 * ArraySize + 17
The right-hand side of the ``DEF`` must be a valid compile-time expression.
Such expressions are made up of literal values and names defined using ``DEF``
statements, combined using any of the Python expression syntax.
The following compile-time names are predefined, corresponding to the values
returned by :func:``os.uname``.
The following selection of builtin constants and functions are also available:
None, True, False,
abs, bool, chr, cmp, complex, dict, divmod, enumerate,
float, hash, hex, int, len, list, long, map, max, min,
oct, ord, pow, range, reduce, repr, round, slice, str,
sum, tuple, xrange, zip
A name defined using ``DEF`` can be used anywhere an identifier can appear,
and it is replaced with its compile-time value as though it were written into
the source at that point as a literal. For this to work, the compile-time
expression must evaluate to a Python value of type ``int``, ``long``,
``float`` or ``str``.::
cdef int a1[ArraySize]
cdef int a2[OtherArraySize]
print "I like", FavouriteFood
Conditional Statements
The ``IF`` statement can be used to conditionally include or exclude sections
of code at compile time. It works in a similar way to the ``#if`` preprocessor
directive in C.::
IF UNAME_SYSNAME == "Windows":
include "icky_definitions.pxi"
include "nice_definitions.pxi"
include "penguin_definitions.pxi"
include "other_definitions.pxi"
The ``ELIF`` and ``ELSE`` clauses are optional. An ``IF`` statement can appear
anywhere that a normal statement or declaration can appear, and it can contain
any statements or declarations that would be valid in that context, including
``DEF`` statements and other ``IF`` statements.
The expressions in the ``IF`` and ``ELIF`` clauses must be valid compile-time
expressions as for the ``DEF`` statement, although they can evaluate to any
Python value, and the truth of the result is determined in the usual Python
.. _cython-limitations-label:
Unsupported Python features
Cython is not quite a full superset of Python. The following restrictions apply:
* Function definitions (whether using ``def`` or ``cdef``) cannot be nested within
other function definitions.
* Class definitions can only appear at the top level of a module,
not inside a function.
* The ``import *`` form of import is not allowed anywhere (other forms of the
import statement are fine, though).
* Generators cannot be defined in Cython.
* The ``globals()`` and ``locals()`` functions cannot be used.
The above restrictions will most likely remain, since removing them would be
difficult and they're not really needed for Cython's intended applications.
There are also some temporary limitations, which may eventually be lifted, including:
* Class and function definitions cannot be placed inside control structures.
* There is no support for Unicode.
* Special methods of extension types cannot have functioning docstrings.
* The use of string literals as comments is not recommended at present,
because Cython doesn't optimize them away, and won't even accept them in places
where executable statements are not allowed.
Semantic differences between Python and Cython
Behaviour of class scopes
In Python, referring to a method of a class inside the class definition, i.e.
while the class is being defined, yields a plain function object, but in
Cython it yields an unbound method [#]_. A consequence of this is that the
usual idiom for using the ``classmethod`` and ``staticmethod`` functions,
class Spam:
def method(cls):
method = classmethod(method)
will not work in Cython. This can be worked around by defining the function
outside the class, and then assigning the result of ``classmethod`` or
``staticmethod`` inside the class, i.e.::
def Spam_method(cls):
class Spam:
method = classmethod(Spam_method)
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#] The reason for the different behaviour of class scopes is that
Cython-defined Python functions are PyCFunction objects, not PyFunction
objects, and are not recognised by the machinery that creates a bound
or unbound method when a function is extracted from a class. To get
around this, Cython wraps each method in an unbound method object itself
before storing it in the class's dictionary.
.. _overview-label:
A language for writing Python extension modules
What is Cython all about?
Cython is a language specially designed for writing Python extension modules.
It's designed to bridge the gap between the nice, high-level, easy-to-use
world of Python and the messy, low-level world of C.
You may be wondering why anyone would want a special language for this. Python
is really easy to extend using C or C++, isn't it? Why not just write your
extension modules in one of those languages?
Well, if you've ever written an extension module for Python, you'll know that
things are not as easy as all that. First of all, there is a fair bit of
boilerplate code to write before you can even get off the ground. Then you're
faced with the problem of converting between Python and C data types. For the
basic types such as numbers and strings this is not too bad, but anything more
elaborate and you're into picking Python objects apart using the Python/C API
calls, which requires you to be meticulous about maintaining reference counts,
checking for errors at every step and cleaning up properly if anything goes
wrong. Any mistakes and you have a nasty crash that's very difficult to debug.
Various tools have been developed to ease some of the burdens of producing
extension code, of which perhaps SWIG is the best known. SWIG takes a
definition file consisting of a mixture of C code and specialised
declarations, and produces an extension module. It writes all the boilerplate
for you, and in many cases you can use it without knowing about the Python/C
API. But you need to use API calls if any substantial restructuring of the
data is required between Python and C.
What's more, SWIG gives you no help at all if you want to create a new
built-in Python type. It will generate pure-Python classes which wrap (in a
slightly unsafe manner) pointers to C data structures, but creation of true
extension types is outside its scope.
Another notable attempt at making it easier to extend Python is PyInline ,
inspired by a similar facility for Perl. PyInline lets you embed pieces of C
code in the midst of a Python file, and automatically extracts them and
compiles them into an extension. But it only converts the basic types
automatically, and as with SWIG, it doesn't address the creation of new
Python types.
Cython aims to go far beyond what any of these previous tools provides. Cython
deals with the basic types just as easily as SWIG, but it also lets you write
code to convert between arbitrary Python data structures and arbitrary C data
structures, in a simple and natural way, without knowing anything about the
Python/C API. That's right -- nothing at all! Nor do you have to worry about
reference counting or error checking -- it's all taken care of automatically,
behind the scenes, just as it is in interpreted Python code. And what's more,
Cython lets you define new built-in Python types just as easily as you can
define new classes in Python.
Sound too good to be true? Read on and find out how it's done.
The Basics of Cython
The fundamental nature of Cython can be summed up as follows: Cython is Python
with C data types.
Cython is Python: Almost any piece of Python code is also valid Cython code.
(There are a few :ref:`cython-limitations-label`, but this approximation will
serve for now.) The Cython compiler will convert it into C code which makes
equivalent calls to the Python/C API.
But Cython is much more than that, because parameters and variables can be
declared to have C data types. Code which manipulates Python values and C
values can be freely intermixed, with conversions occurring automatically
wherever possible. Reference count maintenance and error checking of Python
operations is also automatic, and the full power of Python's exception
handling facilities, including the try-except and try-finally statements, is
available to you -- even in the midst of manipulating C data.
Here's a small example showing some of what can be done. It's a routine for
finding prime numbers. You tell it how many primes you want, and it returns
them as a Python list.
.. code-block:: none
def primes(int kmax):
cdef int n, k, i
cdef int p[1000]
result = []
if kmax > 1000:
kmax = 1000
k = 0
n = 2
while k < kmax:
i = 0
while i < k and n % p[i] != 0:
i = i + 1
if i == k:
p[k] = n
k = k + 1
n = n + 1
return result
You'll see that it starts out just like a normal Python function definition,
except that the parameter ``kmax`` is declared to be of type ``int`` . This
means that the object passed will be converted to a C integer (or a
``TypeError.`` will be raised if it can't be).
Lines 2 and 3 use the ``cdef`` statement to define some local C variables.
Line 4 creates a Python list which will be used to return the result. You'll
notice that this is done exactly the same way it would be in Python. Because
the variable result hasn't been given a type, it is assumed to hold a Python
Lines 7-9 set up for a loop which will test candidate numbers for primeness
until the required number of primes has been found. Lines 11-12, which try
dividing a candidate by all the primes found so far, are of particular
interest. Because no Python objects are referred to, the loop is translated
entirely into C code, and thus runs very fast.
When a prime is found, lines 14-15 add it to the p array for fast access by
the testing loop, and line 16 adds it to the result list. Again, you'll notice
that line 16 looks very much like a Python statement, and in fact it is, with
the twist that the C parameter ``n`` is automatically converted to a Python
object before being passed to the append method. Finally, at line 18, a normal
Python return statement returns the result list.
Compiling primes.pyx with the Cython compiler produces an extension module
which we can try out in the interactive interpreter as follows::
>>> import primes
>>> primes.primes(10)
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
See, it works! And if you're curious about how much work Cython has saved you,
take a look at the C code generated for this module.
Language Details
For more about the Cython language, see :ref:`language-basics-label`.
Future Plans
Cython is not finished. Substantial tasks remaining. See
:ref:`cython-limitations-label` for a current list.
Differences between Cython and Pyrex
Package names and cross-directory imports
Just like in python.
List Comprehensions
`[expr(x) for x in A]` is now available, implementing the full specification
at . Looping is optimized if ``A`` is
a list. Also, use the :keyword:`for` ... :keyword:`from` syntax too, e.g.::
[i*i for i from 0 <= i < 10]
In-place operators
The following is now legal::
x += 10
for all single-character operators, for both python and :keyword:`cdef` variables. Side
effects behave properly, i.e. for::
L[foo()] += bar()
:func:`foo` is called exactly once, before :func:`bar`.
Conditional expressions "x if b else y" (python 2.5)
Conditional expressions as described in
X if C else Y
Only one of ``X`` and ``Y`` is evaluated, (depending on the value of C).
cdef inline
Module level functions can now be declared inline, with the :keyword:`inline`
keyword passed on to the C compiler. These can be as fast as macros.::
cdef inline int something_fast(int a, int b):
return a*a + b
Note that class-level :keyword:`cdef` functions are handled via a virtual
function table, so the compiler won't be able to inline them in almost all
Assignment on declaration (e.g. "cdef int spam = 5")
In Pyrex, one must write::
cdef int i, j, k
i = 2
j = 5
k = 7
Now, with cython, one can write::
cdef int i = 2, j = 5, k = 7
The expression on the right hand side can be arbitrarily complicated, e.g.::
cdef int n = python_call(foo(x,y), a + b + c) - 32
'by' expression in for loop (e.g. "for i from 0 <= i < 10 by 2")
for i from 0 <= i < 10 by 2:
print i
Boolean int type (e.g. it acts like a c int, but coerces to/from python as a boolean)
In C, ints are used for truth values. In python, any object can be used as a
truth value (using the :meth:`__nonzero__` method, but the canonical choices
are the two boolean objects ``True`` and ``False``. The :keyword:`bint` of
"boolean int" object is compiled to a C int, but get coerced to and from
Cython as booleans. The return type of comparisons and several builtins is a
:ctype:`bint` as well. This allows one to avoid having to wrap things in
:func:`bool()`. For example, one can write::
def is_equal(x):
return x == y
which would return ``1`` or ``0`` in Pyrex, but returns ``True`` or ``False`` in
python. One can declare variables and return values for functions to be of the
:ctype:`bint` type. For example::
cdef int i = x
Cdef bint b = x
The first conversion would happen via ``x.__int__()`` whereas the second would
happen via ``x.__nonzero__()``. (Actually, if ``x`` is the python object
``True`` or ``False`` then no method call is made.)
Executable class bodies
Including a working :func:`classmethod`::
cdef class Blah:
def some_method(self):
print self
some_method = classmethod(some_method)
a = 2*3
print "hi", a
cpdef functions
Cython adds a third function type on top of the usual :keyword:`def` and
:keyword:`cdef`. If a function is declared :keyword:`cpdef` it can be called
from and overridden by both extension and normal python subclasses. You can
essentially think of a :keyword:`cpdef` method as a :keyword:`cdef` method +
some extras. (That's how it's implemented at least.) First, it creates a
:keyword:`def` method that does nothing but call the underlying
:keyword:`cdef` method (and does argument unpacking/coercion if needed). At
the top of the :keyword:`cdef` method a little bit of code is added to check
to see if it's overridden. Specifically, in pseudocode::
if type(self) has a __dict__:
foo = self.getattr('foo')
if foo is not wrapper_foo:
return foo(args)
[cdef method body]
To detect whether or not a type has a dictionary, it just checks the
tp_dictoffset slot, which is ``NULL`` (by default) for extension types, but
non- null for instance classes. If the dictionary exists, it does a single
attribute lookup and can tell (by comparing pointers) whether or not the
returned result is actually a new function. If, and only if, it is a new
function, then the arguments packed into a tuple and the method called. This
is all very fast. A flag is set so this lookup does not occur if one calls the
method on the class directly, e.g.::
cdef class A:
cpdef foo(self):
x = A() # will check to see if overridden # will call A's implementation whether overridden or not
See :ref:`early-binding-speed-label` for explanation and usage tips.
.. _automatic-range-conversion:
(Optional) automatic range conversion
$cython --convert-range
This will convert statements of the form ``for i in range(...)`` to ``for i
from ...`` when ``i`` is any cdef'd integer type, and the direction (i.e. sign
of step) can be determined.
.. warning::
This may change the semantics if the range causes
assignment to ``i`` to overflow. Specifically, if this option is set, an error
will be raised before the loop is entered, whereas without this option the loop
will execute until a overflowing value is encountered.
More friendly type casting
In Pyrex, if one types ``<int>x`` where ``x`` is a Python object, one will get
the memory address of ``x``. Likewise, if one types ``<object>i`` where ``i``
is a C int, one will get an "object" at location ``i`` in memory. This leads
to confusing results and segfaults.
In Cython ``<type>x`` will try and do a coercion (as would happen on assignment of
``x`` to a variable of type type) if exactly one of the types is a python object.
It does not stop one from casting where there is no conversion (though it will
emit a warning). If one really wants the address, cast to a ``void *`` first.
As in Pyrex ``<MyExtensionType>x`` will cast ``x`` to type <ctype>`MyExtensionType` without any
type checking. Cython supports the syntax ``<MyExtensionType?>`` to do the cast
with type checking (i.e. it will throw an error if ``x`` is not a (subclass of)
Optional arguments in cdef/cpdef functions
Cython now supports optional arguments for :keyword:`cdef` and
:keyword:`cpdef` functions.
The syntax in the ``.pyx`` file remains as in Python, but one declares such
functions in the ``.pxd`` file by writing ``cdef foo(x=*)``. The number of
arguments may increase on subclassing, but the argument types and order must
remain the same. There is a slight performance penalty in some cases when a
cdef/cpdef function without any optional is overridden with one that does have
default argument values.
For example, one can have the ``.pxd`` file::
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self)
cdef class B(A)
cdef foo(self, x=*)
cdef class C(B):
cpdef foo(self, x=*, int k=*)
with corresponding ``.pyx`` file::
cdef class A:
cdef foo(self):
print "A"
cdef class B(A)
cdef foo(self, x=None)
print "B", x
cdef class C(B):
cpdef foo(self, x=True, int k=3)
print "C", x, k
.. note::
this also demonstrates how :keyword:`cpdef` functions can override
:keyword:`cdef` functions.
Function pointers in structs
Functions declared in :keyword:`structs` are automatically converted to
function pointers for convenience.
C++ Exception handling
:keyword:`cdef` functions can now be declared as::
cdef int foo(...) except +
cdef int foo(...) except +TypeError
cdef int foo(...) except +python_error_raising_function
in which case a Python exception will be raised when a C++ error is caught.
See :ref:`wrapping-cplusplus-label` for more details.
``cdef import from`` means the same thing as ``cdef extern from``
Source code encoding
-- TODO: add the links to the relevent PEPs
Cython supports PEP 3120 and PEP 263, i.e. you can start your Cython source
file with an encoding comment and generally write your source code in UTF-8.
This impacts the encoding of byte strings and the conversion of unicode string
literals like ``u'abcd'`` to unicode objects.
.. _sharing-declarations-label:
Sharing Declarations Between Cython Modules
This section describes a new set of facilities for making C declarations,
functions and extension types in one Cython module available for use in
another Cython module. These facilities are closely modelled on the Python
import mechanism, and can be thought of as a compile-time version of it.
Definition and Implementation files
A Cython module can be split into two parts: a definition file with a ``.pxd``
suffix, containing C declarations that are to be available to other Cython
modules, and an implementation file with a ``.pyx`` suffix, containing
everything else. When a module wants to use something declared in another
module's definition file, it imports it using the :keyword:`cimport`
statement. What a Definition File contains A definition file can contain:
* Any kind of C type declaration.
* extern C function or variable declarations.
* Declarations of C functions defined in the module.
* The definition part of an extension type (see below).
It cannot contain any non-extern C variable declarations.
It cannot contain the implementations of any C or Python functions, or any
Python class definitions, or any executable statements.
.. note::
You don't need to (and shouldn't) declare anything in a declaration file
public in order to make it available to other Cython modules; its mere
presence in a definition file does that. You only need a public
declaration if you want to make something available to external C code.
What an Implementation File contains
An implementation file can contain any kind of Cython statement, although there
are some restrictions on the implementation part of an extension type if the
corresponding definition file also defines that type (see below).
The cimport statement
The :keyword:`cimport` statement is used in a definition or
implementation file to gain access to names declared in another definition
file. Its syntax exactly parallels that of the normal Python import
cimport module [, module...]
from module cimport name [as name] [, name [as name] ...]
Here is an example. The file on the left is a definition file which exports a
C data type. The file on the right is an implementation file which imports and
uses it.
cdef enum otherstuff:
sausage, eggs, lettuce
cdef struct spamdish:
int oz_of_spam
otherstuff filler
cimport dishes
from dishes cimport spamdish
cdef void prepare(spamdish *d):
d.oz_of_spam = 42
d.filler = dishes.sausage
def serve():
spamdish d
print "%d oz spam, filler no. %d" % (d->oz_of_spam, d->otherstuff)
It is important to understand that the :keyword:`cimport` statement can only
be used to import C data types, C functions and variables, and extension
types. It cannot be used to import any Python objects, and (with one
exception) it doesn't imply any Python import at run time. If you want to
refer to any Python names from a module that you have cimported, you will have
to include a regular import statement for it as well.
The exception is that when you use :keyword:`cimport` to import an extension type, its
type object is imported at run time and made available by the name under which
you imported it. Using :keyword:`cimport` to import extension types is covered in more
detail below.
Search paths for definition files
When you :keyword:`cimport` a module called ``modulename``, the Cython
compiler searches for a file called :file:`modulename.pxd` along the search
path for include files, as specified by ``-I`` command line options.
Also, whenever you compile a file :file:`modulename.pyx`, the corresponding
definition file :file:`modulename.pxd` is first searched for along the same
path, and if found, it is processed before processing the ``.pyx`` file.
Using cimport to resolve naming conflicts
The :keyword:`cimport` mechanism provides a clean and simple way to solve the
problem of wrapping external C functions with Python functions of the same
name. All you need to do is put the extern C declarations into a ``.pxd`` file
for an imaginary module, and :keyword:`cimport` that module. You can then
refer to the C functions by qualifying them with the name of the module.
Here's an example:
:file:`c_lunch.pxd` ::
cdef extern from "lunch.h":
void eject_tomato(float)
:file:`lunch.pyx` ::
cimport c_lunch
def eject_tomato(float speed):
You don't need any :file:`c_lunch.pyx` file, because the only things defined
in :file:`c_lunch.pxd` are extern C entities. There won't be any actual
``c_lunch`` module at run time, but that doesn't matter; the
:file:`c_lunch.pxd` file has done its job of providing an additional namespace
at compile time.
Sharing C Functions
C functions defined at the top level of a module can be made available via
:keyword:`cimport` by putting headers for them in the ``.pxd`` file, for
cdef float cube(float)
from volume cimport cube
def menu(description, size):
print description, ":", cube(size), \
"cubic metres of spam"
menu("Entree", 1)
menu("Main course", 3)
menu("Dessert", 2)
cdef float cube(float x):
return x * x * x
.. note::
When a module exports a C function in this way, an object appears in the
module dictionary under the function's name. However, you can't make use of
this object from Python, nor can you use it from Cython using a normal import
statement; you have to use :keyword:`cimport`.
Sharing Extension Types
An extension type can be made available via :keyword:`cimport` by splitting
its definition into two parts, one in a definition file and the other in the
corresponding implementation file.
The definition part of the extension type can only declare C attributes and C
methods, not Python methods, and it must declare all of that type's C
attributes and C methods.
The implementation part must implement all of the C methods declared in the
definition part, and may not add any further C attributes. It may also define
Python methods.
Here is an example of a module which defines and exports an extension type,
and another module which uses it.::
Shrubbing.pxd Shrubbing.pyx
cdef class Shrubbery:
cdef int width
cdef int length cdef class Shrubbery:
def __new__(self, int w, int l):
self.width = w
self.length = l
def standard_shrubbery():
return Shrubbery(3, 7)
cimport Shrubbing
import Shrubbing
cdef Shrubbing.Shrubbery sh
sh = Shrubbing.standard_shrubbery()
print "Shrubbery size is %d x %d" % (sh.width, sh.height)
Some things to note about this example:
* There is a :keyword:`cdef` class Shrubbery declaration in both
:file:`Shrubbing.pxd` and :file:`Shrubbing.pyx`. When the Shrubbing module
is compiled, these two declarations are combined into one.
* In Landscaping.pyx, the :keyword:`cimport` Shrubbing declaration allows us
to refer to the Shrubbery type as :class:`Shrubbing.Shrubbery`. But it
doesn't bind the name Shrubbing in Landscaping's module namespace at run
time, so to access :func:`Shrubbing.standard_shrubbery` we also need to
``import Shrubbing``.
.. TODO: Rewrite this to be more comprehensive, with examples!
Source Files and Compilation
Cython source file names consist of the name of the module followed by a
``.pyx`` extension, for example a module called primes would have a source
file named :file:`primes.pyx`.
If your module is destined to live in a package, the source file name should
include the full dotted name that the module will eventually have. For
example, a module called primes that will be installed in a package called
numbers should have a source file called numbers.primes.pyx. This will ensure
that the :attr:`__name__` properties of the module and any classes defined in
it are set correctly. If you don't do this, you may find that pickling doesn't
work, among other problems. It also ensures that the Cython compiler has the
right idea about the layout of the module namespace, which can be important
when accessing extension types defined in other modules.
Once you have written your ``.pyx`` file, there are a couple of ways of turning it
into an extension module. One way is to compile it manually with the Cython
compiler, e.g.::
$ cython primes.pyx
This will produce a file called :file:`primes.c`, which then needs to be
compiled with the C compiler using whatever options are appropriate on your
platform for generating an extension module. There's a Makefile in the Demos
directory (called Makefile.nodistutils) that shows how to do this for Linux.
The other, and probably better, way is to use the :mod:`distutils` extension
provided with Cython. See the :file:`` file in the Demos directory for an
example of how to use it. This method has the advantage of being
cross-platform -- the same setup file should work on any platform where
:mod:`distutils` can compile an
extension module.
.. _wrapping-cplusplus-label:
Wrapping C++
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