Commit 10982c52 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #1546 from gevent/issue1542

Fix AttributeError when wrapping a FileObject around already-opened text streams
parents 3c624d73 a208118f
......@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
- Make `gevent.lock.RLock.acquire` accept the *timeout* parameter.
- Fix an ``AttributeError`` when wrapping gevent's ``FileObject``
around an opened text stream. Reported in :issue:`1542` by
1.5a4 (2020-03-23)
......@@ -222,8 +222,8 @@ class OpenDescriptor(object): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
def wrapped(self, raw):
Wraps the raw IO object (`RawIOBase`) in buffers, text decoding,
and newline handling.
Wraps the raw IO object (`RawIOBase` or `io.TextIOBase`) in
buffers, text decoding, and newline handling.
# pylint:disable=too-many-branches
result = raw
......@@ -245,6 +245,10 @@ class OpenDescriptor(object): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
if buffering < 0: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError("invalid buffering size")
if not isinstance(raw, io.BufferedIOBase) and \
(not hasattr(raw, 'buffer') or raw.buffer is None):
# Need to wrap our own buffering around it. If it
# is already buffered, don't do so.
if buffering != 0:
if self.updating:
Buffer = io.BufferedRandom
......@@ -263,22 +267,37 @@ class OpenDescriptor(object): # pylint:disable=too-many-instance-attributes
result = raw
if self.binary:
if isinstance(raw, io.TextIOBase):
# Can't do it. The TextIO object will have its own buffer, and
# trying to read from the raw stream or the buffer without going through
# the TextIO object is likely to lead to problems with the codec.
raise ValueError("Unable to perform binary IO on top of text IO stream")
return result
# Either native or text at this point.
if PY2 and self.native:
# Neither text mode nor binary mode specified.
if self.universal:
# universal was requested, e.g., 'rU'
result = UniversalNewlineBytesWrapper(result, line_buffering)
# Python 2 and text mode, or Python 3 and either text or native (both are the same)
if not isinstance(raw, io.TextIOBase):
# Avoid double-wrapping a TextIOBase in another TextIOWrapper.
# That tends not to work. See
result = io.TextIOWrapper(result, self.encoding, self.errors, self.newline,
if result is not raw:
# Set the mode, if possible, but only if we created a new
# object.
result.mode = self.mode
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
# AttributeError: No such attribute
# TypeError: Readonly attribute (py2)
return result
......@@ -188,8 +188,9 @@ class DummySemaphore(object):
def unlink(self, callback):
def wait(self, timeout=None):
def wait(self, timeout=None): # pylint:disable=unused-argument
"""Waiting for a DummySemaphore returns immediately."""
return 1
def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None):
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import functools
import gc
......@@ -133,7 +133,8 @@ class TestFileObjectBlock(greentest.TestCase): # serves as a base for the concur
self.assertEqual(native_data, fileobj_data)
def __check_native_matches(self, byte_data, open_mode,
meth='read', **open_kwargs):
meth='read', open_path=True,
fileno, path = tempfile.mkstemp('.gevent_test_' + open_mode)
self.addCleanup(os.remove, path)
......@@ -143,8 +144,16 @@ class TestFileObjectBlock(greentest.TestCase): # serves as a base for the concur
with, open_mode, **open_kwargs) as f:
native_data = getattr(f, meth)()
if open_path:
with self._makeOne(path, open_mode, **open_kwargs) as f:
gevent_data = getattr(f, meth)()
# Note that we don't use ```` for the raw file,
# on Python 2. We want 'r' to mean what the usual call to open() means.
opener = if PY3 else open
with opener(path, open_mode, **open_kwargs) as raw:
with self._makeOne(raw) as f:
gevent_data = getattr(f, meth)()
self.assertEqual(native_data, gevent_data)
return gevent_data
......@@ -171,7 +180,7 @@ class TestFileObjectBlock(greentest.TestCase): # serves as a base for the concur
def test_rbU_produces_bytes(self):
def test_rbU_produces_bytes_readline(self):
# Including U in rb still produces bytes.
# Note that the universal newline behaviour is
# essentially ignored in explicit bytes mode.
......@@ -192,6 +201,24 @@ class TestFileObjectBlock(greentest.TestCase): # serves as a base for the concur
self.assertIsInstance(gevent_data[0], str)
def test_r_readline_produces_native(self):
gevent_data = self.__check_native_matches(
self.assertIsInstance(gevent_data, str)
def test_r_readline_on_fobject_produces_native(self):
gevent_data = self.__check_native_matches(
self.assertIsInstance(gevent_data, str)
def test_close_pipe(self):
# Issue #190, 203
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ envlist =
usedevelop = true
extras =
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