Commit 30fe4b99 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Refactor test__core_stat into a proper TestCase.

This lets us start using our infrastructure for flaky timeouts.
parent 1a418d12
......@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ class Hub(RawGreenlet):
def wait(self, watcher):
Wait until the *watcher* (which should not be started) is ready.
Wait until the *watcher* (which must not be started) is ready.
The current greenlet will be unscheduled during this time.
......@@ -829,10 +829,7 @@ class Waiter(object):
__slots__ = ['hub', 'greenlet', 'value', '_exception']
def __init__(self, hub=None):
if hub is None:
self.hub = get_hub()
self.hub = hub
self.hub = get_hub() if hub is None else hub
self.greenlet = None
self.value = None
self._exception = _NONE
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class Timeout(BaseException):
.. caution::
A *seconds* value less than 0.0 (e.g., -1) is poorly defined. In the future,
support for negative values is likely to do the same thing as a value
if ``None``.
of ``None``.
.. versionchanged:: 1.1b2
If *seconds* is not given or is ``None``, no longer allocate a libev
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ class Timeout(BaseException):
# Plus, in general, it should be more efficient
self.timer = _FakeTimer
# XXX: A zero second timer could cause libuv to block the loop.
self.timer = get_hub().loop.timer(seconds or 0.0, ref=ref, priority=priority)
def start(self):
from __future__ import print_function
import gevent
import gevent.core
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import time
#pylint: disable=protected-access
import gevent
import gevent.core
filename = 'tmp.test__core_stat.%s' % os.getpid()
import greentest
hub = gevent.get_hub()
#pylint: disable=protected-access
DELAY = 0.5
EV_USE_INOTIFY = getattr(gevent.core, 'EV_USE_INOTIFY', None)
DELAY = 0.5
WIN = sys.platform.startswith('win')
WIN = greentest.WIN
LIBUV = getattr(gevent.core, 'libuv', None)
LIBUV = greentest.LIBUV
def test():
open(filename, 'wb', buffering=0).close()
assert os.path.exists(filename), filename
class TestCoreStat(greentest.TestCase):
def write():
with open(filename, 'wb', buffering=0) as f:
__timeout__ = greentest.LARGE_TIMEOUT
start = time.time()
greenlet = gevent.spawn_later(DELAY, write)
def setUp(self):
super(TestCoreStat, self).setUp()
fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.gevent_test_core_stat')
self.temp_path = path
self.hub = gevent.get_hub()
# If we don't specify an interval, we default to zero.
# libev interprets that as meaning to use its default interval,
# which is about 5 seconds. If we go below it's minimum check
# threshold, it bumps it up to the minimum.
watcher = hub.loop.stat(filename, interval=-1)
assert watcher.path == filename, (watcher.path, filename)
filenames = filename if isinstance(filename, bytes) else filename.encode('ascii')
assert watcher._paths == filenames, (watcher._paths, filenames)
assert watcher.interval == -1
self.watcher = self.hub.loop.stat(self.temp_path, interval=-1)
def tearDown(self):
if os.path.exists(self.temp_path):
super(TestCoreStat, self).tearDown()
def check_attr(name, none):
def _write(self):
with open(self.temp_path, 'wb', buffering=0) as f:
def _check_attr(self, name, none):
# Deals with the complex behaviour of the 'attr' and 'prev'
# attributes on Windows. This codifies it, rather than simply letting
# the test fail, so we know exactly when and what changes it.
x = getattr(watcher, name)
x = getattr(self.watcher, name)
except ImportError:
if WIN:
# the 'posix' module is not available
......@@ -56,50 +59,58 @@ def test():
if WIN and not LIBUV:
# The ImportError is only raised for the first time;
# after that, the attribute starts returning None
assert x is None, ("Only None is supported on Windows", x)
self.assertIsNone(x, "Only None is supported on Windows")
if none:
assert x is None, x
self.assertIsNone(x, name)
assert x is not None, x
self.assertIsNotNone(x, name)
with gevent.Timeout(5 + DELAY + 0.5):
def _wait_on_greenlet(self, func, *greenlet_args):
start = time.time()
greenlet = gevent.spawn_later(DELAY, func, *greenlet_args)
with gevent.Timeout(5 + DELAY + 0.5):
now = time.time()
if now - start - DELAY <= 0.0:
# Sigh. This is especially true on PyPy.
assert WIN, ("Bad timer resolution expected on Windows, test is useless", start, now)
print("On windows, bad timer resolution prevents this test from running")
reaction = now - start - DELAY
print('Watcher %s reacted after %.4f seconds (write)' % (watcher, reaction))
if reaction >= DELAY and EV_USE_INOTIFY:
print('WARNING: inotify failed (write)')
assert reaction >= 0.0, 'Watcher %s reacted too early (write): %.3fs' % (watcher, reaction)
check_attr('attr', False)
check_attr('prev', False)
# The watcher interval changed after it started; -1 is illegal
assert watcher.interval != -1, watcher.interval
self.assertGreaterEqual(now, start, "Time must move forward")
wait_duration = now - start
reaction = wait_duration - DELAY
if reaction <= 0.0:
# Sigh. This is especially true on PyPy on Windows
raise greentest.FlakyTestRaceCondition(
"Bad timer resolution (on Windows?), test is useless. Start %s, now %s" % (start, now))
reaction, 0.0,
'Watcher %s reacted too early: %.3fs' % (self.watcher, reaction))
gevent.spawn_later(DELAY, os.unlink, filename)
start = time.time()
def test_watcher_basics(self):
watcher = self.watcher
filename = self.temp_path
self.assertEqual(watcher.path, filename)
filenames = filename if isinstance(filename, bytes) else filename.encode('ascii')
self.assertEqual(watcher._paths, filenames)
self.assertEqual(watcher.interval, -1)
with gevent.Timeout(5 + DELAY + 0.5):
def test_write(self):
self._check_attr('attr', False)
self._check_attr('prev', False)
# The watcher interval changed after it started; -1 is illegal
self.assertNotEqual(self.watcher.interval, -1)
reaction = time.time() - start - DELAY
print('Watcher %s reacted after %.4f seconds (unlink)' % (watcher, reaction))
if reaction >= DELAY and EV_USE_INOTIFY:
print('WARNING: inotify failed (unlink)')
assert reaction >= 0.0, 'Watcher %s reacted too early (unlink): %.3fs' % (watcher, reaction)
check_attr('attr', True)
check_attr('prev', False)
def test_unlink(self):
self._wait_on_greenlet(os.unlink, self.temp_path)
if os.path.exists(filename):
self._check_attr('attr', True)
self._check_attr('prev', False)
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