Commit 38451247 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

drop the watcher macro, call start/stop through function pointers and fix a compiler warning.

parent 5b72d7cf
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ static void gevent_call(struct PyGeventLoopObject* loop, struct PyGeventCallback
static void gevent_callback_##WATCHER_LC(struct ev_loop *_loop, void *c_watcher, int revents) { \
struct PyGeventWatcherObject* watcher = GET_OBJECT(PyGevent##WATCHER_TYPE##Object, c_watcher, _watcher); \
struct PyGeventWatcherObject* watcher = (struct PyGeventWatcherObject*)GET_OBJECT(PyGevent##WATCHER_TYPE##Object, c_watcher, _watcher); \
gevent_callback(watcher->loop, watcher->_callback, watcher->args, (PyObject*)watcher, c_watcher, revents); \
......@@ -618,18 +618,7 @@ cdef public class callback [object PyGeventCallbackObject, type PyGeventCallback
return ''
#define WATCHER(TYPE) \
cdef libev.ev_##TYPE _watcher \
cdef void _do_libev_start(self): \
libev.ev_##TYPE##_start(self.loop._ptr, &self._watcher) \
cdef void _do_libev_stop(self): \
libev.ev_##TYPE##_stop(self.loop._ptr, &self._watcher) \
# about readonly _flags attribute:
# bit #1 set if object owns Python reference to itself (Py_INCREF was
# called and we must call Py_DECREF later)
......@@ -642,31 +631,73 @@ DEF FLAG_WATCHER_UNREF_BEFORE_START = 1 << 2 # 0x4
# ref us) and then make a note of this in the future
cdef void _python_incref(watcher self):
if not self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_OWNS_PYREF:
cdef void _python_decref(watcher self):
if self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_OWNS_PYREF:
cdef void _libev_ref(watcher self):
if self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_NEEDS_EVREF:
cdef void _libev_unref(watcher self):
ctypedef void (*start_stop_func)(libev.ev_loop*, void*) nogil
cdef struct start_and_stop:
start_stop_func start
start_stop_func stop
cdef start_and_stop make_ss(void* start, void* stop):
cdef start_and_stop result = start_and_stop(<start_stop_func>start, <start_stop_func>stop)
return result
cdef public class watcher [object PyGeventWatcherObject, type PyGeventWatcher_Type]:
"""Abstract base class for all the watchers"""
# Our subclasses will declare the ev_X struct
# as an inline member. This is good for locality, but
# probably bad for alignment, as it will get tacked on
# immediately after our data.
cdef readonly unsigned int _flags
## pointer members
cdef public loop loop
cdef object _callback
cdef public tuple args
cdef readonly unsigned int _flags
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher
# By inlining the start_and_stop struct, instead of taking the address
# of a static struct or using the watcher's data pointer, we
# use an additional pointer of memory and incur an additional pointer copy
# on creation.
# But we use fewer pointer accesses for start/stop, and they have
# better cache locality. (Then again, we're bigger)
cdef start_and_stop __ss
cdef libev.ev_any_watcher _any_watcher
def __init__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
if not self.__watcher:
cdef libev.ev_watcher* w = self.__watcher()
if not w or not self.__ss.start or not self.__ss.stop:
raise ValueError("Cannot construct a bare watcher")
self.loop = loop
self._flags = 0 if ref else FLAG_WATCHER_UNREF_BEFORE_START
if priority is not None:
libev.ev_set_priority(self.__watcher, priority)
libev.ev_set_priority(w, priority)
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
# We define this as a function to save one pointer of storage
# in our struct.
return NULL
def ref(self):
......@@ -689,7 +720,7 @@ cdef public class watcher [object PyGeventWatcherObject, type PyGeventWatcher_Ty
if not self.ref:
return # ref is already False
if not self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_NEEDS_EVREF and libev.ev_is_active(self.__watcher):
if not self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_NEEDS_EVREF and libev.ev_is_active(self.__watcher()):
......@@ -705,63 +736,56 @@ cdef public class watcher [object PyGeventWatcherObject, type PyGeventWatcher_Ty
def priority(self):
return libev.ev_priority(self.__watcher)
return libev.ev_priority(self.__watcher())
def priority(self, int priority):
if libev.ev_is_active(self.__watcher):
cdef libev.ev_watcher* w = self.__watcher()
if libev.ev_is_active(w):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set priority of an active watcher")
libev.ev_set_priority(self.__watcher, priority)
libev.ev_set_priority(w, priority)
def active(self):
return True if libev.ev_is_active(self.__watcher) else False
return True if libev.ev_is_active(self.__watcher()) else False
def pending(self):
return True if libev.ev_is_pending(self.__watcher) else False
return True if libev.ev_is_pending(self.__watcher()) else False
def start(self, object callback, *args):
watcher._watcher_start(self, callback, args)
self._watcher_start(callback, args)
cdef int _watcher_start(watcher self, object callback, tuple args) except -1:
cdef bint _watcher_start(self, object callback, tuple args) except -1:
# This method should be called by subclasses if they override the python-level
# `start` function: they've already paid for argument unpacking, and
# `start` cannot be cpdef since it uses varargs
if callback is None or not callable(callback):
raise TypeError("Expected callable, not %r" % (callback, ))
self._callback = callback
self.args = args
self.__ss.start(self.loop._ptr, self.__watcher())
return 1
cdef void _do_libev_start(self):
# This is not allowed to fail, and must be implemented by subclasses.
cpdef stop(self):
if self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_NEEDS_EVREF:
# The callback cannot possibly fire while we are executing,
# so this is safe.
self._callback = None
self.args = None
if self._flags & FLAG_WATCHER_OWNS_PYREF:
cdef void _do_libev_stop(self):
# like _do_libev_start
self.__ss.stop(self.loop._ptr, self.__watcher())
def feed(self, int revents, object callback, *args):
self.callback = callback
self.args = args
libev.ev_feed_event(self.loop._ptr, self.__watcher, revents)
libev.ev_feed_event(self.loop._ptr, self.__watcher(), revents)
def __repr__(self):
......@@ -795,14 +819,16 @@ cdef public class watcher [object PyGeventWatcherObject, type PyGeventWatcher_Ty
cdef start_and_stop io_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_io_start, <void*>libev.ev_io_stop)
cdef public class io(watcher) [object PyGeventIOObject, type PyGeventIO_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_io _watcher
def start(self, object callback, *args, pass_events=False):
if pass_events:
args = (GEVENT_CORE_EVENTS, ) + args
watcher._watcher_start(self, callback, args)
self._watcher_start(callback, args)
def __init__(self, loop loop, libev.vfd_socket_t fd, int events, ref=True, priority=None):
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref, priority)
......@@ -815,11 +841,14 @@ cdef public class io(watcher) [object PyGeventIOObject, type PyGeventIO_Type]:
# All the vfd_functions are no-ops on POSIX
cdef int vfd = libev.vfd_open(fd)
libev.ev_io_init(&self._watcher, <void *>gevent_callback_io, vfd, events)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = io_ss
def __dealloc__(self):
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
def fd(self):
return libev.vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
......@@ -849,10 +878,11 @@ cdef public class io(watcher) [object PyGeventIOObject, type PyGeventIO_Type]:
def _format(self):
return ' fd=%s events=%s' % (self.fd, self.events_str)
cdef start_and_stop timer_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_timer_start, <void*>libev.ev_timer_stop)
cdef public class timer(watcher) [object PyGeventTimerObject, type PyGeventTimer_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_timer _watcher
update_loop_time_on_start = False
......@@ -861,13 +891,13 @@ cdef public class timer(watcher) [object PyGeventTimerObject, type PyGeventTimer
update = self.update_loop_time_on_start
if update:
watcher._watcher_start(self, callback, args)
self._watcher_start(callback, args)
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, double after=0.0, double repeat=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
if repeat < 0.0:
raise ValueError("repeat must be positive or zero: %r" % repeat)
libev.ev_timer_init(&self._watcher, <void *>gevent_callback_timer, after, repeat)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = timer_ss
def __init__(self, loop loop, double after=0.0, double repeat=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref, priority)
......@@ -888,10 +918,15 @@ cdef public class timer(watcher) [object PyGeventTimerObject, type PyGeventTimer
libev.ev_timer_again(self.loop._ptr, &self._watcher)
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop signal_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_signal_start, <void*>libev.ev_signal_stop)
cdef public class signal(watcher) [object PyGeventSignalObject, type PyGeventSignal_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_signal _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, int signalnum, ref=True, priority=None):
if signalnum < 1 or signalnum >= signalmodule.NSIG:
......@@ -902,52 +937,76 @@ cdef public class signal(watcher) [object PyGeventSignalObject, type PyGeventSig
# 2) "libev: a signal must not be attached to two different loops"
# we probably could check that in LIBEV_EMBED mode, but not in general
libev.ev_signal_init(&self._watcher, <void *>gevent_callback_signal, signalnum)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = signal_ss
def __init__(self, loop loop, int signalnum, ref=True, priority=None):
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref, priority)
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop idle_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_idle_start, <void*>libev.ev_idle_stop)
cdef public class idle(watcher) [object PyGeventIdleObject, type PyGeventIdle_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_idle _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
libev.ev_idle_init(&self._watcher, <void*>gevent_callback_idle)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = idle_ss
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop prepare_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_prepare_start, <void*>libev.ev_prepare_stop)
cdef public class prepare(watcher) [object PyGeventPrepareObject, type PyGeventPrepare_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_prepare _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
libev.ev_prepare_init(&self._watcher, <void*>gevent_callback_prepare)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = prepare_ss
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop check_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_check_start, <void*>libev.ev_check_stop)
cdef public class check(watcher) [object PyGeventCheckObject, type PyGeventCheck_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_check _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
libev.ev_check_init(&self._watcher, <void*>gevent_callback_check)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = check_ss
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop fork_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_fork_start, <void*>libev.ev_fork_stop)
cdef public class fork(watcher) [object PyGeventForkObject, type PyGeventFork_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_fork _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
libev.ev_fork_init(&self._watcher, <void*>gevent_callback_fork)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = fork_ss
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
cdef start_and_stop async_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_async_start, <void*>libev.ev_async_stop)
cdef public class async_(watcher) [object PyGeventAsyncObject, type PyGeventAsync_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_async _watcher
def pending(self):
......@@ -956,7 +1015,10 @@ cdef public class async_(watcher) [object PyGeventAsyncObject, type PyGeventAsyn
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, ref=True, priority=None):
libev.ev_async_init(&self._watcher, <void*>gevent_callback_async)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = async_ss
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
def send(self):
......@@ -964,9 +1026,11 @@ cdef public class async_(watcher) [object PyGeventAsyncObject, type PyGeventAsyn
async = async_
cdef start_and_stop child_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_child_start, <void*>libev.ev_child_stop)
cdef public class child(watcher) [object PyGeventChildObject, type PyGeventChild_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_child _watcher
def __cinit__(self, loop loop, int pid, bint trace=0, ref=True):
if sys.platform == 'win32':
......@@ -975,11 +1039,14 @@ cdef public class child(watcher) [object PyGeventChildObject, type PyGeventChild
raise TypeError('child watchers are only available on the default loop')
libev.ev_child_init(&self._watcher, <void *>gevent_callback_child, pid, trace)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = child_ss
def __init__(self, loop loop, int pid, bint trace=0, ref=True):
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref, None)
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
def _format(self):
return ' pid=%r rstatus=%r' % (, self.rstatus)
......@@ -1003,10 +1070,11 @@ cdef public class child(watcher) [object PyGeventChildObject, type PyGeventChild
def rstatus(self, int value):
self._watcher.rstatus = value
cdef start_and_stop stat_ss = make_ss(<void*>libev.ev_stat_start, <void*>libev.ev_stat_stop)
cdef public class stat(watcher) [object PyGeventStatObject, type PyGeventStat_Type]:
cdef libev.ev_stat _watcher
cdef readonly str path
cdef readonly bytes _paths
......@@ -1023,11 +1091,14 @@ cdef public class stat(watcher) [object PyGeventStatObject, type PyGeventStat_Ty
paths = <bytes>path
self._paths = paths
libev.ev_stat_init(&self._watcher, <void *>gevent_callback_stat, <char*>paths, interval)
self.__watcher = <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
self.__ss = stat_ss
def __init__(self, loop loop, str path, float interval=0.0, ref=True, priority=None):
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref, priority)
cdef libev.ev_watcher* __watcher(self):
return <libev.ev_watcher*>&self._watcher
def attr(self):
if not self._watcher.attr.st_nlink:
......@@ -1045,6 +1116,7 @@ cdef public class stat(watcher) [object PyGeventStatObject, type PyGeventStat_Ty
return self._watcher.interval
......@@ -131,6 +131,13 @@ cdef extern from "libev.h" nogil:
stat prev
double interval
union ev_any_watcher:
ev_watcher w
ev_io io
ev_timer timer
ev_signal signal
ev_idle idle
int ev_version_major()
int ev_version_minor()
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