Commit a34b32ca authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Checkpoint on sharing watcher implementations/refactor libev.

All the tests pass except for

This is failing because threading._shutdown is failing. That in turn is
failing because threading._after_fork is getting called.

Now, threading._after_fork is *supposed to always be called*. This is
handled directly by os.fork(). But instrumentation shows that it doesn't
get called when we use the C library (and if we do call it, the test
fails), and apparently it didn't get called before the refactoring. Not
sure what's going on.
parent 329cd301
Internal helpers for FFI implementations.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
__all__ = [
# For times when *args is captured but often not passed (empty),
# we can avoid keeping the new tuple that was created for *args
# around by using a constant.
_NOARGS = ()
class callback(object):
__slots__ = ('callback', 'args')
def __init__(self, callback, args):
self.callback = callback
self.args = args or _NOARGS
def stop(self):
self.callback = None
self.args = None
# Note that __nonzero__ and pending are different
# bool() is used in contexts where we need to know whether to schedule another callback,
# so it's true if it's pending or currently running
# 'pending' has the same meaning as libev watchers: it is cleared before actually
# running the callback
def __nonzero__(self):
# it's nonzero if it's pending or currently executing
# NOTE: This depends on loop._run_callbacks setting the args property
# to None.
return self.args is not None
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def pending(self):
return self.callback is not None
def _format(self):
return ''
def __repr__(self):
result = "<%s at 0x%x" % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self))
if self.pending:
result += " pending"
if self.callback is not None:
result += " callback=%r" % (self.callback, )
if self.args is not None:
result += " args=%r" % (self.args, )
if self.callback is None and self.args is None:
result += " stopped"
return result + ">"
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines, protected-access, redefined-outer-name, not-callable
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import sys
import gevent.libev._corecffi as _corecffi # pylint:disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
ffi = _corecffi.ffi # pylint:disable=no-member
libev = _corecffi.lib # pylint:disable=no-member
if hasattr(libev, 'vfd_open'):
# Must be on windows
assert sys.platform.startswith("win"), "vfd functions only needed on windows"
vfd_open = libev.vfd_open
vfd_free = libev.vfd_free
vfd_get = libev.vfd_get
vfd_open = vfd_free = vfd_get = lambda fd: fd
## NOTE on Windows:
# The C implementation does several things specially for Windows;
# a possibly incomplete list is:
# - the loop runs a periodic signal checker;
# - the io watcher constructor is different and it has a destructor;
# - the child watcher is not defined
# The CFFI implementation does none of these things, and so
# is possibly NOT FUNCTIONALLY CORRECT on Win32
_events = [(libev.EV_READ, 'READ'),
(libev.EV_WRITE, 'WRITE'),
(libev.EV__IOFDSET, '_IOFDSET'),
(libev.EV_SIGNAL, 'SIGNAL'),
(libev.EV_CHILD, 'CHILD'),
(libev.EV_STAT, 'STAT'),
(libev.EV_IDLE, 'IDLE'),
(libev.EV_CHECK, 'CHECK'),
(libev.EV_EMBED, 'EMBED'),
(libev.EV_FORK, 'FORK'),
(libev.EV_ASYNC, 'ASYNC'),
(libev.EV_CUSTOM, 'CUSTOM'),
(libev.EV_ERROR, 'ERROR')]
def _events_to_str(events):
result = []
for (flag, string) in _events:
c_flag = flag
if events & c_flag:
events = events & (~c_flag)
if not events:
if events:
return '|'.join(result)
from gevent._ffi import watcher as _base
class watcher(_base.watcher):
_FFI = ffi
_LIB = libev
_watcher_prefix = 'ev'
def __init__(self, _loop, ref=True, priority=None, args=_base._NOARGS):
if ref:
self._flags = 0
self._flags = 4
super(watcher, self).__init__(_loop, ref=ref, priority=priority, args=args)
def _watcher_ffi_set_priority(self, priority):
libev.ev_set_priority(self._watcher, priority)
def _watcher_ffi_init(self, args):
def _watcher_ffi_start(self):
self._watcher_start(self.loop._ptr, self._watcher)
def _watcher_ffi_ref(self):
if self._flags & 2:
self._flags &= ~2
def _watcher_ffi_unref(self):
if self._flags & 6 == 4:
self._flags |= 2
def _get_ref(self):
return False if self._flags & 4 else True
def _set_ref(self, value):
if value:
if not self._flags & 4:
return # ref is already True
if self._flags & 2: # ev_unref was called, undo
self._flags &= ~6 # do not want unref, no outstanding unref
if self._flags & 4:
return # ref is already False
self._flags |= 4
if not self._flags & 2 and libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
self._flags |= 2
ref = property(_get_ref, _set_ref)
def _get_priority(self):
return libev.ev_priority(self._watcher)
def _set_priority(self, priority):
if libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
raise AttributeError("Cannot set priority of an active watcher")
libev.ev_set_priority(self._watcher, priority)
priority = property(_get_priority, _set_priority)
def feed(self, revents, callback, *args):
self.callback = callback
self.args = args or _NOARGS
if self._flags & 6 == 4:
self._flags |= 2
libev.ev_feed_event(self.loop._ptr, self._watcher, revents)
if not self._flags & 1:
# Py_INCREF(<PyObjectPtr>self)
self._flags |= 1
def pending(self):
return True if libev.ev_is_pending(self._watcher) else False
class io(_base.IoMixin, watcher):
EVENT_MASK = libev.EV__IOFDSET | libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE
def __init__(self, loop, fd, events, ref=True, priority=None):
# XXX: Win32: Need to vfd_open the fd and free the old one?
# XXX: Win32: Need a destructor to free the old fd?
if fd < 0:
raise ValueError('fd must be non-negative: %r' % fd)
if events & ~(libev.EV__IOFDSET | libev.EV_READ | libev.EV_WRITE):
raise ValueError('illegal event mask: %r' % events)
watcher.__init__(self, loop, ref=ref, priority=priority, args=(fd, events))
def _get_fd(self):
return vfd_get(self._watcher.fd)
def _set_fd(self, fd):
if libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
raise AttributeError("'io' watcher attribute 'fd' is read-only while watcher is active")
vfd = vfd_open(fd)
self._watcher_init(self._watcher, self._watcher_callback, vfd,
fd = property(_get_fd, _set_fd)
def _get_events(self):
def _set_events(self, events):
if libev.ev_is_active(self._watcher):
raise AttributeError("'io' watcher attribute 'events' is read-only while watcher is active")
self._watcher_init(self._watcher, self._watcher_callback, self._watcher.fd, events)
events = property(_get_events, _set_events)
def events_str(self):
return _events_to_str(
def _format(self):
return ' fd=%s events=%s' % (self.fd, self.events_str)
class timer(_base.TimerMixin, watcher):
def _update_now(self):
def at(self):
def again(self, callback, *args, **kw):
# Exactly the same as start(), just with a different initializer
# function
self._watcher_start = libev.ev_timer_again
self.start(callback, *args, **kw)
del self._watcher_start
class signal(_base.SignalMixin, watcher):
class idle(_base.IdleMixin, watcher):
class prepare(_base.PrepareMixin, watcher):
class check(_base.CheckMixin, watcher):
class fork(_base.ForkMixin, watcher):
class async(_base.AsyncMixin, watcher):
def send(self):
libev.ev_async_send(self.loop._ptr, self._watcher)
def pending(self):
return True if libev.ev_async_pending(self._watcher) else False
class child(_base.ChildMixin, watcher):
_watcher_type = 'child'
def pid(self):
def rpid(self, ):
return self._watcher.rpid
def rpid(self, value):
self._watcher.rpid = value
def rstatus(self):
return self._watcher.rstatus
def rstatus(self, value):
self._watcher.rstatus = value
class stat(_base.StatMixin, watcher):
_watcher_type = 'stat'
def attr(self):
if not self._watcher.attr.st_nlink:
return self._watcher.attr
def prev(self):
if not self._watcher.prev.st_nlink:
return self._watcher.prev
def interval(self):
return self._watcher.interval
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