Commit c47ab0f0 authored by Jason Madden's avatar Jason Madden

Reference the meta-discussions for PyPy and Python3 in the changelog. [skip ci]

parent e4cc40c0
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ Unreleased
- Add support for Python 3.3 and 3.4. Many people have contributed to
this effort, including but not limited to Fantix King, hashstat,
Elizabeth Myers, jander, Luke Woydziak, and others.
- Add support for PyPy.
Elizabeth Myers, jander, Luke Woydziak, and others. See :issue:`38`.
- Add support for PyPy. See :issue:`248`.
- Drop support for Python 2.5. Python 2.5 users can continue to use
gevent 1.0.x.
- Fix ``gevent.greenlet.joinall`` to not ignore ``count`` when
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