Commit 0f758405 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge pull request #3602 from axilleas/check-redis

Added check_redis_version to check.rake
parents 4fe1c894 06a41513
......@@ -11,28 +11,27 @@ Example output:
System information
System: Debian 6.0.6
Current User: gitlab
Using RVM: yes
RVM Version: 1.17.2
Ruby Version: ruby-1.9.3-p392
Gem Version: 1.8.24
Bundler Version:1.2.3
Rake Version: 10.0.1
System: Debian 6.0.7
Current User: git
Using RVM: no
Ruby Version: 1.9.3p392
Gem Version: 1.8.23
Bundler Version:1.3.5
Rake Version: 10.0.4
GitLab information
Version: 3.1.0
Resivion: fd5141d
Directory: /home/gitlab/gitlab
Version: 5.1.0.beta2
Revision: 4da8b37
Directory: /home/git/gitlab
DB Adapter: mysql2
URL: http://localhost:3000
HTTP Clone URL: http://localhost:3000/some-project.git
URL: http://localhost
HTTP Clone URL: http://localhost/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL: git@localhost:some-project.git
Using LDAP: no
Using Omniauth: no
GitLab Shell
Version: 1.0.4
Version: 1.2.0
Repositories: /home/git/repositories/
Hooks: /home/git/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git: /usr/bin/git
......@@ -61,60 +60,43 @@ Example output:
Checking Environment ...
gitlab user is in git group? ... yes
Has no "-e" in ~git/.profile ... yes
Git configured for gitlab user? ... yes
Git configured for git user? ... yes
Has python2? ... yes
python2 is supported version? ... yes
Checking Environment ... Finished
Checking Gitolite ...
Checking Gitlab Shell ...
Using recommended version ... yes
Config directory exists? ... yes
Config directory owned by git:git? ... yes
Config directory access is drwxr-x---? ... yes
GitLab Shell version? ... OK (1.2.0)
Repo base directory exists? ... yes
Repo base directory is a symlink? ... no
Repo base owned by git:git? ... yes
Repo base access is drwxrws---? ... yes
post-receive hook exists? ... yes
post-receive hook up-to-date? ... yes
post-receive hooks in repos are links: ...
GitLab ... ok
Non-Ascii Files Test ... ok
Touch Commit Test ... ok
Without Master Test ... ok
Git config in repos: ...
GitLab ... ok
Non-Ascii Files Test ... ok
Touch Commit Test ... ok
Without Master Test ... ok
post-receive hooks in repos are links: ... yes
Checking Gitolite ... Finished
Checking Gitlab Shell ... Finished
Checking Resque ...
Checking Sidekiq ...
Running? ... yes
Checking Resque ... Finished
Checking Sidekiq ... Finished
Checking GitLab ...
Database config exists? ... yes
Database is not SQLite ... yes
Database is SQLite ... no
All migrations up? ... yes
GitLab config exists? ... yes
GitLab config not outdated? ... yes
GitLab config outdated? ... no
Log directory writable? ... yes
Tmp directory writable? ... yes
Init script exists? ... yes
Init script up-to-date? ... yes
Projects have satellites? ...
GitLab ... yes
Non-Ascii Files Test ... yes
Touch Commit Test ... yes
Without Master Test ... yes
Projects have satellites? ... yes
Redis version >= 2.0.0? ... yes
Checking GitLab ... Finished
### Add user to as a developer to all projects
### Add user as a developer to all projects
bundle exec rake gitlab:import:user_to_projects[username@domain.tld]
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ namespace :gitlab do
finished_checking "GitLab"
......@@ -245,6 +246,23 @@ namespace :gitlab do
def check_redis_version
print "Redis version >= 2.0.0? ... "
if run_and_match("redis-cli --version", /redis-cli 2.\d.\d/)
puts "yes".green
puts "no".red
"Update your redis server to a version >= 2.0.0"
"gitlab-public-wiki/wiki/Trouble-Shooting-Guide in section sidekiq"
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