Commit 4398bdf2 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge branch 'koenpunt-gh-issue-1509'

parents a567d596 a47032bc
......@@ -18,10 +18,3 @@ $ ->
# Ref switcher
$('.project-refs-select').on 'change', ->
class @GraphNav
@init: ->
$('.graph svg').css 'position', 'relative'
$('body').bind 'keyup', (e) ->
$('.graph svg').animate(left: '+=400') if e.keyCode is 37 # left
$('.graph svg').animate(left: '-=400') if e.keyCode is 39 # right
......@@ -57,6 +57,9 @@ table a code {
background: url(ajax_loader.gif) no-repeat center center;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
&.loading-gray {
background: url(ajax_loader_gray.gif) no-repeat center center;
/** FLASH message **/
......@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ class ProjectsController < ProjectResourceController
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
unless @project.empty_repo?
@last_push = current_user.recent_push(
render :show
render "projects/empty"
unless @project.empty_repo?
@last_push = current_user.recent_push(
render :show
render "projects/empty"
......@@ -87,9 +87,13 @@ class ProjectsController < ProjectResourceController
def graph
graph =
@days_json, @commits_json = graph.days_json, graph.commits_json
respond_to do |format|
format.json do
graph =
render :json => graph.to_json
def destroy
......@@ -2,13 +2,15 @@
%small You can move around the graph by using arrow keys.
%small You can move around the graph by using the arrow keys.
var chunk1={commits:#{@commits_json}};
var days=#{@days_json};
var branch_graph;
branch_graph = new BranchGraph($("#holder"), {
url: '#{url_for controller: 'projects', action: 'graph', format: :json}',
commit_url: '#{url_for controller: 'projects', action: 'show'}/commits/%s'
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ module Gitlab
h[:refs] = refs.collect{|r|}.join(" ") unless refs.nil?
h[:id] = sha
h[:date] = date
h[:message] = escape_once(message)
h[:message] = message
h[:login] =
......@@ -17,16 +17,15 @@ module Gitlab
@commits = collect_commits
@days = index_commits
def days_json
@days_json = { |d| [, d.strftime("%b")] }.to_json
def commits_json
@commits_json =
def to_json(*args)
days: { |d| [, d.strftime("%b")] },
# Get commits from repository
var commits = {},
comms = {},
pixelsX = [],
pixelsY = [],
mmax = Math.max,
mtime = 0,
mspace = 0,
parents = {},
ii = 0,
colors = ["#000"];
function initGraph(){
commits = chunk1.commits;
ii = commits.length;
for (var i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jj = commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) {
parents[commits[i].parents[j][0]] = true;
var BranchGraph = function(element, options){
this.element = element;
this.options = options;
this.preparedCommits = {};
this.mtime = 0;
this.mspace = 0;
this.parents = {};
this.colors = ["#000"];
BranchGraph.prototype.load = function(){
url: this.options.url,
method: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
success: $.proxy(function(data){
$('.loading', this.element).hide();
this.prepareData(data.days, data.commits);
}, this)
BranchGraph.prototype.prepareData = function(days, commits){
this.days = days;
this.dayCount = days.length;
this.commits = commits;
this.commitCount = commits.length;
this.mtime += 4;
this.mspace += 10;
for (var i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) {
if (this.commits[i].id in this.parents) {
this.commits[i].isParent = true;
mtime = Math.max(mtime, commits[i].time);
mspace = Math.max(mspace, commits[i].space);
mtime = mtime + 4;
mspace = mspace + 10;
for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
if (commits[i].id in parents) {
commits[i].isParent = true;
this.preparedCommits[this.commits[i].id] = this.commits[i];
BranchGraph.prototype.collectParents = function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) {
for (var j = 0, jj = this.commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) {
this.parents[this.commits[i].parents[j][0]] = true;
comms[commits[i].id] = commits[i];
for (var k = 0; k < mspace; k++) {
function branchGraph(holder) {
var ch = mspace * 20 + 20, cw = mtime * 20 + 20,
r = Raphael("holder", cw, ch),
top = r.set();
var cuday = 0, cumonth = "";
r.rect(0, 0, days.length * 20 + 80, 30).attr({fill: "#222"});
r.rect(0, 30, days.length * 20 + 80, 20).attr({fill: "#444"});
for (mm = 0; mm < days.length; mm++) {
if(days[mm] != null){
if(cuday != days[mm][0]){
r.text(10 + mm * 20, 40, days[mm][0]).attr({font: "14px Fontin-Sans, Arial", fill: "#DDD"});
cuday = days[mm][0]
if(cumonth != days[mm][1]){
r.text(10 + mm * 20, 15, days[mm][1]).attr({font: "14px Fontin-Sans, Arial", fill: "#EEE"});
cumonth = days[mm][1]
this.mtime = Math.max(this.mtime, this.commits[i].time);
this.mspace = Math.max(this.mspace, this.commits[i].space);
BranchGraph.prototype.collectColors = function(){
for (var k = 0; k < this.mspace; k++) {
BranchGraph.prototype.buildGraph = function(){
var graphWidth = $(this.element).width()
, ch = this.mspace * 20 + 20
, cw = Math.max(graphWidth, this.mtime * 20 + 20)
, r = Raphael(this.element.get(0), cw, ch)
, top = r.set()
, cuday = 0
, cumonth = ""
, offsetX = 20
, offsetY = 60
, barWidth = Math.max(graphWidth, this.dayCount * 20 + 80);
this.raphael = r;
r.rect(0, 0, barWidth, 20).attr({fill: "#222"});
r.rect(0, 20, barWidth, 20).attr({fill: "#444"});
for (mm = 0; mm < this.dayCount; mm++) {
if(this.days[mm] != null){
if(cuday != this.days[mm][0]){
// Dates
r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 31, this.days[mm][0]).attr({
font: "12px Monaco, Arial",
fill: "#DDD"
cuday = this.days[mm][0];
if(cumonth != this.days[mm][1]){
// Months
r.text(offsetX + mm * 20, 11, this.days[mm][1]).attr({
font: "12px Monaco, Arial",
fill: "#EEE"
cumonth = this.days[mm][1];
for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
var x = 10 + 20 * commits[i].time,
y = 70 + 20 * commits[i].space;, y, 3).attr({fill: colors[commits[i].space], stroke: "none"});
if (commits[i].refs != null && commits[i].refs != "") {
var longrefs = commits[i].refs
var shortrefs = commits[i].refs;
if (shortrefs.length > 15){
shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0,13) + "...";
var t = r.text(x+5, y+5, shortrefs).attr({font: "12px Fontin-Sans, Arial", fill: "#666",
title: longrefs, cursor: "pointer", rotation: "90"});
var textbox = t.getBBox();
for (i = 0; i < this.commitCount; i++) {
var x = offsetX + 20 * this.commits[i].time
, y = offsetY + 20 * this.commits[i].space;, y, 3).attr({
fill: this.colors[this.commits[i].space],
stroke: "none"
if (this.commits[i].refs != null && this.commits[i].refs != "") {
var longrefs = this.commits[i].refs
, shortrefs = this.commits[i].refs;
if (shortrefs.length > 15){
shortrefs = shortrefs.substr(0,13) + "...";
for (var j = 0, jj = commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) {
var c = comms[commits[i].parents[j][0]];
if (c) {
var cx = 10 + 20 * c.time,
cy = 70 + 20 *;
if ( == commits[i].space) {
r.path("M" + (x - 5) + "," + (y + .0001) + "L" + (15 + 20 * c.time) + "," + (y + .0001))
.attr({stroke: colors[], "stroke-width": 2});
var t = r.text(x+5, y+8, shortrefs).attr({
font: "12px Monaco, Arial",
fill: "#666",
title: longrefs,
cursor: "pointer",
rotation: "90"
} else if ( < commits[i].space) {
r.path(["M", x - 5, y + .0001, "l-5-2,0,4,5,-2C", x - 5, y, x - 17, y + 2, x - 20, y - 5, "L", cx, y - 5, cx, cy])
.attr({stroke: colors[commits[i].space], "stroke-width": 2});
} else {
r.path(["M", x - 3, y + 6, "l-4,3,4,2,0,-5L", x - 10, y + 20, "L", x - 10, cy, cx, cy])
.attr({stroke: colors[], "stroke-width": 2});
var textbox = t.getBBox();
t.translate(textbox.height/-4, textbox.width/2);
var c;
for (var j = 0, jj = this.commits[i].parents.length; j < jj; j++) {
c = this.preparedCommits[this.commits[i].parents[j][0]];
if (c) {
var cx = offsetX + 20 * c.time
, cy = offsetY + 20 *;
if ( == this.commits[i].space) {
"M", x, y,
"L", x - 20 * (c.time + 1), y
stroke: this.colors[],
"stroke-width": 2
} else if ( < this.commits[i].space) {
r.path(["M", x - 5, y + .0001, "l-5-2,0,4,5,-2C", x - 5, y, x - 17, y + 2, x - 20, y - 5, "L", cx, y - 5, cx, cy])
stroke: this.colors[this.commits[i].space],
"stroke-width": 2
} else {
r.path(["M", x - 3, y + 6, "l-4,3,4,2,0,-5L", x - 10, y + 20, "L", x - 10, cy, cx, cy])
stroke: this.colors[],
"stroke-width": 2
(function (c, x, y) {
top.push(, y, 10).attr({fill: "#000", opacity: 0, cursor: "pointer"})
location.href = location.href.replace("graph", "commit/" +;
.hover(function () {
var s = r.text(100, 100, + "\n \n" + "\n \n" + c.message).attr({fill: "#fff"});
this.popup = r.popupit(x, y + 5, s, 0);
}, function () {
this.popup && this.popup.remove() && delete this.popup;
}(commits[i], x, y));
this.appendAnchor(top, this.commits[i], x, y);
var hw = holder.offsetWidth,
hh = holder.offsetHeight,
v = r.rect(hw - 8, 0, 4, Math.pow(hh, 2) / ch, 2).attr({fill: "#000", opacity: 0}),
h = r.rect(0, hh - 8, Math.pow(hw, 2) / cw, 4, 2).attr({fill: "#000", opacity: 0}),
bars = r.set(v, h),
dragger = function (e) {
if (drag) {
e = e || window.event;
holder.scrollLeft = - (e.clientX - drag.x);
holder.scrollTop = - (e.clientY - drag.y);
holder.onmousedown = function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
drag = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY, st: holder.scrollTop, sl: holder.scrollLeft};
document.onmousemove = dragger;
bars.animate({opacity: .5}, 300);
document.onmouseup = function () {
drag = false;
document.onmousemove = null;
bars.animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
BranchGraph.prototype.bindEvents = function(){
var drag = {}
, element = this.element;
var dragger = function(event){
element.scrollLeft( - (event.clientX - drag.x));
element.scrollTop( - (event.clientY - drag.y));
holder.scrollLeft = cw;
Raphael.fn.popupit = function (x, y, set, dir, size) {
dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir;
size = size || 5;
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
var bb = set.getBBox(),
w = Math.round(bb.width / 2),
h = Math.round(bb.height / 2),
dx = [0, w + size * 2, 0, -w - size * 2],
dy = [-h * 2 - size * 3, -h - size, 0, -h - size],
p = ["M", x - dx[dir], y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
"l", 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
"l", mmax(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
"l", 0, mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
"l", -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","),
xy = [{x: x, y: y + size * 2 + h}, {x: x - size * 2 - w, y: y}, {x: x, y: y - size * 2 - h}, {x: x + size * 2 + w, y: y}][dir];
set.translate(xy.x - w - bb.x, xy.y - h - bb.y);
return this.set(this.path(p).attr({fill: "#234", stroke: "none"}).insertBefore(set.node ? set : set[0]), set);
Raphael.fn.popup = function (x, y, text, dir, size) {
dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir > 3 ? 3 : dir;
size = size || 5;
text = text || "$9.99";
var res = this.set(),
d = 3;
res.push(this.path().attr({fill: "#000", stroke: "#000"}));
res.push(this.text(x, y, text).attr(this.g.txtattr).attr({fill: "#fff", "font-family": "Helvetica, Arial"}));
res.update = function (X, Y, withAnimation) {
X = X || x;
Y = Y || y;
var bb = this[1].getBBox(),
w = bb.width / 2,
h = bb.height / 2,
dx = [0, w + size * 2, 0, -w - size * 2],
dy = [-h * 2 - size * 3, -h - size, 0, -h - size],
p = ["M", X - dx[dir], Y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
"l", 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
"l", mmax(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
"l", 0, mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
"l", -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(","),
xy = [{x: X, y: Y + size * 2 + h}, {x: X - size * 2 - w, y: Y}, {x: X, y: Y - size * 2 - h}, {x: X + size * 2 + w, y: Y}][dir];
xy.path = p;
if (withAnimation) {
this.animate(xy, 500, ">");
} else {
mousedown: function (event) {
drag = {
x: event.clientX,
y: event.clientY,
st: element.scrollTop(),
sl: element.scrollLeft()
$(window).on('mousemove', dragger);
mouseup: function(){
//bars.animate({opacity: 0}, 300);
$(window).off('mousemove', dragger);
keydown: function(event){
if(event.keyCode == 37){
// left
element.scrollLeft( element.scrollLeft() - 50);
return this;
return res.update(x, y);
if(event.keyCode == 38){
// top
element.scrollTop( element.scrollTop() - 50);
if(event.keyCode == 39){
// right
element.scrollLeft( element.scrollLeft() + 50);
if(event.keyCode == 40){
// bottom
element.scrollTop( element.scrollTop() + 50);
BranchGraph.prototype.appendAnchor = function(top, c, x, y) {
var r = this.raphael
, options = this.options
, anchor;
anchor =, y, 10).attr({
fill: "#000",
opacity: 0,
cursor: "pointer"
window.location = options.commit_url.replace('%s',;
var text = r.text(100, 100, + "\n \n" + + "\n \n" + c.message).attr({
fill: "#fff"
this.popup = r.tooltip(x, y + 5, text, 0);
}, function(){
this.popup && this.popup.remove() && delete this.popup;
this.BranchGraph = BranchGraph;
Raphael.fn.tooltip = function (x, y, set, dir, size) {
dir = dir == null ? 2 : dir;
size = size || 5;
x = Math.round(x);
y = Math.round(y);
var mmax = Math.max
, bb = set.getBBox()
, w = Math.round(bb.width / 2)
, h = Math.round(bb.height / 2)
, dx = [0, w + size * 2, 0, -w - size * 2]
, dy = [-h * 2 - size * 3, -h - size, 0, -h - size]
, p = ["M", x - dx[dir], y - dy[dir], "l", -size, (dir == 2) * -size, -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, -size,
"l", 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 3) * -size, -size, (dir == 3) * size, -size, 0, -mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, -size,
"l", mmax(w - size, 0), 0, size, !dir * -size, size, !dir * size, mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, size, size,
"l", 0, mmax(h - size, 0), (dir == 1) * size, size, (dir == 1) * -size, size, 0, mmax(h - size, 0), "a", size, size, 0, 0, 1, -size, size,
"l", -mmax(w - size, 0), 0, "z"].join(",")
, xy = [{x: x, y: y + size * 2 + h}, {x: x - size * 2 - w, y: y}, {x: x, y: y - size * 2 - h}, {x: x + size * 2 + w, y: y}][dir];
set.translate(xy.x - w - bb.x, xy.y - h - bb.y);
return this.set(this.path(p).attr({fill: "#234", stroke: "none"}).insertBefore(set.node ? set : set[0]), set);
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