Commit 04a89054 authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

gob: updates to the debugging tool.

- complex numbers now supported.
- entirely independent of standard decode code.
- parser has no read-ahead; that is, the scanning works
simply by reading the values as they arrive, not by trying
to count bytes for message boundaries, a proof of concept
for the pending rewrite of the regular decoder.

R=rsc, r2
parent 634cef25
......@@ -98,26 +98,38 @@ func (p *peekReader) peek(b []byte) (n int, err os.Error) {
return n, e
type debugger struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
remain int // the number of bytes known to remain in the input
remainingKnown bool // the value of 'remain' is valid
r *peekReader
wireType map[typeId]*wireType
tmp []byte // scratch space for decoding uints.
// dump prints the next nBytes of the input.
// It arranges to print the output aligned from call to
// call, to make it easy to see what has been consumed.
func (deb *debugger) dump(nBytes int, format string, args ...interface{}) {
func (deb *debugger) dump(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if !dumpBytes {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format+" ", args...)
if nBytes < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "nbytes is negative! %d\n", nBytes)
if !deb.remainingKnown {
data := make([]byte, nBytes)
if deb.remain < 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "remaining byte count is negative! %d\n", deb.remain)
data := make([]byte, deb.remain)
n, _ := deb.r.peek(data)
if n == 0 {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
fmt.Fprint(b, "{\n")
fmt.Fprintf(b, "[%d]{\n", deb.remain)
// Blanks until first byte
lineLength := 0
if n := len(data); n%10 != 0 {
......@@ -141,13 +153,6 @@ func (deb *debugger) dump(nBytes int, format string, args ...interface{}) {
type debugger struct {
mutex sync.Mutex
r *peekReader
wireType map[typeId]*wireType
tmp []byte // scratch space for decoding uints.
// Debug prints a human-readable representation of the gob data read from r.
func Debug(r io.Reader) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Start of debugging")
......@@ -156,37 +161,36 @@ func Debug(r io.Reader) {
wireType: make(map[typeId]*wireType),
tmp: make([]byte, 16),
if b, ok := r.(*bytes.Buffer); ok {
deb.remain = b.Len()
deb.remainingKnown = true
// toInt turns an encoded uint64 into an int, according to the marshaling rules.
func toInt(x uint64) int64 {
i := int64(x >> 1)
if x&1 != 0 {
i = ^i
// note that we've consumed some bytes
func (deb *debugger) consumed(n int) {
if deb.remainingKnown {
deb.remain -= n
return i
// readInt returns the next int, which must be present,
// and the number of bytes it consumed.
// int64 decodes and returns the next integer, which must be present.
// Don't call this if you could be at EOF.
func (deb *debugger) readInt() (i int64, w int) {
var u uint64
u, w = deb.readUint()
return toInt(u), w
func (deb *debugger) int64() int64 {
return toInt(deb.uint64())
// readUint returns the next uint, which must be present.
// and the number of bytes it consumed.
// uint64 returns and decodes the next unsigned integer, which must be present.
// Don't call this if you could be at EOF.
// TODO: handle errors better.
func (deb *debugger) readUint() (x uint64, w int) {
func (deb *debugger) uint64() uint64 {
n, w, err := decodeUintReader(deb.r, deb.tmp)
if err != nil {
errorf("debug: read error: %s", err)
return n, w
return n
// GobStream:
......@@ -208,8 +212,8 @@ func (deb *debugger) delimitedMessage(indent tab) bool {
if n < 0 {
return false
deb.dump(int(n), "Message of length %d", n)
deb.message(indent, n)
deb.dump("Delimited message of length %d", n)
return true
......@@ -220,18 +224,19 @@ func (deb *debugger) delimitedMessage(indent tab) bool {
// an EOF is acceptable now. If it is and one is found,
// the return value is negative.
func (deb *debugger) loadBlock(eofOK bool) int {
n64, _, err := decodeUintReader(deb.r, deb.tmp)
n64, w, err := decodeUintReader(deb.r, deb.tmp) // deb.uint64 will error at EOF
if err != nil {
if eofOK && err == os.EOF {
return -1
errorf("debug: unexpected error: %s", err)
n := int(n64)
if n < 0 {
errorf("huge value for message length: %d", n64)
return n
return int(n)
// Message:
......@@ -242,209 +247,198 @@ func (deb *debugger) loadBlock(eofOK bool) int {
// uint(lengthOfTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition
// TypedValue:
// int(typeId) Value
func (deb *debugger) message(indent tab, n int) bool {
func (deb *debugger) message(indent tab) bool {
for {
// Convert the uint64 to a signed integer typeId
uid, w := deb.readInt()
uid := deb.int64()
id := typeId(uid)
n -= w
deb.dump(n, "type id=%d", id)
deb.dump("type id=%d", id)
if id < 0 {
n -= deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id, n)
n = deb.loadBlock(false)
deb.dump(n, "Message of length %d", n)
deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id)
n := deb.loadBlock(false)
deb.dump("Message of length %d", n)
} else {
deb.value(indent, id, n)
deb.value(indent, id)
return true
// TypeDefinition:
// [int(-typeId) (already read)] encodingOfWireType
func (deb *debugger) typeDefinition(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
deb.dump(n, "type definition for id %d", id)
// Encoding is of a wireType. Decode the structure as usual
// Helper methods to make it easy to scan a type descriptor.
// common returns the CommonType at the input point.
func (deb *debugger) common() CommonType {
fieldNum := -1
m := 0
// Closures to make it easy to scan.
// Read a uint from the input
getUint := func() uint {
i, w := deb.readUint()
m += w
n -= w
return uint(i)
// Read an int from the input
getInt := func() int {
i, w := deb.readInt()
m += w
n -= w
return int(i)
// Read a string from the input
getString := func() string {
u, w := deb.readUint()
x := int(u)
m += w
n -= w
b := make([]byte, x)
nb, _ := deb.r.Read(b)
if nb != x {
errorf("corrupted type")
m += x
n -= x
return string(b)
// Read a typeId from the input
getTypeId := func() typeId {
return typeId(getInt())
// Read a delta from the input.
getDelta := func(expect int) int {
u, w := deb.readUint()
m += w
n -= w
delta := int(u)
if delta < 0 || (expect >= 0 && delta != expect) {
errorf("gob decode: corrupted type: delta %d expected %d", delta, expect)
name := ""
id := typeId(0)
for {
delta :=
if delta == 0 {
return int(u)
// Read a CommonType from the input
common := func() CommonType {
fieldNum := -1
name := ""
id := typeId(0)
for {
delta := getDelta(-1)
if delta == 0 {
fieldNum += delta
switch fieldNum {
case 0:
name = getString()
case 1:
// Id typeId
id = getTypeId()
errorf("corrupted CommonType")
fieldNum += delta
switch fieldNum {
case 0:
name = deb.string()
case 1:
// Id typeId
id = deb.typeId()
errorf("corrupted CommonType")
return CommonType{name, id}
return CommonType{name, id}
// uint returns the unsigned int at the input point, as a uint (not uint64).
func (deb *debugger) uint() uint {
return uint(deb.uint64())
// int returns the signed int at the input point, as an int (not int64).
func (deb *debugger) int() int {
return int(deb.int64())
// typeId returns the type id at the input point.
func (deb *debugger) typeId() typeId {
return typeId(deb.int64())
// string returns the string at the input point.
func (deb *debugger) string() string {
x := int(deb.uint64())
b := make([]byte, x)
nb, _ := deb.r.Read(b)
if nb != x {
errorf("corrupted type")
return string(b)
// delta returns the field delta at the input point. The expect argument,
// if non-negative, identifies what the value should be.
func (deb *debugger) delta(expect int) int {
delta := int(deb.uint64())
if delta < 0 || (expect >= 0 && delta != expect) {
errorf("gob decode: corrupted type: delta %d expected %d", delta, expect)
return delta
// TypeDefinition:
// [int(-typeId) (already read)] encodingOfWireType
func (deb *debugger) typeDefinition(indent tab, id typeId) {
deb.dump("type definition for id %d", id)
// Encoding is of a wireType. Decode the structure as usual
fieldNum := -1
wire := new(wireType)
// A wireType defines a single field.
delta := getDelta(-1)
delta :=
fieldNum += delta
switch fieldNum {
case 0: // array type, one field of {{Common}, elem, length}
// Field number 0 is CommonType
com := common()
com := deb.common()
// Field number 1 is type Id of elem
id := getTypeId()
id := deb.typeId()
// Field number 3 is length
length := getInt()
length :=
wire.ArrayT = &arrayType{com, id, length}
case 1: // slice type, one field of {{Common}, elem}
// Field number 0 is CommonType
com := common()
com := deb.common()
// Field number 1 is type Id of elem
id := getTypeId()
id := deb.typeId()
wire.SliceT = &sliceType{com, id}
case 2: // struct type, one field of {{Common}, []fieldType}
// Field number 0 is CommonType
com := common()
com := deb.common()
// Field number 1 is slice of FieldType
numField := int(getUint())
numField := int(deb.uint())
field := make([]*fieldType, numField)
for i := 0; i < numField; i++ {
field[i] = new(fieldType)
getDelta(1) // field 0 of fieldType: name
field[i].Name = getString()
getDelta(1) // field 1 of fieldType: id
field[i].Id = getTypeId()
getDelta(0) // end of fieldType // field 0 of fieldType: name
field[i].Name = deb.string() // field 1 of fieldType: id
field[i].Id = deb.typeId() // end of fieldType
wire.StructT = &structType{com, field}
case 3: // map type, one field of {{Common}, key, elem}
// Field number 0 is CommonType
com := common()
com := deb.common()
// Field number 1 is type Id of key
keyId := getTypeId()
keyId := deb.typeId()
wire.SliceT = &sliceType{com, id}
// Field number 2 is type Id of elem
elemId := getTypeId()
elemId := deb.typeId()
wire.MapT = &mapType{com, keyId, elemId}
errorf("bad field in type %d", fieldNum)
deb.printWireType(indent, wire)
getDelta(0) // end inner type (arrayType, etc.)
getDelta(0) // end wireType // end inner type (arrayType, etc.) // end wireType
// Remember we've seen this type.
deb.wireType[id] = wire
return m
// Value:
// SingletonValue | StructValue
func (deb *debugger) value(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) value(indent tab, id typeId) {
wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
if ok && wire.StructT != nil {
return deb.structValue(indent, id, n)
deb.structValue(indent, id)
} else {
deb.singletonValue(indent, id)
return deb.singletonValue(indent, id, n)
// SingletonValue:
// uint(0) FieldValue
func (deb *debugger) singletonValue(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
deb.dump(n, "Singleton value")
func (deb *debugger) singletonValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
deb.dump("Singleton value")
// is it a builtin type?
wire := deb.wireType[id]
_, ok := builtinIdToType[id]
if !ok && wire == nil {
errorf("type id %d not defined", id)
m, w := deb.readUint()
m := deb.uint64()
if m != 0 {
errorf("expected zero; got %d", n)
errorf("expected zero; got %d", m)
return w + deb.fieldValue(indent, id, n-w)
deb.fieldValue(indent, id)
// InterfaceValue:
// NilInterfaceValue | NonNilInterfaceValue
func (deb *debugger) interfaceValue(indent tab, n int) int {
deb.dump(n, "Start of interface value")
nameLen, w := deb.readUint()
n -= w
if n == 0 {
return w + deb.nilInterfaceValue(indent)
func (deb *debugger) interfaceValue(indent tab) {
deb.dump("Start of interface value")
if nameLen := deb.uint64(); nameLen == 0 {
} else {
deb.nonNilInterfaceValue(indent, int(nameLen))
return w + deb.nonNilInterfaceValue(indent, int(nameLen), n)
// NilInterfaceValue:
......@@ -463,35 +457,27 @@ func (deb *debugger) nilInterfaceValue(indent tab) int {
// int(concreteTypeId) DelimitedValue
// DelimitedValue:
// uint(length) Value
func (deb *debugger) nonNilInterfaceValue(indent tab, nameLen, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) nonNilInterfaceValue(indent tab, nameLen int) {
// ConcreteTypeName
b := make([]byte, nameLen)
deb.r.Read(b) // TODO: CHECK THESE READS!!
w := nameLen
n -= nameLen
name := string(b)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sinterface value, type %q length %d\n", indent, name, n)
for {
x, width := deb.readInt()
n -= w
w += width
id := typeId(x)
id := deb.typeId()
if id < 0 {
deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id, n)
n = deb.loadBlock(false)
deb.dump(n, "Message of length %d", n)
deb.typeDefinition(indent, -id)
n := deb.loadBlock(false)
deb.dump("Nested message of length %d", n)
} else {
// DelimitedValue
x, width := deb.readUint() // in case we want to ignore the value; we don't.
n -= w
w += width
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sinterface value, type %q id=%d; length %d\n", indent, name, id, x)
ZZ := w + deb.value(indent, id, int(x))
return ZZ
x := deb.uint64() // in case we want to ignore the value; we don't.
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sinterface value, type %q id=%d; valueLength %d\n", indent, name, id, x)
deb.value(indent, id)
panic("not reached")
// printCommonType prints a common type; used by printWireType.
......@@ -529,13 +515,15 @@ func (deb *debugger) printWireType(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
// fieldValue prints a value of any type, such as a struct field.
// FieldValue:
// builtinValue | ArrayValue | MapValue | SliceValue | StructValue | InterfaceValue
func (deb *debugger) fieldValue(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) fieldValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
_, ok := builtinIdToType[id]
if ok {
if id == tInterface {
return deb.interfaceValue(indent, n)
} else {
deb.printBuiltin(indent, id)
return deb.printBuiltin(indent, id, n)
wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
if !ok {
......@@ -543,105 +531,104 @@ func (deb *debugger) fieldValue(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
switch {
case wire.ArrayT != nil:
return deb.arrayValue(indent, wire, n)
deb.arrayValue(indent, wire)
case wire.MapT != nil:
return deb.mapValue(indent, wire, n)
deb.mapValue(indent, wire)
case wire.SliceT != nil:
return deb.sliceValue(indent, wire, n)
deb.sliceValue(indent, wire)
case wire.StructT != nil:
return deb.structValue(indent, id, n)
deb.structValue(indent, id)
panic("bad wire type for field")
// printBuiltin prints a value not of a fundamental type, that is,
// one whose type is known to gobs at bootstrap time.
func (deb *debugger) printBuiltin(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) printBuiltin(indent tab, id typeId) {
switch id {
case tBool:
x, w := deb.readInt()
x := deb.int64()
if x == 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sfalse\n", indent)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%strue\n", indent)
return w
case tInt:
x, w := deb.readInt()
x := deb.int64()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%d\n", indent, x)
return w
case tUint:
x, w := deb.readInt()
x := deb.int64()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%d\n", indent, x)
return w
case tFloat:
x, w := deb.readUint()
x := deb.uint64()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%g\n", indent, floatFromBits(x))
return w
case tComplex:
r := deb.uint64()
i := deb.uint64()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%g+%gi\n", indent, floatFromBits(r), floatFromBits(i))
case tBytes:
x, w := deb.readUint()
x := int(deb.uint64())
b := make([]byte, x)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s{% x}=%q\n", indent, b, b)
return w + int(x)
case tString:
x, w := deb.readUint()
x := int(deb.uint64())
b := make([]byte, x)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%q\n", indent, b)
return w + int(x)
panic("unknown builtin")
panic("unknown builtin")
// ArrayValue:
// uint(n) FieldValue*n
func (deb *debugger) arrayValue(indent tab, wire *wireType, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) arrayValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
elemId := wire.ArrayT.Elem
u, w := deb.readUint()
u := deb.uint64()
length := int(u)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
w += deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId, n-w)
deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId)
if length != wire.ArrayT.Len {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s(wrong length for array: %d should be %d)\n", indent, length, wire.ArrayT.Len)
return w
// MapValue:
// uint(n) (FieldValue FieldValue)*n [n (key, value) pairs]
func (deb *debugger) mapValue(indent tab, wire *wireType, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) mapValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
keyId := wire.MapT.Key
elemId := wire.MapT.Elem
u, w := deb.readUint()
u := deb.uint64()
length := int(u)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
w += deb.fieldValue(indent+1, keyId, n-w)
w += deb.fieldValue(indent+1, elemId, n-w)
deb.fieldValue(indent+1, keyId)
deb.fieldValue(indent+1, elemId)
return w
// SliceValue:
// uint(n) (n FieldValue)
func (deb *debugger) sliceValue(indent tab, wire *wireType, n int) int {
func (deb *debugger) sliceValue(indent tab, wire *wireType) {
elemId := wire.SliceT.Elem
u, w := deb.readUint()
u := deb.uint64()
length := int(u)
deb.dump("Start of slice of length %d", length)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
w += deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId, n-w)
deb.fieldValue(indent, elemId)
return w
// StructValue:
// (uint(fieldDelta) FieldValue)*
func (deb *debugger) structValue(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
deb.dump(n, "Start of struct value of %q id=%d\n<<\n",, id)
func (deb *debugger) structValue(indent tab, id typeId) {
deb.dump("Start of struct value of %q id=%d\n<<\n",, id)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s%s struct {\n", indent,
wire, ok := deb.wireType[id]
if !ok {
......@@ -650,26 +637,20 @@ func (deb *debugger) structValue(indent tab, id typeId, n int) int {
strct := wire.StructT
fieldNum := -1
w := 0
for {
delta, wid := deb.readUint()
w += wid
n -= wid
delta := deb.uint64()
if delta == 0 { // struct terminator is zero delta fieldnum
fieldNum += int(delta)
if fieldNum < 0 || fieldNum >= len(strct.Field) {
deb.dump(n, "field number out of range: prevField=%d delta=%d", fieldNum-int(delta), delta)
deb.dump("field number out of range: prevField=%d delta=%d", fieldNum-int(delta), delta)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%sfield %d:\t%s\n", indent, fieldNum, wire.StructT.Field[fieldNum].Name)
wid = deb.fieldValue(indent+1, strct.Field[fieldNum].Id, n)
w += wid
n -= wid
deb.fieldValue(indent+1, strct.Field[fieldNum].Id)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s} // end %s struct\n", indent,
deb.dump(n, ">> End of struct value of type %d %q", id,
return w
deb.dump(">> End of struct value of type %d %q", id,
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