Commit 0998eaf4 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

- correct error handling throughout

- documentation, cleanups
- more options

parent bd6e0bc8
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ import OS "os"
import TabWriter "tabwriter"
var (
usetabs = Flag.Bool("usetabs", false, nil, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
tabwidth = Flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, nil, "tab width");
usetabs = Flag.Bool("usetabs", false, nil, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
comments = Flag.Bool("comments", false, nil, "enable printing of comments");
......@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ func (P *Printer) Declaration(d *AST.Decl, parenthesized bool) {
func (P *Printer) Program(p *AST.Program) {
// TODO should initialize all fields?
P.writer = TabWriter.MakeTabWriter(OS.Stdout, usetabs.BVal(), int(tabwidth.IVal()));
P.writer = TabWriter.New(OS.Stdout, int(tabwidth.IVal()), 1, usetabs.BVal());
P.clist = p.comments;
P.cindex = 0;
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ByteArray
// TODO move this into std lib eventually
// TODO should use a ByteArray library eventually
type ByteArray struct {
a *[]byte;
......@@ -30,21 +30,6 @@ func (b *ByteArray) Clear() {
func (b *ByteArray) Len() int {
return len(b.a);
func (b *ByteArray) At(i int) byte {
return b.a[i];
func (b *ByteArray) Set(i int, x byte) {
b.a[i] = x;
func (b *ByteArray) Slice(i, j int) *[]byte {
return b.a[i : j]; // BUG should really be &b.a[i : j]
......@@ -76,27 +61,42 @@ func (b *ByteArray) Append(s *[]byte) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation of flexible tab stops.
// TabWriter is a representation for a list of lines consisting of
// cells. A new cell is added for each Tab() call, and a new line
// is added for each Newline() call.
// Tabwriter is a filter implementing the IO.Write interface. It assumes
// that the incoming bytes represent ASCII encoded text consisting of
// lines of tab-separated "cells". Cells in adjacent lines constitute
// a column. Tabwriter rewrites the incoming text such that all cells
// in a column have the same width; thus it effectively aligns cells.
// It does this by adding padding where necessary.
// The lines are formatted and printed such that all cells in a column
// of adjacent cells have the same width (by adding padding). For more
// details see: .
// Formatting can be controlled via parameters:
// tabwidth the minimal with of a cell
// padding additional padding
// usetabs use tabs instead of blanks for padding
// (for correct-looking results, tabwidth must correspond
// to the tabwidth in the editor used to look at the result)
// (See alse
// TODO Should support UTF-8
// TODO Should probably implement a couple of trivial customization options
// such as arbitrary padding character, left/right alignment, and inde-
// pendant cell and tab width.
export type TabWriter struct {
// TODO should not export any of the fields
// configuration
writer io.Write;
usetabs bool;
tabwidth int;
padding int;
usetabs bool;
// current state
buf ByteArray; // the collected text w/o tabs and newlines
width int; // width of last incomplete cell
lines array.Array; // list of lines; each line is a list of cell widths
widths array.IntArray; // list of column widths - (re-)used during formatting
widths array.IntArray; // list of column widths - re-used during formatting
......@@ -105,15 +105,18 @@ func (b *TabWriter) AddLine() {
func (b *TabWriter) Init(writer io.Write, usetabs bool, tabwidth int) {
func (b *TabWriter) Init(writer io.Write, tabwidth, padding int, usetabs bool) *TabWriter {
b.writer = writer;
b.usetabs = usetabs;
b.tabwidth = tabwidth;
b.padding = padding;
b.usetabs = usetabs;
b.AddLine(); // the very first line
return b;
......@@ -135,7 +138,7 @@ func (b *TabWriter) Dump() {
print("(", i, ") ");
for j := 0; j < line.Len(); j++ {
w := line.At(j);
print("[", string(b.buf.a[pos : pos + w]), "]");
print("[", string(b.buf.Slice(pos, pos + w)), "]");
pos += w;
......@@ -144,59 +147,95 @@ func (b *TabWriter) Dump() {
func (b *TabWriter) Write0(buf *[]byte) *os.Error {
n, err := b.writer.Write(buf);
if n != len(buf) && err == nil {
err = os.EIO;
return err;
var Tabs = &[]byte{'\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t', '\t'}
var Blanks = &[]byte{' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '}
var Newline = &[]byte{'\n'}
func (b *TabWriter) Padding(textwidth, cellwidth int) {
n := cellwidth - textwidth;
func (b *TabWriter) WritePadding(textw, cellw int) (err *os.Error) {
if b.usetabs {
// make cell width a multiple of tabwidth
cellw = ((cellw + b.tabwidth - 1) / b.tabwidth) * b.tabwidth;
n := cellw - textw;
if n < 0 {
panic("internal error");
padding := Blanks;
if b.usetabs {
if cellwidth % b.tabwidth != 0 {
panic("internal error"); // cellwidth should be a multiple of tabwidth
n = (n + b.tabwidth - 1) / b.tabwidth;
for n > len(Tabs) {
m, err := b.writer.Write(Tabs);
n -= len(Tabs);
padding = Tabs;
m, err := b.writer.Write(Tabs[0 : n]);
} else {
for n > len(Blanks) {
m, err := b.writer.Write(Blanks);
n -= len(Blanks);
for n > len(padding) {
err = b.Write0(padding);
if err != nil {
goto exit;
m, err := b.writer.Write(Blanks[0 : n]);
n -= len(padding);
err = b.Write0(padding[0 : n]);
return err;
func (b *TabWriter) PrintLines(pos int, line0, line1 int) int {
func (b *TabWriter) WriteLines(pos0 int, line0, line1 int) (pos int, err *os.Error) {
pos = pos0;
for i := line0; i < line1; i++ {
line := b.Line(i);
for j := 0; j < line.Len(); j++ {
w := line.At(j);
m, err := b.writer.Write(b.buf.a[pos : pos + w]);
if m != w {
err = b.Write0(b.buf.a[pos : pos + w]);
if err != nil {
goto exit;
pos += w;
if j < b.widths.Len() {
b.Padding(w, b.widths.At(j));
err = b.WritePadding(w, b.widths.At(j));
if err != nil {
goto exit;
m, err := b.writer.Write(Newline);
err = b.Write0(Newline);
if err != nil {
goto exit;
return pos;
return pos, err;
func (b *TabWriter) Format(pos int, line0, line1 int) int {
column := b.widths.Len();
// TODO use utflen for correct formatting
func utflen(buf *[]byte) int {
n := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(buf); i++ {
if buf[i]&0xC0 != 0x80 {
return n
func (b *TabWriter) Format(pos0 int, line0, line1 int) (pos int, err *os.Error) {
pos = pos0;
column := b.widths.Len();
last := line0;
for this := line0; this < line1; this++ {
line := b.Line(this);
......@@ -206,7 +245,10 @@ func (b *TabWriter) Format(pos int, line0, line1 int) int {
// (note that the last cell per line is ignored)
// print unprinted lines until beginning of block
pos = b.PrintLines(pos, last, this);
pos, err = b.WriteLines(pos, last, this);
if err != nil {
goto exit;
last = this;
// column block begin
......@@ -214,9 +256,8 @@ func (b *TabWriter) Format(pos int, line0, line1 int) int {
for ; this < line1; this++ {
line = b.Line(this);
if column < line.Len() - 1 {
// cell exists in this column
// update width
w := line.At(column) + 1; // 1 = minimum space between cells
// cell exists in this column => update width
w := line.At(column) + b.padding;
if w > width {
width = w;
......@@ -226,85 +267,77 @@ func (b *TabWriter) Format(pos int, line0, line1 int) int {
// column block end
if b.usetabs {
// make width a multiple of the tab width
width = ((width + b.tabwidth - 1) / b.tabwidth) * b.tabwidth;
// format and print all columns to the right of this column
// (we know the widths of this column and all columns to the left)
pos = b.Format(pos, last, this);
pos, err = b.Format(pos, last, this);
last = this;
// print unprinted lines until end
return b.PrintLines(pos, last, line1);
pos, err = b.WriteLines(pos, last, line1);
return pos, err;
func (b *TabWriter) EmptyLine() bool {
return b.LastLine().Len() == 0 && b.width == 0;
func (b *TabWriter) Append(buf *[]byte) {
b.width += len(buf);
func (b *TabWriter) Tab() {
/* export */ func (b *TabWriter) Flush() *os.Error {
dummy, err := b.Format(0, 0, b.lines.Len());
// reset (even in the presence of errors)
b.width = 0;
return err;
func (b *TabWriter) Newline() {
b.Tab(); // add last cell to current line
/* export */ func (b *TabWriter) Write(buf *[]byte) (written int, err *os.Error) {
i0, n := 0, len(buf);
if b.LastLine().Len() == 1 {
// The current line has only one cell which does not have an impact
// on the formatting of the following lines (the last cell per line
// is ignored by Format), thus we can print the TabWriter contents.
if b.widths.Len() != 0 {
panic("internal error");
b.Format(0, 0, b.lines.Len());
if b.widths.Len() != 0 {
panic("internal error");
// split text into cells
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if ch := buf[i]; ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' {
b.Append(buf[i0 : i]);
i0 = i + 1; // exclude ch from (next) cell
// reset TabWriter
// terminate cell
b.width = 0;
if ch == '\n' {
if b.LastLine().Len() == 1 {
// The last line has only one cell which does not have an
// impact on the formatting of the following lines (the
// last cell per line is ignored by Format), thus we can
// flush the TabWriter contents.
err = b.Flush();
if err != nil {
return i0, err;
} else {
// We can't flush yet - just add a new line.
func (b *TabWriter) Write(buf *[]byte) (i int, err *os.Error) {
i0, n := 0, len(buf);
for i = 0; i < n; i++ {
switch buf[i] {
case '\t':
b.width += i - i0;
b.buf.Append(buf[i0 : i]);
i0 = i + 1; // don't append '\t'
case '\n':
b.width += i - i0;
b.buf.Append(buf[i0 : i]);
i0 = i + 1; // don't append '\n'
b.width += n - i0;
b.buf.Append(buf[i0 : n]);
return i, nil;
// append leftover text
b.Append(buf[i0 : n]);
return n, nil;
export func MakeTabWriter(writer io.Write, usetabs bool, tabwidth int) *TabWriter {
b := new(TabWriter);
b.Init(writer, usetabs, tabwidth);
return b;
export func New(writer io.Write, tabwidth, padding int, usetabs bool) *TabWriter {
return new(TabWriter).Init(writer, tabwidth, padding, usetabs)
......@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import (
var (
usetabs = flag.Bool("usetabs", false, nil, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
tabwidth = flag.Int("tabwidth", 4, nil, "tab width");
usetabs = flag.Bool("usetabs", false, nil, "align with tabs instead of blanks");
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ func Untab(name string, src *os.FD, dst *tabwriter.TabWriter) {
func main() {
dst := tabwriter.MakeTabWriter(os.Stdout, usetabs.BVal(), int(tabwidth.IVal()));
dst := tabwriter.New(os.Stdout, int(tabwidth.IVal()), 1, usetabs.BVal());
if flag.NArg() > 0 {
for i := 0; i < flag.NArg(); i++ {
name := flag.Arg(i);
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