Commit 1399badb authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

- allow wire type and receive type to differ.

- still TODO: ignoring struct fields.

DELTA=309  (240 added, 2 deleted, 67 changed)
parent f3ffd93a
......@@ -523,7 +523,6 @@ func TestScalarDecInstructions(t *testing.T) {
func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
type T2 struct {
t string
......@@ -553,7 +552,7 @@ func TestEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
b := new(bytes.Buffer);
encode(b, t1);
var _t1 T1;
decode(b, &_t1);
decode(b, getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(_t1)).typeId, &_t1);
if !reflect.DeepEqual(t1, &_t1) {
t.Errorf("encode expected %v got %v", *t1, _t1);
......@@ -571,7 +570,7 @@ func TestNesting(t *testing.T) {
b := new(bytes.Buffer);
encode(b, rt);
var drt RT;
decode(b, &drt);
decode(b, getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(drt)).typeId, &drt);
if drt.a != rt.a {
t.Errorf("nesting: encode expected %v got %v", *rt, drt);
......@@ -613,7 +612,8 @@ func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
b := new(bytes.Buffer);
encode(b, t1);
var t0 T0;
decode(b, &t0);
t0Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(t0)).typeId;
decode(b, t0Id, &t0);
if t0.a != 17 || t0.b != 177 || t0.c != 1777 || t0.d != 17777 {
t.Errorf("t1->t0: expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0);
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
encode(b, t2);
t0 = T0{};
decode(b, &t0);
decode(b, t0Id, &t0);
if t0.a != 17 || t0.b != 177 || t0.c != 1777 || t0.d != 17777 {
t.Errorf("t2->t0 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got %v", t0);
......@@ -637,7 +637,8 @@ func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
encode(b, t0);
t1 = T1{};
decode(b, &t1);
t1Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(t1)).typeId;
decode(b, t1Id, &t1);
if t1.a != 17 || *t1.b != 177 || **t1.c != 1777 || ***t1.d != 17777 {
t.Errorf("t0->t1 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", t1.a, *t1.b, **t1.c, ***t1.d);
......@@ -646,7 +647,8 @@ func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
encode(b, t0);
t2 = T2{};
decode(b, &t2);
t2Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(t2)).typeId;
decode(b, t2Id, &t2);
if ***t2.a != 17 || **t2.b != 177 || *t2.c != 1777 || t2.d != 17777 {
t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.a, **t2.b, *t2.c, t2.d);
......@@ -658,8 +660,72 @@ func TestAutoIndirection(t *testing.T) {
**t2.b = 0;
*t2.c = 0;
t2.d = 0;
decode(b, &t2);
decode(b, t2Id, &t2);
if ***t2.a != 17 || **t2.b != 177 || *t2.c != 1777 || t2.d != 17777 {
t.Errorf("t0->t2 expected {17 177 1777 17777}; got {%d %d %d %d}", ***t2.a, **t2.b, *t2.c, t2.d);
type RT0 struct {
a int;
b string;
c float;
type RT1 struct {
c float;
b string;
a int;
notSet string;
func TestReorderedFields(t *testing.T) {
var rt0 RT0;
rt0.a = 17;
rt0.b = "hello";
rt0.c = 3.14159;
b := new(bytes.Buffer);
encode(b, rt0);
rt0Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(rt0)).typeId;
var rt1 RT1;
// Wire type is RT0, local type is RT1.
decode(b, rt0Id, &rt1);
if rt0.a != rt1.a || rt0.b != rt1.b || rt0.c != rt1.c {
t.Errorf("rt1->rt0: expected %v; got %v", rt0, rt1);
// Like an RT0 but with fields we'll ignore on the decode side.
type IT0 struct {
a int64;
b string;
ignore_d []int;
ignore_e [3]float;
ignore_f bool;
ignore_g string;
ignore_h []byte;
c float;
func TestIgnoredFields(t *testing.T) {
var it0 IT0;
it0.a = 17;
it0.b = "hello";
it0.c = 3.14159;
it0.ignore_d = []int{ 1, 2, 3 };
it0.ignore_e[0] = 1.0;
it0.ignore_e[1] = 2.0;
it0.ignore_e[2] = 3.0;
it0.ignore_f = true;
it0.ignore_g = "pay no attention";
it0.ignore_h = strings.Bytes("to the curtain");
b := new(bytes.Buffer);
encode(b, it0);
rt0Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(it0)).typeId;
var rt1 RT1;
// Wire type is IT0, local type is RT1.
decode(b, rt0Id, &rt1);
if int(it0.a) != rt1.a || it0.b != rt1.b || it0.c != rt1.c {
t.Errorf("rt1->rt0: expected %v; got %v", it0, rt1);
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ type decOp func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer);
// The 'instructions' of the decoding machine
type decInstr struct {
op decOp;
field int; // field number
field int; // field number of the wire type
indir int; // how many pointer indirections to reach the value in the struct
offset uintptr; // offset in the structure of the field to encode
......@@ -107,6 +107,10 @@ func decIndirect(p unsafe.Pointer, indir int) unsafe.Pointer {
return p
func ignoreUint(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
func decBool(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
if i.indir > 0 {
if *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p) == nil {
......@@ -298,12 +302,18 @@ func decString(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
*(*string)(p) = string(b);
func ignoreUint8Array(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
b := make([]byte, decodeUint(state));
// Execution engine
// The encoder engine is an array of instructions indexed by field number of the incoming
// data. It is executed with random access according to field number.
type decEngine struct {
instr []decInstr
instr []decInstr;
numInstr int; // the number of active instructions
func decodeStruct(engine *decEngine, rtyp *reflect.StructType, b *bytes.Buffer, p uintptr, indir int) os.Error {
......@@ -332,7 +342,7 @@ func decodeStruct(engine *decEngine, rtyp *reflect.StructType, b *bytes.Buffer,
fieldnum := state.fieldnum + delta;
if fieldnum >= len(engine.instr) {
panicln("TODO(r): need to handle unknown data");
panicln("TODO(r): field number out of range", fieldnum, len(engine.instr));
instr := &engine.instr[fieldnum];
p := unsafe.Pointer(basep+instr.offset);
......@@ -375,6 +385,21 @@ func decodeArray(atyp *reflect.ArrayType, state *decodeState, p uintptr, elemOp
return decodeArrayHelper(state, p, elemOp, elemWid, length, elemIndir);
func ignoreArrayHelper(state *decodeState, elemOp decOp, length int) os.Error {
instr := &decInstr{elemOp, 0, 0, 0};
for i := 0; i < length && state.err == nil; i++ {
elemOp(instr, state, nil);
return state.err
func ignoreArray(state *decodeState, elemOp decOp, length int) os.Error {
if n := decodeUint(state); n != uint64(length) {
return os.ErrorString("gob: length mismatch in ignoreArray");
return ignoreArrayHelper(state, elemOp, length);
func decodeSlice(atyp *reflect.SliceType, state *decodeState, p uintptr, elemOp decOp, elemWid uintptr, indir, elemIndir int) os.Error {
length := uintptr(decodeUint(state));
if indir > 0 {
......@@ -395,30 +420,43 @@ func decodeSlice(atyp *reflect.SliceType, state *decodeState, p uintptr, elemOp
return decodeArrayHelper(state, hdrp.Data, elemOp, elemWid, int(length), elemIndir);
func ignoreSlice(state *decodeState, elemOp decOp) os.Error {
return ignoreArrayHelper(state, elemOp, int(decodeUint(state)));
var decOpMap = map[reflect.Type] decOp {
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.BoolType)(nil)): decBool,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.IntType)(nil)): decInt,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int8Type)(nil)): decInt8,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int16Type)(nil)): decInt16,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int32Type)(nil)): decInt32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int64Type)(nil)): decInt64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.UintType)(nil)): decUint,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint8Type)(nil)): decUint8,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint16Type)(nil)): decUint16,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint32Type)(nil)): decUint32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint64Type)(nil)): decUint64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.UintptrType)(nil)): decUintptr,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.FloatType)(nil)): decFloat,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float32Type)(nil)): decFloat32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float64Type)(nil)): decFloat64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.StringType)(nil)): decString,
func getDecEngine(rt reflect.Type) *decEngine
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.BoolType)(nil)): decBool,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.IntType)(nil)): decInt,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int8Type)(nil)): decInt8,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int16Type)(nil)): decInt16,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int32Type)(nil)): decInt32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Int64Type)(nil)): decInt64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.UintType)(nil)): decUint,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint8Type)(nil)): decUint8,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint16Type)(nil)): decUint16,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint32Type)(nil)): decUint32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Uint64Type)(nil)): decUint64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.UintptrType)(nil)): decUintptr,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.FloatType)(nil)): decFloat,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float32Type)(nil)): decFloat32,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.Float64Type)(nil)): decFloat64,
reflect.Typeof((*reflect.StringType)(nil)): decString,
var decIgnoreOpMap = map[TypeId] decOp {
tBool: ignoreUint,
tInt: ignoreUint,
tUint: ignoreUint,
tFloat: ignoreUint,
tBytes: ignoreUint8Array,
tString: ignoreUint8Array,
func getDecEnginePtr(wireId TypeId, rt reflect.Type) **decEngine
// Return the decoding op for the base type under rt and
// the indirection count to reach it.
func decOpFor(rt reflect.Type) (decOp, int) {
func decOpFor(wireId TypeId, rt reflect.Type) (decOp, int) {
typ, indir := indirect(rt);
op, ok := decOpMap[reflect.Typeof(typ)];
if !ok {
......@@ -429,24 +467,25 @@ func decOpFor(rt reflect.Type) (decOp, int) {
op = decUint8Array;
elemOp, elemIndir := decOpFor(t.Elem());
elemId := wireId.gobType().(*sliceType).Elem;
elemOp, elemIndir := decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem());
op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
state.err = decodeSlice(t, state, uintptr(p), elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), i.indir, elemIndir);
case *reflect.ArrayType:
elemOp, elemIndir := decOpFor(t.Elem());
elemId := wireId.gobType().(*arrayType).Elem;
elemOp, elemIndir := decOpFor(elemId, t.Elem());
op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
state.err = decodeArray(t, state, uintptr(p), elemOp, t.Elem().Size(), t.Len(), i.indir, elemIndir);
case *reflect.StructType:
// Generate a closure that calls out to the engine for the nested type.
engine := getDecEngine(typ);
info := getTypeInfo(typ);
enginePtr := getDecEnginePtr(wireId, typ);
op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
// indirect through info to delay evaluation for recursive structs
state.err = decodeStruct(info.decoder, t, state.b, uintptr(p), i.indir)
state.err = decodeStruct(*enginePtr, t, state.b, uintptr(p), i.indir)
......@@ -456,53 +495,173 @@ func decOpFor(rt reflect.Type) (decOp, int) {
return op, indir
func compileDec(rt reflect.Type, typ gobType) *decEngine {
// Return the decoding op for a field that has no destination.
func decIgnoreOpFor(wireId TypeId) decOp {
op, ok := decIgnoreOpMap[wireId];
if !ok {
// Special cases
switch t := wireId.gobType().(type) {
case *sliceType:
elemId := wireId.gobType().(*sliceType).Elem;
elemOp := decIgnoreOpFor(elemId);
op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
state.err = ignoreSlice(state, elemOp);
case *arrayType:
elemId := wireId.gobType().(*arrayType).Elem;
elemOp := decIgnoreOpFor(elemId);
op = func(i *decInstr, state *decodeState, p unsafe.Pointer) {
state.err = ignoreArray(state, elemOp, t.Len);
case *structType:
// TODO: write an ignore engine for structs
if op == nil {
panicln("decode can't handle type", wireId.gobType().String());
return op;
// Are these two gob Types compatible?
// Answers the question for basic types, arrays, and slices. Defers for structs.
func compatibleType(fr reflect.Type, fw TypeId) bool {
for {
if pt, ok := fr.(*reflect.PtrType); ok {
fr = pt.Elem();
switch t := fr.(type) {
// interface, map, chan, etc: cannot handle.
return false;
case *reflect.BoolType:
return fw == tBool;
case *reflect.IntType:
return fw == tInt;
case *reflect.Int8Type:
return fw == tInt;
case *reflect.Int16Type:
return fw == tInt;
case *reflect.Int32Type:
return fw == tInt;
case *reflect.Int64Type:
return fw == tInt;
case *reflect.UintType:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.Uint8Type:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.Uint16Type:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.Uint32Type:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.Uint64Type:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.UintptrType:
return fw == tUint;
case *reflect.FloatType:
return fw == tFloat;
case *reflect.Float32Type:
return fw == tFloat;
case *reflect.Float64Type:
return fw == tFloat;
case *reflect.StringType:
return fw == tString;
case *reflect.StructType:
return true; // defer for now
case *reflect.ArrayType:
aw, ok := fw.gobType().(*arrayType);
return ok && t.Len() == aw.Len && compatibleType(t.Elem(), aw.Elem);
case *reflect.SliceType:
// Is it an array of bytes?
et := t.Elem();
if _, ok := et.(*reflect.Uint8Type); ok {
return fw == tBytes
sw, ok := fw.gobType().(*sliceType);
return ok && compatibleType(t.Elem(), sw.Elem);
return true;
func compileDec(wireId TypeId, rt reflect.Type) *decEngine {
srt, ok1 := rt.(*reflect.StructType);
styp, ok2 := typ.(*structType);
wireStruct, ok2 := wireId.gobType().(*structType);
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
panicln("TODO: can't handle non-structs");
panicln("gob: TODO: can't handle non-structs");
engine := new(decEngine);
engine.instr = make([]decInstr, len(styp.field));
for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < len(styp.field); fieldnum++ {
field := styp.field[fieldnum];
// Assumes perfect correspondence between struct and gob,
// which is safe to assume since typ was compiled from rt.
f := srt.Field(fieldnum);
op, indir := decOpFor(f.Type);
engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, indir, uintptr(f.Offset)};
engine.instr = make([]decInstr, len(wireStruct.field));
// Loop over the fields of the wire type.
for fieldnum := 0; fieldnum < len(wireStruct.field); fieldnum++ {
wireField := wireStruct.field[fieldnum];
// Find the field of the local type with the same name.
// TODO: put this as a method in reflect
var localField reflect.StructField;
for lfn := 0; lfn < srt.NumField(); lfn++ {
if srt.Field(lfn).Name == {
localField = srt.Field(lfn);
// TODO(r): anonymous names
if localField.Anonymous || localField.Name == "" {
println("no matching field",, "in type", wireId.String());
op := decIgnoreOpFor(wireField.typeId);
engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, 0, 0};
if !compatibleType(localField.Type, wireField.typeId) {
panicln("TODO: wrong type for field",, "in type", wireId.String());
op, indir := decOpFor(wireField.typeId, localField.Type);
engine.instr[fieldnum] = decInstr{op, fieldnum, indir, uintptr(localField.Offset)};
return engine;
// typeLock must be held.
func getDecEngine(rt reflect.Type) *decEngine {
info := getTypeInfo(rt);
if info.decoder == nil {
func getDecEnginePtr(wireId TypeId, rt reflect.Type) **decEngine {
info := getTypeInfo(rt); // TODO: eliminate this; creates a gobType you don't need.
var enginePtr **decEngine;
var ok bool;
if enginePtr, ok = info.decoderPtr[wireId]; !ok {
if info.typeId.gobType() == nil {
_pkg, name := rt.Name();
info.typeId = newType(name, rt).id();
// mark this engine as underway before compiling to handle recursive types.
info.decoder = new(decEngine);
info.decoder = compileDec(rt, info.typeId.gobType());
enginePtr = new(*decEngine);
info.decoderPtr[wireId] = enginePtr;
*enginePtr = compileDec(wireId, rt);
return info.decoder;
return enginePtr
func decode(b *bytes.Buffer, e interface{}) os.Error {
func decode(b *bytes.Buffer, wireId TypeId, e interface{}) os.Error {
// Dereference down to the underlying object.
rt, indir := indirect(reflect.Typeof(e));
v := reflect.NewValue(e);
for i := 0; i < indir; i++ {
v = reflect.Indirect(v);
if _, ok := v.(*reflect.StructValue); !ok {
var st *reflect.StructValue;
var ok bool;
if st, ok = v.(*reflect.StructValue); !ok {
return os.ErrorString("gob: decode can't handle " + rt.String())
engine := getDecEngine(rt);
engine := *getDecEnginePtr(wireId, rt);
if engine.numInstr == 0 && st.NumField() > 0 {
path, name := rt.Name();
return os.ErrorString("no fields matched compiling decoder for " + name)
return decodeStruct(engine, rt.(*reflect.StructType), b, uintptr(v.Addr()), 0);
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) recvType(id TypeId) {
// Type:
wire := new(wireType);
decode(dec.state.b, wire);
decode(dec.state.b, tWireType, wire);
// Remember we've seen this type.
dec.seen[id] = wire;
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
return dec.state.err
// Is it a type?
// Is it a new type?
if id < 0 { // 0 is the error state, handled above
// If the id is negative, we have a type.
......@@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
// No, it's a value.
info := getTypeInfo(rt);
// Check type compatibility.
// TODO(r): need to make the decoder work correctly if the wire type is compatible
......@@ -108,7 +110,7 @@ func (dec *Decoder) Decode(e interface{}) os.Error {
// Receive a value.
decode(dec.state.b, e);
decode(dec.state.b, id, e);
return dec.state.err
......@@ -86,7 +86,9 @@ func (enc *Encoder) sendType(origt reflect.Type) {
// Need to send it.
info := getTypeInfo(rt);
// Send the pair (-id, type)
// Id:
encodeInt(enc.state, -int64(info.typeId));
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ func TestBasicEncoder(t *testing.T) {
// 2) The wireType for ET1
wire1 := new(wireType);
err := decode(b, wire1);
err := decode(b, tWireType, wire1);
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding ET1 type:", err);
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ func TestBasicEncoder(t *testing.T) {
// 5) The wireType for ET2
wire2 := new(wireType);
err = decode(b, wire2);
err = decode(b, tWireType, wire2);
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding ET2 type:", err);
......@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ func TestBasicEncoder(t *testing.T) {
// 8) The value of et1
newEt1 := new(ET1);
err = decode(b, newEt1);
et1Id := getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(*newEt1)).typeId;
err = decode(b, et1Id, newEt1);
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("error decoding ET1 value:", err);
......@@ -144,7 +145,7 @@ func TestBasicEncoder(t *testing.T) {
// 6a) The value of et1
newEt1 = new(ET1);
err = decode(b, newEt1);
err = decode(b, et1Id, newEt1);
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("2nd round: error decoding ET1 value:", err);
......@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ var tFloat TypeId
var tString TypeId
var tBytes TypeId
// Predefined because it's needed by the Decoder
var tWireType TypeId
// Array type
type arrayType struct {
......@@ -322,7 +325,9 @@ type decEngine struct // defined in decode.go
type encEngine struct // defined in encode.go
type typeInfo struct {
typeId TypeId;
decoder *decEngine;
// Decoder engine to convert TypeId.Type() to this type. Stored as a pointer to a
// pointer to aid construction of recursive types. Protected by typeLock.
decoderPtr map[TypeId] **decEngine;
encoder *encEngine;
wire *wireType;
......@@ -330,6 +335,7 @@ type typeInfo struct {
var typeInfoMap = make(map[reflect.Type] *typeInfo) // protected by typeLock
// The reflection type must have all its indirections processed out.
// typeLock must be held.
func getTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *typeInfo {
if pt, ok := rt.(*reflect.PtrType); ok {
panicln("pointer type in getTypeInfo:", rt.String())
......@@ -339,6 +345,7 @@ func getTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *typeInfo {
info = new(typeInfo);
path, name := rt.Name();
info.typeId = getType(name, rt).id();
info.decoderPtr = make(map[TypeId] **decEngine);
// assume it's a struct type
info.wire = &wireType{info.typeId.gobType().(*structType)};
typeInfoMap[rt] = info;
......@@ -347,11 +354,12 @@ func getTypeInfo(rt reflect.Type) *typeInfo {
func init() {
tBool= bootstrapType("bool", false);
tBool = bootstrapType("bool", false);
tInt = bootstrapType("int", int(0));
tUint = bootstrapType("uint", uint(0));
tFloat = bootstrapType("float", float64(0));
// The string for tBytes is "bytes" not "[]byte" to signify its specialness.
tBytes = bootstrapType("bytes", make([]byte, 0));
tString= bootstrapType("string", "");
tWireType = getTypeInfo(reflect.Typeof(wireType{})).typeId;
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