<h2>Concurrent garbage collection is an active research problem</h2>
<h2>Reviving forgotten concepts:</h2>
<li>Go's concurrency is strongly influenced by <i>Communicating Sequential Processes</i> (Hoare, 1978)</li>
<li>Go has types and interfaces, but no inheritance. It is arguably more object-oriented than previously mentioned languages, being closer to the original Smalltalk meaning (1970s)</li>
<h2>Unix philosophy: write <i>programs</i> that do one thing and do it well</h2>
<h2>Connect them with <i>pipes</i>:</h2>
<li>How many lines of test code are there in the Go standard library?</li>
<h2>Unlike other languages, Go makes it easy to:</h2>
<li>Launch <i>goroutines</i></li>
<li>Connect them with <i>channels</i></li>
<h2>Start a new flow of control with the <code>go</code> keyword</h2>
<h2>Parallel computation is easy:</h2>
func main() {
go expensiveComputation(x, y, z)
anotherExpensiveComputation(a, b, c)
<h2>Roughly speaking, a goroutine is like a thread, but lighter weight:</h2>
<li>Goroutines have segmented stacks, and typically smaller stacks</li>
<li>This requires compiler support. Goroutines can't just be a C++ library on top of a thread library</li>
<h2>Consider web servers ("the C10k problem"):</h2>
<li>"Thread per connection" approach is conceptually neat, but doesn't scale well in practice</li>
<li>What does scale well (event-driven callbacks, asynchronous APIs) are harder to understand, maintain, and debug</li>
<li>We think "goroutine per connection" can scale well, and is conceptually neat</li>
for {
rw := socket.Accept()
conn := newConn(rw, handler)
go conn.serve()
<h2>Let's look again at our simple parallel computation:</h2>
func main() {
go expensiveComputation(x, y, z)
anotherExpensiveComputation(a, b, c)
<h2>This story is incomplete:</h2>
<li>How do we know when the two computations are done?</li>
<li>What are their values?</li>
<h2>Goroutines communicate with other goroutines via channels</h2>
func computeAndSend(ch chan int, x, y, z int) {
ch <- expensiveComputation(x, y, z)
func main() {
ch := make(chan int)
go computeAndSend(ch, x, y, z)
v2 := anotherExpensiveComputation(a, b, c)
v1 := <-ch
fmt.Println(v1, v2)
<h2>In traditional concurrent programs, you <i>communicate by sharing memory</i>. In Go, you <i>share memory by communicating</i>:</h2>
<li>Communication (the <code><-</code> operator) is sharing and synchronization</li>
<h2>Threads and locks are concurrency primitives; CSP is a concurrency model:</h2>
<li>Analogy: "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" (Dijsktra, 1968)</li>
<li><code>goto</code> is a control flow primitive; structured programming (<code>if</code> statements, <code>for</code> loops, function calls) is a control flow model</li>
<h2>Learning CSP changes the way you think about concurrent programming:</h2>
<li>Every language has its grain. If your Go program uses mutexes, you're probably working against the grain</li>
<h1>Garbage Collected</h1>
<h2>Automatic memory management makes writing (and maintaining) programs easier</h2>
<h2>Especially in a concurrent world:</h2>
<li>Who "owns" a shared piece of memory, and is responsible for destroying it?</li>
<h2>Large C++ programs usually end up with semi-automatic memory management anyway, via "smart pointers"</h2>
<h2>Mixing the two models can be problematic:</h2>
<li>Browsers can leak memory easily; DOM elements are C++ objects, but JavaScript is garbage collected</li>
<h1>Garbage Collected</h1>
<h2>Go is also a safer language:</h2>
<li>Pointers but no pointer arithmetic</li>
<li>No dangling pointers</li>
<li>Variables are zero-initialized</li>
<li>Array access is bounds-checked</li>
<h2>No buffer overflow exploits</h2>
<h1>Systems Language</h1>
<h2>This just means you could write decently large programs in Go:</h2>
<li>Web servers</li>
<li>Web browsers</li>
<li>Web crawlers</li>
<li>Search indexers</li>
<li>Word processors</li>
<li>Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)</li>
<li>Operating systems</li>
<h1>Systems Language</h1>
<h2>Garbage collection has a reputation for being "slower"</h2>
<h2>We're expecting Go to be slightly slower than optimized C, but faster than Java, depending on the task. Nonetheless:</h2>
<li>Fast and buggy is worse than almost-as-fast and correct</li>
<li>It is easier to optimize a correct program than to correct an optimized program</li>
<li>Fundamentally, it's simply a trade-off we're willing to make</li>
<h2>Memory layout can drastically affect performance. These two designs are equivalent in Go, but significantly different in Java:</h2>
type Point struct { X, Y int }
type Rect struct { P0, P1 Point }
// or ...
type Rect struct { X0, Y0, X1, Y1 int }
<h1>Systems Language</h1>
<h2>Quote from http://loadcode.blogspot.com/2009/12/go-vs-java.html</h2>
"[Git] is known to be very fast. It is written in C. A Java version
JGit was made. It was considerably slower. Handling of memory and lack
of unsigned types was some of the important reasons.
<h2>Shawn O. Pearce wrote on the git mailinglist:</h2>
<ul><li>"JGit struggles with not
having an efficient way to represent a SHA-1. C can just say "unsigned
char[20]" and have it inline into the container's memory allocation. A
byte[20] in Java will cost an *additional* 16 bytes of memory, and be
slower to access because the bytes themselves are in a different area
of memory from the container object. We try to work around it by
converting from a byte[20] to 5 ints, but that costs us machine
Like C, Go does allow unsigned types and defining data structures
containing other data structures as continuous blocks of memory."
<h2>Garbage Collected</h2>
<h2>Systems Language</h2>
<h2>And more:</h2>
<li>I haven't talked about the type system, interfaces, slices, closures, selects, ...</li>
<li>Tutorial, documentation, mailing list, source code all online</li>