Commit 1a89e638 authored by Dmitriy Vyukov's avatar Dmitriy Vyukov

runtime: refactor and fix stack management code

There are at least 3 bugs:
1. g->stacksize accounting is broken during copystack/shrinkstack
2. stktop->free is not properly maintained during copystack/shrinkstack
3. stktop->free logic is broken:
        we can have stktop->free==FixedStack,
        and we will free it into stack cache,
        but it actually comes from heap as the result of non-copying segment shrink
This shows as at least spurious races on race builders (maybe something else as well I don't know).

The idea behind the refactoring is to consolidate stacksize and
segment origin logic in stackalloc/stackfree.

Fixes #7490.

LGTM=rsc, khr
R=golang-codereviews, rsc, khr
parent f946a7ca
......@@ -339,10 +339,7 @@ runtime·unwindstack(G *gp, byte *sp)
gp->stackbase = top->stackbase;
gp->stackguard = top->stackguard;
gp->stackguard0 = gp->stackguard;
if(top->free != 0) {
gp->stacksize -= top->free;
runtime·stackfree(stk, top->free);
runtime·stackfree(gp, stk, top);
if(sp != nil && (sp < (byte*)gp->stackguard - StackGuard || (byte*)gp->stackbase < sp)) {
......@@ -1727,7 +1727,13 @@ syscall·runtime_AfterFork(void)
static void
mstackalloc(G *gp)
gp->param = runtime·stackalloc((uintptr)gp->param);
G *newg;
uintptr size;
newg = (G*)gp->param;
size = newg->stacksize;
newg->stacksize = 0;
gp->param = runtime·stackalloc(newg, size);
......@@ -1747,20 +1753,19 @@ runtime·malg(int32 stacksize)
if(stacksize >= 0) {
if(g == m->g0) {
// running on scheduler stack already.
stk = runtime·stackalloc(StackSystem + stacksize);
stk = runtime·stackalloc(newg, StackSystem + stacksize);
} else {
// have to call stackalloc on scheduler stack.
g->param = (void*)(StackSystem + stacksize);
newg->stacksize = StackSystem + stacksize;
g->param = newg;
stk = g->param;
g->param = nil;
newg->stacksize = StackSystem + stacksize;
newg->stack0 = (uintptr)stk;
newg->stackguard = (uintptr)stk + StackGuard;
newg->stackguard0 = newg->stackguard;
newg->stackbase = (uintptr)stk + StackSystem + stacksize - sizeof(Stktop);
runtime·memclr((byte*)newg->stackbase, sizeof(Stktop));
return newg;
......@@ -1883,14 +1888,20 @@ static void
gfput(P *p, G *gp)
uintptr stksize;
Stktop *top;
if(gp->stackguard - StackGuard != gp->stack0)
runtime·throw("invalid stack in gfput");
stksize = gp->stackbase + sizeof(Stktop) - gp->stack0;
if(stksize != FixedStack) {
if(stksize != gp->stacksize) {
runtime·printf("runtime: bad stacksize, goroutine %D, remain=%d, last=%d\n",
gp->goid, (int32)gp->stacksize, (int32)stksize);
runtime·throw("gfput: bad stacksize");
top = (Stktop*)gp->stackbase;
if(top->malloced) {
// non-standard stack size - free it.
runtime·stackfree((void*)gp->stack0, stksize);
gp->stacksize = 0;
runtime·stackfree(gp, (void*)gp->stack0, top);
gp->stack0 = 0;
gp->stackguard = 0;
gp->stackguard0 = 0;
......@@ -1941,19 +1952,18 @@ retry:
if(gp->stack0 == 0) {
// Stack was deallocated in gfput. Allocate a new one.
if(g == m->g0) {
stk = runtime·stackalloc(FixedStack);
stk = runtime·stackalloc(gp, FixedStack);
} else {
g->param = (void*)FixedStack;
gp->stacksize = FixedStack;
g->param = gp;
stk = g->param;
g->param = nil;
gp->stacksize = FixedStack;
gp->stack0 = (uintptr)stk;
gp->stackbase = (uintptr)stk + FixedStack - sizeof(Stktop);
gp->stackguard = (uintptr)stk + StackGuard;
gp->stackguard0 = gp->stackguard;
runtime·memclr((byte*)gp->stackbase, sizeof(Stktop));
return gp;
......@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@ struct Stktop
uint32 panicwrap;
uint8* argp; // pointer to arguments in old frame
uintptr free; // if free>0, call stackfree using free as size
bool panic; // is this frame the top of a panic?
bool malloced;
struct SigTab
......@@ -880,8 +880,8 @@ int32 runtime·funcarglen(Func*, uintptr);
int32 runtime·funcspdelta(Func*, uintptr);
int8* runtime·funcname(Func*);
int32 runtime·pcdatavalue(Func*, int32, uintptr);
void* runtime·stackalloc(uint32);
void runtime·stackfree(void*, uintptr);
void* runtime·stackalloc(G*, uint32);
void runtime·stackfree(G*, void*, Stktop*);
void runtime·shrinkstack(G*);
MCache* runtime·allocmcache(void);
void runtime·freemcache(MCache*);
......@@ -84,10 +84,12 @@ stackcacherelease(void)
runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
runtime·stackalloc(G *gp, uint32 n)
uint32 pos;
void *v;
bool malloced;
Stktop *top;
// Stackalloc must be called on scheduler stack, so that we
// never try to grow the stack during the code that stackalloc runs.
......@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
if(StackDebug >= 1)
runtime·printf("stackalloc %d\n", n);
gp->stacksize += n;
return runtime·SysAlloc(ROUND(n, PageSize), &mstats.stacks_sys);
......@@ -106,6 +109,7 @@ runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
// but if we need a stack of a bigger size, we fall back on malloc
// (assuming that inside malloc all the stack frames are small,
// so that we do not deadlock).
malloced = true;
if(n == FixedStack || m->mallocing) {
if(n != FixedStack) {
runtime·printf("stackalloc: in malloc, size=%d want %d\n", FixedStack, n);
......@@ -119,18 +123,26 @@ runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
m->stackcachepos = pos;
malloced = false;
} else
v = runtime·mallocgc(n, 0, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoGC|FlagNoZero|FlagNoInvokeGC);
top = (Stktop*)((byte*)v+n-sizeof(Stktop));
runtime·memclr((byte*)top, sizeof(*top));
top->malloced = malloced;
return v;
return runtime·mallocgc(n, 0, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoGC|FlagNoZero|FlagNoInvokeGC);
runtime·stackfree(void *v, uintptr n)
runtime·stackfree(G *gp, void *v, Stktop *top)
uint32 pos;
uintptr n;
n = (uintptr)(top+1) - (uintptr)v;
if(StackDebug >= 1)
runtime·printf("stackfree %p %d\n", v, (int32)n);
gp->stacksize -= n;
if(StackFromSystem) {
runtime·SysFault(v, n);
......@@ -138,8 +150,12 @@ runtime·stackfree(void *v, uintptr n)
runtime·SysFree(v, n, &mstats.stacks_sys);
if(n == FixedStack || m->mallocing || m->gcing) {
if(top->malloced) {
if(n != FixedStack)
runtime·throw("stackfree: bad fixed size");
if(m->stackcachecnt == StackCacheSize)
pos = m->stackcachepos;
......@@ -147,9 +163,6 @@ runtime·stackfree(void *v, uintptr n)
m->stackcachepos = (pos + 1) % StackCacheSize;
// Called from runtime·lessstack when returning from a function which
......@@ -202,11 +215,7 @@ runtime·oldstack(void)
gp->stackguard = top->stackguard;
gp->stackguard0 = gp->stackguard;
gp->panicwrap = top->panicwrap;
if(top->free != 0) {
gp->stacksize -= top->free;
runtime·stackfree(old, top->free);
runtime·stackfree(gp, old, top);
gp->status = oldstatus;
......@@ -498,6 +507,8 @@ copystack(G *gp, uintptr nframes, uintptr newsize)
byte *oldstk, *oldbase, *newstk, *newbase;
uintptr oldsize, used;
AdjustInfo adjinfo;
Stktop *oldtop, *newtop;
bool malloced;
if(gp->syscallstack != 0)
runtime·throw("can't handle stack copy in syscall yet");
......@@ -505,13 +516,17 @@ copystack(G *gp, uintptr nframes, uintptr newsize)
oldbase = (byte*)gp->stackbase + sizeof(Stktop);
oldsize = oldbase - oldstk;
used = oldbase - (byte*)gp->sched.sp;
oldtop = (Stktop*)gp->stackbase;
// allocate new stack
newstk = runtime·stackalloc(newsize);
newstk = runtime·stackalloc(gp, newsize);
newbase = newstk + newsize;
newtop = (Stktop*)(newbase - sizeof(Stktop));
malloced = newtop->malloced;
if(StackDebug >= 1)
runtime·printf("copystack [%p %p]/%d -> [%p %p]/%d\n", oldstk, oldbase, (int32)oldsize, newstk, newbase, (int32)newsize);
// adjust pointers in the to-be-copied frames
adjinfo.oldstk = oldstk;
......@@ -523,11 +538,12 @@ copystack(G *gp, uintptr nframes, uintptr newsize)
adjustctxt(gp, &adjinfo);
adjustdefers(gp, &adjinfo);
// copy the stack to the new location
// copy the stack (including Stktop) to the new location
runtime·memmove(newbase - used, oldbase - used, used);
newtop->malloced = malloced;
// Swap out old stack for new one
gp->stackbase = (uintptr)newbase - sizeof(Stktop);
gp->stackbase = (uintptr)newtop;
gp->stackguard = (uintptr)newstk + StackGuard;
gp->stackguard0 = (uintptr)newstk + StackGuard; // NOTE: might clobber a preempt request
if(gp->stack0 == (uintptr)oldstk)
......@@ -535,7 +551,7 @@ copystack(G *gp, uintptr nframes, uintptr newsize)
gp->sched.sp = (uintptr)(newbase - used);
// free old stack
runtime·stackfree(oldstk, oldsize);
runtime·stackfree(gp, oldstk, oldtop);
// round x up to a power of 2.
......@@ -566,7 +582,6 @@ runtime·newstack(void)
G *gp;
Gobuf label;
bool newstackcall;
uintptr free;
if(m->morebuf.g != m->curg) {
runtime·printf("runtime: newstack called from g=%p\n"
......@@ -669,14 +684,12 @@ runtime·newstack(void)
framesize = StackMin;
framesize += StackSystem;
framesize = round2(framesize);
gp->stacksize += framesize;
stk = runtime·stackalloc(gp, framesize);
if(gp->stacksize > runtime·maxstacksize) {
runtime·printf("runtime: goroutine stack exceeds %D-byte limit\n", (uint64)runtime·maxstacksize);
runtime·throw("stack overflow");
stk = runtime·stackalloc(framesize);
top = (Stktop*)(stk+framesize-sizeof(*top));
free = framesize;
if(StackDebug >= 1) {
runtime·printf("\t-> new stack [%p, %p]\n", stk, top);
......@@ -687,7 +700,6 @@ runtime·newstack(void)
top->gobuf = m->morebuf;
top->argp = m->moreargp;
top->argsize = argsize;
top->free = free;
m->moreargp = nil;
m->morebuf.pc = (uintptr)nil;
m-> = (uintptr)nil;
......@@ -805,6 +817,7 @@ runtime·shrinkstack(G *gp)
gp->stackguard0 = (uintptr)oldstk + newsize + StackGuard;
if(gp->stack0 == (uintptr)oldstk)
gp->stack0 = (uintptr)oldstk + newsize;
gp->stacksize -= oldsize - newsize;
// Free bottom half of the stack. First, we trick malloc into thinking
// we allocated the stack as two separate half-size allocs. Then the
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ enum {
// The assumed size of the top-of-stack data block.
// The actual size can be smaller than this but cannot be larger.
// Checked in proc.c's runtime.malg.
StackTop = 96,
StackTop = 88,
// Goroutine preemption request.
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