Commit 1ad1c0bf authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

text/template: add back pointer to Nodes for better error generation

ErrorContext now has all the information it needs from the Node,
rather than depending on the template that contains it. This makes
it easier for html/template to generate correct locations in its
error messages.

Updated html/template to use this ability where it is easy, which is
not everywhere, but more work can probably push it through.

Fixes #8577.

R=golang-codereviews, adg
parent 9f38b6c9
......@@ -6,12 +6,16 @@ package template
import (
// Error describes a problem encountered during template Escaping.
type Error struct {
// ErrorCode describes the kind of error.
ErrorCode ErrorCode
// Node is the node that caused the problem, if known.
// If not nil, it overrides Name and Line.
Node parse.Node
// Name is the name of the template in which the error was encountered.
Name string
// Line is the line number of the error in the template source or 0.
......@@ -182,9 +186,13 @@ const (
func (e *Error) Error() string {
if e.Line != 0 {
switch {
case e.Node != nil:
loc, _ := (*parse.Tree)(nil).ErrorContext(e.Node)
return fmt.Sprintf("html/template:%s: %s", loc, e.Description)
case e.Line != 0:
return fmt.Sprintf("html/template:%s:%d: %s", e.Name, e.Line, e.Description)
} else if e.Name != "" {
case e.Name != "":
return fmt.Sprintf("html/template:%s: %s", e.Name, e.Description)
return "html/template: " + e.Description
......@@ -192,6 +200,6 @@ func (e *Error) Error() string {
// errorf creates an error given a format string f and args.
// The template Name still needs to be supplied.
func errorf(k ErrorCode, line int, f string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return &Error{k, "", line, fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)}
func errorf(k ErrorCode, node parse.Node, line int, f string, args ...interface{}) *Error {
return &Error{k, node, "", line, fmt.Sprintf(f, args...)}
......@@ -13,42 +13,34 @@ import (
// escapeTemplates rewrites the named templates, which must be
// escapeTemplate rewrites the named template, which must be
// associated with t, to guarantee that the output of any of the named
// templates is properly escaped. Names should include the names of
// all templates that might be Executed but need not include helper
// templates. If no error is returned, then the named templates have
// templates is properly escaped. If no error is returned, then the named templates have
// been modified. Otherwise the named templates have been rendered
// unusable.
func escapeTemplates(tmpl *Template, names ...string) error {
func escapeTemplate(tmpl *Template, node parse.Node, name string) error {
e := newEscaper(tmpl)
for _, name := range names {
c, _ := e.escapeTree(context{}, name, 0)
c, _ := e.escapeTree(context{}, node, name, 0)
var err error
if c.err != nil {
err, c.err.Name = c.err, name
} else if c.state != stateText {
err = &Error{ErrEndContext, name, 0, fmt.Sprintf("ends in a non-text context: %v", c)}
err = &Error{ErrEndContext, nil, name, 0, fmt.Sprintf("ends in a non-text context: %v", c)}
if err != nil {
// Prevent execution of unsafe templates.
for _, name := range names {
if t := tmpl.set[name]; t != nil {
t.escapeErr = err
t.text.Tree = nil
t.Tree = nil
return err
for _, name := range names {
if t := tmpl.set[name]; t != nil {
t.escapeErr = escapeOK
t.Tree = t.text.Tree
return nil
......@@ -169,7 +161,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeAction(c context, n *parse.ActionNode) context {
case urlPartUnknown:
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrAmbigContext, n.Line, "%s appears in an ambiguous URL context", n),
err: errorf(ErrAmbigContext, n, n.Line, "%s appears in an ambiguous URL context", n),
......@@ -339,7 +331,7 @@ func escFnsEq(a, b string) bool {
func newIdentCmd(identifier string, pos parse.Pos) *parse.CommandNode {
return &parse.CommandNode{
NodeType: parse.NodeCommand,
Args: []parse.Node{parse.NewIdentifier(identifier).SetPos(pos)},
Args: []parse.Node{parse.NewIdentifier(identifier).SetTree(nil).SetPos(pos)}, // TODO: SetTree.
......@@ -373,7 +365,7 @@ func nudge(c context) context {
// join joins the two contexts of a branch template node. The result is an
// error context if either of the input contexts are error contexts, or if the
// the input contexts differ.
func join(a, b context, line int, nodeName string) context {
func join(a, b context, node parse.Node, nodeName string) context {
if a.state == stateError {
return a
......@@ -406,14 +398,14 @@ func join(a, b context, line int, nodeName string) context {
// ends in an unquoted value state even though the else branch
// ends in stateBeforeValue.
if c, d := nudge(a), nudge(b); !(c.eq(a) && d.eq(b)) {
if e := join(c, d, line, nodeName); e.state != stateError {
if e := join(c, d, node, nodeName); e.state != stateError {
return e
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrBranchEnd, line, "{{%s}} branches end in different contexts: %v, %v", nodeName, a, b),
err: errorf(ErrBranchEnd, node, 0, "{{%s}} branches end in different contexts: %v, %v", nodeName, a, b),
......@@ -425,7 +417,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeBranch(c context, n *parse.BranchNode, nodeName string)
// We check that executing n.List once results in the same context
// as executing n.List twice.
c1, _ := e.escapeListConditionally(c0, n.List, nil)
c0 = join(c0, c1, n.Line, nodeName)
c0 = join(c0, c1, n, nodeName)
if c0.state == stateError {
// Make clear that this is a problem on loop re-entry
// since developers tend to overlook that branch when
......@@ -436,7 +428,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeBranch(c context, n *parse.BranchNode, nodeName string)
c1 := e.escapeList(c, n.ElseList)
return join(c0, c1, n.Line, nodeName)
return join(c0, c1, n, nodeName)
// escapeList escapes a list template node.
......@@ -488,7 +480,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeListConditionally(c context, n *parse.ListNode, filter f
// escapeTemplate escapes a {{template}} call node.
func (e *escaper) escapeTemplate(c context, n *parse.TemplateNode) context {
c, name := e.escapeTree(c, n.Name, n.Line)
c, name := e.escapeTree(c, n, n.Name, n.Line)
if name != n.Name {
e.editTemplateNode(n, name)
......@@ -497,7 +489,7 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeTemplate(c context, n *parse.TemplateNode) context {
// escapeTree escapes the named template starting in the given context as
// necessary and returns its output context.
func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, name string, line int) (context, string) {
func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, node parse.Node, name string, line int) (context, string) {
// Mangle the template name with the input context to produce a reliable
// identifier.
dname := c.mangle(name)
......@@ -513,12 +505,12 @@ func (e *escaper) escapeTree(c context, name string, line int) (context, string)
if e.tmpl.set[name] != nil {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, line, "%q is an incomplete or empty template", name),
err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, node, line, "%q is an incomplete or empty template", name),
}, dname
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, line, "no such template %q", name),
err: errorf(ErrNoSuchTemplate, node, line, "no such template %q", name),
}, dname
if dname != name {
......@@ -550,8 +542,7 @@ func (e *escaper) computeOutCtx(c context, t *template.Template) context {
if !ok && c1.state != stateError {
return context{
state: stateError,
// TODO: Find the first node with a line in t.text.Tree.Root
err: errorf(ErrOutputContext, 0, "cannot compute output context for template %s", t.Name()),
err: errorf(ErrOutputContext, t.Tree.Root, 0, "cannot compute output context for template %s", t.Name()),
return c1
......@@ -695,7 +686,7 @@ func contextAfterText(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
if j := bytes.IndexAny(s[:i], "\"'<=`"); j >= 0 {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "%q in unquoted attr: %q", s[j:j+1], s[:i]),
err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, nil, 0, "%q in unquoted attr: %q", s[j:j+1], s[:i]),
}, len(s)
......@@ -861,29 +861,29 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
// Error cases.
"{{if .Cond}}<a{{end}}",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"z:1:5: {{if}} branches",
"{{if .Cond}}\n{{else}}\n<a{{end}}",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"z:1:5: {{if}} branches",
// Missing quote in the else branch.
`{{if .Cond}}<a href="foo">{{else}}<a href="bar>{{end}}`,
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"z:1:5: {{if}} branches",
// Different kind of attribute: href implies a URL.
"<a {{if .Cond}}href='{{else}}title='{{end}}{{.X}}'>",
"z:1: {{if}} branches",
"z:1:8: {{if}} branches",
"\n{{with .X}}<a{{end}}",
"z:2: {{with}} branches",
"z:2:7: {{with}} branches",
"\n{{with .X}}<a>{{else}}<a{{end}}",
"z:2: {{with}} branches",
"z:2:7: {{with}} branches",
"{{range .Items}}<a{{end}}",
......@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
"\n{{range .Items}} x='<a{{end}}",
"z:2: on range loop re-entry: {{range}} branches",
"z:2:8: on range loop re-entry: {{range}} branches",
"<a b=1 c={{.H}}",
......@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
`<a href="{{if .F}}/foo?a={{else}}/bar/{{end}}{{.H}}">`,
"z:1: {{.H}} appears in an ambiguous URL context",
"z:1:47: {{.H}} appears in an ambiguous URL context",
`<a onclick="alert('Hello \`,
......@@ -932,7 +932,7 @@ func TestErrors(t *testing.T) {
`{{template "foo"}}`,
"z:1: no such template \"foo\"",
"z:1:11: no such template \"foo\"",
`<div{{template "y"}}>` +
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ func (t *Template) escape() error {
if t.escapeErr == nil {
if err := escapeTemplates(t, t.Name()); err != nil {
if err := escapeTemplate(t, t.text.Root, t.Name()); err != nil {
return err
} else if t.escapeErr != escapeOK {
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ func (t *Template) lookupAndEscapeTemplate(name string) (tmpl *Template, err err
panic("html/template internal error: template escaping out of sync")
if tmpl.escapeErr == nil {
err = escapeTemplates(tmpl, name)
err = escapeTemplate(tmpl, tmpl.text.Root, name)
return tmpl, err
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ func tTag(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
if i == j {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got %q", s[i:]),
err: errorf(ErrBadHTML, nil, 0, "expected space, attr name, or end of tag, but got %q", s[i:]),
}, len(s)
switch attrType(string(s[i:j])) {
......@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ func tJS(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrSlashAmbig, 0, "'/' could start a division or regexp: %.32q", s[i:]),
err: errorf(ErrSlashAmbig, nil, 0, "'/' could start a division or regexp: %.32q", s[i:]),
}, len(s)
......@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ func tJSDelimited(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
if i == len(s) {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in JS string: %q", s),
err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, nil, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in JS string: %q", s),
}, len(s)
case '[':
......@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ func tJSDelimited(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
// into charsets is desired.
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrPartialCharset, 0, "unfinished JS regexp charset: %q", s),
err: errorf(ErrPartialCharset, nil, 0, "unfinished JS regexp charset: %q", s),
}, len(s)
......@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ func tCSSStr(c context, s []byte) (context, int) {
if i == len(s) {
return context{
state: stateError,
err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in CSS string: %q", s),
err: errorf(ErrPartialEscape, nil, 0, "unfinished escape sequence in CSS string: %q", s),
}, len(s)
} else {
......@@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ func eatAttrName(s []byte, i int) (int, *Error) {
// These result in a parse warning in HTML5 and are
// indicative of serious problems if seen in an attr
// name in a template.
return -1, errorf(ErrBadHTML, 0, "%q in attribute name: %.32q", s[j:j+1], s)
return -1, errorf(ErrBadHTML, nil, 0, "%q in attribute name: %.32q", s[j:j+1], s)
// No-op.
......@@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ type Node interface {
// CopyXxx methods that return *XxxNode.
Copy() Node
Position() Pos // byte position of start of node in full original input string
// Make sure only functions in this package can create Nodes.
// tree returns the containing *Tree.
// It is unexported so all implementations of Node are in this package.
tree() *Tree
// NodeType identifies the type of a parse tree node.
......@@ -41,11 +42,6 @@ func (p Pos) Position() Pos {
return p
// unexported keeps Node implementations local to the package.
// All implementations embed Pos, so this takes care of it.
func (Pos) unexported() {
// Type returns itself and provides an easy default implementation
// for embedding in a Node. Embedded in all non-trivial Nodes.
func (t NodeType) Type() NodeType {
......@@ -81,17 +77,22 @@ const (
type ListNode struct {
tr *Tree
Nodes []Node // The element nodes in lexical order.
func newList(pos Pos) *ListNode {
return &ListNode{NodeType: NodeList, Pos: pos}
func (t *Tree) newList(pos Pos) *ListNode {
return &ListNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeList, Pos: pos}
func (l *ListNode) append(n Node) {
l.Nodes = append(l.Nodes, n)
func (l *ListNode) tree() *Tree {
func (l *ListNode) String() string {
b := new(bytes.Buffer)
for _, n := range l.Nodes {
......@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ func (l *ListNode) CopyList() *ListNode {
if l == nil {
return l
n := newList(l.Pos)
n :=
for _, elem := range l.Nodes {
......@@ -119,32 +120,38 @@ func (l *ListNode) Copy() Node {
type TextNode struct {
tr *Tree
Text []byte // The text; may span newlines.
func newText(pos Pos, text string) *TextNode {
return &TextNode{NodeType: NodeText, Pos: pos, Text: []byte(text)}
func (t *Tree) newText(pos Pos, text string) *TextNode {
return &TextNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: pos, Text: []byte(text)}
func (t *TextNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(textFormat, t.Text)
func (t *TextNode) tree() *Tree {
func (t *TextNode) Copy() Node {
return &TextNode{NodeType: NodeText, Text: append([]byte{}, t.Text...)}
return &TextNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeText, Pos: t.Pos, Text: append([]byte{}, t.Text...)}
// PipeNode holds a pipeline with optional declaration
type PipeNode struct {
tr *Tree
Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
Decl []*VariableNode // Variable declarations in lexical order.
Cmds []*CommandNode // The commands in lexical order.
func newPipeline(pos Pos, line int, decl []*VariableNode) *PipeNode {
return &PipeNode{NodeType: NodePipe, Pos: pos, Line: line, Decl: decl}
func (t *Tree) newPipeline(pos Pos, line int, decl []*VariableNode) *PipeNode {
return &PipeNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodePipe, Pos: pos, Line: line, Decl: decl}
func (p *PipeNode) append(command *CommandNode) {
......@@ -171,6 +178,10 @@ func (p *PipeNode) String() string {
return s
func (p *PipeNode) tree() *Tree {
func (p *PipeNode) CopyPipe() *PipeNode {
if p == nil {
return p
......@@ -179,7 +190,7 @@ func (p *PipeNode) CopyPipe() *PipeNode {
for _, d := range p.Decl {
decl = append(decl, d.Copy().(*VariableNode))
n := newPipeline(p.Pos, p.Line, decl)
n :=, p.Line, decl)
for _, c := range p.Cmds {
......@@ -196,12 +207,13 @@ func (p *PipeNode) Copy() Node {
type ActionNode struct {
tr *Tree
Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
Pipe *PipeNode // The pipeline in the action.
func newAction(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode) *ActionNode {
return &ActionNode{NodeType: NodeAction, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe}
func (t *Tree) newAction(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode) *ActionNode {
return &ActionNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeAction, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe}
func (a *ActionNode) String() string {
......@@ -209,8 +221,12 @@ func (a *ActionNode) String() string {
func (a *ActionNode) tree() *Tree {
func (a *ActionNode) Copy() Node {
return newAction(a.Pos, a.Line, a.Pipe.CopyPipe())
return, a.Line, a.Pipe.CopyPipe())
......@@ -218,11 +234,12 @@ func (a *ActionNode) Copy() Node {
type CommandNode struct {
tr *Tree
Args []Node // Arguments in lexical order: Identifier, field, or constant.
func newCommand(pos Pos) *CommandNode {
return &CommandNode{NodeType: NodeCommand, Pos: pos}
func (t *Tree) newCommand(pos Pos) *CommandNode {
return &CommandNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeCommand, Pos: pos}
func (c *CommandNode) append(arg Node) {
......@@ -244,11 +261,15 @@ func (c *CommandNode) String() string {
return s
func (c *CommandNode) tree() *Tree {
func (c *CommandNode) Copy() Node {
if c == nil {
return c
n := newCommand(c.Pos)
n :=
for _, c := range c.Args {
......@@ -259,6 +280,7 @@ func (c *CommandNode) Copy() Node {
type IdentifierNode struct {
tr *Tree
Ident string // The identifier's name.
......@@ -275,12 +297,24 @@ func (i *IdentifierNode) SetPos(pos Pos) *IdentifierNode {
return i
// SetTree sets the parent tree for the node. NewIdentifier is a public method so we can't modify its signature.
// Chained for convenience.
// TODO: fix one day?
func (i *IdentifierNode) SetTree(t *Tree) *IdentifierNode { = t
return i
func (i *IdentifierNode) String() string {
return i.Ident
func (i *IdentifierNode) tree() *Tree {
func (i *IdentifierNode) Copy() Node {
return NewIdentifier(i.Ident).SetPos(i.Pos)
return NewIdentifier(i.Ident).SetTree(
// VariableNode holds a list of variable names, possibly with chained field
......@@ -288,11 +322,12 @@ func (i *IdentifierNode) Copy() Node {
type VariableNode struct {
tr *Tree
Ident []string // Variable name and fields in lexical order.
func newVariable(pos Pos, ident string) *VariableNode {
return &VariableNode{NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident, ".")}
func (t *Tree) newVariable(pos Pos, ident string) *VariableNode {
return &VariableNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident, ".")}
func (v *VariableNode) String() string {
......@@ -306,50 +341,58 @@ func (v *VariableNode) String() string {
return s
func (v *VariableNode) tree() *Tree {
func (v *VariableNode) Copy() Node {
return &VariableNode{NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: v.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, v.Ident...)}
return &VariableNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeVariable, Pos: v.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, v.Ident...)}
// DotNode holds the special identifier '.'.
type DotNode struct {
tr *Tree
func newDot(pos Pos) *DotNode {
return &DotNode{Pos: pos}
func (d *DotNode) Type() NodeType {
return NodeDot
func (t *Tree) newDot(pos Pos) *DotNode {
return &DotNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeDot, Pos: pos}
func (d *DotNode) String() string {
return "."
func (d *DotNode) tree() *Tree {
func (d *DotNode) Copy() Node {
return newDot(d.Pos)
// NilNode holds the special identifier 'nil' representing an untyped nil constant.
type NilNode struct {
tr *Tree
func newNil(pos Pos) *NilNode {
return &NilNode{Pos: pos}
func (n *NilNode) Type() NodeType {
return NodeNil
func (t *Tree) newNil(pos Pos) *NilNode {
return &NilNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeNil, Pos: pos}
func (n *NilNode) String() string {
return "nil"
func (n *NilNode) tree() *Tree {
func (n *NilNode) Copy() Node {
return newNil(n.Pos)
// FieldNode holds a field (identifier starting with '.').
......@@ -358,11 +401,12 @@ func (n *NilNode) Copy() Node {
type FieldNode struct {
tr *Tree
Ident []string // The identifiers in lexical order.
func newField(pos Pos, ident string) *FieldNode {
return &FieldNode{NodeType: NodeField, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident[1:], ".")} // [1:] to drop leading period
func (t *Tree) newField(pos Pos, ident string) *FieldNode {
return &FieldNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeField, Pos: pos, Ident: strings.Split(ident[1:], ".")} // [1:] to drop leading period
func (f *FieldNode) String() string {
......@@ -373,8 +417,12 @@ func (f *FieldNode) String() string {
return s
func (f *FieldNode) tree() *Tree {
func (f *FieldNode) Copy() Node {
return &FieldNode{NodeType: NodeField, Pos: f.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, f.Ident...)}
return &FieldNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeField, Pos: f.Pos, Ident: append([]string{}, f.Ident...)}
// ChainNode holds a term followed by a chain of field accesses (identifier starting with '.').
......@@ -383,12 +431,13 @@ func (f *FieldNode) Copy() Node {
type ChainNode struct {
tr *Tree
Node Node
Field []string // The identifiers in lexical order.
func newChain(pos Pos, node Node) *ChainNode {
return &ChainNode{NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: pos, Node: node}
func (t *Tree) newChain(pos Pos, node Node) *ChainNode {
return &ChainNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: pos, Node: node}
// Add adds the named field (which should start with a period) to the end of the chain.
......@@ -414,19 +463,24 @@ func (c *ChainNode) String() string {
return s
func (c *ChainNode) tree() *Tree {
func (c *ChainNode) Copy() Node {
return &ChainNode{NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: c.Pos, Node: c.Node, Field: append([]string{}, c.Field...)}
return &ChainNode{tr:, NodeType: NodeChain, Pos: c.Pos, Node: c.Node, Field: append([]string{}, c.Field...)}
// BoolNode holds a boolean constant.
type BoolNode struct {
tr *Tree
True bool // The value of the boolean constant.
func newBool(pos Pos, true bool) *BoolNode {
return &BoolNode{NodeType: NodeBool, Pos: pos, True: true}
func (t *Tree) newBool(pos Pos, true bool) *BoolNode {
return &BoolNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeBool, Pos: pos, True: true}
func (b *BoolNode) String() string {
......@@ -436,8 +490,12 @@ func (b *BoolNode) String() string {
return "false"
func (b *BoolNode) tree() *Tree {
func (b *BoolNode) Copy() Node {
return newBool(b.Pos, b.True)
return, b.True)
// NumberNode holds a number: signed or unsigned integer, float, or complex.
......@@ -446,6 +504,7 @@ func (b *BoolNode) Copy() Node {
type NumberNode struct {
tr *Tree
IsInt bool // Number has an integral value.
IsUint bool // Number has an unsigned integral value.
IsFloat bool // Number has a floating-point value.
......@@ -457,8 +516,8 @@ type NumberNode struct {
Text string // The original textual representation from the input.
func newNumber(pos Pos, text string, typ itemType) (*NumberNode, error) {
n := &NumberNode{NodeType: NodeNumber, Pos: pos, Text: text}
func (t *Tree) newNumber(pos Pos, text string, typ itemType) (*NumberNode, error) {
n := &NumberNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeNumber, Pos: pos, Text: text}
switch typ {
case itemCharConstant:
rune, _, tail, err := strconv.UnquoteChar(text[1:], text[0])
......@@ -559,6 +618,10 @@ func (n *NumberNode) String() string {
return n.Text
func (n *NumberNode) tree() *Tree {
func (n *NumberNode) Copy() Node {
nn := new(NumberNode)
*nn = *n // Easy, fast, correct.
......@@ -569,53 +632,61 @@ func (n *NumberNode) Copy() Node {
type StringNode struct {
tr *Tree
Quoted string // The original text of the string, with quotes.
Text string // The string, after quote processing.
func newString(pos Pos, orig, text string) *StringNode {
return &StringNode{NodeType: NodeString, Pos: pos, Quoted: orig, Text: text}
func (t *Tree) newString(pos Pos, orig, text string) *StringNode {
return &StringNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeString, Pos: pos, Quoted: orig, Text: text}
func (s *StringNode) String() string {
return s.Quoted
func (s *StringNode) tree() *Tree {
func (s *StringNode) Copy() Node {
return newString(s.Pos, s.Quoted, s.Text)
return, s.Quoted, s.Text)
// endNode represents an {{end}} action.
// It does not appear in the final parse tree.
type endNode struct {
tr *Tree
func newEnd(pos Pos) *endNode {
return &endNode{Pos: pos}
func (e *endNode) Type() NodeType {
return nodeEnd
func (t *Tree) newEnd(pos Pos) *endNode {
return &endNode{tr: t, NodeType: nodeEnd, Pos: pos}
func (e *endNode) String() string {
return "{{end}}"
func (e *endNode) tree() *Tree {
func (e *endNode) Copy() Node {
return newEnd(e.Pos)
// elseNode represents an {{else}} action. Does not appear in the final tree.
type elseNode struct {
tr *Tree
Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
func newElse(pos Pos, line int) *elseNode {
return &elseNode{NodeType: nodeElse, Pos: pos, Line: line}
func (t *Tree) newElse(pos Pos, line int) *elseNode {
return &elseNode{tr: t, NodeType: nodeElse, Pos: pos, Line: line}
func (e *elseNode) Type() NodeType {
......@@ -626,14 +697,19 @@ func (e *elseNode) String() string {
return "{{else}}"
func (e *elseNode) tree() *Tree {
func (e *elseNode) Copy() Node {
return newElse(e.Pos, e.Line)
return, e.Line)
// BranchNode is the common representation of if, range, and with.
type BranchNode struct {
tr *Tree
Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
Pipe *PipeNode // The pipeline to be evaluated.
List *ListNode // What to execute if the value is non-empty.
......@@ -658,17 +734,34 @@ func (b *BranchNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{{%s %s}}%s{{end}}", name, b.Pipe, b.List)
func (b *BranchNode) tree() *Tree {
func (b *BranchNode) Copy() Node {
switch b.NodeType {
case NodeIf:
return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
case NodeRange:
return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
case NodeWith:
return, b.Line, b.Pipe, b.List, b.ElseList)
panic("unknown branch type")
// IfNode represents an {{if}} action and its commands.
type IfNode struct {
func newIf(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *IfNode {
return &IfNode{BranchNode{NodeType: NodeIf, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (t *Tree) newIf(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *IfNode {
return &IfNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeIf, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (i *IfNode) Copy() Node {
return newIf(i.Pos, i.Line, i.Pipe.CopyPipe(), i.List.CopyList(), i.ElseList.CopyList())
return, i.Line, i.Pipe.CopyPipe(), i.List.CopyList(), i.ElseList.CopyList())
// RangeNode represents a {{range}} action and its commands.
......@@ -676,12 +769,12 @@ type RangeNode struct {
func newRange(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *RangeNode {
return &RangeNode{BranchNode{NodeType: NodeRange, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (t *Tree) newRange(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *RangeNode {
return &RangeNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeRange, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (r *RangeNode) Copy() Node {
return newRange(r.Pos, r.Line, r.Pipe.CopyPipe(), r.List.CopyList(), r.ElseList.CopyList())
return, r.Line, r.Pipe.CopyPipe(), r.List.CopyList(), r.ElseList.CopyList())
// WithNode represents a {{with}} action and its commands.
......@@ -689,25 +782,26 @@ type WithNode struct {
func newWith(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *WithNode {
return &WithNode{BranchNode{NodeType: NodeWith, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (t *Tree) newWith(pos Pos, line int, pipe *PipeNode, list, elseList *ListNode) *WithNode {
return &WithNode{BranchNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeWith, Pos: pos, Line: line, Pipe: pipe, List: list, ElseList: elseList}}
func (w *WithNode) Copy() Node {
return newWith(w.Pos, w.Line, w.Pipe.CopyPipe(), w.List.CopyList(), w.ElseList.CopyList())
return, w.Line, w.Pipe.CopyPipe(), w.List.CopyList(), w.ElseList.CopyList())
// TemplateNode represents a {{template}} action.
type TemplateNode struct {
tr *Tree
Line int // The line number in the input (deprecated; kept for compatibility)
Name string // The name of the template (unquoted).
Pipe *PipeNode // The command to evaluate as dot for the template.
func newTemplate(pos Pos, line int, name string, pipe *PipeNode) *TemplateNode {
return &TemplateNode{NodeType: NodeTemplate, Line: line, Pos: pos, Name: name, Pipe: pipe}
func (t *Tree) newTemplate(pos Pos, line int, name string, pipe *PipeNode) *TemplateNode {
return &TemplateNode{tr: t, NodeType: NodeTemplate, Pos: pos, Line: line, Name: name, Pipe: pipe}
func (t *TemplateNode) String() string {
......@@ -717,6 +811,10 @@ func (t *TemplateNode) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("{{template %q %s}}", t.Name, t.Pipe)
func (t *TemplateNode) tree() *Tree {
func (t *TemplateNode) Copy() Node {
return newTemplate(t.Pos, t.Line, t.Name, t.Pipe.CopyPipe())
return, t.Line, t.Name, t.Pipe.CopyPipe())
......@@ -129,9 +129,15 @@ func New(name string, funcs[string]interface{}) *Tree {
// ErrorContext returns a textual representation of the location of the node in the input text.
// The receiver is only used when the node does not have a pointer to the tree inside,
// which can occur in old code.
func (t *Tree) ErrorContext(n Node) (location, context string) {
pos := int(n.Position())
text := t.text[:pos]
tree := n.tree()
if tree == nil {
tree = t
text := tree.text[:pos]
byteNum := strings.LastIndex(text, "\n")
if byteNum == -1 {
byteNum = pos // On first line.
......@@ -144,7 +150,7 @@ func (t *Tree) ErrorContext(n Node) (location, context string) {
if len(context) > 20 {
context = fmt.Sprintf("%.20s...", context)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", t.ParseName, lineNum, byteNum), context
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d:%d", tree.ParseName, lineNum, byteNum), context
// errorf formats the error and terminates processing.
......@@ -268,7 +274,7 @@ func IsEmptyTree(n Node) bool {
// as itemList except it also parses {{define}} actions.
// It runs to EOF.
func (t *Tree) parse(treeSet map[string]*Tree) (next Node) {
t.Root = newList(t.peek().pos)
t.Root = t.newList(t.peek().pos)
for t.peek().typ != itemEOF {
if t.peek().typ == itemLeftDelim {
delim :=
......@@ -316,7 +322,7 @@ func (t *Tree) parseDefinition(treeSet map[string]*Tree) {
// textOrAction*
// Terminates at {{end}} or {{else}}, returned separately.
func (t *Tree) itemList() (list *ListNode, next Node) {
list = newList(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
list = t.newList(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
for t.peekNonSpace().typ != itemEOF {
n := t.textOrAction()
switch n.Type() {
......@@ -334,7 +340,7 @@ func (t *Tree) itemList() (list *ListNode, next Node) {
func (t *Tree) textOrAction() Node {
switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
case itemText:
return newText(token.pos, token.val)
return t.newText(token.pos, token.val)
case itemLeftDelim:
return t.action()
......@@ -365,7 +371,7 @@ func (t *Tree) action() (n Node) {
// Do not pop variables; they persist until "end".
return newAction(t.peek().pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), t.pipeline("command"))
return t.newAction(t.peek().pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), t.pipeline("command"))
// Pipeline:
......@@ -384,7 +390,7 @@ func (t *Tree) pipeline(context string) (pipe *PipeNode) {
tokenAfterVariable := t.peek()
if next := t.peekNonSpace(); next.typ == itemColonEquals || (next.typ == itemChar && next.val == ",") {
variable := newVariable(v.pos, v.val)
variable := t.newVariable(v.pos, v.val)
decl = append(decl, variable)
t.vars = append(t.vars, v.val)
if next.typ == itemChar && next.val == "," {
......@@ -401,7 +407,7 @@ func (t *Tree) pipeline(context string) (pipe *PipeNode) {
pipe = newPipeline(pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), decl)
pipe = t.newPipeline(pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), decl)
for {
switch token := t.nextNonSpace(); token.typ {
case itemRightDelim, itemRightParen:
......@@ -442,7 +448,7 @@ func (t *Tree) parseControl(allowElseIf bool, context string) (pos Pos, line int
// TODO: Should we allow else-if in with and range?
if t.peek().typ == itemIf { // Consume the "if" token.
elseList = newList(next.Position())
elseList = t.newList(next.Position())
// Do not consume the next item - only one {{end}} required.
......@@ -461,7 +467,7 @@ func (t *Tree) parseControl(allowElseIf bool, context string) (pos Pos, line int
// {{if pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// If keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) ifControl() Node {
return newIf(t.parseControl(true, "if"))
return t.newIf(t.parseControl(true, "if"))
// Range:
......@@ -469,7 +475,7 @@ func (t *Tree) ifControl() Node {
// {{range pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// Range keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) rangeControl() Node {
return newRange(t.parseControl(false, "range"))
return t.newRange(t.parseControl(false, "range"))
// With:
......@@ -477,14 +483,14 @@ func (t *Tree) rangeControl() Node {
// {{with pipeline}} itemList {{else}} itemList {{end}}
// If keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) withControl() Node {
return newWith(t.parseControl(false, "with"))
return t.newWith(t.parseControl(false, "with"))
// End:
// {{end}}
// End keyword is past.
func (t *Tree) endControl() Node {
return newEnd(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "end").pos)
return t.newEnd(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "end").pos)
// Else:
......@@ -495,9 +501,9 @@ func (t *Tree) elseControl() Node {
peek := t.peekNonSpace()
if peek.typ == itemIf {
// We see "{{else if ... " but in effect rewrite it to {{else}}{{if ... ".
return newElse(peek.pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
return t.newElse(peek.pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
return newElse(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "else").pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
return t.newElse(t.expect(itemRightDelim, "else").pos, t.lex.lineNumber())
// Template:
......@@ -523,7 +529,7 @@ func (t *Tree) templateControl() Node {
// Do not pop variables; they persist until "end".
pipe = t.pipeline("template")
return newTemplate(token.pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), name, pipe)
return t.newTemplate(token.pos, t.lex.lineNumber(), name, pipe)
// command:
......@@ -531,7 +537,7 @@ func (t *Tree) templateControl() Node {
// space-separated arguments up to a pipeline character or right delimiter.
// we consume the pipe character but leave the right delim to terminate the action.
func (t *Tree) command() *CommandNode {
cmd := newCommand(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
cmd := t.newCommand(t.peekNonSpace().pos)
for {
t.peekNonSpace() // skip leading spaces.
operand := t.operand()
......@@ -568,7 +574,7 @@ func (t *Tree) operand() Node {
return nil
if t.peek().typ == itemField {
chain := newChain(t.peek().pos, node)
chain := t.newChain(t.peek().pos, node)
for t.peek().typ == itemField {
......@@ -578,9 +584,9 @@ func (t *Tree) operand() Node {
// TODO: Switch to Chains always when we can.
switch node.Type() {
case NodeField:
node = newField(chain.Position(), chain.String())
node = t.newField(chain.Position(), chain.String())
case NodeVariable:
node = newVariable(chain.Position(), chain.String())
node = t.newVariable(chain.Position(), chain.String())
node = chain
......@@ -605,19 +611,19 @@ func (t *Tree) term() Node {
if !t.hasFunction(token.val) {
t.errorf("function %q not defined", token.val)
return NewIdentifier(token.val).SetPos(token.pos)
return NewIdentifier(token.val).SetTree(t).SetPos(token.pos)
case itemDot:
return newDot(token.pos)
return t.newDot(token.pos)
case itemNil:
return newNil(token.pos)
return t.newNil(token.pos)
case itemVariable:
return t.useVar(token.pos, token.val)
case itemField:
return newField(token.pos, token.val)
return t.newField(token.pos, token.val)
case itemBool:
return newBool(token.pos, token.val == "true")
return t.newBool(token.pos, token.val == "true")
case itemCharConstant, itemComplex, itemNumber:
number, err := newNumber(token.pos, token.val, token.typ)
number, err := t.newNumber(token.pos, token.val, token.typ)
if err != nil {
......@@ -633,7 +639,7 @@ func (t *Tree) term() Node {
if err != nil {
return newString(token.pos, token.val, s)
return t.newString(token.pos, token.val, s)
return nil
......@@ -660,7 +666,7 @@ func (t *Tree) popVars(n int) {
// useVar returns a node for a variable reference. It errors if the
// variable is not defined.
func (t *Tree) useVar(pos Pos, name string) Node {
v := newVariable(pos, name)
v := t.newVariable(pos, name)
for _, varName := range t.vars {
if varName == v.Ident[0] {
return v
......@@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ func TestNumberParse(t *testing.T) {
// because imaginary comes out as a number.
var c complex128
typ := itemNumber
var tree *Tree
if test.text[0] == '\'' {
typ = itemCharConstant
} else {
......@@ -85,7 +86,7 @@ func TestNumberParse(t *testing.T) {
typ = itemComplex
n, err := newNumber(0, test.text, typ)
n, err := tree.newNumber(0, test.text, typ)
ok := test.isInt || test.isUint || test.isFloat || test.isComplex
if ok && err != nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected error for %q: %s", test.text, err)
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