Commit 1e063b32 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

runtime: faster allocator, garbage collector

GC is still single-threaded.
Multiple threads will happen in another CL.

Garbage collection pauses are typically
about half as long as they were before this CL.

R=brainman, iant, r
parent 6b93a92a
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ type MemStatsType struct {
// Per-size allocation statistics.
// Not locked during update; approximate.
BySize [67]struct {
// 61 is NumSizeClasses in the C code.
BySize [61]struct {
Size uint32
Mallocs uint64
Frees uint64
......@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ unsafe·New(Eface typ, void *ret)
t = (Type*)((Eface*);
ret = runtime·mallocgc(t->size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = runtime·mallocgc(t->size, FlagNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = runtime·mal(t->size);
......@@ -722,7 +722,7 @@ unsafe·NewArray(Eface typ, uint32 n, void *ret)
size = n*t->size;
ret = runtime·mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = runtime·mallocgc(size, FlagNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret = runtime·mal(size);
......@@ -36,14 +36,13 @@ fastrand1(void)
// Small objects are allocated from the per-thread cache's free lists.
// Large objects (> 32 kB) are allocated straight from the heap.
runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 flag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
int32 sizeclass, rate;
MCache *c;
uintptr npages;
MSpan *s;
void *v;
uint32 *ref;
if(runtime·gcwaiting && g != m->g0 && m->locks == 0)
......@@ -65,12 +64,6 @@ runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
mstats.alloc += size;
mstats.total_alloc += size;
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, nil, nil, nil, &ref)) {
runtime·printf("malloc %D; runtime·mlookup failed\n", (uint64)size);
runtime·throw("malloc runtime·mlookup");
*ref = RefNone | refflag;
} else {
// TODO(rsc): Report tracebacks for very large allocations.
......@@ -87,13 +80,14 @@ runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
v = (void*)(s->start << PageShift);
// setup for mark sweep
s->gcref0 = RefNone | refflag;
ref = &s->gcref0;
runtime·markspan(v, 0, 0, true);
if(!(flag & FlagNoGC))
runtime·markallocated(v, size, (flag&FlagNoPointers) != 0);
m->mallocing = 0;
if(!(refflag & RefNoProfiling) && (rate = runtime·MemProfileRate) > 0) {
if(!(flag & FlagNoProfiling) && (rate = runtime·MemProfileRate) > 0) {
if(size >= rate)
goto profile;
if(m->mcache->next_sample > size)
......@@ -104,7 +98,7 @@ runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 refflag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed)
rate = 0x3fffffff;
m->mcache->next_sample = fastrand1() % (2*rate);
*ref |= RefProfiled;
runtime·MProf_Malloc(v, size);
......@@ -124,33 +118,35 @@ runtime·malloc(uintptr size)
runtime·free(void *v)
int32 sizeclass, size;
int32 sizeclass;
MSpan *s;
MCache *c;
uint32 prof, *ref;
uint32 prof;
uintptr size;
if(v == nil)
// If you change this also change mgc0.c:/^sweepspan,
// which has a copy of the guts of free.
runtime·throw("malloc/free - deadlock");
m->mallocing = 1;
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, nil, nil, &s, &ref)) {
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, nil, nil, &s)) {
runtime·printf("free %p: not an allocated block\n", v);
runtime·throw("free runtime·mlookup");
prof = *ref & RefProfiled;
*ref = RefFree;
prof = runtime·blockspecial(v);
// Find size class for v.
sizeclass = s->sizeclass;
if(sizeclass == 0) {
// Large object.
runtime·MProf_Free(v, s->npages<<PageShift);
mstats.alloc -= s->npages<<PageShift;
runtime·memclr(v, s->npages<<PageShift);
size = s->npages<<PageShift;
*(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) = 1; // mark as "needs to be zeroed"
runtime·unmarkspan(v, 1<<PageShift);
runtime·MHeap_Free(&runtime·mheap, s, 1);
} else {
// Small object.
......@@ -158,19 +154,20 @@ runtime·free(void *v)
size = runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass];
if(size > sizeof(uintptr))
((uintptr*)v)[1] = 1; // mark as "needs to be zeroed"
runtime·MProf_Free(v, size);
mstats.alloc -= size;
runtime·MCache_Free(c, v, sizeclass, size);
runtime·markfreed(v, size);
mstats.alloc -= size;
runtime·MProf_Free(v, size);
m->mallocing = 0;
runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp, uint32 **ref)
runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp)
uintptr n, nobj, i;
uintptr n, i;
byte *p;
MSpan *s;
......@@ -179,12 +176,11 @@ runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp, uint32 **ref)
*sp = s;
if(s == nil) {
runtime·checkfreed(v, 1);
*base = nil;
*size = 0;
*ref = 0;
return 0;
......@@ -195,14 +191,11 @@ runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp, uint32 **ref)
*base = p;
*size = s->npages<<PageShift;
*ref = &s->gcref0;
return 1;
if((byte*)v >= (byte*)s->gcref) {
// pointers into the gc ref counts
// do not count as pointers.
if((byte*)v >= (byte*)s->limit) {
// pointers past the last block do not count as pointers.
return 0;
......@@ -213,21 +206,6 @@ runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **sp, uint32 **ref)
*size = n;
// good for error checking, but expensive
if(0) {
nobj = (s->npages << PageShift) / (n + RefcountOverhead);
if((byte*)s->gcref < p || (byte*)(s->gcref+nobj) > p+(s->npages<<PageShift)) {
runtime·printf("odd span state=%d span=%p base=%p sizeclass=%d n=%D size=%D npages=%D\n",
s->state, s, p, s->sizeclass, (uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, (uint64)s->npages);
runtime·printf("s->base sizeclass %d v=%p base=%p gcref=%p blocksize=%D nobj=%D size=%D end=%p end=%p\n",
s->sizeclass, v, p, s->gcref, (uint64)s->npages<<PageShift,
(uint64)nobj, (uint64)n, s->gcref + nobj, p+(s->npages<<PageShift));
runtime·throw("bad gcref");
*ref = &s->gcref[i];
return 1;
......@@ -246,14 +224,20 @@ runtime·allocmcache(void)
int32 runtime·sizeof_C_MStats = sizeof(MStats);
#define MaxArena32 (2U<<30)
byte *p;
uintptr arena_size;
uintptr arena_size, bitmap_size;
extern byte end[];
// Set up the allocation arena, a contiguous area of memory where
// allocated data will be found. The arena begins with a bitmap large
// enough to hold 4 bits per allocated word.
if(sizeof(void*) == 8) {
// On a 64-bit machine, allocate from a single contiguous reservation.
// 16 GB should be big enough for now.
......@@ -273,19 +257,44 @@ runtime·mallocinit(void)
// odds of the conservative garbage collector not collecting memory
// because some non-pointer block of memory had a bit pattern
// that matched a memory address.
// Actually we reserve 17 GB (because the bitmap ends up being 1 GB)
// but it hardly matters: fc is not valid UTF-8 either, and we have to
// allocate 15 GB before we get that far.
arena_size = 16LL<<30;
p = runtime·SysReserve((void*)(0x00f8ULL<<32), arena_size);
bitmap_size = arena_size / (sizeof(void*)*8/4);
p = runtime·SysReserve((void*)(0x00f8ULL<<32), bitmap_size + arena_size);
if(p == nil)
runtime·throw("runtime: cannot reserve arena virtual address space");
runtime·mheap.arena_start = p;
runtime·mheap.arena_used = p;
runtime·mheap.arena_end = p + arena_size;
} else {
// On a 32-bit machine, we'll take what we can get for each allocation
// and maintain arena_start and arena_end as min, max we've seen.
runtime·mheap.arena_start = (byte*)0xffffffff;
runtime·mheap.arena_end = 0;
// On a 32-bit machine, we can't typically get away
// with a giant virtual address space reservation.
// Instead we map the memory information bitmap
// immediately after the data segment, large enough
// to handle another 2GB of mappings (256 MB),
// along with a reservation for another 512 MB of memory.
// When that gets used up, we'll start asking the kernel
// for any memory anywhere and hope it's in the 2GB
// following the bitmap (presumably the executable begins
// near the bottom of memory, so we'll have to use up
// most of memory before the kernel resorts to giving out
// memory before the beginning of the text segment).
// Alternatively we could reserve 512 MB bitmap, enough
// for 4GB of mappings, and then accept any memory the
// kernel threw at us, but normally that's a waste of 512 MB
// of address space, which is probably too much in a 32-bit world.
bitmap_size = MaxArena32 / (sizeof(void*)*8/4);
arena_size = 512<<20;
p = (void*)(((uintptr)end + 64*1024 - 1) & ~(64*1024-1));
if(runtime·SysReserve(p, bitmap_size + arena_size) != p)
runtime·throw("runtime: cannot reserve memory bitmap virtual address space");
runtime·mheap.bitmap = p;
runtime·mheap.arena_start = p + bitmap_size;
runtime·mheap.arena_used = runtime·mheap.arena_start;
runtime·mheap.arena_end = runtime·mheap.arena_start + arena_size;
// Initialize the rest of the allocator.
runtime·MHeap_Init(&runtime·mheap, runtime·SysAlloc);
......@@ -300,25 +309,40 @@ runtime·MHeap_SysAlloc(MHeap *h, uintptr n)
byte *p;
if(sizeof(void*) == 8) {
if(n <= h->arena_end - h->arena_used) {
// Keep taking from our reservation.
if(h->arena_end - h->arena_used < n)
return nil;
p = h->arena_used;
runtime·SysMap(p, n);
h->arena_used += n;
return p;
} else {
// Take what we can get from the OS.
// On 64-bit, our reservation is all we have.
if(sizeof(void*) == 8)
return nil;
// On 32-bit, once the reservation is gone we can
// try to get memory at a location chosen by the OS
// and hope that it is in the range we allocated bitmap for.
p = runtime·SysAlloc(n);
if(p == nil)
return nil;
if(p+n > h->arena_used)
if(p < h->arena_start || p+n - h->arena_start >= MaxArena32) {
runtime·printf("runtime: memory allocated by OS not in usable range");
runtime·SysFree(p, n);
return nil;
if(p+n > h->arena_used) {
h->arena_used = p+n;
if(p > h->arena_end)
h->arena_end = p;
return p;
if(h->arena_used > h->arena_end)
h->arena_end = h->arena_used;
return p;
// Runtime stubs.
......@@ -353,7 +377,6 @@ void*
runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
void *v;
uint32 *ref;
if(m->mallocing || m->gcing || n == FixedStack) {
......@@ -369,11 +392,7 @@ runtime·stackalloc(uint32 n)
return v;
v = runtime·mallocgc(n, RefNoProfiling, 0, 0);
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, nil, nil, nil, &ref))
runtime·throw("stackalloc runtime·mlookup");
*ref = RefStack;
return v;
return runtime·mallocgc(n, FlagNoProfiling|FlagNoGC, 0, 0);
......@@ -399,7 +418,7 @@ func Free(p *byte) {
func Lookup(p *byte) (base *byte, size uintptr) {
runtime·mlookup(p, &base, &size, nil, nil);
runtime·mlookup(p, &base, &size, nil);
func GC() {
......@@ -422,7 +441,7 @@ func SetFinalizer(obj Eface, finalizer Eface) {
runtime·printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is %S, not pointer\n", *obj.type->string);
goto throw;
if(!runtime·mlookup(, &base, &size, nil, nil) || != base) {
if(!runtime·mlookup(, &base, &size, nil) || != base) {
runtime·printf("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated block\n");
goto throw;
......@@ -97,8 +97,14 @@ typedef uintptr PageID; // address >> PageShift
// Computed constant. The definition of MaxSmallSize and the
// algorithm in msize.c produce some number of different allocation
// size classes. NumSizeClasses is that number. It's needed here
// because there are static arrays of this length; when msize runs its
// size choosing algorithm it double-checks that NumSizeClasses agrees.
NumSizeClasses = 61,
// Tunable constants.
NumSizeClasses = 67, // Number of size classes (must match msize.c)
MaxSmallSize = 32<<10,
FixAllocChunk = 128<<10, // Chunk size for FixAlloc
......@@ -290,10 +296,7 @@ struct MSpan
uint32 ref; // number of allocated objects in this span
uint32 sizeclass; // size class
uint32 state; // MSpanInUse etc
union {
uint32 *gcref; // sizeclass > 0
uint32 gcref0; // sizeclass == 0
byte *limit; // end of data in span
void runtime·MSpan_Init(MSpan *span, PageID start, uintptr npages);
......@@ -336,6 +339,7 @@ struct MHeap
// range of addresses we might see in the heap
byte *bitmap;
uintptr bitmap_mapped;
byte *arena_start;
byte *arena_used;
byte *arena_end;
......@@ -359,26 +363,29 @@ MSpan* runtime·MHeap_Alloc(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass, int32 acct
void runtime·MHeap_Free(MHeap *h, MSpan *s, int32 acct);
MSpan* runtime·MHeap_Lookup(MHeap *h, void *v);
MSpan* runtime·MHeap_LookupMaybe(MHeap *h, void *v);
void runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, int32 *size, int32 *npages, int32 *nobj);
void runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, uintptr *size, int32 *npages, int32 *nobj);
void* runtime·MHeap_SysAlloc(MHeap *h, uintptr n);
void runtime·MHeap_MapBits(MHeap *h);
void* runtime·mallocgc(uintptr size, uint32 flag, int32 dogc, int32 zeroed);
int32 runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **s, uint32 **ref);
int32 runtime·mlookup(void *v, byte **base, uintptr *size, MSpan **s);
void runtime·gc(int32 force);
void runtime·markallocated(void *v, uintptr n, bool noptr);
void runtime·checkallocated(void *v, uintptr n);
void runtime·markfreed(void *v, uintptr n);
void runtime·checkfreed(void *v, uintptr n);
int32 runtime·checking;
void runtime·markspan(void *v, uintptr size, uintptr n, bool leftover);
void runtime·unmarkspan(void *v, uintptr size);
bool runtime·blockspecial(void*);
void runtime·setblockspecial(void*);
RefcountOverhead = 4, // one uint32 per object
RefFree = 0, // must be zero
RefStack, // stack segment - don't free and don't scan for pointers
RefNone, // no references
RefSome, // some references
RefNoPointers = 0x80000000U, // flag - no pointers here
RefHasFinalizer = 0x40000000U, // flag - has finalizer
RefProfiled = 0x20000000U, // flag - is in profiling table
RefNoProfiling = 0x10000000U, // flag - must not profile
RefFlags = 0xFFFF0000U,
// flags to malloc
FlagNoPointers = 1<<0, // no pointers here
FlagNoProfiling = 1<<1, // must not profile
FlagNoGC = 1<<2, // must not free or scan for pointers
void runtime·MProf_Malloc(void*, uintptr);
......@@ -113,8 +113,7 @@ static void
MCentral_Free(MCentral *c, void *v)
MSpan *s;
PageID page;
MLink *p, *next;
MLink *p;
int32 size;
// Find span for v.
......@@ -138,16 +137,8 @@ MCentral_Free(MCentral *c, void *v)
if(--s->ref == 0) {
size = runtime·class_to_size[c->sizeclass];
// The second word of each freed block indicates
// whether it needs to be zeroed. The first word
// is the link pointer and must always be cleared.
for(p=s->freelist; p; p=next) {
next = p->next;
if(size > sizeof(uintptr) && ((uintptr*)p)[1] != 0)
runtime·memclr((byte*)p, size);
p->next = nil;
runtime·unmarkspan((byte*)(s->start<<PageShift), s->npages<<PageShift);
*(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) = 1; // needs zeroing
s->freelist = nil;
c->nfree -= (s->npages << PageShift) / size;
......@@ -157,7 +148,7 @@ MCentral_Free(MCentral *c, void *v)
runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, int32 *sizep, int32 *npagesp, int32 *nobj)
runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, uintptr *sizep, int32 *npagesp, int32 *nobj)
int32 size;
int32 npages;
......@@ -166,7 +157,7 @@ runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, int32 *sizep, int32 *npagesp, int32
size = runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass];
*npagesp = npages;
*sizep = size;
*nobj = (npages << PageShift) / (size + RefcountOverhead);
*nobj = (npages << PageShift) / size;
// Fetch a new span from the heap and
......@@ -174,7 +165,8 @@ runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(int32 sizeclass, int32 *sizep, int32 *npagesp, int32
static bool
MCentral_Grow(MCentral *c)
int32 i, n, npages, size;
int32 i, n, npages;
uintptr size;
MLink **tailp, *v;
byte *p;
MSpan *s;
......@@ -191,7 +183,7 @@ MCentral_Grow(MCentral *c)
// Carve span into sequence of blocks.
tailp = &s->freelist;
p = (byte*)(s->start << PageShift);
s->gcref = (uint32*)(p + size*n);
s->limit = p + size*n;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
v = (MLink*)p;
*tailp = v;
......@@ -199,6 +191,7 @@ MCentral_Grow(MCentral *c)
p += size;
*tailp = nil;
runtime·markspan((byte*)(s->start<<PageShift), size, n, size*n < (s->npages<<PageShift));
c->nfree += n;
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "runtime.h"
#include "malloc.h"
// TODO(rsc): Why not just use mheap.Lock?
static Lock finlock;
// Finalizer hash table. Direct hash, linear scan, at most 3/4 full.
......@@ -101,24 +102,21 @@ runtime·addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), int32 nret)
if(!runtime·mlookup(p, &base, nil, nil, &ref) || p != base) {
if(!runtime·mlookup(p, &base, nil, nil) || p != base) {
runtime·throw("addfinalizer on invalid pointer");
if(f == nil) {
if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer) {
lookfintab(&fintab, p, 1);
*ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer;
if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer) {
if(lookfintab(&fintab, p, 0)) {
runtime·throw("double finalizer");
*ref |= RefHasFinalizer;
if(fintab.nkey >= fintab.max/2+fintab.max/4) {
// keep table at most 3/4 full:
......@@ -134,7 +132,7 @@ runtime·addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), int32 nret)
newtab.max *= 3;
newtab.key = runtime·mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], RefNoPointers, 0, 1);
newtab.key = runtime·mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], FlagNoPointers, 0, 1);
newtab.val = runtime·mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0, 1);
for(i=0; i<fintab.max; i++) {
......@@ -2,28 +2,66 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Garbage collector -- step 0.
// Stop the world, mark and sweep garbage collector.
// A mark and sweep collector provides a way to exercise
// and test the memory allocator and the stack walking machinery
// without also needing to get reference counting
// exactly right.
// Garbage collector.
#include "runtime.h"
#include "malloc.h"
enum {
Debug = 0
Debug = 0,
UseCas = 1,
PtrSize = sizeof(void*),
// Four bits per word (see #defines below).
wordsPerBitmapWord = sizeof(void*)*8/4,
bitShift = sizeof(void*)*8/4,
typedef struct BlockList BlockList;
struct BlockList
// Bits in per-word bitmap.
// #defines because enum might not be able to hold the values.
// Each word in the bitmap describes wordsPerBitmapWord words
// of heap memory. There are 4 bitmap bits dedicated to each heap word,
// so on a 64-bit system there is one bitmap word per 16 heap words.
// The bits in the word are packed together by type first, then by
// heap location, so each 64-bit bitmap word consists of, from top to bottom,
// the 16 bitSpecial bits for the corresponding heap words, then the 16 bitMarked bits,
// then the 16 bitNoPointers/bitBlockBoundary bits, then the 16 bitAllocated bits.
// This layout makes it easier to iterate over the bits of a given type.
// The bitmap starts at mheap.arena_start and extends *backward* from
// there. On a 64-bit system the off'th word in the arena is tracked by
// the off/16+1'th word before mheap.arena_start. (On a 32-bit system,
// the only difference is that the divisor is 8.)
// To pull out the bits corresponding to a given pointer p, we use:
// off = p - (uintptr*)mheap.arena_start; // word offset
// b = (uintptr*)mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
// shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord
// bits = *b >> shift;
// /* then test bits & bitAllocated, bits & bitMarked, etc. */
#define bitAllocated ((uintptr)1<<(bitShift*0))
#define bitNoPointers ((uintptr)1<<(bitShift*1)) /* when bitAllocated is set */
#define bitMarked ((uintptr)1<<(bitShift*2)) /* when bitAllocated is set */
#define bitSpecial ((uintptr)1<<(bitShift*3)) /* when bitAllocated is set - has finalizer or being profiled */
#define bitBlockBoundary ((uintptr)1<<(bitShift*1)) /* when bitAllocated is NOT set */
#define bitMask (bitBlockBoundary | bitAllocated | bitMarked | bitSpecial)
static uint64 nlookup;
static uint64 nsizelookup;
static uint64 naddrlookup;
static uint64 nhandoff;
static int32 gctrace;
typedef struct Workbuf Workbuf;
struct Workbuf
byte *obj;
uintptr size;
Workbuf *next;
uintptr nw;
byte *w[2048-2];
extern byte data[];
......@@ -33,72 +71,258 @@ extern byte end[];
static G *fing;
static Finalizer *finq;
static int32 fingwait;
static BlockList *bl, *ebl;
static uint32 nfullwait;
static void runfinq(void);
enum {
PtrSize = sizeof(void*)
static bool bitlookup(void*, uintptr**, uintptr*, int32*);
static Workbuf* getempty(Workbuf*);
static Workbuf* getfull(Workbuf*);
// scanblock scans a block of n bytes starting at pointer b for references
// to other objects, scanning any it finds recursively until there are no
// unscanned objects left. Instead of using an explicit recursion, it keeps
// a work list in the Workbuf* structures and loops in the main function
// body. Keeping an explicit work list is easier on the stack allocator and
// more efficient.
static void
scanblock(byte *b, int64 n)
int32 off;
void *obj;
uintptr size;
uint32 *refp, ref;
byte *obj, *arena_start, *p;
void **vp;
int64 i;
BlockList *w;
uintptr size, *bitp, bits, shift, i, j, x, xbits, off;
MSpan *s;
PageID k;
void **bw, **w, **ew;
Workbuf *wbuf;
w = bl;
w->obj = b;
w->size = n;
// Memory arena parameters.
arena_start = runtime·mheap.arena_start;
while(w > bl) {
b = w->obj;
n = w->size;
wbuf = nil; // current work buffer
ew = nil; // end of work buffer
bw = nil; // beginning of work buffer
w = nil; // current pointer into work buffer
if(Debug > 1)
runtime·printf("scanblock %p %D\n", b, n);
off = (uint32)(uintptr)b & (PtrSize-1);
if(off) {
// Align b to a word boundary.
off = (uintptr)b & (PtrSize-1);
if(off != 0) {
b += PtrSize - off;
n -= PtrSize - off;
for(;;) {
// Each iteration scans the block b of length n, queueing pointers in
// the work buffer.
if(Debug > 1)
runtime·printf("scanblock %p %D\n", b, n);
vp = (void**)b;
n /= PtrSize;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
obj = vp[i];
if(obj == nil)
obj = (byte*)vp[i];
// Words outside the arena cannot be pointers.
if((byte*)obj < arena_start || (byte*)obj >= runtime·mheap.arena_used)
if(runtime·mheap.arena_start <= (byte*)obj && (byte*)obj < runtime·mheap.arena_end) {
if(runtime·mlookup(obj, &obj, &size, nil, &refp)) {
ref = *refp;
switch(ref & ~RefFlags) {
case RefNone:
if(Debug > 1)
runtime·printf("found at %p: ", &vp[i]);
*refp = RefSome | (ref & RefFlags);
if(!(ref & RefNoPointers)) {
if(w >= ebl)
runtime·throw("scanblock: garbage collection stack overflow");
w->obj = obj;
w->size = size;
// obj may be a pointer to a live object.
// Try to find the beginning of the object.
// Round down to word boundary.
obj = (void*)((uintptr)obj & ~((uintptr)PtrSize-1));
// Find bits for this word.
off = (uintptr*)obj - (uintptr*)arena_start;
bitp = (uintptr*)arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
xbits = *bitp;
bits = xbits >> shift;
// Pointing at the beginning of a block?
if((bits & (bitAllocated|bitBlockBoundary)) != 0)
goto found;
// Pointing just past the beginning?
// Scan backward a little to find a block boundary.
for(j=shift; j-->0; ) {
if(((xbits>>j) & (bitAllocated|bitBlockBoundary)) != 0) {
obj = (byte*)obj - (shift-j)*PtrSize;
shift = j;
bits = xbits>>shift;
goto found;
// Otherwise consult span table to find beginning.
// (Manually inlined copy of MHeap_LookupMaybe.)
k = (uintptr)obj>>PageShift;
x = k;
if(sizeof(void*) == 8)
x -= (uintptr)arena_start>>PageShift;
s = runtime·[x];
if(s == nil || k < s->start || k - s->start >= s->npages || s->state != MSpanInUse)
p = (byte*)((uintptr)s->start<<PageShift);
if(s->sizeclass == 0) {
obj = p;
} else {
if((byte*)obj >= (byte*)s->limit)
size = runtime·class_to_size[s->sizeclass];
int32 i = ((byte*)obj - p)/size;
obj = p+i*size;
// Now that we know the object header, reload bits.
off = (uintptr*)obj - (uintptr*)arena_start;
bitp = (uintptr*)arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
xbits = *bitp;
bits = xbits >> shift;
// Now we have bits, bitp, and shift correct for
// obj pointing at the base of the object.
// If not allocated or already marked, done.
if((bits & bitAllocated) == 0 || (bits & bitMarked) != 0)
*bitp |= bitMarked<<shift;
// If object has no pointers, don't need to scan further.
if((bits & bitNoPointers) != 0)
// If buffer is full, get a new one.
if(w >= ew) {
wbuf = getempty(wbuf);
bw = wbuf->w;
w = bw;
ew = bw + nelem(wbuf->w);
*w++ = obj;
// Done scanning [b, b+n). Prepare for the next iteration of
// the loop by setting b and n to the parameters for the next block.
// Fetch b from the work buffers.
if(w <= bw) {
// Emptied our buffer: refill.
wbuf = getfull(wbuf);
if(wbuf == nil)
bw = wbuf->w;
ew = wbuf->w + nelem(wbuf->w);
w = bw+wbuf->nw;
b = *--w;
// Figure out n = size of b. Start by loading bits for b.
off = (uintptr*)b - (uintptr*)arena_start;
bitp = (uintptr*)arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
xbits = *bitp;
bits = xbits >> shift;
// Might be small; look for nearby block boundary.
// A block boundary is marked by either bitBlockBoundary
// or bitAllocated being set (see notes near their definition).
enum {
boundary = bitBlockBoundary|bitAllocated
// Look for a block boundary both after and before b
// in the same bitmap word.
// A block boundary j words after b is indicated by
// bits>>j & boundary
// assuming shift+j < bitShift. (If shift+j >= bitShift then
// we'll be bleeding other bit types like bitMarked into our test.)
// Instead of inserting the conditional shift+j < bitShift into the loop,
// we can let j range from 1 to bitShift as long as we first
// apply a mask to keep only the bits corresponding
// to shift+j < bitShift aka j < bitShift-shift.
bits &= (boundary<<(bitShift-shift)) - boundary;
// A block boundary j words before b is indicated by
// xbits>>(shift-j) & boundary
// (assuming shift >= j). There is no cleverness here
// avoid the test, because when j gets too large the shift
// turns negative, which is undefined in C.
for(j=1; j<bitShift; j++) {
if(((bits>>j)&boundary) != 0 || shift>=j && ((xbits>>(shift-j))&boundary) != 0) {
n = j*PtrSize;
goto scan;
// Fall back to asking span about size class.
// (Manually inlined copy of MHeap_Lookup.)
x = (uintptr)b>>PageShift;
if(sizeof(void*) == 8)
x -= (uintptr)arena_start>>PageShift;
s = runtime·[x];
if(s->sizeclass == 0)
n = s->npages<<PageShift;
n = runtime·class_to_size[s->sizeclass];
static struct {
Workbuf *full;
Workbuf *empty;
byte *chunk;
uintptr nchunk;
} work;
// Get an empty work buffer off the work.empty list,
// allocating new buffers as needed.
static Workbuf*
getempty(Workbuf *b)
if(b != nil) {
b->nw = nelem(b->w);
b->next = work.full;
work.full = b;
b = work.empty;
if(b != nil) {
work.empty = b->next;
return b;
if(work.nchunk < sizeof *b) {
work.nchunk = 1<<20;
work.chunk = runtime·SysAlloc(work.nchunk);
b = (Workbuf*)work.chunk;
work.chunk += sizeof *b;
work.nchunk -= sizeof *b;
return b;
// Get a full work buffer off the work.full list, or return nil.
static Workbuf*
getfull(Workbuf *b)
if(b != nil) {
b->nw = 0;
b->next = work.empty;
work.empty = b;
b = work.full;
if(b != nil)
work.full = b->next;
return b;
// Scanstack calls scanblock on each of gp's stack segments.
static void
scanstack(G *gp)
......@@ -119,46 +343,26 @@ scanstack(G *gp)
// Markfin calls scanblock on the blocks that have finalizers:
// the things pointed at cannot be freed until the finalizers have run.
static void
markfin(void *v)
uintptr size;
uint32 *refp;
size = 0;
refp = nil;
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, &v, &size, nil, &refp) || !(*refp & RefHasFinalizer))
if(!runtime·mlookup(v, &v, &size, nil) || !runtime·blockspecial(v))
runtime·throw("mark - finalizer inconsistency");
// do not mark the finalizer block itself. just mark the things it points at.
scanblock(v, size);
// Mark
static void
G *gp;
uintptr blsize, nobj;
// Figure out how big an object stack we need.
// Get a new one if we need more than we have
// or we need significantly less than we have.
nobj = mstats.heap_objects;
if(nobj > ebl - bl || nobj < (ebl-bl)/4) {
if(bl != nil)
runtime·SysFree(bl, (byte*)ebl - (byte*)bl);
// While we're allocated a new object stack,
// add 20% headroom and also round up to
// the nearest page boundary, since mmap
// will anyway.
nobj = nobj * 12/10;
blsize = nobj * sizeof *bl;
blsize = (blsize + 4095) & ~4095;
nobj = blsize / sizeof *bl;
bl = runtime·SysAlloc(blsize);
ebl = bl + nobj;
// mark data+bss.
// skip runtime·mheap itself, which has no interesting pointers
......@@ -192,95 +396,83 @@ mark(void)
// free RefNone, free & queue finalizers for RefNone|RefHasFinalizer, reset RefSome
// Sweep frees or calls finalizers for blocks not marked in the mark phase.
// It clears the mark bits in preparation for the next GC round.
static void
sweepspan(MSpan *s)
int32 n, npages, size;
MSpan *s;
int32 cl, n, npages;
uintptr size;
byte *p;
uint32 ref, *gcrefp, *gcrefep;
MCache *c;
Finalizer *f;
for(s = runtime·mheap.allspans; s != nil; s = s->allnext) {
if(s->state != MSpanInUse)
p = (byte*)(s->start << PageShift);
if(s->sizeclass == 0) {
// Large block.
ref = s->gcref0;
switch(ref & ~(RefFlags^RefHasFinalizer)) {
case RefNone:
// Free large object.
mstats.alloc -= s->npages<<PageShift;
runtime·memclr(p, s->npages<<PageShift);
if(ref & RefProfiled)
runtime·MProf_Free(p, s->npages<<PageShift);
s->gcref0 = RefFree;
runtime·MHeap_Free(&runtime·mheap, s, 1);
case RefNone|RefHasFinalizer:
cl = s->sizeclass;
if(cl == 0) {
size = s->npages<<PageShift;
n = 1;
} else {
// Chunk full of small blocks.
size = runtime·class_to_size[cl];
npages = runtime·class_to_allocnpages[cl];
n = (npages << PageShift) / size;
// sweep through n objects of given size starting at p.
for(; n > 0; n--, p += size) {
uintptr off, *bitp, shift, bits;
off = (uintptr*)p - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start;
bitp = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
bits = *bitp>>shift;
if((bits & bitAllocated) == 0)
if((bits & bitMarked) != 0) {
*bitp &= ~(bitMarked<<shift);
if((bits & bitSpecial) != 0) {
// Special means it has a finalizer or is being profiled.
f = runtime·getfinalizer(p, 1);
if(f == nil)
runtime·throw("finalizer inconsistency");
if(f != nil) {
f->arg = p;
f->next = finq;
finq = f;
ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer;
// fall through
case RefSome:
case RefSome|RefHasFinalizer:
s->gcref0 = RefNone | (ref&RefFlags);
runtime·MProf_Free(p, size);
// Chunk full of small blocks.
runtime·MGetSizeClassInfo(s->sizeclass, &size, &npages, &n);
gcrefp = s->gcref;
gcrefep = s->gcref + n;
for(; gcrefp < gcrefep; gcrefp++, p += size) {
ref = *gcrefp;
if(ref < RefNone) // RefFree or RefStack
switch(ref & ~(RefFlags^RefHasFinalizer)) {
case RefNone:
// Mark freed; restore block boundary bit.
*bitp = (*bitp & ~(bitMask<<shift)) | (bitBlockBoundary<<shift);
if(s->sizeclass == 0) {
// Free large span.
runtime·unmarkspan(p, 1<<PageShift);
*(uintptr*)p = 1; // needs zeroing
runtime·MHeap_Free(&runtime·mheap, s, 1);
} else {
// Free small object.
if(ref & RefProfiled)
runtime·MProf_Free(p, size);
*gcrefp = RefFree;
c = m->mcache;
if(size > sizeof(uintptr))
((uintptr*)p)[1] = 1; // mark as "needs to be zeroed"
mstats.alloc -= size;
runtime·MCache_Free(c, p, s->sizeclass, size);
case RefNone|RefHasFinalizer:
f = runtime·getfinalizer(p, 1);
if(f == nil)
runtime·throw("finalizer inconsistency");
f->arg = p;
f->next = finq;
finq = f;
ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer;
// fall through
case RefSome:
case RefSome|RefHasFinalizer:
*gcrefp = RefNone | (ref&RefFlags);
mstats.alloc -= size;
static void
MSpan *s;
for(s = runtime·mheap.allspans; s != nil; s = s->allnext)
if(s->state == MSpanInUse)
// Semaphore, not Lock, so that the goroutine
......@@ -326,7 +518,8 @@ cachestats(void)
runtime·gc(int32 force)
int64 t0, t1;
int64 t0, t1, t2, t3;
uint64 heap0, heap1, obj0, obj1;
byte *p;
Finalizer *fp;
......@@ -349,23 +542,41 @@ runtime·gc(int32 force)
gcpercent = -1;
gcpercent = runtime·atoi(p);
p = runtime·getenv("GOGCTRACE");
if(p != nil)
gctrace = runtime·atoi(p);
if(gcpercent < 0)
if(!force && mstats.heap_alloc < mstats.next_gc) {
t0 = runtime·nanotime();
nlookup = 0;
nsizelookup = 0;
naddrlookup = 0;
m->gcing = 1;
if(runtime·mheap.Lock.key != 0)
runtime·throw("runtime·mheap locked during gc");
if(force || mstats.heap_alloc >= mstats.next_gc) {
heap0 = mstats.heap_alloc;
obj0 = mstats.nmalloc - mstats.nfree;
t1 = runtime·nanotime();
t2 = runtime·nanotime();
mstats.next_gc = mstats.heap_alloc+mstats.heap_alloc*gcpercent/100;
m->gcing = 0;
m->locks++; // disable gc during the mallocs in newproc
......@@ -381,18 +592,34 @@ runtime·gc(int32 force)
t1 = runtime·nanotime();
heap1 = mstats.heap_alloc;
obj1 = mstats.nmalloc - mstats.nfree;
t3 = runtime·nanotime();
mstats.pause_ns[mstats.numgc%nelem(mstats.pause_ns)] = t3 - t0;
mstats.pause_total_ns += t3 - t0;
mstats.pause_ns[mstats.numgc%nelem(mstats.pause_ns)] = t1 - t0;
mstats.pause_total_ns += t1 - t0;
runtime·printf("pause %D\n", t1-t0);
runtime·printf("pause %D\n", t3-t0);
if(gctrace) {
runtime·printf("gc%d: %D+%D+%D ms %D -> %D MB %D -> %D (%D-%D) objects %D pointer lookups (%D size, %D addr)\n",
mstats.numgc, (t1-t0)/1000000, (t2-t1)/1000000, (t3-t2)/1000000,
heap0>>20, heap1>>20, obj0, obj1,
mstats.nmalloc, mstats.nfree,
nlookup, nsizelookup, naddrlookup);
// give the queued finalizers, if any, a chance to run
if(fp != nil)
if(gctrace > 1 && !force)
static void
......@@ -430,3 +657,157 @@ runfinq(void)
runtime·gc(1); // trigger another gc to clean up the finalized objects, if possible
// mark the block at v of size n as allocated.
// If noptr is true, mark it as having no pointers.
runtime·markallocated(void *v, uintptr n, bool noptr)
uintptr *b, bits, off, shift;
runtime·printf("markallocated %p+%p\n", v, n);
if((byte*)v+n > (byte*)runtime·mheap.arena_used || (byte*)v < runtime·mheap.arena_start)
runtime·throw("markallocated: bad pointer");
off = (uintptr*)v - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start; // word offset
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
bits = (*b & ~(bitMask<<shift)) | (bitAllocated<<shift);
bits |= bitNoPointers<<shift;
*b = bits;
// mark the block at v of size n as freed.
runtime·markfreed(void *v, uintptr n)
uintptr *b, off, shift;
runtime·printf("markallocated %p+%p\n", v, n);
if((byte*)v+n > (byte*)runtime·mheap.arena_used || (byte*)v < runtime·mheap.arena_start)
runtime·throw("markallocated: bad pointer");
off = (uintptr*)v - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start; // word offset
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
*b = (*b & ~(bitMask<<shift)) | (bitBlockBoundary<<shift);
// check that the block at v of size n is marked freed.
runtime·checkfreed(void *v, uintptr n)
uintptr *b, bits, off, shift;
if((byte*)v+n > (byte*)runtime·mheap.arena_used || (byte*)v < runtime·mheap.arena_start)
return; // not allocated, so okay
off = (uintptr*)v - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start; // word offset
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
bits = *b>>shift;
if((bits & bitAllocated) != 0) {
runtime·printf("checkfreed %p+%p: off=%p have=%p\n",
v, n, off, bits & bitMask);
runtime·throw("checkfreed: not freed");
// mark the span of memory at v as having n blocks of the given size.
// if leftover is true, there is left over space at the end of the span.
runtime·markspan(void *v, uintptr size, uintptr n, bool leftover)
uintptr *b, off, shift;
byte *p;
if((byte*)v+size*n > (byte*)runtime·mheap.arena_used || (byte*)v < runtime·mheap.arena_start)
runtime·throw("markspan: bad pointer");
p = v;
if(leftover) // mark a boundary just past end of last block too
for(; n-- > 0; p += size) {
off = (uintptr*)p - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start; // word offset
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
*b = (*b & ~(bitMask<<shift)) | (bitBlockBoundary<<shift);
// unmark the span of memory at v of length n bytes.
runtime·unmarkspan(void *v, uintptr n)
uintptr *p, *b, off;
if((byte*)v+n > (byte*)runtime·mheap.arena_used || (byte*)v < runtime·mheap.arena_start)
runtime·throw("markspan: bad pointer");
p = v;
off = p - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start; // word offset
if(off % wordsPerBitmapWord != 0)
runtime·throw("markspan: unaligned pointer");
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
n /= PtrSize;
if(n%wordsPerBitmapWord != 0)
runtime·throw("unmarkspan: unaligned length");
n /= wordsPerBitmapWord;
while(n-- > 0)
*b-- = 0;
runtime·blockspecial(void *v)
uintptr *b, off, shift;
off = (uintptr*)v - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start;
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
return (*b & (bitSpecial<<shift)) != 0;
runtime·setblockspecial(void *v)
uintptr *b, off, shift;
off = (uintptr*)v - (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start;
b = (uintptr*)runtime·mheap.arena_start - off/wordsPerBitmapWord - 1;
shift = off % wordsPerBitmapWord;
*b |= bitSpecial<<shift;
runtime·MHeap_MapBits(MHeap *h)
// Caller has added extra mappings to the arena.
// Add extra mappings of bitmap words as needed.
// We allocate extra bitmap pieces in chunks of bitmapChunk.
enum {
bitmapChunk = 8192
uintptr n;
n = (h->arena_used - h->arena_start) / wordsPerBitmapWord;
n = (n+bitmapChunk-1) & ~(bitmapChunk-1);
if(h->bitmap_mapped >= n)
runtime·SysMap(h->arena_start - n, n - h->bitmap_mapped);
h->bitmap_mapped = n;
......@@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ MHeap_Grow(MHeap *h, uintptr npage)
// Allocate a multiple of 64kB (16 pages).
npage = (npage+15)&~15;
ask = npage<<PageShift;
if(ask < HeapAllocChunk)
if(ask > h->arena_end - h->arena_used)
return false;
if(ask < HeapAllocChunk && HeapAllocChunk <= h->arena_end - h->arena_used)
ask = HeapAllocChunk;
v = runtime·MHeap_SysAlloc(h, ask);
......@@ -194,11 +196,6 @@ MHeap_Grow(MHeap *h, uintptr npage)
mstats.heap_sys += ask;
if((byte*)v < h->arena_start || h->arena_start == nil)
h->arena_start = v;
if((byte*)v+ask > h->arena_end)
h->arena_end = (byte*)v+ask;
// Create a fake "in use" span and free it, so that the
// right coalescing happens.
s = runtime·FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc);
......@@ -370,10 +367,14 @@ runtime·MSpanList_IsEmpty(MSpan *list)
runtime·MSpanList_Insert(MSpan *list, MSpan *span)
if(span->next != nil || span->prev != nil)
if(span->next != nil || span->prev != nil) {
runtime·printf("failed MSpanList_Insert %p %p %p\n", span, span->next, span->prev);
span->next = list->next;
span->prev = list;
span->next->prev = span;
span->prev->next = span;
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ stkbucket(uintptr *stk, int32 nstk)
runtime·mcmp((byte*)b->stk, (byte*)stk, nstk*sizeof stk[0]) == 0)
return b;
b = runtime·mallocgc(sizeof *b + nstk*sizeof stk[0], RefNoProfiling, 0, 1);
b = runtime·mallocgc(sizeof *b + nstk*sizeof stk[0], FlagNoProfiling, 0, 1);
bucketmem += sizeof *b + nstk*sizeof stk[0];
runtime·memmove(b->stk, stk, nstk*sizeof stk[0]);
b->hash = h;
......@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ setaddrbucket(uintptr addr, Bucket *b)
if(ah->addr == (addr>>20))
goto found;
ah = runtime·mallocgc(sizeof *ah, RefNoProfiling, 0, 1);
ah = runtime·mallocgc(sizeof *ah, FlagNoProfiling, 0, 1);
addrmem += sizeof *ah;
ah->next = addrhash[h];
ah->addr = addr>>20;
......@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ setaddrbucket(uintptr addr, Bucket *b)
if((e = addrfree) == nil) {
e = runtime·mallocgc(64*sizeof *e, RefNoProfiling, 0, 0);
e = runtime·mallocgc(64*sizeof *e, FlagNoProfiling, 0, 0);
addrmem += 64*sizeof *e;
for(i=0; i+1<64; i++)
e[i].next = &e[i+1];
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ runtime·SizeToClass(int32 size)
int32 align, sizeclass, size, osize, nextsize, n;
int32 align, sizeclass, size, nextsize, n;
uint32 i;
uintptr allocsize, npages;
......@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ runtime·InitSizes(void)
// the leftover is less than 1/8 of the total,
// so wasted space is at most 12.5%.
allocsize = PageSize;
osize = size + RefcountOverhead;
while(allocsize%osize > (allocsize/8))
while(allocsize%size > allocsize/8)
allocsize += PageSize;
npages = allocsize >> PageShift;
......@@ -93,7 +92,7 @@ runtime·InitSizes(void)
// different sizes.
if(sizeclass > 1
&& npages == runtime·class_to_allocnpages[sizeclass-1]
&& allocsize/osize == allocsize/(runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass-1]+RefcountOverhead)) {
&& allocsize/size == allocsize/runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass-1]) {
runtime·class_to_size[sizeclass-1] = size;
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ makeslice1(SliceType *t, int32 len, int32 cap, Slice *ret)
ret->cap = cap;
ret->array = runtime·mallocgc(size, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret->array = runtime·mallocgc(size, FlagNoPointers, 1, 1);
ret->array = runtime·mal(size);
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ func slicebytetostring(b Slice) (s String) {
func stringtoslicebyte(s String) (b Slice) {
b.array = runtime·mallocgc(s.len, RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
b.array = runtime·mallocgc(s.len, FlagNoPointers, 1, 1);
b.len = s.len;
b.cap = s.len;
runtime·mcpy(b.array, s.str, s.len);
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ func stringtosliceint(s String) (b Slice) {
b.array = runtime·mallocgc(n*sizeof(r[0]), RefNoPointers, 1, 1);
b.array = runtime·mallocgc(n*sizeof(r[0]), FlagNoPointers, 1, 1);
b.len = n;
b.cap = n;
p = s.str;
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ runtime·SysFree(void *v, uintptr n)
runtime·SysReserve(void *v, uintptr n)
return runtime·stdcall(runtime·VirtualAlloc, 4, v, n, MEM_RESERVE, 0);
return runtime·stdcall(runtime·VirtualAlloc, 4, v, n, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
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