Commit 277e7e57 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/ast: minor comment maps API change

This is a new, not yet committed API.

- Changed NewCommentMap to be independent of
  *File nodes and more symmetric with the
  Filter and Comments methods.

- Implemented Update method for use in
  AST modifications.

- Implemented String method for debugging

parent b3382ec9
......@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ func inList(name string, list []string) bool {
func packageExports(fset *token.FileSet, pkg *ast.Package) {
for _, src := range pkg.Files {
cmap := ast.NewCommentMap(fset, src)
cmap := ast.NewCommentMap(fset, src, src.Comments)
src.Comments = cmap.Filter(src).Comments()
......@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ func main() {
filter := func(s string) bool { return rx.MatchString(s) }
switch {
case info.PAst != nil:
cmap := ast.NewCommentMap(info.FSet, info.PAst)
cmap := ast.NewCommentMap(info.FSet, info.PAst, info.PAst.Comments)
ast.FilterFile(info.PAst, filter)
// Special case: Don't use templates for printing
// so we only get the filtered declarations without
......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
package ast
import (
......@@ -123,8 +125,7 @@ func (s *nodeStack) pop(pos token.Pos) (top Node) {
// NewCommentMap creates a new comment map by associating comment groups
// to nodes. The nodes are the nodes of the given AST f and the comments
// are taken from f.Comments.
// of the comments list with the nodes of the AST specified by node.
// A comment group g is associated with a node n if:
......@@ -139,22 +140,22 @@ func (s *nodeStack) pop(pos token.Pos) (top Node) {
// trailing an assignment, the comment is associated with the entire
// assignment rather than just the last operand in the assignment.
func NewCommentMap(fset *token.FileSet, f *File) CommentMap {
if len(f.Comments) == 0 {
func NewCommentMap(fset *token.FileSet, node Node, comments []*CommentGroup) CommentMap {
if len(comments) == 0 {
return nil // no comments to map
cmap := make(CommentMap)
// set up comment reader r
comments := make([]*CommentGroup, len(f.Comments))
copy(comments, f.Comments) // don't change f.Comments
r := commentListReader{fset: fset, list: comments} // !r.eol() because len(comments) > 0
tmp := make([]*CommentGroup, len(comments))
copy(tmp, comments) // don't change incomming comments
r := commentListReader{fset: fset, list: tmp} // !r.eol() because len(comments) > 0
// create node list in lexical order
nodes := nodeList(f)
nodes := nodeList(node)
nodes = append(nodes, nil) // append sentinel
// set up iteration variables
......@@ -238,20 +239,30 @@ func NewCommentMap(fset *token.FileSet, f *File) CommentMap {
return cmap
// Update replaces an old node in the comment map with the new node
// and returns the new node. Comments that were associated with the
// old node are associated with the new node.
func (cmap CommentMap) Update(old, new Node) Node {
if list := cmap[old]; len(list) > 0 {
delete(cmap, old)
cmap[new] = append(cmap[new], list...)
return new
// Filter returns a new comment map consisting of only those
// entries of cmap for which a corresponding node exists in
// any of the node trees provided.
// the AST specified by node.
func (cmap CommentMap) Filter(nodes ...Node) CommentMap {
func (cmap CommentMap) Filter(node Node) CommentMap {
umap := make(CommentMap)
for _, n := range nodes {
Inspect(n, func(n Node) bool {
Inspect(node, func(n Node) bool {
if g := cmap[n]; len(g) > 0 {
umap[n] = g
return true
return umap
......@@ -266,3 +277,56 @@ func (cmap CommentMap) Comments() []*CommentGroup {
return list
func summary(list []*CommentGroup) string {
const maxLen = 40
var buf bytes.Buffer
// collect comments text
for _, group := range list {
// Note: CommentGroup.Text() does too much work for what we
// need and would only replace this innermost loop.
// Just do it explicitly.
for _, comment := range group.List {
if buf.Len() >= maxLen {
break loop
// truncate if too long
if buf.Len() > maxLen {
buf.Truncate(maxLen - 3)
// replace any invisibles with blanks
bytes := buf.Bytes()
for i, b := range bytes {
switch b {
case '\t', '\n', '\r':
bytes[i] = ' '
return string(bytes)
func (cmap CommentMap) String() string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "CommentMap {")
for node, comment := range cmap {
// print name of identifiers; print node type for other nodes
var s string
if ident, ok := node.(*Ident); ok {
s = ident.Name
} else {
s = fmt.Sprintf("%T", node)
fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%p %20s: %s\n", node, s, summary(comment))
fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "}")
return buf.String()
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ func TestCommentMap(t *testing.T) {
if err != nil {
cmap := NewCommentMap(fset, f)
cmap := NewCommentMap(fset, f, f.Comments)
// very correct association of comments
for n, list := range cmap {
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