Commit 2a899154 authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

gofmt-ify draw

parent 9e48df68
......@@ -22,147 +22,146 @@ var ZR Rectangle
// Pt is shorthand for Point{X, Y}.
func Pt(X, Y int) Point {
return Point{X, Y}
return Point{X, Y};
// Rect is shorthand for Rectangle{Pt(x0, y0), Pt(x1, y1)}.
func Rect(x0, y0, x1, y1 int) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{Point{x0,y0}, Point{x1,y1}}
return Rectangle{Point{x0, y0}, Point{x1, y1}};
// Rpt is shorthand for Rectangle{min, max}.
func Rpt(min, max Point) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{min, max}
return Rectangle{min, max};
// Add returns the sum of p and q: Pt(p.X+q.X, p.Y+q.Y).
func (p Point) Add(q Point) Point {
return Point{p.X+q.X, p.Y+q.Y}
return Point{p.X + q.X, p.Y + q.Y};
// Sub returns the difference of p and q: Pt(p.X-q.X, p.Y-q.Y).
func (p Point) Sub(q Point) Point {
return Point{p.X-q.X, p.Y-q.Y}
return Point{p.X - q.X, p.Y - q.Y};
// Mul returns p scaled by k: Pt(p.X*k p.Y*k).
func (p Point) Mul(k int) Point {
return Point{p.X*k, p.Y*k}
return Point{p.X * k, p.Y * k};
// Div returns p divided by k: Pt(p.X/k, p.Y/k).
func (p Point) Div(k int) Point {
return Point{p.X/k, p.Y/k}
return Point{p.X / k, p.Y / k};
// Eq returns true if p and q are equal.
func (p Point) Eq(q Point) bool {
return p.X == q.X && p.Y == q.Y
return p.X == q.X && p.Y == q.Y;
// Inset returns the rectangle r inset by n: Rect(r.Min.X+n, r.Min.Y+n, r.Max.X-n, r.Max.Y-n).
func (r Rectangle) Inset(n int) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{Point{r.Min.X+n, r.Min.Y+n}, Point{r.Max.X-n, r.Max.Y-n}}
return Rectangle{Point{r.Min.X + n, r.Min.Y + n}, Point{r.Max.X - n, r.Max.Y - n}};
// Add returns the rectangle r translated by p: Rpt(r.Min.Add(p), r.Max.Add(p)).
func (r Rectangle) Add(p Point) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{r.Min.Add(p), r.Max.Add(p)}
return Rectangle{r.Min.Add(p), r.Max.Add(p)};
// Sub returns the rectangle r translated by -p: Rpt(r.Min.Sub(p), r.Max.Sub(p)).
func (r Rectangle) Sub(p Point) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{r.Min.Sub(p), r.Max.Sub(p)}
return Rectangle{r.Min.Sub(p), r.Max.Sub(p)};
// Canon returns a canonical version of r: the returned rectangle
// has Min.X <= Max.X and Min.Y <= Max.Y.
func (r Rectangle) Canon() Rectangle {
if r.Max.X < r.Min.X {
r.Max.X = r.Min.X
r.Max.X = r.Min.X;
if r.Max.Y < r.Min.Y {
r.Max.Y = r.Min.Y
r.Max.Y = r.Min.Y;
return r;
// Overlaps returns true if r and r1 cross; that is, it returns true if they share any point.
func (r Rectangle) Overlaps(r1 Rectangle) bool {
return r.Min.X < r1.Max.X && r1.Min.X < r.Max.X
&& r.Min.Y < r1.Max.Y && r1.Min.Y < r.Max.Y
return r.Min.X < r1.Max.X && r1.Min.X < r.Max.X &&
r.Min.Y < r1.Max.Y && r1.Min.Y < r.Max.Y;
// Empty retruns true if r contains no points.
func (r Rectangle) Empty() bool {
return r.Max.X <= r.Min.X || r.Max.Y <= r.Min.Y
return r.Max.X <= r.Min.X || r.Max.Y <= r.Min.Y;
// InRect returns true if all the points in r are also in r1.
func (r Rectangle) In(r1 Rectangle) bool {
if r.Empty() {
return true
return true;
if r1.Empty() {
return false
return false;
return r1.Min.X <= r.Min.X && r.Max.X <= r1.Max.X
&& r1.Min.Y <= r.Min.Y && r.Max.Y <= r1.Max.Y
return r1.Min.X <= r.Min.X && r.Max.X <= r1.Max.X &&
r1.Min.Y <= r.Min.Y && r.Max.Y <= r1.Max.Y;
// Combine returns the smallest rectangle containing all points from r and from r1.
func (r Rectangle) Combine(r1 Rectangle) Rectangle {
if r.Empty() {
return r1
return r1;
if r1.Empty() {
return r
return r;
if r.Min.X > r1.Min.X {
r.Min.X = r1.Min.X
r.Min.X = r1.Min.X;
if r.Min.Y > r1.Min.Y {
r.Min.Y = r1.Min.Y
r.Min.Y = r1.Min.Y;
if r.Max.X < r1.Max.X {
r.Max.X = r1.Max.X
r.Max.X = r1.Max.X;
if r.Max.Y < r1.Max.Y {
r.Max.Y = r1.Max.Y
r.Max.Y = r1.Max.Y;
return r
return r;
// Clip returns the largest rectangle containing only points shared by r and r1.
func (r Rectangle) Clip(r1 Rectangle) Rectangle {
if r.Empty() {
return r
return r;
if r1.Empty() {
return r1
return r1;
if r.Min.X < r1.Min.X {
r.Min.X = r1.Min.X
r.Min.X = r1.Min.X;
if r.Min.Y < r1.Min.Y {
r.Min.Y = r1.Min.Y
r.Min.Y = r1.Min.Y;
if r.Max.X > r1.Max.X {
r.Max.X = r1.Max.X
r.Max.X = r1.Max.X;
if r.Max.Y > r1.Max.Y {
r.Max.Y = r1.Max.Y
r.Max.Y = r1.Max.Y;
return r;
// Dx returns the width of the rectangle r: r.Max.X - r.Min.X.
func (r Rectangle) Dx() int {
return r.Max.X - r.Min.X
return r.Max.X - r.Min.X;
// Dy returns the width of the rectangle r: r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y.
func (r Rectangle) Dy() int {
return r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y
return r.Max.Y - r.Min.Y;
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ func (c Color) RGBA() (r, g, b, a uint32) {
func (c Color) SetAlpha(a uint8) Color {
r, g, b, oa := c>>24, (c>>16)&0xFF, (c>>8)&0xFF, c&0xFF;
if oa == 0 {
return 0
return 0;
r = r*Color(a)/oa;
if r < 0 {
......@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ func Draw(dst Image, r Rectangle, src, mask image.Image, pt Point) {
var out *image.RGBA64Color;
for y := y0; y != y1; y+=dy {
for x := x0; x != x1; x+=dx {
for y := y0; y != y1; y += dy {
for x := x0; x != x1; x += dx {
sx := pt.X + x - r.Min.X;
sy := pt.Y + y - r.Min.Y;
if mask == nil {
......@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ func Draw(dst Image, r Rectangle, src, mask image.Image, pt Point) {
ma >>= 16;
const M = 1<<16 - 1;
a := sa*ma/M;
dr = (dr*(M-a) + sr*ma) / M;
dg = (dg*(M-a) + sg*ma) / M;
db = (db*(M-a) + sb*ma) / M;
da = (da*(M-a) + sa*ma) / M;
dr = (dr*(M-a) + sr*ma)/M;
dg = (dg*(M-a) + sg*ma)/M;
db = (db*(M-a) + sb*ma)/M;
da = (da*(M-a) + sa*ma)/M;
if out == nil {
out = new(image.RGBA64Color);
......@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ func Border(dst Image, r Rectangle, w int, src image.Image, sp Point) {
i := w;
if i > 0 {
// inside r
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Min.Y+i), src, nil, sp); // top
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y+i, r.Min.X+i, r.Max.Y-i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(0, i))); // left
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Max.X-i, r.Min.Y+i, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y-i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(r.Dx()-i, i))); // right
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Max.Y-i, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(0, r.Dy()-i))); // bottom
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X, r.Min.Y + i), src, nil, sp); // top
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y + i, r.Min.X + i, r.Max.Y - i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(0, i))); // left
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Max.X - i, r.Min.Y + i, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y - i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(r.Dx() - i, i))); // right
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X, r.Max.Y - i, r.Max.X, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(0, r.Dy() - i))); // bottom
// outside r;
i = -i;
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X-i, r.Min.Y-i, r.Max.X+i, r.Min.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, -i))); // top
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X-i, r.Min.Y, r.Min.X, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, 0))); // left
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Max.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X+i, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(r.Dx(), 0))); // right
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X-i, r.Max.Y, r.Max.X+i, r.Max.Y+i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, 0))); // bottom
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X - i, r.Min.Y - i, r.Max.X + i, r.Min.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, -i))); // top
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X - i, r.Min.Y, r.Min.X, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, 0))); // left
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Max.X, r.Min.Y, r.Max.X + i, r.Max.Y), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(r.Dx(), 0))); // right
Draw(dst, Rect(r.Min.X - i, r.Max.Y, r.Max.X + i, r.Max.Y + i), src, nil, sp.Add(Pt(-i, 0))); // bottom
......@@ -44,4 +44,3 @@ type Mouse struct {
Point; // location of cursor
Nsec int64; // time stamp
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