Commit 3a871357 authored by Hyang-Ah Hana Kim's avatar Hyang-Ah Hana Kim

runtime: support panic/print logging in android-L.

In android-L, logging is done through the logd daemon.
If logd daemon is available, send logging to logd.
Otherwise, fallback to the legacy mechanism (/dev/log files).

This change adds access/socket/connect calls to interact with the logd.

Fixes golang/go#9398.

Change-Id: I3c52b81b451f5862107d7c675f799fc85548486d
Reviewed-on: default avatarDavid Crawshaw <>
parent 11c12274
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ const (
_O_CLOEXEC = 02000000
_O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000
_EPOLLIN = 0x1
......@@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ const (
_AF_UNIX = 0x1
_F_SETFL = 0x4
type timespec struct {
......@@ -166,3 +170,8 @@ type epollevent struct {
_pad uint32
data [8]byte // to match amd64
type sockaddr_un struct {
family uint16
path [108]byte
......@@ -9,29 +9,60 @@ import "unsafe"
var (
writeHeader = []byte{6 /* ANDROID_LOG_ERROR */, 'G', 'o', 0}
writePath = []byte("/dev/log/main\x00")
writeLogd = []byte("/dev/socket/logdw\x00")
// guarded by printlock/printunlock.
writeFD uintptr
writeBuf [1024]byte
writePos int
// Prior to Android-L, logging was done through writes to /dev/log files implemented
// in kernel ring buffers. In Android-L, those /dev/log files are no longer
// accessible and logging is done through a centralized user-mode logger, logd.
type loggerType int32
const (
unknown loggerType = iota
// TODO(hakim): logging for emulator?
var logger loggerType
func writeErr(b []byte) {
// Log format: "<priority 1 byte><tag n bytes>\x00<message m bytes>\x00"
if logger == unknown {
// Use logd if /dev/socket/logdw is available.
if v := uintptr(access(&writeLogd[0], 0x02 /* W_OK */)); v == 0 {
logger = logd
} else {
logger = legacy
// Log format: "<header>\x00<message m bytes>\x00"
// <header>
// In legacy mode: "<priority 1 byte><tag n bytes>".
// In logd mode: "<android_log_header_t 11 bytes><priority 1 byte><tag n bytes>"
// The entire log needs to be delivered in a single syscall (the NDK
// does this with writev). Each log is its own line, so we need to
// buffer writes until we see a newline.
if writeFD == 0 {
writeFD = uintptr(open(&writePath[0], 0x1 /* O_WRONLY */, 0))
if writeFD == 0 {
// It is hard to do anything here. Write to stderr just
// in case user has root on device and has run
// adb shell setprop log.redirect-stdio true
msg := []byte("runtime: cannot open /dev/log/main\x00")
write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]), int32(len(msg)))
copy(writeBuf[:], writeHeader)
var hlen int
switch logger {
case logd:
hlen = writeLogdHeader()
case legacy:
hlen = len(writeHeader)
dst := writeBuf[len(writeHeader):]
dst := writeBuf[hlen:]
for _, v := range b {
if v == 0 { // android logging won't print a zero byte
v = '0'
......@@ -40,9 +71,87 @@ func writeErr(b []byte) {
if v == '\n' || writePos == len(dst)-1 {
dst[writePos] = 0
write(writeFD, unsafe.Pointer(&writeBuf[0]), int32(len(writeHeader)+writePos))
write(writeFD, unsafe.Pointer(&writeBuf[0]), int32(hlen+writePos))
writePos = 0
func initLegacy() {
// In legacy mode, logs are written to /dev/log/main
writeFD = uintptr(open(&writePath[0], 0x1 /* O_WRONLY */, 0))
if writeFD == 0 {
// It is hard to do anything here. Write to stderr just
// in case user has root on device and has run
// adb shell setprop log.redirect-stdio true
msg := []byte("runtime: cannot open /dev/log/main\x00")
write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]), int32(len(msg)))
// Prepopulate the invariant header part.
copy(writeBuf[:len(writeHeader)], writeHeader)
// used in initLogdWrite but defined here to avoid heap allocation.
var logdAddr sockaddr_un
func initLogd() {
// In logd mode, logs are sent to the logd via a unix domain socket. = _AF_UNIX
copy(logdAddr.path[:], writeLogd)
// We are not using non-blocking I/O because writes taking this path
// are most likely triggered by panic, we cannot think of the advantage of
// non-blocking I/O for panic but see disadvantage (dropping panic message),
// and blocking I/O simplifies the code a lot.
fd := socket(_AF_UNIX, _SOCK_DGRAM|_O_CLOEXEC, 0)
if fd < 0 {
msg := []byte("runtime: cannot create a socket for logging\x00")
write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]), int32(len(msg)))
errno := connect(uintptr(fd), unsafe.Pointer(&logdAddr), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(logdAddr)))
if errno < 0 {
msg := []byte("runtime: cannot connect to /dev/socket/logdw\x00")
write(2, unsafe.Pointer(&msg[0]), int32(len(msg)))
// TODO(hakim): or should we just close fd and hope for better luck next time?
writeFD = uintptr(fd)
// Prepopulate invariant part of the header.
// The first 11 bytes will be populated later in writeLogdHeader.
copy(writeBuf[11:11+len(writeHeader)], writeHeader)
// writeLogdHeader populates the header and returns the length of the payload.
func writeLogdHeader() int {
hdr := writeBuf[:11]
// The first 11 bytes of the header corresponds to android_log_header_t
// as defined in system/core/include/private/android_logger.h
// hdr[0] log type id (unsigned char), defined in <log/log.h>
// hdr[1:2] tid (uint16_t)
// hdr[3:11] log_time defined in <log/log_read.h>
// hdr[3:7] sec unsigned uint32, little endian.
// hdr[7:11] nsec unsigned uint32, little endian.
hdr[0] = 0 // LOG_ID_MAIN
sec, nsec := time_now()
packUint32(hdr[3:7], uint32(sec))
packUint32(hdr[7:11], uint32(nsec))
// TODO(hakim): hdr[1:2] = gettid?
return 11 + len(writeHeader)
func packUint32(b []byte, v uint32) {
// little-endian.
b[0] = byte(v)
b[1] = byte(v >> 8)
b[2] = byte(v >> 16)
b[3] = byte(v >> 24)
package runtime
import "unsafe"
func access(name *byte, mode int32) int32
func connect(fd uintptr, addr unsafe.Pointer, len int32) int32
func socket(domain int32, typ int32, prot int32) int32
......@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
#define SYS_epoll_wait (SYS_BASE + 252)
#define SYS_epoll_create1 (SYS_BASE + 357)
#define SYS_fcntl (SYS_BASE + 55)
#define SYS_access (SYS_BASE + 33)
#define SYS_connect (SYS_BASE + 283)
#define SYS_socket (SYS_BASE + 281)
#define ARM_BASE (SYS_BASE + 0x0f0000)
......@@ -471,3 +474,29 @@ TEXT runtime·closeonexec(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
TEXT runtime·read_tls_fallback(SB),NOSPLIT,$-4
MOVW $0xffff0fe0, R0
B (R0)
TEXT runtime·access(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW $SYS_access, R7
SWI $0
MOVW R0, ret+8(FP)
TEXT runtime·connect(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_connect, R7
SWI $0
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
TEXT runtime·socket(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
MOVW 0(FP), R0
MOVW 4(FP), R1
MOVW 8(FP), R2
MOVW $SYS_socket, R7
SWI $0
MOVW R0, ret+12(FP)
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