Commit 3ad995ea authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

strconv: fix comment for godoc

parent 09977734
......@@ -100,11 +100,12 @@ func unhex(b byte) (v int, ok bool) {
// UnquoteChar decodes the first character or byte in the escaped string
// or character literal represented by the string s.
// It returns four values:
// 1) value, the decoded Unicode code point or byte value;
// 2) multibyte, a boolean indicating whether the decoded character
// requires a multibyte UTF-8 representation;
// 2) multibyte, a boolean indicating whether the decoded character requires a multibyte UTF-8 representation;
// 3) tail, the remainder of the string after the character; and
// 4) an error that will be nil if the character is syntactically valid.
// The second argument, quote, specifies the type of literal being parsed
// and therefore which escaped quote character is permitted.
// If set to a single quote, it permits the sequence \' and disallows unescaped '.
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