Commit 3be70366 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

reflect: implement method values

Fixes #1517.

R=golang-dev, r
parent 178d8d4f
......@@ -1458,7 +1458,7 @@ func (p Point) AnotherMethod(scale int) int {
// This will be index 1.
func (p Point) Dist(scale int) int {
// println("Point.Dist", p.x, p.y, scale)
//println("Point.Dist", p.x, p.y, scale)
return p.x*p.x*scale + p.y*p.y*scale
......@@ -1474,24 +1474,91 @@ func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("method by name failed")
m.Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(p), ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Type MethodByName returned %d; want 250", i)
i = m.Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(p), ValueOf(11)})[0].Int()
if i != 275 {
t.Errorf("Type MethodByName returned %d; want 275", i)
i = TypeOf(&p).Method(1).Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(&p), ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Type Method returned %d; want 250", i)
i = TypeOf(&p).Method(1).Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(&p), ValueOf(12)})[0].Int()
if i != 300 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Type Method returned %d; want 300", i)
m, ok = TypeOf(&p).MethodByName("Dist")
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("ptr method by name failed")
i = m.Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(&p), ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Type MethodByName returned %d; want 250", i)
i = m.Func.Call([]Value{ValueOf(&p), ValueOf(13)})[0].Int()
if i != 325 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Type MethodByName returned %d; want 325", i)
// Curried method of value.
tfunc := TypeOf((func(int) int)(nil))
v := ValueOf(p).Method(1)
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Value Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(14)})[0].Int()
if i != 350 {
t.Errorf("Value Method returned %d; want 350", i)
v = ValueOf(p).MethodByName("Dist")
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Value MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(15)})[0].Int()
if i != 375 {
t.Errorf("Value MethodByName returned %d; want 375", i)
// Curried method of pointer.
v = ValueOf(&p).Method(1)
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(16)})[0].Int()
if i != 400 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value Method returned %d; want 400", i)
v = ValueOf(&p).MethodByName("Dist")
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(17)})[0].Int()
if i != 425 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value MethodByName returned %d; want 425", i)
// Curried method of interface value.
// Have to wrap interface value in a struct to get at it.
// Passing it to ValueOf directly would
// access the underlying Point, not the interface.
var x interface {
Dist(int) int
} = p
pv := ValueOf(&x).Elem()
v = pv.Method(0)
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Interface Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(18)})[0].Int()
if i != 450 {
t.Errorf("Interface Method returned %d; want 450", i)
v = pv.MethodByName("Dist")
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Interface MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(19)})[0].Int()
if i != 475 {
t.Errorf("Interface MethodByName returned %d; want 475", i)
func TestMethodValue(t *testing.T) {
p := Point{3, 4}
var i int64
// Curried method of value.
tfunc := TypeOf((func(int) int)(nil))
......@@ -1499,7 +1566,7 @@ func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Value Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Value Method returned %d; want 250", i)
......@@ -1507,9 +1574,9 @@ func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Value MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Value MethodByName returned %d; want 250", i)
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(11)})[0].Int()
if i != 275 {
t.Errorf("Value MethodByName returned %d; want 275", i)
// Curried method of pointer.
......@@ -1517,17 +1584,17 @@ func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value Method returned %d; want 250", i)
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(12)})[0].Int()
if i != 300 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value Method returned %d; want 300", i)
v = ValueOf(&p).MethodByName("Dist")
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value MethodByName returned %d; want 250", i)
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(13)})[0].Int()
if i != 325 {
t.Errorf("Pointer Value MethodByName returned %d; want 325", i)
// Curried method of interface value.
......@@ -1544,18 +1611,201 @@ func TestMethod(t *testing.T) {
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Interface Method Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Interface Method returned %d; want 250", i)
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(14)})[0].Int()
if i != 350 {
t.Errorf("Interface Method returned %d; want 350", i)
v = pv.MethodByName("Dist")
if tt := v.Type(); tt != tfunc {
t.Errorf("Interface MethodByName Type is %s; want %s", tt, tfunc)
i = v.Call([]Value{ValueOf(10)})[0].Int()
if i != 250 {
t.Errorf("Interface MethodByName returned %d; want 250", i)
i = ValueOf(v.Interface()).Call([]Value{ValueOf(15)})[0].Int()
if i != 375 {
t.Errorf("Interface MethodByName returned %d; want 375", i)
// Reflect version of $GOROOT/test/method5.go
// Concrete types implementing M method.
// Smaller than a word, word-sized, larger than a word.
// Value and pointer receivers.
type Tinter interface {
M(int, byte) (byte, int)
type Tsmallv byte
func (v Tsmallv) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v) }
type Tsmallp byte
func (p *Tsmallp) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(*p) }
type Twordv uintptr
func (v Twordv) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v) }
type Twordp uintptr
func (p *Twordp) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(*p) }
type Tbigv [2]uintptr
func (v Tbigv) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v[0]) + int(v[1]) }
type Tbigp [2]uintptr
func (p *Tbigp) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(p[0]) + int(p[1]) }
// Again, with an unexported method.
type tsmallv byte
func (v tsmallv) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v) }
type tsmallp byte
func (p *tsmallp) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(*p) }
type twordv uintptr
func (v twordv) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v) }
type twordp uintptr
func (p *twordp) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(*p) }
type tbigv [2]uintptr
func (v tbigv) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(v[0]) + int(v[1]) }
type tbigp [2]uintptr
func (p *tbigp) m(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + int(p[0]) + int(p[1]) }
type tinter interface {
m(int, byte) (byte, int)
// Embedding via pointer.
type Tm1 struct {
type Tm2 struct {
type Tm3 struct {
type Tm4 struct {
func (t4 Tm4) M(x int, b byte) (byte, int) { return b, x + 40 }
func TestMethod5(t *testing.T) {
CheckF := func(name string, f func(int, byte) (byte, int), inc int) {
b, x := f(1000, 99)
if b != 99 || x != 1000+inc {
t.Errorf("%s(1000, 99) = %v, %v, want 99, %v", name, b, x, 1000+inc)
CheckV := func(name string, i Value, inc int) {
bx := i.Method(0).Call([]Value{ValueOf(1000), ValueOf(byte(99))})
b := bx[0].Interface()
x := bx[1].Interface()
if b != byte(99) || x != 1000+inc {
t.Errorf("direct %s.M(1000, 99) = %v, %v, want 99, %v", name, b, x, 1000+inc)
CheckF(name+".M", i.Method(0).Interface().(func(int, byte) (byte, int)), inc)
var TinterType = TypeOf(new(Tinter)).Elem()
var tinterType = TypeOf(new(tinter)).Elem()
CheckI := func(name string, i interface{}, inc int) {
v := ValueOf(i)
CheckV(name, v, inc)
CheckV("(i="+name+")", v.Convert(TinterType), inc)
sv := Tsmallv(1)
CheckI("sv", sv, 1)
CheckI("&sv", &sv, 1)
sp := Tsmallp(2)
CheckI("&sp", &sp, 2)
wv := Twordv(3)
CheckI("wv", wv, 3)
CheckI("&wv", &wv, 3)
wp := Twordp(4)
CheckI("&wp", &wp, 4)
bv := Tbigv([2]uintptr{5, 6})
CheckI("bv", bv, 11)
CheckI("&bv", &bv, 11)
bp := Tbigp([2]uintptr{7, 8})
CheckI("&bp", &bp, 15)
t4 := Tm4{}
t3 := Tm3{&t4}
t2 := Tm2{&t3}
t1 := Tm1{t2}
CheckI("t4", t4, 40)
CheckI("&t4", &t4, 40)
CheckI("t3", t3, 40)
CheckI("&t3", &t3, 40)
CheckI("t2", t2, 40)
CheckI("&t2", &t2, 40)
CheckI("t1", t1, 40)
CheckI("&t1", &t1, 40)
methodShouldPanic := func(name string, i interface{}) {
v := ValueOf(i)
m := v.Method(0)
shouldPanic(func() { m.Call([]Value{ValueOf(1000), ValueOf(byte(99))}) })
shouldPanic(func() { m.Interface() })
v = v.Convert(tinterType)
m = v.Method(0)
shouldPanic(func() { m.Call([]Value{ValueOf(1000), ValueOf(byte(99))}) })
shouldPanic(func() { m.Interface() })
_sv := tsmallv(1)
methodShouldPanic("_sv", _sv)
methodShouldPanic("&_sv", &_sv)
_sp := tsmallp(2)
methodShouldPanic("&_sp", &_sp)
_wv := twordv(3)
methodShouldPanic("_wv", _wv)
methodShouldPanic("&_wv", &_wv)
_wp := twordp(4)
methodShouldPanic("&_wp", &_wp)
_bv := tbigv([2]uintptr{5, 6})
methodShouldPanic("_bv", _bv)
methodShouldPanic("&_bv", &_bv)
_bp := tbigp([2]uintptr{7, 8})
methodShouldPanic("&_bp", &_bp)
var tnil Tinter
vnil := ValueOf(&tnil).Elem()
shouldPanic(func() { vnil.Method(0) })
func TestInterfaceSet(t *testing.T) {
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// makeFuncStub is the code half of the function returned by MakeFunc.
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in value.go
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$8
......@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$8
CALL ·callReflect(SB)
// methodValueCall is the code half of the function returned by makeMethodValue.
// See the comment on the declaration of methodValueCall in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·methodValueCall(SB),7,$8
LEAL arg+0(FP), CX
CALL ·callMethod(SB)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// makeFuncStub is the code half of the function returned by MakeFunc.
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in value.go
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$16
......@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$16
CALL ·callReflect(SB)
// methodValueCall is the code half of the function returned by makeMethodValue.
// See the comment on the declaration of methodValueCall in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·methodValueCall(SB),7,$16
LEAQ arg+0(FP), CX
CALL ·callMethod(SB)
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// makeFuncStub is jumped to by the code generated by MakeFunc.
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in value.go
// See the comment on the declaration of makeFuncStub in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$8
MOVW R7, 4(R13)
......@@ -11,3 +11,13 @@ TEXT ·makeFuncStub(SB),7,$8
MOVW R1, 8(R13)
BL ·callReflect(SB)
// methodValueCall is the code half of the function returned by makeMethodValue.
// See the comment on the declaration of methodValueCall in makefunc.go
// for more details.
TEXT ·methodValueCall(SB),7,$8
MOVW R7, 4(R13)
MOVW $arg+0(FP), R1
MOVW R1, 8(R13)
BL ·callMethod(SB)
......@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ func deepValueEqual(v1, v2 Value, visited map[uintptr]*visit, depth int) (b bool
// Normal equality suffices
return valueInterface(v1, false) == valueInterface(v2, false)
panic("Not reached")
// DeepEqual tests for deep equality. It uses normal == equality where
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ func MakeFunc(typ Type, fn func(args []Value) (results []Value)) Value {
t := typ.common()
ftyp := (*funcType)(unsafe.Pointer(t))
// indirect Go func value (dummy) to obtain
// actual code address. (A Go func is a pointer
// Indirect Go func value (dummy) to obtain
// actual code address. (A Go func value is a pointer
// to a C function pointer.
dummy := makeFuncStub
code := **(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&dummy))
......@@ -65,3 +65,56 @@ func MakeFunc(typ Type, fn func(args []Value) (results []Value)) Value {
// where ctxt is the context register and frame is a pointer to the first
// word in the passed-in argument frame.
func makeFuncStub()
type methodValue struct {
fn uintptr
method int
rcvr Value
// makeMethodValue converts v from the rcvr+method index representation
// of a method value to an actual method func value, which is
// basically the receiver value with a special bit set, into a true
// func value - a value holding an actual func. The output is
// semantically equivalent to the input as far as the user of package
// reflect can tell, but the true func representation can be handled
// by code like Convert and Interface and Assign.
func makeMethodValue(op string, v Value) Value {
if v.flag&flagMethod == 0 {
panic("reflect: internal error: invalid use of makePartialFunc")
// Ignoring the flagMethod bit, v describes the receiver, not the method type.
fl := v.flag & (flagRO | flagAddr | flagIndir)
fl |= flag(v.typ.Kind()) << flagKindShift
rcvr := Value{v.typ, v.val, fl}
// v.Type returns the actual type of the method value.
funcType := v.Type().(*rtype)
// Indirect Go func value (dummy) to obtain
// actual code address. (A Go func value is a pointer
// to a C function pointer.
dummy := methodValueCall
code := **(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&dummy))
fv := &methodValue{
fn: code,
method: int(v.flag) >> flagMethodShift,
rcvr: rcvr,
// Cause panic if method is not appropriate.
// The panic would still happen during the call if we omit this,
// but we want Interface() and other operations to fail early.
methodReceiver(op, fv.rcvr, fv.method)
return Value{funcType, unsafe.Pointer(fv), v.flag&flagRO | flag(Func)<<flagKindShift}
// methodValueCall is an assembly function that is the code half of
// the function returned from makeMethodValue. It expects a *methodValue
// as its context register, and its job is to invoke callMethod(ctxt, frame)
// where ctxt is the context register and frame is a pointer to the first
// word in the passed-in argument frame.
func methodValueCall()
......@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ func (f flag) mustBeExported() {
panic(&ValueError{methodName(), 0})
if f&flagRO != 0 {
panic(methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")
panic("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")
......@@ -262,10 +262,10 @@ func (f flag) mustBeAssignable() {
// Assignable if addressable and not read-only.
if f&flagRO != 0 {
panic(methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")
panic("reflect: " + methodName() + " using value obtained using unexported field")
if f&flagAddr == 0 {
panic(methodName() + " using unaddressable value")
panic("reflect: " + methodName() + " using unaddressable value")
......@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ func (v Value) CallSlice(in []Value) []Value {
return"CallSlice", in)
func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
func (v Value) call(op string, in []Value) []Value {
// Get function pointer, type.
t := v.typ
var (
......@@ -366,36 +366,7 @@ func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
rcvr iword
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
i := int(v.flag) >> flagMethodShift
if v.typ.Kind() == Interface {
tt := (*interfaceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
if i < 0 || i >= len(tt.methods) {
panic("reflect: broken Value")
m := &tt.methods[i]
if m.pkgPath != nil {
panic(method + " of unexported method")
t = m.typ
iface := (*nonEmptyInterface)(v.val)
if iface.itab == nil {
panic(method + " of method on nil interface value")
fn = unsafe.Pointer(&[i])
rcvr = iface.word
} else {
ut := v.typ.uncommon()
if ut == nil || i < 0 || i >= len(ut.methods) {
panic("reflect: broken Value")
m := &ut.methods[i]
if m.pkgPath != nil {
panic(method + " of unexported method")
fn = unsafe.Pointer(&m.ifn)
t = m.mtyp
rcvr = v.iword()
t, fn, rcvr = methodReceiver(op, v, int(v.flag)>>flagMethodShift)
} else if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
fn = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.val)
} else {
......@@ -406,7 +377,7 @@ func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
panic("reflect.Value.Call: call of nil function")
isSlice := method == "CallSlice"
isSlice := op == "CallSlice"
n := t.NumIn()
if isSlice {
if !t.IsVariadic() {
......@@ -431,12 +402,12 @@ func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
for _, x := range in {
if x.Kind() == Invalid {
panic("reflect: " + method + " using zero Value argument")
panic("reflect: " + op + " using zero Value argument")
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
if xt, targ := in[i].Type(), t.In(i); !xt.AssignableTo(targ) {
panic("reflect: " + method + " using " + xt.String() + " as type " + targ.String())
panic("reflect: " + op + " using " + xt.String() + " as type " + targ.String())
if !isSlice && t.IsVariadic() {
......@@ -447,7 +418,7 @@ func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
for i := 0; i < m; i++ {
x := in[n+i]
if xt := x.Type(); !xt.AssignableTo(elem) {
panic("reflect: cannot use " + xt.String() + " as type " + elem.String() + " in " + method)
panic("reflect: cannot use " + xt.String() + " as type " + elem.String() + " in " + op)
......@@ -467,40 +438,11 @@ func (v Value) call(method string, in []Value) []Value {
// This computation is 5g/6g/8g-dependent
// and probably wrong for gccgo, but so
// is most of this function.
size := uintptr(0)
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
// extra word for receiver interface word
size += ptrSize
for i := 0; i < nin; i++ {
tv := t.In(i)
a := uintptr(tv.Align())
size = (size + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
size += tv.Size()
size = (size + ptrSize - 1) &^ (ptrSize - 1)
for i := 0; i < nout; i++ {
tv := t.Out(i)
a := uintptr(tv.Align())
size = (size + a - 1) &^ (a - 1)
size += tv.Size()
// size must be > 0 in order for &args[0] to be valid.
// the argument copying is going to round it up to
// a multiple of ptrSize anyway, so make it ptrSize to begin with.
if size < ptrSize {
size = ptrSize
// round to pointer size
size = (size + ptrSize - 1) &^ (ptrSize - 1)
size, _, _, _ := frameSize(t, v.flag&flagMethod != 0)
// Copy into args.
// TODO(rsc): revisit when reference counting happens.
// The values are holding up the in references for us,
// but something must be done for the out references.
// TODO(rsc): This will need to be updated for any new garbage collector.
// For now make everything look like a pointer by allocating
// a []unsafe.Pointer.
args := make([]unsafe.Pointer, size/ptrSize)
......@@ -616,6 +558,119 @@ func callReflect(ctxt *makeFuncImpl, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
// methodReceiver returns information about the receiver
// described by v. The Value v may or may not have the
// flagMethod bit set, so the kind cached in v.flag should
// not be used.
func methodReceiver(op string, v Value, methodIndex int) (t *rtype, fn unsafe.Pointer, rcvr iword) {
i := methodIndex
if v.typ.Kind() == Interface {
tt := (*interfaceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
if i < 0 || i >= len(tt.methods) {
panic("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")
m := &tt.methods[i]
if m.pkgPath != nil {
panic("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")
t = m.typ
iface := (*nonEmptyInterface)(v.val)
if iface.itab == nil {
panic("reflect: " + op + " of method on nil interface value")
fn = unsafe.Pointer(&[i])
rcvr = iface.word
} else {
ut := v.typ.uncommon()
if ut == nil || i < 0 || i >= len(ut.methods) {
panic("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")
m := &ut.methods[i]
if m.pkgPath != nil {
panic("reflect: " + op + " of unexported method")
fn = unsafe.Pointer(&m.ifn)
t = m.mtyp
rcvr = v.iword()
// align returns the result of rounding x up to a multiple of n.
// n must be a power of two.
func align(x, n uintptr) uintptr {
return (x + n - 1) &^ (n - 1)
// frameSize returns the sizes of the argument and result frame
// for a function of the given type. The rcvr bool specifies whether
// a one-word receiver should be included in the total.
func frameSize(t *rtype, rcvr bool) (total, in, outOffset, out uintptr) {
if rcvr {
// extra word for receiver interface word
total += ptrSize
nin := t.NumIn()
in = -total
for i := 0; i < nin; i++ {
tv := t.In(i)
total = align(total, uintptr(tv.Align()))
total += tv.Size()
in += total
total = align(total, ptrSize)
nout := t.NumOut()
outOffset = total
out = -total
for i := 0; i < nout; i++ {
tv := t.Out(i)
total = align(total, uintptr(tv.Align()))
total += tv.Size()
out += total
// total must be > 0 in order for &args[0] to be valid.
// the argument copying is going to round it up to
// a multiple of ptrSize anyway, so make it ptrSize to begin with.
if total < ptrSize {
total = ptrSize
// round to pointer
total = align(total, ptrSize)
// callMethod is the call implementation used by a function returned
// by makeMethodValue (used by v.Method(i).Interface()).
// It is a streamlined version of the usual reflect call: the caller has
// already laid out the argument frame for us, so we don't have
// to deal with individual Values for each argument.
// It is in this file so that it can be next to the two similar functions above.
// The remainder of the makeMethodValue implementation is in makefunc.go.
func callMethod(ctxt *methodValue, frame unsafe.Pointer) {
t, fn, rcvr := methodReceiver("call", ctxt.rcvr, ctxt.method)
total, in, outOffset, out := frameSize(t, true)
// Copy into args.
// TODO(rsc): This will need to be updated for any new garbage collector.
// For now make everything look like a pointer by allocating
// a []unsafe.Pointer.
args := make([]unsafe.Pointer, total/ptrSize)
args[0] = unsafe.Pointer(rcvr)
base := unsafe.Pointer(&args[0])
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(base)+ptrSize), frame, in)
// Call.
call(fn, unsafe.Pointer(&args[0]), uint32(total))
// Copy return values.
memmove(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(frame)+outOffset-ptrSize), unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(base)+outOffset), out)
// funcName returns the name of f, for use in error messages.
func funcName(f func([]Value) []Value) string {
pc := *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&f))
......@@ -902,7 +957,7 @@ func (v Value) CanInterface() bool {
if v.flag == 0 {
panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.CanInterface", Invalid})
return v.flag&(flagMethod|flagRO) == 0
return v.flag&flagRO == 0
// Interface returns v's current value as an interface{}.
......@@ -921,16 +976,15 @@ func valueInterface(v Value, safe bool) interface{} {
if v.flag == 0 {
panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Interface", 0})
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
panic("reflect.Value.Interface: cannot create interface value for method with bound receiver")
if safe && v.flag&flagRO != 0 {
// Do not allow access to unexported values via Interface,
// because they might be pointers that should not be
// writable or methods or function that should not be callable.
panic("reflect.Value.Interface: cannot return value obtained from unexported field or method")
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
v = makeMethodValue("Interface", v)
k := v.kind()
if k == Interface {
......@@ -981,7 +1035,7 @@ func (v Value) IsNil() bool {
switch k {
case Chan, Func, Map, Ptr:
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
panic("reflect: IsNil of method Value")
return false
ptr := v.val
if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
......@@ -1100,7 +1154,7 @@ func (v Value) MapKeys() []Value {
// Method returns a function value corresponding to v's i'th method.
// The arguments to a Call on the returned function should not include
// a receiver; the returned function will always use v as the receiver.
// Method panics if i is out of range.
// Method panics if i is out of range or if v is a nil interface value.
func (v Value) Method(i int) Value {
if v.typ == nil {
panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Method", Invalid})
......@@ -1108,7 +1162,10 @@ func (v Value) Method(i int) Value {
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 || i < 0 || i >= v.typ.NumMethod() {
panic("reflect: Method index out of range")
fl := v.flag & (flagRO | flagAddr | flagIndir)
if v.typ.Kind() == Interface && v.IsNil() {
panic("reflect: Method on nil interface value")
fl := v.flag & (flagRO | flagIndir)
fl |= flag(Func) << flagKindShift
fl |= flag(i)<<flagMethodShift | flagMethod
return Value{v.typ, v.val, fl}
......@@ -1232,7 +1289,14 @@ func (v Value) Pointer() uintptr {
return uintptr(p)
case Func:
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
panic("reflect.Value.Pointer of method Value")
// As the doc comment says, the returned pointer is an
// underlying code pointer but not necessarily enough to
// identify a single function uniquely. All method expressions
// created via reflect have the same underlying code pointer,
// so their Pointers are equal. The function used here must
// match the one used in makeMethodValue.
f := methodValueCall
return **(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&f))
p := v.val
if v.flag&flagIndir != 0 {
......@@ -1267,7 +1331,7 @@ func (v Value) Recv() (x Value, ok bool) {
func (v Value) recv(nb bool) (val Value, ok bool) {
tt := (*chanType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
if ChanDir(tt.dir)&RecvDir == 0 {
panic("recv on send-only channel")
panic("reflect: recv on send-only channel")
word, selected, ok := chanrecv(v.typ, v.iword(), nb)
if selected {
......@@ -1295,7 +1359,7 @@ func (v Value) Send(x Value) {
func (v Value) send(x Value, nb bool) (selected bool) {
tt := (*chanType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
if ChanDir(tt.dir)&SendDir == 0 {
panic("send on recv-only channel")
panic("reflect: send on recv-only channel")
x = x.assignTo("reflect.Value.Send", tt.elem, nil)
......@@ -1578,7 +1642,7 @@ func (v Value) Type() Type {
// Method on interface.
tt := (*interfaceType)(unsafe.Pointer(v.typ))
if i < 0 || i >= len(tt.methods) {
panic("reflect: broken Value")
panic("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")
m := &tt.methods[i]
return m.typ
......@@ -1586,7 +1650,7 @@ func (v Value) Type() Type {
// Method on concrete type.
ut := v.typ.uncommon()
if ut == nil || i < 0 || i >= len(ut.methods) {
panic("reflect: broken Value")
panic("reflect: internal error: invalid method index")
m := &ut.methods[i]
return m.mtyp
......@@ -2030,7 +2094,7 @@ func NewAt(typ Type, p unsafe.Pointer) Value {
// For a conversion to an interface type, target is a suggested scratch space to use.
func (v Value) assignTo(context string, dst *rtype, target *interface{}) Value {
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
panic(context + ": cannot assign method value to type " + dst.String())
v = makeMethodValue(context, v)
switch {
......@@ -2064,7 +2128,7 @@ func (v Value) assignTo(context string, dst *rtype, target *interface{}) Value {
// of the value v to type t, Convert panics.
func (v Value) Convert(t Type) Value {
if v.flag&flagMethod != 0 {
panic("reflect.Value.Convert: cannot convert method values")
v = makeMethodValue("Convert", v)
op := convertOp(t.common(), v.typ)
if op == nil {
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