Commit 3c667ef4 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/go: split out cmd/go/internal/work

This is one CL in a long sequence of changes to break up the
go command from one package into a plausible group of packages.

This sequence is concerned only with moving code, not changing
or cleaning up code. There will still be more cleanup after this sequence.

The entire sequence will be submitted together: it is not a goal
for the tree to build at every step.

For #18653.

Change-Id: Icdd181098f9f0e81f68bf201e6867cdd8f820300
Reviewed-on: default avatarDavid Crawshaw <>
parent eb93b20c
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func TestRemoveDevNull(t *testing.T) {
fi, err := os.Lstat(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
if fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
t.Errorf("Lstat(%s).Mode().IsRegular() = true; expected false", os.DevNull)
_, err = os.Lstat(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("mayberemovefile(%s) did remove it; oops", os.DevNull)
func TestSplitPkgConfigOutput(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
in []byte
want []string
{[]byte(`-r:foo -L/usr/white\ space/lib -lfoo\ bar -lbar\ baz`), []string{"-r:foo", "-L/usr/white space/lib", "-lfoo bar", "-lbar baz"}},
{[]byte(`-lextra\ fun\ arg\\`), []string{`-lextra fun arg\`}},
{[]byte(`broken flag\`), []string{"broken", "flag"}},
{[]byte("\textra whitespace\r\n"), []string{"extra", "whitespace"}},
{[]byte(" \r\n "), nil},
} {
got := splitPkgConfigOutput(
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("splitPkgConfigOutput(%v) = %v; want %v",, got, test.want)
......@@ -5,14 +5,16 @@
package main
import (
var cmdClean = &base.Command{
......@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ func init() {
// mentioned explicitly in the docs but they
// are part of the build flags.
func runClean(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
......@@ -124,8 +126,8 @@ func clean(p *load.Package) {
var b builder
b.print = fmt.Print
var b work.Builder
b.Print = fmt.Print
packageFile := map[string]bool{}
if p.Name != "main" {
......@@ -176,7 +178,7 @@ func clean(p *load.Package) {
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd(p.Dir, "rm -f %s", strings.Join(allRemove, " "))
b.Showcmd(p.Dir, "rm -f %s", strings.Join(allRemove, " "))
toRemove := map[string]bool{}
......@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ func clean(p *load.Package) {
// TODO: Remove once Makefiles are forgotten.
if cleanDir[name] {
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd(p.Dir, "rm -r %s", name)
b.Showcmd(p.Dir, "rm -r %s", name)
if cfg.BuildN {
......@@ -212,7 +214,7 @@ func clean(p *load.Package) {
if cleanI && p.Internal.Target != "" {
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "rm -f %s", p.Internal.Target)
b.Showcmd("", "rm -f %s", p.Internal.Target)
if !cfg.BuildN {
......@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@
package main
import (
var cmdEnv = &base.Command{
......@@ -29,8 +31,8 @@ each named variable on its own line.
func mkEnv() []cfg.EnvVar {
var b builder
var b work.Builder
env := []cfg.EnvVar{
{"GOARCH", cfg.Goarch},
......@@ -48,10 +50,10 @@ func mkEnv() []cfg.EnvVar {
{"TERM", "dumb"},
if gccgoBin != "" {
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GCCGO", gccgoBin})
if work.GccgoBin != "" {
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GCCGO", work.GccgoBin})
} else {
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GCCGO", gccgoName})
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GCCGO", work.GccgoName})
switch cfg.Goarch {
......@@ -61,10 +63,10 @@ func mkEnv() []cfg.EnvVar {
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GO386", os.Getenv("GO386")})
cmd := b.gccCmd(".")
cmd := b.GccCmd(".")
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"CC", cmd[0]})
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"GOGCCFLAGS", strings.Join(cmd[3:], " ")})
cmd = b.gxxCmd(".")
cmd = b.GxxCmd(".")
env = append(env, cfg.EnvVar{"CXX", cmd[0]})
if cfg.BuildContext.CgoEnabled {
......@@ -87,11 +89,11 @@ func findEnv(env []cfg.EnvVar, name string) string {
// extraEnvVars returns environment variables that should not leak into child processes.
func extraEnvVars() []cfg.EnvVar {
var b builder
cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, ldflags := b.cflags(&load.Package{})
var b work.Builder
cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, ldflags := b.CFlags(&load.Package{})
return []cfg.EnvVar{
{"PKG_CONFIG", b.pkgconfigCmd()},
{"PKG_CONFIG", b.PkgconfigCmd()},
{"CGO_CFLAGS", strings.Join(cflags, " ")},
{"CGO_CPPFLAGS", strings.Join(cppflags, " ")},
{"CGO_CXXFLAGS", strings.Join(cxxflags, " ")},
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
......@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ var (
func init() {
cmdGenerate.Flag.StringVar(&generateRunFlag, "run", "", "")
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
......@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ var getFix = cmdGet.Flag.Bool("fix", false, "")
var getInsecure = cmdGet.Flag.Bool("insecure", false, "")
func init() {
cmdGet.Run = runGet // break init loop
......@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ func runGet(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
installPackages(args, true)
work.InstallPackages(args, true)
// downloadPaths prepares the list of paths to pass to download.
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package base
import "strings"
// envForDir returns a copy of the environment
// suitable for running in the given directory.
// The environment is the current process's environment
// but with an updated $PWD, so that an os.Getwd in the
// child will be faster.
func EnvForDir(dir string, base []string) []string {
// Internally we only use rooted paths, so dir is rooted.
// Even if dir is not rooted, no harm done.
return MergeEnvLists([]string{"PWD=" + dir}, base)
// MergeEnvLists merges the two environment lists such that
// variables with the same name in "in" replace those in "out".
// This always returns a newly allocated slice.
func MergeEnvLists(in, out []string) []string {
out = append([]string(nil), out...)
for _, inkv := range in {
k := strings.SplitAfterN(inkv, "=", 2)[0]
for i, outkv := range out {
if strings.HasPrefix(outkv, k) {
out[i] = inkv
continue NextVar
out = append(out, inkv)
return out
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package base
import (
// A StringsFlag is a command-line flag that interprets its argument
// as a space-separated list of possibly-quoted strings.
type StringsFlag []string
func (v *StringsFlag) Set(s string) error {
var err error
*v, err = str.SplitQuotedFields(s)
if *v == nil {
*v = []string{}
return err
func (v *StringsFlag) String() string {
return "<StringsFlag>"
// AddBuildFlagsNX adds the -n and -x build flags to the flag set.
func AddBuildFlagsNX(flags *flag.FlagSet) {
flags.BoolVar(&BuildN, "n", false, "")
flags.BoolVar(&BuildX, "x", false, "")
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ package base
import (
var Cwd, _ = os.Getwd()
......@@ -34,3 +35,10 @@ func RelPaths(paths []string) []string {
return out
// IsTestFile reports whether the source file is a set of tests and should therefore
// be excluded from coverage analysis.
func IsTestFile(file string) bool {
// We don't cover tests, only the code they test.
return strings.HasSuffix(file, "_test.go")
......@@ -95,3 +95,47 @@ func Contains(x []string, s string) bool {
return false
func isSpaceByte(c byte) bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'
// SplitQuotedFields splits s into a list of fields,
// allowing single or double quotes around elements.
// There is no unescaping or other processing within
// quoted fields.
func SplitQuotedFields(s string) ([]string, error) {
// Split fields allowing '' or "" around elements.
// Quotes further inside the string do not count.
var f []string
for len(s) > 0 {
for len(s) > 0 && isSpaceByte(s[0]) {
s = s[1:]
if len(s) == 0 {
// Accepted quoted string. No unescaping inside.
if s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '\'' {
quote := s[0]
s = s[1:]
i := 0
for i < len(s) && s[i] != quote {
if i >= len(s) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unterminated %c string", quote)
f = append(f, s[:i])
s = s[i+1:]
i := 0
for i < len(s) && !isSpaceByte(s[i]) {
f = append(f, s[:i])
s = s[i:]
return f, nil
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
package work
import (
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import (
var cmdBuild = &base.Command{
var CmdBuild = &base.Command{
UsageLine: "build [-o output] [-i] [build flags] [packages]",
Short: "compile packages and dependencies",
Long: `
......@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ See also: go install, go get, go clean.
func init() {
// break init cycle
cmdBuild.Run = runBuild
cmdInstall.Run = runInstall
CmdBuild.Run = runBuild
CmdInstall.Run = runInstall
cmdBuild.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildI, "i", false, "")
cmdBuild.Flag.StringVar(&cfg.BuildO, "o", "", "output file")
CmdBuild.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildI, "i", false, "")
CmdBuild.Flag.StringVar(&cfg.BuildO, "o", "", "output file")
// Note that flags consulted by other parts of the code
......@@ -162,26 +162,26 @@ var buildAsmflags []string // -asmflags flag
var buildGcflags []string // -gcflags flag
var buildGccgoflags []string // -gccgoflags flag
var buildToolchain toolchain = noToolchain{}
var BuildToolchain toolchain = noToolchain{}
var ldBuildmode string
// buildCompiler implements flag.Var.
// It implements Set by updating both
// buildToolchain and buildContext.Compiler.
// BuildToolchain and buildContext.Compiler.
type buildCompiler struct{}
func (c buildCompiler) Set(value string) error {
switch value {
case "gc":
buildToolchain = gcToolchain{}
BuildToolchain = gcToolchain{}
case "gccgo":
buildToolchain = gccgoToolchain{}
BuildToolchain = gccgoToolchain{}
return fmt.Errorf("unknown compiler %q", value)
cfg.BuildToolchainName = value
cfg.BuildToolchainCompiler = buildToolchain.compiler()
cfg.BuildToolchainLinker = buildToolchain.linker()
cfg.BuildToolchainCompiler = BuildToolchain.compiler()
cfg.BuildToolchainLinker = BuildToolchain.linker()
cfg.BuildContext.Compiler = value
return nil
......@@ -199,33 +199,29 @@ func init() {
// addBuildFlags adds the flags common to the build, clean, get,
// install, list, run, and test commands.
func addBuildFlags(cmd *base.Command) {
func AddBuildFlags(cmd *base.Command) {
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildA, "a", false, "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildN, "n", false, "")
cmd.Flag.IntVar(&cfg.BuildP, "p", cfg.BuildP, "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildV, "v", false, "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildX, "x", false, "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildAsmflags), "asmflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&buildAsmflags), "asmflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var(buildCompiler{}, "compiler", "")
cmd.Flag.StringVar(&cfg.BuildBuildmode, "buildmode", "default", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildGcflags), "gcflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&buildGccgoflags), "gccgoflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&buildGcflags), "gcflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&buildGccgoflags), "gccgoflags", "")
cmd.Flag.StringVar(&cfg.BuildContext.InstallSuffix, "installsuffix", "", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildLdflags), "ldflags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildLdflags), "ldflags", "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildLinkshared, "linkshared", false, "")
cmd.Flag.StringVar(&cfg.BuildPkgdir, "pkgdir", "", "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildRace, "race", false, "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildMSan, "msan", false, "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildContext.BuildTags), "tags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildToolexec), "toolexec", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildContext.BuildTags), "tags", "")
cmd.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&cfg.BuildToolexec), "toolexec", "")
cmd.Flag.BoolVar(&cfg.BuildWork, "work", false, "")
func isSpaceByte(c byte) bool {
return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r'
// fileExtSplit expects a filename and returns the name
// and ext (without the dot). If the file has no
// extension, ext will be empty.
......@@ -238,57 +234,6 @@ func fileExtSplit(file string) (name, ext string) {
type stringsFlag []string
func (v *stringsFlag) Set(s string) error {
var err error
*v, err = splitQuotedFields(s)
if *v == nil {
*v = []string{}
return err
func splitQuotedFields(s string) ([]string, error) {
// Split fields allowing '' or "" around elements.
// Quotes further inside the string do not count.
var f []string
for len(s) > 0 {
for len(s) > 0 && isSpaceByte(s[0]) {
s = s[1:]
if len(s) == 0 {
// Accepted quoted string. No unescaping inside.
if s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '\'' {
quote := s[0]
s = s[1:]
i := 0
for i < len(s) && s[i] != quote {
if i >= len(s) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unterminated %c string", quote)
f = append(f, s[:i])
s = s[i+1:]
i := 0
for i < len(s) && !isSpaceByte(s[i]) {
f = append(f, s[:i])
s = s[i:]
return f, nil
func (v *stringsFlag) String() string {
return "<stringsFlag>"
func pkgsMain(pkgs []*load.Package) (res []*load.Package) {
for _, p := range pkgs {
if p.Name == "main" {
......@@ -309,7 +254,7 @@ func pkgsNotMain(pkgs []*load.Package) (res []*load.Package) {
var pkgsFilter = func(pkgs []*load.Package) []*load.Package { return pkgs }
func buildModeInit() {
func BuildModeInit() {
gccgo := cfg.BuildToolchainName == "gccgo"
var codegenArg string
platform := cfg.Goos + "/" + cfg.Goarch
......@@ -446,10 +391,10 @@ func buildModeInit() {
func runBuild(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
var b builder
var b Builder
pkgs := load.PackagesForBuild(args)
......@@ -478,9 +423,9 @@ func runBuild(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
depMode := modeBuild
depMode := ModeBuild
if cfg.BuildI {
depMode = modeInstall
depMode = ModeInstall
if cfg.BuildO != "" {
......@@ -493,29 +438,29 @@ func runBuild(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
p.Internal.Target = cfg.BuildO
p.Stale = true // must build - not up to date
p.StaleReason = "build -o flag in use"
a := b.action(modeInstall, depMode, p)
a := b.Action(ModeInstall, depMode, p)
var a *action
var a *Action
if cfg.BuildBuildmode == "shared" {
pkgs := pkgsFilter(load.Packages(args))
if libName, err := libname(args, pkgs); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("%s", err.Error())
} else {
a = b.libaction(libName, pkgs, modeBuild, depMode)
a = b.libaction(libName, pkgs, ModeBuild, depMode)
} else {
a = &action{}
a = &Action{}
for _, p := range pkgsFilter(load.Packages(args)) {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeBuild, depMode, p))
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.Action(ModeBuild, depMode, p))
var cmdInstall = &base.Command{
var CmdInstall = &base.Command{
UsageLine: "install [build flags] [packages]",
Short: "compile and install packages and dependencies",
Long: `
......@@ -586,16 +531,16 @@ func libname(args []string, pkgs []*load.Package) (string, error) {
func runInstall(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
installPackages(args, false)
InstallPackages(args, false)
func installPackages(args []string, forGet bool) {
func InstallPackages(args []string, forGet bool) {
if cfg.GOBIN != "" && !filepath.IsAbs(cfg.GOBIN) {
base.Fatalf("cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path")
pkgs := pkgsFilter(load.PackagesForBuild(args))
for _, p := range pkgs {
......@@ -615,42 +560,42 @@ func installPackages(args []string, forGet bool) {
var b builder
var b Builder
// Set the behavior for `go get` to not error on packages with test files only.
b.testFilesOnlyOK = forGet
var a *action
var a *Action
if cfg.BuildBuildmode == "shared" {
if libName, err := libname(args, pkgs); err != nil {
base.Fatalf("%s", err.Error())
} else {
a = b.libaction(libName, pkgs, modeInstall, modeInstall)
a = b.libaction(libName, pkgs, ModeInstall, ModeInstall)
} else {
a = &action{}
var tools []*action
a = &Action{}
var tools []*Action
for _, p := range pkgs {
// If p is a tool, delay the installation until the end of the build.
// This avoids installing assemblers/compilers that are being executed
// by other steps in the build.
// cmd/cgo is handled specially in b.action, so that we can
// cmd/cgo is handled specially in b.Action, so that we can
// both build and use it in the same 'go install'.
action := b.action(modeInstall, modeInstall, p)
Action := b.Action(ModeInstall, ModeInstall, p)
if load.GoTools[p.ImportPath] == load.ToTool && p.ImportPath != "cmd/cgo" {
a.deps = append(a.deps, action.deps...)
action.deps = append(action.deps, a)
tools = append(tools, action)
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, Action.Deps...)
Action.Deps = append(Action.Deps, a)
tools = append(tools, Action)
a.deps = append(a.deps, action)
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, Action)
if len(tools) > 0 {
a = &action{
deps: tools,
a = &Action{
Deps: tools,
// Success. If this command is 'go install' with no arguments
......@@ -691,15 +636,15 @@ func init() {
cfg.Gopath = filepath.SplitList(cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH)
// A builder holds global state about a build.
// A Builder holds global state about a build.
// It does not hold per-package state, because we
// build packages in parallel, and the builder is shared.
type builder struct {
work string // the temporary work directory (ends in filepath.Separator)
actionCache map[cacheKey]*action // a cache of already-constructed actions
type Builder struct {
WorkDir string // the temporary work directory (ends in filepath.Separator)
actionCache map[cacheKey]*Action // a cache of already-constructed actions
mkdirCache map[string]bool // a cache of created directories
flagCache map[string]bool // a cache of supported compiler flags
print func(args ...interface{}) (int, error)
Print func(args ...interface{}) (int, error)
testFilesOnlyOK bool // do not error if the packages only have test files
......@@ -711,67 +656,70 @@ type builder struct {
ready actionQueue
// An action represents a single action in the action graph.
type action struct {
p *load.Package // the package this action works on
deps []*action // actions that must happen before this one
triggers []*action // inverse of deps
cgo *action // action for cgo binary if needed
args []string // additional args for runProgram
testOutput *bytes.Buffer // test output buffer
// NOTE: Much of Action would not need to be exported if not for test.
// Maybe test functionality should move into this package too?
// An Action represents a single action in the action graph.
type Action struct {
Package *load.Package // the package this action works on
Deps []*Action // actions that must happen before this one
Func func(*Builder, *Action) error // the action itself (nil = no-op)
IgnoreFail bool // whether to run f even if dependencies fail
TestOutput *bytes.Buffer // test output buffer
Args []string // additional args for runProgram
f func(*builder, *action) error // the action itself (nil = no-op)
ignoreFail bool // whether to run f even if dependencies fail
triggers []*Action // inverse of deps
cgo *Action // action for cgo binary if needed
// Generated files, directories.
link bool // target is executable, not just package
pkgdir string // the -I or -L argument to use when importing this package
objdir string // directory for intermediate objects
objpkg string // the intermediate package .a file created during the action
target string // goal of the action: the created package or executable
Link bool // target is executable, not just package
Pkgdir string // the -I or -L argument to use when importing this package
Objdir string // directory for intermediate objects
Objpkg string // the intermediate package .a file created during the action
Target string // goal of the action: the created package or executable
// Execution state.
pending int // number of deps yet to complete
priority int // relative execution priority
failed bool // whether the action failed
Failed bool // whether the action failed
// cacheKey is the key for the action cache.
type cacheKey struct {
mode buildMode
mode BuildMode
p *load.Package
shlib string
// buildMode specifies the build mode:
// BuildMode specifies the build mode:
// are we just building things or also installing the results?
type buildMode int
type BuildMode int
const (
modeBuild buildMode = iota
ModeBuild BuildMode = iota
func (b *builder) init() {
func (b *Builder) Init() {
var err error
b.print = func(a ...interface{}) (int, error) {
b.Print = func(a ...interface{}) (int, error) {
return fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, a...)
b.actionCache = make(map[cacheKey]*action)
b.actionCache = make(map[cacheKey]*Action)
b.mkdirCache = make(map[string]bool)
if cfg.BuildN { = "$WORK"
b.WorkDir = "$WORK"
} else {, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "go-build")
b.WorkDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "go-build")
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("%s", err)
if cfg.BuildX || cfg.BuildWork {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WORK=%s\n",
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WORK=%s\n", b.WorkDir)
if !cfg.BuildWork {
workdir :=
workdir := b.WorkDir
base.AtExit(func() { os.RemoveAll(workdir) })
......@@ -810,11 +758,11 @@ func readpkglist(shlibpath string) (pkgs []*load.Package) {
// action returns the action for applying the given operation (mode) to the package.
// Action returns the action for applying the given operation (mode) to the package.
// depMode is the action to use when building dependencies.
// action never looks for p in a shared library, but may find p's dependencies in a
// shared library if buildLinkshared is true.
func (b *builder) action(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package) *action {
func (b *Builder) Action(mode BuildMode, depMode BuildMode, p *load.Package) *Action {
return b.action1(mode, depMode, p, false, "")
......@@ -822,7 +770,7 @@ func (b *builder) action(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package) *ac
// depMode is the action to use when building dependencies.
// action1 will look for p in a shared library if lookshared is true.
// forShlib is the shared library that p will become part of, if any.
func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lookshared bool, forShlib string) *action {
func (b *Builder) action1(mode BuildMode, depMode BuildMode, p *load.Package, lookshared bool, forShlib string) *Action {
shlib := ""
if lookshared {
shlib = p.Shlib
......@@ -834,22 +782,22 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
return a
if shlib != "" {
key2 := cacheKey{modeInstall, nil, shlib}
key2 := cacheKey{ModeInstall, nil, shlib}
a = b.actionCache[key2]
if a != nil {
b.actionCache[key] = a
return a
pkgs := readpkglist(shlib)
a = b.libaction(filepath.Base(shlib), pkgs, modeInstall, depMode)
a = b.libaction(filepath.Base(shlib), pkgs, ModeInstall, depMode)
b.actionCache[key2] = a
b.actionCache[key] = a
return a
a = &action{p: p, pkgdir: p.Internal.Build.PkgRoot}
a = &Action{Package: p, Pkgdir: p.Internal.Build.PkgRoot}
if p.Internal.Pkgdir != "" { // overrides p.t
a.pkgdir = p.Internal.Pkgdir
a.Pkgdir = p.Internal.Pkgdir
b.actionCache[key] = a
......@@ -858,18 +806,18 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
// p is part of a shared library.
if p1.Shlib != "" && p1.Shlib != forShlib {
// p1 is explicitly part of a different shared library.
// Put the action for that shared library into a.deps.
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, true, p1.Shlib))
// Put the action for that shared library into a.Deps.
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, true, p1.Shlib))
} else {
// p1 is (implicitly or not) part of this shared library.
// Put the action for p1 into a.deps.
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, false, forShlib))
// Put the action for p1 into a.Deps.
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, false, forShlib))
} else {
// p is not part of a shared library.
// If p1 is in a shared library, put the action for that into
// a.deps, otherwise put the action for p1 into a.deps.
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, cfg.BuildLinkshared, p1.Shlib))
// a.Deps, otherwise put the action for p1 into a.Deps.
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p1, cfg.BuildLinkshared, p1.Shlib))
......@@ -885,8 +833,8 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
if p1.Error != nil {
base.Fatalf("load cmd/cgo: %v", p1.Error)
a.cgo = b.action(depMode, depMode, p1)
a.deps = append(a.deps, a.cgo)
a.cgo = b.Action(depMode, depMode, p1)
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, a.cgo)
......@@ -899,7 +847,7 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
// gccgo standard library is "fake" too.
if cfg.BuildToolchainName == "gccgo" {
// the target name is needed for cgo. = p.Internal.Target
a.Target = p.Internal.Target
return a
......@@ -907,31 +855,31 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
if !p.Stale && p.Internal.Target != "" {
// p.Stale==false implies that p.Internal.Target is up-to-date.
// Record target name for use by actions depending on this one. = p.Internal.Target
a.Target = p.Internal.Target
return a
if p.Internal.Local && p.Internal.Target == "" {
// Imported via local path. No permanent target.
mode = modeBuild
mode = ModeBuild
work := p.Internal.Pkgdir
if work == "" {
work =
work = b.WorkDir
a.objdir = filepath.Join(work, a.p.ImportPath, "_obj") + string(filepath.Separator)
a.objpkg = buildToolchain.pkgpath(work, a.p) = p.Name == "main"
a.Objdir = filepath.Join(work, a.Package.ImportPath, "_obj") + string(filepath.Separator)
a.Objpkg = BuildToolchain.Pkgpath(work, a.Package)
a.Link = p.Name == "main"
switch mode {
case modeInstall:
a.f = (*builder).install
a.deps = []*action{b.action1(modeBuild, depMode, p, lookshared, forShlib)} = a.p.Internal.Target
case ModeInstall:
a.Func = BuildInstallFunc
a.Deps = []*Action{b.action1(ModeBuild, depMode, p, lookshared, forShlib)}
a.Target = a.Package.Internal.Target
// Install header for cgo in c-archive and c-shared modes.
if p.UsesCgo() && (cfg.BuildBuildmode == "c-archive" || cfg.BuildBuildmode == "c-shared") {
hdrTarget :=[:len(] + ".h"
hdrTarget := a.Target[:len(a.Target)-len(filepath.Ext(a.Target))] + ".h"
if cfg.BuildContext.Compiler == "gccgo" {
// For the header file, remove the "lib"
// added by go/build, so we generate pkg.h
......@@ -940,21 +888,21 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
file = strings.TrimPrefix(file, "lib")
hdrTarget = filepath.Join(dir, file)
ah := &action{
p: a.p,
deps: []*action{a.deps[0]},
f: (*builder).installHeader,
pkgdir: a.pkgdir,
objdir: a.objdir,
target: hdrTarget,
ah := &Action{
Package: a.Package,
Deps: []*Action{a.Deps[0]},
Func: (*Builder).installHeader,
Pkgdir: a.Pkgdir,
Objdir: a.Objdir,
Target: hdrTarget,
a.deps = append(a.deps, ah)
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, ah)
case modeBuild:
a.f = (*builder).build = a.objpkg
if {
case ModeBuild:
a.Func = (*Builder).build
a.Target = a.Objpkg
if a.Link {
// An executable file. (This is the name of a temporary file.)
// Because we run the temporary file in 'go run' and 'go test',
// the name will show up in ps listings. If the caller has specified
......@@ -973,30 +921,30 @@ func (b *builder) action1(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *load.Package, lo
// we'll install it as; otherwise the library is only loadable as "a.out".
_, name = filepath.Split(p.Internal.Target)
} = a.objdir + filepath.Join("exe", name) + cfg.ExeSuffix
a.Target = a.Objdir + filepath.Join("exe", name) + cfg.ExeSuffix
return a
func (b *builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*load.Package, mode, depMode buildMode) *action {
a := &action{}
func (b *Builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*load.Package, mode, depMode BuildMode) *Action {
a := &Action{}
switch mode {
base.Fatalf("unrecognized mode %v", mode)
case modeBuild:
a.f = (*builder).linkShared = filepath.Join(, libname)
case ModeBuild:
a.Func = (*Builder).linkShared
a.Target = filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, libname)
for _, p := range pkgs {
if p.Internal.Target == "" {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(depMode, depMode, p))
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.Action(depMode, depMode, p))
case modeInstall:
case ModeInstall:
// Currently build mode shared forces external linking mode, and
// external linking mode forces an import of runtime/cgo (and
// math on arm). So if it was not passed on the command line and
......@@ -1060,12 +1008,12 @@ func (b *builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*load.Package, mode, depMode
base.Fatalf("multiple roots %s & %s", libdir, plibdir)
} = filepath.Join(libdir, libname)
a.Target = filepath.Join(libdir, libname)
// Now we can check whether we need to rebuild it.
stale := false
var built time.Time
if fi, err := os.Stat(; err == nil {
if fi, err := os.Stat(a.Target); err == nil {
built = fi.ModTime()
for _, p := range pkgs {
......@@ -1077,40 +1025,40 @@ func (b *builder) libaction(libname string, pkgs []*load.Package, mode, depMode
if err != nil || lstat.ModTime().After(built) {
stale = true
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p, false,
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.action1(depMode, depMode, p, false, a.Target))
if stale {
a.f = (*builder).install
buildAction := b.libaction(libname, pkgs, modeBuild, depMode)
a.deps = []*action{buildAction}
a.Func = BuildInstallFunc
buildAction := b.libaction(libname, pkgs, ModeBuild, depMode)
a.Deps = []*Action{buildAction}
for _, p := range pkgs {
if p.Internal.Target == "" {
shlibnameaction := &action{}
shlibnameaction.f = (*builder).installShlibname = p.Internal.Target[:len(p.Internal.Target)-2] + ".shlibname"
a.deps = append(a.deps, shlibnameaction)
shlibnameaction.deps = append(shlibnameaction.deps, buildAction)
shlibnameaction := &Action{}
shlibnameaction.Func = (*Builder).installShlibname
shlibnameaction.Target = p.Internal.Target[:len(p.Internal.Target)-2] + ".shlibname"
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, shlibnameaction)
shlibnameaction.Deps = append(shlibnameaction.Deps, buildAction)
return a
// actionList returns the list of actions in the dag rooted at root
// ActionList returns the list of actions in the dag rooted at root
// as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
func actionList(root *action) []*action {
seen := map[*action]bool{}
all := []*action{}
var walk func(*action)
walk = func(a *action) {
func ActionList(root *Action) []*Action {
seen := map[*Action]bool{}
all := []*Action{}
var walk func(*Action)
walk = func(a *Action) {
if seen[a] {
seen[a] = true
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
for _, a1 := range a.Deps {
all = append(all, a)
......@@ -1123,20 +1071,20 @@ func actionList(root *action) []*action {
// This is needed because if package p depends on package q that is in, the
// action graph looks like p->>q and so just scanning through p's
// dependencies does not find the import dir for q.
func allArchiveActions(root *action) []*action {
seen := map[*action]bool{}
r := []*action{}
var walk func(*action)
walk = func(a *action) {
func allArchiveActions(root *Action) []*Action {
seen := map[*Action]bool{}
r := []*Action{}
var walk func(*Action)
walk = func(a *Action) {
if seen[a] {
seen[a] = true
if strings.HasSuffix(, ".so") || a == root {
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
if strings.HasSuffix(a.Target, ".so") || a == root {
for _, a1 := range a.Deps {
} else if strings.HasSuffix(, ".a") {
} else if strings.HasSuffix(a.Target, ".a") {
r = append(r, a)
......@@ -1145,8 +1093,8 @@ func allArchiveActions(root *action) []*action {
// do runs the action graph rooted at root.
func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
if _, ok := osArchSupportsCgo[cfg.Goos+"/"+cfg.Goarch]; !ok && cfg.BuildContext.Compiler == "gc" {
func (b *Builder) Do(root *Action) {
if _, ok := cfg.OSArchSupportsCgo[cfg.Goos+"/"+cfg.Goarch]; !ok && cfg.BuildContext.Compiler == "gc" {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "cmd/go: unsupported GOOS/GOARCH pair %s/%s\n", cfg.Goos, cfg.Goarch)
......@@ -1162,7 +1110,7 @@ func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
// ensure that, all else being equal, the execution prefers
// to do what it would have done first in a simple depth-first
// dependency order traversal.
all := actionList(root)
all := ActionList(root)
for i, a := range all {
a.priority = i
......@@ -1171,10 +1119,10 @@ func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
// Initialize per-action execution state.
for _, a := range all {
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
for _, a1 := range a.Deps {
a1.triggers = append(a1.triggers, a)
a.pending = len(a.deps)
a.pending = len(a.Deps)
if a.pending == 0 {
b.readySema <- true
......@@ -1183,10 +1131,10 @@ func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
// Handle runs a single action and takes care of triggering
// any actions that are runnable as a result.
handle := func(a *action) {
handle := func(a *Action) {
var err error
if a.f != nil && (!a.failed || a.ignoreFail) {
err = a.f(b, a)
if a.Func != nil && (!a.Failed || a.IgnoreFail) {
err = a.Func(b, a)
// The actions run in parallel but all the updates to the
......@@ -1197,17 +1145,17 @@ func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
if err != nil {
if err == errPrintedOutput {
} else if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); ok && len(a.p.TestGoFiles) > 0 && b.testFilesOnlyOK {
} else if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); ok && len(a.Package.TestGoFiles) > 0 && b.testFilesOnlyOK {
// Ignore the "no buildable Go source files" error for a package with only test files.
} else {
base.Errorf("%s", err)
a.failed = true
a.Failed = true
for _, a0 := range a.triggers {
if a.failed {
a0.failed = true
if a.Failed {
a0.Failed = true
if a0.pending--; a0.pending == 0 {
......@@ -1258,35 +1206,35 @@ func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
// build is the action for building a single package or command.
func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
func (b *Builder) build(a *Action) (err error) {
// Return an error for binary-only package.
// We only reach this if isStale believes the binary form is
// either not present or not usable.
if a.p.BinaryOnly {
return fmt.Errorf("missing or invalid package binary for binary-only package %s", a.p.ImportPath)
if a.Package.BinaryOnly {
return fmt.Errorf("missing or invalid package binary for binary-only package %s", a.Package.ImportPath)
// Return an error if the package has CXX files but it's not using
// cgo nor SWIG, since the CXX files can only be processed by cgo
// and SWIG.
if len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 && !a.p.UsesCgo() && !a.p.UsesSwig() {
if len(a.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 && !a.Package.UsesCgo() && !a.Package.UsesSwig() {
return fmt.Errorf("can't build package %s because it contains C++ files (%s) but it's not using cgo nor SWIG",
a.p.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.p.CXXFiles, ","))
a.Package.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.Package.CXXFiles, ","))
// Same as above for Objective-C files
if len(a.p.MFiles) > 0 && !a.p.UsesCgo() && !a.p.UsesSwig() {
if len(a.Package.MFiles) > 0 && !a.Package.UsesCgo() && !a.Package.UsesSwig() {
return fmt.Errorf("can't build package %s because it contains Objective-C files (%s) but it's not using cgo nor SWIG",
a.p.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.p.MFiles, ","))
a.Package.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.Package.MFiles, ","))
// Same as above for Fortran files
if len(a.p.FFiles) > 0 && !a.p.UsesCgo() && !a.p.UsesSwig() {
if len(a.Package.FFiles) > 0 && !a.Package.UsesCgo() && !a.Package.UsesSwig() {
return fmt.Errorf("can't build package %s because it contains Fortran files (%s) but it's not using cgo nor SWIG",
a.p.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.p.FFiles, ","))
a.Package.ImportPath, strings.Join(a.Package.FFiles, ","))
defer func() {
if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); err != nil && err != errPrintedOutput && !(ok && b.testFilesOnlyOK && len(a.p.TestGoFiles) > 0) {
err = fmt.Errorf("go build %s: %v", a.p.ImportPath, err)
if _, ok := err.(*build.NoGoError); err != nil && err != errPrintedOutput && !(ok && b.testFilesOnlyOK && len(a.Package.TestGoFiles) > 0) {
err = fmt.Errorf("go build %s: %v", a.Package.ImportPath, err)
if cfg.BuildN {
......@@ -1295,37 +1243,37 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
// different sections of the bootstrap script have to
// be merged, the banners give patch something
// to use to find its context.
b.print("\n#\n# " + a.p.ImportPath + "\n#\n\n")
b.Print("\n#\n# " + a.Package.ImportPath + "\n#\n\n")
if cfg.BuildV {
b.print(a.p.ImportPath + "\n")
b.Print(a.Package.ImportPath + "\n")
// Make build directory.
obj := a.objdir
if err := b.mkdir(obj); err != nil {
obj := a.Objdir
if err := b.Mkdir(obj); err != nil {
return err
// make target directory
dir, _ := filepath.Split(
dir, _ := filepath.Split(a.Target)
if dir != "" {
if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
if err := b.Mkdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
var gofiles, cgofiles, objdirCgofiles, cfiles, sfiles, cxxfiles, objects, cgoObjects, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS []string
gofiles = append(gofiles, a.p.GoFiles...)
cgofiles = append(cgofiles, a.p.CgoFiles...)
cfiles = append(cfiles, a.p.CFiles...)
sfiles = append(sfiles, a.p.SFiles...)
cxxfiles = append(cxxfiles, a.p.CXXFiles...)
gofiles = append(gofiles, a.Package.GoFiles...)
cgofiles = append(cgofiles, a.Package.CgoFiles...)
cfiles = append(cfiles, a.Package.CFiles...)
sfiles = append(sfiles, a.Package.SFiles...)
cxxfiles = append(cxxfiles, a.Package.CXXFiles...)
if a.p.UsesCgo() || a.p.UsesSwig() {
if pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, err = b.getPkgConfigFlags(a.p); err != nil {
if a.Package.UsesCgo() || a.Package.UsesSwig() {
if pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, err = b.getPkgConfigFlags(a.Package); err != nil {
......@@ -1333,8 +1281,8 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
// Run SWIG on each .swig and .swigcxx file.
// Each run will generate two files, a .go file and a .c or .cxx file.
// The .go file will use import "C" and is to be processed by cgo.
if a.p.UsesSwig() {
outGo, outC, outCXX, err := b.swig(a.p, obj, pcCFLAGS)
if a.Package.UsesSwig() {
outGo, outC, outCXX, err := b.swig(a.Package, obj, pcCFLAGS)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1344,7 +1292,7 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
// Run cgo.
if a.p.UsesCgo() || a.p.UsesSwig() {
if a.Package.UsesCgo() || a.Package.UsesSwig() {
// In a package using cgo, cgo compiles the C, C++ and assembly files with gcc.
// There is one exception: runtime/cgo's job is to bridge the
// cgo and non-cgo worlds, so it necessarily has files in both.
......@@ -1352,7 +1300,7 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
var gccfiles []string
gccfiles = append(gccfiles, cfiles...)
cfiles = nil
if a.p.Standard && a.p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
if a.Package.Standard && a.Package.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
filter := func(files, nongcc, gcc []string) ([]string, []string) {
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "gcc_") {
......@@ -1370,26 +1318,26 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
cgoExe := base.Tool("cgo")
if a.cgo != nil && != "" {
cgoExe =
if a.cgo != nil && a.cgo.Target != "" {
cgoExe = a.cgo.Target
outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a, cgoExe, obj, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, objdirCgofiles, gccfiles, cxxfiles, a.p.MFiles, a.p.FFiles)
outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a, cgoExe, obj, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, objdirCgofiles, gccfiles, cxxfiles, a.Package.MFiles, a.Package.FFiles)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.BuildToolchainName == "gccgo" {
cgoObjects = append(cgoObjects, filepath.Join(a.objdir, "_cgo_flags"))
cgoObjects = append(cgoObjects, filepath.Join(a.Objdir, "_cgo_flags"))
cgoObjects = append(cgoObjects, outObj...)
gofiles = append(gofiles, outGo...)
if len(gofiles) == 0 {
return &build.NoGoError{Dir: a.p.Dir}
return &build.NoGoError{Dir: a.Package.Dir}
// If we're doing coverage, preprocess the .go files and put them in the work directory
if a.p.Internal.CoverMode != "" {
if a.Package.Internal.CoverMode != "" {
for i, file := range gofiles {
var sourceFile string
var coverFile string
......@@ -1401,12 +1349,12 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
coverFile = filepath.Join(obj, base)
key = strings.TrimSuffix(base, ".cgo1.go") + ".go"
} else {
sourceFile = filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file)
sourceFile = filepath.Join(a.Package.Dir, file)
coverFile = filepath.Join(obj, file)
key = file
cover := a.p.Internal.CoverVars[key]
if cover == nil || isTestFile(file) {
cover := a.Package.Internal.CoverVars[key]
if cover == nil || base.IsTestFile(file) {
// Not covering this file.
......@@ -1421,9 +1369,9 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
inc := b.includeArgs("-I", allArchiveActions(a))
// Compile Go.
ofile, out, err := buildToolchain.gc(b, a.p, a.objpkg, obj, len(sfiles) > 0, inc, gofiles)
ofile, out, err := BuildToolchain.gc(b, a.Package, a.Objpkg, obj, len(sfiles) > 0, inc, gofiles)
if len(out) > 0 {
b.showOutput(a.p.Dir, a.p.ImportPath, b.processOutput(out))
b.showOutput(a.Package.Dir, a.Package.ImportPath, b.processOutput(out))
if err != nil {
return errPrintedOutput
......@@ -1431,7 +1379,7 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
if err != nil {
return err
if ofile != a.objpkg {
if ofile != a.Objpkg {
objects = append(objects, ofile)
......@@ -1441,22 +1389,22 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
_goos_goarch := "_" + cfg.Goos + "_" + cfg.Goarch
_goos := "_" + cfg.Goos
_goarch := "_" + cfg.Goarch
for _, file := range a.p.HFiles {
for _, file := range a.Package.HFiles {
name, ext := fileExtSplit(file)
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goos_goarch):
targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goos_goarch)] + "_GOOS_GOARCH." + ext
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.Package.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
return err
case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goarch):
targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goarch)] + "_GOARCH." + ext
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.Package.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
return err
case strings.HasSuffix(name, _goos):
targ := file[:len(name)-len(_goos)] + "_GOOS." + ext
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
if err := b.copyFile(a, obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.Package.Dir, file), 0666, true); err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1464,7 +1412,7 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
for _, file := range cfiles {
out := file[:len(file)-len(".c")] + ".o"
if err :=, a.p, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
if err :=, a.Package, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
return err
objects = append(objects, out)
......@@ -1472,7 +1420,7 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
// Assemble .s files.
if len(sfiles) > 0 {
ofiles, err := buildToolchain.asm(b, a.p, obj, sfiles)
ofiles, err := BuildToolchain.asm(b, a.Package, obj, sfiles)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1486,8 +1434,8 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
objects = append(objects, cgoObjects...)
// Add system object files.
for _, syso := range a.p.SysoFiles {
objects = append(objects, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, syso))
for _, syso := range a.Package.SysoFiles {
objects = append(objects, filepath.Join(a.Package.Dir, syso))
// Pack into archive in obj directory.
......@@ -1496,18 +1444,18 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
// If the Go compiler wrote an archive and the package is entirely
// Go sources, there is no pack to execute at all.
if len(objects) > 0 {
if err := buildToolchain.pack(b, a.p, obj, a.objpkg, objects); err != nil {
if err := BuildToolchain.pack(b, a.Package, obj, a.Objpkg, objects); err != nil {
return err
// Link if needed.
if {
if a.Link {
// The compiler only cares about direct imports, but the
// linker needs the whole dependency tree.
all := actionList(a)
all := ActionList(a)
all = all[:len(all)-1] // drop a
if err := buildToolchain.ld(b, a,, all, a.objpkg, objects); err != nil {
if err := BuildToolchain.ld(b, a, a.Target, all, a.Objpkg, objects); err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1515,10 +1463,10 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) (err error) {
return nil
// pkgconfigCmd returns a pkg-config binary name
// PkgconfigCmd returns a pkg-config binary name
// defaultPkgConfig is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *builder) pkgconfigCmd() string {
return envList("PKG_CONFIG", defaultPkgConfig)[0]
func (b *Builder) PkgconfigCmd() string {
return envList("PKG_CONFIG", cfg.DefaultPkgConfig)[0]
// splitPkgConfigOutput parses the pkg-config output into a slice of
......@@ -1555,23 +1503,23 @@ func splitPkgConfigOutput(out []byte) []string {
// Calls pkg-config if needed and returns the cflags/ldflags needed to build the package.
func (b *builder) getPkgConfigFlags(p *load.Package) (cflags, ldflags []string, err error) {
func (b *Builder) getPkgConfigFlags(p *load.Package) (cflags, ldflags []string, err error) {
if pkgs := p.CgoPkgConfig; len(pkgs) > 0 {
var out []byte
out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, b.pkgconfigCmd(), "--cflags", pkgs)
out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, b.PkgconfigCmd(), "--cflags", pkgs)
if err != nil {
b.showOutput(p.Dir, b.pkgconfigCmd()+" --cflags "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
b.print(err.Error() + "\n")
b.showOutput(p.Dir, b.PkgconfigCmd()+" --cflags "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
b.Print(err.Error() + "\n")
err = errPrintedOutput
if len(out) > 0 {
cflags = splitPkgConfigOutput(out)
out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, b.pkgconfigCmd(), "--libs", pkgs)
out, err = b.runOut(p.Dir, p.ImportPath, nil, b.PkgconfigCmd(), "--libs", pkgs)
if err != nil {
b.showOutput(p.Dir, b.pkgconfigCmd()+" --libs "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
b.print(err.Error() + "\n")
b.showOutput(p.Dir, b.PkgconfigCmd()+" --libs "+strings.Join(pkgs, " "), string(out))
b.Print(err.Error() + "\n")
err = errPrintedOutput
......@@ -1582,34 +1530,34 @@ func (b *builder) getPkgConfigFlags(p *load.Package) (cflags, ldflags []string,
func (b *builder) installShlibname(a *action) error {
a1 := a.deps[0]
err := ioutil.WriteFile(, []byte(filepath.Base("\n"), 0666)
func (b *Builder) installShlibname(a *Action) error {
a1 := a.Deps[0]
err := ioutil.WriteFile(a.Target, []byte(filepath.Base(a1.Target)+"\n"), 0666)
if err != nil {
return err
if cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "echo '%s' > %s # internal", filepath.Base(,
b.Showcmd("", "echo '%s' > %s # internal", filepath.Base(a1.Target), a.Target)
return nil
func (b *builder) linkShared(a *action) (err error) {
allactions := actionList(a)
func (b *Builder) linkShared(a *Action) (err error) {
allactions := ActionList(a)
allactions = allactions[:len(allactions)-1]
return buildToolchain.ldShared(b, a.deps,, allactions)
return BuildToolchain.ldShared(b, a.Deps, a.Target, allactions)
// install is the action for installing a single package or executable.
func (b *builder) install(a *action) (err error) {
// BuildInstallFunc is the action for installing a single package or executable.
func BuildInstallFunc(b *Builder, a *Action) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err != nil && err != errPrintedOutput {
err = fmt.Errorf("go install %s: %v", a.p.ImportPath, err)
err = fmt.Errorf("go install %s: %v", a.Package.ImportPath, err)
a1 := a.deps[0]
a1 := a.Deps[0]
perm := os.FileMode(0666)
if {
if a1.Link {
switch cfg.BuildBuildmode {
case "c-archive", "c-shared", "plugin":
......@@ -1618,9 +1566,9 @@ func (b *builder) install(a *action) (err error) {
// make target directory
dir, _ := filepath.Split(
dir, _ := filepath.Split(a.Target)
if dir != "" {
if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
if err := b.Mkdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
......@@ -1630,19 +1578,19 @@ func (b *builder) install(a *action) (err error) {
// with aggressive buffering, cleaning incrementally like
// this keeps the intermediate objects from hitting the disk.
if !cfg.BuildWork {
defer os.RemoveAll(a1.objdir)
defer os.Remove(
defer os.RemoveAll(a1.Objdir)
defer os.Remove(a1.Target)
return b.moveOrCopyFile(a,,, perm, false)
return b.moveOrCopyFile(a, a.Target, a1.Target, perm, false)
// includeArgs returns the -I or -L directory list for access
// to the results of the list of actions.
func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
func (b *Builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*Action) []string {
inc := []string{}
incMap := map[string]bool{ true, // handled later
b.WorkDir: true, // handled later
cfg.GOROOTpkg: true,
"": true, // ignore empty strings
......@@ -1651,10 +1599,10 @@ func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
// This is the $WORK/my/package/_test directory for the
// package being built, so there are few of these.
for _, a1 := range all {
if a1.p == nil {
if a1.Package == nil {
if dir := a1.pkgdir; dir != a1.p.Internal.Build.PkgRoot && !incMap[dir] {
if dir := a1.Pkgdir; dir != a1.Package.Internal.Build.PkgRoot && !incMap[dir] {
incMap[dir] = true
inc = append(inc, flag, dir)
......@@ -1662,15 +1610,15 @@ func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
// Also look in $WORK for any non-test packages that have
// been built but not installed.
inc = append(inc, flag,
inc = append(inc, flag, b.WorkDir)
// Finally, look in the installed package directories for each action.
// First add the package dirs corresponding to GOPATH entries
// in the original GOPATH order.
need := map[string]*build.Package{}
for _, a1 := range all {
if a1.p != nil && a1.pkgdir == a1.p.Internal.Build.PkgRoot {
need[a1.p.Internal.Build.Root] = a1.p.Internal.Build
if a1.Package != nil && a1.Pkgdir == a1.Package.Internal.Build.PkgRoot {
need[a1.Package.Internal.Build.Root] = a1.Package.Internal.Build
for _, root := range cfg.Gopath {
......@@ -1682,12 +1630,12 @@ func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
// Then add anything that's left.
for _, a1 := range all {
if a1.p == nil {
if a1.Package == nil {
if dir := a1.pkgdir; dir == a1.p.Internal.Build.PkgRoot && !incMap[dir] {
if dir := a1.Pkgdir; dir == a1.Package.Internal.Build.PkgRoot && !incMap[dir] {
incMap[dir] = true
inc = append(inc, flag, a1.p.Internal.Build.PkgTargetRoot)
inc = append(inc, flag, a1.Package.Internal.Build.PkgTargetRoot)
......@@ -1695,9 +1643,9 @@ func (b *builder) includeArgs(flag string, all []*action) []string {
// moveOrCopyFile is like 'mv src dst' or 'cp src dst'.
func (b *builder) moveOrCopyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
func (b *Builder) moveOrCopyFile(a *Action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
if cfg.BuildN {
b.showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
b.Showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
return nil
......@@ -1724,7 +1672,7 @@ func (b *builder) moveOrCopyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, f
if err := os.Chmod(src, mode); err == nil {
if err := os.Rename(src, dst); err == nil {
if cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
b.Showcmd("", "mv %s %s", src, dst)
return nil
......@@ -1734,9 +1682,9 @@ func (b *builder) moveOrCopyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, f
// copyFile is like 'cp src dst'.
func (b *builder) copyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
func (b *Builder) copyFile(a *Action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force bool) error {
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "cp %s %s", src, dst)
b.Showcmd("", "cp %s %s", src, dst)
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil
......@@ -1793,31 +1741,31 @@ func (b *builder) copyFile(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, force b
// Install the cgo export header file, if there is one.
func (b *builder) installHeader(a *action) error {
src := a.objdir + "_cgo_install.h"
func (b *Builder) installHeader(a *Action) error {
src := a.Objdir + "_cgo_install.h"
if _, err := os.Stat(src); os.IsNotExist(err) {
// If the file does not exist, there are no exported
// functions, and we do not install anything.
return nil
dir, _ := filepath.Split(
dir, _ := filepath.Split(a.Target)
if dir != "" {
if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
if err := b.Mkdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
return b.moveOrCopyFile(a,, src, 0666, true)
return b.moveOrCopyFile(a, a.Target, src, 0666, true)
// cover runs, in effect,
// go tool cover -mode=b.coverMode -var="varName" -o dst.go src.go
func (b *builder) cover(a *action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, varName string) error {
return, "cover "+a.p.ImportPath, nil,
func (b *Builder) cover(a *Action, dst, src string, perm os.FileMode, varName string) error {
return, "cover "+a.Package.ImportPath, nil,
"-mode", a.p.Internal.CoverMode,
"-mode", a.Package.Internal.CoverMode,
"-var", varName,
"-o", dst,
......@@ -1867,14 +1815,14 @@ func mayberemovefile(s string) {
// If dir is non-empty and the script is not in dir right now,
// fmtcmd inserts "cd dir\n" before the command.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of with $WORK.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of b.WorkDir with $WORK.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of goroot with $GOROOT.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of b.gobin with $GOBIN.
// fmtcmd replaces the name of the current directory with dot (.)
// but only when it is at the beginning of a space-separated token.
func (b *builder) fmtcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
func (b *Builder) fmtcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if dir != "" && dir != "/" {
cmd = strings.Replace(" "+cmd, " "+dir, " .", -1)[1:]
......@@ -1883,18 +1831,18 @@ func (b *builder) fmtcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) string
cmd = "cd " + dir + "\n" + cmd
if != "" {
cmd = strings.Replace(cmd,, "$WORK", -1)
if b.WorkDir != "" {
cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, b.WorkDir, "$WORK", -1)
return cmd
// showcmd prints the given command to standard output
// for the implementation of -n or -x.
func (b *builder) showcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
func (b *Builder) Showcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
defer b.output.Unlock()
b.print(b.fmtcmd(dir, format, args...) + "\n")
b.Print(b.fmtcmd(dir, format, args...) + "\n")
// showOutput prints "# desc" followed by the given output.
......@@ -1919,18 +1867,18 @@ func (b *builder) showcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
// showOutput also replaces references to the work directory with $WORK.
func (b *builder) showOutput(dir, desc, out string) {
func (b *Builder) showOutput(dir, desc, out string) {
prefix := "# " + desc
suffix := "\n" + out
if reldir := base.ShortPath(dir); reldir != dir {
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " "+dir, " "+reldir, -1)
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, "\n"+dir, "\n"+reldir, -1)
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " ", " $WORK", -1)
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " "+b.WorkDir, " $WORK", -1)
defer b.output.Unlock()
b.print(prefix, suffix)
b.Print(prefix, suffix)
// errPrintedOutput is a special error indicating that a command failed
......@@ -1946,7 +1894,7 @@ var cgoTypeSigRe = regexp.MustCompile(`\b_Ctype_\B`)
// run runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
// If the command fails, run prints information about the failure
// and returns a non-nil error.
func (b *builder) run(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) error {
func (b *Builder) run(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) error {
out, err := b.runOut(dir, desc, env, cmdargs...)
if len(out) > 0 {
if desc == "" {
......@@ -1961,7 +1909,7 @@ func (b *builder) run(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interfac
// processOutput prepares the output of runOut to be output to the console.
func (b *builder) processOutput(out []byte) string {
func (b *Builder) processOutput(out []byte) string {
if out[len(out)-1] != '\n' {
out = append(out, '\n')
......@@ -1979,7 +1927,7 @@ func (b *builder) processOutput(out []byte) string {
// runOut runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
// It returns the command output and any errors that occurred.
func (b *builder) runOut(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
func (b *Builder) runOut(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
cmdline := str.StringList(cmdargs...)
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
var envcmdline string
......@@ -1988,7 +1936,7 @@ func (b *builder) runOut(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...inter
envcmdline += " "
envcmdline += joinUnambiguously(cmdline)
b.showcmd(dir, "%s", envcmdline)
b.Showcmd(dir, "%s", envcmdline)
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil, nil
......@@ -2001,7 +1949,7 @@ func (b *builder) runOut(dir string, desc string, env []string, cmdargs ...inter
cmd.Stdout = &buf
cmd.Stderr = &buf
cmd.Dir = dir
cmd.Env = mergeEnvLists(env, envForDir(cmd.Dir, os.Environ()))
cmd.Env = base.MergeEnvLists(env, base.EnvForDir(cmd.Dir, os.Environ()))
err := cmd.Run()
// cmd.Run will fail on Unix if some other process has the binary
......@@ -2083,7 +2031,7 @@ func joinUnambiguously(a []string) string {
// mkdir makes the named directory.
func (b *builder) mkdir(dir string) error {
func (b *Builder) Mkdir(dir string) error {
defer b.exec.Unlock()
// We can be a little aggressive about being
......@@ -2094,7 +2042,7 @@ func (b *builder) mkdir(dir string) error {
b.mkdirCache[dir] = true
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "mkdir -p %s", dir)
b.Showcmd("", "mkdir -p %s", dir)
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil
......@@ -2125,23 +2073,23 @@ func mkAbs(dir, f string) string {
type toolchain interface {
// gc runs the compiler in a specific directory on a set of files
// and returns the name of the generated output file.
gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error)
gc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error)
// cc runs the toolchain's C compiler in a directory on a C file
// to produce an output file.
cc(b *builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error
cc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error
// asm runs the assembler in a specific directory on specific files
// and returns a list of named output files.
asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error)
asm(b *Builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error)
// pkgpath builds an appropriate path for a temporary package file.
pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string
Pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string
// pack runs the archive packer in a specific directory to create
// an archive from a set of object files.
// typically it is run in the object directory.
pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error
pack(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error
// ld runs the linker to create an executable starting at mainpkg.
ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error
ld(b *Builder, root *Action, out string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error
// ldShared runs the linker to create a shared library containing the pkgs built by toplevelactions
ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error
ldShared(b *Builder, toplevelactions []*Action, out string, allactions []*Action) error
compiler() string
linker() string
......@@ -2164,32 +2112,32 @@ func (noToolchain) linker() string {
return ""
func (noToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error) {
func (noToolchain) gc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, out []byte, err error) {
return "", nil, noCompiler()
func (noToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
func (noToolchain) asm(b *Builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
return nil, noCompiler()
func (noToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
func (noToolchain) Pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
return ""
func (noToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
func (noToolchain) pack(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
return noCompiler()
func (noToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
func (noToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, out string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
return noCompiler()
func (noToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
func (noToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, toplevelactions []*Action, out string, allactions []*Action) error {
return noCompiler()
func (noToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
func (noToolchain) cc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
return noCompiler()
......@@ -2204,7 +2152,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) linker() string {
return base.Tool("link")
func (gcToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
func (gcToolchain) gc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
if archive != "" {
ofile = archive
} else {
......@@ -2251,7 +2199,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr b
args := []interface{}{cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("compile"), "-o", ofile, "-trimpath",, buildGcflags, gcargs, "-D", p.Internal.LocalPrefix, importArgs}
args := []interface{}{cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("compile"), "-o", ofile, "-trimpath", b.WorkDir, buildGcflags, gcargs, "-D", p.Internal.LocalPrefix, importArgs}
if ofile == archive {
args = append(args, "-pack")
......@@ -2266,10 +2214,10 @@ func (gcToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr b
return ofile, output, err
func (gcToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
func (gcToolchain) asm(b *Builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
// Add -I pkg/GOOS_GOARCH so #include "textflag.h" works in .s files.
inc := filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOT, "pkg", "include")
args := []interface{}{cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("asm"), "-trimpath",, "-I", obj, "-I", inc, "-D", "GOOS_" + cfg.Goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + cfg.Goarch, buildAsmflags}
args := []interface{}{cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("asm"), "-trimpath", b.WorkDir, "-I", obj, "-I", inc, "-D", "GOOS_" + cfg.Goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + cfg.Goarch, buildAsmflags}
if p.ImportPath == "runtime" && cfg.Goarch == "386" {
for _, arg := range buildAsmflags {
if arg == "-dynlink" {
......@@ -2292,7 +2240,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string)
// toolVerify checks that the command line args writes the same output file
// if run using newTool instead.
// Unused now but kept around for future use.
func toolVerify(b *builder, p *load.Package, newTool string, ofile string, args []interface{}) error {
func toolVerify(b *Builder, p *load.Package, newTool string, ofile string, args []interface{}) error {
newArgs := make([]interface{}, len(args))
copy(newArgs, args)
newArgs[1] = base.Tool(newTool)
......@@ -2315,12 +2263,12 @@ func toolVerify(b *builder, p *load.Package, newTool string, ofile string, args
return nil
func (gcToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
func (gcToolchain) Pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
end := filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath + ".a")
return filepath.Join(basedir, end)
func (gcToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
func (gcToolchain) pack(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
var absOfiles []string
for _, f := range ofiles {
absOfiles = append(absOfiles, mkAbs(objDir, f))
......@@ -2337,7 +2285,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofile
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
cmdline := str.StringList("pack", "r", absAfile, absOfiles)
b.showcmd(p.Dir, "%s # internal", joinUnambiguously(cmdline))
b.Showcmd(p.Dir, "%s # internal", joinUnambiguously(cmdline))
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil
......@@ -2349,7 +2297,7 @@ func (gcToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofile
return nil
func packInternal(b *builder, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
func packInternal(b *Builder, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
dst, err := os.OpenFile(afile, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_APPEND, 0)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -2429,11 +2377,11 @@ func setextld(ldflags []string, compiler []string) []string {
return ldflags
func (gcToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
func (gcToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, out string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
importArgs := b.includeArgs("-L", allactions)
cxx := len(root.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
cxx := len(root.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.Package.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
for _, a := range allactions {
if a.p != nil && (len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
if a.Package != nil && (len(a.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.Package.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
cxx = true
......@@ -2441,13 +2389,13 @@ func (gcToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action
if cfg.BuildContext.InstallSuffix != "" {
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-installsuffix", cfg.BuildContext.InstallSuffix)
if root.p.Internal.OmitDWARF {
if root.Package.Internal.OmitDWARF {
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-w")
if cfg.BuildBuildmode == "plugin" {
pluginpath := root.p.ImportPath
pluginpath := root.Package.ImportPath
if pluginpath == "command-line-arguments" {
pluginpath = "plugin/unnamed-" + root.p.Internal.BuildID
pluginpath = "plugin/unnamed-" + root.Package.Internal.BuildID
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-pluginpath", pluginpath)
......@@ -2458,14 +2406,14 @@ func (gcToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action
// Else, use the CC environment variable and defaultCC as fallback.
var compiler []string
if cxx {
compiler = envList("CXX", defaultCXX)
compiler = envList("CXX", cfg.DefaultCXX)
} else {
compiler = envList("CC", defaultCC)
compiler = envList("CC", cfg.DefaultCC)
ldflags = setextld(ldflags, compiler)
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildmode="+ldBuildmode)
if root.p.Internal.BuildID != "" {
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildid="+root.p.Internal.BuildID)
if root.Package.Internal.BuildID != "" {
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildid="+root.Package.Internal.BuildID)
ldflags = append(ldflags, cfg.BuildLdflags...)
......@@ -2481,17 +2429,17 @@ func (gcToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action
dir, out = filepath.Split(out)
return, root.p.ImportPath, nil, cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("link"), "-o", out, importArgs, ldflags, mainpkg)
return, root.Package.ImportPath, nil, cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("link"), "-o", out, importArgs, ldflags, mainpkg)
func (gcToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
func (gcToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, toplevelactions []*Action, out string, allactions []*Action) error {
importArgs := b.includeArgs("-L", allactions)
ldflags := []string{"-installsuffix", cfg.BuildContext.InstallSuffix}
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-buildmode=shared")
ldflags = append(ldflags, cfg.BuildLdflags...)
cxx := false
for _, a := range allactions {
if a.p != nil && (len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
if a.Package != nil && (len(a.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.Package.SwigCXXFiles) > 0) {
cxx = true
......@@ -2501,46 +2449,46 @@ func (gcToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, a
// Else, use the CC environment variable and defaultCC as fallback.
var compiler []string
if cxx {
compiler = envList("CXX", defaultCXX)
compiler = envList("CXX", cfg.DefaultCXX)
} else {
compiler = envList("CC", defaultCC)
compiler = envList("CC", cfg.DefaultCC)
ldflags = setextld(ldflags, compiler)
for _, d := range toplevelactions {
if !strings.HasSuffix(, ".a") { // omit unsafe etc and actions for other shared libraries
if !strings.HasSuffix(d.Target, ".a") { // omit unsafe etc and actions for other shared libraries
ldflags = append(ldflags, d.p.ImportPath+"="
ldflags = append(ldflags, d.Package.ImportPath+"="+d.Target)
return".", out, nil, cfg.BuildToolexec, base.Tool("link"), "-o", out, importArgs, ldflags)
func (gcToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
func (gcToolchain) cc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("%s: C source files not supported without cgo", mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile))
// The Gccgo toolchain.
type gccgoToolchain struct{}
var gccgoName, gccgoBin string
var GccgoName, GccgoBin string
func init() {
gccgoName = os.Getenv("GCCGO")
if gccgoName == "" {
gccgoName = "gccgo"
GccgoName = os.Getenv("GCCGO")
if GccgoName == "" {
GccgoName = "gccgo"
gccgoBin, _ = exec.LookPath(gccgoName)
GccgoBin, _ = exec.LookPath(GccgoName)
func (gccgoToolchain) compiler() string {
return gccgoBin
return GccgoBin
func (gccgoToolchain) linker() string {
return gccgoBin
return GccgoBin
func (tools gccgoToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
func (tools gccgoToolchain) gc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string, asmhdr bool, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) (ofile string, output []byte, err error) {
out := "_go_.o"
ofile = obj + out
gcargs := []string{"-g"}
......@@ -2560,7 +2508,7 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) gc(b *builder, p *load.Package, archive, obj string,
return ofile, output, err
func (tools gccgoToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
func (tools gccgoToolchain) asm(b *Builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles []string) ([]string, error) {
var ofiles []string
for _, sfile := range sfiles {
ofile := obj + sfile[:len(sfile)-len(".s")] + ".o"
......@@ -2580,14 +2528,14 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) asm(b *builder, p *load.Package, obj string, sfiles
return ofiles, nil
func (gccgoToolchain) pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
func (gccgoToolchain) Pkgpath(basedir string, p *load.Package) string {
end := filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath + ".a")
afile := filepath.Join(basedir, end)
// add "lib" to the final element
return filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(afile), "lib"+filepath.Base(afile))
func (gccgoToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
func (gccgoToolchain) pack(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
var absOfiles []string
for _, f := range ofiles {
absOfiles = append(absOfiles, mkAbs(objDir, f))
......@@ -2595,7 +2543,7 @@ func (gccgoToolchain) pack(b *builder, p *load.Package, objDir, afile string, of
return, p.ImportPath, nil, "ar", "rc", mkAbs(objDir, afile), absOfiles)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string, buildmode, desc string) error {
func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *Builder, root *Action, out string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string, buildmode, desc string) error {
// gccgo needs explicit linking with all package dependencies,
// and all LDFLAGS from cgo dependencies.
apackagePathsSeen := make(map[string]bool)
......@@ -2607,10 +2555,10 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
cxx := false
objc := false
fortran := false
if root.p != nil {
cxx = len(root.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
objc = len(root.p.MFiles) > 0
fortran = len(root.p.FFiles) > 0
if root.Package != nil {
cxx = len(root.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(root.Package.SwigCXXFiles) > 0
objc = len(root.Package.MFiles) > 0
fortran = len(root.Package.FFiles) > 0
readCgoFlags := func(flagsFile string) error {
......@@ -2636,7 +2584,7 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
readAndRemoveCgoFlags := func(archive string) (string, error) {
newa, err := ioutil.TempFile(, filepath.Base(archive))
newa, err := ioutil.TempFile(b.WorkDir, filepath.Base(archive))
if err != nil {
return "", err
......@@ -2658,7 +2606,7 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
newarchive := newa.Name()
err =, desc, nil, "ar", "x", newarchive, "_cgo_flags")
err =, desc, nil, "ar", "x", newarchive, "_cgo_flags")
if err != nil {
return "", err
......@@ -2666,27 +2614,27 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
if err != nil {
return "", err
err = readCgoFlags(filepath.Join(, "_cgo_flags"))
err = readCgoFlags(filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, "_cgo_flags"))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return newarchive, nil
actionsSeen := make(map[*action]bool)
actionsSeen := make(map[*Action]bool)
// Make a pre-order depth-first traversal of the action graph, taking note of
// whether a shared library action has been seen on the way to an action (the
// construction of the graph means that if any path to a node passes through
// a shared library action, they all do).
var walk func(a *action, seenShlib bool)
var walk func(a *Action, seenShlib bool)
var err error
walk = func(a *action, seenShlib bool) {
walk = func(a *Action, seenShlib bool) {
if actionsSeen[a] {
actionsSeen[a] = true
if a.p != nil && !seenShlib {
if a.p.Standard {
if a.Package != nil && !seenShlib {
if a.Package.Standard {
// We record the target of the first time we see a .a file
......@@ -2694,12 +2642,12 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
// rather than the 'build' location (which may not exist any
// more). We still need to traverse the dependencies of the
// build action though so saying
// if apackagePathsSeen[a.p.ImportPath] { return }
// if apackagePathsSeen[a.Package.ImportPath] { return }
// doesn't work.
if !apackagePathsSeen[a.p.ImportPath] {
apackagePathsSeen[a.p.ImportPath] = true
target :=
if len(a.p.CgoFiles) > 0 || a.p.UsesSwig() {
if !apackagePathsSeen[a.Package.ImportPath] {
apackagePathsSeen[a.Package.ImportPath] = true
target := a.Target
if len(a.Package.CgoFiles) > 0 || a.Package.UsesSwig() {
target, err = readAndRemoveCgoFlags(target)
if err != nil {
......@@ -2708,18 +2656,18 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
afiles = append(afiles, target)
if strings.HasSuffix(, ".so") {
shlibs = append(shlibs,
if strings.HasSuffix(a.Target, ".so") {
shlibs = append(shlibs, a.Target)
seenShlib = true
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
for _, a1 := range a.Deps {
walk(a1, seenShlib)
if err != nil {
for _, a1 := range root.deps {
for _, a1 := range root.Deps {
walk(a1, false)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -2731,25 +2679,25 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
// The go tool can dig up runtime/cgo from GOROOT and
// think that it should use its CgoLDFLAGS, but gccgo
// doesn't use runtime/cgo.
if a.p == nil {
if a.Package == nil {
if !a.p.Standard {
cgoldflags = append(cgoldflags, a.p.CgoLDFLAGS...)
if !a.Package.Standard {
cgoldflags = append(cgoldflags, a.Package.CgoLDFLAGS...)
if len(a.p.CgoFiles) > 0 {
if len(a.Package.CgoFiles) > 0 {
usesCgo = true
if a.p.UsesSwig() {
if a.Package.UsesSwig() {
usesCgo = true
if len(a.p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0 {
if len(a.Package.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(a.Package.SwigCXXFiles) > 0 {
cxx = true
if len(a.p.MFiles) > 0 {
if len(a.Package.MFiles) > 0 {
objc = true
if len(a.p.FFiles) > 0 {
if len(a.Package.FFiles) > 0 {
fortran = true
......@@ -2768,8 +2716,8 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
ldflags = append(ldflags, cgoldflags...)
ldflags = append(ldflags, envList("CGO_LDFLAGS", "")...)
if root.p != nil {
ldflags = append(ldflags, root.p.CgoLDFLAGS...)
if root.Package != nil {
ldflags = append(ldflags, root.Package.CgoLDFLAGS...)
ldflags = str.StringList("-Wl,-(", ldflags, "-Wl,-)")
......@@ -2861,17 +2809,17 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) link(b *builder, root *action, out string, allaction
return nil
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ld(b *builder, root *action, out string, allactions []*action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
return, root, out, allactions, mainpkg, ofiles, ldBuildmode, root.p.ImportPath)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ld(b *Builder, root *Action, out string, allactions []*Action, mainpkg string, ofiles []string) error {
return, root, out, allactions, mainpkg, ofiles, ldBuildmode, root.Package.ImportPath)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ldShared(b *builder, toplevelactions []*action, out string, allactions []*action) error {
fakeRoot := &action{}
fakeRoot.deps = toplevelactions
func (tools gccgoToolchain) ldShared(b *Builder, toplevelactions []*Action, out string, allactions []*Action) error {
fakeRoot := &Action{}
fakeRoot.Deps = toplevelactions
return, fakeRoot, out, allactions, "", nil, "shared", out)
func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *Builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
inc := filepath.Join(cfg.GOROOT, "pkg", "include")
cfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile)
defs := []string{"-D", "GOOS_" + cfg.Goos, "-D", "GOARCH_" + cfg.Goarch}
......@@ -2884,7 +2832,7 @@ func (tools gccgoToolchain) cc(b *builder, p *load.Package, objdir, ofile, cfile
defs = append(defs, "-fsplit-stack")
defs = tools.maybePIC(defs)
return, p.ImportPath, nil, envList("CC", defaultCC), "-Wall", "-g",
return, p.ImportPath, nil, envList("CC", cfg.DefaultCC), "-Wall", "-g",
"-I", objdir, "-I", inc, "-o", ofile, defs, "-c", cfile)
......@@ -2917,22 +2865,22 @@ func gccgoCleanPkgpath(p *load.Package) string {
// gcc runs the gcc C compiler to create an object from a single C file.
func (b *builder) gcc(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, cfile string) error {
return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cfile, b.gccCmd(p.Dir))
func (b *Builder) gcc(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, cfile string) error {
return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cfile, b.GccCmd(p.Dir))
// gxx runs the g++ C++ compiler to create an object from a single C++ file.
func (b *builder) gxx(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, cxxfile string) error {
return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cxxfile, b.gxxCmd(p.Dir))
func (b *Builder) gxx(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, cxxfile string) error {
return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, cxxfile, b.GxxCmd(p.Dir))
// gfortran runs the gfortran Fortran compiler to create an object from a single Fortran file.
func (b *builder) gfortran(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, ffile string) error {
func (b *Builder) gfortran(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, ffile string) error {
return b.ccompile(p, out, flags, ffile, b.gfortranCmd(p.Dir))
// ccompile runs the given C or C++ compiler and creates an object from a single source file.
func (b *builder) ccompile(p *load.Package, outfile string, flags []string, file string, compiler []string) error {
func (b *Builder) ccompile(p *load.Package, outfile string, flags []string, file string, compiler []string) error {
file = mkAbs(p.Dir, file)
desc := p.ImportPath
output, err := b.runOut(p.Dir, desc, nil, compiler, flags, "-o", outfile, "-c", file)
......@@ -2948,36 +2896,36 @@ func (b *builder) ccompile(p *load.Package, outfile string, flags []string, file
// gccld runs the gcc linker to create an executable from a set of object files.
func (b *builder) gccld(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, obj []string) error {
func (b *Builder) gccld(p *load.Package, out string, flags []string, obj []string) error {
var cmd []string
if len(p.CXXFiles) > 0 || len(p.SwigCXXFiles) > 0 {
cmd = b.gxxCmd(p.Dir)
cmd = b.GxxCmd(p.Dir)
} else {
cmd = b.gccCmd(p.Dir)
cmd = b.GccCmd(p.Dir)
return, p.ImportPath, nil, cmd, "-o", out, obj, flags)
// gccCmd returns a gcc command line prefix
// defaultCC is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *builder) gccCmd(objdir string) []string {
return b.ccompilerCmd("CC", defaultCC, objdir)
func (b *Builder) GccCmd(objdir string) []string {
return b.ccompilerCmd("CC", cfg.DefaultCC, objdir)
// gxxCmd returns a g++ command line prefix
// defaultCXX is defined in zdefaultcc.go, written by cmd/dist.
func (b *builder) gxxCmd(objdir string) []string {
return b.ccompilerCmd("CXX", defaultCXX, objdir)
func (b *Builder) GxxCmd(objdir string) []string {
return b.ccompilerCmd("CXX", cfg.DefaultCXX, objdir)
// gfortranCmd returns a gfortran command line prefix.
func (b *builder) gfortranCmd(objdir string) []string {
func (b *Builder) gfortranCmd(objdir string) []string {
return b.ccompilerCmd("FC", "gfortran", objdir)
// ccompilerCmd returns a command line prefix for the given environment
// variable and using the default command when the variable is empty.
func (b *builder) ccompilerCmd(envvar, defcmd, objdir string) []string {
func (b *Builder) ccompilerCmd(envvar, defcmd, objdir string) []string {
// NOTE: env.go's mkEnv knows that the first three
// strings returned are "gcc", "-I", objdir (and cuts them off).
......@@ -3014,7 +2962,7 @@ func (b *builder) ccompilerCmd(envvar, defcmd, objdir string) []string {
// Tell gcc not to include the work directory in object files.
if b.gccSupportsFlag("-fdebug-prefix-map=a=b") {
a = append(a, "-fdebug-prefix-map=""=/tmp/go-build")
a = append(a, "-fdebug-prefix-map="+b.WorkDir+"=/tmp/go-build")
// Tell gcc not to include flags in object files, which defeats the
......@@ -3036,34 +2984,34 @@ func (b *builder) ccompilerCmd(envvar, defcmd, objdir string) []string {
// On systems with PIE (position independent executables) enabled by default,
// -no-pie must be passed when doing a partial link with -Wl,-r. But -no-pie is
// not supported by all compilers.
func (b *builder) gccSupportsNoPie() bool {
func (b *Builder) gccSupportsNoPie() bool {
return b.gccSupportsFlag("-no-pie")
// gccSupportsFlag checks to see if the compiler supports a flag.
func (b *builder) gccSupportsFlag(flag string) bool {
func (b *Builder) gccSupportsFlag(flag string) bool {
defer b.exec.Unlock()
if b, ok := b.flagCache[flag]; ok {
return b
if b.flagCache == nil {
src := filepath.Join(, "trivial.c")
src := filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, "trivial.c")
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(src, []byte{}, 0666); err != nil {
return false
b.flagCache = make(map[string]bool)
cmdArgs := append(envList("CC", defaultCC), flag, "-c", "trivial.c")
cmdArgs := append(envList("CC", cfg.DefaultCC), flag, "-c", "trivial.c")
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd(, "%s", joinUnambiguously(cmdArgs))
b.Showcmd(b.WorkDir, "%s", joinUnambiguously(cmdArgs))
if cfg.BuildN {
return false
cmd := exec.Command(cmdArgs[0], cmdArgs[1:]...)
cmd.Dir =
cmd.Env = mergeEnvLists([]string{"LC_ALL=C"}, envForDir(cmd.Dir, os.Environ()))
cmd.Dir = b.WorkDir
cmd.Env = base.MergeEnvLists([]string{"LC_ALL=C"}, base.EnvForDir(cmd.Dir, os.Environ()))
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
supported := err == nil && !bytes.Contains(out, []byte("unrecognized"))
b.flagCache[flag] = supported
......@@ -3071,7 +3019,7 @@ func (b *builder) gccSupportsFlag(flag string) bool {
// gccArchArgs returns arguments to pass to gcc based on the architecture.
func (b *builder) gccArchArgs() []string {
func (b *Builder) gccArchArgs() []string {
switch cfg.Goarch {
case "386":
return []string{"-m32"}
......@@ -3099,8 +3047,8 @@ func envList(key, def string) []string {
return strings.Fields(v)
// Return the flags to use when invoking the C, C++ or Fortran compilers, or cgo.
func (b *builder) cflags(p *load.Package) (cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, ldflags []string) {
// CFlags returns the flags to use when invoking the C, C++ or Fortran compilers, or cgo.
func (b *Builder) CFlags(p *load.Package) (cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, ldflags []string) {
defaults := "-g -O2"
cppflags = str.StringList(envList("CGO_CPPFLAGS", ""), p.CgoCPPFLAGS)
......@@ -3113,9 +3061,9 @@ func (b *builder) cflags(p *load.Package) (cppflags, cflags, cxxflags, fflags, l
var cgoRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[/\\:]`)
func (b *builder) cgo(a *action, cgoExe, obj string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, objdirCgofiles, gccfiles, gxxfiles, mfiles, ffiles []string) (outGo, outObj []string, err error) {
p := a.p
cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS, cgoFFLAGS, cgoLDFLAGS := b.cflags(p)
func (b *Builder) cgo(a *Action, cgoExe, obj string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofiles, objdirCgofiles, gccfiles, gxxfiles, mfiles, ffiles []string) (outGo, outObj []string, err error) {
p := a.Package
cgoCPPFLAGS = append(cgoCPPFLAGS, pcCFLAGS...)
cgoLDFLAGS = append(cgoLDFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS...)
// If we are compiling Objective-C code, then we need to link against libobjc
......@@ -3277,7 +3225,7 @@ func (b *builder) cgo(a *action, cgoExe, obj string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofil
case "gccgo":
defunC := obj + "_cgo_defun.c"
defunObj := obj + "_cgo_defun.o"
if err :=, p, obj, defunObj, defunC); err != nil {
if err :=, p, obj, defunObj, defunC); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outObj = append(outObj, defunObj)
......@@ -3292,7 +3240,7 @@ func (b *builder) cgo(a *action, cgoExe, obj string, pcCFLAGS, pcLDFLAGS, cgofil
// dynimport creates a Go source file named importGo containing
// //go:cgo_import_dynamic directives for each symbol or library
// dynamically imported by the object files outObj.
func (b *builder) dynimport(p *load.Package, obj, importGo, cgoExe string, cflags, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj []string) error {
func (b *Builder) dynimport(p *load.Package, obj, importGo, cgoExe string, cflags, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj []string) error {
cfile := obj + "_cgo_main.c"
ofile := obj + "_cgo_main.o"
if err := b.gcc(p, ofile, cflags, cfile); err != nil {
......@@ -3321,7 +3269,7 @@ func (b *builder) dynimport(p *load.Package, obj, importGo, cgoExe string, cflag
// collect partially links the object files outObj into a single
// relocatable object file named ofile.
func (b *builder) collect(p *load.Package, obj, ofile string, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj []string) error {
func (b *Builder) collect(p *load.Package, obj, ofile string, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj []string) error {
// When linking relocatable objects, various flags need to be
// filtered out as they are inapplicable and can cause some linkers
// to fail.
......@@ -3381,7 +3329,7 @@ func (b *builder) collect(p *load.Package, obj, ofile string, cgoLDFLAGS, outObj
// Run SWIG on all SWIG input files.
// TODO: Don't build a shared library, once SWIG emits the necessary
// pragmas for external linking.
func (b *builder) swig(p *load.Package, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string) (outGo, outC, outCXX []string, err error) {
func (b *Builder) swig(p *load.Package, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string) (outGo, outC, outCXX []string, err error) {
if err := b.swigVersionCheck(); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
......@@ -3424,7 +3372,7 @@ var (
swigCheck error
func (b *builder) swigDoVersionCheck() error {
func (b *Builder) swigDoVersionCheck() error {
out, err := b.runOut("", "", nil, "swig", "-version")
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -3477,7 +3425,7 @@ func (b *builder) swigDoVersionCheck() error {
return nil
func (b *builder) swigVersionCheck() error {
func (b *Builder) swigVersionCheck() error {
swigCheckOnce.Do(func() {
swigCheck = b.swigDoVersionCheck()
......@@ -3499,11 +3447,11 @@ const i int = 1 << 32
// Determine the size of int on the target system for the -intgosize option
// of swig >= 2.0.9. Run only once.
func (b *builder) swigDoIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
func (b *Builder) swigDoIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
if cfg.BuildN {
return "$INTBITS", nil
src := filepath.Join(, "swig_intsize.go")
src := filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, "swig_intsize.go")
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(src, []byte(swigIntSizeCode), 0666); err != nil {
......@@ -3511,7 +3459,7 @@ func (b *builder) swigDoIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
p := load.GoFilesPackage(srcs)
if _, _, e := buildToolchain.gc(b, p, "", obj, false, nil, srcs); e != nil {
if _, _, e := BuildToolchain.gc(b, p, "", obj, false, nil, srcs); e != nil {
return "32", nil
return "64", nil
......@@ -3519,7 +3467,7 @@ func (b *builder) swigDoIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
// Determine the size of int on the target system for the -intgosize option
// of swig >= 2.0.9.
func (b *builder) swigIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
func (b *Builder) swigIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
swigIntSizeOnce.Do(func() {
swigIntSize, swigIntSizeError = b.swigDoIntSize(obj)
......@@ -3527,8 +3475,8 @@ func (b *builder) swigIntSize(obj string) (intsize string, err error) {
// Run SWIG on one SWIG input file.
func (b *builder) swigOne(p *load.Package, file, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string, cxx bool, intgosize string) (outGo, outC string, err error) {
cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS, _, _ := b.cflags(p)
func (b *Builder) swigOne(p *load.Package, file, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string, cxx bool, intgosize string) (outGo, outC string, err error) {
cgoCPPFLAGS, cgoCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS, _, _ := b.CFlags(p)
var cflags []string
if cxx {
cflags = str.StringList(cgoCPPFLAGS, pcCFLAGS, cgoCXXFLAGS)
......@@ -3604,7 +3552,7 @@ func (b *builder) swigOne(p *load.Package, file, obj string, pcCFLAGS []string,
// other than passing a trailing --build-id=none. So that is what we
// do, but only on systems likely to support it, which is to say,
// systems that normally use gold or the GNU linker.
func (b *builder) disableBuildID(ldflags []string) []string {
func (b *Builder) disableBuildID(ldflags []string) []string {
switch cfg.Goos {
case "android", "dragonfly", "linux", "netbsd":
ldflags = append(ldflags, "-Wl,--build-id=none")
......@@ -3613,13 +3561,13 @@ func (b *builder) disableBuildID(ldflags []string) []string {
// An actionQueue is a priority queue of actions.
type actionQueue []*action
type actionQueue []*Action
// Implement heap.Interface
func (q *actionQueue) Len() int { return len(*q) }
func (q *actionQueue) Swap(i, j int) { (*q)[i], (*q)[j] = (*q)[j], (*q)[i] }
func (q *actionQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return (*q)[i].priority < (*q)[j].priority }
func (q *actionQueue) Push(x interface{}) { *q = append(*q, x.(*action)) }
func (q *actionQueue) Push(x interface{}) { *q = append(*q, x.(*Action)) }
func (q *actionQueue) Pop() interface{} {
n := len(*q) - 1
x := (*q)[n]
......@@ -3627,15 +3575,15 @@ func (q *actionQueue) Pop() interface{} {
return x
func (q *actionQueue) push(a *action) {
func (q *actionQueue) push(a *Action) {
heap.Push(q, a)
func (q *actionQueue) pop() *action {
return heap.Pop(q).(*action)
func (q *actionQueue) pop() *Action {
return heap.Pop(q).(*Action)
func instrumentInit() {
func InstrumentInit() {
if !cfg.BuildRace && !cfg.BuildMSan {
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package work
import (
func TestRemoveDevNull(t *testing.T) {
fi, err := os.Lstat(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
if fi.Mode().IsRegular() {
t.Errorf("Lstat(%s).Mode().IsRegular() = true; expected false", os.DevNull)
_, err = os.Lstat(os.DevNull)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("mayberemovefile(%s) did remove it; oops", os.DevNull)
func TestSplitPkgConfigOutput(t *testing.T) {
for _, test := range []struct {
in []byte
want []string
{[]byte(`-r:foo -L/usr/white\ space/lib -lfoo\ bar -lbar\ baz`), []string{"-r:foo", "-L/usr/white space/lib", "-lfoo bar", "-lbar baz"}},
{[]byte(`-lextra\ fun\ arg\\`), []string{`-lextra fun arg\`}},
{[]byte(`broken flag\`), []string{"broken", "flag"}},
{[]byte("\textra whitespace\r\n"), []string{"extra", "whitespace"}},
{[]byte(" \r\n "), nil},
} {
got := splitPkgConfigOutput(
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, test.want) {
t.Errorf("splitPkgConfigOutput(%v) = %v; want %v",, got, test.want)
func TestSharedLibName(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(avdva) - make these values platform-specific
prefix := "lib"
suffix := ".so"
testData := []struct {
args []string
pkgs []*load.Package
expected string
expectErr bool
rootedAt string
args: []string{"std"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expected: "std",
args: []string{"std", "cmd"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expected: "std,cmd",
args: []string{},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("")},
expected: "",
args: []string{"./..."},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("somelib")},
expected: "somelib",
rootedAt: "somelib",
args: []string{"../somelib", "../somelib"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("somelib")},
expected: "somelib",
args: []string{"../lib1", "../lib2"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath(""), pkgImportPath("")},
expected: ",",
args: []string{"./..."},
pkgs: []*load.Package{
expected: "",
rootedAt: "",
args: []string{"std", "../lib2"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
args: []string{"all", "./"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
args: []string{"cmd", "fmt"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
for _, data := range testData {
func() {
if data.rootedAt != "" {
tmpGopath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gopath")
if err != nil {
oldGopath := cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH
defer func() {
cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH = oldGopath
err := os.RemoveAll(tmpGopath)
if err != nil {
root := filepath.Join(tmpGopath, "src", data.rootedAt)
err = os.MkdirAll(root, 0755)
if err != nil {
cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH = tmpGopath
computed, err := libname(data.args, data.pkgs)
if err != nil {
if !data.expectErr {
t.Errorf("libname returned an error %q, expected a name", err.Error())
} else if data.expectErr {
t.Errorf("libname returned %q, expected an error", computed)
} else {
expected := prefix + data.expected + suffix
if expected != computed {
t.Errorf("libname returned %q, expected %q", computed, expected)
func pkgImportPath(pkgpath string) *load.Package {
return &load.Package{
PackagePublic: load.PackagePublic{
ImportPath: pkgpath,
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
......@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ For more about specifying packages, see 'go help packages'.
func init() {
cmdList.Run = runList // break init cycle
var listE = cmdList.Flag.Bool("e", false, "")
......@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@ var listJson = cmdList.Flag.Bool("json", false, "")
var nl = []byte{'\n'}
func runList(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
out := newTrackingWriter(os.Stdout)
defer out.w.Flush()
......@@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ import (
func init() {
base.Commands = []*base.Command{
......@@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ func init() {
......@@ -5,13 +5,8 @@
package main
import (
......@@ -95,112 +90,3 @@ func pkgImportPath(path string) *load.Package {
func TestSharedLibName(t *testing.T) {
// TODO(avdva) - make these values platform-specific
prefix := "lib"
suffix := ".so"
testData := []struct {
args []string
pkgs []*load.Package
expected string
expectErr bool
rootedAt string
args: []string{"std"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expected: "std",
args: []string{"std", "cmd"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expected: "std,cmd",
args: []string{},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("")},
expected: "",
args: []string{"./..."},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("somelib")},
expected: "somelib",
rootedAt: "somelib",
args: []string{"../somelib", "../somelib"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath("somelib")},
expected: "somelib",
args: []string{"../lib1", "../lib2"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{pkgImportPath(""), pkgImportPath("")},
expected: ",",
args: []string{"./..."},
pkgs: []*load.Package{
expected: "",
rootedAt: "",
args: []string{"std", "../lib2"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
args: []string{"all", "./"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
args: []string{"cmd", "fmt"},
pkgs: []*load.Package{},
expectErr: true,
for _, data := range testData {
func() {
if data.rootedAt != "" {
tmpGopath, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "gopath")
if err != nil {
oldGopath := cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH
defer func() {
cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH = oldGopath
err := os.RemoveAll(tmpGopath)
if err != nil {
root := filepath.Join(tmpGopath, "src", data.rootedAt)
err = os.MkdirAll(root, 0755)
if err != nil {
cfg.BuildContext.GOPATH = tmpGopath
computed, err := libname(data.args, data.pkgs)
if err != nil {
if !data.expectErr {
t.Errorf("libname returned an error %q, expected a name", err.Error())
} else if data.expectErr {
t.Errorf("libname returned %q, expected an error", computed)
} else {
expected := prefix + data.expected + suffix
if expected != computed {
t.Errorf("libname returned %q, expected %q", computed, expected)
......@@ -5,15 +5,17 @@
package main
import (
var execCmd []string // -exec flag, for run and test
......@@ -59,8 +61,8 @@ See also: go build.
func init() {
cmdRun.Run = runRun // break init loop
cmdRun.Flag.Var((*stringsFlag)(&execCmd), "exec", "")
cmdRun.Flag.Var((*base.StringsFlag)(&execCmd), "exec", "")
func printStderr(args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
......@@ -68,11 +70,11 @@ func printStderr(args ...interface{}) (int, error) {
func runRun(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
var b builder
b.print = printStderr
var b work.Builder
b.Print = printStderr
i := 0
for i < len(args) && strings.HasSuffix(args[i], ".go") {
......@@ -126,17 +128,17 @@ func runRun(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
base.Fatalf("go run: no suitable source files%s", hint)
p.Internal.ExeName = src[:len(src)-len(".go")] // name temporary executable for first go file
a1 := b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, p)
a := &action{f: (*builder).runProgram, args: cmdArgs, deps: []*action{a1}}
a1 := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, p)
a := &work.Action{Func: buildRunProgram, Args: cmdArgs, Deps: []*work.Action{a1}}
// runProgram is the action for running a binary that has already
// buildRunProgram is the action for running a binary that has already
// been compiled. We ignore exit status.
func (b *builder) runProgram(a *action) error {
cmdline := str.StringList(findExecCmd(), a.deps[0].target, a.args)
func buildRunProgram(b *work.Builder, a *work.Action) error {
cmdline := str.StringList(findExecCmd(), a.Deps[0].Target, a.Args)
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "%s", strings.Join(cmdline, " "))
b.Showcmd("", "%s", strings.Join(cmdline, " "))
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
......@@ -409,8 +410,8 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
findExecCmd() // initialize cached result
pkgs := load.PackagesForBuild(pkgArgs)
if len(pkgs) == 0 {
base.Fatalf("no packages to test")
......@@ -454,8 +455,8 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
testC = true
var b builder
var b work.Builder
if cfg.BuildI {
cfg.BuildV = testV
......@@ -497,18 +498,18 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
a := &action{}
a := &work.Action{}
for _, p := range load.PackagesForBuild(all) {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeInstall, modeInstall, p))
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, b.Action(work.ModeInstall, work.ModeInstall, p))
if !testC || a.failed {
if !testC || a.Failed {
var builds, runs, prints []*action
var builds, runs, prints []*work.Action
if testCoverPaths != nil {
// Load packages that were asked about for coverage.
......@@ -570,13 +571,13 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
// Ultimately the goal is to print the output.
root := &action{deps: prints}
root := &work.Action{Deps: prints}
// Force the printing of results to happen in order,
// one at a time.
for i, a := range prints {
if i > 0 {
a.deps = append(a.deps, prints[i-1])
a.Deps = append(a.Deps, prints[i-1])
......@@ -586,9 +587,9 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
// Later runs must wait for the previous run's print.
for i, run := range runs {
if i == 0 {
run.deps = append(run.deps, builds...)
run.Deps = append(run.Deps, builds...)
} else {
run.deps = append(run.deps, prints[i-1])
run.Deps = append(run.Deps, prints[i-1])
......@@ -600,26 +601,26 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
okBuild[p] = true
warned := false
for _, a := range actionList(root) {
if a.p == nil || okBuild[a.p] {
for _, a := range work.ActionList(root) {
if a.Package == nil || okBuild[a.Package] {
okBuild[a.p] = true // warn at most once
okBuild[a.Package] = true // warn at most once
// Don't warn about packages being rebuilt because of
// things like coverage analysis.
for _, p1 := range a.p.Internal.Imports {
for _, p1 := range a.Package.Internal.Imports {
if p1.Internal.Fake {
a.p.Internal.Fake = true
a.Package.Internal.Fake = true
if a.f != nil && !okBuild[a.p] && !a.p.Internal.Fake && !a.p.Internal.Local {
if a.Func != nil && !okBuild[a.Package] && !a.Package.Internal.Fake && !a.Package.Internal.Local {
if !warned {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "warning: building out-of-date packages:\n")
warned = true
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s\n", a.p.ImportPath)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\t%s\n", a.Package.ImportPath)
if warned {
......@@ -637,7 +638,7 @@ func runTest(cmd *base.Command, args []string) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "installing these packages with 'go test %s-i%s' will speed future tests.\n\n", extraOpts, args)
var windowsBadWords = []string{
......@@ -647,11 +648,11 @@ var windowsBadWords = []string{
func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printAction *action, err error) {
func builderTest(b *work.Builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printAction *work.Action, err error) {
if len(p.TestGoFiles)+len(p.XTestGoFiles) == 0 {
build := b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, p)
run := &action{p: p, deps: []*action{build}}
print := &action{f: builderNoTest, p: p, deps: []*action{run}}
build := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, p)
run := &work.Action{Package: p, Deps: []*work.Action{build}}
print := &work.Action{Func: builderNoTest, Package: p, Deps: []*work.Action{run}}
return build, run, print, nil
......@@ -736,12 +737,12 @@ func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printActi
// $WORK/unicode/utf8/_test/unicode/utf8.a.
// We write the external test package archive to
// $WORK/unicode/utf8/_test/unicode/utf8_test.a.
testDir := filepath.Join(, filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath+"/_test"))
ptestObj := buildToolchain.pkgpath(testDir, p)
testDir := filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, filepath.FromSlash(p.ImportPath+"/_test"))
ptestObj := work.BuildToolchain.Pkgpath(testDir, p)
// Create the directory for the .a files.
ptestDir, _ := filepath.Split(ptestObj)
if err := b.mkdir(ptestDir); err != nil {
if err := b.Mkdir(ptestDir); err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
......@@ -898,7 +899,7 @@ func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printActi
if cfg.BuildContext.GOOS == "darwin" {
if cfg.BuildContext.GOARCH == "arm" || cfg.BuildContext.GOARCH == "arm64" {
t.IsIOS = true
t.NeedCgo = true
t.NeedOS = true
if t.TestMain == nil {
......@@ -922,24 +923,24 @@ func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printActi
if ptest != p {
a := b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, ptest)
a.objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "_obj_test" + string(filepath.Separator)
a.objpkg = ptestObj = ptestObj = false
a := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, ptest)
a.Objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "_obj_test" + string(filepath.Separator)
a.Objpkg = ptestObj
a.Target = ptestObj
a.Link = false
if pxtest != nil {
a := b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, pxtest)
a.objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "_obj_xtest" + string(filepath.Separator)
a.objpkg = buildToolchain.pkgpath(testDir, pxtest) = a.objpkg
a := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, pxtest)
a.Objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator) + "_obj_xtest" + string(filepath.Separator)
a.Objpkg = work.BuildToolchain.Pkgpath(testDir, pxtest)
a.Target = a.Objpkg
a := b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, pmain)
a.objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator)
a.objpkg = filepath.Join(testDir, "main.a") = filepath.Join(testDir, testBinary) + cfg.ExeSuffix
a := b.Action(work.ModeBuild, work.ModeBuild, pmain)
a.Objdir = testDir + string(filepath.Separator)
a.Objpkg = filepath.Join(testDir, "main.a")
a.Target = filepath.Join(testDir, testBinary) + cfg.ExeSuffix
if cfg.Goos == "windows" {
// There are many reserved words on Windows that,
// if used in the name of an executable, cause Windows
......@@ -965,7 +966,7 @@ func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printActi
// we could just do this always on Windows.
for _, bad := range windowsBadWords {
if strings.Contains(testBinary, bad) { = filepath.Join(testDir, "test.test") + cfg.ExeSuffix
a.Target = filepath.Join(testDir, "test.test") + cfg.ExeSuffix
......@@ -981,33 +982,33 @@ func builderTest(b *builder, p *load.Package) (buildAction, runAction, printActi
target = filepath.Join(base.Cwd, target)
buildAction = &action{
f: (*builder).install,
deps: []*action{buildAction},
p: pmain,
target: target,
buildAction = &work.Action{
Func: work.BuildInstallFunc,
Deps: []*work.Action{buildAction},
Package: pmain,
Target: target,
runAction = buildAction // make sure runAction != nil even if not running test
if testC {
printAction = &action{p: p, deps: []*action{runAction}} // nop
printAction = &work.Action{Package: p, Deps: []*work.Action{runAction}} // nop
} else {
// run test
runAction = &action{
f: builderRunTest,
deps: []*action{buildAction},
p: p,
ignoreFail: true,
runAction = &work.Action{
Func: builderRunTest,
Deps: []*work.Action{buildAction},
Package: p,
IgnoreFail: true,
cleanAction := &action{
f: builderCleanTest,
deps: []*action{runAction},
p: p,
cleanAction := &work.Action{
Func: builderCleanTest,
Deps: []*work.Action{runAction},
Package: p,
printAction = &action{
f: builderPrintTest,
deps: []*action{cleanAction},
p: p,
printAction = &work.Action{
Func: builderPrintTest,
Deps: []*work.Action{cleanAction},
Package: p,
......@@ -1060,7 +1061,7 @@ func recompileForTest(pmain, preal, ptest *load.Package, testDir string) {
// Update p.deps and p.Internal.Imports to use at test copies.
// Update p.Deps and p.Internal.Imports to use at test copies.
for i, dep := range p.Internal.Deps {
if p1 := testCopy[dep]; p1 != nil && p1 != dep {
......@@ -1105,27 +1106,27 @@ func declareCoverVars(importPath string, files ...string) map[string]*load.Cover
var noTestsToRun = []byte("\ntesting: warning: no tests to run\n")
// builderRunTest is the action for running a test binary.
func builderRunTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
args := str.StringList(findExecCmd(), a.deps[0].target, testArgs)
a.testOutput = new(bytes.Buffer)
func builderRunTest(b *work.Builder, a *work.Action) error {
args := str.StringList(findExecCmd(), a.Deps[0].Target, testArgs)
a.TestOutput = new(bytes.Buffer)
if cfg.BuildN || cfg.BuildX {
b.showcmd("", "%s", strings.Join(args, " "))
b.Showcmd("", "%s", strings.Join(args, " "))
if cfg.BuildN {
return nil
if a.failed {
if a.Failed {
// We were unable to build the binary.
a.failed = false
fmt.Fprintf(a.testOutput, "FAIL\t%s [build failed]\n", a.p.ImportPath)
a.Failed = false
fmt.Fprintf(a.TestOutput, "FAIL\t%s [build failed]\n", a.Package.ImportPath)
return nil
cmd := exec.Command(args[0], args[1:]...)
cmd.Dir = a.p.Dir
cmd.Dir = a.Package.Dir
cmd.Env = envForDir(cmd.Dir, cfg.OrigEnv)
var buf bytes.Buffer
if testStreamOutput {
......@@ -1138,7 +1139,7 @@ func builderRunTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
// If there are any local SWIG dependencies, we want to load
// the shared library from the build directory.
if a.p.UsesSwig() {
if a.Package.UsesSwig() {
env := cmd.Env
found := false
prefix := "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="
......@@ -1196,23 +1197,23 @@ func builderRunTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
if err == nil {
norun := ""
if testShowPass {
if bytes.HasPrefix(out, noTestsToRun[1:]) || bytes.Contains(out, noTestsToRun) {
norun = " [no tests to run]"
fmt.Fprintf(a.testOutput, "ok \t%s\t%s%s%s\n", a.p.ImportPath, t, coveragePercentage(out), norun)
fmt.Fprintf(a.TestOutput, "ok \t%s\t%s%s%s\n", a.Package.ImportPath, t, coveragePercentage(out), norun)
return nil
if len(out) > 0 {
// assume printing the test binary's exit status is superfluous
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(a.testOutput, "%s\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(a.TestOutput, "%s\n", err)
fmt.Fprintf(a.testOutput, "FAIL\t%s\t%s\n", a.p.ImportPath, t)
fmt.Fprintf(a.TestOutput, "FAIL\t%s\t%s\n", a.Package.ImportPath, t)
return nil
......@@ -1237,28 +1238,28 @@ func coveragePercentage(out []byte) string {
// builderCleanTest is the action for cleaning up after a test.
func builderCleanTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
func builderCleanTest(b *work.Builder, a *work.Action) error {
if cfg.BuildWork {
return nil
run := a.deps[0]
testDir := filepath.Join(, filepath.FromSlash(run.p.ImportPath+"/_test"))
run := a.Deps[0]
testDir := filepath.Join(b.WorkDir, filepath.FromSlash(run.Package.ImportPath+"/_test"))
return nil
// builderPrintTest is the action for printing a test result.
func builderPrintTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
clean := a.deps[0]
run := clean.deps[0]
run.testOutput = nil
func builderPrintTest(b *work.Builder, a *work.Action) error {
clean := a.Deps[0]
run := clean.Deps[0]
run.TestOutput = nil
return nil
// builderNoTest is the action for testing a package with no test files.
func builderNoTest(b *builder, a *action) error {
fmt.Printf("? \t%s\t[no test files]\n", a.p.ImportPath)
func builderNoTest(b *work.Builder, a *work.Action) error {
fmt.Printf("? \t%s\t[no test files]\n", a.Package.ImportPath)
return nil
......@@ -5,13 +5,16 @@
package main
import (
// The flag handling part of go test is large and distracting.
......@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ var testFlagDefn = []*testFlagSpec{
// add build flags to testFlagDefn
func init() {
var cmd base.Command
cmd.Flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name == "v" {
// test overrides the build -v flag
......@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ func testFlags(args []string) (packageNames, passToTest []string) {
testO = value
testNeedBinary = true
case "exec":
execCmd, err = splitQuotedFields(value)
execCmd, err = str.SplitQuotedFields(value)
if err != nil {
base.Fatalf("invalid flag argument for -%s: %v",, err)
......@@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ import (
func init() {
var cmdVet = &base.Command{
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