Commit 447db23c authored by Robert Griesemer's avatar Robert Griesemer

go/parser: always introduce an ast.Object when declaring an identifier

When traversing parameter lists (e.g. for type checking), we want the
invariant that all identifers have associated objects (even _ idents),
so that we can associate a type with each object.

parent 45ea5874
......@@ -134,11 +134,12 @@ func (p *parser) closeLabelScope() {
func (p *parser) declare(decl interface{}, scope *ast.Scope, kind ast.ObjKind, idents ...*ast.Ident) {
for _, ident := range idents {
assert(ident.Obj == nil, "identifier already declared or resolved")
if ident.Name != "_" {
obj := ast.NewObj(kind, ident.Name)
// remember the corresponding declaration for redeclaration
// errors and global variable resolution/typechecking phase
obj.Decl = decl
ident.Obj = obj
if ident.Name != "_" {
if alt := scope.Insert(obj); alt != nil && p.mode&DeclarationErrors != 0 {
prevDecl := ""
if pos := alt.Pos(); pos.IsValid() {
......@@ -146,7 +147,6 @@ func (p *parser) declare(decl interface{}, scope *ast.Scope, kind ast.ObjKind, i
p.error(ident.Pos(), fmt.Sprintf("%s redeclared in this block%s", ident.Name, prevDecl))
ident.Obj = obj
......@@ -159,17 +159,17 @@ func (p *parser) shortVarDecl(idents []*ast.Ident) {
n := 0 // number of new variables
for _, ident := range idents {
assert(ident.Obj == nil, "identifier already declared or resolved")
if ident.Name != "_" {
obj := ast.NewObj(ast.Var, ident.Name)
// short var declarations cannot have redeclaration errors
// and are not global => no need to remember the respective
// declaration
alt := p.topScope.Insert(obj)
if alt == nil {
ident.Obj = obj
if ident.Name != "_" {
if alt := p.topScope.Insert(obj); alt != nil {
ident.Obj = alt // redeclaration
} else {
n++ // new declaration
alt = obj
ident.Obj = alt
if n == 0 && p.mode&DeclarationErrors != 0 {
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