Commit 598f3e28 authored by Tor Andersson's avatar Tor Andersson Committed by Russ Cox

A first stab at porting the XCB X11 protocol bindings to go.

The python script needs a checkout of xcb/proto to generate
an xproto.go file, which together with xgb.go provide functions
to access all of the core X11 protocol requests. I have included the
generated file.

Extensions and authentication methods are not implemented.

R=r, rsc, nigeltao_golang
parent 9d50b468
...@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ DIRS=\ ...@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ DIRS=\
unicode\ unicode\
utf8\ utf8\
websocket\ websocket\
xml\ xml\
...@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ NOTEST=\ ...@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ NOTEST=\
runtime\ runtime\
syscall\ syscall\
testing/iotest\ testing/iotest\
$(filter-out $(NOTEST),$(DIRS)) $(filter-out $(NOTEST),$(DIRS))
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
include ../../Make.$(GOARCH)
include ../../Make.pkg
xproto: proto/src/xproto.xml
python -p proto/ proto/src/xproto.xml
gofmt -w xproto.go
git clone git://
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func main() {
c, err := xgb.Dial(os.Getenv("DISPLAY"));
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("cannot connect: %v\n", err);
fmt.Printf("vendor = '%s'\n", string(c.Setup.Vendor));
win := c.NewId();
gc := c.NewId();
c.CreateWindow(0, win, c.DefaultScreen().Root, 150, 150, 200, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, nil);
c.ChangeWindowAttributes(win, xgb.CWEventMask,
[]uint32{xgb.EventMaskExposure | xgb.EventMaskKeyRelease});
c.CreateGC(gc, win, 0, nil);
atom, _ := c.InternAtom(0, "HELLO");
fmt.Printf("atom = %d\n", atom.Atom);
points := make([]xgb.Point, 2);
points[1] = xgb.Point{5, 5};
points[1] = xgb.Point{100, 120};
hosts, _ := c.ListHosts();
fmt.Printf("hosts = %+v\n", hosts);
ecookie := c.ListExtensionsRequest();
exts, _ := c.ListExtensionsReply(ecookie);
for _, name := range exts.Names {
fmt.Printf("exts = '%s'\n", name.Name)
for {
reply, err := c.WaitForEvent();
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error: %v\n", err);
fmt.Printf("event %T\n", reply);
switch event := reply.(type) {
case xgb.ExposeEvent:
c.PolyLine(xgb.CoordModeOrigin, win, gc, points)
case xgb.KeyReleaseEvent:
fmt.Printf("key release!\n");
points[0].X = event.EventX;
points[0].Y = event.EventY;
c.PolyLine(xgb.CoordModeOrigin, win, gc, points);
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from xml.etree.cElementTree import *
from os.path import basename, exists
import getopt
import sys
import re
_ns = None
outfile = None
golines = []
def go(fmt, *args):
golines.append(fmt % args)
namere = re.compile('([A-Z0-9][a-z]+|[A-Z0-9]+(?![a-z])|[a-z]+)')
allcaps = re.compile('^[A-Z0-9]+$')
sizeoftab = {
"byte": 1,
"int8": 1,
"uint8": 1,
"int16": 2,
"uint16": 2,
"int32": 4,
"uint32": 4,
"float32": 4,
"float64": 8,
"Id": 4,
"Keysym": 4,
"Timestamp": 4,
def sizeof(t):
if t in sizeoftab:
return sizeoftab[t]
return 4
symbols = []
def readsymbols(filename):
symbols.append("XXX Dummy XXX")
if exists(filename):
for line in open(filename, 'r').readlines():
# Name munging crap for names, enums and types.
mangletab = {
"int8_t": "int8",
"uint8_t": "byte",
"uint16_t": "uint16",
"uint32_t": "uint32",
"int16_t": "int16",
"int32_t": "int32",
"float": "float32",
"double": "float64",
"char": "byte",
"void": "byte",
'VISUALTYPE': 'VisualInfo',
'DEPTH': 'DepthInfo',
'SCREEN': 'ScreenInfo',
'Setup': 'SetupInfo',
'WINDOW': 'Id',
def mangle(str):
if str in mangletab:
return mangletab[str]
return str
def camel(str):
return str[0].upper() + str[1:]
def uncamel(str):
return str[0].lower() + str[1:]
def nitem(str):
split = namere.finditer(str)
return ''.join([camel( for match in split])
def titem(str):
str = mangle(str)
if str in sizeoftab:
return str
if allcaps.match(str):
return str.capitalize()
return nitem(str)
def n(list):
"Mangle name (JoinedCamelCase) and chop off 'xcb' prefix."
if len(list) == 1:
parts = [nitem(list[0])]
parts = [nitem(x) for x in list[1:]]
return ''.join(parts)
def t(list):
"Mangle name (JoinedCamelCase) and chop off 'xcb' prefix. Preserve primitive type names."
if len(list) == 1:
return titem(list[0])
parts = [titem(x) for x in list[1:]]
return ''.join(parts)
# Various helper functions
def go_type_setup(self, name, postfix):
Sets up all the Go-related state by adding additional data fields to
all Field and Type objects. Here is where we figure out most of our
variable and function names.
Recurses into child fields and list member types.
# Do all the various names in advance
self.c_type = t(name + postfix)
self.c_request_name = n(name)
self.c_reply_name = n(name + ('Reply',))
self.c_reply_type = t(name + ('Reply',))
if not self.is_container:
offset = 0
for field in self.fields:
go_type_setup(field.type, field.field_type, ())
if field.type.is_list:
go_type_setup(field.type.member, field.field_type, ())
field.c_field_type = t(field.field_type)
field.c_field_name = n((field.field_name,))
field.c_subscript = '[%d]' % field.type.nmemb if (field.type.nmemb > 1) else ''
field.c_pointer = ' ' if field.type.nmemb == 1 else '[]'
field.c_offset = offset
if field.type.fixed_size():
offset += field.type.size * field.type.nmemb
def go_accessor_length(expr, prefix, iswriting):
Figures out what C code is needed to get a length field.
For fields that follow a variable-length field, use the accessor.
Otherwise, just reference the structure field directly.
prefarrow = '' if prefix == '' else prefix + '.'
if expr.lenfield_name != None:
lenstr = prefarrow + n((expr.lenfield_name,))
if iswriting and lenstr.endswith("Len"):
# chop off ...Len and refer to len(array) instead
return "len(" + lenstr[:-3] + ")"
return "int(" + lenstr + ")"
return str(expr.nmemb)
def go_accessor_expr(expr, prefix, iswriting):
Figures out what C code is needed to get the length of a list field.
Recurses for math operations.
Returns bitcount for value-mask fields.
Otherwise, uses the value of the length field.
lenexp = go_accessor_length(expr, prefix, iswriting)
if expr.op != None:
return '(' + go_accessor_expr(expr.lhs, prefix, iswriting) + ' ' + expr.op + ' ' + go_accessor_expr(expr.rhs, prefix, iswriting) + ')'
elif expr.bitfield:
return 'popCount(' + lenexp + ')'
return lenexp
def go_complex(self, fieldlist=None):
Helper function for handling all structure types.
Called for all structs, requests, replies, events, errors.
if self.is_union:
go('type %s struct /*union */ {', self.c_type)
go('type %s struct {', self.c_type)
if not fieldlist:
fieldlist = self.fields
for field in fieldlist:
if field.type.is_pad:
if field.wire and field.type.fixed_size():
go(' %s %s%s;', field.c_field_name, field.c_subscript, field.c_field_type)
if field.wire and not field.type.fixed_size():
go(' %s []%s;', field.c_field_name, field.c_field_type)
def go_get(dst, ofs, typename, typesize):
dst = "v." + dst
if typesize == 1:
if typename == 'byte':
go('%s = b[%s];', dst, ofs)
go('%s = %s(b[%s]);', dst, typename, ofs)
elif typesize == 2:
if typename == 'uint16':
go('%s = get16(b[%s:]);', dst, ofs)
go('%s = %s(get16(b[%s:]));', dst, typename, ofs)
elif typesize == 4:
if typename == 'uint32':
go('%s = get32(b[%s:]);', dst, ofs)
go('%s = %s(get32(b[%s:]));', dst, typename, ofs)
go('get%s(b[%s:], &%s);', typename, ofs, dst)
def go_get_list(dst, ofs, typename, typesize, count):
if typesize == 1 and typename == 'byte':
go('copy(v.%s[0:%s], b[%s:]);', dst, count, ofs)
go('for i := 0; i < %s; i++ {', count)
go_get(dst + "[i]", ofs + "+i*" + str(typesize), typename, typesize)
def go_complex_reader_help(self, fieldlist):
firstvar = 1
total = 0
for field in fieldlist:
fieldname = field.c_field_name
fieldtype = field.c_field_type
if field.wire and field.type.fixed_size():
total = field.c_offset + field.type.size * field.type.nmemb
if field.type.is_pad:
if field.type.nmemb == 1:
go_get(fieldname, field.c_offset, fieldtype, field.type.size)
go_get_list(fieldname, field.c_offset, fieldtype, field.type.size, field.type.nmemb)
if field.wire and not field.type.fixed_size():
lenstr = go_accessor_expr(field.type.expr, 'v', False)
if firstvar:
firstvar = 0
go('offset := %d;', field.c_offset);
go('offset = pad(offset);')
go('v.%s = make([]%s, %s);', fieldname, fieldtype, lenstr)
if fieldtype in sizeoftab:
go_get_list(fieldname, "offset", fieldtype, sizeoftab[fieldtype], "len(v."+fieldname+")")
go('offset += len(v.%s) * %d;', fieldname, sizeoftab[fieldtype])
go('for i := 0; i < %s; i++ {', lenstr)
go(' offset += get%s(b[offset:], &v.%s[i]);', fieldtype, fieldname)
if not firstvar:
return 'offset'
return str(total)
def go_complex_reader(self):
go('func get%s(b []byte, v *%s) int {', self.c_type, self.c_type)
go(' return %s;', go_complex_reader_help(self, self.fields))
def structsize(fieldlist):
fixedtotal = 0
for field in fieldlist:
if field.wire and field.type.fixed_size():
fixedtotal += field.type.size * field.type.nmemb
return fixedtotal
def go_put(src, ofs, typename, typesize):
if typesize == 1:
if typename == 'byte':
go('b[%s] = %s;', ofs, src)
go('b[%s] = byte(%s);', ofs, src)
elif typesize == 2:
if typename == 'uint16':
go('put16(b[%s:], %s);', ofs, src)
go('put16(b[%s:], uint16(%s));', ofs, src)
elif typesize == 4:
if typename == 'uint32':
go('put32(b[%s:], %s);', ofs, src)
go('put32(b[%s:], uint32(%s));', ofs, src)
go('put%s(b[%s:], %s);', typename, ofs, src)
def go_complex_writer_help(fieldlist, prefix=''):
prefarrow = '' if prefix == '' else prefix + '.'
for field in fieldlist:
fieldname = prefarrow + field.c_field_name
fieldtype = field.c_field_type
if fieldname.endswith("Len"):
fieldname = "len(%s)" % fieldname[:-3]
fieldtype = "(exp)"
if not field.type.fixed_size():
if field.type.is_expr:
expstr = go_accessor_expr(field.type.expr, prefix, True)
go_put(expstr, field.c_offset, "(exp)", field.type.size)
elif not field.type.is_pad:
if field.type.nmemb == 1:
go_put(fieldname, field.c_offset, fieldtype, field.type.size)
go(' copy(b[%d:%d], %s);', field.c_offset, field.c_offset + field.type.nmemb, fieldname)
def go_complex_writer_arguments(param_fields):
out = []
for field in param_fields:
namestr = field.c_field_name
typestr = field.c_pointer + t(field.field_type)
if typestr == '[]byte' and namestr == 'Name':
typestr = 'string'
out.append(namestr + ' ' + typestr)
go(' ' + ', '.join(out))
def go_complex_writer_arguments_names(param_fields):
out = []
for field in param_fields:
return ', '.join(out)
def go_complex_writer(self, name, void):
func_name = self.c_request_name
param_fields = []
wire_fields = []
for field in self.fields:
if field.visible:
# _len is taken from the list directly
if not field.field_name.endswith("_len"):
# The field should appear as a call parameter
if field.wire and not
# We need to set the field up in the structure
if void:
go('func (c *Conn) %s(', func_name)
go(') {')
go('func (c *Conn) %sRequest(', func_name)
go(') Cookie {')
fixedtotal = structsize(self.fields)
if fixedtotal <= 32:
go(' b := c.scratch[0:%d];', fixedtotal)
go(' b := make([]byte, %d);', fixedtotal)
firstvar = 0
for field in wire_fields:
if not field.type.fixed_size():
if not firstvar:
firstvar = 1
go(' n := %d;', fixedtotal)
go(' n += pad(%s * %d);', go_accessor_expr(field.type.expr, '', True), field.type.size)
if not firstvar:
go(' put16(b[2:], %d);', fixedtotal / 4)
go(' put16(b[2:], uint16(n / 4));')
go(' b[0] = %s;', self.opcode)
if not void:
if firstvar:
go(' cookie := c.sendRequest(b);')
go(' return c.sendRequest(b);')
go(' c.sendRequest(b);')
# send extra data
for field in param_fields:
if not field.type.fixed_size():
if field.type.is_list:
fieldname = field.c_field_name
lenstr = go_accessor_expr(field.type.expr, '', True)
if t(field.field_type) == 'byte':
if fieldname == 'Name':
go(' c.sendString(%s);', fieldname)
go(' c.sendBytes(%s[0:%s]);', fieldname, lenstr)
elif t(field.field_type) == 'uint32':
go(' c.sendUInt32List(%s[0:%s]);', fieldname, lenstr)
go(' c.send%sList(%s, %s);', t(field.field_type), fieldname, lenstr)
if not void and firstvar:
go(' return cookie;')
if not void:
args = go_complex_writer_arguments_names(param_fields)
go('func (c *Conn) %s(', func_name)
go(') (*%s, os.Error) {', self.c_reply_type)
go(' return c.%sReply(c.%sRequest(%s));', func_name, func_name, args)
# Struct definitions, readers and writers
def go_struct(self, name):
go_type_setup(self, name, ())
if symbols and t(name) not in symbols:
go('// excluding struct %s\n', t(name))
if self.c_type == 'SetupRequest': return
if self.c_type == 'SetupFailed': return
if self.c_type == 'SetupAuthenticate': return
if self.c_type == 'Format': return
if self.c_type == 'VisualInfo': return
if self.c_type == 'DepthInfo': return
if self.c_type == 'SetupInfo': return
if self.c_type == 'ScreenInfo': return
# omit variable length struct writers, they're never used
if not self.fixed_size():
go('// omitting variable length send%s', self.c_type)
go('func (c *Conn) send%sList(list []%s, count int) {', self.c_type, self.c_type)
go(' b0 := make([]byte, %d * count);', structsize(self.fields))
go(' for k := 0; k < count; k++ {')
go(' b := b0[k * %d:];', structsize(self.fields))
go_complex_writer_help(self.fields, 'list[k]')
go(' }')
go(' c.sendBytes(b0);')
def go_union(self, name):
# Request writers with reply structs and readers where needed
def replyfields(self):
l = []
for field in self.fields:
if field.type.is_pad or not field.wire: continue
if field.field_name == 'response_type': continue
if field.field_name == 'sequence': continue
if field.field_name == 'length':
if self.c_reply_name != 'GetImageReply' and self.c_reply_name != 'GetKeyboardMappingReply':
return l
def go_reply(self, name):
Declares the function that returns the reply structure.
fields = replyfields(self.reply)
go_complex(self.reply, fields)
go('func (c *Conn) %s(cookie Cookie) (*%s, os.Error) {', self.c_reply_name, self.c_reply_type)
go(' b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);')
go(' if error != nil { return nil, error }')
go(' v := new(%s);', self.c_reply_type)
go_complex_reader_help(self.reply, fields)
go(' return v, nil;')
def go_request(self, name):
Exported function that handles request declarations.
go_type_setup(self, name, ('Request',))
if symbols and n(name) not in symbols:
go('// excluding request %s\n', n(name))
if self.reply:
go_complex_writer(self, name, False)
go_type_setup(self.reply, name, ('Reply',))
go_reply(self, name)
go_complex_writer(self, name, True)
# Event structs and readers
def eventfields(self):
l = []
for field in self.fields:
if field.type.is_pad or not field.wire: continue
if field.field_name == 'response_type': continue
if field.field_name == 'sequence': continue
return l
eventlist = []
def dumpeventlist():
go('func parseEvent(buf []byte) (Event, os.Error) {')
go(' switch buf[0] {')
for event in eventlist:
go(' case %s: return get%sEvent(buf), nil;', event, event)
go(' }')
go(' return nil, os.NewError("unknown event type");')
def go_event(self, name):
Exported function that handles event declarations.
go_type_setup(self, name, ('Event',))
if symbols and t(name) not in symbols:
go('// excluding event %s\n', t(name))
go('const %s = %s', t(name), self.opcodes[name])
fields = eventfields(self)
if == name:
# Structure definition
go_complex(self, fields)
go('func get%s(b []byte) %s {', self.c_type, self.c_type)
go(' var v %s;', self.c_type)
go_complex_reader_help(self, fields)
go(' return v;')
# maybe skip this depending on how it interacts with type switching on interfaces
go('type %s %s', n(name + ('Event',)), n( + ('Event',)))
go('func get%s(b []byte) %s {', self.c_type, self.c_type)
go(' return (%s)(get%s(b));', n(name + ('Event',)), n( + ('Event',)))
# Map simple types to primitive types
def go_simple(self, name):
Exported function that handles cardinal type declarations.
These are types which are typedef'd to one of the CARDx's, char, float, etc.
We stick them into the mangletab. Lop off xcb prefix.
go_type_setup(self, name, ())
if != name:
if _ns.is_ext:
name = name[2]
name = name[1]
if name == "KEYSYM":
mangletab[name] = "Keysym"
elif name == "TIMESTAMP":
mangletab[name] = "Timestamp"
elif self.size == 4:
mangletab[name] = "Id"
mangletab[name] = t(
# Dump enums as consts, calculate implicit values instead
# of using iota.
def go_enum(self, name):
if symbols and t(name) not in symbols:
go('// excluding enum %s\n', t(name))
go('const (')
iota = 0
for (enam, eval) in self.values:
if str(eval) == '':
iota = iota + 1
eval = iota
iota = int(eval)
if name[1] == 'Atom':
s = name[1] + "".join([x.capitalize() for x in enam.split("_")])
s = n(name + (enam,))
go(' %s = %s;', s, eval)
errorlist = []
def dumperrorlist():
go('var errorNames = map[byte]string{')
for error in errorlist:
go(' Bad%s: "%s",', error, error)
def go_error(self, name):
Exported function that handles error declarations.
go('const Bad%s = %s', n(name), self.opcodes[name])
# Create the go file
def go_open(self):
Exported function that handles module open.
Opens the files and writes out the auto-generated code.
global _ns
_ns = self.namespace
go('// This file was generated automatically from %s.', _ns.file)
go('package xgb')
go('import "os"')
if _ns.is_ext:
go('const %s_MAJOR_VERSION = %s', _ns.ext_name.upper(), _ns.major_version)
go('const %s_MINOR_VERSION = %s', _ns.ext_name.upper(), _ns.minor_version)
def go_close(self):
Exported function that handles module close.
global outfile
if len(eventlist) > 0:
if len(errorlist) > 0:
if not outfile:
outfile = '%s.go' % _ns.header
gofile = open(outfile, 'w')
for line in golines:
# Main routine starts here
# Must create an "output" dictionary before any xcbgen imports.
output = {'open' : go_open,
'close' : go_close,
'simple' : go_simple,
'enum' : go_enum,
'struct' : go_struct,
'union' : go_union,
'request' : go_request,
'event' : go_event,
'error' : go_error
# Boilerplate below this point
# Check for the argument that specifies path to the xcbgen python package.
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'p:s:o:')
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
print 'Usage: [-p path] [-s symbol_list_file] [-o output.go] file.xml'
for (opt, arg) in opts:
if opt == '-p':
if opt == '-s':
if opt == '-o':
outfile = arg
# Import the module class
from xcbgen.state import Module
except ImportError:
print 'Failed to load the xcbgen Python package!'
print 'Make sure that xcb/proto installed it on your Python path,'
print 'or pass the path with -p.'
print ''
module = Module(args[0], output)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// The XGB package implements the X11 core protocol.
// It is based on XCB:
package xgb
import (
// A Conn represents a connection to an X server.
// Only one goroutine should use a Conn's methods at a time.
type Conn struct {
conn net.Conn;
nextId Id;
nextCookie Cookie;
replies map[Cookie][]byte;
events queue;
err os.Error;
defaultScreen int;
scratch [32]byte;
Setup SetupInfo;
// Id is used for all X identifiers, such as windows, pixmaps, and GCs.
type Id uint32
// Cookies are the sequence numbers used to pair replies up with their requests
type Cookie uint16
type Keysym uint32
type Timestamp uint32
// Event is an interface that can contain any of the events returned by the server.
// Use a type assertion switch to extract the Event structs.
type Event interface{}
// Error contains protocol errors returned to us by the X server.
type Error struct {
Detail uint8;
Major uint8;
Minor uint16;
Cookie Cookie;
Id Id;
func (e *Error) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Bad%s (major=%d minor=%d cookie=%d id=0x%x)",
errorNames[e.Detail], e.Major, e.Minor, e.Cookie, e.Id)
// NewID generates a new unused ID for use with requests like CreateWindow.
func (c *Conn) NewId() Id {
id := c.nextId;
// TODO: handle ID overflow
return id;
// Pad a length to align on 4 bytes.
func pad(n int) int { return (n + 3) & ^3 }
func put16(buf []byte, v uint16) {
buf[0] = byte(v);
buf[1] = byte(v >> 8);
func put32(buf []byte, v uint32) {
buf[0] = byte(v);
buf[1] = byte(v >> 8);
buf[2] = byte(v >> 16);
buf[3] = byte(v >> 24);
func get16(buf []byte) uint16 {
v := uint16(buf[0]);
v |= uint16(buf[1]) << 8;
return v;
func get32(buf []byte) uint32 {
v := uint32(buf[0]);
v |= uint32(buf[1]) << 8;
v |= uint32(buf[2]) << 16;
v |= uint32(buf[3]) << 32;
return v;
// Voodoo to count the number of bits set in a value list mask.
func popCount(mask0 int) int {
mask := uint32(mask0);
n := 0;
for i := uint32(0); i < 32; i++ {
if mask&(1<<i) != 0 {
return n;
// A simple queue used to stow away events.
type queue struct {
data [][]byte;
a, b int;
func (q *queue) queue(item []byte) {
if q.b == len( {
if q.a > 0 {
q.a, q.b = 0, q.b-q.a;
} else {
newData := make([][]byte, (len(*3)/2);
copy(newData,; = newData;
}[q.b] = item;
func (q *queue) dequeue() []byte {
if q.a < q.b {
item :=[q.a];
return item;
return nil;
// sendRequest sends a request to the server and return its associated sequence number, or cookie.
// It is only used to send the fixed length portion of the request, sendBytes and friends are used
// to send any additional variable length data.
func (c *Conn) sendRequest(buf []byte) Cookie {
if _, err := c.conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol write error: %s\n", err);
c.err = err;
cookie := c.nextCookie;
return cookie;
// sendPadding sends enough bytes to align to a 4-byte border.
// It is used to pad the variable length data that is used with some requests.
func (c *Conn) sendPadding(n int) {
x := pad(n) - n;
if x > 0 {
_, err := c.conn.Write(c.scratch[0:x]);
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol write error: %s\n", err);
c.err = err;
// sendBytes sends a byte slice as variable length data after the fixed portion of a request,
// along with any necessary padding.
func (c *Conn) sendBytes(buf []byte) {
if _, err := c.conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol write error: %s\n", err);
c.err = err;
func (c *Conn) sendString(str string) { c.sendBytes(strings.Bytes(str)) }
// sendUInt32s sends a list of 32-bit integers as variable length data.
func (c *Conn) sendUInt32List(list []uint32) {
buf := make([]byte, len(list)*4);
for i := 0; i < len(list); i++ {
put32(buf[i*4:], list[i])
func (c *Conn) sendIdList(list []Id, length int) {
buf := make([]byte, length*4);
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
put32(buf[i*4:], uint32(list[i]))
func (c *Conn) sendKeysymList(list []Keysym, length int) {
buf := make([]byte, length*4);
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
put32(buf[i*4:], uint32(list[i]))
// readNextReply reads and processes the next server reply.
// If it is a protocol error then it is returned as an Error.
// Events are pushed onto the event queue and replies to requests
// are stashed away in a map indexed by the sequence number.
func (c *Conn) readNextReply() os.Error {
buf := make([]byte, 32);
if _, err := io.ReadFull(c.conn, buf); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol read error: %s\n", err);
return err;
switch buf[0] {
case 0:
err := &Error{
Detail: buf[1],
Cookie: Cookie(get16(buf[2:])),
Id: Id(get32(buf[4:])),
Minor: get16(buf[8:]),
Major: buf[10],
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol error: %s\n", err);
return err;
case 1:
seq := Cookie(get16(buf[2:]));
size := get32(buf[4:]);
if size > 0 {
bigbuf := make([]byte, 32+size*4, 32+size*4);
copy(bigbuf[0:32], buf);
if _, err := io.ReadFull(c.conn, bigbuf[32:]); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "x protocol read error: %s\n", err);
return err;
c.replies[seq] = bigbuf;
} else {
c.replies[seq] = buf
return nil;
// waitForReply looks for a reply in the map indexed by sequence number.
// If the reply is not in the map it will block while reading replies from the server
// until the reply is found or an error occurs.
func (c *Conn) waitForReply(cookie Cookie) ([]byte, os.Error) {
for {
if reply, ok := c.replies[cookie]; ok {
c.replies[cookie] = reply, false;
return reply, nil;
if err := c.readNextReply(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// WaitForEvent returns the next event from the server.
// It will block until an event is available.
func (c *Conn) WaitForEvent() (Event, os.Error) {
for {
if reply :=; reply != nil {
return parseEvent(reply)
if err := c.readNextReply(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// PollForEvent returns the next event from the server if one is available in the internal queue.
// It will not read from the connection, so you must call WaitForEvent to receive new events.
// Only use this function to empty the queue without blocking.
func (c *Conn) PollForEvent() (Event, os.Error) {
if reply :=; reply != nil {
return parseEvent(reply)
return nil, nil;
// Dial connects to the X server given in the 'display' string.
// The display string is typically taken from os.Getenv("DISPLAY").
func Dial(display string) (*Conn, os.Error) {
var err os.Error;
c := new(Conn);
if display[0] == '/' {
c.conn, err = net.Dial("unix", "", display);
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("cannot connect: %v\n", err);
return nil, err;
} else {
parts := strings.Split(display, ":", 2);
host := parts[0];
port := 0;
if len(parts) > 1 {
parts = strings.Split(parts[1], ".", 2);
port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[0]);
if len(parts) > 1 {
c.defaultScreen, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
display = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", host, port+6000);
c.conn, err = net.Dial("tcp", "", display);
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("cannot connect: %v\n", err);
return nil, err;
// TODO: get these from .Xauthority
var authName, authData []byte;
buf := make([]byte, 12+pad(len(authName))+pad(len(authData)));
buf[0] = 'l';
buf[1] = 0;
put16(buf[2:], 11);
put16(buf[4:], 0);
put16(buf[6:], uint16(len(authName)));
put16(buf[8:], uint16(len(authData)));
put16(buf[10:], 0);
copy(buf[12:], authName);
copy(buf[12+pad(len(authName)):], authData);
if _, err = c.conn.Write(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
head := make([]byte, 8);
if _, err = io.ReadFull(c.conn, head[0:8]); err != nil {
return nil, err
code := head[0];
reasonLen := head[1];
major := get16(head[2:]);
minor := get16(head[4:]);
dataLen := get16(head[6:]);
if major != 11 || minor != 0 {
return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("x protocol version mismatch: %d.%d", major, minor))
buf = make([]byte, int(dataLen)*4+8, int(dataLen)*4+8);
copy(buf, head);
if _, err = io.ReadFull(c.conn, buf[8:]); err != nil {
return nil, err
if code == 0 {
reason := buf[8 : 8+reasonLen];
return nil, os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("x protocol authentication refused: %s", string(reason)));
getSetupInfo(buf, &c.Setup);
if c.defaultScreen >= len(c.Setup.Roots) {
c.defaultScreen = 0
c.nextId = Id(c.Setup.ResourceIdBase);
c.nextCookie = 1;
c.replies = make(map[Cookie][]byte); = queue{make([][]byte, 100), 0, 0};
return c, nil;
// Close closes the connection to the X server.
func (c *Conn) Close() { c.conn.Close() }
// DefaultScreen returns the Screen info for the default screen, which is
// 0 or the one given in the display argument to Dial.
func (c *Conn) DefaultScreen() *ScreenInfo { return &c.Setup.Roots[c.defaultScreen] }
// ClientMessageData holds the data from a client message,
// duplicated in three forms because Go doesn't have unions.
type ClientMessageData struct {
Data8 [20]byte;
Data16 [10]uint16;
Data32 [5]uint32;
func getClientMessageData(b []byte, v *ClientMessageData) int {
copy(&v.Data8, b);
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
v.Data16[i] = get16(b[i*2:])
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
v.Data32[i] = get32(b[i*4:])
return 20;
// This file was generated automatically from xproto.xml.
package xgb
import "os"
type Char2b struct {
Byte1 byte;
Byte2 byte;
func getChar2b(b []byte, v *Char2b) int {
v.Byte1 = b[0];
v.Byte2 = b[1];
return 2;
func (c *Conn) sendChar2bList(list []Char2b, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 2*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*2:];
b[0] = list[k].Byte1;
b[1] = list[k].Byte2;
type Point struct {
X int16;
Y int16;
func getPoint(b []byte, v *Point) int {
v.X = int16(get16(b[0:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[2:]));
return 4;
func (c *Conn) sendPointList(list []Point, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 4*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*4:];
put16(b[0:], uint16(list[k].X));
put16(b[2:], uint16(list[k].Y));
type Rectangle struct {
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
func getRectangle(b []byte, v *Rectangle) int {
v.X = int16(get16(b[0:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[2:]));
v.Width = get16(b[4:]);
v.Height = get16(b[6:]);
return 8;
func (c *Conn) sendRectangleList(list []Rectangle, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 8*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*8:];
put16(b[0:], uint16(list[k].X));
put16(b[2:], uint16(list[k].Y));
put16(b[4:], list[k].Width);
put16(b[6:], list[k].Height);
type Arc struct {
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
Angle1 int16;
Angle2 int16;
func getArc(b []byte, v *Arc) int {
v.X = int16(get16(b[0:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[2:]));
v.Width = get16(b[4:]);
v.Height = get16(b[6:]);
v.Angle1 = int16(get16(b[8:]));
v.Angle2 = int16(get16(b[10:]));
return 12;
func (c *Conn) sendArcList(list []Arc, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 12*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*12:];
put16(b[0:], uint16(list[k].X));
put16(b[2:], uint16(list[k].Y));
put16(b[4:], list[k].Width);
put16(b[6:], list[k].Height);
put16(b[8:], uint16(list[k].Angle1));
put16(b[10:], uint16(list[k].Angle2));
type Format struct {
Depth byte;
BitsPerPixel byte;
ScanlinePad byte;
func getFormat(b []byte, v *Format) int {
v.Depth = b[0];
v.BitsPerPixel = b[1];
v.ScanlinePad = b[2];
return 8;
const (
VisualClassStaticGray = 0;
VisualClassGrayScale = 1;
VisualClassStaticColor = 2;
VisualClassPseudoColor = 3;
VisualClassTrueColor = 4;
VisualClassDirectColor = 5;
type VisualInfo struct {
VisualId Id;
Class byte;
BitsPerRgbValue byte;
ColormapEntries uint16;
RedMask uint32;
GreenMask uint32;
BlueMask uint32;
func getVisualInfo(b []byte, v *VisualInfo) int {
v.VisualId = Id(get32(b[0:]));
v.Class = b[4];
v.BitsPerRgbValue = b[5];
v.ColormapEntries = get16(b[6:]);
v.RedMask = get32(b[8:]);
v.GreenMask = get32(b[12:]);
v.BlueMask = get32(b[16:]);
return 24;
type DepthInfo struct {
Depth byte;
VisualsLen uint16;
Visuals []VisualInfo;
func getDepthInfo(b []byte, v *DepthInfo) int {
v.Depth = b[0];
v.VisualsLen = get16(b[2:]);
offset := 8;
v.Visuals = make([]VisualInfo, int(v.VisualsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.VisualsLen); i++ {
offset += getVisualInfo(b[offset:], &v.Visuals[i])
return offset;
const (
EventMaskNoEvent = 0;
EventMaskKeyPress = 1;
EventMaskKeyRelease = 2;
EventMaskButtonPress = 4;
EventMaskButtonRelease = 8;
EventMaskEnterWindow = 16;
EventMaskLeaveWindow = 32;
EventMaskPointerMotion = 64;
EventMaskPointerMotionHint = 128;
EventMaskButton1Motion = 256;
EventMaskButton2Motion = 512;
EventMaskButton3Motion = 1024;
EventMaskButton4Motion = 2048;
EventMaskButton5Motion = 4096;
EventMaskButtonMotion = 8192;
EventMaskKeymapState = 16384;
EventMaskExposure = 32768;
EventMaskVisibilityChange = 65536;
EventMaskStructureNotify = 131072;
EventMaskResizeRedirect = 262144;
EventMaskSubstructureNotify = 524288;
EventMaskSubstructureRedirect = 1048576;
EventMaskFocusChange = 2097152;
EventMaskPropertyChange = 4194304;
EventMaskColorMapChange = 8388608;
EventMaskOwnerGrabButton = 16777216;
const (
BackingStoreNotUseful = 0;
BackingStoreWhenMapped = 1;
BackingStoreAlways = 2;
type ScreenInfo struct {
Root Id;
DefaultColormap Id;
WhitePixel uint32;
BlackPixel uint32;
CurrentInputMasks uint32;
WidthInPixels uint16;
HeightInPixels uint16;
WidthInMillimeters uint16;
HeightInMillimeters uint16;
MinInstalledMaps uint16;
MaxInstalledMaps uint16;
RootVisual Id;
BackingStores byte;
SaveUnders byte;
RootDepth byte;
AllowedDepthsLen byte;
AllowedDepths []DepthInfo;
func getScreenInfo(b []byte, v *ScreenInfo) int {
v.Root = Id(get32(b[0:]));
v.DefaultColormap = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.WhitePixel = get32(b[8:]);
v.BlackPixel = get32(b[12:]);
v.CurrentInputMasks = get32(b[16:]);
v.WidthInPixels = get16(b[20:]);
v.HeightInPixels = get16(b[22:]);
v.WidthInMillimeters = get16(b[24:]);
v.HeightInMillimeters = get16(b[26:]);
v.MinInstalledMaps = get16(b[28:]);
v.MaxInstalledMaps = get16(b[30:]);
v.RootVisual = Id(get32(b[32:]));
v.BackingStores = b[36];
v.SaveUnders = b[37];
v.RootDepth = b[38];
v.AllowedDepthsLen = b[39];
offset := 40;
v.AllowedDepths = make([]DepthInfo, int(v.AllowedDepthsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.AllowedDepthsLen); i++ {
offset += getDepthInfo(b[offset:], &v.AllowedDepths[i])
return offset;
const (
ImageOrderLSBFirst = 0;
ImageOrderMSBFirst = 1;
type SetupInfo struct {
Status byte;
ProtocolMajorVersion uint16;
ProtocolMinorVersion uint16;
Length uint16;
ReleaseNumber uint32;
ResourceIdBase uint32;
ResourceIdMask uint32;
MotionBufferSize uint32;
VendorLen uint16;
MaximumRequestLength uint16;
RootsLen byte;
PixmapFormatsLen byte;
ImageByteOrder byte;
BitmapFormatBitOrder byte;
BitmapFormatScanlineUnit byte;
BitmapFormatScanlinePad byte;
MinKeycode byte;
MaxKeycode byte;
Vendor []byte;
PixmapFormats []Format;
Roots []ScreenInfo;
func getSetupInfo(b []byte, v *SetupInfo) int {
v.Status = b[0];
v.ProtocolMajorVersion = get16(b[2:]);
v.ProtocolMinorVersion = get16(b[4:]);
v.Length = get16(b[6:]);
v.ReleaseNumber = get32(b[8:]);
v.ResourceIdBase = get32(b[12:]);
v.ResourceIdMask = get32(b[16:]);
v.MotionBufferSize = get32(b[20:]);
v.VendorLen = get16(b[24:]);
v.MaximumRequestLength = get16(b[26:]);
v.RootsLen = b[28];
v.PixmapFormatsLen = b[29];
v.ImageByteOrder = b[30];
v.BitmapFormatBitOrder = b[31];
v.BitmapFormatScanlineUnit = b[32];
v.BitmapFormatScanlinePad = b[33];
v.MinKeycode = b[34];
v.MaxKeycode = b[35];
offset := 40;
v.Vendor = make([]byte, int(v.VendorLen));
copy(v.Vendor[0:len(v.Vendor)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Vendor) * 1;
offset = pad(offset);
v.PixmapFormats = make([]Format, int(v.PixmapFormatsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.PixmapFormatsLen); i++ {
offset += getFormat(b[offset:], &v.PixmapFormats[i])
offset = pad(offset);
v.Roots = make([]ScreenInfo, int(v.RootsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.RootsLen); i++ {
offset += getScreenInfo(b[offset:], &v.Roots[i])
return offset;
const (
ModMaskShift = 1;
ModMaskLock = 2;
ModMaskControl = 4;
ModMask1 = 8;
ModMask2 = 16;
ModMask3 = 32;
ModMask4 = 64;
ModMask5 = 128;
ModMaskAny = 32768;
const (
KeyButMaskShift = 1;
KeyButMaskLock = 2;
KeyButMaskControl = 4;
KeyButMaskMod1 = 8;
KeyButMaskMod2 = 16;
KeyButMaskMod3 = 32;
KeyButMaskMod4 = 64;
KeyButMaskMod5 = 128;
KeyButMaskButton1 = 256;
KeyButMaskButton2 = 512;
KeyButMaskButton3 = 1024;
KeyButMaskButton4 = 2048;
KeyButMaskButton5 = 4096;
const (
WindowNone = 0;
const KeyPress = 2
type KeyPressEvent struct {
Detail byte;
Time Timestamp;
Root Id;
Event Id;
Child Id;
RootX int16;
RootY int16;
EventX int16;
EventY int16;
State uint16;
SameScreen byte;
func getKeyPressEvent(b []byte) KeyPressEvent {
var v KeyPressEvent;
v.Detail = b[1];
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Event = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Child = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.RootX = int16(get16(b[20:]));
v.RootY = int16(get16(b[22:]));
v.EventX = int16(get16(b[24:]));
v.EventY = int16(get16(b[26:]));
v.State = get16(b[28:]);
v.SameScreen = b[30];
return v;
const KeyRelease = 3
type KeyReleaseEvent KeyPressEvent
func getKeyReleaseEvent(b []byte) KeyReleaseEvent {
return (KeyReleaseEvent)(getKeyPressEvent(b))
const (
ButtonMask1 = 256;
ButtonMask2 = 512;
ButtonMask3 = 1024;
ButtonMask4 = 2048;
ButtonMask5 = 4096;
ButtonMaskAny = 32768;
const ButtonPress = 4
type ButtonPressEvent struct {
Detail byte;
Time Timestamp;
Root Id;
Event Id;
Child Id;
RootX int16;
RootY int16;
EventX int16;
EventY int16;
State uint16;
SameScreen byte;
func getButtonPressEvent(b []byte) ButtonPressEvent {
var v ButtonPressEvent;
v.Detail = b[1];
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Event = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Child = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.RootX = int16(get16(b[20:]));
v.RootY = int16(get16(b[22:]));
v.EventX = int16(get16(b[24:]));
v.EventY = int16(get16(b[26:]));
v.State = get16(b[28:]);
v.SameScreen = b[30];
return v;
const ButtonRelease = 5
type ButtonReleaseEvent ButtonPressEvent
func getButtonReleaseEvent(b []byte) ButtonReleaseEvent {
return (ButtonReleaseEvent)(getButtonPressEvent(b))
const (
MotionNormal = 0;
MotionHint = 1;
const MotionNotify = 6
type MotionNotifyEvent struct {
Detail byte;
Time Timestamp;
Root Id;
Event Id;
Child Id;
RootX int16;
RootY int16;
EventX int16;
EventY int16;
State uint16;
SameScreen byte;
func getMotionNotifyEvent(b []byte) MotionNotifyEvent {
var v MotionNotifyEvent;
v.Detail = b[1];
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Event = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Child = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.RootX = int16(get16(b[20:]));
v.RootY = int16(get16(b[22:]));
v.EventX = int16(get16(b[24:]));
v.EventY = int16(get16(b[26:]));
v.State = get16(b[28:]);
v.SameScreen = b[30];
return v;
const (
NotifyDetailAncestor = 0;
NotifyDetailVirtual = 1;
NotifyDetailInferior = 2;
NotifyDetailNonlinear = 3;
NotifyDetailNonlinearVirtual = 4;
NotifyDetailPointer = 5;
NotifyDetailPointerRoot = 6;
NotifyDetailNone = 7;
const (
NotifyModeNormal = 0;
NotifyModeGrab = 1;
NotifyModeUngrab = 2;
NotifyModeWhileGrabbed = 3;
const EnterNotify = 7
type EnterNotifyEvent struct {
Detail byte;
Time Timestamp;
Root Id;
Event Id;
Child Id;
RootX int16;
RootY int16;
EventX int16;
EventY int16;
State uint16;
Mode byte;
SameScreenFocus byte;
func getEnterNotifyEvent(b []byte) EnterNotifyEvent {
var v EnterNotifyEvent;
v.Detail = b[1];
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Event = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Child = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.RootX = int16(get16(b[20:]));
v.RootY = int16(get16(b[22:]));
v.EventX = int16(get16(b[24:]));
v.EventY = int16(get16(b[26:]));
v.State = get16(b[28:]);
v.Mode = b[30];
v.SameScreenFocus = b[31];
return v;
const LeaveNotify = 8
type LeaveNotifyEvent EnterNotifyEvent
func getLeaveNotifyEvent(b []byte) LeaveNotifyEvent {
return (LeaveNotifyEvent)(getEnterNotifyEvent(b))
const FocusIn = 9
type FocusInEvent struct {
Detail byte;
Event Id;
Mode byte;
func getFocusInEvent(b []byte) FocusInEvent {
var v FocusInEvent;
v.Detail = b[1];
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Mode = b[8];
return v;
const FocusOut = 10
type FocusOutEvent FocusInEvent
func getFocusOutEvent(b []byte) FocusOutEvent { return (FocusOutEvent)(getFocusInEvent(b)) }
const KeymapNotify = 11
type KeymapNotifyEvent struct {
Keys [31]byte;
func getKeymapNotifyEvent(b []byte) KeymapNotifyEvent {
var v KeymapNotifyEvent;
copy(v.Keys[0:31], b[1:]);
return v;
const Expose = 12
type ExposeEvent struct {
Window Id;
X uint16;
Y uint16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
Count uint16;
func getExposeEvent(b []byte) ExposeEvent {
var v ExposeEvent;
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.X = get16(b[8:]);
v.Y = get16(b[10:]);
v.Width = get16(b[12:]);
v.Height = get16(b[14:]);
v.Count = get16(b[16:]);
return v;
const GraphicsExposure = 13
type GraphicsExposureEvent struct {
Drawable Id;
X uint16;
Y uint16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
MinorOpcode uint16;
Count uint16;
MajorOpcode byte;
func getGraphicsExposureEvent(b []byte) GraphicsExposureEvent {
var v GraphicsExposureEvent;
v.Drawable = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.X = get16(b[8:]);
v.Y = get16(b[10:]);
v.Width = get16(b[12:]);
v.Height = get16(b[14:]);
v.MinorOpcode = get16(b[16:]);
v.Count = get16(b[18:]);
v.MajorOpcode = b[20];
return v;
const NoExposure = 14
type NoExposureEvent struct {
Drawable Id;
MinorOpcode uint16;
MajorOpcode byte;
func getNoExposureEvent(b []byte) NoExposureEvent {
var v NoExposureEvent;
v.Drawable = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.MinorOpcode = get16(b[8:]);
v.MajorOpcode = b[10];
return v;
const (
VisibilityUnobscured = 0;
VisibilityPartiallyObscured = 1;
VisibilityFullyObscured = 2;
const VisibilityNotify = 15
type VisibilityNotifyEvent struct {
Window Id;
State byte;
func getVisibilityNotifyEvent(b []byte) VisibilityNotifyEvent {
var v VisibilityNotifyEvent;
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.State = b[8];
return v;
const CreateNotify = 16
type CreateNotifyEvent struct {
Parent Id;
Window Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
BorderWidth uint16;
OverrideRedirect byte;
func getCreateNotifyEvent(b []byte) CreateNotifyEvent {
var v CreateNotifyEvent;
v.Parent = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[12:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[14:]));
v.Width = get16(b[16:]);
v.Height = get16(b[18:]);
v.BorderWidth = get16(b[20:]);
v.OverrideRedirect = b[22];
return v;
const DestroyNotify = 17
type DestroyNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
func getDestroyNotifyEvent(b []byte) DestroyNotifyEvent {
var v DestroyNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
return v;
const UnmapNotify = 18
type UnmapNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
FromConfigure byte;
func getUnmapNotifyEvent(b []byte) UnmapNotifyEvent {
var v UnmapNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.FromConfigure = b[12];
return v;
const MapNotify = 19
type MapNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
OverrideRedirect byte;
func getMapNotifyEvent(b []byte) MapNotifyEvent {
var v MapNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.OverrideRedirect = b[12];
return v;
const MapRequest = 20
type MapRequestEvent struct {
Parent Id;
Window Id;
func getMapRequestEvent(b []byte) MapRequestEvent {
var v MapRequestEvent;
v.Parent = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
return v;
const ReparentNotify = 21
type ReparentNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
Parent Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
OverrideRedirect byte;
func getReparentNotifyEvent(b []byte) ReparentNotifyEvent {
var v ReparentNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Parent = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[16:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[18:]));
v.OverrideRedirect = b[20];
return v;
const ConfigureNotify = 22
type ConfigureNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
AboveSibling Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
BorderWidth uint16;
OverrideRedirect byte;
func getConfigureNotifyEvent(b []byte) ConfigureNotifyEvent {
var v ConfigureNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.AboveSibling = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[16:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[18:]));
v.Width = get16(b[20:]);
v.Height = get16(b[22:]);
v.BorderWidth = get16(b[24:]);
v.OverrideRedirect = b[26];
return v;
const ConfigureRequest = 23
type ConfigureRequestEvent struct {
StackMode byte;
Parent Id;
Window Id;
Sibling Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
BorderWidth uint16;
ValueMask uint16;
func getConfigureRequestEvent(b []byte) ConfigureRequestEvent {
var v ConfigureRequestEvent;
v.StackMode = b[1];
v.Parent = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Sibling = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[16:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[18:]));
v.Width = get16(b[20:]);
v.Height = get16(b[22:]);
v.BorderWidth = get16(b[24:]);
v.ValueMask = get16(b[26:]);
return v;
const GravityNotify = 24
type GravityNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
func getGravityNotifyEvent(b []byte) GravityNotifyEvent {
var v GravityNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[12:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[14:]));
return v;
const ResizeRequest = 25
type ResizeRequestEvent struct {
Window Id;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
func getResizeRequestEvent(b []byte) ResizeRequestEvent {
var v ResizeRequestEvent;
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Width = get16(b[8:]);
v.Height = get16(b[10:]);
return v;
const (
PlaceOnTop = 0;
PlaceOnBottom = 1;
const CirculateNotify = 26
type CirculateNotifyEvent struct {
Event Id;
Window Id;
Place byte;
func getCirculateNotifyEvent(b []byte) CirculateNotifyEvent {
var v CirculateNotifyEvent;
v.Event = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Window = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Place = b[16];
return v;
const CirculateRequest = 27
type CirculateRequestEvent CirculateNotifyEvent
func getCirculateRequestEvent(b []byte) CirculateRequestEvent {
return (CirculateRequestEvent)(getCirculateNotifyEvent(b))
const (
PropertyNewValue = 0;
PropertyDelete = 1;
const PropertyNotify = 28
type PropertyNotifyEvent struct {
Window Id;
Atom Id;
Time Timestamp;
State byte;
func getPropertyNotifyEvent(b []byte) PropertyNotifyEvent {
var v PropertyNotifyEvent;
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Atom = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[12:]));
v.State = b[16];
return v;
const SelectionClear = 29
type SelectionClearEvent struct {
Time Timestamp;
Owner Id;
Selection Id;
func getSelectionClearEvent(b []byte) SelectionClearEvent {
var v SelectionClearEvent;
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Owner = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Selection = Id(get32(b[12:]));
return v;
const (
TimeCurrentTime = 0;
const (
AtomNone = 0;
AtomAny = 0;
AtomPrimary = 1;
AtomSecondary = 2;
AtomArc = 3;
AtomAtom = 4;
AtomBitmap = 5;
AtomCardinal = 6;
AtomColormap = 7;
AtomCursor = 8;
AtomCutBuffer0 = 9;
AtomCutBuffer1 = 10;
AtomCutBuffer2 = 11;
AtomCutBuffer3 = 12;
AtomCutBuffer4 = 13;
AtomCutBuffer5 = 14;
AtomCutBuffer6 = 15;
AtomCutBuffer7 = 16;
AtomDrawable = 17;
AtomFont = 18;
AtomInteger = 19;
AtomPixmap = 20;
AtomPoint = 21;
AtomRectangle = 22;
AtomResourceManager = 23;
AtomRgbColorMap = 24;
AtomRgbBestMap = 25;
AtomRgbBlueMap = 26;
AtomRgbDefaultMap = 27;
AtomRgbGrayMap = 28;
AtomRgbGreenMap = 29;
AtomRgbRedMap = 30;
AtomString = 31;
AtomVisualid = 32;
AtomWindow = 33;
AtomWmCommand = 34;
AtomWmHints = 35;
AtomWmClientMachine = 36;
AtomWmIconName = 37;
AtomWmIconSize = 38;
AtomWmName = 39;
AtomWmNormalHints = 40;
AtomWmSizeHints = 41;
AtomWmZoomHints = 42;
AtomMinSpace = 43;
AtomNormSpace = 44;
AtomMaxSpace = 45;
AtomEndSpace = 46;
AtomSuperscriptX = 47;
AtomSuperscriptY = 48;
AtomSubscriptX = 49;
AtomSubscriptY = 50;
AtomUnderlinePosition = 51;
AtomUnderlineThickness = 52;
AtomStrikeoutAscent = 53;
AtomStrikeoutDescent = 54;
AtomItalicAngle = 55;
AtomXHeight = 56;
AtomQuadWidth = 57;
AtomWeight = 58;
AtomPointSize = 59;
AtomResolution = 60;
AtomCopyright = 61;
AtomNotice = 62;
AtomFontName = 63;
AtomFamilyName = 64;
AtomFullName = 65;
AtomCapHeight = 66;
AtomWmClass = 67;
AtomWmTransientFor = 68;
const SelectionRequest = 30
type SelectionRequestEvent struct {
Time Timestamp;
Owner Id;
Requestor Id;
Selection Id;
Target Id;
Property Id;
func getSelectionRequestEvent(b []byte) SelectionRequestEvent {
var v SelectionRequestEvent;
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Owner = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Requestor = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Selection = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.Target = Id(get32(b[20:]));
v.Property = Id(get32(b[24:]));
return v;
const SelectionNotify = 31
type SelectionNotifyEvent struct {
Time Timestamp;
Requestor Id;
Selection Id;
Target Id;
Property Id;
func getSelectionNotifyEvent(b []byte) SelectionNotifyEvent {
var v SelectionNotifyEvent;
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[4:]));
v.Requestor = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Selection = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.Target = Id(get32(b[16:]));
v.Property = Id(get32(b[20:]));
return v;
const (
ColormapStateUninstalled = 0;
ColormapStateInstalled = 1;
const (
ColormapNone = 0;
const ColormapNotify = 32
type ColormapNotifyEvent struct {
Window Id;
Colormap Id;
New byte;
State byte;
func getColormapNotifyEvent(b []byte) ColormapNotifyEvent {
var v ColormapNotifyEvent;
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Colormap = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.New = b[12];
v.State = b[13];
return v;
const ClientMessage = 33
type ClientMessageEvent struct {
Format byte;
Window Id;
Type Id;
Data ClientMessageData;
func getClientMessageEvent(b []byte) ClientMessageEvent {
var v ClientMessageEvent;
v.Format = b[1];
v.Window = Id(get32(b[4:]));
v.Type = Id(get32(b[8:]));
getClientMessageData(b[12:], &v.Data);
return v;
const (
MappingModifier = 0;
MappingKeyboard = 1;
MappingPointer = 2;
const MappingNotify = 34
type MappingNotifyEvent struct {
Request byte;
FirstKeycode byte;
Count byte;
func getMappingNotifyEvent(b []byte) MappingNotifyEvent {
var v MappingNotifyEvent;
v.Request = b[4];
v.FirstKeycode = b[5];
v.Count = b[6];
return v;
const BadRequest = 1
const BadValue = 2
const BadWindow = 3
const BadPixmap = 4
const BadAtom = 5
const BadCursor = 6
const BadFont = 7
const BadMatch = 8
const BadDrawable = 9
const BadAccess = 10
const BadAlloc = 11
const BadColormap = 12
const BadGContext = 13
const BadIDChoice = 14
const BadName = 15
const BadLength = 16
const BadImplementation = 17
const (
WindowClassCopyFromParent = 0;
WindowClassInputOutput = 1;
WindowClassInputOnly = 2;
const (
CWBackPixmap = 1;
CWBackPixel = 2;
CWBorderPixmap = 4;
CWBorderPixel = 8;
CWBitGravity = 16;
CWWinGravity = 32;
CWBackingStore = 64;
CWBackingPlanes = 128;
CWBackingPixel = 256;
CWOverrideRedirect = 512;
CWSaveUnder = 1024;
CWEventMask = 2048;
CWDontPropagate = 4096;
CWColormap = 8192;
CWCursor = 16384;
const (
BackPixmapNone = 0;
BackPixmapParentRelative = 1;
const (
GravityBitForget = 0;
GravityWinUnmap = 0;
GravityNorthWest = 1;
GravityNorth = 2;
GravityNorthEast = 3;
GravityWest = 4;
GravityCenter = 5;
GravityEast = 6;
GravitySouthWest = 7;
GravitySouth = 8;
GravitySouthEast = 9;
GravityStatic = 10;
func (c *Conn) CreateWindow(Depth byte, Wid Id, Parent Id, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BorderWidth uint16, Class uint16, Visual Id, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:32];
n := 32;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 1;
b[1] = Depth;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Wid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Parent));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
put16(b[16:], Width);
put16(b[18:], Height);
put16(b[20:], BorderWidth);
put16(b[22:], Class);
put32(b[24:], uint32(Visual));
put32(b[28:], ValueMask);
func (c *Conn) ChangeWindowAttributes(Window Id, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 2;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], ValueMask);
const (
MapStateUnmapped = 0;
MapStateUnviewable = 1;
MapStateViewable = 2;
func (c *Conn) GetWindowAttributesRequest(Window Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 3;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetWindowAttributes(Window Id) (*GetWindowAttributesReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetWindowAttributesReply(c.GetWindowAttributesRequest(Window))
type GetWindowAttributesReply struct {
BackingStore byte;
Visual Id;
Class uint16;
BitGravity byte;
WinGravity byte;
BackingPlanes uint32;
BackingPixel uint32;
SaveUnder byte;
MapIsInstalled byte;
MapState byte;
OverrideRedirect byte;
Colormap Id;
AllEventMasks uint32;
YourEventMask uint32;
DoNotPropagateMask uint16;
func (c *Conn) GetWindowAttributesReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetWindowAttributesReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetWindowAttributesReply);
v.BackingStore = b[1];
v.Visual = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Class = get16(b[12:]);
v.BitGravity = b[14];
v.WinGravity = b[15];
v.BackingPlanes = get32(b[16:]);
v.BackingPixel = get32(b[20:]);
v.SaveUnder = b[24];
v.MapIsInstalled = b[25];
v.MapState = b[26];
v.OverrideRedirect = b[27];
v.Colormap = Id(get32(b[28:]));
v.AllEventMasks = get32(b[32:]);
v.YourEventMask = get32(b[36:]);
v.DoNotPropagateMask = get16(b[40:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) DestroyWindow(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 4;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) DestroySubwindows(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 5;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
const (
SetModeInsert = 0;
SetModeDelete = 1;
func (c *Conn) ChangeSaveSet(Mode byte, Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 6;
b[1] = Mode;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) ReparentWindow(Window Id, Parent Id, X int16, Y int16) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 7;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Parent));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
func (c *Conn) MapWindow(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 8;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) MapSubwindows(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 9;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) UnmapWindow(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 10;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) UnmapSubwindows(Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 11;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
const (
ConfigWindowX = 1;
ConfigWindowY = 2;
ConfigWindowWidth = 4;
ConfigWindowHeight = 8;
ConfigWindowBorderWidth = 16;
ConfigWindowSibling = 32;
ConfigWindowStackMode = 64;
const (
StackModeAbove = 0;
StackModeBelow = 1;
StackModeTopIf = 2;
StackModeBottomIf = 3;
StackModeOpposite = 4;
func (c *Conn) ConfigureWindow(Window Id, ValueMask uint16, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 12;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put16(b[8:], ValueMask);
const (
CirculateRaiseLowest = 0;
CirculateLowerHighest = 1;
func (c *Conn) CirculateWindow(Direction byte, Window Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 13;
b[1] = Direction;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
func (c *Conn) GetGeometryRequest(Drawable Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 14;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetGeometry(Drawable Id) (*GetGeometryReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetGeometryReply(c.GetGeometryRequest(Drawable))
type GetGeometryReply struct {
Depth byte;
Root Id;
X int16;
Y int16;
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
BorderWidth uint16;
func (c *Conn) GetGeometryReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetGeometryReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetGeometryReply);
v.Depth = b[1];
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[12:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[14:]));
v.Width = get16(b[16:]);
v.Height = get16(b[18:]);
v.BorderWidth = get16(b[20:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) QueryTreeRequest(Window Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 15;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) QueryTree(Window Id) (*QueryTreeReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryTreeReply(c.QueryTreeRequest(Window))
type QueryTreeReply struct {
Root Id;
Parent Id;
ChildrenLen uint16;
Children []Id;
func (c *Conn) QueryTreeReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryTreeReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryTreeReply);
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Parent = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.ChildrenLen = get16(b[16:]);
offset := 32;
v.Children = make([]Id, int(v.ChildrenLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Children); i++ {
v.Children[i] = Id(get32(b[offset+i*4:]))
offset += len(v.Children) * 4;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) InternAtomRequest(OnlyIfExists byte, Name string) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 16;
b[1] = OnlyIfExists;
put16(b[4:], uint16(len(Name)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) InternAtom(OnlyIfExists byte, Name string) (*InternAtomReply, os.Error) {
return c.InternAtomReply(c.InternAtomRequest(OnlyIfExists, Name))
type InternAtomReply struct {
Atom Id;
func (c *Conn) InternAtomReply(cookie Cookie) (*InternAtomReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(InternAtomReply);
v.Atom = Id(get32(b[8:]));
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) GetAtomNameRequest(Atom Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 17;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Atom));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetAtomName(Atom Id) (*GetAtomNameReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetAtomNameReply(c.GetAtomNameRequest(Atom))
type GetAtomNameReply struct {
NameLen uint16;
Name []byte;
func (c *Conn) GetAtomNameReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetAtomNameReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetAtomNameReply);
v.NameLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Name = make([]byte, int(v.NameLen));
copy(v.Name[0:len(v.Name)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Name) * 1;
return v, nil;
const (
PropModeReplace = 0;
PropModePrepend = 1;
PropModeAppend = 2;
func (c *Conn) ChangeProperty(Mode byte, Window Id, Property Id, Type Id, Format byte, Data []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
n := 24;
n += pad(((len(Data) * int(Format)) / 8) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 18;
b[1] = Mode;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Property));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Type));
b[16] = Format;
put32(b[20:], uint32(len(Data)));
c.sendBytes(Data[0:((len(Data) * int(Format)) / 8)]);
func (c *Conn) DeleteProperty(Window Id, Property Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 19;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Property));
const (
GetPropertyTypeAny = 0;
func (c *Conn) GetPropertyRequest(Delete byte, Window Id, Property Id, Type Id, LongOffset uint32, LongLength uint32) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
put16(b[2:], 6);
b[0] = 20;
b[1] = Delete;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Property));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Type));
put32(b[16:], LongOffset);
put32(b[20:], LongLength);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetProperty(Delete byte, Window Id, Property Id, Type Id, LongOffset uint32, LongLength uint32) (*GetPropertyReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetPropertyReply(c.GetPropertyRequest(Delete, Window, Property, Type, LongOffset, LongLength))
type GetPropertyReply struct {
Format byte;
Type Id;
BytesAfter uint32;
ValueLen uint32;
Value []byte;
func (c *Conn) GetPropertyReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetPropertyReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetPropertyReply);
v.Format = b[1];
v.Type = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.BytesAfter = get32(b[12:]);
v.ValueLen = get32(b[16:]);
offset := 32;
v.Value = make([]byte, (int(v.ValueLen) * (int(v.Format) / 8)));
copy(v.Value[0:len(v.Value)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Value) * 1;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) ListPropertiesRequest(Window Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 21;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) ListProperties(Window Id) (*ListPropertiesReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListPropertiesReply(c.ListPropertiesRequest(Window))
type ListPropertiesReply struct {
AtomsLen uint16;
Atoms []Id;
func (c *Conn) ListPropertiesReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListPropertiesReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListPropertiesReply);
v.AtomsLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Atoms = make([]Id, int(v.AtomsLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Atoms); i++ {
v.Atoms[i] = Id(get32(b[offset+i*4:]))
offset += len(v.Atoms) * 4;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) SetSelectionOwner(Owner Id, Selection Id, Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 22;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Owner));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Selection));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Time));
func (c *Conn) GetSelectionOwnerRequest(Selection Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 23;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Selection));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetSelectionOwner(Selection Id) (*GetSelectionOwnerReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetSelectionOwnerReply(c.GetSelectionOwnerRequest(Selection))
type GetSelectionOwnerReply struct {
Owner Id;
func (c *Conn) GetSelectionOwnerReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetSelectionOwnerReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetSelectionOwnerReply);
v.Owner = Id(get32(b[8:]));
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) ConvertSelection(Requestor Id, Selection Id, Target Id, Property Id, Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
put16(b[2:], 6);
b[0] = 24;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Requestor));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Selection));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Target));
put32(b[16:], uint32(Property));
put32(b[20:], uint32(Time));
const (
SendEventDestPointerWindow = 0;
SendEventDestItemFocus = 1;
func (c *Conn) SendEvent(Propagate byte, Destination Id, EventMask uint32, Event []byte) {
b := make([]byte, 44);
put16(b[2:], 11);
b[0] = 25;
b[1] = Propagate;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Destination));
put32(b[8:], EventMask);
copy(b[12:44], Event);
const (
GrabModeSync = 0;
GrabModeAsync = 1;
const (
GrabStatusSuccess = 0;
GrabStatusAlreadyGrabbed = 1;
GrabStatusInvalidTime = 2;
GrabStatusNotViewable = 3;
GrabStatusFrozen = 4;
const (
CursorNone = 0;
func (c *Conn) GrabPointerRequest(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Id, Cursor Id, Time Timestamp) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
put16(b[2:], 6);
b[0] = 26;
b[1] = OwnerEvents;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put16(b[8:], EventMask);
b[10] = PointerMode;
b[11] = KeyboardMode;
put32(b[12:], uint32(ConfineTo));
put32(b[16:], uint32(Cursor));
put32(b[20:], uint32(Time));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GrabPointer(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Id, Cursor Id, Time Timestamp) (*GrabPointerReply, os.Error) {
return c.GrabPointerReply(c.GrabPointerRequest(OwnerEvents, GrabWindow, EventMask, PointerMode, KeyboardMode, ConfineTo, Cursor, Time))
type GrabPointerReply struct {
Status byte;
func (c *Conn) GrabPointerReply(cookie Cookie) (*GrabPointerReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GrabPointerReply);
v.Status = b[1];
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) UngrabPointer(Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 27;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Time));
const (
ButtonIndexAny = 0;
ButtonIndex1 = 1;
ButtonIndex2 = 2;
ButtonIndex3 = 3;
ButtonIndex4 = 4;
ButtonIndex5 = 5;
func (c *Conn) GrabButton(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, EventMask uint16, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte, ConfineTo Id, Cursor Id, Button byte, Modifiers uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
put16(b[2:], 6);
b[0] = 28;
b[1] = OwnerEvents;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put16(b[8:], EventMask);
b[10] = PointerMode;
b[11] = KeyboardMode;
put32(b[12:], uint32(ConfineTo));
put32(b[16:], uint32(Cursor));
b[20] = Button;
put16(b[22:], Modifiers);
func (c *Conn) UngrabButton(Button byte, GrabWindow Id, Modifiers uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 29;
b[1] = Button;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put16(b[8:], Modifiers);
func (c *Conn) ChangeActivePointerGrab(Cursor Id, Time Timestamp, EventMask uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 30;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cursor));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Time));
put16(b[12:], EventMask);
func (c *Conn) GrabKeyboardRequest(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, Time Timestamp, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 31;
b[1] = OwnerEvents;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Time));
b[12] = PointerMode;
b[13] = KeyboardMode;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GrabKeyboard(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, Time Timestamp, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) (*GrabKeyboardReply, os.Error) {
return c.GrabKeyboardReply(c.GrabKeyboardRequest(OwnerEvents, GrabWindow, Time, PointerMode, KeyboardMode))
type GrabKeyboardReply struct {
Status byte;
func (c *Conn) GrabKeyboardReply(cookie Cookie) (*GrabKeyboardReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GrabKeyboardReply);
v.Status = b[1];
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) UngrabKeyboard(Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 32;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Time));
const (
GrabAny = 0;
func (c *Conn) GrabKey(OwnerEvents byte, GrabWindow Id, Modifiers uint16, Key byte, PointerMode byte, KeyboardMode byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 33;
b[1] = OwnerEvents;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put16(b[8:], Modifiers);
b[10] = Key;
b[11] = PointerMode;
b[12] = KeyboardMode;
func (c *Conn) UngrabKey(Key byte, GrabWindow Id, Modifiers uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 34;
b[1] = Key;
put32(b[4:], uint32(GrabWindow));
put16(b[8:], Modifiers);
const (
AllowAsyncPointer = 0;
AllowSyncPointer = 1;
AllowReplayPointer = 2;
AllowAsyncKeyboard = 3;
AllowSyncKeyboard = 4;
AllowReplayKeyboard = 5;
AllowAsyncBoth = 6;
AllowSyncBoth = 7;
func (c *Conn) AllowEvents(Mode byte, Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 35;
b[1] = Mode;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Time));
func (c *Conn) GrabServer() {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 36;
func (c *Conn) UngrabServer() {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 37;
func (c *Conn) QueryPointerRequest(Window Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 38;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) QueryPointer(Window Id) (*QueryPointerReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryPointerReply(c.QueryPointerRequest(Window))
type QueryPointerReply struct {
SameScreen byte;
Root Id;
Child Id;
RootX int16;
RootY int16;
WinX int16;
WinY int16;
Mask uint16;
func (c *Conn) QueryPointerReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryPointerReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryPointerReply);
v.SameScreen = b[1];
v.Root = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.Child = Id(get32(b[12:]));
v.RootX = int16(get16(b[16:]));
v.RootY = int16(get16(b[18:]));
v.WinX = int16(get16(b[20:]));
v.WinY = int16(get16(b[22:]));
v.Mask = get16(b[24:]);
return v, nil;
type Timecoord struct {
Time Timestamp;
X int16;
Y int16;
func getTimecoord(b []byte, v *Timecoord) int {
v.Time = Timestamp(get32(b[0:]));
v.X = int16(get16(b[4:]));
v.Y = int16(get16(b[6:]));
return 8;
func (c *Conn) sendTimecoordList(list []Timecoord, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 8*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*8:];
put32(b[0:], uint32(list[k].Time));
put16(b[4:], uint16(list[k].X));
put16(b[6:], uint16(list[k].Y));
func (c *Conn) GetMotionEventsRequest(Window Id, Start Timestamp, Stop Timestamp) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 39;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Start));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Stop));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetMotionEvents(Window Id, Start Timestamp, Stop Timestamp) (*GetMotionEventsReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetMotionEventsReply(c.GetMotionEventsRequest(Window, Start, Stop))
type GetMotionEventsReply struct {
EventsLen uint32;
Events []Timecoord;
func (c *Conn) GetMotionEventsReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetMotionEventsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetMotionEventsReply);
v.EventsLen = get32(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Events = make([]Timecoord, int(v.EventsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.EventsLen); i++ {
offset += getTimecoord(b[offset:], &v.Events[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) TranslateCoordinatesRequest(SrcWindow Id, DstWindow Id, SrcX int16, SrcY int16) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 40;
put32(b[4:], uint32(SrcWindow));
put32(b[8:], uint32(DstWindow));
put16(b[12:], uint16(SrcX));
put16(b[14:], uint16(SrcY));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) TranslateCoordinates(SrcWindow Id, DstWindow Id, SrcX int16, SrcY int16) (*TranslateCoordinatesReply, os.Error) {
return c.TranslateCoordinatesReply(c.TranslateCoordinatesRequest(SrcWindow, DstWindow, SrcX, SrcY))
type TranslateCoordinatesReply struct {
SameScreen byte;
Child Id;
DstX uint16;
DstY uint16;
func (c *Conn) TranslateCoordinatesReply(cookie Cookie) (*TranslateCoordinatesReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(TranslateCoordinatesReply);
v.SameScreen = b[1];
v.Child = Id(get32(b[8:]));
v.DstX = get16(b[12:]);
v.DstY = get16(b[14:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) WarpPointer(SrcWindow Id, DstWindow Id, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, SrcWidth uint16, SrcHeight uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16) {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
put16(b[2:], 6);
b[0] = 41;
put32(b[4:], uint32(SrcWindow));
put32(b[8:], uint32(DstWindow));
put16(b[12:], uint16(SrcX));
put16(b[14:], uint16(SrcY));
put16(b[16:], SrcWidth);
put16(b[18:], SrcHeight);
put16(b[20:], uint16(DstX));
put16(b[22:], uint16(DstY));
const (
InputFocusNone = 0;
InputFocusPointerRoot = 1;
InputFocusParent = 2;
InputFocusFollowKeyboard = 3;
func (c *Conn) SetInputFocus(RevertTo byte, Focus Id, Time Timestamp) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 42;
b[1] = RevertTo;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Focus));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Time));
func (c *Conn) GetInputFocusRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 43;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetInputFocus() (*GetInputFocusReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetInputFocusReply(c.GetInputFocusRequest())
type GetInputFocusReply struct {
RevertTo byte;
Focus Id;
func (c *Conn) GetInputFocusReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetInputFocusReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetInputFocusReply);
v.RevertTo = b[1];
v.Focus = Id(get32(b[8:]));
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) QueryKeymapRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 44;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) QueryKeymap() (*QueryKeymapReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryKeymapReply(c.QueryKeymapRequest())
type QueryKeymapReply struct {
Keys [32]byte;
func (c *Conn) QueryKeymapReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryKeymapReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryKeymapReply);
copy(v.Keys[0:32], b[8:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) OpenFont(Fid Id, Name string) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 45;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Fid));
put16(b[8:], uint16(len(Name)));
func (c *Conn) CloseFont(Font Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 46;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Font));
const (
FontDrawLeftToRight = 0;
FontDrawRightToLeft = 1;
type Fontprop struct {
Name Id;
Value uint32;
func getFontprop(b []byte, v *Fontprop) int {
v.Name = Id(get32(b[0:]));
v.Value = get32(b[4:]);
return 8;
func (c *Conn) sendFontpropList(list []Fontprop, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 8*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*8:];
put32(b[0:], uint32(list[k].Name));
put32(b[4:], list[k].Value);
type Charinfo struct {
LeftSideBearing int16;
RightSideBearing int16;
CharacterWidth int16;
Ascent int16;
Descent int16;
Attributes uint16;
func getCharinfo(b []byte, v *Charinfo) int {
v.LeftSideBearing = int16(get16(b[0:]));
v.RightSideBearing = int16(get16(b[2:]));
v.CharacterWidth = int16(get16(b[4:]));
v.Ascent = int16(get16(b[6:]));
v.Descent = int16(get16(b[8:]));
v.Attributes = get16(b[10:]);
return 12;
func (c *Conn) sendCharinfoList(list []Charinfo, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 12*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*12:];
put16(b[0:], uint16(list[k].LeftSideBearing));
put16(b[2:], uint16(list[k].RightSideBearing));
put16(b[4:], uint16(list[k].CharacterWidth));
put16(b[6:], uint16(list[k].Ascent));
put16(b[8:], uint16(list[k].Descent));
put16(b[10:], list[k].Attributes);
func (c *Conn) QueryFontRequest(Font Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 47;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Font));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) QueryFont(Font Id) (*QueryFontReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryFontReply(c.QueryFontRequest(Font))
type QueryFontReply struct {
MinBounds Charinfo;
MaxBounds Charinfo;
MinCharOrByte2 uint16;
MaxCharOrByte2 uint16;
DefaultChar uint16;
PropertiesLen uint16;
DrawDirection byte;
MinByte1 byte;
MaxByte1 byte;
AllCharsExist byte;
FontAscent int16;
FontDescent int16;
CharInfosLen uint32;
Properties []Fontprop;
CharInfos []Charinfo;
func (c *Conn) QueryFontReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryFontReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryFontReply);
getCharinfo(b[8:], &v.MinBounds);
getCharinfo(b[24:], &v.MaxBounds);
v.MinCharOrByte2 = get16(b[40:]);
v.MaxCharOrByte2 = get16(b[42:]);
v.DefaultChar = get16(b[44:]);
v.PropertiesLen = get16(b[46:]);
v.DrawDirection = b[48];
v.MinByte1 = b[49];
v.MaxByte1 = b[50];
v.AllCharsExist = b[51];
v.FontAscent = int16(get16(b[52:]));
v.FontDescent = int16(get16(b[54:]));
v.CharInfosLen = get32(b[56:]);
offset := 60;
v.Properties = make([]Fontprop, int(v.PropertiesLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.PropertiesLen); i++ {
offset += getFontprop(b[offset:], &v.Properties[i])
offset = pad(offset);
v.CharInfos = make([]Charinfo, int(v.CharInfosLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.CharInfosLen); i++ {
offset += getCharinfo(b[offset:], &v.CharInfos[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) QueryTextExtentsRequest(Font Id, String []Char2b) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(String) * 2);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 48;
b[1] = byte((len(String) & 1));
put32(b[4:], uint32(Font));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
c.sendChar2bList(String, len(String));
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) QueryTextExtents(Font Id, String []Char2b) (*QueryTextExtentsReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryTextExtentsReply(c.QueryTextExtentsRequest(Font, String))
type QueryTextExtentsReply struct {
DrawDirection byte;
FontAscent int16;
FontDescent int16;
OverallAscent int16;
OverallDescent int16;
OverallWidth int32;
OverallLeft int32;
OverallRight int32;
func (c *Conn) QueryTextExtentsReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryTextExtentsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryTextExtentsReply);
v.DrawDirection = b[1];
v.FontAscent = int16(get16(b[8:]));
v.FontDescent = int16(get16(b[10:]));
v.OverallAscent = int16(get16(b[12:]));
v.OverallDescent = int16(get16(b[14:]));
v.OverallWidth = int32(get32(b[16:]));
v.OverallLeft = int32(get32(b[20:]));
v.OverallRight = int32(get32(b[24:]));
return v, nil;
type Str struct {
NameLen byte;
Name []byte;
func getStr(b []byte, v *Str) int {
v.NameLen = b[0];
offset := 1;
v.Name = make([]byte, int(v.NameLen));
copy(v.Name[0:len(v.Name)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Name) * 1;
return offset;
// omitting variable length sendStr
func (c *Conn) ListFontsRequest(MaxNames uint16, Pattern []byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Pattern) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 49;
put16(b[4:], MaxNames);
put16(b[6:], uint16(len(Pattern)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) ListFonts(MaxNames uint16, Pattern []byte) (*ListFontsReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListFontsReply(c.ListFontsRequest(MaxNames, Pattern))
type ListFontsReply struct {
NamesLen uint16;
Names []Str;
func (c *Conn) ListFontsReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListFontsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListFontsReply);
v.NamesLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Names = make([]Str, int(v.NamesLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.NamesLen); i++ {
offset += getStr(b[offset:], &v.Names[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) ListFontsWithInfoRequest(MaxNames uint16, Pattern []byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Pattern) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 50;
put16(b[4:], MaxNames);
put16(b[6:], uint16(len(Pattern)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) ListFontsWithInfo(MaxNames uint16, Pattern []byte) (*ListFontsWithInfoReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListFontsWithInfoReply(c.ListFontsWithInfoRequest(MaxNames, Pattern))
type ListFontsWithInfoReply struct {
NameLen byte;
MinBounds Charinfo;
MaxBounds Charinfo;
MinCharOrByte2 uint16;
MaxCharOrByte2 uint16;
DefaultChar uint16;
PropertiesLen uint16;
DrawDirection byte;
MinByte1 byte;
MaxByte1 byte;
AllCharsExist byte;
FontAscent int16;
FontDescent int16;
RepliesHint uint32;
Properties []Fontprop;
Name []byte;
func (c *Conn) ListFontsWithInfoReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListFontsWithInfoReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListFontsWithInfoReply);
v.NameLen = b[1];
getCharinfo(b[8:], &v.MinBounds);
getCharinfo(b[24:], &v.MaxBounds);
v.MinCharOrByte2 = get16(b[40:]);
v.MaxCharOrByte2 = get16(b[42:]);
v.DefaultChar = get16(b[44:]);
v.PropertiesLen = get16(b[46:]);
v.DrawDirection = b[48];
v.MinByte1 = b[49];
v.MaxByte1 = b[50];
v.AllCharsExist = b[51];
v.FontAscent = int16(get16(b[52:]));
v.FontDescent = int16(get16(b[54:]));
v.RepliesHint = get32(b[56:]);
offset := 60;
v.Properties = make([]Fontprop, int(v.PropertiesLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.PropertiesLen); i++ {
offset += getFontprop(b[offset:], &v.Properties[i])
offset = pad(offset);
v.Name = make([]byte, int(v.NameLen));
copy(v.Name[0:len(v.Name)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Name) * 1;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) SetFontPath(FontQty uint16, Path []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:6];
n := 6;
n += pad(len(Path) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 51;
put16(b[4:], FontQty);
func (c *Conn) GetFontPathRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 52;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetFontPath() (*GetFontPathReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetFontPathReply(c.GetFontPathRequest())
type GetFontPathReply struct {
PathLen uint16;
Path []Str;
func (c *Conn) GetFontPathReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetFontPathReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetFontPathReply);
v.PathLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Path = make([]Str, int(v.PathLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.PathLen); i++ {
offset += getStr(b[offset:], &v.Path[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) CreatePixmap(Depth byte, Pid Id, Drawable Id, Width uint16, Height uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 53;
b[1] = Depth;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Pid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Drawable));
put16(b[12:], Width);
put16(b[14:], Height);
func (c *Conn) FreePixmap(Pixmap Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 54;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Pixmap));
const (
GCFunction = 1;
GCPlaneMask = 2;
GCForeground = 4;
GCBackground = 8;
GCLineWidth = 16;
GCLineStyle = 32;
GCCapStyle = 64;
GCJoinStyle = 128;
GCFillStyle = 256;
GCFillRule = 512;
GCTile = 1024;
GCStipple = 2048;
GCTileStippleOriginX = 4096;
GCTileStippleOriginY = 8192;
GCFont = 16384;
GCSubwindowMode = 32768;
GCGraphicsExposures = 65536;
GCClipOriginX = 131072;
GCClipOriginY = 262144;
GCClipMask = 524288;
GCDashOffset = 1048576;
GCDashList = 2097152;
GCArcMode = 4194304;
const (
GXClear = 0;
GXAnd = 1;
GXAndReverse = 2;
GXCopy = 3;
GXAndInverted = 4;
GXNoop = 5;
GXXor = 6;
GXOr = 7;
GXNor = 8;
GXEquiv = 9;
GXInvert = 10;
GXOrReverse = 11;
GXCopyInverted = 12;
GXOrInverted = 13;
GXNand = 14;
GXSet = 15;
const (
LineStyleSolid = 0;
LineStyleOnOffDash = 1;
LineStyleDoubleDash = 2;
const (
CapStyleNotLast = 0;
CapStyleButt = 1;
CapStyleRound = 2;
CapStyleProjecting = 3;
const (
JoinStyleMiter = 0;
JoinStyleRound = 1;
JoinStyleBevel = 2;
const (
FillStyleSolid = 0;
FillStyleTiled = 1;
FillStyleStippled = 2;
FillStyleOpaqueStippled = 3;
const (
FillRuleEvenOdd = 0;
FillRuleWinding = 1;
const (
SubwindowModeClipByChildren = 0;
SubwindowModeIncludeInferiors = 1;
const (
ArcModeChord = 0;
ArcModePieSlice = 1;
func (c *Conn) CreateGC(Cid Id, Drawable Id, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 55;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[12:], ValueMask);
func (c *Conn) ChangeGC(Gc Id, ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 56;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Gc));
put32(b[8:], ValueMask);
func (c *Conn) CopyGC(SrcGc Id, DstGc Id, ValueMask uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 57;
put32(b[4:], uint32(SrcGc));
put32(b[8:], uint32(DstGc));
put32(b[12:], ValueMask);
func (c *Conn) SetDashes(Gc Id, DashOffset uint16, Dashes []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Dashes) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 58;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[8:], DashOffset);
put16(b[10:], uint16(len(Dashes)));
const (
ClipOrderingUnsorted = 0;
ClipOrderingYSorted = 1;
ClipOrderingYXSorted = 2;
ClipOrderingYXBanded = 3;
func (c *Conn) SetClipRectangles(Ordering byte, Gc Id, ClipXOrigin int16, ClipYOrigin int16, Rectangles []Rectangle) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Rectangles) * 8);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 59;
b[1] = Ordering;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[8:], uint16(ClipXOrigin));
put16(b[10:], uint16(ClipYOrigin));
c.sendRectangleList(Rectangles, len(Rectangles));
func (c *Conn) FreeGC(Gc Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 60;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Gc));
func (c *Conn) ClearArea(Exposures byte, Window Id, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 61;
b[1] = Exposures;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put16(b[8:], uint16(X));
put16(b[10:], uint16(Y));
put16(b[12:], Width);
put16(b[14:], Height);
func (c *Conn) CopyArea(SrcDrawable Id, DstDrawable Id, Gc Id, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:28];
put16(b[2:], 7);
b[0] = 62;
put32(b[4:], uint32(SrcDrawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(DstDrawable));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[16:], uint16(SrcX));
put16(b[18:], uint16(SrcY));
put16(b[20:], uint16(DstX));
put16(b[22:], uint16(DstY));
put16(b[24:], Width);
put16(b[26:], Height);
func (c *Conn) CopyPlane(SrcDrawable Id, DstDrawable Id, Gc Id, SrcX int16, SrcY int16, DstX int16, DstY int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, BitPlane uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:32];
put16(b[2:], 8);
b[0] = 63;
put32(b[4:], uint32(SrcDrawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(DstDrawable));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[16:], uint16(SrcX));
put16(b[18:], uint16(SrcY));
put16(b[20:], uint16(DstX));
put16(b[22:], uint16(DstY));
put16(b[24:], Width);
put16(b[26:], Height);
put32(b[28:], BitPlane);
const (
CoordModeOrigin = 0;
CoordModePrevious = 1;
func (c *Conn) PolyPoint(CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Id, Gc Id, Points []Point) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Points) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 64;
b[1] = CoordinateMode;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendPointList(Points, len(Points));
func (c *Conn) PolyLine(CoordinateMode byte, Drawable Id, Gc Id, Points []Point) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Points) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 65;
b[1] = CoordinateMode;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendPointList(Points, len(Points));
type Segment struct {
X1 int16;
Y1 int16;
X2 int16;
Y2 int16;
func getSegment(b []byte, v *Segment) int {
v.X1 = int16(get16(b[0:]));
v.Y1 = int16(get16(b[2:]));
v.X2 = int16(get16(b[4:]));
v.Y2 = int16(get16(b[6:]));
return 8;
func (c *Conn) sendSegmentList(list []Segment, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 8*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*8:];
put16(b[0:], uint16(list[k].X1));
put16(b[2:], uint16(list[k].Y1));
put16(b[4:], uint16(list[k].X2));
put16(b[6:], uint16(list[k].Y2));
func (c *Conn) PolySegment(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Segments []Segment) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Segments) * 8);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 66;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendSegmentList(Segments, len(Segments));
func (c *Conn) PolyRectangle(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Rectangles []Rectangle) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Rectangles) * 8);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 67;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendRectangleList(Rectangles, len(Rectangles));
func (c *Conn) PolyArc(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Arcs []Arc) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Arcs) * 12);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 68;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendArcList(Arcs, len(Arcs));
const (
PolyShapeComplex = 0;
PolyShapeNonconvex = 1;
PolyShapeConvex = 2;
func (c *Conn) FillPoly(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Shape byte, CoordinateMode byte, Points []Point) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(Points) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 69;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
b[12] = Shape;
b[13] = CoordinateMode;
c.sendPointList(Points, len(Points));
func (c *Conn) PolyFillRectangle(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Rectangles []Rectangle) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Rectangles) * 8);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 70;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendRectangleList(Rectangles, len(Rectangles));
func (c *Conn) PolyFillArc(Drawable Id, Gc Id, Arcs []Arc) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Arcs) * 12);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 71;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
c.sendArcList(Arcs, len(Arcs));
const (
ImageFormatXYBitmap = 0;
ImageFormatXYPixmap = 1;
ImageFormatZPixmap = 2;
func (c *Conn) PutImage(Format byte, Drawable Id, Gc Id, Width uint16, Height uint16, DstX int16, DstY int16, LeftPad byte, Depth byte, Data []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:24];
n := 24;
n += pad(len(Data) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 72;
b[1] = Format;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[12:], Width);
put16(b[14:], Height);
put16(b[16:], uint16(DstX));
put16(b[18:], uint16(DstY));
b[20] = LeftPad;
b[21] = Depth;
func (c *Conn) GetImageRequest(Format byte, Drawable Id, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:20];
put16(b[2:], 5);
b[0] = 73;
b[1] = Format;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put16(b[8:], uint16(X));
put16(b[10:], uint16(Y));
put16(b[12:], Width);
put16(b[14:], Height);
put32(b[16:], PlaneMask);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetImage(Format byte, Drawable Id, X int16, Y int16, Width uint16, Height uint16, PlaneMask uint32) (*GetImageReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetImageReply(c.GetImageRequest(Format, Drawable, X, Y, Width, Height, PlaneMask))
type GetImageReply struct {
Depth byte;
Length uint32;
Visual Id;
Data []byte;
func (c *Conn) GetImageReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetImageReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetImageReply);
v.Depth = b[1];
v.Length = get32(b[4:]);
v.Visual = Id(get32(b[8:]));
offset := 32;
v.Data = make([]byte, (int(v.Length) * 4));
copy(v.Data[0:len(v.Data)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Data) * 1;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) PolyText8(Drawable Id, Gc Id, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(Items) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 74;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
func (c *Conn) PolyText16(Drawable Id, Gc Id, X int16, Y int16, Items []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(Items) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 75;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
func (c *Conn) ImageText8(Drawable Id, Gc Id, X int16, Y int16, String []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(String) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 76;
b[1] = byte(len(String));
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
func (c *Conn) ImageText16(Drawable Id, Gc Id, X int16, Y int16, String []Char2b) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(String) * 2);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 77;
b[1] = byte(len(String));
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Gc));
put16(b[12:], uint16(X));
put16(b[14:], uint16(Y));
c.sendChar2bList(String, len(String));
const (
ColormapAllocNone = 0;
ColormapAllocAll = 1;
func (c *Conn) CreateColormap(Alloc byte, Mid Id, Window Id, Visual Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 78;
b[1] = Alloc;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Mid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Window));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Visual));
func (c *Conn) FreeColormap(Cmap Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 79;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
func (c *Conn) CopyColormapAndFree(Mid Id, SrcCmap Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 80;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Mid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(SrcCmap));
func (c *Conn) InstallColormap(Cmap Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 81;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
func (c *Conn) UninstallColormap(Cmap Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 82;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
func (c *Conn) ListInstalledColormapsRequest(Window Id) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 83;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) ListInstalledColormaps(Window Id) (*ListInstalledColormapsReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListInstalledColormapsReply(c.ListInstalledColormapsRequest(Window))
type ListInstalledColormapsReply struct {
CmapsLen uint16;
Cmaps []Id;
func (c *Conn) ListInstalledColormapsReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListInstalledColormapsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListInstalledColormapsReply);
v.CmapsLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Cmaps = make([]Id, int(v.CmapsLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Cmaps); i++ {
v.Cmaps[i] = Id(get32(b[offset+i*4:]))
offset += len(v.Cmaps) * 4;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorRequest(Cmap Id, Red uint16, Green uint16, Blue uint16) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 84;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put16(b[8:], Red);
put16(b[10:], Green);
put16(b[12:], Blue);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) AllocColor(Cmap Id, Red uint16, Green uint16, Blue uint16) (*AllocColorReply, os.Error) {
return c.AllocColorReply(c.AllocColorRequest(Cmap, Red, Green, Blue))
type AllocColorReply struct {
Red uint16;
Green uint16;
Blue uint16;
Pixel uint32;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorReply(cookie Cookie) (*AllocColorReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(AllocColorReply);
v.Red = get16(b[8:]);
v.Green = get16(b[10:]);
v.Blue = get16(b[12:]);
v.Pixel = get32(b[16:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) AllocNamedColorRequest(Cmap Id, Name string) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 85;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put16(b[8:], uint16(len(Name)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) AllocNamedColor(Cmap Id, Name string) (*AllocNamedColorReply, os.Error) {
return c.AllocNamedColorReply(c.AllocNamedColorRequest(Cmap, Name))
type AllocNamedColorReply struct {
Pixel uint32;
ExactRed uint16;
ExactGreen uint16;
ExactBlue uint16;
VisualRed uint16;
VisualGreen uint16;
VisualBlue uint16;
func (c *Conn) AllocNamedColorReply(cookie Cookie) (*AllocNamedColorReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(AllocNamedColorReply);
v.Pixel = get32(b[8:]);
v.ExactRed = get16(b[12:]);
v.ExactGreen = get16(b[14:]);
v.ExactBlue = get16(b[16:]);
v.VisualRed = get16(b[18:]);
v.VisualGreen = get16(b[20:]);
v.VisualBlue = get16(b[22:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorCellsRequest(Contiguous byte, Cmap Id, Colors uint16, Planes uint16) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 86;
b[1] = Contiguous;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put16(b[8:], Colors);
put16(b[10:], Planes);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) AllocColorCells(Contiguous byte, Cmap Id, Colors uint16, Planes uint16) (*AllocColorCellsReply, os.Error) {
return c.AllocColorCellsReply(c.AllocColorCellsRequest(Contiguous, Cmap, Colors, Planes))
type AllocColorCellsReply struct {
PixelsLen uint16;
MasksLen uint16;
Pixels []uint32;
Masks []uint32;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorCellsReply(cookie Cookie) (*AllocColorCellsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(AllocColorCellsReply);
v.PixelsLen = get16(b[8:]);
v.MasksLen = get16(b[10:]);
offset := 32;
v.Pixels = make([]uint32, int(v.PixelsLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Pixels); i++ {
v.Pixels[i] = get32(b[offset+i*4:])
offset += len(v.Pixels) * 4;
offset = pad(offset);
v.Masks = make([]uint32, int(v.MasksLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Masks); i++ {
v.Masks[i] = get32(b[offset+i*4:])
offset += len(v.Masks) * 4;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorPlanesRequest(Contiguous byte, Cmap Id, Colors uint16, Reds uint16, Greens uint16, Blues uint16) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
put16(b[2:], 4);
b[0] = 87;
b[1] = Contiguous;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put16(b[8:], Colors);
put16(b[10:], Reds);
put16(b[12:], Greens);
put16(b[14:], Blues);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) AllocColorPlanes(Contiguous byte, Cmap Id, Colors uint16, Reds uint16, Greens uint16, Blues uint16) (*AllocColorPlanesReply, os.Error) {
return c.AllocColorPlanesReply(c.AllocColorPlanesRequest(Contiguous, Cmap, Colors, Reds, Greens, Blues))
type AllocColorPlanesReply struct {
PixelsLen uint16;
RedMask uint32;
GreenMask uint32;
BlueMask uint32;
Pixels []uint32;
func (c *Conn) AllocColorPlanesReply(cookie Cookie) (*AllocColorPlanesReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(AllocColorPlanesReply);
v.PixelsLen = get16(b[8:]);
v.RedMask = get32(b[12:]);
v.GreenMask = get32(b[16:]);
v.BlueMask = get32(b[20:]);
offset := 32;
v.Pixels = make([]uint32, int(v.PixelsLen));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Pixels); i++ {
v.Pixels[i] = get32(b[offset+i*4:])
offset += len(v.Pixels) * 4;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) FreeColors(Cmap Id, PlaneMask uint32, Pixels []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Pixels) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 88;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put32(b[8:], PlaneMask);
const (
ColorFlagRed = 1;
ColorFlagGreen = 2;
ColorFlagBlue = 4;
type Coloritem struct {
Pixel uint32;
Red uint16;
Green uint16;
Blue uint16;
Flags byte;
func getColoritem(b []byte, v *Coloritem) int {
v.Pixel = get32(b[0:]);
v.Red = get16(b[4:]);
v.Green = get16(b[6:]);
v.Blue = get16(b[8:]);
v.Flags = b[10];
return 12;
func (c *Conn) sendColoritemList(list []Coloritem, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 12*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*12:];
put32(b[0:], list[k].Pixel);
put16(b[4:], list[k].Red);
put16(b[6:], list[k].Green);
put16(b[8:], list[k].Blue);
b[10] = list[k].Flags;
func (c *Conn) StoreColors(Cmap Id, Items []Coloritem) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Items) * 12);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 89;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
c.sendColoritemList(Items, len(Items));
func (c *Conn) StoreNamedColor(Flags byte, Cmap Id, Pixel uint32, Name string) {
b := c.scratch[0:16];
n := 16;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 90;
b[1] = Flags;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put32(b[8:], Pixel);
put16(b[12:], uint16(len(Name)));
type Rgb struct {
Red uint16;
Green uint16;
Blue uint16;
func getRgb(b []byte, v *Rgb) int {
v.Red = get16(b[0:]);
v.Green = get16(b[2:]);
v.Blue = get16(b[4:]);
return 8;
func (c *Conn) sendRgbList(list []Rgb, count int) {
b0 := make([]byte, 8*count);
for k := 0; k < count; k++ {
b := b0[k*8:];
put16(b[0:], list[k].Red);
put16(b[2:], list[k].Green);
put16(b[4:], list[k].Blue);
func (c *Conn) QueryColorsRequest(Cmap Id, Pixels []uint32) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Pixels) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 91;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) QueryColors(Cmap Id, Pixels []uint32) (*QueryColorsReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryColorsReply(c.QueryColorsRequest(Cmap, Pixels))
type QueryColorsReply struct {
ColorsLen uint16;
Colors []Rgb;
func (c *Conn) QueryColorsReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryColorsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryColorsReply);
v.ColorsLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Colors = make([]Rgb, int(v.ColorsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.ColorsLen); i++ {
offset += getRgb(b[offset:], &v.Colors[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) LookupColorRequest(Cmap Id, Name string) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 92;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cmap));
put16(b[8:], uint16(len(Name)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) LookupColor(Cmap Id, Name string) (*LookupColorReply, os.Error) {
return c.LookupColorReply(c.LookupColorRequest(Cmap, Name))
type LookupColorReply struct {
ExactRed uint16;
ExactGreen uint16;
ExactBlue uint16;
VisualRed uint16;
VisualGreen uint16;
VisualBlue uint16;
func (c *Conn) LookupColorReply(cookie Cookie) (*LookupColorReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(LookupColorReply);
v.ExactRed = get16(b[8:]);
v.ExactGreen = get16(b[10:]);
v.ExactBlue = get16(b[12:]);
v.VisualRed = get16(b[14:]);
v.VisualGreen = get16(b[16:]);
v.VisualBlue = get16(b[18:]);
return v, nil;
const (
PixmapNone = 0;
func (c *Conn) CreateCursor(Cid Id, Source Id, Mask Id, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16, X uint16, Y uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:32];
put16(b[2:], 8);
b[0] = 93;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(Source));
put32(b[12:], uint32(Mask));
put16(b[16:], ForeRed);
put16(b[18:], ForeGreen);
put16(b[20:], ForeBlue);
put16(b[22:], BackRed);
put16(b[24:], BackGreen);
put16(b[26:], BackBlue);
put16(b[28:], X);
put16(b[30:], Y);
const (
FontNone = 0;
func (c *Conn) CreateGlyphCursor(Cid Id, SourceFont Id, MaskFont Id, SourceChar uint16, MaskChar uint16, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:32];
put16(b[2:], 8);
b[0] = 94;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cid));
put32(b[8:], uint32(SourceFont));
put32(b[12:], uint32(MaskFont));
put16(b[16:], SourceChar);
put16(b[18:], MaskChar);
put16(b[20:], ForeRed);
put16(b[22:], ForeGreen);
put16(b[24:], ForeBlue);
put16(b[26:], BackRed);
put16(b[28:], BackGreen);
put16(b[30:], BackBlue);
func (c *Conn) FreeCursor(Cursor Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 95;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cursor));
func (c *Conn) RecolorCursor(Cursor Id, ForeRed uint16, ForeGreen uint16, ForeBlue uint16, BackRed uint16, BackGreen uint16, BackBlue uint16) {
b := c.scratch[0:20];
put16(b[2:], 5);
b[0] = 96;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Cursor));
put16(b[8:], ForeRed);
put16(b[10:], ForeGreen);
put16(b[12:], ForeBlue);
put16(b[14:], BackRed);
put16(b[16:], BackGreen);
put16(b[18:], BackBlue);
const (
QueryShapeOfLargestCursor = 0;
QueryShapeOfFastestTile = 1;
QueryShapeOfFastestStipple = 2;
func (c *Conn) QueryBestSizeRequest(Class byte, Drawable Id, Width uint16, Height uint16) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 97;
b[1] = Class;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Drawable));
put16(b[8:], Width);
put16(b[10:], Height);
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) QueryBestSize(Class byte, Drawable Id, Width uint16, Height uint16) (*QueryBestSizeReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryBestSizeReply(c.QueryBestSizeRequest(Class, Drawable, Width, Height))
type QueryBestSizeReply struct {
Width uint16;
Height uint16;
func (c *Conn) QueryBestSizeReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryBestSizeReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryBestSizeReply);
v.Width = get16(b[8:]);
v.Height = get16(b[10:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) QueryExtensionRequest(Name string) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Name) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 98;
put16(b[4:], uint16(len(Name)));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) QueryExtension(Name string) (*QueryExtensionReply, os.Error) {
return c.QueryExtensionReply(c.QueryExtensionRequest(Name))
type QueryExtensionReply struct {
Present byte;
MajorOpcode byte;
FirstEvent byte;
FirstError byte;
func (c *Conn) QueryExtensionReply(cookie Cookie) (*QueryExtensionReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(QueryExtensionReply);
v.Present = b[8];
v.MajorOpcode = b[9];
v.FirstEvent = b[10];
v.FirstError = b[11];
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) ListExtensionsRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 99;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) ListExtensions() (*ListExtensionsReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListExtensionsReply(c.ListExtensionsRequest())
type ListExtensionsReply struct {
NamesLen byte;
Names []Str;
func (c *Conn) ListExtensionsReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListExtensionsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListExtensionsReply);
v.NamesLen = b[1];
offset := 32;
v.Names = make([]Str, int(v.NamesLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.NamesLen); i++ {
offset += getStr(b[offset:], &v.Names[i])
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) ChangeKeyboardMapping(KeycodeCount byte, FirstKeycode byte, KeysymsPerKeycode byte, Keysyms []Keysym) {
b := c.scratch[0:6];
n := 6;
n += pad((int(KeycodeCount) * int(KeysymsPerKeycode)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 100;
b[1] = KeycodeCount;
b[4] = FirstKeycode;
b[5] = KeysymsPerKeycode;
c.sendKeysymList(Keysyms, (int(KeycodeCount) * int(KeysymsPerKeycode)));
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardMappingRequest(FirstKeycode byte, Count byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:6];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 101;
b[4] = FirstKeycode;
b[5] = Count;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardMapping(FirstKeycode byte, Count byte) (*GetKeyboardMappingReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetKeyboardMappingReply(c.GetKeyboardMappingRequest(FirstKeycode, Count))
type GetKeyboardMappingReply struct {
KeysymsPerKeycode byte;
Length uint32;
Keysyms []Keysym;
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardMappingReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetKeyboardMappingReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetKeyboardMappingReply);
v.KeysymsPerKeycode = b[1];
v.Length = get32(b[4:]);
offset := 32;
v.Keysyms = make([]Keysym, int(v.Length));
for i := 0; i < len(v.Keysyms); i++ {
v.Keysyms[i] = Keysym(get32(b[offset+i*4:]))
offset += len(v.Keysyms) * 4;
return v, nil;
const (
KBKeyClickPercent = 1;
KBBellPercent = 2;
KBBellPitch = 4;
KBBellDuration = 8;
KBLed = 16;
KBLedMode = 32;
KBKey = 64;
KBAutoRepeatMode = 128;
const (
LedModeOff = 0;
LedModeOn = 1;
const (
AutoRepeatModeOff = 0;
AutoRepeatModeOn = 1;
AutoRepeatModeDefault = 2;
func (c *Conn) ChangeKeyboardControl(ValueMask uint32, ValueList []uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(popCount(int(ValueMask)) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 102;
put32(b[4:], ValueMask);
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardControlRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 103;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardControl() (*GetKeyboardControlReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetKeyboardControlReply(c.GetKeyboardControlRequest())
type GetKeyboardControlReply struct {
GlobalAutoRepeat byte;
LedMask uint32;
KeyClickPercent byte;
BellPercent byte;
BellPitch uint16;
BellDuration uint16;
AutoRepeats [32]byte;
func (c *Conn) GetKeyboardControlReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetKeyboardControlReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetKeyboardControlReply);
v.GlobalAutoRepeat = b[1];
v.LedMask = get32(b[8:]);
v.KeyClickPercent = b[12];
v.BellPercent = b[13];
v.BellPitch = get16(b[14:]);
v.BellDuration = get16(b[16:]);
copy(v.AutoRepeats[0:32], b[20:]);
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) Bell(Percent int8) {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 104;
b[1] = byte(Percent);
func (c *Conn) ChangePointerControl(AccelerationNumerator int16, AccelerationDenominator int16, Threshold int16, DoAcceleration byte, DoThreshold byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
put16(b[2:], 3);
b[0] = 105;
put16(b[4:], uint16(AccelerationNumerator));
put16(b[6:], uint16(AccelerationDenominator));
put16(b[8:], uint16(Threshold));
b[10] = DoAcceleration;
b[11] = DoThreshold;
func (c *Conn) GetPointerControlRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 106;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetPointerControl() (*GetPointerControlReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetPointerControlReply(c.GetPointerControlRequest())
type GetPointerControlReply struct {
AccelerationNumerator uint16;
AccelerationDenominator uint16;
Threshold uint16;
func (c *Conn) GetPointerControlReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetPointerControlReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetPointerControlReply);
v.AccelerationNumerator = get16(b[8:]);
v.AccelerationDenominator = get16(b[10:]);
v.Threshold = get16(b[12:]);
return v, nil;
const (
BlankingNotPreferred = 0;
BlankingPreferred = 1;
BlankingDefault = 2;
const (
ExposuresNotAllowed = 0;
ExposuresAllowed = 1;
ExposuresDefault = 2;
func (c *Conn) SetScreenSaver(Timeout int16, Interval int16, PreferBlanking byte, AllowExposures byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:10];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 107;
put16(b[4:], uint16(Timeout));
put16(b[6:], uint16(Interval));
b[8] = PreferBlanking;
b[9] = AllowExposures;
func (c *Conn) GetScreenSaverRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 108;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetScreenSaver() (*GetScreenSaverReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetScreenSaverReply(c.GetScreenSaverRequest())
type GetScreenSaverReply struct {
Timeout uint16;
Interval uint16;
PreferBlanking byte;
AllowExposures byte;
func (c *Conn) GetScreenSaverReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetScreenSaverReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetScreenSaverReply);
v.Timeout = get16(b[8:]);
v.Interval = get16(b[10:]);
v.PreferBlanking = b[12];
v.AllowExposures = b[13];
return v, nil;
const (
HostModeInsert = 0;
HostModeDelete = 1;
const (
FamilyInternet = 0;
FamilyDECnet = 1;
FamilyChaos = 2;
FamilyServerInterpreted = 5;
FamilyInternet6 = 6;
func (c *Conn) ChangeHosts(Mode byte, Family byte, Address []byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
n := 8;
n += pad(len(Address) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 109;
b[1] = Mode;
b[4] = Family;
put16(b[6:], uint16(len(Address)));
type Host struct {
Family byte;
AddressLen uint16;
Address []byte;
func getHost(b []byte, v *Host) int {
v.Family = b[0];
v.AddressLen = get16(b[2:]);
offset := 4;
v.Address = make([]byte, int(v.AddressLen));
copy(v.Address[0:len(v.Address)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Address) * 1;
return offset;
// omitting variable length sendHost
func (c *Conn) ListHostsRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 110;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) ListHosts() (*ListHostsReply, os.Error) {
return c.ListHostsReply(c.ListHostsRequest())
type ListHostsReply struct {
Mode byte;
HostsLen uint16;
Hosts []Host;
func (c *Conn) ListHostsReply(cookie Cookie) (*ListHostsReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(ListHostsReply);
v.Mode = b[1];
v.HostsLen = get16(b[8:]);
offset := 32;
v.Hosts = make([]Host, int(v.HostsLen));
for i := 0; i < int(v.HostsLen); i++ {
offset += getHost(b[offset:], &v.Hosts[i])
return v, nil;
const (
AccessControlDisable = 0;
AccessControlEnable = 1;
func (c *Conn) SetAccessControl(Mode byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 111;
b[1] = Mode;
const (
CloseDownDestroyAll = 0;
CloseDownRetainPermanent = 1;
CloseDownRetainTemporary = 2;
func (c *Conn) SetCloseDownMode(Mode byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 112;
b[1] = Mode;
const (
KillAllTemporary = 0;
func (c *Conn) KillClient(Resource uint32) {
b := c.scratch[0:8];
put16(b[2:], 2);
b[0] = 113;
put32(b[4:], Resource);
func (c *Conn) RotateProperties(Window Id, Delta int16, Atoms []Id) {
b := c.scratch[0:12];
n := 12;
n += pad(len(Atoms) * 4);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 114;
put32(b[4:], uint32(Window));
put16(b[8:], uint16(len(Atoms)));
put16(b[10:], uint16(Delta));
c.sendIdList(Atoms, len(Atoms));
const (
ScreenSaverReset = 0;
ScreenSaverActive = 1;
func (c *Conn) ForceScreenSaver(Mode byte) {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 115;
b[1] = Mode;
const (
MappingStatusSuccess = 0;
MappingStatusBusy = 1;
MappingStatusFailure = 2;
func (c *Conn) SetPointerMappingRequest(Map []byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
n := 4;
n += pad(len(Map) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 116;
b[1] = byte(len(Map));
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) SetPointerMapping(Map []byte) (*SetPointerMappingReply, os.Error) {
return c.SetPointerMappingReply(c.SetPointerMappingRequest(Map))
type SetPointerMappingReply struct {
Status byte;
func (c *Conn) SetPointerMappingReply(cookie Cookie) (*SetPointerMappingReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(SetPointerMappingReply);
v.Status = b[1];
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) GetPointerMappingRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 117;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetPointerMapping() (*GetPointerMappingReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetPointerMappingReply(c.GetPointerMappingRequest())
type GetPointerMappingReply struct {
MapLen byte;
Map []byte;
func (c *Conn) GetPointerMappingReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetPointerMappingReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetPointerMappingReply);
v.MapLen = b[1];
offset := 32;
v.Map = make([]byte, int(v.MapLen));
copy(v.Map[0:len(v.Map)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Map) * 1;
return v, nil;
const (
MapIndexShift = 0;
MapIndexLock = 1;
MapIndexControl = 2;
MapIndex1 = 3;
MapIndex2 = 4;
MapIndex3 = 5;
MapIndex4 = 6;
MapIndex5 = 7;
func (c *Conn) SetModifierMappingRequest(KeycodesPerModifier byte, Keycodes []byte) Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
n := 4;
n += pad((int(KeycodesPerModifier) * 8) * 1);
put16(b[2:], uint16(n/4));
b[0] = 118;
b[1] = KeycodesPerModifier;
cookie := c.sendRequest(b);
c.sendBytes(Keycodes[0:(int(KeycodesPerModifier) * 8)]);
return cookie;
func (c *Conn) SetModifierMapping(KeycodesPerModifier byte, Keycodes []byte) (*SetModifierMappingReply, os.Error) {
return c.SetModifierMappingReply(c.SetModifierMappingRequest(KeycodesPerModifier, Keycodes))
type SetModifierMappingReply struct {
Status byte;
func (c *Conn) SetModifierMappingReply(cookie Cookie) (*SetModifierMappingReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(SetModifierMappingReply);
v.Status = b[1];
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) GetModifierMappingRequest() Cookie {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 119;
return c.sendRequest(b);
func (c *Conn) GetModifierMapping() (*GetModifierMappingReply, os.Error) {
return c.GetModifierMappingReply(c.GetModifierMappingRequest())
type GetModifierMappingReply struct {
KeycodesPerModifier byte;
Keycodes []byte;
func (c *Conn) GetModifierMappingReply(cookie Cookie) (*GetModifierMappingReply, os.Error) {
b, error := c.waitForReply(cookie);
if error != nil {
return nil, error
v := new(GetModifierMappingReply);
v.KeycodesPerModifier = b[1];
offset := 32;
v.Keycodes = make([]byte, (int(v.KeycodesPerModifier) * 8));
copy(v.Keycodes[0:len(v.Keycodes)], b[offset:]);
offset += len(v.Keycodes) * 1;
return v, nil;
func (c *Conn) NoOperation() {
b := c.scratch[0:4];
put16(b[2:], 1);
b[0] = 127;
func parseEvent(buf []byte) (Event, os.Error) {
switch buf[0] {
case KeyPress:
return getKeyPressEvent(buf), nil
case KeyRelease:
return getKeyReleaseEvent(buf), nil
case ButtonPress:
return getButtonPressEvent(buf), nil
case ButtonRelease:
return getButtonReleaseEvent(buf), nil
case MotionNotify:
return getMotionNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case EnterNotify:
return getEnterNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case LeaveNotify:
return getLeaveNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case FocusIn:
return getFocusInEvent(buf), nil
case FocusOut:
return getFocusOutEvent(buf), nil
case KeymapNotify:
return getKeymapNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case Expose:
return getExposeEvent(buf), nil
case GraphicsExposure:
return getGraphicsExposureEvent(buf), nil
case NoExposure:
return getNoExposureEvent(buf), nil
case VisibilityNotify:
return getVisibilityNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case CreateNotify:
return getCreateNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case DestroyNotify:
return getDestroyNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case UnmapNotify:
return getUnmapNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case MapNotify:
return getMapNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case MapRequest:
return getMapRequestEvent(buf), nil
case ReparentNotify:
return getReparentNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case ConfigureNotify:
return getConfigureNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case ConfigureRequest:
return getConfigureRequestEvent(buf), nil
case GravityNotify:
return getGravityNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case ResizeRequest:
return getResizeRequestEvent(buf), nil
case CirculateNotify:
return getCirculateNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case CirculateRequest:
return getCirculateRequestEvent(buf), nil
case PropertyNotify:
return getPropertyNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case SelectionClear:
return getSelectionClearEvent(buf), nil
case SelectionRequest:
return getSelectionRequestEvent(buf), nil
case SelectionNotify:
return getSelectionNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case ColormapNotify:
return getColormapNotifyEvent(buf), nil
case ClientMessage:
return getClientMessageEvent(buf), nil
case MappingNotify:
return getMappingNotifyEvent(buf), nil
return nil, os.NewError("unknown event type");
var errorNames = map[byte]string{
BadRequest: "Request",
BadValue: "Value",
BadWindow: "Window",
BadPixmap: "Pixmap",
BadAtom: "Atom",
BadCursor: "Cursor",
BadFont: "Font",
BadMatch: "Match",
BadDrawable: "Drawable",
BadAccess: "Access",
BadAlloc: "Alloc",
BadColormap: "Colormap",
BadGContext: "GContext",
BadIDChoice: "IDChoice",
BadName: "Name",
BadLength: "Length",
BadImplementation: "Implementation",
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