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Commit 6b85a45e authored by David Chase's avatar David Chase

cmd/compile: move spills to loop exits when easy.

For call-free inner loops.

Revised statistics:
  85 inner loop spills sunk
 341 inner loop spills remaining
1162 inner loop spills that were candidates for sinking
     ended up completely register allocated
 119 inner loop spills could have been sunk were used in
     "shuffling" at the bottom of the loop.
   1 inner loop spill not sunk because the register assigned
     changed between def and exit,

 Understanding how to make an inner loop definition not be
 a candidate for from-memory shuffling (to force the shuffle
 code to choose some other value) should pick up some of the
 119 other spills disqualified for this reason.

 Modified the stats printing based on feedback from Austin.

Change-Id: If3fb9b5d5a028f42ccc36c4e3d9e0da39db5ca60
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
Run-TryBot: David Chase <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
parent c4807d4c
......@@ -11,11 +11,24 @@ import (
type loop struct {
header *Block // The header node of this (reducible) loop
outer *loop // loop containing this loop
// Next two fields not currently used, but cheap to maintain,
// and aid in computation of inner-ness and list of blocks.
nBlocks int32 // Number of blocks in this loop but not within inner loops
isInner bool // True if never discovered to contain a loop
containsCall bool // if any block in this loop or any loop it contains is a BlockCall or BlockDefer
// By default, children exits, and depth are not initialized.
children []*loop // loops nested directly within this loop. Initialized by assembleChildren().
exits []*Block // exits records blocks reached by exits from this loop. Initialized by findExits().
// Loops aren't that common, so rather than force regalloc to keep
// a map or slice for its data, just put it here.
spills []*Value
scratch int32
// Next three fields used by regalloc and/or
// aid in computation of inner-ness and list of blocks.
nBlocks int32 // Number of blocks in this loop but not within inner loops
depth int16 // Nesting depth of the loop; 1 is outermost. Initialized by calculateDepths().
isInner bool // True if never discovered to contain a loop
// register allocation uses this.
containsCall bool // if any block in this loop or any loop it contains is a BlockCall or BlockDefer
// outerinner records that outer contains inner
......@@ -48,6 +61,9 @@ type loopnest struct {
po []*Block
sdom sparseTree
loops []*loop
// Record which of the lazily initialized fields have actually been initialized.
initializedChildren, initializedDepth, initializedExits bool
func min8(a, b int8) int8 {
......@@ -295,6 +311,35 @@ func loopnestfor(f *Func) *loopnest {
ln := &loopnest{f: f, b2l: b2l, po: po, sdom: sdom, loops: loops}
// Curious about the loopiness? "-d=ssa/likelyadjust/stats"
if f.pass.stats > 0 && len(loops) > 0 {
// Note stats for non-innermost loops are slightly flawed because
// they don't account for inner loop exits that span multiple levels.
for _, l := range loops {
x := len(l.exits)
cf := 0
if !l.containsCall {
cf = 1
inner := 0
if l.isInner {
l.depth, "depth", x, "exits",
inner, "is_inner", cf, "is_callfree", l.nBlocks, "n_blocks")
if f.pass.debug > 1 && len(loops) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("Loops in %s:\n", f.Name)
for _, l := range loops {
......@@ -314,5 +359,90 @@ func loopnestfor(f *Func) *loopnest {
return &loopnest{f, b2l, po, sdom, loops}
return ln
// assembleChildren initializes the children field of each
// loop in the nest. Loop A is a child of loop B if A is
// directly nested within B (based on the reducible-loops
// detection above)
func (ln *loopnest) assembleChildren() {
if ln.initializedChildren {
for _, l := range ln.loops {
if l.outer != nil {
l.outer.children = append(l.outer.children, l)
ln.initializedChildren = true
// calculateDepths uses the children field of loops
// to determine the nesting depth (outer=1) of each
// loop. This is helpful for finding exit edges.
func (ln *loopnest) calculateDepths() {
if ln.initializedDepth {
for _, l := range ln.loops {
if l.outer == nil {
ln.initializedDepth = true
// findExits uses loop depth information to find the
// exits from a loop.
func (ln *loopnest) findExits() {
if ln.initializedExits {
b2l := ln.b2l
for _, b := range ln.po {
l := b2l[b.ID]
if l != nil && len(b.Succs) == 2 {
sl := b2l[b.Succs[0].ID]
if recordIfExit(l, sl, b.Succs[0]) {
sl = b2l[b.Succs[1].ID]
if recordIfExit(l, sl, b.Succs[1]) {
ln.initializedExits = true
// recordIfExit checks sl (the loop containing b) to see if it
// is outside of loop l, and if so, records b as an exit block
// from l and returns true.
func recordIfExit(l, sl *loop, b *Block) bool {
if sl != l {
if sl == nil || sl.depth <= l.depth {
l.exits = append(l.exits, b)
return true
// sl is not nil, and is deeper than l
// it's possible for this to be a goto into an irreducible loop made from gotos.
for sl.depth > l.depth {
sl = sl.outer
if sl != l {
l.exits = append(l.exits, b)
return true
return false
func (l *loop) setDepth(d int16) {
l.depth = d
for _, c := range l.children {
c.setDepth(d + 1)
......@@ -91,6 +91,13 @@
// will have no use (so don't run deadcode after regalloc!).
// TODO: maybe we should introduce these extra phis?
// Additional not-quite-SSA output occurs when spills are sunk out
// of loops to the targets of exit edges from the loop. Before sinking,
// there is one spill site (one StoreReg) targeting stack slot X, after
// sinking there may be multiple spill sites targeting stack slot X,
// with no phi functions at any join points reachable by the multiple
// spill sites.
package ssa
import (
......@@ -100,7 +107,8 @@ import (
const (
logSpills = iota
moveSpills = iota
......@@ -176,6 +184,7 @@ type valState struct {
uses *use // list of uses in this block
spill *Value // spilled copy of the Value
spillUsed bool
spillUsedShuffle bool // true if used in shuffling, after ordinary uses
needReg bool // cached value of !v.Type.IsMemory() && !v.Type.IsVoid() && !.v.Type.IsFlags()
rematerializeable bool // cached value of v.rematerializeable()
desired register // register we want value to be in, if any
......@@ -243,6 +252,15 @@ type regAllocState struct {
loopnest *loopnest
type spillToSink struct {
spill *Value // Spill instruction to move (a StoreReg)
dests int32 // Bitmask indicating exit blocks from loop in which spill/val is defined. 1<<i set means val is live into loop.exitBlocks[i]
func (sts *spillToSink) spilledValue() *Value {
return sts.spill.Args[0]
type endReg struct {
r register
v *Value // pre-regalloc value held in this register (TODO: can we use ID here?)
......@@ -558,6 +576,22 @@ func (s *regAllocState) compatRegs(t Type) regMask {
return m &^ s.reserved()
// loopForBlock returns the loop containing block b,
// provided that the loop is "interesting" for purposes
// of improving register allocation (= is inner, and does
// not contain a call)
func (s *regAllocState) loopForBlock(b *Block) *loop {
loop := s.loopnest.b2l[b.ID]
// Minor for-the-time-being optimization: nothing happens
// unless a loop is both inner and call-free, therefore
// don't bother with other loops.
if loop != nil && (loop.containsCall || !loop.isInner) {
loop = nil
return loop
func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
liveSet := f.newSparseSet(f.NumValues())
defer f.retSparseSet(liveSet)
......@@ -566,12 +600,36 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
var phiRegs []register
var args []*Value
// statistics
var nSpills int // # of spills remaining
var nSpillsInner int // # of spills remaining in inner loops
var nSpillsSunk int // # of sunk spills remaining
var nSpillsChanged int // # of sunk spills lost because of register use change
var nSpillsSunkUnused int // # of spills not sunk because they were removed completely
var nSpillsNotSunkLateUse int // # of spills not sunk because of very late use (in shuffle)
if f.Entry != f.Blocks[0] {
f.Fatalf("entry block must be first")
// Get loop nest so that spills in inner loops can be
// tracked. When the last block of a loop is processed,
// attempt to move spills out of the loop.
// Spills are moved from one block's slice of values to another's.
// This confuses register allocation if it occurs before it is
// complete, so candidates are recorded, then rechecked and
// moved after all allocation (register and stack) is complete.
// Because movement is only within a stack slot's lifetime, it
// is safe to do this.
var toSink []spillToSink
// Will be used to figure out live inputs to exit blocks of inner loops.
entryCandidates := newSparseMap(f.NumValues())
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
s.curBlock = b
loop := s.loopForBlock(b)
// Initialize liveSet and uses fields for this block.
// Walk backwards through the block doing liveness analysis.
......@@ -751,6 +809,11 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
s.setOrig(spill, v)
s.values[v.ID].spill = spill
s.values[v.ID].spillUsed = false
if loop != nil {
loop.spills = append(loop.spills, v)
// Save the starting state for use by merge edges.
......@@ -970,6 +1033,11 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
s.setOrig(spill, v)
s.values[v.ID].spill = spill
s.values[v.ID].spillUsed = false
if loop != nil {
loop.spills = append(loop.spills, v)
......@@ -1079,6 +1147,69 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
s.values[e.ID].spillUsed = true
// Keep track of values that are spilled in the loop, but whose spill
// is not used in the loop. It may be possible to move ("sink") the
// spill out of the loop into one or more exit blocks.
if loop != nil {
loop.scratch++ // increment count of blocks in this loop that have been processed
if loop.scratch == loop.nBlocks { // just processed last block of loop, if it is an inner loop.
// This check is redundant with code at the top of the loop.
// This is definitive; the one at the top of the loop is an optimization.
if loop.isInner && // Common case, easier, most likely to be profitable
!loop.containsCall && // Calls force spills, also lead to puzzling spill info.
len(loop.exits) <= 32 { // Almost no inner loops have more than 32 exits,
// and this allows use of a bitvector and a sparseMap.
// TODO: exit calculation is messed up for non-inner loops
// because of multilevel exits that are not part of the "exit"
// count.
// Compute the set of spill-movement candidates live at entry to exit blocks.
// isLoopSpillCandidate filters for
// (1) defined in appropriate loop
// (2) needs a register
// (3) spill not already used (in the loop)
// Condition (3) === "in a register at all loop exits"
for whichExit, ss := range loop.exits {
// Start with live at end.
for _, li := range[ss.ID] {
if s.isLoopSpillCandidate(loop, s.orig[li.ID]) {
entryCandidates.setBit(li.ID, uint(whichExit))
// Control can also be live.
if ss.Control != nil && s.isLoopSpillCandidate(loop, ss.Control) {
entryCandidates.setBit(ss.Control.ID, uint(whichExit))
// Walk backwards, filling in locally live values, removing those defined.
for i := len(ss.Values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
v := ss.Values[i]
entryCandidates.remove(v.ID) // Cannot be an issue, only keeps the sets smaller.
for _, a := range v.Args {
if s.isLoopSpillCandidate(loop, a) {
entryCandidates.setBit(a.ID, uint(whichExit))
for _, e := range loop.spills {
whichblocks := entryCandidates.get(e.ID)
oldSpill := s.values[e.ID].spill
if whichblocks != 0 && whichblocks != -1 { // -1 = not in map.
toSink = append(toSink, spillToSink{spill: oldSpill, dests: whichblocks})
} // loop is inner etc
loop.scratch = 0 // Don't leave a mess, just in case.
loop.spills = nil
} // if scratch == nBlocks
} // if loop is not nil
// Clear any final uses.
// All that is left should be the pseudo-uses added for values which
// are live at the end of b.
......@@ -1110,9 +1241,16 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
// Constants, SP, SB, ...
loop := s.loopForBlock(spill.Block)
if loop != nil {
for _, b := range f.Blocks {
i := 0
for _, v := range b.Values {
......@@ -1127,12 +1265,153 @@ func (s *regAllocState) regalloc(f *Func) {
// Not important now because this is the last phase that manipulates Values
// Must clear these out before any potential recycling, though that's
// not currently implemented.
for i, ts := range toSink {
vsp := ts.spill
if vsp.Op == OpInvalid { // This spill was completely eliminated
toSink[i].spill = nil
// Anything that didn't get a register gets a stack location here.
// (StoreReg, stack-based phis, inputs, ...)
stacklive := stackalloc(s.f, s.spillLive)
// Fix up all merge edges.
// Insert moved spills (that have not been marked invalid above)
// at start of appropriate block and remove the originals from their
// location within loops. Notice that this can break SSA form;
// if a spill is sunk to multiple exits, there will be no phi for that
// spill at a join point downstream of those two exits, though the
// two spills will target the same stack slot. Notice also that this
// takes place after stack allocation, so the stack allocator does
// not need to process these malformed flow graphs.
for _, ts := range toSink {
vsp := ts.spill
if vsp == nil { // This spill was completely eliminated
continue sinking
e := ts.spilledValue()
if s.values[e.ID].spillUsedShuffle {
continue sinking
// move spills to a better (outside of loop) block.
// This would be costly if it occurred very often, but it doesn't.
b := vsp.Block
loop := s.loopnest.b2l[b.ID]
dests := ts.dests
// Pre-check to be sure that spilled value is still in expected register on all exits where live.
for i := uint(0); i < 32 && dests != 0; i++ {
if dests&(1<<i) == 0 {
dests ^= 1 << i
d := loop.exits[i]
if len(d.Preds) > 1 {
panic("Should be impossible given critical edges removed")
p := d.Preds[0] // block in loop exiting to d.
endregs := s.endRegs[p.ID]
for _, regrec := range endregs {
if regrec.v == e && regrec.r != noRegister && regrec.c == e { // TODO: regrec.c != e implies different spill possible.
continue check_val_still_in_reg
// If here, the register assignment was lost down at least one exit and it can't be sunk
if s.f.pass.debug > moveSpills {
s.f.Config.Warnl(e.Line, "lost register assignment for spill %v in %v at exit %v to %v",
vsp, b, p, d)
continue sinking
// don't update nSpills, since spill is only moved, and if it is duplicated, the spills-on-a-path is not increased.
dests = ts.dests
// remove vsp from b.Values
i := 0
for _, w := range b.Values {
if vsp == w {
b.Values[i] = w
b.Values = b.Values[:i]
for i := uint(0); i < 32 && dests != 0; i++ {
if dests&(1<<i) == 0 {
dests ^= 1 << i
d := loop.exits[i]
vspnew := d.NewValue1(e.Line, OpStoreReg, e.Type, e)
if s.f.pass.debug > moveSpills {
s.f.Config.Warnl(e.Line, "moved spill %v in %v for %v to %v in %v",
vsp, b, e, vspnew, d)
f.setHome(vspnew, f.getHome(vsp.ID)) // copy stack home
// shuffle vspnew to the beginning of its block
copy(d.Values[1:], d.Values[0:len(d.Values)-1])
d.Values[0] = vspnew
if f.pass.stats > 0 {
nSpills, "spills", nSpillsInner, "inner_spills_remaining", nSpillsSunk, "inner_spills_sunk", nSpillsSunkUnused, "inner_spills_unused", nSpillsNotSunkLateUse, "inner_spills_shuffled", nSpillsChanged, "inner_spills_changed")
// isLoopSpillCandidate indicates whether the spill for v satisfies preliminary
// spill-sinking conditions just after the last block of loop has been processed.
// In particular:
// v needs a register.
// v's spill is not (YET) used.
// v's definition is within loop.
// The spill may be used in the future, either by an outright use
// in the code, or by shuffling code inserted after stack allocation.
// Outright uses cause sinking; shuffling (within the loop) inhibits it.
func (s *regAllocState) isLoopSpillCandidate(loop *loop, v *Value) bool {
return s.values[v.ID].needReg && !s.values[v.ID].spillUsed && s.loopnest.b2l[v.Block.ID] == loop
// lateSpillUse notes a late (after stack allocation) use of spill c
// This will inhibit spill sinking.
func (s *regAllocState) lateSpillUse(c *Value) {
// TODO investigate why this is necessary.
// It appears that an outside-the-loop use of
// an otherwise sinkable spill makes the spill
// a candidate for shuffling, when it would not
// otherwise have been the case (spillUsed was not
// true when isLoopSpillCandidate was called, yet
// it was shuffled). Such shuffling cuts the amount
// of spill sinking by more than half (in make.bash)
v := s.orig[c.ID]
if v != nil {
s.values[v.ID].spillUsedShuffle = true
// shuffle fixes up all the merge edges (those going into blocks of indegree > 1).
......@@ -1307,6 +1586,7 @@ func (e *edgeState) process() {
if _, isReg := loc.(*Register); isReg {
c = e.p.NewValue1(c.Line, OpCopy, c.Type, c)
} else {
c = e.p.NewValue1(c.Line, OpLoadReg, c.Type, c)
e.set(r, vid, c, false)
......@@ -1395,6 +1675,7 @@ func (e *edgeState) processDest(loc Location, vid ID, splice **Value) bool {
} else {
if dstReg {
x = e.p.NewValue1(c.Line, OpLoadReg, c.Type, c)
} else {
// mem->mem. Use temp register.
......@@ -1412,6 +1693,7 @@ func (e *edgeState) processDest(loc Location, vid ID, splice **Value) bool {
r := e.findRegFor(c.Type)
t := e.p.NewValue1(c.Line, OpLoadReg, c.Type, c)
e.set(r, vid, t, false)
x = e.p.NewValue1(c.Line, OpStoreReg, loc.(LocalSlot).Type, t)
......@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ func (s *sparseMap) contains(k ID) bool {
return i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].key == k
// get returns the value for key k, or -1 if k does
// not appear in the map.
func (s *sparseMap) get(k ID) int32 {
i := s.sparse[k]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].key == k {
......@@ -50,6 +52,20 @@ func (s *sparseMap) set(k ID, v int32) {
s.sparse[k] = len(s.dense) - 1
// setBit sets the v'th bit of k's value, where 0 <= v < 32
func (s *sparseMap) setBit(k ID, v uint) {
if v >= 32 {
panic("bit index too large.")
i := s.sparse[k]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].key == k {
s.dense[i].val |= 1 << v
s.dense = append(s.dense, sparseEntry{k, 1 << v})
s.sparse[k] = len(s.dense) - 1
func (s *sparseMap) remove(k ID) {
i := s.sparse[k]
if i < len(s.dense) && s.dense[i].key == k {
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