Commit 7b848c69 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

cmd/dist: cross-compiling fixes

This CL makes it possible to run make.bash with
GOOS and GOARCH set to something other than
the native host GOOS and GOARCH.

As part of the CL, the tool directory moves from bin/tool/
to pkg/tool/goos_goarch where goos and goarch are
the values for the host system (running the build), not
the target.  pkg/ is not technically appropriate, but C objects
are there now tool (pkg/obj/) so this puts all the generated
binaries in one place (rm -rf $GOROOT/pkg cleans everything).
Including goos_goarch in the name allows different systems
to share a single $GOROOT on a shared file system.

Fixes #2920.

R=golang-dev, r
parent 569ef7d4
......@@ -9,5 +9,5 @@ if [ ! -f make.bash ]; then
exit 1
. ./make.bash --no-banner
bash run.bash --no-rebuild
../bin/tool/dist banner # print build info
bash run.bash --no-rebuild --banner
$GOTOOLDIR/dist banner # print build info
......@@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ extern char *goroot;
extern char *goroot_final;
extern char *goversion;
extern char *workdir;
extern char *tooldir;
extern char *slash;
extern bool rebuildall;
int find(char*, char**, int);
void init(void);
......@@ -13,15 +13,19 @@
char *goarch;
char *gobin;
char *gohostarch;
char *gohostchar;
char *gohostos;
char *goos;
char *goroot = GOROOT_FINAL;
char *goroot_final = GOROOT_FINAL;
char *workdir;
char *tooldir;
char *gochar;
char *goversion;
char *slash; // / for unix, \ for windows
bool rebuildall = 0;
static bool shouldbuild(char*, char*);
static void copy(char*, char*);
static char *findgoversion(void);
......@@ -99,14 +103,18 @@ init(void)
if(b.len > 0)
gohostarch = btake(&b);
if(find(gohostarch, okgoarch, nelem(okgoarch)) < 0)
i = find(gohostarch, okgoarch, nelem(okgoarch));
if(i < 0)
fatal("unknown $GOHOSTARCH %s", gohostarch);
bprintf(&b, "%c", gochars[i]);
gohostchar = btake(&b);
xgetenv(&b, "GOARCH");
if(b.len == 0)
bwritestr(&b, gohostarch);
goarch = btake(&b);
if((i=find(goarch, okgoarch, nelem(okgoarch))) < 0)
i = find(goarch, okgoarch, nelem(okgoarch));
if(i < 0)
fatal("unknown $GOARCH %s", goarch);
bprintf(&b, "%c", gochars[i]);
gochar = btake(&b);
......@@ -124,6 +132,9 @@ init(void)
workdir = xworkdir();
bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/tool/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch);
tooldir = btake(&b);
......@@ -256,6 +267,7 @@ static char *oldtool[] = {
"8a", "8c", "8g", "8l",
......@@ -281,11 +293,8 @@ setup(void)
// Create tool directory.
// Create bin directory.
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/bin", goroot);
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool", goroot);
......@@ -293,21 +302,42 @@ setup(void)
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg", goroot);
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch);
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch);
if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch)) {
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch);
// Create object directory.
// We keep it in pkg/ so that all the generated binaries
// are in one tree.
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj", goroot);
// are in one tree. If pkg/obj/libgc.a exists, it is a dreg from
// before we used subdirectories of obj. Delete all of obj
// to clean up.
bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/libgc.a", goroot);
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj", goroot));
p = bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch);
// Create tool directory.
// We keep it in pkg/, just like the object directory above.
// Remove tool binaries from before the tool/gohostos_gohostarch
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool", goroot));
// Remove old pre-tool binaries.
for(i=0; i<nelem(oldtool); i++)
xremove(bprintf(&b, "%s%s%s%s%s", goroot, slash, "bin", slash, oldtool[i]));
xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/%s", goroot, oldtool[i]));
// If $GOBIN is set and has a Go compiler, it must be cleaned.
for(i=0; gochars[i]; i++) {
if(isfile(bprintf(&b, "%s%s%c%s", gobin, slash, gochars[i], "g"))) {
......@@ -390,37 +420,37 @@ static struct {
{"cmd/6c", {
{"cmd/8c", {
{"cmd/5g", {
{"cmd/6g", {
{"cmd/8g", {
{"cmd/5l", {
......@@ -442,9 +472,9 @@ static struct {
{"cmd/", {
{"pkg/runtime", {
......@@ -490,8 +520,12 @@ install(char *dir)
Time ttarg, t;
int i, j, k, n, doclean;
xprintf("%s\n", dir);
if(vflag) {
if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch))
xprintf("%s (%s/%s)\n", dir, goos, goarch);
xprintf("%s\n", dir);
......@@ -521,7 +555,7 @@ install(char *dir)
islib = hasprefix(dir, "lib") || streq(dir, "cmd/cc") || streq(dir, "cmd/gc");
ispkg = hasprefix(dir, "pkg");
isgo = ispkg || streq(dir, "cmd/go");
isgo = ispkg || streq(dir, "cmd/go") || streq(dir, "cmd/cgo");
exe = "";
if(streq(gohostos, "windows"))
......@@ -536,27 +570,30 @@ install(char *dir)
prefix = "";
if(!hasprefix(name, "lib"))
prefix = "lib";
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s%s.a", goroot, prefix, name));
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s_%s/%s%s.a", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch, prefix, name));
} else if(ispkg) {
// Go library (package).
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/pack", goroot));
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pack", tooldir));
vadd(&link, "grc");
p = bprintf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s", goroot, goos, goarch, dir+4);
p = bprintf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch, dir+4);
*xstrrchr(p, '/') = '\0';
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s.a", goroot, goos, goarch, dir+4));
} else if(streq(dir, "cmd/go")) {
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s/%s.a", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch, dir+4));
} else if(streq(dir, "cmd/go") || streq(dir, "cmd/cgo")) {
// Go command.
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sl", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sl", tooldir, gochar));
vadd(&link, "-o");
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/go_bootstrap%s", goroot, exe));
elem = name;
if(streq(elem, "go"))
elem = "go_bootstrap";
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%s%s", tooldir, elem, exe));
} else {
// C command.
// Use gccargs, but ensure that link.p[2] is output file,
// as noted above.
vadd(&link, gccargs.p[0]);
vadd(&link, "-o");
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%s%s", goroot, name, exe));
vadd(&link, bpathf(&b, "%s/%s%s", tooldir, name, exe));
vcopy(&link, gccargs.p+1, gccargs.len-1);
if(streq(gohostarch, "amd64"))
vadd(&link, "-m64");
......@@ -636,7 +673,7 @@ install(char *dir)
// Is the target up-to-date?
stale = 1; // TODO: Decide when 0 is okay.
stale = rebuildall;
n = 0;
for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) {
p = files.p[i];
......@@ -682,12 +719,6 @@ install(char *dir)
copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/signals_GOOS.h", workdir),
bpathf(&b1, "%s/signals_%s.h", bstr(&path), goos));
// For cmd/prof, copy pprof into the tool directory.
if(streq(dir, "cmd/prof")) {
copy(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/pprof", goroot),
bpathf(&b1, "%s/src/cmd/prof/pprof", goroot));
// Generate any missing files; regenerate existing ones.
for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) {
......@@ -737,6 +768,13 @@ install(char *dir)
if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch)) {
// We've generated the right files; the go command can do the build.
if(vflag > 1)
xprintf("skip build for cross-compile %s\n", dir);
goto nobuild;
// Compile the files.
for(i=0; i<files.len; i++) {
......@@ -762,7 +800,7 @@ install(char *dir)
vadd(&compile, "-I");
vadd(&compile, bstr(&path));
// runtime/goos.c gets the default constants hard-coded.
// lib9/goos.c gets the default constants hard-coded.
if(streq(name, "goos.c")) {
vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "-DGOOS=\"%s\"", goos));
vadd(&compile, bprintf(&b, "-DGOARCH=\"%s\"", goarch));
......@@ -780,9 +818,9 @@ install(char *dir)
} else {
// Supporting files for a Go package.
if(hassuffix(files.p[i], ".s"))
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sa", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sa", tooldir, gochar));
else {
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sc", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sc", tooldir, gochar));
vadd(&compile, "-FVw");
vadd(&compile, "-I");
......@@ -820,7 +858,7 @@ install(char *dir)
// The last loop was compiling individual files.
// Hand the Go files to the compiler en masse.
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sg", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&compile, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sg", tooldir, gochar));
bpathf(&b, "%s/_go_.%s", workdir, gochar);
vadd(&compile, "-o");
......@@ -853,6 +891,7 @@ install(char *dir)
runv(nil, nil, CheckExit, &link);
// In package runtime, we install runtime.h and cgocall.h too,
// for use by cgo compilation.
if(streq(dir, "pkg/runtime")) {
......@@ -921,6 +960,8 @@ shouldbuild(char *file, char *dir)
// so special case that file.
if(hassuffix(file, "cmd/go/doc.go") || hassuffix(file, "cmd\\go\\doc.go"))
return 0;
if(hassuffix(file, "cmd/cgo/doc.go") || hassuffix(file, "cmd\\cgo\\doc.go"))
return 0;
// Check file contents for // +build lines.
......@@ -940,7 +981,7 @@ shouldbuild(char *file, char *dir)
ret = 0;
goto out;
if(contains(p, "package main") && !streq(dir, "cmd/go")) {
if(contains(p, "package main") && !streq(dir, "cmd/go") && !streq(dir, "cmd/cgo")) {
ret = 0;
goto out;
......@@ -1044,7 +1085,6 @@ static char *buildorder[] = {
......@@ -1140,15 +1180,18 @@ clean(void)
xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/%s", bstr(&path), cleantab[i]+4));
// Remove object tree.
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj", goroot));
if(rebuildall) {
// Remove object tree.
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/obj/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch));
// Remove installed packages and tools.
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch));
xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool", goroot));
// Remove cached version info.
xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/VERSION.cache", goroot));
// Remove installed packages and tools.
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, gohostos, gohostarch));
xremoveall(bpathf(&b, "%s/pkg/%s_%s", goroot, goos, goarch));
// Remove cached version info.
xremove(bpathf(&b, "%s/VERSION.cache", goroot));
......@@ -1212,7 +1255,11 @@ cmdenv(int argc, char **argv)
xprintf(format, "GOBIN", gobin);
xprintf(format, "GOARCH", goarch);
xprintf(format, "GOOS", goos);
xprintf(format, "GOHOSTARCH", gohostarch);
xprintf(format, "GOHOSTOS", gohostos);
xprintf(format, "GOTOOLDIR", tooldir);
xprintf(format, "GOCHAR", gochar);
if(pflag) {
sep = ":";
if(streq(gohostos, "windows"))
......@@ -1233,8 +1280,14 @@ cmdbootstrap(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
Buf b;
char *oldgoos, *oldgoarch, *oldgochar;
case 'a':
rebuildall = 1;
case 'v':
......@@ -1249,9 +1302,32 @@ cmdbootstrap(int argc, char **argv)
goversion = findgoversion();
for(i=0; i<nelem(buildorder); i++)
install(bprintf(&b, buildorder[i], gochar));
// For the main bootstrap, building for host os/arch.
oldgoos = goos;
oldgoarch = goarch;
oldgochar = gochar;
goos = gohostos;
goarch = gohostarch;
gochar = gohostchar;
xsetenv("GOARCH", goarch);
xsetenv("GOOS", goos);
for(i=0; i<nelem(buildorder); i++) {
install(bprintf(&b, buildorder[i], gohostchar));
if(!streq(oldgochar, gohostchar) && xstrstr(buildorder[i], "%s"))
install(bprintf(&b, buildorder[i], oldgochar));
goos = oldgoos;
goarch = oldgoarch;
gochar = oldgochar;
xsetenv("GOARCH", goarch);
xsetenv("GOOS", goos);
// Build pkg/runtime for actual goos/goarch too.
if(!streq(goos, gohostos) || !streq(goarch, gohostarch))
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ ok:
// Run 6c -DGOOS_goos -DGOARCH_goarch -Iworkdir -a proc.c
// to get acid [sic] output.
vadd(&argv, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sc", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&argv, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sc", tooldir, gochar));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-DGOOS_%s", goos));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-DGOARCH_%s", goarch));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-I%s", workdir));
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ mkzruntimedefs(char *dir, char *file)
// Run 6c -DGOOS_goos -DGOARCH_goarch -Iworkdir -q
// on each of the runtimedefs C files.
vadd(&argv, bpathf(&b, "%s/bin/tool/%sc", goroot, gochar));
vadd(&argv, bpathf(&b, "%s/%sc", tooldir, gochar));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-DGOOS_%s", goos));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-DGOARCH_%s", goarch));
vadd(&argv, bprintf(&b, "-I%s", workdir));
......@@ -709,15 +709,23 @@ goc2c(char *goc, char *c)
// TODO: set gcc=1 when using gcc
if(!gcc && streq(goarch, "amd64")) {
type_table[Uintptr].size = 8;
type_table[String].size = 16;
type_table[Slice].size = 8+4+4;
type_table[Eface].size = 8+8;
structround = 8;
if(!gcc) {
if(streq(goarch, "amd64")) {
type_table[Uintptr].size = 8;
type_table[String].size = 16;
type_table[Slice].size = 8+4+4;
type_table[Eface].size = 8+8;
structround = 8;
} else {
type_table[Uintptr].size = 4;
type_table[String].size = 8;
type_table[Slice].size = 16;
type_table[Eface].size = 4+4;
structround = 4;
bprintf(&out, "// auto generated by go tool dist\n\n");
bprintf(&out, "// auto generated by go tool dist\n// goos=%s goarch=%s\n\n", goos, goarch);
input = bstr(&in);
output = &out;
......@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@ static struct {
int pid;
int mode;
char *cmd;
Buf *b;
} bg[MAXBG];
static int nbg;
static int maxnbg = nelem(bg);
......@@ -219,6 +220,7 @@ genrun(Buf *b, char *dir, int mode, Vec *argv, int wait)
bg[nbg].pid = pid;
bg[nbg].mode = mode;
bg[nbg].cmd = btake(&cmd);
bg[nbg].b = b;
......@@ -233,6 +235,7 @@ bgwait1(void)
int i, pid, status, mode;
char *cmd;
Buf *b;
errno = 0;
while((pid = wait(&status)) < 0) {
......@@ -248,9 +251,13 @@ ok:
cmd = bg[i].cmd;
mode = bg[i].mode;
bg[i].pid = 0;
b = bg[i].b;
bg[i].b = nil;
bg[i] = bg[--nbg];
if(mode == CheckExit && (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0)) {
if(b != nil)
xprintf("%s\n", bstr(b));
fatal("FAILED: %s", cmd);
......@@ -347,14 +347,21 @@ func (b *builder) action(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *Package) *action
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(depMode, depMode, p1))
if len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 {
var stk importStack
p1 := loadPackage("cmd/cgo", &stk)
if p1.Error != nil {
fatalf("load cmd/cgo: %v", p1.Error)
// If we are not doing a cross-build, then record the binary we'll
// generate for cgo as a dependency of the build of any package
// using cgo, to make sure we do not overwrite the binary while
// a package is using it. If this is a cross-build, then the cgo we
// are writing is not the cgo we need to use.
if b.goos == runtime.GOOS && b.goarch == runtime.GOARCH {
if len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 || p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
var stk importStack
p1 := loadPackage("cmd/cgo", &stk)
if p1.Error != nil {
fatalf("load cmd/cgo: %v", p1.Error)
a.cgo = b.action(depMode, depMode, p1)
a.deps = append(a.deps, a.cgo)
a.cgo = b.action(depMode, depMode, p1)
a.deps = append(a.deps, a.cgo)
if p.Standard {
......@@ -567,7 +574,11 @@ func (b *builder) build(a *action) error {
sfiles = nil
outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a.p,, obj, gccfiles)
cgoExe := tool("cgo")
if a.cgo != nil {
cgoExe =
outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a.p, cgoExe, obj, gccfiles)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -295,13 +295,14 @@ func scanPackage(ctxt *build.Context, t *build.Tree, arg, importPath, dir string
if info.Package == "main" {
_, elem := filepath.Split(importPath)
if ctxt.GOOS != toolGOOS || ctxt.GOARCH != toolGOARCH {
// Install cross-compiled binaries to subdirectories of bin.
elem = ctxt.GOOS + "_" + ctxt.GOARCH + "/" + elem
full := ctxt.GOOS + "_" + ctxt.GOARCH + "/" + elem
if t.Goroot && isGoTool[p.ImportPath] { = filepath.Join(t.Path, "bin/tool", elem) = filepath.Join(t.Path, "pkg/tool", full)
} else {
if ctxt.GOOS != toolGOOS || ctxt.GOARCH != toolGOARCH {
// Install cross-compiled binaries to subdirectories of bin.
elem = full
} = filepath.Join(t.BinDir(), elem)
if ctxt.GOOS == "windows" {
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ var (
toolGOOS = runtime.GOOS
toolGOARCH = runtime.GOARCH
toolIsWindows = toolGOOS == "windows"
toolDir = filepath.Join(build.Path[0].Path, "bin", "tool")
toolDir = build.ToolDir
const toolWindowsExtension = ".exe"
......@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ func listTools() {
for _, name := range names {
// Unify presentation by going to lower case.
......@@ -61,24 +61,36 @@ mkdir -p ../bin/tool
export GOROOT="$(cd .. && pwd)"
gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -o ../bin/tool/dist -Icmd/dist "$DEFGOROOT" cmd/dist/*.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -ggdb -o cmd/dist/dist -Icmd/dist "$DEFGOROOT" cmd/dist/*.c
eval $(./cmd/dist/dist env)
if [ "$1" = "--dist-tool" ]; then
# Stop after building dist tool.
mv cmd/dist/dist $GOTOOLDIR/dist
exit 0
echo '# Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool.'
../bin/tool/dist bootstrap -v # builds go_bootstrap
echo "# Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool for host, $GOHOSTOS/$GOHOSTARCH."
./cmd/dist/dist bootstrap -a -v # builds go_bootstrap
# Delay move of dist tool to now, because bootstrap cleared tool directory.
mv cmd/dist/dist $GOTOOLDIR/dist
$GOTOOLDIR/go_bootstrap clean -i std
echo '# Building packages and commands.'
../bin/tool/go_bootstrap clean std
../bin/tool/go_bootstrap install -a -v std
rm -f ../bin/tool/go_bootstrap
if [ "$GOHOSTARCH" != "$GOARCH" -o "$GOHOSTOS" != "$GOOS" ]; then
echo "# Building packages and commands for host, $GOHOSTOS/$GOHOSTARCH."
$GOTOOLDIR/go_bootstrap install -v std
echo "# Building packages and commands for $GOOS/$GOARCH."
$GOTOOLDIR/go_bootstrap install -v std
rm -f $GOTOOLDIR/go_bootstrap
if [ "$1" != "--no-banner" ]; then
../bin/tool/dist banner
$GOTOOLDIR/dist banner
......@@ -25,26 +25,48 @@ echo # Building C bootstrap tool.
echo cmd/dist
if not exist ..\bin\tool mkdir ..\bin\tool
:: Windows has no glob expansion, so spell out cmd/dist/*.c.
gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -o ../bin/tool/dist.exe -Icmd/dist %DEFGOROOT% cmd/dist/buf.c cmd/dist/build.c cmd/dist/buildgc.c cmd/dist/buildruntime.c cmd/dist/goc2c.c cmd/dist/main.c cmd/dist/windows.c
gcc -O2 -Wall -Werror -o cmd/dist/dist.exe -Icmd/dist %DEFGOROOT% cmd/dist/buf.c cmd/dist/build.c cmd/dist/buildgc.c cmd/dist/buildruntime.c cmd/dist/goc2c.c cmd/dist/main.c cmd/dist/windows.c
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
.\cmd\dist\dist env -wp >env.bat
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
call env.bat
del env.bat
:: Echo with no arguments prints whether echo is turned on, so echo dot.
echo .
echo # Building compilers and Go bootstrap tool.
..\bin\tool\dist bootstrap -v
.\cmd\dist\dist bootstrap -a -v
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
:: Delay move of dist tool to now, because bootstrap cleared tool directory.
move .\cmd\dist\dist.exe %GOTOOLDIR%\dist.exe
%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap clean -i std
echo .
echo # Building packages and commands.
..\bin\tool\go_bootstrap clean std
if not %GOHOSTARCH% == %GOARCH% goto localbuild
if not %GOHOSTOS% == %GOOS% goto localbuild
goto mainbuild
echo # Building tools for local system. %GOHOSTOS%/%GOHOSTARCH%
set oldGOOS=%GOOS%
%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap install -v std
set GOOS=%oldGOOS%
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
..\bin\tool\go_bootstrap install -a -v std
echo .
echo # Building packages and commands.
%GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap install -a -v std
if errorlevel 1 goto fail
del ..\bin\tool\go_bootstrap.exe
del %GOTOOLDIR%\go_bootstrap.exe
echo .
if "x%1"=="x--no-banner" goto nobanner
..\bin\tool\dist banner
%GOTOOLDIR%\dist banner
goto end
......@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ package types
import (
......@@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ func init() {
gcPath = gcName
gcPath = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "/bin/tool/", gcName)
gcPath = filepath.Join(build.ToolDir, gcName)
func compile(t *testing.T, dirname, filename string) {
......@@ -90,6 +92,13 @@ func testDir(t *testing.T, dir string, endTime time.Time) (nimports int) {
func TestGcImport(t *testing.T) {
// On cross-compile builds, the path will not exist.
// Need to use GOHOSTOS, which is not available.
if _, err := os.Stat(gcPath); err != nil {
t.Logf("skipping test: %v", err)
compile(t, "testdata", "exports.go")
nimports := 0
......@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ import (
// ToolDir is the directory containing build tools.
var ToolDir = filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "pkg/tool/"+runtime.GOOS+"_"+runtime.GOARCH)
// Path is a validated list of Trees derived from $GOROOT and $GOPATH at init.
var Path []*Tree
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
set -e
eval $(../bin/tool/dist env -p)
eval $(go tool dist env)
unset CDPATH # in case user has it set
// $G $D/bug302.dir/p.go && "$GOROOT"/bin/tool/pack grc pp.a p.$A && $G $D/bug302.dir/main.go
// $G $D/bug302.dir/p.go && pack grc pp.a p.$A && $G $D/bug302.dir/main.go
// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
eval $(../bin/tool/dist env)
eval $(go tool dist env)
export E=
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ failed=0
# TODO: We add the tool directory to the PATH to avoid thinking about a better way.
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