Commit 879a1ff1 authored by Giovanni Bajo's avatar Giovanni Bajo

test: improve asmcheck syntax

asmcheck comments now support a compact form of specifying
multiple checks for each platform, using the following syntax:


Negative checks are also parsed using the following syntax:


though they are still not working.

Moreover, out-of-line comments have been implemented. This
allows to specify asmchecks on comment-only lines, that will
be matched on the first subsequent non-comment non-empty line.

    // amd64:"XOR"
    // arm:"EOR"

    x ^= 1

Change-Id: I110c7462fc6a5c70fd4af0d42f516016ae7f2760
Reviewed-on: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent 9372e3f5
......@@ -21,5 +21,7 @@ func rot64(x uint64) uint64 {
func copysign(a, b float64) float64 {
// amd64:"SHLQ\t[$]1","SHRQ\t[$]1","SHRQ\t[$]63","SHLQ\t[$]63","ORQ"
// ppc64le:"FCPSGN" s390x:"CPSDR",-"MOVD"
return math.Copysign(a, b)
......@@ -1247,8 +1247,23 @@ func (t *test) wantedErrors(file, short string) (errs []wantedError) {
const (
// Regexp to match a single opcode check: optionally begin with "-" (to indicate
// a negative check), followed by a string literal enclosed in "" or ``. For "",
// backslashes must be handled.
reMatchCheck = `-?(?:\x60[^\x60]*\x60|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*")`
var (
rxAsmCheck = regexp.MustCompile(`//(?:\s+(\w+):((?:"(?:.+?)")|(?:` + "`" + `(?:.+?)` + "`" + `)))+`)
// Regexp to split a line in code and comment, trimming spaces
rxAsmComment = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*(.*?)\s*(?:\/\/\s*(.+)\s*)?$`)
// Regexp to extract an architecture check: architecture name, followed by semi-colon,
// followed by a comma-separated list of opcode checks.
rxAsmPlatform = regexp.MustCompile(`(\w+):(` + reMatchCheck + `(?:,` + reMatchCheck + `)*)`)
// Regexp to extract a single opcoded check
rxAsmCheck = regexp.MustCompile(reMatchCheck)
type wantedAsmOpcode struct {
......@@ -1262,16 +1277,33 @@ func (t *test) wantedAsmOpcodes(fn string) (map[string]map[string][]wantedAsmOpc
ops := make(map[string]map[string][]wantedAsmOpcode)
archs := make(map[string]bool)
comment := ""
src, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
for i, line := range strings.Split(string(src), "\n") {
matches := rxAsmCheck.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(matches) == 0 {
matches := rxAsmComment.FindStringSubmatch(line)
code, cmt := matches[1], matches[2]
// Keep comments pending in the comment variable until
// we find a line that contains some code.
comment += " " + cmt
if code == "" {
// Parse and extract any architecture check from comments,
// made by one architecture name and multiple checks.
lnum := fn + ":" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
for j := 1; j < len(matches); j += 2 {
rxsrc, err := strconv.Unquote(matches[j+1])
for _, ac := range rxAsmPlatform.FindAllStringSubmatch(comment, -1) {
arch, allchecks := ac[1], ac[2]
for _, m := range rxAsmCheck.FindAllString(allchecks, -1) {
negative := false
if m[0] == '-' {
negative = true
m = m[1:]
rxsrc, err := strconv.Unquote(m)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s:%d: error unquoting string: %v", t.goFileName(), i+1, err)
......@@ -1279,17 +1311,19 @@ func (t *test) wantedAsmOpcodes(fn string) (map[string]map[string][]wantedAsmOpc
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%s:%d: %v", t.goFileName(), i+1, err)
arch := matches[j]
if ops[arch] == nil {
ops[arch] = make(map[string][]wantedAsmOpcode)
archs[arch] = true
ops[arch][lnum] = append(ops[arch][lnum], wantedAsmOpcode{
negative: negative,
line: i + 1,
opcode: oprx,
comment = ""
var sarchs []string
for a := range archs {
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