Commit 8d6a12f5 authored by Brad Fitzpatrick's avatar Brad Fitzpatrick

http: clarify docs on Request HTTP version

Fixes #910

R=adg, rsc1
parent 750b6c63
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ func drainBody(b io.ReadCloser) (r1, r2 io.ReadCloser, err os.Error) {
// DumpRequest is semantically a no-op, but in order to
// dump the body, it reads the body data into memory and
// changes req.Body to refer to the in-memory copy.
// The documentation for Request.Write details which fields
// of req are used.
func DumpRequest(req *Request, body bool) (dump []byte, err os.Error) {
var b bytes.Buffer
save := req.Body
......@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ type Request struct {
Method string // GET, POST, PUT, etc.
RawURL string // The raw URL given in the request.
URL *URL // Parsed URL.
// The protocol version for incoming requests.
// Outgoing requests always use HTTP/1.1.
Proto string // "HTTP/1.0"
ProtoMajor int // 1
ProtoMinor int // 0
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