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Commit 961195ae authored by Alan Donovan's avatar Alan Donovan

math/big: add Rat.{,Set}Float64 methods for IEEE 754 conversions.

Added tests, using input data from strconv.ParseFloat.
Thanks to rsc for most of the test code.

math/big could use some good package-level documentation.

R=remyoudompheng, rsc
parent 4f6a2b98
...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import ( ...@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import (
"encoding/binary" "encoding/binary"
"errors" "errors"
"fmt" "fmt"
"strings" "strings"
) )
...@@ -27,6 +28,156 @@ func NewRat(a, b int64) *Rat { ...@@ -27,6 +28,156 @@ func NewRat(a, b int64) *Rat {
return new(Rat).SetFrac64(a, b) return new(Rat).SetFrac64(a, b)
} }
// SetFloat64 sets z to exactly f and returns z.
// If f is not finite, SetFloat returns nil.
func (z *Rat) SetFloat64(f float64) *Rat {
const expMask = 1<<11 - 1
bits := math.Float64bits(f)
mantissa := bits & (1<<52 - 1)
exp := int((bits >> 52) & expMask)
switch exp {
case expMask: // non-finite
return nil
case 0: // denormal
exp -= 1022
default: // normal
mantissa |= 1 << 52
exp -= 1023
shift := 52 - exp
// Optimisation (?): partially pre-normalise.
for mantissa&1 == 0 && shift > 0 {
mantissa >>= 1
z.a.neg = f < 0
if shift > 0 {
z.b.Lsh(&z.b, uint(shift))
} else {
z.a.Lsh(&z.a, uint(-shift))
return z.norm()
// isFinite reports whether f represents a finite rational value.
// It is equivalent to !math.IsNan(f) && !math.IsInf(f, 0).
func isFinite(f float64) bool {
return math.Abs(f) <= math.MaxFloat64
// low64 returns the least significant 64 bits of natural number z.
func low64(z nat) uint64 {
if len(z) == 0 {
return 0
if _W == 32 && len(z) > 1 {
return uint64(z[1])<<32 | uint64(z[0])
return uint64(z[0])
// quotToFloat returns the non-negative IEEE 754 double-precision
// value nearest to the quotient a/b, using round-to-even in halfway
// cases. It does not mutate its arguments.
// Preconditions: b is non-zero; a and b have no common factors.
func quotToFloat(a, b nat) (f float64, exact bool) {
// TODO(adonovan): specialize common degenerate cases: 1.0, integers.
alen := a.bitLen()
if alen == 0 {
return 0, true
blen := b.bitLen()
if blen == 0 {
panic("division by zero")
// 1. Left-shift A or B such that quotient A/B is in [1<<53, 1<<55).
// (54 bits if A<B when they are left-aligned, 55 bits if A>=B.)
// This is 2 or 3 more than the float64 mantissa field width of 52:
// - the optional extra bit is shifted away in step 3 below.
// - the high-order 1 is omitted in float64 "normal" representation;
// - the low-order 1 will be used during rounding then discarded.
exp := alen - blen
var a2, b2 nat
a2 = a2.set(a)
b2 = b2.set(b)
if shift := 54 - exp; shift > 0 {
a2 = a2.shl(a2, uint(shift))
} else if shift < 0 {
b2 = b2.shl(b2, uint(-shift))
// 2. Compute quotient and remainder (q, r). NB: due to the
// extra shift, the low-order bit of q is logically the
// high-order bit of r.
var q nat
q, r := q.div(a2, a2, b2) // (recycle a2)
mantissa := low64(q)
haveRem := len(r) > 0 // mantissa&1 && !haveRem => remainder is exactly half
// 3. If quotient didn't fit in 54 bits, re-do division by b2<<1
// (in effect---we accomplish this incrementally).
if mantissa>>54 == 1 {
if mantissa&1 == 1 {
haveRem = true
mantissa >>= 1
if mantissa>>53 != 1 {
panic("expected exactly 54 bits of result")
// 4. Rounding.
if -1022-52 <= exp && exp <= -1022 {
// Denormal case; lose 'shift' bits of precision.
shift := uint64(-1022 - (exp - 1)) // [1..53)
lostbits := mantissa & (1<<shift - 1)
haveRem = haveRem || lostbits != 0
mantissa >>= shift
exp = -1023 + 2
// Round q using round-half-to-even.
exact = !haveRem
if mantissa&1 != 0 {
exact = false
if haveRem || mantissa&2 != 0 {
if mantissa++; mantissa >= 1<<54 {
// Complete rollover 11...1 => 100...0, so shift is safe
mantissa >>= 1
mantissa >>= 1 // discard rounding bit. Mantissa now scaled by 2^53.
f = math.Ldexp(float64(mantissa), exp-53)
if math.IsInf(f, 0) {
exact = false
// Float64 returns the nearest float64 value to z.
// If z is exactly representable as a float64, Float64 returns exact=true.
// If z is negative, so too is f, even if f==0.
func (z *Rat) Float64() (f float64, exact bool) {
b := z.b.abs
if len(b) == 0 {
b = b.set(natOne) // materialize denominator
f, exact = quotToFloat(z.a.abs, b)
if z.a.neg {
f = -f
// SetFrac sets z to a/b and returns z. // SetFrac sets z to a/b and returns z.
func (z *Rat) SetFrac(a, b *Int) *Rat { func (z *Rat) SetFrac(a, b *Int) *Rat {
z.a.neg = a.neg != b.neg z.a.neg = a.neg != b.neg
...@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import ( ...@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import (
"bytes" "bytes"
"encoding/gob" "encoding/gob"
"fmt" "fmt"
"testing" "testing"
) )
...@@ -496,3 +499,404 @@ func TestIssue3521(t *testing.T) { ...@@ -496,3 +499,404 @@ func TestIssue3521(t *testing.T) {
t.Errorf("3) got %s want %s", x, q53) t.Errorf("3) got %s want %s", x, q53)
} }
} }
// Test inputs to Rat.SetString. The optional prefix "slow:" skips
// checks found to be slow for certain large rationals.
var float64inputs = []string{
// Constants plundered from strconv/testfp.txt.
// Table 1: Stress Inputs for Conversion to 53-bit Binary, < 1/2 ULP
// Table 2: Stress Inputs for Conversion to 53-bit Binary, > 1/2 ULP
// Table 14: Stress Inputs for Conversion to 24-bit Binary, <1/2 ULP
// Table 15: Stress Inputs for Conversion to 24-bit Binary, >1/2 ULP
// Constants plundered from strconv/atof_test.go.
"-0", // NB: exception made for this input
// largest float64
// next float64 - too large
// the border is ...158079
// borderline - okay
// borderline - too large
// a little too large
// way too large
// denormalized
// smallest denormal
// too small
// way too small
// way too small, negative
// try to overflow exponent
// [Disabled: too slow and memory-hungry with rationals.]
// "1e-4294967296",
// "1e+4294967296",
// "1e-18446744073709551616",
// "1e+18446744073709551616",
// A very large number (initially wrongly parsed by the fast algorithm).
// A different kind of very large number.
"2." + strings.Repeat("2", 4000) + "e+1",
// Exactly halfway between 1 and math.Nextafter(1, 2).
// Round to even (down).
// Slightly lower; still round down.
// Slightly higher; round up.
// Slightly higher, but you have to read all the way to the end.
"slow:1.00000000000000011102230246251565404236316680908203125" + strings.Repeat("0", 10000) + "1",
// Smallest denormal, 2^(-1022-52)
// Half of smallest denormal, 2^(-1022-53)
// A little more than the exact half of smallest denormal
// 2^-1075 + 2^-1100. (Rounds to 1p-1074.)
// The exact halfway between smallest normal and largest denormal:
// 2^-1022 - 2^-1075. (Rounds to 2^-1022.)
"1152921504606846975", // 1<<60 - 1
"-1152921504606846975", // -(1<<60 - 1)
"1152921504606846977", // 1<<60 + 1
"-1152921504606846977", // -(1<<60 + 1)
func TestFloat64SpecialCases(t *testing.T) {
for _, input := range float64inputs {
slow := strings.HasPrefix(input, "slow:")
if slow {
input = input[len("slow:"):]
r, ok := new(Rat).SetString(input)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Rat.SetString(%q) failed", input)
f, exact := r.Float64()
// 1. Check string -> Rat -> float64 conversions are
// consistent with strconv.ParseFloat.
// Skip this check if the input uses "a/b" rational syntax.
if !strings.Contains(input, "/") {
e, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(input, 64)
// Careful: negative Rats too small for
// float64 become -0, but Rat obviously cannot
// preserve the sign from SetString("-0").
switch {
case math.Float64bits(e) == math.Float64bits(f):
// Ok: bitwise equal.
case f == 0 && r.Num().BitLen() == 0:
// Ok: Rat(0) is equivalent to both +/- float64(0).
t.Errorf("strconv.ParseFloat(%q) = %g (%b), want %g (%b); delta=%g", input, e, e, f, f, f-e)
if !isFinite(f) || slow {
// 2. Check f is best approximation to r.
if !checkIsBestApprox(t, f, r) {
// Append context information.
t.Errorf("(input was %q)", input)
// 3. Check f->R->f roundtrip is non-lossy.
checkNonLossyRoundtrip(t, f)
// 4. Check exactness using slow algorithm.
if wasExact := new(Rat).SetFloat64(f).Cmp(r) == 0; wasExact != exact {
t.Errorf("Rat.SetString(%q).Float64().exact = %b, want %b", input, exact, wasExact)
func TestFloat64Distribution(t *testing.T) {
// Generate a distribution of (sign, mantissa, exp) values
// broader than the float64 range, and check Rat.Float64()
// always picks the closest float64 approximation.
var add = []int64{
const winc, einc = 5, 100 // quick test (<1s)
//const winc, einc = 1, 1 // soak test (~75s)
for _, sign := range "+-" {
for _, a := range add {
for wid := uint64(0); wid < 60; wid += winc {
b := int64(1<<wid + a)
if sign == '-' {
b = -b
for exp := -1100; exp < 1100; exp += einc {
num, den := NewInt(b), NewInt(1)
if exp > 0 {
num.Lsh(num, uint(exp))
} else {
den.Lsh(den, uint(-exp))
r := new(Rat).SetFrac(num, den)
f, _ := r.Float64()
if !checkIsBestApprox(t, f, r) {
// Append context information.
t.Errorf("(input was mantissa %#x, exp %d; f=%g (%b); f~%g; r=%v)",
b, exp, f, f, math.Ldexp(float64(b), exp), r)
checkNonLossyRoundtrip(t, f)
// TestFloat64NonFinite checks that SetFloat64 of a non-finite value
// returns nil.
func TestSetFloat64NonFinite(t *testing.T) {
for _, f := range []float64{math.NaN(), math.Inf(+1), math.Inf(-1)} {
var r Rat
if r2 := r.SetFloat64(f); r2 != nil {
t.Errorf("SetFloat64(%g) was %v, want nil", f, r2)
// checkNonLossyRoundtrip checks that a float->Rat->float roundtrip is
// non-lossy for finite f.
func checkNonLossyRoundtrip(t *testing.T, f float64) {
if !isFinite(f) {
r := new(Rat).SetFloat64(f)
if r == nil {
t.Errorf("Rat.SetFloat64(%g (%b)) == nil", f, f)
f2, exact := r.Float64()
if f != f2 || !exact {
t.Errorf("Rat.SetFloat64(%g).Float64() = %g (%b), %v, want %g (%b), %v; delta=%b",
f, f2, f2, exact, f, f, true, f2-f)
// delta returns the absolute difference between r and f.
func delta(r *Rat, f float64) *Rat {
d := new(Rat).Sub(r, new(Rat).SetFloat64(f))
return d.Abs(d)
// checkIsBestApprox checks that f is the best possible float64
// approximation of r.
// Returns true on success.
func checkIsBestApprox(t *testing.T, f float64, r *Rat) bool {
if math.Abs(f) >= math.MaxFloat64 {
// Cannot check +Inf, -Inf, nor the float next to them (MaxFloat64).
// But we have tests for these special cases.
return true
// r must be strictly between f0 and f1, the floats bracketing f.
f0 := math.Nextafter(f, math.Inf(-1))
f1 := math.Nextafter(f, math.Inf(+1))
// For f to be correct, r must be closer to f than to f0 or f1.
df := delta(r, f)
df0 := delta(r, f0)
df1 := delta(r, f1)
if df.Cmp(df0) > 0 {
t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b), but previous float64 %g (%b) is closer", r, f, f, f0, f0)
return false
if df.Cmp(df1) > 0 {
t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b), but next float64 %g (%b) is closer", r, f, f, f1, f1)
return false
if df.Cmp(df0) == 0 && !isEven(f) {
t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b); halfway should have rounded to %g (%b) instead", r, f, f, f0, f0)
return false
if df.Cmp(df1) == 0 && !isEven(f) {
t.Errorf("Rat(%v).Float64() = %g (%b); halfway should have rounded to %g (%b) instead", r, f, f, f1, f1)
return false
return true
func isEven(f float64) bool { return math.Float64bits(f)&1 == 0 }
func TestIsFinite(t *testing.T) {
finites := []float64{
1.0 / 3,
for _, f := range finites {
if !isFinite(f) {
t.Errorf("!IsFinite(%g (%b))", f, f)
nonfinites := []float64{
for _, f := range nonfinites {
if isFinite(f) {
t.Errorf("IsFinite(%g, (%b))", f, f)
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