Commit 968701be authored by Rob Pike's avatar Rob Pike

- fix signedness bug in sys.Inf()

- add NaN, Inf printing to fmt
- fix a couple of bugs in fmt
- add a test for fmt

parent 2679eefb
......@@ -366,11 +366,33 @@ func unpack(a double) (negative bool, exp int, num double) {
return neg, e, g;
// check for Inf, NaN
func(f *Fmt) InfOrNan(a double) bool {
if sys.isInf(a, 0) {
if sys.isInf(a, 1) {
} else {
return true;
if sys.isNaN(a) {
return true;
return false;
// double
func (f *Fmt) E(a double) *Fmt {
var negative bool;
var g double;
var exp int;
if f.InfOrNan(a) {
return f;
negative, exp, g = unpack(a);
prec := 6;
if f.prec_present {
......@@ -394,7 +416,7 @@ func (f *Fmt) E(a double) *Fmt {
s = s[0:1] + "." + s[1:prec]; // insert a decimal point
// print exponent with leading 0 if appropriate.
es := New().p(2).integer(int64(exp), 10, true, &ldigits);
if exp > 0 {
if exp >= 0 {
es = "+" + es; // TODO: should do this with a fmt flag
s = s + "e" + es;
......@@ -411,6 +433,9 @@ func (f *Fmt) F(a double) *Fmt {
var negative bool;
var g double;
var exp int;
if f.InfOrNan(a) {
return f;
negative, exp, g = unpack(a);
if exp > 19 || exp < -19 { // too big for this sloppy code
return f.E(a);
......@@ -442,6 +467,9 @@ func (f *Fmt) F(a double) *Fmt {
// double
func (f *Fmt) G(a double) *Fmt {
if f.InfOrNan(a) {
return f;
f1 := New();
f2 := New();
if f.wid_present {
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ isNaN(float64 d)
static float64
Inf(int32 sign)
if(sign < 0)
if(sign >= 0)
return *(float64*)&uvinf;
return *(float64*)&uvneginf;
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// $G $F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out
package main
import fmt "fmt" // BUG: shouldn't need the first 'fmt'.
func E(f *fmt.Fmt, e string) {
g := f.str();
if sys.argc() > 1 {
print g, "\n";
if g != e {
print "expected <", e, ">\n";
if g != e {
print "expected <", e, ">\n";
print "got <", g, ">\n"
func main() {
f := fmt.New();
E(f.s("d ").d(1234), "d 1234");
E(f.s("Simple output\n"), "Simple output\n");
E(f.s("\td ").d(-1234), "\td -1234");
E(f.s("\tud ").ud(^0), "\tud 4294967295");
E(f.s("\tuD ").uD(^0), "\tuD 18446744073709551615");
E(f.s("\to ").o(01234), "\to 1234");
E(f.s("\tuo ").uo(^0), "\tuo 37777777777");
E(f.s("\tuO ").uO(^0), "\tuO 1777777777777777777777");
E(f.s("\tx ").x(0x1234abcd), "\tx 1234abcd");
E(f.s("\tux ").ux(^0 - 0x01234567), "\tux fedcba98");
E(f.s("\tUx ").Ux(0x1234abcd), "\tUx 1234ABCD");
E(f.s("\tuUx ").uUx(^0 - 0x01234567), "\tuUx FEDCBA98");
E(f.s("\tuX ").uX(^0), "\tuX ffffffffffffffff");
E(f.s("\tb ").b(7), "\tb 111");
E(f.s("\tB ").B(^0), "\tB 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111");
E(f.s("\te ").E(1.), "\te 1.000000e+00");
E(f.s("\te ").E(1234.5678e3), "\te 1.234567e+06");
E(f.s("\te ").E(1234.5678e-8), "\te 1.234567e-05");
E(f.s("\te ").E(-7.0), "\te -7.000000e+00");
E(f.s("\te ").E(-1e-9), "\te -1.000000e-09");
E(f.s("\tf ").F(1234.5678e3), "\tf 1234567.800000");
E(f.s("\tf ").F(1234.5678e-8), "\tf 0.000012");
E(f.s("\tf ").F(-7.0), "\tf -7.000000");
E(f.s("\tf ").F(-1e-9), "\tf -0.000000");
E(f.s("\tg ").G(1234.5678e3), "\tg 1234567.8");
E(f.s("\tg ").G(1234.5678e-8), "\tg 0.000012");
E(f.s("\tg ").G(-7.0), "\tg -7.");
E(f.s("\tg ").G(-1e-9), "\tg -0.");
E(f.s("\tc ").c('x'), "\tc x");
E(f.s("\tc ").c(0xe4), "\tc ä");
E(f.s("\tc ").c(0x672c), "\tc 本");
E(f.s("\tc ").c('日'), "\tc 日");
E(f.s("Flags, width, and precision"), "Flags, width, and precision");
E(f.s("\t\t|123456789_123456789_"), "\t\t|123456789_123456789_");
E(f.s("\t20.8d\t|").wp(20,8).d(1234).s("|"), "\t20.8d\t| 00001234|");
E(f.s("\t20.8d\t|").wp(20,8).d(-1234).s("|"), "\t20.8d\t| -00001234|");
E(f.s("\t20d\t|").w(20).d(1234).s("|"), "\t20d\t| 1234|");
E(f.s("\t-20.8d\t|").wp(-20,8).d(1234).s("|"), "\t-20.8d\t|00001234 |");
E(f.s("\t-20.8d\t|").wp(-20,8).d(-1234).s("|"), "\t-20.8d\t|-00001234 |");
E(f.s("\t.20b\t|").p(20).b(7).s("|"), "\t.20b\t|00000000000000000111|");
E(f.s("\t20.5s\t|").wp(20,5).s("qwertyuiop").s("|"), "\t20.5s\t| qwert|");
E(f.s("\t.5s\t|").p(5).s("qwertyuiop").s("|"), "\t.5s\t|qwert|");
E(f.s("\t-20.5s\t|").wp(-20,5).s("qwertyuiop").s("|"), "\t-20.5s\t|qwert |");
E(f.s("\t20c\t|").w(20).c('x').s("|"), "\t20c\t| x|");
E(f.s("\t-20c\t|").w(-20).c('x').s("|"), "\t-20c\t|x |");
E(f.s("\t20e\t|").w(20).e(1.2345e3).s("|"), "\t20e\t| 1.234500e+03|");
E(f.s("\t20e\t|").w(20).e(1.2345e-3).s("|"), "\t20e\t| 1.234500e-03|");
E(f.s("\t-20e\t|").w(-20).e(1.2345e3).s("|"), "\t-20e\t|1.234500e+03 |");
E(f.s("\t20.8e\t|").wp(20,8).e(1.2345e3).s("|"), "\t20.8e\t| 1.23450000e+03|");
E(f.s("\t20f\t|").w(20).F(1.23456789e3).s("|"), "\t20f\t| 1234.567890|");
E(f.s("\t20f\t|").w(20).F(1.23456789e-3).s("|"), "\t20f\t| 0.001235|");
E(f.s("\t20f\t|").w(20).F(12345678901.23456789).s("|"), "\t20f\t| 12345678901.234570|");
E(f.s("\t-20f\t|").w(-20).F(1.23456789e3).s("|"), "\t-20f\t|1234.567890 |");
E(f.s("\t20.8f\t|").wp(20,8).F(1.23456789e3).s("|"), "\t20.8f\t| 1234.56789000|");
E(f.s("\t20.8f\t|").wp(20,8).F(1.23456789e-3).s("|"), "\t20.8f\t| 0.00123457|");
E(f.s("\tg\t|").G(1.23456789e3).s("|"), "\tg\t|1234.56789|");
E(f.s("\tg\t|").G(1.23456789e-3).s("|"), "\tg\t|0.001235|");
E(f.s("\tg\t|").G(1.23456789e20).s("|"), "\tg\t|1.234567e+20|");
E(f.s("\tE\t|").w(20).G(sys.Inf(1)).s("|"), "\tE\t| Inf|");
E(f.s("\tF\t|").w(-20).G(sys.Inf(-1)).s("|"), "\tF\t|-Inf |");
E(f.s("\tG\t|").w(20).G(sys.NaN()).s("|"), "\tG\t| NaN|");
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