Commit 9877900c authored by Matthew Dempsky's avatar Matthew Dempsky

Revert "cmd/compile: move hiter, hmap, and scase definitions into builtin.go"

This reverts commit f28bbb77.

Change-Id: I82fb81dcff3ddcaefef72949f1ef3a41bcd22301
Run-TryBot: Matthew Dempsky <>
TryBot-Result: Gobot Gobot <>
Reviewed-by: default avatarKeith Randall <>
parent 676550d0
......@@ -4,10 +4,6 @@ package gc
const runtimeimport = "" +
"package runtime safe\n" +
"type @\"\".hbucket uint8\n" +
"type @\"\".hmap struct { @\"\".count int; @\"\".flags uint8; B uint8; @\"\".hash0 uint32; @\"\".buckets *@\"\".hbucket; @\"\".oldbuckets *@\"\".hbucket; @\"\".nevacuate uintptr; @\"\".overflow *[2]*[]*@\"\".hbucket }\n" +
"type @\"\".hiter struct { @\"\".key *byte; @\"\".value *byte; @\"\".t *byte; @\"\".h *@\"\".hmap; @\"\".buckets *@\"\".hbucket; @\"\".bptr *@\"\".hbucket; @\"\".overflow [2]*[]*@\"\".hbucket; @\"\".startBucket uintptr; @\"\".offset uint8; @\"\".wrapped bool; B uint8; @\"\".i uint8; @\"\".bucket uintptr; @\"\".checkBucket uintptr }\n" +
"type @\"\".scase struct { @\"\".elem *byte; @\"\".c *byte; @\"\".pc uintptr; @\"\".kind uint16; @\"\".so uint16; @\"\".receivedp *bool; @\"\".releasetime int64 }\n" +
"func @\"\".newobject (@\"\".typ·2 *byte) (? *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".panicindex ()\n" +
"func @\"\".panicslice ()\n" +
......@@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ const runtimeimport = "" +
"func @\"\".panicdottype (@\"\".have·1 *byte, @\"\".want·2 *byte, @\"\".iface·3 *byte)\n" +
"func @\"\".ifaceeq (@\"\".i1·2 any, @\"\".i2·3 any) (@\"\".ret·1 bool)\n" +
"func @\"\".efaceeq (@\"\".i1·2 any, @\"\".i2·3 any) (@\"\".ret·1 bool)\n" +
"func @\"\".makemap (@\"\".mapType·2 *byte, @\"\".hint·3 int64, @\"\".mapbuf·4 *@\"\".hmap, @\"\".bucketbuf·5 *any) (@\"\".hmap·1 map[any]any)\n" +
"func @\"\".makemap (@\"\".mapType·2 *byte, @\"\".hint·3 int64, @\"\".mapbuf·4 *any, @\"\".bucketbuf·5 *any) (@\"\".hmap·1 map[any]any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapaccess1 (@\"\".mapType·2 *byte, @\"\".hmap·3 map[any]any, @\"\".key·4 *any) (@\"\".val·1 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapaccess1_fast32 (@\"\".mapType·2 *byte, @\"\".hmap·3 map[any]any, @\"\".key·4 any) (@\"\".val·1 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapaccess1_fast64 (@\"\".mapType·2 *byte, @\"\".hmap·3 map[any]any, @\"\".key·4 any) (@\"\".val·1 *any)\n" +
......@@ -80,9 +76,9 @@ const runtimeimport = "" +
"func @\"\".mapaccess2_fast64 (@\"\".mapType·3 *byte, @\"\".hmap·4 map[any]any, @\"\".key·5 any) (@\"\".val·1 *any, @\"\".pres·2 bool)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapaccess2_faststr (@\"\".mapType·3 *byte, @\"\".hmap·4 map[any]any, @\"\".key·5 any) (@\"\".val·1 *any, @\"\".pres·2 bool)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapassign1 (@\"\".mapType·1 *byte, @\"\".hmap·2 map[any]any, @\"\".key·3 *any, @\"\".val·4 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapiterinit (@\"\".mapType·1 *byte, @\"\".hmap·2 map[any]any, @\"\".hiter·3 *@\"\".hiter)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapiterinit (@\"\".mapType·1 *byte, @\"\".hmap·2 map[any]any, @\"\".hiter·3 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapdelete (@\"\".mapType·1 *byte, @\"\".hmap·2 map[any]any, @\"\".key·3 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapiternext (@\"\".hiter·1 *@\"\".hiter)\n" +
"func @\"\".mapiternext (@\"\".hiter·1 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".makechan (@\"\".chanType·2 *byte, @\"\".hint·3 int64) (@\"\".hchan·1 chan any)\n" +
"func @\"\".chanrecv1 (@\"\".chanType·1 *byte, @\"\".hchan·2 <-chan any, @\"\".elem·3 *any)\n" +
"func @\"\".chanrecv2 (@\"\".chanType·2 *byte, @\"\".hchan·3 <-chan any, @\"\".elem·4 *any) (? bool)\n" +
......@@ -12,49 +12,6 @@ package runtime
// emitted by compiler, not referred to by go programs
type hbucket byte // placeholder
// Changes here must also be made in src/runtime/hashmap.go.
type hmap struct {
count int
flags uint8
B uint8
hash0 uint32
buckets *hbucket
oldbuckets *hbucket
nevacuate uintptr
overflow *[2]*[]*hbucket
// Changes here must also be made in src/runtime/hashmap.go.
type hiter struct {
key *byte // field name known to walkrange
value *byte // field name known to walkrange
t *byte // *maptype
h *hmap
buckets *hbucket
bptr *hbucket
overflow [2]*[]*hbucket
startBucket uintptr
offset uint8
wrapped bool
B uint8
i uint8
bucket uintptr
checkBucket uintptr
// Changes here must also be made in src/runtime/select.go.
type scase struct {
elem *byte
c *byte
pc uintptr
kind uint16
so uint16
receivedp *bool
releasetime int64
func newobject(typ *byte) *any
func panicindex()
func panicslice()
......@@ -128,7 +85,7 @@ func ifaceeq(i1 any, i2 any) (ret bool)
func efaceeq(i1 any, i2 any) (ret bool)
// *byte is really *runtime.Type
func makemap(mapType *byte, hint int64, mapbuf *hmap, bucketbuf *any) (hmap map[any]any)
func makemap(mapType *byte, hint int64, mapbuf *any, bucketbuf *any) (hmap map[any]any)
func mapaccess1(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key *any) (val *any)
func mapaccess1_fast32(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key any) (val *any)
func mapaccess1_fast64(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key any) (val *any)
......@@ -138,9 +95,9 @@ func mapaccess2_fast32(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key any) (val *any, pres
func mapaccess2_fast64(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key any) (val *any, pres bool)
func mapaccess2_faststr(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key any) (val *any, pres bool)
func mapassign1(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key *any, val *any)
func mapiterinit(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, hiter *hiter)
func mapiterinit(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, hiter *any)
func mapdelete(mapType *byte, hmap map[any]any, key *any)
func mapiternext(hiter *hiter)
func mapiternext(hiter *any)
// *byte is really *runtime.Type
func makechan(chanType *byte, hint int64) (hchan chan any)
......@@ -647,6 +647,14 @@ func typefmt(t *Type, flag int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("map.bucket[%v]%v", t.Map.Down, t.Map.Type)
if t.Map.Hmap == t {
return fmt.Sprintf("map.hdr[%v]%v", t.Map.Down, t.Map.Type)
if t.Map.Hiter == t {
return fmt.Sprintf("map.iter[%v]%v", t.Map.Down, t.Map.Type)
Yyerror("unknown internal map type")
......@@ -191,7 +191,9 @@ type Type struct {
Bucket *Type // internal type representing a hash bucket
Map *Type // link from hash bucket type back to the map type.
Hmap *Type // internal type representing a Hmap (map header object)
Hiter *Type // internal type representing hash iterator state
Map *Type // link from the above 3 internal types back to the map type.
Maplineno int32 // first use of TFORW as map key
Embedlineno int32 // first use of TFORW as embedded type
......@@ -223,28 +223,24 @@ func walkrange(n *Node) {
case TMAP:
ha := a
th := syslook("hiter", 0).Type
keytype := t.Down
valtype := t.Type
th := hiter(t)
hit := prealloc[n]
hit.Type = th
n.Left = nil
// These depend on hiter's field names. See builtin/runtime.go:hiter.
keyname := newname(Pkglookup("key", Runtimepkg))
valname := newname(Pkglookup("value", Runtimepkg))
keyname := newname(th.Type.Sym) // depends on layout of iterator struct. See reflect.go:hiter
valname := newname(th.Type.Down.Sym) // ditto
fn := syslook("mapiterinit", 1)
substArgTypes(fn, keytype, valtype)
substArgTypes(fn, t.Down, t.Type, th)
init = list(init, mkcall1(fn, nil, nil, typename(t), ha, Nod(OADDR, hit, nil)))
n.Left = Nod(ONE, Nod(ODOT, hit, keyname), nodnil())
n.Right = mkcall("mapiternext", nil, nil, Nod(OADDR, hit, nil))
fn = syslook("mapiternext", 1)
substArgTypes(fn, th)
n.Right = mkcall1(fn, nil, nil, Nod(OADDR, hit, nil))
key := Nod(ODOT, hit, keyname)
key = Nod(OCONVNOP, key, nil)
key.Type = Ptrto(keytype)
key = Nod(OIND, key, nil)
if v1 == nil {
body = nil
......@@ -252,8 +248,6 @@ func walkrange(n *Node) {
body = list1(Nod(OAS, v1, key))
} else {
val := Nod(ODOT, hit, valname)
val = Nod(OCONVNOP, val, nil)
val.Type = Ptrto(valtype)
val = Nod(OIND, val, nil)
a := Nod(OAS2, nil, nil)
a.List = list(list1(v1), v2)
......@@ -149,6 +149,92 @@ func mapbucket(t *Type) *Type {
return bucket
// Builds a type representing a Hmap structure for the given map type.
// Make sure this stays in sync with ../../../../runtime/hashmap.go!
func hmap(t *Type) *Type {
if t.Hmap != nil {
return t.Hmap
bucket := mapbucket(t)
var field [8]*Type
field[0] = makefield("count", Types[TINT])
field[1] = makefield("flags", Types[TUINT8])
field[2] = makefield("B", Types[TUINT8])
field[3] = makefield("hash0", Types[TUINT32])
field[4] = makefield("buckets", Ptrto(bucket))
field[5] = makefield("oldbuckets", Ptrto(bucket))
field[6] = makefield("nevacuate", Types[TUINTPTR])
field[7] = makefield("overflow", Types[TUNSAFEPTR])
h := typ(TSTRUCT)
h.Noalg = true
h.Local = t.Local
h.Type = field[0]
for n := int32(0); n < int32(len(field)-1); n++ {
field[n].Down = field[n+1]
field[len(field)-1].Down = nil
t.Hmap = h
h.Map = t
return h
func hiter(t *Type) *Type {
if t.Hiter != nil {
return t.Hiter
// build a struct:
// hiter {
// key *Key
// val *Value
// t *MapType
// h *Hmap
// buckets *Bucket
// bptr *Bucket
// overflow0 unsafe.Pointer
// overflow1 unsafe.Pointer
// startBucket uintptr
// stuff uintptr
// bucket uintptr
// checkBucket uintptr
// }
// must match ../../../../runtime/hashmap.go:hiter.
var field [12]*Type
field[0] = makefield("key", Ptrto(t.Down))
field[1] = makefield("val", Ptrto(t.Type))
field[2] = makefield("t", Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))
field[3] = makefield("h", Ptrto(hmap(t)))
field[4] = makefield("buckets", Ptrto(mapbucket(t)))
field[5] = makefield("bptr", Ptrto(mapbucket(t)))
field[6] = makefield("overflow0", Types[TUNSAFEPTR])
field[7] = makefield("overflow1", Types[TUNSAFEPTR])
field[8] = makefield("startBucket", Types[TUINTPTR])
field[9] = makefield("stuff", Types[TUINTPTR]) // offset+wrapped+B+I
field[10] = makefield("bucket", Types[TUINTPTR])
field[11] = makefield("checkBucket", Types[TUINTPTR])
// build iterator struct holding the above fields
i := typ(TSTRUCT)
i.Noalg = true
i.Type = field[0]
for n := int32(0); n < int32(len(field)-1); n++ {
field[n].Down = field[n+1]
field[len(field)-1].Down = nil
if i.Width != int64(12*Widthptr) {
Yyerror("hash_iter size not correct %d %d", i.Width, 12*Widthptr)
t.Hiter = i
i.Map = t
return i
// f is method type, with receiver.
// return function type, receiver as first argument (or not).
func methodfunc(f *Type, receiver *Type) *Type {
......@@ -1026,11 +1112,13 @@ ok:
s2 := dtypesym(t.Type)
s3 := dtypesym(mapbucket(t))
s4 := dtypesym(hmap(t))
ot = dcommontype(s, ot, t)
xt = ot - 2*Widthptr
ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s1, 0)
ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s2, 0)
ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s3, 0)
ot = dsymptr(s, ot, s4, 0)
if t.Down.Width > MAXKEYSIZE {
ot = duint8(s, ot, uint8(Widthptr))
ot = duint8(s, ot, 1) // indirect
......@@ -1251,10 +1339,8 @@ func dalgsym(t *Type) *Sym {
hashfunc = typesymprefix(".hashfunc", t)
eqfunc = typesymprefix(".eqfunc", t)
if Debug['A'] == 0 {
genhash(hash, t)
geneq(eq, t)
// make Go funcs (closures) for calling hash and equal from Go
dsymptr(hashfunc, 0, hash, 0)
......@@ -318,9 +318,35 @@ out:
lineno = int32(lno)
// Keep in sync with src/runtime/select.go.
// Keep in sync with src/runtime/runtime2.go and src/runtime/select.go.
func selecttype(size int32) *Type {
scase := syslook("scase", 0)
// TODO(dvyukov): it's possible to generate SudoG and Scase only once
// and then cache; and also cache Select per size.
sudog := Nod(OTSTRUCT, nil, nil)
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("g")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("selectdone")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("next")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("prev")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("elem")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("releasetime")), typenod(Types[TUINT64])))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("nrelease")), typenod(Types[TINT32])))
sudog.List = list(sudog.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("waitlink")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
typecheck(&sudog, Etype)
sudog.Type.Noalg = true
sudog.Type.Local = true
scase := Nod(OTSTRUCT, nil, nil)
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("elem")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("chan")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("pc")), typenod(Types[TUINTPTR])))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("kind")), typenod(Types[TUINT16])))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("so")), typenod(Types[TUINT16])))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("receivedp")), typenod(Ptrto(Types[TUINT8]))))
scase.List = list(scase.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("releasetime")), typenod(Types[TUINT64])))
typecheck(&scase, Etype)
scase.Type.Noalg = true
scase.Type.Local = true
sel := Nod(OTSTRUCT, nil, nil)
sel.List = list(sel.List, Nod(ODCLFIELD, newname(Lookup("tcase")), typenod(Types[TUINT16])))
......@@ -1413,21 +1413,16 @@ func deep(t *Type) *Type {
if t == nil {
return nil
if t.Etype == TANY {
nt := shallow(t)
nt.Copyany = true
return nt
if t.Sym != nil {
// share named types
return t
var nt *Type
switch t.Etype {
nt = t // share from here down
case TANY:
nt = shallow(t)
nt.Copyany = true
nt = shallow(t)
nt.Type = deep(t.Type)
......@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ opswitch:
r := nodnil() // bucket buffer
if n.Esc == EscNone {
// Allocate hmap buffer on stack.
var_ := temp(syslook("hmap", 0).Type)
var_ := temp(hmap(t))
a = Nod(OAS, var_, nil) // zero temp
typecheck(&a, Etop)
......@@ -1393,7 +1393,7 @@ opswitch:
r = Nod(OADDR, var_, nil)
substArgTypes(fn, mapbucket(t), t.Down, t.Type)
substArgTypes(fn, hmap(t), mapbucket(t), t.Down, t.Type)
n = mkcall1(fn, n.Type, init, typename(n.Type), conv(n.Left, Types[TINT64]), a, r)
......@@ -340,6 +340,7 @@ type mapType struct {
key *rtype // map key type
elem *rtype // map element (value) type
bucket *rtype // internal bucket structure
hmap *rtype // internal map header
keysize uint8 // size of key slot
indirectkey uint8 // store ptr to key instead of key itself
valuesize uint8 // size of value slot
......@@ -102,7 +102,6 @@ const (
// A header for a Go map.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin/runtime.go.
type hmap struct {
// Note: the format of the Hmap is encoded in ../../cmd/internal/gc/reflect.go and
// ../reflect/type.go. Don't change this structure without also changing that code!
......@@ -138,10 +137,11 @@ type bmap struct {
// A hash iteration structure.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin/runtime.go.
// If you modify hiter, also change cmd/internal/gc/reflect.go to indicate
// the layout of this structure.
type hiter struct {
key unsafe.Pointer // Write nil to indicate iteration end (see cmd/compile/internal/gc/range.go).
value unsafe.Pointer
key unsafe.Pointer // Must be in first position. Write nil to indicate iteration end (see cmd/internal/gc/range.go).
value unsafe.Pointer // Must be in second position (see cmd/internal/gc/range.go).
t *maptype
h *hmap
buckets unsafe.Pointer // bucket ptr at hash_iter initialization time
......@@ -188,10 +188,11 @@ func (h *hmap) createOverflow() {
// If h != nil, the map can be created directly in h.
// If bucket != nil, bucket can be used as the first bucket.
func makemap(t *maptype, hint int64, h *hmap, bucket unsafe.Pointer) *hmap {
if sz := unsafe.Sizeof(hmap{}); sz > 48 {
println("runtime: sizeof(hmap) =", sz)
if sz := unsafe.Sizeof(hmap{}); sz > 48 || sz != uintptr(t.hmap.size) {
println("runtime: sizeof(hmap) =", sz, ", t.hmap.size =", t.hmap.size)
throw("bad hmap size")
if hint < 0 || int64(int32(hint)) != hint {
panic("makemap: size out of range")
// TODO: make hint an int, then none of this nonsense
......@@ -253,7 +254,7 @@ func makemap(t *maptype, hint int64, h *hmap, bucket unsafe.Pointer) *hmap {
// initialize Hmap
if h == nil {
h = &hmap{}
h = (*hmap)(newobject(t.hmap))
h.count = 0
h.B = B
......@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ type gobuf struct {
bp uintptr // for GOEXPERIMENT=framepointer
// Known to compiler.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/internal/gc/select.go's selecttype.
type sudog struct {
g *g
selectdone *uint32
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const (
// Select statement header.
// Known to compiler.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/select.go's selecttype.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/internal/gc/select.go's selecttype.
type hselect struct {
tcase uint16 // total count of scase[]
ncase uint16 // currently filled scase[]
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ type hselect struct {
// Select case descriptor.
// Known to compiler.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/compile/internal/gc/builtin/runtime.go.
// Changes here must also be made in src/cmd/internal/gc/select.go's selecttype.
type scase struct {
elem unsafe.Pointer // data element
c *hchan // chan
......@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ type maptype struct {
key *_type
elem *_type
bucket *_type // internal type representing a hash bucket
hmap *_type // internal type representing a hmap
keysize uint8 // size of key slot
indirectkey bool // store ptr to key instead of key itself
valuesize uint8 // size of value slot
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