Commit ab957154 authored by Russ Cox's avatar Russ Cox

codereview: undo last night's rollback

Update version check from 1.4 to 1.9.  Suggest 2.0.

R=golang-dev, r, r
parent 0e60804b
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ also need the <code>libc6-dev-i386</code> package.
To perform the next step you must have Mercurial installed. (Check that you have an <code>hg</code> command.) This suffices to install Mercurial on most systems:
sudo easy_install mercurial
sudo easy_install mercurial==2.0
(On Ubuntu/Debian, you might try <code>apt-get install python-setuptools
python-dev build-essential</code> first. The Mercurial in your distribution's
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ To configure, set the following options in
your repository's .hg/hgrc file.
codereview = path/to/
codereview = /path/to/
server =
......@@ -38,110 +38,60 @@ For example, if change 123456 contains the files x.go and y.go,
"hg diff @123456" is equivalent to"hg diff x.go y.go".
from mercurial import cmdutil, commands, hg, util, error, match, discovery
from mercurial.node import nullrev, hex, nullid, short
import os, re, time
import stat
import subprocess
import threading
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
# The standard 'json' package is new in Python 2.6.
# Before that it was an external package named simplejson.
# Standard location in 2.6 and beyond.
import json
except Exception, e:
# Conventional name for earlier package.
import simplejson as json
# Was also bundled with django, which is commonly installed.
from django.utils import simplejson as json
# We give up.
raise e
hgversion = util.version()
from mercurial.version import version as v
hgversion = v.get_version()
# in Mercurial 1.9 the cmdutil.match and cmdutil.revpair moved to scmutil
if hgversion >= '1.9':
from mercurial import scmutil
scmutil = cmdutil
oldMessage = """
The code review extension requires Mercurial 1.3 or newer.
To install a new Mercurial,
sudo easy_install mercurial
works on most systems.
linuxMessage = """
You may need to clear your current Mercurial installation by running:
sudo apt-get remove mercurial mercurial-common
sudo rm -rf /etc/mercurial
import sys
if hgversion < '1.3':
msg = oldMessage
if os.access("/etc/mercurial", 0):
msg += linuxMessage
raise util.Abort(msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print >>sys.stderr, "This is a Mercurial extension and should not be invoked directly."
def promptyesno(ui, msg):
# Arguments to ui.prompt changed between 1.3 and 1.3.1.
# Even so, some 1.3.1 distributions seem to have the old prompt!?!?
# What a terrible way to maintain software.
return ui.promptchoice(msg, ["&yes", "&no"], 0) == 0
except AttributeError:
return ui.prompt(msg, ["&yes", "&no"], "y") != "n"
# We require Python 2.6 for the json package.
if sys.version < '2.6':
print >>sys.stderr, "The codereview extension requires Python 2.6 or newer."
print >>sys.stderr, "You are running Python " + sys.version
def incoming(repo, other):
fui = FakeMercurialUI()
ret = commands.incoming(fui, repo, *[other.path], **{'bundle': '', 'force': False})
if ret and ret != 1:
raise util.Abort(ret)
out = fui.output
return out
import json
import os
import re
import stat
import subprocess
import threading
import time
def outgoing(repo):
fui = FakeMercurialUI()
ret = commands.outgoing(fui, repo, *[], **{})
if ret and ret != 1:
raise util.Abort(ret)
out = fui.output
return out
from mercurial import commands as hg_commands
from mercurial import util as hg_util
# To experiment with Mercurial in the python interpreter:
# >>> repo = hg.repository(ui.ui(), path = ".")
defaultcc = None
codereview_disabled = None
real_rollback = None
releaseBranch = None
server = ""
server_url_base = None
# Normally I would split this into multiple files, but it simplifies
# import path headaches to keep it all in one file. Sorry.
# The different parts of the file are separated by banners like this one.
import sys
if __name__ == "__main__":
print >>sys.stderr, "This is a Mercurial extension and should not be invoked directly."
# Helpers
server = ""
server_url_base = None
defaultcc = None
contributors = {}
missing_codereview = None
real_rollback = None
releaseBranch = None
def RelativePath(path, cwd):
n = len(cwd)
if path.startswith(cwd) and path[n] == '/':
return path[n+1:]
return path
def Sub(l1, l2):
return [l for l in l1 if l not in l2]
def Add(l1, l2):
l = l1 + Sub(l2, l1)
return l
def Intersect(l1, l2):
return [l for l in l1 if l in l2]
......@@ -168,7 +118,7 @@ releaseBranch = None
def typecheck(s, t):
if type(s) != t:
raise util.Abort("type check failed: %s has type %s != %s" % (repr(s), type(s), t))
raise hg_util.Abort("type check failed: %s has type %s != %s" % (repr(s), type(s), t))
# If we have to pass unicode instead of str, ustr does that conversion clearly.
def ustr(s):
......@@ -199,6 +149,40 @@ def default_to_utf8():
# Status printer for long-running commands
global_status = None
def set_status(s):
# print >>sys.stderr, "\t", time.asctime(), s
global global_status
global_status = s
class StatusThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
# pause a reasonable amount of time before
# starting to display status messages, so that
# most hg commands won't ever see them.
# now show status every 15 seconds
while True:
time.sleep(15 - time.time() % 15)
s = global_status
if s is None:
if s == "":
s = "(unknown status)"
print >>sys.stderr, time.asctime(), s
def start_status_thread():
t = StatusThread()
t.setDaemon(True) # allowed to exit if t is still running
# Change list parsing.
......@@ -275,17 +259,18 @@ class CL(object):
typecheck(s, str)
return s
def PendingText(self):
def PendingText(self, quick=False):
cl = self
s = + ":" + "\n"
s += Indent(cl.desc, "\t")
s += "\n"
if cl.copied_from:
s += "\tAuthor: " + cl.copied_from + "\n"
s += "\tReviewer: " + JoinComma(cl.reviewer) + "\n"
for (who, line) in cl.lgtm:
s += "\t\t" + who + ": " + line + "\n"
s += "\tCC: " + JoinComma( + "\n"
if not quick:
s += "\tReviewer: " + JoinComma(cl.reviewer) + "\n"
for (who, line) in cl.lgtm:
s += "\t\t" + who + ": " + line + "\n"
s += "\tCC: " + JoinComma( + "\n"
s += "\tFiles:\n"
for f in cl.files:
s += "\t\t" + f + "\n"
......@@ -360,7 +345,7 @@ class CL(object):
uploaded_diff_file = [("data", "data.diff", emptydiff)]
if vcs and != "new":
form_fields.append(("subject", "diff -r " + vcs.base_rev + " " + getremote(ui, repo, {}).path))
form_fields.append(("subject", "diff -r " + vcs.base_rev + " " + ui.expandpath("default")))
# First upload sets the subject for the CL itself.
form_fields.append(("subject", self.Subject()))
......@@ -379,7 +364,7 @@ class CL(object):
ui.status(msg + "\n")
set_status("uploaded CL metadata + diffs")
if not response_body.startswith("Issue created.") and not response_body.startswith("Issue updated."):
raise util.Abort("failed to update issue: " + response_body)
raise hg_util.Abort("failed to update issue: " + response_body)
issue = msg[msg.rfind("/")+1:] = issue
if not self.url:
......@@ -404,7 +389,7 @@ class CL(object):
pmsg += " (cc: %s)" % (', '.join(,)
pmsg += ",\n"
pmsg += "\n"
repourl = getremote(ui, repo, {}).path
repourl = ui.expandpath("default")
if not self.mailed:
pmsg += "I'd like you to review this change to\n" + repourl + "\n"
......@@ -567,37 +552,6 @@ def LoadCL(ui, repo, name, web=True):
set_status("loaded CL " + name)
return cl, ''
global_status = None
def set_status(s):
# print >>sys.stderr, "\t", time.asctime(), s
global global_status
global_status = s
class StatusThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
def run(self):
# pause a reasonable amount of time before
# starting to display status messages, so that
# most hg commands won't ever see them.
# now show status every 15 seconds
while True:
time.sleep(15 - time.time() % 15)
s = global_status
if s is None:
if s == "":
s = "(unknown status)"
print >>sys.stderr, time.asctime(), s
def start_status_thread():
t = StatusThread()
t.setDaemon(True) # allowed to exit if t is still running
class LoadCLThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, ui, repo, dir, f, web):
......@@ -735,101 +689,6 @@ _change_prolog = """# Change list.
# Multi-line values should be indented.
# Mercurial helper functions
# Get effective change nodes taking into account applied MQ patches
def effective_revpair(repo):
return scmutil.revpair(repo, ['qparent'])
return scmutil.revpair(repo, None)
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats.
# Warn about patterns that did not match.
def matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts):
matcher = scmutil.match(repo, pats, opts)
node1, node2 = effective_revpair(repo)
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = repo.status(node1, node2, matcher, ignored=True, clean=True, unknown=True)
return (modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean)
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats.
# The patterns came from the command line, so we warn
# if they have no effect or cannot be understood.
def ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=None):
taken = taken or {}
# Run each pattern separately so that we can warn about
# patterns that didn't do anything useful.
for p in pats:
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, [p], opts)
redo = False
for f in unknown:
promptadd(ui, repo, f)
redo = True
for f in deleted:
promptremove(ui, repo, f)
redo = True
if redo:
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, [p], opts)
for f in modified + added + removed:
if f in taken:
ui.warn("warning: %s already in CL %s\n" % (f, taken[f].name))
if not modified and not added and not removed:
ui.warn("warning: %s did not match any modified files\n" % (p,))
# Again, all at once (eliminates duplicates)
modified, added, removed = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts)[:3]
l = modified + added + removed
if taken:
l = Sub(l, taken.keys())
return l
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats and still exist.
def ChangedExistingFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
modified, added = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, opts)[:2]
l = modified + added
return l
# Return list of files claimed by existing CLs
def Taken(ui, repo):
all = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=False)
taken = {}
for _, cl in all.items():
for f in cl.files:
taken[f] = cl
return taken
# Return list of changed files that are not claimed by other CLs
def DefaultFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
return ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
def Sub(l1, l2):
return [l for l in l1 if l not in l2]
def Add(l1, l2):
l = l1 + Sub(l2, l1)
return l
def Intersect(l1, l2):
return [l for l in l1 if l in l2]
def getremote(ui, repo, opts):
# save $http_proxy; creating the HTTP repo object will
# delete it in an attempt to "help"
proxy = os.environ.get('http_proxy')
source = hg.parseurl(ui.expandpath("default"), None)[0]
remoteui = hg.remoteui # hg 1.6
remoteui = cmdutil.remoteui
other = hg.repository(remoteui(repo, opts), source)
if proxy is not None:
os.environ['http_proxy'] = proxy
return other
desc_re = '^(.+: |(tag )?(release|weekly)\.|fix build|undo CL)'
desc_msg = '''Your CL description appears not to use the standard form.
......@@ -851,15 +710,17 @@ Examples:
def promptyesno(ui, msg):
return ui.promptchoice(msg, ["&yes", "&no"], 0) == 0
def promptremove(ui, repo, f):
if promptyesno(ui, "hg remove %s (y/n)?" % (f,)):
if commands.remove(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
if hg_commands.remove(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
ui.warn("error removing %s" % (f,))
def promptadd(ui, repo, f):
if promptyesno(ui, "hg add %s (y/n)?" % (f,)):
if commands.add(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
if hg_commands.add(ui, repo, 'path:'+f) != 0:
ui.warn("error adding %s" % (f,))
def EditCL(ui, repo, cl):
......@@ -899,10 +760,14 @@ def EditCL(ui, repo, cl):
# Check file list for files that need to be hg added or hg removed
# or simply aren't understood.
pats = ['path:'+f for f in clx.files]
modified, added, removed, deleted, unknown, ignored, clean = matchpats(ui, repo, pats, {})
changed = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, modified=True, added=True, removed=True)
deleted = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, deleted=True)
unknown = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, unknown=True)
ignored = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, ignored=True)
clean = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, clean=True)
files = []
for f in clx.files:
if f in modified or f in added or f in removed:
if f in changed:
if f in deleted:
......@@ -954,7 +819,7 @@ def CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=None):
cl = CL("new")
cl.local = True
cl.files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
cl.files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
if not cl.files:
return None, "no files changed"
if opts.get('reviewer'):
......@@ -972,42 +837,56 @@ def CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=None):
return None, err
return cl, ""
# reposetup replaces cmdutil.match with this wrapper,
# which expands the syntax @clnumber to mean the files
# in that CL.
original_match = None
global_repo = None
global_ui = None
def ReplacementForCmdutilMatch(ctx, pats=None, opts=None, globbed=False, default='relpath'):
taken = []
files = []
pats = pats or []
opts = opts or {}
# Change list file management
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats.
# The patterns came from the command line, so we warn
# if they have no effect or cannot be understood.
def ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, taken=None):
taken = taken or {}
# Run each pattern separately so that we can warn about
# patterns that didn't do anything useful.
for p in pats:
if p.startswith('@'):
clname = p[1:]
if not GoodCLName(clname):
raise util.Abort("invalid CL name " + clname)
cl, err = LoadCL(global_repo.ui, global_repo, clname, web=False)
if err != '':
raise util.Abort("loading CL " + clname + ": " + err)
if not cl.files:
raise util.Abort("no files in CL " + clname)
files = Add(files, cl.files)
pats = Sub(pats, taken) + ['path:'+f for f in files]
for f in hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, p, unknown=True):
promptadd(ui, repo, f)
for f in hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, p, removed=True):
promptremove(ui, repo, f)
files = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, p, modified=True, added=True, removed=True)
for f in files:
if f in taken:
ui.warn("warning: %s already in CL %s\n" % (f, taken[f].name))
if not files:
ui.warn("warning: %s did not match any modified files\n" % (p,))
# work-around for
if hgversion >= '1.9' and not hasattr(ctx, 'match'):
ctx = ctx[None]
return original_match(ctx, pats=pats, opts=opts, globbed=globbed, default=default)
# Again, all at once (eliminates duplicates)
l = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, modified=True, added=True, removed=True)
if taken:
l = Sub(l, taken.keys())
return l
def RelativePath(path, cwd):
n = len(cwd)
if path.startswith(cwd) and path[n] == '/':
return path[n+1:]
return path
# Return list of changed files in repository that match pats and still exist.
def ChangedExistingFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts):
l = hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, modified=True, added=True)
return l
# Return list of files claimed by existing CLs
def Taken(ui, repo):
all = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=False)
taken = {}
for _, cl in all.items():
for f in cl.files:
taken[f] = cl
return taken
# Return list of changed files that are not claimed by other CLs
def DefaultFiles(ui, repo, pats):
return ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
# File format checking.
def CheckFormat(ui, repo, files, just_warn=False):
set_status("running gofmt")
......@@ -1028,7 +907,7 @@ def CheckGofmt(ui, repo, files, just_warn):
cmd = subprocess.Popen(["gofmt", "-l"] + files, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=sys.platform != "win32")
raise util.Abort("gofmt: " + ExceptionDetail())
raise hg_util.Abort("gofmt: " + ExceptionDetail())
data =
errors =
......@@ -1041,7 +920,7 @@ def CheckGofmt(ui, repo, files, just_warn):
if just_warn:
ui.warn("warning: " + msg + "\n")
raise util.Abort(msg)
raise hg_util.Abort(msg)
# Check that *.[chys] files indent using tabs.
......@@ -1070,19 +949,289 @@ def CheckTabfmt(ui, repo, files, just_warn):
if just_warn:
ui.warn("warning: " + msg + "\n")
raise util.Abort(msg)
raise hg_util.Abort(msg)
# Mercurial commands
# CONTRIBUTORS file parsing
# every command must take a ui and and repo as arguments.
# opts is a dict where you can find other command line flags
# Other parameters are taken in order from items on the command line that
# don't start with a dash. If no default value is given in the parameter list,
# they are required.
contributors = {}
def ReadContributors(ui, repo):
global contributors
f = open(repo.root + '/CONTRIBUTORS', 'r')
ui.write("warning: cannot open %s: %s\n" % (repo.root+'/CONTRIBUTORS', ExceptionDetail()))
for line in f:
# CONTRIBUTORS is a list of lines like:
# Person <email>
# Person <email> <alt-email>
# The first email address is the one used in commit logs.
if line.startswith('#'):
m = re.match(r"([^<>]+\S)\s+(<[^<>\s]+>)((\s+<[^<>\s]+>)*)\s*$", line)
if m:
name =
email =[1:-1]
contributors[email.lower()] = (name, email)
for extra in
contributors[extra[1:-1].lower()] = (name, email)
def CheckContributor(ui, repo, user=None):
set_status("checking CONTRIBUTORS file")
user, userline = FindContributor(ui, repo, user, warn=False)
if not userline:
raise hg_util.Abort("cannot find %s in CONTRIBUTORS" % (user,))
return userline
def FindContributor(ui, repo, user=None, warn=True):
if not user:
user = ui.config("ui", "username")
if not user:
raise hg_util.Abort("[ui] username is not configured in .hgrc")
user = user.lower()
m = re.match(r".*<(.*)>", user)
if m:
user =
if user not in contributors:
if warn:
ui.warn("warning: cannot find %s in CONTRIBUTORS\n" % (user,))
return user, None
user, email = contributors[user]
return email, "%s <%s>" % (user, email)
# Mercurial helper functions.
# Read before writing any of these.
# We use the ui.pushbuffer/ui.popbuffer + tricks for all interaction
# with Mercurial. It has proved the most stable as they make changes.
hgversion = hg_util.version()
# We require Mercurial 1.9 and suggest Mercurial 2.0.
# The details of the scmutil package changed then,
# so allowing earlier versions would require extra band-aids below.
# Ubuntu 11.10 ships with Mercurial 1.9.1 as the default version.
hg_required = "1.9"
hg_suggested = "2.0"
old_message = """
The code review extension requires Mercurial """+hg_required+""" or newer.
You are using Mercurial """+hgversion+""".
To install a new Mercurial, use
sudo easy_install mercurial=="""+hg_suggested+"""
or visit
linux_message = """
You may need to clear your current Mercurial installation by running:
sudo apt-get remove mercurial mercurial-common
sudo rm -rf /etc/mercurial
if hgversion < hg_required:
msg = old_message
if os.access("/etc/mercurial", 0):
msg += linux_message
raise hg_util.Abort(msg)
from mercurial.hg import clean as hg_clean
from mercurial import cmdutil as hg_cmdutil
from mercurial import error as hg_error
from mercurial import match as hg_match
from mercurial import node as hg_node
class uiwrap(object):
def __init__(self, ui):
self.ui = ui
self.oldQuiet = ui.quiet
ui.quiet = True
self.oldVerbose = ui.verbose
ui.verbose = False
def output(self):
ui = self.ui
ui.quiet = self.oldQuiet
ui.verbose = self.oldVerbose
return ui.popbuffer()
def hg_matchPattern(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
w = uiwrap(ui)
hg_commands.status(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
text = w.output()
ret = []
prefix = os.path.realpath(repo.root)+'/'
for line in text.split('\n'):
f = line.split()
if len(f) > 1:
if len(pats) > 0:
# Given patterns, Mercurial shows relative to cwd
p = os.path.realpath(f[1])
if not p.startswith(prefix):
print >>sys.stderr, "File %s not in repo root %s.\n" % (p, prefix)
# Without patterns, Mercurial shows relative to root (what we want)
return ret
def hg_heads(ui, repo):
w = uiwrap(ui)
ret = hg_commands.heads(ui, repo)
if ret:
raise hg_util.Abort(ret)
return w.output()
noise = [
"resolving manifests",
"searching for changes",
"couldn't find merge tool hgmerge",
"adding changesets",
"adding manifests",
"adding file changes",
"all local heads known remotely",
def isNoise(line):
line = str(line)
for x in noise:
if line == x:
return True
return False
def hg_incoming(ui, repo):
w = uiwrap(ui)
ret = hg_commands.incoming(ui, repo, force=False, bundle="")
if ret and ret != 1:
raise hg_util.Abort(ret)
return w.output()
def hg_log(ui, repo, **opts):
for k in ['date', 'keyword', 'rev', 'user']:
if not opts.has_key(k):
opts[k] = ""
w = uiwrap(ui)
ret = hg_commands.log(ui, repo, **opts)
if ret:
raise hg_util.Abort(ret)
return w.output()
def hg_outgoing(ui, repo, **opts):
w = uiwrap(ui)
ret = hg_commands.outgoing(ui, repo, **opts)
if ret and ret != 1:
raise hg_util.Abort(ret)
return w.output()
def hg_pull(ui, repo, **opts):
w = uiwrap(ui)
ui.quiet = False
ui.verbose = True # for file list
err = hg_commands.pull(ui, repo, **opts)
for line in w.output().split('\n'):
if isNoise(line):
if line.startswith('moving '):
line = 'mv ' + line[len('moving '):]
if line.startswith('getting ') and line.find(' to ') >= 0:
line = 'mv ' + line[len('getting '):]
if line.startswith('getting '):
line = '+ ' + line[len('getting '):]
if line.startswith('removing '):
line = '- ' + line[len('removing '):]
ui.write(line + '\n')
return err
def hg_push(ui, repo, **opts):
w = uiwrap(ui)
ui.quiet = False
ui.verbose = True
err = hg_commands.push(ui, repo, **opts)
for line in w.output().split('\n'):
if not isNoise(line):
ui.write(line + '\n')
return err
def hg_commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
return hg_commands.commit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
# Mercurial precommit hook to disable commit except through this interface.
commit_okay = False
def precommithook(ui, repo, **opts):
if commit_okay:
return False # False means okay.
ui.write("\ncodereview extension enabled; use mail, upload, or submit instead of commit\n\n")
return True
# @clnumber file pattern support
# We replace scmutil.match with the MatchAt wrapper to add the @clnumber pattern.
match_repo = None
match_ui = None
match_orig = None
def InstallMatch(ui, repo):
global match_repo
global match_ui
global match_orig
match_ui = ui
match_repo = repo
from mercurial import scmutil
match_orig = scmutil.match
scmutil.match = MatchAt
def MatchAt(ctx, pats=None, opts=None, globbed=False, default='relpath'):
taken = []
files = []
pats = pats or []
opts = opts or {}
for p in pats:
if p.startswith('@'):
clname = p[1:]
if clname == "default":
files = DefaultFiles(match_ui, match_repo, [])
if not GoodCLName(clname):
raise hg_util.Abort("invalid CL name " + clname)
cl, err = LoadCL(match_repo.ui, match_repo, clname, web=False)
if err != '':
raise hg_util.Abort("loading CL " + clname + ": " + err)
if not cl.files:
raise hg_util.Abort("no files in CL " + clname)
files = Add(files, cl.files)
pats = Sub(pats, taken) + ['path:'+f for f in files]
# work-around for
if not hasattr(ctx, 'match'):
ctx = ctx[None]
return match_orig(ctx, pats=pats, opts=opts, globbed=globbed, default=default)
# Commands added by code review extension.
# hg change
def change(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""create, edit or delete a change list
......@@ -1106,8 +1255,8 @@ def change(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
before running hg change -d 123456.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
dirty = {}
if len(pats) > 0 and GoodCLName(pats[0]):
......@@ -1121,12 +1270,12 @@ def change(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
if not cl.local and (opts["stdin"] or not opts["stdout"]):
return "cannot change non-local CL " + name
if repo[None].branch() != "default":
return "cannot run hg change outside default branch"
name = "new"
cl = CL("new")
if repo[None].branch() != "default":
return "cannot create CL outside default branch"
dirty[cl] = True
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, taken=Taken(ui, repo))
if opts["delete"] or opts["deletelocal"]:
if opts["delete"] and opts["deletelocal"]:
......@@ -1194,17 +1343,24 @@ def change(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
ui.write("CL created: " + cl.url + "\n")
# hg code-login (broken?)
def code_login(ui, repo, **opts):
"""log in to code review server
Logs in to the code review server, saving a cookie in
a file in your home directory.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
# hg clpatch / undo / release-apply / download
# All concerned with applying or unapplying patches to the repository.
def clpatch(ui, repo, clname, **opts):
"""import a patch from the code review server
......@@ -1274,16 +1430,16 @@ def release_apply(ui, repo, clname, **opts):
return "no active release branches"
if c.branch() != releaseBranch:
if c.modified() or c.added() or c.removed():
raise util.Abort("uncommitted local changes - cannot switch branches")
err = hg.clean(repo, releaseBranch)
raise hg_util.Abort("uncommitted local changes - cannot switch branches")
err = hg_clean(repo, releaseBranch)
if err:
return err
err = clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode="backport")
if err:
raise util.Abort(err)
raise hg_util.Abort(err)
except Exception, e:
hg.clean(repo, "default")
hg_clean(repo, "default")
raise e
return None
......@@ -1318,14 +1474,10 @@ backportFooter = """
# Implementation of clpatch/undo.
def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
if mode == "undo" or mode == "backport":
if hgversion < '1.4':
# Don't have cmdutil.match (see implementation of sync command).
return "hg is too old to run hg %s - update to 1.4 or newer" % mode
# Find revision in Mercurial repository.
# Assume CL number is 7+ decimal digits.
# Otherwise is either change log sequence number (fewer decimal digits),
......@@ -1333,12 +1485,8 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
# Mercurial will fall over long before the change log
# sequence numbers get to be 7 digits long.
if re.match('^[0-9]{7,}$', clname):
found = False
matchfn = scmutil.match(repo, [], {'rev': None})
def prep(ctx, fns):
for ctx in cmdutil.walkchangerevs(repo, matchfn, {'rev': None}, prep):
rev = repo[ctx.rev()]
for r in hg_log(ui, repo, keyword=""+clname, limit=100, template="{node}\n").split():
rev = repo[r]
# Last line with a code review URL is the actual review URL.
# Earlier ones might be part of the CL description.
n = rev2clname(rev)
......@@ -1356,7 +1504,7 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
return "cannot find CL name in revision description"
# Create fresh CL and start with patch that would reverse the change.
vers = short(rev.node())
vers = hg_node.short(rev.node())
cl = CL("new")
desc = str(rev.description())
if mode == "undo":
......@@ -1364,7 +1512,7 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
cl.desc = (backportHeader % (releaseBranch, line1(desc), clname, vers)) + desc + undoFooter
v1 = vers
v0 = short(rev.parents()[0].node())
v0 = hg_node.short(rev.parents()[0].node())
if mode == "undo":
arg = v1 + ":" + v0
......@@ -1382,7 +1530,7 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
# find current hg version (hg identify)
ctx = repo[None]
parents = ctx.parents()
id = '+'.join([short(p.node()) for p in parents])
id = '+'.join([hg_node.short(p.node()) for p in parents])
# if version does not match the patch version,
# try to update the patch line numbers.
......@@ -1415,7 +1563,7 @@ def clpatch_or_undo(ui, repo, clname, opts, mode):
cl.files = out.strip().split()
if not cl.files and not opts["ignore_hgpatch_failure"]:
return "codereview issue %s has no changed files" % clname
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [], opts)
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [])
extra = Sub(cl.files, files)
if extra:
ui.warn("warning: these files were listed in the patch but not changed:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(extra) + "\n")
......@@ -1495,8 +1643,8 @@ def download(ui, repo, clname, **opts):
Download prints a description of the given change list
followed by its diff, downloaded from the code review server.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
cl, vers, patch, err = DownloadCL(ui, repo, clname)
if err != "":
......@@ -1505,6 +1653,9 @@ def download(ui, repo, clname, **opts):
ui.write(patch + "\n")
# hg file
def file(ui, repo, clname, pat, *pats, **opts):
"""assign files to or remove files from a change list
......@@ -1513,8 +1664,8 @@ def file(ui, repo, clname, pat, *pats, **opts):
The -d option only removes files from the change list.
It does not edit them or remove them from the repository.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
pats = tuple([pat] + list(pats))
if not GoodCLName(clname):
......@@ -1527,7 +1678,7 @@ def file(ui, repo, clname, pat, *pats, **opts):
if not cl.local:
return "cannot change non-local CL " + clname
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts)
files = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, pats)
if opts["delete"]:
oldfiles = Intersect(files, cl.files)
......@@ -1567,14 +1718,17 @@ def file(ui, repo, clname, pat, *pats, **opts):
d.Flush(ui, repo)
# hg gofmt
def gofmt(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""apply gofmt to modified files
Applies gofmt to the modified files in the repository that match
the given patterns.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
files = ChangedExistingFiles(ui, repo, pats, opts)
files = [f for f in files if f.endswith(".go")]
......@@ -1587,21 +1741,24 @@ def gofmt(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
if not opts["list"]:
cmd += ["-w"]
if os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, "gofmt", cmd + files) != 0:
raise util.Abort("gofmt did not exit cleanly")
except error.Abort, e:
raise hg_util.Abort("gofmt did not exit cleanly")
except hg_error.Abort, e:
raise util.Abort("gofmt: " + ExceptionDetail())
raise hg_util.Abort("gofmt: " + ExceptionDetail())
# hg mail
def mail(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""mail a change for review
Uploads a patch to the code review server and then sends mail
to the reviewer and CC list asking for a review.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
cl, err = CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=defaultcc)
if err != "":
......@@ -1623,63 +1780,55 @@ def mail(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
cl.Mail(ui, repo)
# hg p / hg pq / hg ps / hg pending
def ps(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""alias for hg p --short
opts['short'] = True
return pending(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
def pq(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""alias for hg p --quick
opts['quick'] = True
return pending(ui, repo, *pats, **opts)
def pending(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""show pending changes
Lists pending changes followed by a list of unassigned but modified files.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
m = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=True)
quick = opts.get('quick', False)
short = opts.get('short', False)
m = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=not quick and not short)
names = m.keys()
for name in names:
cl = m[name]
ui.write(cl.PendingText() + "\n")
if short:
ui.write(name + "\t" + line1(cl.desc) + "\n")
ui.write(cl.PendingText(quick=quick) + "\n")
files = DefaultFiles(ui, repo, [], opts)
if short:
files = DefaultFiles(ui, repo, [])
if len(files) > 0:
s = "Changed files not in any CL:\n"
for f in files:
s += "\t" + f + "\n"
def reposetup(ui, repo):
global original_match
if original_match is None:
global global_repo, global_ui
global_repo = repo
global_ui = ui
original_match = scmutil.match
scmutil.match = ReplacementForCmdutilMatch
RietveldSetup(ui, repo)
def CheckContributor(ui, repo, user=None):
set_status("checking CONTRIBUTORS file")
user, userline = FindContributor(ui, repo, user, warn=False)
if not userline:
raise util.Abort("cannot find %s in CONTRIBUTORS" % (user,))
return userline
def FindContributor(ui, repo, user=None, warn=True):
if not user:
user = ui.config("ui", "username")
if not user:
raise util.Abort("[ui] username is not configured in .hgrc")
user = user.lower()
m = re.match(r".*<(.*)>", user)
if m:
user =
# hg submit
if user not in contributors:
if warn:
ui.warn("warning: cannot find %s in CONTRIBUTORS\n" % (user,))
return user, None
user, email = contributors[user]
return email, "%s <%s>" % (user, email)
def need_sync():
raise hg_util.Abort("local repository out of date; must sync before submit")
def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
"""submit change to remote repository
......@@ -1687,16 +1836,14 @@ def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
Submits change to remote repository.
Bails out if the local repository is not in sync with the remote one.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
# We already called this on startup but sometimes Mercurial forgets.
other = getremote(ui, repo, opts)
repo.ui.quiet = True
if not opts["no_incoming"] and incoming(repo, other):
return "local repository out of date; must sync before submit"
if not opts["no_incoming"] and hg_incoming(ui, repo):
cl, err = CommandLineCL(ui, repo, pats, opts, defaultcc=defaultcc)
if err != "":
......@@ -1742,58 +1889,45 @@ def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
cl.Mail(ui, repo)
# submit changes locally
date = opts.get('date')
if date:
opts['date'] = util.parsedate(date)
typecheck(opts['date'], str)
opts['message'] = cl.desc.rstrip() + "\n\n" + about
typecheck(opts['message'], str)
if opts['dryrun']:
print "User: ", userline
print "Message:"
print Indent(opts['message'], "\t")
print "Files:"
print Indent('\n'.join(cl.files), "\t")
return "dry run; not submitted"
message = cl.desc.rstrip() + "\n\n" + about
typecheck(message, str)
set_status("pushing " + + " to remote server")
other = getremote(ui, repo, opts)
if outgoing(repo):
raise util.Abort("local repository corrupt or out-of-phase with remote: found outgoing changes")
if hg_outgoing(ui, repo):
raise hg_util.Abort("local repository corrupt or out-of-phase with remote: found outgoing changes")
old_heads = len(hg_heads(ui, repo).split())
m = match.exact(repo.root, repo.getcwd(), cl.files)
node = repo.commit(ustr(opts['message']), ustr(userline), opts.get('date'), m)
if not node:
global commit_okay
commit_okay = True
ret = hg_commit(ui, repo, *['path:'+f for f in cl.files], message=message, user=userline)
commit_okay = False
if ret:
return "nothing changed"
node = repo["-1"].node()
# push to remote; if it fails for any reason, roll back
log = repo.changelog
rev = log.rev(node)
parents = log.parentrevs(rev)
if (rev-1 not in parents and
(parents == (nullrev, nullrev) or
len(log.heads(log.node(parents[0]))) > 1 and
(parents[1] == nullrev or len(log.heads(log.node(parents[1]))) > 1))):
# created new head
raise util.Abort("local repository out of date; must sync before submit")
# push changes to remote.
# if it works, we're committed.
# if not, roll back
r = repo.push(other, False, None)
if r == 0:
raise util.Abort("local repository out of date; must sync before submit")
new_heads = len(hg_heads(ui, repo).split())
if old_heads != new_heads:
# Created new head, so we weren't up to date.
# Push changes to remote. If it works, we're committed. If not, roll back.
hg_push(ui, repo)
except hg_error.Abort, e:
if e.message.find("push creates new heads") >= 0:
# Remote repository had changes we missed.
# we're committed. upload final patch, close review, add commit message
changeURL = short(node)
url = other.url()
# We're committed. Upload final patch, close review, add commit message.
changeURL = hg_node.short(node)
url = ui.expandpath("default")
m = re.match("^https?://([^@/]+@)?([^.]+)\.googlecode\.com/hg/?", url)
if m:
changeURL = "" % (, changeURL)
......@@ -1808,53 +1942,38 @@ def submit(ui, repo, *pats, **opts):
if not cl.copied_from:
EditDesc(, closed=True, private=cl.private)
cl.Delete(ui, repo)
c = repo[None]
if c.branch() == releaseBranch and not c.modified() and not c.added() and not c.removed():
ui.write("switching from %s to default branch.\n" % releaseBranch)
err = hg.clean(repo, "default")
err = hg_clean(repo, "default")
if err:
return err
return None
# hg sync
def sync(ui, repo, **opts):
"""synchronize with remote repository
Incorporates recent changes from the remote repository
into the local repository.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
if not opts["local"]:
ui.status = sync_note
ui.note = sync_note
other = getremote(ui, repo, opts)
modheads = repo.pull(other)
err = commands.postincoming(ui, repo, modheads, True, "tip")
err = hg_pull(ui, repo, update=True)
if err:
return err
commands.update(ui, repo, rev="default")
sync_changes(ui, repo)
def sync_note(msg):
# we run sync (pull -u) in verbose mode to get the
# list of files being updated, but that drags along
# a bunch of messages we don't care about.
# omit them.
if msg == 'resolving manifests\n':
if msg == 'searching for changes\n':
if msg == "couldn't find merge tool hgmerge\n":
def sync_changes(ui, repo):
# Look through recent change log descriptions to find
# potential references to http://.*/our-CL-number.
# Double-check them by looking at the Rietveld log.
def Rev(rev):
for rev in hg_log(ui, repo, limit=100, template="{node}\n").split():
desc = repo[rev].description().strip()
for clname in re.findall('(?m)^http://(?:[^\n]+)/([0-9]+)$', desc):
if IsLocalCL(ui, repo, clname) and IsRietveldSubmitted(ui, clname, repo[rev].hex()):
......@@ -1867,28 +1986,10 @@ def sync_changes(ui, repo):
EditDesc(, closed=True, private=cl.private)
cl.Delete(ui, repo)
if hgversion < '1.4':
get = util.cachefunc(lambda r: repo[r].changeset())
changeiter, matchfn = cmdutil.walkchangerevs(ui, repo, [], get, {'rev': None})
n = 0
for st, rev, fns in changeiter:
if st != 'iter':
n += 1
if n > 100:
matchfn = scmutil.match(repo, [], {'rev': None})
def prep(ctx, fns):
for ctx in cmdutil.walkchangerevs(repo, matchfn, {'rev': None}, prep):
# Remove files that are not modified from the CLs in which they appear.
all = LoadAllCL(ui, repo, web=False)
changed = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [], {})
for _, cl in all.items():
changed = ChangedFiles(ui, repo, [])
for cl in all.values():
extra = Sub(cl.files, changed)
if extra:
ui.warn("Removing unmodified files from CL %s:\n" % (,))
......@@ -1903,13 +2004,16 @@ def sync_changes(ui, repo):
ui.warn("CL %s has no files; delete locally with hg change -D %s\n" % (,
# hg upload
def upload(ui, repo, name, **opts):
"""upload diffs to the code review server
Uploads the current modifications for a given change to the server.
if missing_codereview:
return missing_codereview
if codereview_disabled:
return codereview_disabled
repo.ui.quiet = True
cl, err = LoadCL(ui, repo, name, web=True)
......@@ -1921,6 +2025,9 @@ def upload(ui, repo, name, **opts):
print "%s%s\n" % (server_url_base,
# Table of commands, supplied to Mercurial for installation.
review_opts = [
('r', 'reviewer', '', 'add reviewer'),
('', 'cc', '', 'add cc'),
......@@ -1979,13 +2086,26 @@ cmdtable = {
"^pending|p": (
('s', 'short', False, 'show short result form'),
('', 'quick', False, 'do not consult codereview server'),
"[FILE ...]"
"^ps": (
"[FILE ...]"
"^pq": (
"[FILE ...]"
"^mail": (
review_opts + [
] + commands.walkopts,
] + hg_commands.walkopts,
"[-r reviewer] [--cc cc] [change# | file ...]"
"^release-apply": (
......@@ -2001,8 +2121,7 @@ cmdtable = {
review_opts + [
('', 'no_incoming', None, 'disable initial incoming check (for testing)'),
('n', 'dryrun', None, 'make change only locally (for testing)'),
] + commands.walkopts + commands.commitopts + commands.commitopts2,
] + hg_commands.walkopts + hg_commands.commitopts + hg_commands.commitopts2,
"[-r reviewer] [--cc cc] [change# | file ...]"
"^sync": (
......@@ -2027,10 +2146,55 @@ cmdtable = {
# Mercurial extension initialization
def norollback(*pats, **opts):
"""(disabled when using this extension)"""
raise hg_util.Abort("codereview extension enabled; use undo instead of rollback")
def reposetup(ui, repo):
global codereview_disabled
global defaultcc
repo_config_path = ''
# Read repository-specific options from lib/codereview/codereview.cfg
repo_config_path = repo.root + '/lib/codereview/codereview.cfg'
f = open(repo_config_path)
for line in f:
if line.startswith('defaultcc: '):
defaultcc = SplitCommaSpace(line[10:])
# If there are no options, chances are good this is not
# a code review repository; stop now before we foul
# things up even worse. Might also be that repo doesn't
# even have a root. See issue 959.
if repo_config_path == '':
codereview_disabled = 'codereview disabled: repository has no root'
codereview_disabled = 'codereview disabled: cannot open ' + repo_config_path
InstallMatch(ui, repo)
ReadContributors(ui, repo)
RietveldSetup(ui, repo)
# Disable the Mercurial commands that might change the repository.
# Only commands in this extension are supposed to do that.
ui.setconfig("hooks", "precommit.codereview", precommithook)
# Rollback removes an existing commit. Don't do that either.
global real_rollback
real_rollback = repo.rollback
repo.rollback = norollback
# Wrappers around for interacting with Rietveld
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
# HTML form parser
class FormParser(HTMLParser):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -2106,7 +2270,7 @@ def fix_json(x):
for k in todel:
del x[k]
raise util.Abort("unknown type " + str(type(x)) + " in fix_json")
raise hg_util.Abort("unknown type " + str(type(x)) + " in fix_json")
if type(x) is str:
x = x.replace('\r\n', '\n')
return x
......@@ -2309,68 +2473,13 @@ def PostMessage(ui, issue, message, reviewers=None, cc=None, send_mail=True, sub
class opt(object):
def nocommit(*pats, **opts):
"""(disabled when using this extension)"""
raise util.Abort("codereview extension enabled; use mail, upload, or submit instead of commit")
def nobackout(*pats, **opts):
"""(disabled when using this extension)"""
raise util.Abort("codereview extension enabled; use undo instead of backout")
def norollback(*pats, **opts):
"""(disabled when using this extension)"""
raise util.Abort("codereview extension enabled; use undo instead of rollback")
def RietveldSetup(ui, repo):
global defaultcc, upload_options, rpc, server, server_url_base, force_google_account, verbosity, contributors
global missing_codereview
repo_config_path = ''
# Read repository-specific options from lib/codereview/codereview.cfg
repo_config_path = repo.root + '/lib/codereview/codereview.cfg'
f = open(repo_config_path)
for line in f:
if line.startswith('defaultcc: '):
defaultcc = SplitCommaSpace(line[10:])
# If there are no options, chances are good this is not
# a code review repository; stop now before we foul
# things up even worse. Might also be that repo doesn't
# even have a root. See issue 959.
if repo_config_path == '':
missing_codereview = 'codereview disabled: repository has no root'
missing_codereview = 'codereview disabled: cannot open ' + repo_config_path
# Should only modify repository with hg submit.
# Disable the built-in Mercurial commands that might
# trip things up.
cmdutil.commit = nocommit
global real_rollback
real_rollback = repo.rollback
repo.rollback = norollback
# would install nobackout if we could; oh well
f = open(repo.root + '/CONTRIBUTORS', 'r')
raise util.Abort("cannot open %s: %s" % (repo.root+'/CONTRIBUTORS', ExceptionDetail()))
for line in f:
# CONTRIBUTORS is a list of lines like:
# Person <email>
# Person <email> <alt-email>
# The first email address is the one used in commit logs.
if line.startswith('#'):
m = re.match(r"([^<>]+\S)\s+(<[^<>\s]+>)((\s+<[^<>\s]+>)*)\s*$", line)
if m:
name =
email =[1:-1]
contributors[email.lower()] = (name, email)
for extra in
contributors[extra[1:-1].lower()] = (name, email)
global force_google_account
global rpc
global server
global server_url_base
global upload_options
global verbosity
if not ui.verbose:
verbosity = 0
......@@ -2421,7 +2530,7 @@ def RietveldSetup(ui, repo):
# answer when comparing release-branch.r99 with
# release-branch.r100. If we do ten releases a year
# that gives us 4 years before we have to worry about this.
raise util.Abort('tags.sort needs to be fixed for release-branch.r100')
raise hg_util.Abort('tags.sort needs to be fixed for release-branch.r100')
for t in tags:
if t.startswith('release-branch.'):
......@@ -3238,9 +3347,9 @@ class MercurialVCS(VersionControlSystem):
out = RunShell(["hg", "status", "-C", "--rev", rev])
fui = FakeMercurialUI()
ret = commands.status(fui, self.repo, *[], **{'rev': [rev], 'copies': True})
ret = hg_commands.status(fui, self.repo, *[], **{'rev': [rev], 'copies': True})
if ret:
raise util.Abort(ret)
raise hg_util.Abort(ret)
out = fui.output
self.status = out.splitlines()
for i in range(len(self.status)):
......@@ -3253,7 +3362,7 @@ class MercurialVCS(VersionControlSystem):
if i+1 < len(self.status) and self.status[i+1][:2] == ' ':
return self.status[i:i+2]
return self.status[i:i+1]
raise util.Abort("no status for " + path)
raise hg_util.Abort("no status for " + path)
def GetBaseFile(self, filename):
set_status("inspecting " + filename)
# Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
# Test the code review plugin.
# Assumes a local Rietveld is running using the App Engine SDK
# at http://localhost:7777/
# -p 7777 $HOME/pub/rietveld
export HGEDITOR=true
must() {
if ! "$@"; then
echo "$@" failed >&2
exit 1
not() {
if "$@"; then
status() {
echo '+++' "$@" >&2
firstcl() {
hg pending | sed 1q | tr -d ':'
# Initial setup.
status Create repositories.
rm -rf $master $clone1 $clone2
mkdir $master
cd $master
must hg init .
echo Initial state >file
must hg add file
must hg ci -m 'first commit' file
must hg clone $master $clone1
must hg clone $master $clone2
echo "
username=Grace R Emlin <>
" >>$clone1/.hg/hgrc
cp $clone1/.hg/hgrc $clone2/.hg/hgrc
status Codereview should be disabled.
cd $clone1
must hg status
must not hg pending
status Enabling code review.
must mkdir lib lib/codereview
must touch lib/codereview/codereview.cfg
status Code review should work even without CONTRIBUTORS.
must hg pending
echo 'Grace R Emlin <>' >CONTRIBUTORS
must hg add lib/codereview/codereview.cfg CONTRIBUTORS
status First submit.
must hg submit -r -m codereview \
lib/codereview/codereview.cfg CONTRIBUTORS
status Should see change in other client.
cd $clone2
must hg pull -u
must test -f lib/codereview/codereview.cfg
must test -f CONTRIBUTORS
test_clpatch() {
# The email address must be to match
# the test code review server's default user.
# Clpatch will check.
cd $clone1
# Tried to use UTF-8 here to test that, but crashes. Ha ha.
if false; then
status Using UTF-8.
name="Grácè T Emlïn <>"
status Using ASCII.
name="Grace T Emlin <>"
echo "$name" >>CONTRIBUTORS
cat .hg/hgrc | sed "s/Grace.*/$name/" >/tmp/x && mv /tmp/x .hg/hgrc
echo '
' | must hg change -i
num=$(hg pending | sed 1q | tr -d :)
status Patch CL.
cd $clone2
must hg clpatch $num
must [ "$num" = "$(firstcl)" ]
must hg submit $num
status Issue should be open with no reviewers.
must curl http://$server/api/$num >/tmp/x
must not grep '"closed":true' /tmp/x
must grep '"reviewers":\[\]' /tmp/x
status Sync should close issue.
cd $clone1
must hg sync
must curl http://$server/api/$num >/tmp/x
must grep '"closed":true' /tmp/x
must grep '"reviewers":\[\]' /tmp/x
must [ "$(firstcl)" = "" ]
test_reviewer() {
status Submit without reviewer should fail.
cd $clone1
echo dummy >dummy
must hg add dummy
echo '
no reviewer
' | must hg change -i
must not hg submit $num
must hg revert dummy
must rm dummy
must hg change -d $num
test_linearity() {
status Linearity of changes.
cd $clone1
echo file1 >file1
must hg add file1
echo '
Description: file1
Files: file1
' | must hg change -i
must hg submit $(firstcl)
cd $clone2
echo file2 >file2
must hg add file2
echo '
Description: file2
Files: file2
' | must hg change -i
must not hg submit $(firstcl)
must hg sync
must hg submit $(firstcl)
test_restrict() {
status Cannot use hg ci.
cd $clone1
echo file1a >file1a
hg add file1a
must not hg ci -m commit file1a
must rm file1a
must hg revert file1a
status Cannot use hg rollback.
must not hg rollback
status Cannot use hg backout
must not hg backout -r -1
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